HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-04-27; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meetinq: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES 3:00 p.m. April 27, 1988 City Council Chambers TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER: Library Board Trustee Grosse called the Meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - Library Board Trustees Grosse, Cooper, Falkenstein and Trigas. Absent - President Martin. Also Present Were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager Lynda Oones, Adult Learning Program Coordinator Bee McWllliams, Genealogical Society Representative Margaret Brownley, Serra Advisory Board Representative APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the Meetinq held March 16, 1988 were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Building and Grounds Trustee Trigas reported the informal meetings have been completed and the parties are close to an agreement. Director Lange commented next year would be spent in designing the Library, with ground-breaking in 1990. b. Budget Trustee Cooper made a reference to the Revenue Status Report, which Is up from last year $13,000. c. Personnel Trustee Falkenstein reported that 3anice Garfield had resigned and the position was frozen. Director Lange stated he intended to ask for the position to be un-frozen, as the same level of service at the Branch could not be maintained without this position. Part-time employees had been used while she was on a leave-of-absence, but that would not be possible indefinitely. Youth Trustee Grosse reported the highlight of the month was the PeeWee Herman look-alike contest. There were 20 children registered for this contest, with six performing. Four trophies were awarded and the contest was video taped. Grosse Cooper Falkenstein Trigas MINUTES April 27, 1988 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 TRUSTEES Trustee Grosse reported there were 16 tours of the Library durlnq the month by groups from schools and organizations. She stated that next month would be the 7th annual Spelling Bee. Board Trustee Grosse reguested Item #5 under New Business be taken out of order at this time, and the Board Members concurred. NEW BUSINESS: a. Adult Learning Program Report to City Council, May 3 or May 10, 1968 - Discussion. Director Lanae reported there will be a report to Council on the Literacy Program and Lynda Clones Is working on that at the present time. The history of the program will be related and there will be a learner there to talk about the program. The Intent Is to deal with the funding crisis In the program. At the end of five years, all State support would cease and the program would be on Its own. Director Lange stated the State Library is making an effort to seek continued State funding at the 50 percent level. They are not asking for any funding for this year, but it does take approximately $82,000 per year to fund the program. He concluded, stating the $10,000 a year rent is one problem the program has to address by seeking an alternative, rent- free site. Lynda Clones told of the reactions to the 20/20 program telling of dohn Corcoran and the Adult Learning Program. A video tape was presented, but due to a flawed tape, only the first portion of the tape was viewed by the Board. Ms. Dones stated Mr. Corcoran Is making speeches and has written 300 pages of a book at this time. The Library Board returned to the Agenda order at this time. OLD BUSINESS: a. Boards, Commissions and Committees Handbook. Director Lange stated he felt the final revision of this Handbook was well-written and succinct. He stated copies would be placed In the Library. b. Draft SB 181 Planning Calendar and CLA Newsletter. Director Lange called attention to the California State Library Newsletter included in the packet and the proposed schedule for processing applications and making grants under SB 181. He said Carlsbad would have three opportunities to apply for the money over a three-year time span, making an application every year if the money was not received the first or second time. Director Lange said Carlsbad would be ineligible if they had gone to bid for the construction of the library. He added that the remodeling and addition to the existing main library building could also be a project for applying for a grant Director Lange stated he would get a copy of the final version of SB 181 for the Board Members. MINUTES April 27, 1988 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 TRUSTEES Director Lange stated the Los Angeles Public Library has been deleted from the bill. The percentage for the grant money is to be 65/35, including the cost of the land and the design. Carlsbad could conceivably receive close to $6.5 million dollars. c. Latchkey Children. Draft Policy Statement. Director Lange referred to the draft contained in the packet. He asked the Board to review this statement and make comments. Director Lanqe said the difficult part was to avoid being too specific but still cover the situation. Board comment centered on 2C and 2D, with some Board Members feeling 20 should he deleted. It was felt that children should call home during the final 30 minutes and staff call the police 15 minutes before closing time. Director Lange stated it is difficult to determine which children are unattended. The suggestion was made to make a survey one hour before closing to determine whether or not a parent is present. Assistant City Manager Frank Mannen stated the police response time is approximately 5 minutes on Priorty 1 calls, and it was thought this might be a Priorty 2 call. The consensus was that 15 minutes would be sufficient time for the police to arrive. Director Lange stated he would confer with the City Attorney and bring this statement back to the Board at the next meeting. d. Post Mortem on Library Distribution of State and Federal Tax Forms. Geoff Armour referred to the report distributed to Board Members giving the figures on the 1988 Income Tax Services provided by the Library, with approximately 23,500 State forms and 28,500 Federal forms taken off display racks by the public. The Library staff handed out master copies of the forms for photocopying to 4,520 people. Mr. Amour stated the volunteers took the burden off of the Reference Staff and gave out 2,232 master copies of forms and contacted 1,713 people while giving out forms and information. Board Member Cooper commented that more volunteers are needed and probably the call for volunteers should come earlier in the year to get twice as many people next year. e. Draft - Library Mission Statement. Director Lange reported this is just a draft and the statement is being worked on at the present time. MINUTES April 27, 1988 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page TRUSTEES NEW BUSINESS: a. Adult Learning Program Report to City Council, May 3, or May 10, 1988 - Discussion. This Hem was taken out of order. (See Page 2) b. Third Quarter Report on Library Activity. Geoff Armour called attention to the reports contained in the packet, stating the Library is an extremely busy place. There was a discussion about perhaps having a Sister City display in the Library for Carlsbad's Sister City, Futtsu, Japan. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Lange discussed the tightened security measures that have been taken for the Library. Director Lange stated several meetings were held with various homeowners associations and neighbors in the area of the proposed new library building, and everyone was very positive about the development planned for the shopping center and the library. Director Lange said they are working on the Gold Card campaign in connection with the Friends of the Library. Anyone making a donation of $25 or more to the Friends will receive a gold library card. The City Manager asked Director Lange to Chair an Organizational Excellence Committee, for training and staff development. Geoff Armour continued the report, giving an update on the computers in the library. Mr. Armour called attention to the chart distributed to Board Members giving the disaster preparedness plan for the City. He said there would be a separate plan for the Library, and he is to work on that plan during this coming year. Mr. Armour said the importance of sprinklers in the Library had been stressed at a workshop, and staff is working on getting sprinklers for this Library. The materials In the Library need to be prioritized and a list given to the Fire Department. Geoff Armour reported on the collection agency accounts, stating 95 accounts had been sent to them; ten have been cleared at this time and he felt this would be beneficial. The CLSI system eguipment was to be given to Oceans Ide for the money Carlsbad owed them, but it had to go through procedures and be bid upon. The City of Whlttler got all the equipment at a lower price, and now Carlsbad will have to pay Oceanside Library the money owed to them. MINUTES April 27, 1988 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 5 TRUSTEES FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Director Lange reported the Book Fair would be held May 15. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Bee McWllllams reported the plant sale last month was the most successful ever, with a profit of $563.30. 5ERRA ADVISORY BOARD: Margaret Brownley reported on a meeting last Thursday In Imperial County. They joined the Administrative Council Meeting for their nine agenda Items prior to the Serra Advisory Board Meeting. The Serra Advisory Board Meeting was then held, and they adopted the Ad Hoc Committee recommendations on closer working relationships with Administrative Council. The Board accepted and voted on the plan of service for the coming year, including working with one of the Serra System Committees and cooperatively working with them on a project of their choosing and of Serra's choosing. Also, new officers were elected for the coming year. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no one present to speak on an off-agenda item. LIBRARY BOARD WORKSHOP; The meeting was adjourned to the workshop at 4:<|.4 p.m. Trustee Tool Kit for Library Leadership Library Board Trustee Trigas led the discussion on Chapter 4 in the handbook -- Effective Board Organization. Mrs. Trigas stated the Board Members are community representatives, and that was very important, and the goal of the Board is to provide good library service. The consensus of the Trustees was that this Board complies with the suggestions made in the handbook as far as organization. ADJOURNMENT; By proper motion, the Meeting of April 27, 1988, was adjourned at 4:57 p.m. Respect f ullyiubmi t ted Harriett BAbbitt Minutes Clerk CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY • - ' STATISTICS MARCH 1988 March March CIRCULATION STATISTICS 1987 1988 % Change MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials 44,204 51,367 + 16 Film and Video Tapes 8,451 10,065 + 19 Audio Visual Equipment 68 8J_ + 19 Total MAIN LIBRARY 52,723 61,513 + 17 BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials 10,723 11,854 + 11 Film and Video Tapes 848 1,441 + 70 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 11,571 13,295 + 15 TOTAL CIRCULATION 64,294 74,808 + 16 ********* REFERENCE QUESTIONS + 40 + 45 +171 + 41 - 17 + 34 + 1 + 6 MAIN LIBRARY Adult Children's Online Searches Total MAIN LIBRARY Total BRANCH LIBRARY TOTAL QUESTIONS * * PEOPLE COUNTER (Daily Average) Main Library Branch Library TOTAL * * ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs Children's Programs TOTAL * * 4,468 1,965 21 6,465 978 7,443 ******* 1,717 441 2,158 ******* 216 1,877 2,093 ******* 6,241 2,845 57 9,143 816 9,959 1,728 467 2,195 141 2,295 2,436 - 35 + 22 + 16 ********* INTERLIBRARY LOANS BOOKS AND REFERENCE Requests by Carlsbad 163 207 + 27 Received by Carlsbad 170 141 - 17 Requests of Carlsbad 488 407 - 17 Filled by Carlsbad 76 81 +7 FILMS AND VIDEOS Borrowed From Other Libraries 43 23 - 47 Loaned to Other Libraries 58 39 _ 33 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY QUARTERLY REPORT FOR JANUARY-MARCH 1988 HIGHLIGHTS The old library bookmobile, a gift of the Friends, was traded in for a new delivery van. In addition, the unreliable Ford Escort was retired and replaced with a Ford LTD sedan. Planning for the new South Library continued with the director and developers holding a series of meetings with area homeowners. The response by residents has been entirely positive. A collection agency, National Revenue Corporation, has been retained to help with the collection of fines and fees for lost and overdue materials. The agency guarantees a 300% return on the library's investment within 120 days. So far, 95 accounts have been turned over to the agency and nine have cleared. The library once again was the major site in Carlsbad for the distribution of tax forms and for assistance with preparing returns. 23,000 state and 27,000 federal forms were distributed; library staff gave out master forms to 4,520 people; volunteers distributed 2,232 additional master forms and contacted 1,713 people (up 41% from last year); and two volunteer programs helped 377 people prepare their returns. The library's long-range planning committee met for a day-long retreat to discuss library priorities and to formulate a mission statement. In addition, the planning subcommittee completed draft instruments for staff, school, user and telephone surveys. ABC TV filmed a 20/20 program segment featuring Adult Learning Program learner John Corcoran, his family, his tutor and program coordinator, Lynda Jones. The program will be aired April 1. To tighten up library security and to protect cash and electronic equipment, the main library locks were changed and the distribution of new masterkeys was severely restricted. A safe for cash receipts was also ordered. The Children's Division has organized a special craft file for teachers and parents. 80 projects for checkout have been developed so far. Staff are also developing a video presentation for use with school visits. This technique will reach more students and will be an effective way to promote library services and resources. Reference staff are participating in Project Climb, a program designed to teach high school students effective use of the library. The library sponsored 13 adult programs during the quarter and presented 14 exhibits of arts, crafts and collectibles. There were a total of 113 children's programs this quarter, 84 at the main library and 29 at the branch. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY TOTAL CIRCULATION PROGRAM ATTENDANCE FILM AND VIDE AV EQUIPMENT REFERENCE QUE ILLS SENT ILLs RECEIVED ONLINE SEARCHES HOLDS PLACED REGISTRATIONS BRANCH CIRCULATION STATISTICAL SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES FOR JANUARY - MARCH 1988 QUARTER 1987 'ION 185,012 IANCE 6,944 1 BOOKINGS 25,223 257 ;TIONS 23,009 228 492 :s 73 1,755 2,094 JION 33,033 ICE QUESTIONS 2,586 IIRCULATION 2,349 1988 211,440 5,749 30,338 236 26,686 213 502 119 2,254 3,608 38,902 2,349 4,320 % Change + 14 - 17 + 20 - 8 + 16 - 7 + 2 + 63 + 28 + 73 + 18 - 9 + 84