HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-01-13; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES 3:00 p.m. Oanuary 13, 1988 Council Conference Room TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER: President Martin called the Meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present - President Martin, Trustees Cooper, Falkenstein and Trigas. Absent - Trustee Grosse. Also Present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director High School Student Observer APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the meeting held December 16, 1987, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Building and Grounds Trustee Trigas reported the City would meet tomorrow with the developer to discuss the purchase agreement. Director Lange stated the postal service has indicated that the Post Office In the center with the Library has top priority and they will do everything to keep that on schedule. b. Budget Trustee Cooper reported this will be discussed under Old Business. c. Personnel Trustee Falkenstein had no report. d. Youth Trustee Grosse was absent. OLD BUSINESS; a. Library 1988-89 Operating Budget for Review and Approval by the Board Trustee Cooper gave an overview of the budget reguest and deferred to Director Lange and Geoff Armour. Director Lange explained the directions were to prepare two Budgets, A and B, to be submitted to the City Manager and Finance Department. Budget A was to be the existing budget plus inflation and Budget B was to include those items the Department felt were needed, but were beyond what was allowed in Budget A. Martin Cooper Falkenstein Trigas MINUTES January 13, 1988 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 TRUSTEES NEW BUSINESS; a. Review Library Board of Trustees page for Inclusion In Revised City Boards & Commissions Handbook. Chairman Martin referred to the two panes Included In the packet regarding the duties of the Library Board of Trustees. Trustee Trlgas stated she felt the more detailed description should be the one to be used. The Library Board is the liaison between the Library and the community at large, representing library needs, and that is an important function of the Board. Director Lange will edit the description for the Board of Trustees. b. Discussion of the newly published Trustee Tool Kit for Library Leadership, and a Plan for Making Effective Use of the Book. Chairman Martin stated he felt the Board needed to discuss this book on a systematic basis, in the form of Workshop Sessions. He gave the following schedule: February - Discuss Chapters 1 and 3. March - Chapter 4. . April - Chapters 2 and 6. May - Chapter 5. June - Chapters 7 and 8. Duly - Chapters 9 and 10. August - Chapter 11. Chairman Martin added that Chapter 12 may not need to be discussed. He asked the Board Members to be prepared to discuss the chapters and bring questions. Trustee Trigas rquested a schedule of the assignments to be included in the next packet. OTHER; Chairman Martin stated he had received a brochure from CALTAC Association announcing a Workshop March 5 in Fullerton. He asked the Members to let Director Lange know whether they could attend. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT; Director Lange called attention to the memorandum Included In the packet on the Governor's Budget and the information on SB 181. He stated SB 181 needed heavy letter-writing to Sacramento by all the Board Members. Director Lange reported Staff Is working on attractive sign to mark the different sections In the Library by category, as well as numbers, as suggested at the last meeting. Director Lange commented on the Library Statistics and the Increases, adding that perhaps some of the Increase was due to the temporary closing of the Oceanside Library. MINUTES Oanuary 13, 1988 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 TRUSTEES LlbRAKY UiKfc.CIUK'5 HtHOHl : t Continued^ Geoff Armour explained the Library is exploring a change in the photocopy machines, stating they have four Xerox machines—one for the staff: two for the public, and a public one at the Branch Library, on a lease/purchase agreement. Director Lange found a company that provides the machines to institutions, schools, universities and libraries— free. The services, paper and toner are free, and the company takes a percentage of the income, based on the volume. Each public machine has produced approximately 100,000 copies per year, and that is something in which this company is interested. Director Lange stated a proposal is being prepared by the Company. Director Lange reported the bookmobile has been retired and the Library has a new van. The Ford Escort is also being retired and will be replaced by a reconditioned Ford Victoria that is a former police car. Director Lange announced there will be a Planning Committee meeting on Tuesday, at 9:00 a.m., at the Adult Learning office. Director Lange announced the next Library Board meeting would be February 17, 1988, in the Council Conference Room. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no one present for public comment. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of January 13, 1988, was adjourned at 3:*8 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk CIRCULATION STATISTICS MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials Film and Video Tapes Audio Visual Equipment Total MAIN LIBRARY BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials Film and Video Tapes Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION REFERENCE QUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Adult Children's Online Searches Total MAIN LIBRARY Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL QUESTIONS PEOPLE COUNTER Main Library Branch Library TOTAL ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs Children's Programs TOTAL INTERLIBRARY LOANS CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS DECEMBER 1987 December December 1987 1986 % Change 41,223 35,692 + 16 10,029 7,669 + 31 91_ 90 + 1 51,343 43,451 + 18 8,817 1,162 RY 9,979 61,322 7,331 405 7,736 51,187 + 20 +187 + 29 + 20 4,975 1 ,765 29 6,769 ,RY 692 7,461 ********* 3,516 1,840 29 5,385 584 5,969 + 41 - 4 + 26 + 19 + 25 Daily Average 1,378 354 1,732 * * ***** 1,187 58 1,245 ***** * * * * * * BOOKS AND REFERENCE Requests by Carlsbad 162 Received by Carlsbad 58 Requests of Carlsbad 330 Filled by Carlsbad 106 FILMS Borrowed From Other Libraries 30Loaned to Other Libraries 17 oos_0).0O)oOJo >* ~ < '"~s C2 3 H-1 ^J 00>- s H E-^—i <: U E- sa oo O£ O Q£«stJE-1<-JE-OJ< CJ 00 hH &, E- OE- E- Zos: CJz ^^0£pa 1 ca H~lj z h- 1 -CMCM ••3r<vo,i^O co J£ , 00CO • VO CMCO in^-•inCO coCM • ^2inCM OO U Z h- 1 fa- mcnfenCOenCOCOoooCMA CM CMcn•in ^—CM inin• fS^, VO CO • CO o\ xo C£. bJ X CMin00r-.CMVOCM00f^voo co CMVO* fS,^ COto ino•f*^min in•oenCMin wo ^0£ cnzHH >< o0•0inCM|S^CMco 0O*in VO iii 0o •invo 00 E-tl- M O f^.•«*••in^~COCMco ^Oin CM 00• ^_ vor>. oo • f*m ^n oo•o in odJo< ^o aj, H 00o_] in in00 CM• •in CMvo invo,_rvo oCM ino\ *t*& f~00 ^~ f^en• CO 1CO I r— 1 1 1 1 11 1 cn i• ico iCO^•w 00CiJ B 00 U ^ OH O ^C OJ(jj ry^ 00 <C a HJz w h^ CJ J 00 Z KHc 2: VO§VOp^mininCOCO00 voVO cn 00 cn CM CM mrs. oor-.* *»• F—9) in«*o , <•—^-^