HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-12-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES 3:00 p.m. December 16. 1987 Council Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER: President Martin called the Meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - President Martin. Trustees Falkensteln and Trinas. Trustee Grosse arrived at 3?07 p.m. Absent - Trustee Cooper. Also Present were: Clifford Lange. Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Chris Pickavet, Hedd of Technical Services APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the meeting held November 18. 1987, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS; a. Building and Grounds Trustee Triaas reported the agreement has not been returned by the developer. b. Budget Trustee Cooper was absent. Director Lange stated the budget will he presented at the January meeting. c. Personnel Trustee Falkenstein had no report. d. Youth Trustee Grosse was absent at this time. (See Page 2 of Minutes for report.) OLD BUSINESS: a. 1988-89 Library Budget Work Program arid Activities Statements for Library Board Review and Discussion. Director Lange reminded the Board these reports are drafts that were revised by Geoff Armour and Director Lange and were presented for Board discussion and reaction. There was a discussion about the cooling tower. At some point, there will need to be consideration given to replacing the entire system. In answer to Board query regarding the carpeting in the children's area, Director Lange stated they will get a different type of carpeting--one that will be more serviceable. Martin Falkenstein Trig as MINUTES December 16, 1987 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 TRUSTEES OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Chairman Martin questioned the liaison hetween the schools and the children's services. Director Lange explained the materials distributed to the schools and stated 3ohn and Lynda qo to the schools to promote the Library's programs. Geoff Armour added that the young adult section is one of the most popular sections in the Library. Director Lange explained the Library distributes career materials. Mr. Armour added the Children's Services at the Library cover pre-school through the sixth grade. The Junior High and High School is another group and there are no special programs for them. The users from that group are either self-motivated or have an assignment due. Director Lange stated they are making little progress with the school libraries, due to the lack of librarians on the school staffs. There was a question about space for shelvino. at the La Costa Branch Library. Geoff Armour said there Is space for a limited amount of shelving. He also explained the need for earthguake-proofing existing shelving in Reference and Children's Departments at the main Library. At this point, Trustee Grosse gave the Youth Report: Youth Trustee Grosse reported on the youth activities and distributed copies of the November/December Good-Times. OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) b. Report on INLEX Users' Group Meeting held on December 11-12, 1987. In Monterey by Chris Pickavet, Head of Technical Services. Chris Pickavet reported the Library went onto the new circulation system in the middle of October, and already the staff Is very comfortable with it. Staff Is very pleased with the time they can save in getting information from the new system. Ms. Pickavet reported on the INLEX Users' Group Meeting in Monterey, stating it was very worth-while, and the users in attendance voted on the things they would like to have initiated by the company. She added there would be many new developments in the coming year. NEO BUSINESS; a. FY87-88 First Quarter Report on Library Activity Director Lange called attention to the new format for the report and added the Library is busier than ever. b. Carlsbad City Library 1986-87 Annual Report Director Lange displayed the booklet giving the Annual Report and stated the other departments had responded positively to this form of Annual Report. fi. MINUTES December 16, 1987 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 TRUSTEES NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) c. California Library Statistics for FY65-86 - an excerpt showing libraries serving populations ranging from 25,000 to 50,000. Director Lange called attention to the Comparison of Selected Public Library Statistics which was distributed to the Board Members. This report was based on statistics given in the annual reports of the libraries in the State. Geoff Armour said Carlsbad had placed first or second in almost every category for the 25,000 - 50,000 population. Even in the new category of 50,000 - 100,000 population, Carlsbad ranked first in Circulation per Capita. The library that was the most competition was in Beverly Hills, and Mr. Armour stated their per capita Income was 80 percent higher than Carlsbad. Carlsbad's Library is the busiest one in the State. d. Carlsbad City Library Information Brochure for Public Distribution. Discussion of new library users packet. Director Lange displayed the new packet and explained the material contained in it. OTHER; Trustee Trlgas commented anyone wishing to browse in the library would probably like to see books listed by general categories. The stacks could be labeled with general headings. She asked that this he considered. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT; Director Lange commented on the anniversary party and thanked the Trustees for being there. Director lange stated the old bookmobile vehicle is going to be retired. The Library will have a new cargo van in a few weeks. The other vehicles of the Library are a stationwagon and a Ford Escort. The Ford Escort will be replaced by a former police vehicle, a Ford Crown Victoria. Director Lange reported on the Management Retreat held at Warner Springs and felt it was very worth-while for formulating goals and objectives. He said it was a team- building type of effort. Tax time Is here again, and Director Lange stated they have already received large boxes of tax forms—with no place to put them. Director Lange discussed the changes to be made In the tax form distribution. The volunteers will distribute the forms and the master copies will be at the periodical counter. VITA Program, sponsored by the United Way, was not too successful last year. Volunteers will man a desk by the tax forms. Geoff Armour reported there are new signs'at the La Costa Branch Library saying "Carlsbad City Library -- La Costa Branch". MINUTES December 16, 1987 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page TRUSTEES Director Lanqe reported the Annual Fmployees1 Holiday Breakfast was held yesterday, December 15, and the service awards were presented. Four people from the Library received awards, Gerri Spangler, Chariotte Egea, Ronnie Coates and Cliff Lange. Director Lange stated a proposal form is being done to enable the fire prevention item to go out to bid. ADJOURNMENT! By proper motion, the meeting of December 16, 1987, was adjourned at 4:11 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk LIBRARY BOARD ONLY FINES XEROX AV INSURANCE GIFTS LOST & DAMAGED ONLINE SEARCHES MISCELLANEOUS CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY REVENUE STATUS REPORT NOVEMBER 1987 MAIN LIBRARY 1,732.42 1,637.58 4,774.42 141.35 292.98 96.51 — BRANCH 692.10 277.35 468.90 — 78.00 — — MONTH TOTAL 2,424.52 1,914.93 5,243.32 141.35 370.98 96.51 — FISCAL TOTAL 13,094.33 10,134.41 28,219.56 262.25 1,743.32 715.29 414.50 LAST YEAR 13,319.97 8,689.60 21,844.13 40.00 2,762.52 1,261.52 52.25 TOTAL 8,675.26 1,516.35 10,191.61 54,583.66 47,969.99 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS NOVEMBER 1987 CIRCULATION STATISTICS MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials Film and Video Tapes Audio Visual Equipment Total MAIN LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials Film and Video Tapes Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION REFERENCE QUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Adult Children's Online Searches Total MAIN LIBRARY Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL QUESTIONS PEOPLE COUNTER Main Library Branch Library TOTAL Nov. 1987 42,475 8,063 107 50,645 Nov. 1986 36,438 6,628 73 43,139 % Change + 17 + 22 + 47 + 17 8,712 1,027 RY 9,739 60,384 7,061 479 7,540 50,679 + 23 +114 + 29 + 19 5,172 1,895 28 7,095 >RY 821 7,916 ********* 3,800 2,002 15 5,817 490 6,307 + 36 - 5 + 87 + 22 + 68 + 26 Daily Average 1,639 420 2,059 ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs Children's Programs TOTAL INTERLIBRARY LOANS BOOKS AND REFERENCE Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad FILMS Borrowed From Other LibrariesLoaned to Other Libraries 157 137 277 70 14 33