HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-06-15; Library Board of Trustees; Minutes-- MINUTES Meetlng of: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES rime of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: June 15, 1988 Place of Meeting: Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Presldent Martln called the Meetlng to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL. CALL: Present - President Martln, Library Board Trustees Cooper, Crosse and Triqas. Library Rmrd Trustee Fatkenstein. Absent - Also Present Were: Cilfford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Llbrary Director Margaret Browniey, Serra Advisory Board Representative APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held May IR, 1988, were approved as amended to add a sentence at the bottom of page 1, as follows: '' However, there has been extensive newspaper pu hl I cl t y . " COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Building and Grounds Trustee Trlqas deferred to Dr. Lanqr?, who reported on the progress of the new library, stating the purchase agreement would set the condltlons for the purchase. He added the entlre slte would be graded inittally. The City will get a library bulldlnq consultant and by early next year the deslqn process should begin, wlth early 1990 for the start of construction. He stated the S.O.S. lnltlatlve could wipe out the entlre pro,iect, lf it 1s passed in its present form. b. Rudget Trustee Cooper reported on the changes in the budget, stating there 1s a total increase of s119,OOO over last year. Director Lange stated that next year he wlll reproduce the individual detalied sheets for the Trustees. One change was made in the report, stating the number of Olvlslons under the Library was nine. Director Lange stated the coollng tower needs to be replaced and the fire detectlon system revamped, and that was approved by Council last night out of the contlngency funds. c. Personnel Trustee Falkenstein was absent. TRUSTEES 1 Martin Cooper Crosse Trigas \ \ -- MINUTES June 15, 1988 LIBRARY WARD OF TRUSrEFS Paqe 2 d. Youth Trustee Crosse distrlbuted the GOOD-TIMES for July and Auqust and reported that in May 14,500 items were checked out in the Children's Department, and 1,400 chlldren and parents attended programs. Trustee Crosse reported on other activities held for the children and Listed some sunnner programs. OLD BUSINESS: a. Library budget for FY88-89 and City financial status report. Director Lange stated the passage of Proposltlon C would mean approximately $750,000 in revenue to the City. b. Library planning process update. Director Lange reported the Goals and Objectives Subconwnlttee 1s sortinq throuqh the goals as brainstormed to develop objectives to support those. The surveys are belnq worked on, and there will be four: the school, staff, users and telephone. Staff will he surveyed this summer, and the telephone survey will be done this summer. The user survey and the school survey will be done in the fail. Director Lange stated SANDAG will gather the data and amlyze it, and then produce the final report. c. Library legislation update Dlrector Lange directed attention to the memorandum from Mike Dilion, CLA Lobbyist, included in the packet. He referred to the funding problems of County llbrarles and stated that several could close. NEW BUSINESS: a. City Council Coals and Objectives - Cultural and Recreatiomi Section. Dlrector Lange stated thls ltem was postponed by Council until next week. A copy of the Agenda Bill was included in the packet. Director Lanqe stated the Library goals flt with Council qoals. Director Lange described the Cold Library Card and showed a sample of the card. The Life Members who quallfy wiil receive the Cold Cards and then they will be distributed to the people who have applied for them. b. Administrative Order No. 44: Dissemlnation of Public Information to Comni ssions. Director Lange directed attention to the copy of Administrative Order No. 44 contained in the packet and stated it Is self-explanatory. 1 TRUSTEES \ MINUTES June 15, 1988 LIBRARY ROARD OF TRUSTEES Paqe 3 c. Resolution honoring and thanking Herbert Falkenstein for ten years of service to the Library-. Library Board of Trustees adopted the Resolution honorlng and thanking Herbert Falkenstein for ten years OF service to the Llbrary. Plans were discussed for presentlng Trustee Falkensteln with thls Resolution at the July Meetinq. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Lange reported 122 appllcatlons were received for the Llbrary Asslstant I position at the Branch Llbrary. Tt examinatlon was given yesterday and the list will be established. He said he had spent time talking with Personnel about part-time employees, as there are no job descrlptlons and the minimum wage goes. up in 3uly to $4.25. Director Lange stated there Is a need to update the Library personnel classifications to be prepared for a mfor expansion with the new library. Director Lanqe described the video-taping done yesterday, adding he wrote the script and dld the introductory comments. These will be on Channel 30 starting 3uly 21. Director Lange said the star of thelr llteracy program will be on the Phil Donohue show on 3une 27, 1988, as a tentative date. President Martin called attention to a Certificate of Appreciation received from the Internal Revenue Service for the volunteer participation in the IRS Library Program. Ceoff Armour stated that ln the Statistics for May, the total circulation was the hlghest ever, with 75,303. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: Margaret Brownley reported the Advisory Board will meet tomorrow, and that will be her last meeting. She dld attend a special meeting where the services and budget for the reference services were discussed, and she added ft was not a good picture. Mrs. Brownley said they were determined not to cut back on the reference service, but there have been no new funds for three years. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no one present to speak before the Board on a non-agenda i tem. RECESS: Presldent Martin declared a Recess at 4:11 p.m., and the Board re-convened at 4:13 p.m., with Four Trustees present. k TRUSTEES Martin Cooper Crosse Trlgas \ b L .- MINUTES 3une 15, 1988 LIRRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 4 LIBRARY BOARD WORKSHOP: Library Board Trustee Grosse discussed Chapters 2 and 6 of the Trustee Tool Kit for Library Leadership. The consensus of the Board was that thts hook is a qood reference book for the LLbrary Boards. JULY AGENDA ITEMS: Prpsentdtfon for Hrrb FalkrnstPIn 1 I teracy opt tons S.O.S. update ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of June 15, 1988, was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. I Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk