HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-05-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2:30 p.m. May 18, 1988 City Council Chambers TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER: President Martin called the Meeting to order at 2:31 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - President Martin, Library Board Trustees Cooper and Falkenstein. Board Member Trlgas arrived at 2:3^ p.m. Absent - Library Board Trustee Grosse. Also Present Were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director 3ohn Quartarone, Library Children Services Margaret Brownley, Serra Advisory Board Representative APPROVAL OF MINUTES; The Minutes of the Meeting held April 27, 1988, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS; a. Building and Grounds Trustee Trigas deferred to Dr. Lange, who reported on negotiations with the property owner to the north of the proposed South Carlsbad Library site. If that property is acquired, it would allow the Library to be moved farther north on the site. He added that the site plan is in the City pipeline at the present time. b. Budget Trustee Cooper reported there was an increase of almost $13,000 for the month of April over April of last year In the Revenue Statistics Report. c. Personnel Trustee Falkenstein reported the Library Assistant I position for the Branch Library opened May 17, and 40 telephone calls have been received to date. d. Youth This report will be Included in Oohn Quartarone's report under New Business. OLD BUSINESS; a. Latchkey Unattended Children Draft Policy Statement. Director Lange reported staff had reworked the policy statement and eliminated all procedural Information. President Martin Inquired whether any parents had read this statement and Director Lange answered they had not at the present time. Martin Cooper Falkenstein MINUTES May 18, 1988 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 TRUSTEES Library Board of Trustees approved the Draft Library Policy Regarding Unattended Children as presented. b. Library Mission Statement - Another Draft Trustee Trigas suggested the mission statement read as follows: "The Carlsbad City Library contributes to the enrichment of the community by supporting lifelong learnina and the pursuit of knowledge. It does this by providing traditional and innovative library services in a friendly, welcoming atmosphere. Collections include resources with educational, informational and recreational value that respond to the interests of a diverse community. Expert staff serves the public in a courteous, helpful manner." Library Board of Trustees adopted the Library Mission Statement as amended. c. Adult Learning Program - Videotape of ABC 20/20 Program featuring John Corcoran. The Videotape was shown to the Board. d. SB 181 Library Construction and 'Renovation Bond Act of 1988. Director Lange referred to the final draft of the bill which was included in the packet. NEW BUSINESS: a. Plans for Summer Reading Club and other Children's Activities. Presentation by 3ohn Quartarone. 3ohn Quartarone reported on the highlights of the program for April, including a short story contest. He also distributed the children's calendar for May and June, adding the programs are gearing down at this time for the summer months. Mr. Quartarone reported on the summer program, stating the theme would be "Passport to Danger". He said the Library is trying to cut down on the competitive nature of the reading program and make it more fun. The summer program for the children will start on 3une 20 and end August 19. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT; Director Lange distributed copies of the Public and School Library Relief Acts, AB #4662, Fact Sheet, and added that the County Libraries are suffering from a lack of funding, and this bill would address that and the funding for school libraries. He said the school libraries are sadly lacking as far as their supply of new books. Dr. Lange stated there is another bill that would provide funding for the literacy program, and to be administered by the State Library. Martin Cooper Falkenstein Trigas Martin Cooper Falkenstein Trigas MINUTES May 18, 1988 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 TRUSTEES Director Lange reported the Legislative Day was very successful, with 350 library people attending. He felt an impact was made on the Legislature. Director Lange and Geoff Armour reported on the disaster planning for the Library. The plan for the Library will be separate from that for the rest of the City offices. The Library staff has taken some steps already by securing the shelving, but are concerned about the large amount of glass in the Library. There will be a separate plan for the Branch Library. Director Lange reported computers have been added, one with a direct tie into the City's computer to access financial records. Director Lange said efforts are underway to get a graduate library program established in San Diego County. The Book Fair was held last Sunday, and was a smashing success, with the fewest books left at the close of the fair. SANDAG is working with Library staff on the community surveys and the school surveys, with the funds committed fo those surveys. Director Lange reported a plan is being developed to use the American Library Video Magazine on Channel 30 Cable TV. He would introduce each program and tie this into local activities, and speak again at the close of the program. There will be six programs within a year. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD; Margaret Brownley reported she attended a reference committee meeting and they want to evaluate Serra Services; particularly with regard to reference librarians. Sub-committees will be set up to work on this during the coming year. PUBLIC COMMENT; There was no one present to address the Board on a non- agenda item. RECESS; President Martin declared a recess at 3:«f4 p.m., and the Board re-convened at 3:47 p.m., with four Members present. LIBRARY BOARD WORKSHOP; Trustee Falkenstein led the discussion on Chapter 5; Leadership: Systematic Planning Process. He summarized the content of the Chapter and distributed examples of planning. ADJOURNMENT; By proper motion, the Meeting of May 18, 1988, was adjourned at 4:23 p.m. Respectfully submitt _rriett SafloittMintues Clerk CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS APRIL 1988 Apri1 Apri1 CIRCULATION STATISTICS 1987 1988 % Change MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials 44,046 -'48?548 + 10 Film and Video Tapes 8,682 9,901 + 14 Audio Visual Equipment 89 88 - 1_ Total MAIN LIBRARY 52,817 58,537 + 11 BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials 9,860 10,492 + 6 Film and Video Tapes 1,001 1.497 + 50 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 10,861 11,989 + 10 TOTAL CIRCULATION 63,678 70,526 + 11 ********* REFERENCE QUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Adult 5,348 5,629 + 5 Children's 1,945 2,204 + 13 Online Searches ]_8 27_ + 50 Total MAIN LIBRARY 7,311 7,860 + 8 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 716 849 + 19 TOTAL QUESTIONS 8,027 8,709 + 8 ********* PEOPLE COUNTER (Daily Average) Main Library 1,529 1,833 + 20 Branch Library 423 439 + 4 TOTAL 1,952 2,272 + 16 ********* ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs 178 45 - 75 Children's Programs 2.219 1,924 TOTAL 2.397 1,969 INTERLIBRARY LOANS BOOKS AND REFERENCE Requests by Carlsbad 150 Received by Carlsbad 124 NA Requests of Carlsbad 475 Filled by Carlsbad 71 FILMS AND VIDEOS Borrowed From Other Libraries 38 31 - 18 Loaned to Other Libraries 49 24 - 51 FINES & FEES PHOTOCOPIES AV INSURANCE GIFTS LOST & DAMAGED ONLINE SEARCHES MISCELLANEOUS CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY REVENUE STATUS REPORT APRIL 1988 MAIN LIBRARY 3,395.55 3,237.80 4,886.07 — 428.31 56.83 210.24 BRANCH MONTH TOTAL 856.17 4,251.72 440.00 3,677.80 593.60 5,479.67 — — 428.31 56.83 210.24 FISCAL TOTAL 31,445.70 24,290.72 58,304.74 516.25 3,413.96 797.67 624.50 LAST YEAR 30,520.31 20,293.92 46,756.72 141.27 4,998.40 2,068.99 52.25 TOTAL 12,214.80 1,889.77 14,104.57 119,393.54 104,831.86 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS May 1988 May May CIRCULATION STATISTICS 1987 1988 % Change MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials 41,628 54,676 Film and Video Tapes 8,108 9,116 Audio Visual Equipment 116 85 Total MAIN LIBRARY 49,852 63,877 BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials 9,631 10,075 + 5 Film and Video Tapes 1.047 1.351 + 29 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 10,678 11,426 + 7 TOTAL CIRCULATION 60,530 75,303 + 24 ***************************** REFERENCE QUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Adult 4,699 5,264 + 12 Children's 1,882 2,605 + 38 Online Searches 22 30 + 36 Total MAIN LIBRARY 6,603 7,899 + 20 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 884 792 - 10 TOTAL QUESTIONS 7,487 8,691 + 16 ***************************** PEOPLE COUNTER Main Library NA 1,623 NA Branch Library 407 467 -t-f^f. TOTAL NA 2,090 NA ***************************** ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs 71 66 - 7 Children's Programs Ir954 1,813 - 7 TOTAL 2,025 1,879 - 7 ***************************** INTERLIBRARY LOANS BOOKS AND REFERENCE Requests by Carlsbad 121 123 + 2 Received by Carlsbad 142 110 - 23 Requests of Carlsbad 380 346 - 9 Filled by Carlsbad 81 85+5 FILMS Borrowed from other libraries 16 27 + 69 Loaned to other libraries 33 23 - 30