HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-03-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES 3:00 p.m. March 16, 1988 City Council Chambers TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER; President Martin called the Meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - President Martin, Trustees Cooper, Grosse and Trigas. Absent - Trustee Falkenstein. Also Present Were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Bee McWilllams, Genealogical Society Representative Margaret Brownley, Serra Advisory Board Representative APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the Meeting held February 17, 1988, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Building and Grounds Trustee Trigas stated she would defer to Item f5a. b. Budget Trustee Cooper had no report at this time. c. Personnel Trustee Falkenstein was absent. d. Youth Trustee Grosse distributed copies of the March/April Good Times Calendar and reported the short story contest is underway. She reported Oohn had attended a children's services meeting in Chula Vista where the latchkey children problem was discussed. Mrs. Grosse referred to a newspaper article stating this was a problem everywhere. Mrs. Grosse stated the whale art drawing contest was the highlight of last month's activities, with more than 80 entries. The ages of the children entering ranged from 2 1/2 to 15 years. Martin Cooper Grosse Trigas MINUTES March 16, 1988 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 TRUSTEES OLD BUSINESS; a. March 11 Planning Committee Retreat - oral report President Martin reported on the retreat, stating Frank Mannen opened the meeting and was excited about the Idea of this type of meeting. Members of the committee had completed roll ranking worksheets beforehand and these were consolidated and given to each member of the retreat. Robin Reed led the meeting through the. process of Identifying what the libraries are doing now and what the committee thought they should be doing the next few years. President Martin stated there was a lot of discussion about roles and meaning—as the roles In the handbook were vague. President Martin reported there was not time to complete th mission statement. The sub-committee Is to finish the preliminary statement and present to the committee at the next meeting. Director Lange stated he was pleased with the meeting and the healthy discussion. He will bring the mission statement to the next Board meeting. b.Update on Legislation Relating to Libraries In California Director Lange reported SB 181 passed last Thursday and Is on the Governor's desk for signing. This will be on the November ballot and has been reduced to $75 million, with a match of 35% In local funds. The Los Angeles Public Library was removed from the bill. Director Lange encouraged the Board Members to write '"thank you" letters to Assemblyman Frazee and Senator Keene. Trustee Trlgas suggested a letter be sent from the Library Board. NEW BUSINESS; a. Library and Shopping Center Site Plan. Presentation by Mitchell K. Brown, Development Manager, Johnson Wax Properties, Inc. Director Lange Introduced Mitchell Brown, Development Manager, and Bob Wilkinson from Rick Engineering, and Mr. Brown discussed the conceptual landscape plan and site plan. He stated there was a little more than 25 acres In the site, and the plan Includes retail shopping, a postofflce and the library. Mr. Brown described the elevation and topography, stating the library would be placed on the high area. He also explained the plan for traffic circulation and the plans for the stacked shops at two different levels. MINUTES March 16, 1988 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 TRUSTEES Mr. Brown stated there would be 350 parking spaces for the Library, and the center would have no back side—with all buildings forward-facing. In answer to query about the time schedule, Mr. Brown stated they hoped to have the pads ready for construction by the first of next year. Bob Wilkinson, Rick Engineering, referred to the drawings showing how the site steps up, allowing two levels and three different plazas. He also explained the traffic circulation and the pedestrian walkways. Mr. Brown stated they had conducted a survey of current branch library users, and 74% of the people using the brand would stop at one or more businesses in the center. This would indicate this new shopping center would service multi purpose trips by a majority of the people. b. Symthesis of Complaint/Suggestion Forms Received since June, 1987. Geoff Armour reported there was a total of 90 complaints or suggestions, and he referred to the report contained in the packet. Me said a suggestion book had been considered where people could write the suggestion and opposite it could see staff's response. He felt in this way people would see a complaint or suggestion and the solution and would not need to repeat it. c. April Meeting Date Change. Recommend moving to April 27, 1988. By consensus, the Board of Trustees agreed to change the April Meeting date to April 27, 1988. d. LIBROS Annual Dinner Invitation. President Martin called attention to the letter in the packet regarding the LIBROS annual dinner Tuesday, April 19, at Tiajuana Tilly's In Mission Valley. He will be on vacation, and asked Trustee Grosse to attend the dinner, if possible. e. CALTAC Meeting, March 5, 1988 - report. Director Lange and Trustee Cooper attended this meeting at Fullerton, and added they enjoyed seeing the library building itself. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT; Geoff Armour reported on the photocopy machine situation, stating they want to have the existing machines removed and a new company to install machines and take care of them. There are four machines—three at the main Library and one at the Branch. The two older lease purchase agreements expire this summer, with the two new ones a year off. The plan is to take the two older machines out and replace them with three new Sharp SF 8100's; with two for public use and one for staff. The staff machine will require a code to us it. Staff hopes this will stop any mis-use of the machine. The cost of a copy on the public machines will Increase to 15 cents. MINUTES March 16, 1988 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page <f TRUSTEES Trustee Grosse suggested staff find out how much down time there Is with these machines and what the company does about that down time. Geoff Armour reported the Library has Investigated using a collection agency, as many people check out material and never return it. He said Small Claims does not work and the collection agency charges $6.75 per account, with a guarantee of 300% return on the Investment. Three letters would be sent and a phone call. Director Lange said the latchkey children problem does exist' in our Libraries and they are developing a policy now for the City Attorney to study. Director Lange reported a grant of $2,900 from the California State Library for artists in libraries. Director Lange said he is the Federal Relations Coordinator for the California Library Association this year and will g to Washington to lobby Congress. There will be a group of twelve going to Washington this year. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY; No one present. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Bee McWilllams stated she had no report at this time. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD Margaret Brownley reported there had been two meetings with the Ad Hoc Committee following up on the recommendations from the Information Project. All recommendations had been accepted by the Administrative Council. Mrs. Brownley stated the recommendation had been made to the Advisory Board and the Administrative Council in each area to work out the details with the individual Directors. PUBLIC COMMENT; There was no one present to speak before the Board. LIBRARY BOARD WORKSHOP; Chapter fr - Effective Board Organization This item was continued to the next Board Meeting. ADJOURNMENT; By proper motion, the Meeting of March 16, 1988, was adjourned at 4:37 p.m., to Wednesday, April 27, 1988, at 3:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted^-""" Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk faff CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS • ' . FEBRUARY 1988 FEB. FEB. CIRCULATION STATISTICS 1987 1988 % Change MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials 38,068 43,854 + 15 Film and Video Tapes 7,221 9,297 + 29 Audio Visual Equipment 88 89 + ]_ Total MAIN LIBRARY 45,377 53,240 + 17 BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials 10,192 11,134 + 9 Film and Video Tapes 709 1,401 + 98 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 10,901 12,535 + 15 TOTAL CIRCULATION 56,278 65,775 + 17 ********* REFERENCE QUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Adult 4,740 5,078 + 7 Children's 1,709 1,870 + 9 Online Searches 27_ 31_ + 15 Total MAIN LIBRARY 6,746 6,979 + 4 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 778 791 + 2 TOTAL QUESTIONS 7,254 7,770 + 7 ********* PEOPLE COUNTER (Daily Average) Main Library 1,693 1,678 - 1 Branch Library 433 467 + 8 TOTAL 2,126 2,155 + 1 ********* ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs 128 80 - 38 Children's Programs 1.953 1.761 - 10 TOTAL 2,081 1,841 - 12 INTERLIBRARY LOANS BOOKS AND REFERENCE Requests by Carlsbad 149 178 +20 Received by Carlsbad 160 182 +14 Requests of Carlsbad 372 298 - 20 Filled by Carlsbad 67 64 - 4 FILMS AND VIDEOS Borrowed From Other Libraries 58 30 - 48 Loaned to Other Libraries 44 40 - 9 FINES XEROX AV INSURANCE GIFTS LOST & DAMAGED ONLINE SEARCHES MISCELLANEOUS CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY REVENUE STATUS REPORT February 1988* MAIN LIBRARY 2,295.62 2,127.37 5,374.11 50.00 281.85 271.03 __ BRANCH 751.45 268.40 616.70 — 10.00 —__ MONTH TOTAL 3,047.07 2,395.77 5,990.81 50.00 291.85 271.03 MM. FISCAL TOTAL 23,133.51 17,551.44 46,357.05 491.25 2,910.65 1,290.86 414.50 • LAST YEAR 23,281.45 14,359.90 35,888.37 90.01 4,266.75 1,843.32 52.25 TOTAL 10,399.98 1,646.55 12,179.48 92,149.26 79,782.05