HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-11-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEFS Time of Meeting: 3:00 p.m. Date of Meeting: November 18, 1987 Place of Meeting: Council Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER: President Martin called the Meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - President Martin. Trustees Cooper, Falkenstein and Trigas. Absent - Trustee Grosse. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour. Assistant Library Director Lynda Jones, Coordinator, Adult Learning Program Bob Snyder. President, Friends of the Library APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the meetino held October 21, 1987, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Building and Grounds Trustee Triqas reported the agreement has not been returned by the developer. Trustee Cooper stated the budget had been proposed to the City Council. c. Personnel Trustee Falkenstein reported Janice Garfield was on a six- month leave of absence, and Molly Cook was taking her place. d. Youth Trustee Grosse was absent. OLD BUSINESS: a. Planning Committee Progress Report and Minutes of Meeting Director Lange referred to the Minutes in the packet. He stated the "Looking Around" sub-committee's work will take a great deal of time. Director Lange stated the two meetings scheduled in November and December with the Planning Committee have been canceled and will be re-scheduled in January. Martin Cooper Falkenstein Trig as MINUTES November 18, 1987 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Paqe 2 TRUSTEES OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Geoff Armour reported that youth services are important and they wanted feedback through the schools. Ali schools will he surveyed, and the suggestion had been made to conduct the survey in grades 't-. 6 and 8. Comment was made that In lunior high, this would invoive going out of the City limits. Mr. Armour stated he would have to qive this more thought. Trustee Fdlkenstein suggested a school assembly could be held or the survey given out in home rooms to eliminate those living outside Carlsbad. b. Final Review of Plans for Library and Friends Birthday/Anniversary Celebration on December 6, 1987. Director Lange reported the invitations for the celebration are being printed and will be mailed on Friday. The bronze plaque is being manufactured and it is hoped it will be installed by December 6. The plans are the same as discussed last month. The Friends of the Library plague will have thirty Presidents' names and the accompanying plague will have room for the next thirty Presidents. NEW BUSINESS: a. 1988 City Budget Calendar and Proposed Schedule for Library Budget Development. Director Lange called attention to the Budget Calendar in the packet, with the Oanuary 11, 1988, date. He stated this will involve moving the Board Meeting in Oanuary to the 13th. b. Adult Learning Program Budget Issues - Declining State Support and Alternative Funding Strategies. Director Lange referred to the memorandum from Lynda Oones and the cover memorandum for addressing the problems. There are two issues: next year's budget and the long- term support of the program. The Immediate problem is the shortfall for next year. Every literacy program In the State has the same problem. Staff recommended that the vacant Senior Management Analyst position be converted to a Librarian III position and used for the Adult Learning Program. This will solve most of the funding problem. The remainder can come from CSLA reimbursement funds. Director Lange stated the Management Analyst position is not needed and the Librarian position would be more valuable. In answer to Board query regarding Title 6 Grants, Lynda Oones stated they preferred to keep their program small and of high quality, so it can become part of the Library. She added that grants do add more requirements, which would make the program more cumbersome. Director Lanqe added the State Library would like to continue state funding at some level. It Is Director Lange's hope to incorporate this program into the Library, and support It with some local funds. MINUTES November 18, 1987 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 TRUSTEES NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Trustee Triqas commented the Library's priorities may change and the survey may determine this is important to the community. Literacy is very important and it may be the Library may wish to put money into the program for the coming year. Library Board of Trustees voted to address the shortfall in funds for the Literacy Program for 1988, by adopting the staff recommendation. Long-Term Support for Literacy Program Director Lange suggested he prepare an Agenda Bill that the Board of Trustees recommended that City Council take a position on literacy funding and adopt or pass a resolution to that effect and send to the State Legislature. This action would support continued State funding at 50 percent. This would be a policy decision to bring the funding back to that level. The comment was made that all libraries in the State need to do this and other Library Boards need to pass similar resolutions. Library Board of Trustees voted to recommend to City Council that a position be taken on Literacy Program funding and a resolution be adopted to that effect and sent to all legislators. This resolution would support continued State funding of the program at 50 percent. Chairman Martin stated he would send out letters to the Boards of the Libraries to support this resolution. c. Mr. A. La Vielle Lawbaugh Possible Donation of Americana Collection to the City. Chairman Martin discussed the list of items attached to the packet and asked where the money for this museum would come from, as the Library would not be able to build and support such a museum. Trustee Falkensteln stated the collection should be seen first and appraised, with the conditions of the donation firmly established, before any other action is taken. Board of Trustees will recommend no action until Mr. Lawbaugh's collection has been seen, appraised and conditions of the donation firmly established. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Lange reported the Oceanside Library is closed and they are In the process of moving. This Library may notice an increase in business due to the Oceanside closing. Director Lange reported on the closure of Libraries In Northern California due to a lack of funds. The Mello- Roos approach would be to fund the library through a Mello- Roos District, but would regulre a 2/3 vote of the people. Martin Cooper Falkensteln Trigas Martin Cooper Falkenstein Trigas Martin Cooper Falkenstein Trigas MINUTES November 18, 1987 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page TRUSTEES FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Bob Snyder, President of the Friends of the Library, reported he has a Book Fair Chairman—Roger Greer. Mr. Snyder listed the new Board Members and added all Committees are filled. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of November 18, 1987, was ad.tourned at ^:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted,n ^^n'A^cf^'^/tf<'iA&&l/ <£4**^ HARRIETT BABBITT Minutes Clerk FINES XEROX AV INSURANCE GIFTS LOST & DAMAGED ONLINE SEARCHES MISCELLANEOUS CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY REVENUE STATUS REPORT OCTOBER 1987 MAIN LIBRARY 1,780.30 2,060.25 4,563.75 36.28 303.00 118.61 — BRANCH 557.09 191.50 430.90 — 81.00 — __ MONTH TOTAL 2,337.39 2,251.75 4,994.65 36.28 384.00 118.61 __ FISCAL TOTAL 10,669.81 8,219.48 22,976.24 157.18 1,372.34 618.78 414.50 LAST YEAR 10,513.39 6,831.10 17,929.31 40.00 2,346.52 1,187,75 52.25 TOTAL 8,862.19 1,260.49 10,122.68 44,428.33 38,900.32 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS OCTOBER 1987 CIRCULATION STATISTICS MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials Film and Video Tapes Audio Visual Equipment Total MAIN LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials Film and Video Tapes Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION * REFERENCE QUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Adult Children's Online Searches Total MAIN LIBRARY Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL QUESTIONS PEOPLE COUNTER Main Library Branch Library TOTAL ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs Children's Programs TOTAL INTERLIBRARY LOANS Oct. 1987 43,887 8,859 100 52,846 10,779 1.081 11,860 64,706 * * * * * * * * * 2,1 2,1 * * * * * 32 08 40 * * * * * * * * BOOKS AND REFERENCE Requests by Carlsbad 135 Received by Carlsbad 142 Requests of Carlsbad 330 Filled by Carlsbad 98 FILMS Borrowed From Other Libraries 24 Loaned to Other Libraries 22 Oct. 1986 39,482 6,565 68 46,115 8,434 663 9,097 55,212 5,068 2,000 40 7,108 ,RY 875 7,983 ********* 4,926 1,890 23 6,839 551 7,390 Daily Average 1,472 386 1,858 Change + 11 + 35 + 47 + 15 + 28 + 63 + 30 + 17 + 3 + 6 + 74 + 4 + 4 + 8 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY NOVEMBER 1987 QUARTERLY REPORT FOR JULY-SEPTEMBER 1987 MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS - Final conversion of data, hardware installation and staff training in prepara- tion for the new INLEX automated circulation system. - Rearrangement of bookstacks on the mezzanine to distribute the weight. Addi- tional stacks installed in the fiction room, in the large type area, and on the mezzanine to provide for future expansion. All fiction now in one location. - Installation of a standup service counter in the reference area to provide more efficient organization of resources and better public contact. - Adult Learning Program participated in Literacy in the Malls project, filmed by Channel 39 News. The Program Coordinator appeared for an interview with Supervisor Bilbray on the "Stanley Tonight" television show. A computer system was donated to the program by one of the volunteer tutors. - The Friends of the Library purchased a CD-ROM computer and printer for the Reference Division to be used with the Reader's Guide WILSONDISC work- station. After staff training and design of a user manual, the new station will open for public use. - All library division heads and two board members were appointed to a Library Planning Committee which will carry out a long-range planning process for the future development of library services and facilities. A sub-committee will develop a variety of survey instruments with guidance from a profes- sional consultant. - Summer Reading Club, sponsored by the Children's Division, used a SpaceTrek theme. The Club brought in over 500 young participants who read and reported on a total of over 15,000 books. - There were 19 special adult programs and 15 displays and exhibits put on at the main library and at the branch. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICAL SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES FOR JULY-SEPTEMBER QUARTER TOTAL CIRCULATION PROGRAM ATTENDANCE FILM AND VIDEO BOOKINGS AV EQUIPMENT REFERENCE QUESTIONS ILLS SENT BY CARLSBAD ILLs RECEIVED BY CARLSBAD ONLINE SEARCHES HOLDS PLACED REGISTRATIONS BRANCH CIRCULATION BRANCH REFERENCE QUESTIONS BRANCH VIDEO CIRCULATION 1986 74,832 7,080 23,602 230 18,200 254 400 53 1,759 2,047 28,389 1,743 2,811 1987 195,341 5,663 29,067 283 21,313 245 387 90 1,754 2,323 33,873 2,527 3,556 % CHANGE + 12 - 20 + 23 + 23 + 17 - 4 - 3 + 70 + 13 + 19 + 45 + 27 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY SERVICES (in addition to regular checkout and reference) • Intel-library Loan • Tax Assistance • Community Events Data • Homebound Service • Talking Books • Coin Operated Copiers • Interlibrary delivery through Serra Cooperative Library System MATERIALS • Large Print Collection • Children's Collection • Young Adult Collection • Spanish Collection • Hooks on Audio - Cassette • Exam Books: College/ Civil Service • Telephone Directories • Consumer Information EQUIPMENT • 16MM Projectors • Super 8 Projectors • Overhead Projector • College Catalogs • Vehicle Repair Manuals • Microfiche: Back Issues of Magazines • Cassettes and Records • Compact Discs • Videocassettes • Maps • Musk Scores • Puppets and Toys • Slide Projectors • Screens • Microform Readers and Printers SPECIAL FEATURES • Children's Programs • Lectures • Concerts • Public Meeting Room (branch library) • Student Tours • Storyhours • Children's Craft File • Online Data Searches • Genealogy Room • Business Reference Collection • Adult Learning Program • Sewing Patterns • Framed Art Rental • Displays & Exhibits SOME 1986/87 HIGHLIGHTS • Library's ADULT LITERACY PROGRAM added a new classroom and computer-assisted instruction. • Over 5,000 attended the 3rd annual CARLSBAD LOVES KIDS DAY in Holiday Park • Electronic eye "PEOPLE COUNTERS" were installed at main and branch library...counted over 2,000 visitors dairy. • AUTOMATIC DOORS were installed at main library. • Friends of the Library 27th annual BOOK FAIR raised over $6,000. Ongoing in-library sales netted another $3,000. • Three new microfilm READER/PRINTERS were purchased by the Friends. • COMPACT DISCS were added to audiovisual collections. • RAY BRADBURY and NORMAN COUSINS headlined FRIENDS special programs. • Library Trustee Herb Falkenstein presented a FREE LECTURE SERIES on German history. • Library hosted the STATE CALTAC MEETING at the Safely Center. • A SECURITY SYSTEM was installed in main and branch library. and... • CITY COUNCIL approved a site and the use of public facility fees for the construction of a 58,000 square foot library in south Carlsbad. ANNUAL REPORT Carlsbad City Library ^iP^fe:. July 1,1986 through June 30,1987 STATISTICS CIRCULATION 1983/84 496,978 1984/85 586,568 1985/86 633,805 1986/87 704,257 REFERENCE/INFORMATION QUESTIONS 1983/84 59,847 1984/85 73,933 1985/86 80,434 1986/87 83,739 BOOK COLLECTION SIZE 1983/84 148,000 1984/85 157,000 1985/86 164,000 1986/87 172,000 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 1983/84 1,101,751 1984/85 1,237,131 1985/86 1,406,392 1986/87 1,594,671 FULL TIME STAFF 1983/84 23 1984/85 24 1985/86 : 26 1986/87 29 VOLUNTEER HELP (Number of Hours) 1983/84 : 6,656 1984/85 7,280 1985/86 13,000 1986/87 13,000 (Note: La Costa Branch opened in February, 1984.) CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY IN 1986/87 • An average of 2,093 people entered the two libraries daily • 812 children enrolled in the Summer Reading Club • 83,739 reference questions were answered • 10,943 videos & films were checked out • 13,000 hours of volunteer time were donated; the equivalent of 6.5 full time staff members • 481 programs were presented to 27,725 children & adults • 18,000 items were added to the collection • Over 700,000 books and audiovisual items were checked out • $128,410 library-generated revenues were received • 6,064 items were delivered to shut-ins and elderly • 1,671 items were borrowed from other libraries through interlibrary loan • 5,720 hours of service were provided during the year '•^*ti® ... ADMINISTRATION CLIFFORD E. LANGE, Library Director GEOFFREY ARMOUR, Assistant Director RAY BROOKHART, Collection Development CHARLOTTE EGEA, Circulation PAT HANSEN, Programs & Exhibits CHRIS HOLT, La Costa Branch Manager LYNDA JONES, Adult Learning Program CHARLENE KENNEDY, Reference & Information CHRIS PICKAVET, Technical Services JOHN QUARTARONE, Children's Services BILL RICHMOND, Audiovisual Services JOE SKYMBA, Media Services BOARD OF TRUSTEES RICHARD MARTIN, President MILTON COOPER HERBERT FALKENSTEIN MARYGROSSE SEENATRIGAS