HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-08-24; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES The of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: August 24, 1988 Place of Meetlng: Council Conference Room CALL TO ORMR: Presldent krtln oalled the Meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - President Martin, Library Board Trustees Cooper, Crosse and Wood. Absent - Library Board Trustee Trlps. Also Present Were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Ceoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Bee McWllliams, Genealogical Society Representqtive Phrgaret Brownley, Serra Advisory Board Representative Carolyn Ayars, Serra Advisory Board Alternste Robert Wood ms welcomed as the new Library Baard Trustee. APPROVAL Of MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held June 15, 1988, were approved as presented. Director Lange explained the Cold Card dlstrlbutlon, stating that there mwld be only one card lssued per contribution. CWITTEE REPORTS: a. 6ullding and Grounds Trustee Trips was absent. b. Budget Trustee Cooper reported there nas a transfer of funds from one account to another, but nothing additional. c. Personnel Director Lange announced the Library Assistant I posltion at the Branch had been filled, and Patricia Brown had started to work as of thls week. d. Youth Trustee Crosse reported another record was broken in July, with 21,000 books circulated. She reported on July children activities and reported there were close to 800 children participating in the sumr rsading program. OLD BUSINESS: a. 1988-89 Llbrary Budget Director Lange announced the budget was the same as proposed, wlth the line item detail provided as requested by the Board. Y TRUSTEES Martin Cooper Crosse Wood \ c MINUTES August 24, 1988 LIeRARY MAW) OF TRUSTEES Page 2 b. Library Planning Process Prowess Report -- Discussion Director Lange called attentlon to the Mission Statememt and stdted the Planning Cdttee hd met monthly and rras developing gals and Objectives. He said they would meet this Friday to refine these goals and assign responsibility for achieving the objectlves. Di rector La nqe expressed hJ s approva 1 of the Pla nnl ng Comnlttee's accomplishments and stated he hoped to bve the Goals and Objectives for the Board's review at the next mee tl ng . Director Lange stated the staff survey by WAC has been completed and part of the survey was to try to get staff to contribute toward the needs for the new building and their own attitudes and beliefs about the library; The user, telephone and comunity surveys will be dom later. Ceoff Armour continued the report, stating there were four surveys to be done; staff (which has been done), user (which rill be done in the library), telephone survey (to rcach non-users) and the school survey (to reach the younger population). He said that help mld be needed foz the telephone survey. Frlends of the Library wlll be askec to provide volunteers. All surveys will be completed by the end of the year. c. Director Lange reported that Over the past year better office space had been needed at the branch library, and Chris Holt needed a private office. Ceoff Armour continued, showing a sketch of the ctunges mde which gave Chris Holt a private office and more office space for everyone. Branch Library Office Expansion - Discussion d. Branch Library Lease Reneml Director Lange stated the branch library will be in that building for another three years, and the owner has agreed to a renewal lease for three years with an option to renew for another year. plus the consumer price index and Director Lange stated it appeared the rent would be $1.19 or $1.20 per square foot. e. Director Lange called attention to the copy of the site plan included in the packet. to the developer buying additiomi property to the north for more parking space and other adjustments. there rwld be approximately M spaces for staff parking behl nd the li bra ry . Trustee Grosse suggested there be access provided all around the building and Director Lange agreed and said that would be discussed. Director Lange sald the project my be before the Planning Cdsslon in September or October and then (lo to Council and to the Coastal Comnlsslon. Grading will most likely be done after April 15, 1989. The rent will be $1.00 per square Coot New Library Slte Progress Report There has been a change due He said TRUSTEES 3 MINUTES August 24, 1988 LIBRARY BOm OF TRUSTEES Page 3 Trustee Crosse reconmended that two-my traffic be allowed between the parking lanes to help the traffic circulation. NEW BUSINESS: Item b was taken art of order at this time. b. Agenda and Organlzatiornl Cknges Reconrmnded: 1. Change office of Secretary to Vice-President. Library Baard of Trustees chanqed the office of Secretary to Vice-president. 2. Remove "OTHER" from Agenda Categories. Llbrary Board of Trustees removed "OTHER" from Agenda Ca t egorl es . a. Election of Officers and Conmlttee Appointments Trustee Cooper ms unanlh;ously elected President for the coming year. Trustee Wood was umdmously elected Vice-President for te comlng year. Coml ttee Asslgrnnents were, Trustee Crossc, Youth; Trustee Martin, Budget; Trustee Wood, Personnel and Trustee Trlgas, 0ulldings and Grounds. President Cooper assumed the Chair for the reminder of the meting. c. 1987-88 Library Annual Report Director Lanqe called attention to the printed brochure of the Annual Report and the additlorn1 information contained in the Report. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD President Cooper mlled for the Serra Advisory Bard report and Margaret Brownley reported that after serving two terms as the Representatlave, she felt this had been a very enrlchlng experience. Mrs. Brownley stated there mst be cooperation between the libraries, and the next two years should be very Interesting. She cocnented on the flrancing of the Serra System, stating that more fimncing my have to be picked up by the local libraries. from the Serra Cooperative Library System and the Nature Interpretive Center in Chub Vista. Director Lanqe stated Margaret Brwnley's contribution to the Serra Advisory Board deserved a vote of thanks, and the Baard of Trustees concurred. She distributed brochures \I"' \I TRUSTEES artin Cooper Crosse Wood krtin Cooper Cros se Wood L \ b I I I I I 1 I \ I c MINUTES August 24, 1988 LIBRARY MAW) OF TRUSTEES Page 4 \ TRUSTEES d. Serra Cooperative Library System Advlsory Board Appolntment - Library Baard Recomnendatlons Director Lange read from the Library Board Minutes where Margaret Brownley had recomnended the appolntment to the Adlvsory Board be a Member of the Board of Trustees. Llbrary Board of Trustees reconnrended to Clty Council that a Member of the Board of Trustees be appointed as representative to the Serra Advlsory Baard. Presldent Cooper volunteered to have his name wbmltted to Councll as Serra Advlsory Board Representatlve. e. Estlmted Allocations from Public Llbrary Fund for 1988-89. Director Lange referred to the report contained in the packet, statlng Carlsbad should recelve $49,397. f. Draft of Llbrary Employee Orlentation Manual for Library bard Revlew and Comnent. Director Lange stated thi? was a rough draft of the rnarn~l and the intent was to have all information in one place for new employees. Presldent Cooper suggested the policy on unattended chlldren be placed in the appendlx. The consensus of the Baard of Trustees was that the rough draft was very well done. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT : Ceoff Anour reported on the emergency procedures being formulated for the library. earthqllake; fire; etc., and a separate plan is belng formulated for the library. The coollng tower at the library is being replaced and there are several other smaller projects that were funded by City Councll last year, such as the repair of the wall in the children's area and replacing the carpeting there. The defusers are being replaced as lt has become almost too c8rk to read in the nezzanlne. All this is being done by Utilities/kblntenance Department. Mr. Arwur reported on the replacement of the obsolete zerox machines with new photocopiers and the agreement that the company furnishing the mchines will service them wlthin four hours. Director Lange reported that the Fire Department had held training sessions for earthquake preparedness for all City employees. Geoff Armour added that the Clty's Safety Officer went through the library and the primry concern was securlng the shelves and flllng cabinets. The Clty also trained employees in telephone techniques. Director Lange reported on Ns recent trip to Ssattle for the Investment in Excellence Training conference. This would be for an Cooper Crosse krtln Wood b ’, MINUTES August 24, 1988 LIBRARY BOAW) OF TRUSTEES Page 5 CENEALOCICAL SOCIETY: Bee McWilliams reported on the statistlcs for the last ten years, which showed a growth from 1977, of 723 titles and 974 volumes, to June of 1988, 18,583 volumes. WELIC COMMENT: There was no one present to speak on an off-agenh item. LIBRARY BOAR0 WORKSHOP: There was no Workshop scheduled for this meetlng. AD3WRMNl: By proper motion, the Meeting of August 24, 1988,’was adjourned at 4:18 p.m. Respectfully submitted, I- Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk y\\ TRUSTEES ’ a. VJ a) \ ln 00 bl x, C 0 ww OI- PQ ua I- = 0 ow cnr JCK UC 3 bm Q W I-=, ut- vu tl z W x W n a= m ea at tu n E W I- ll? tP U? m EF D \ rl \ t- 0 0 I- Iu e \ 0 \ t- o z 0 D: lb. c r 0 2 3 IL J 5 K W Z W u r 0 0 0 z 2 II. 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I- wa 0000 0000 .... 1 I I I I 00000 00000 1.. . . I I 0000 0000 ., . . . IC 1 ,I IO IO IIIII 00000 00000 ..... 1'1 I I 0 0 0 0' 0000 .... 0000 ooow 000- ow-- .-.. - OMVI N L o. a k! k I- u) E w 00000 o-mmv. F-vOlrn* I----- I t- m 0.4 i c I i c- 8 ooooooooodo 00 . ....---. CUI- -N 4 N Vd Add J I CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY LIBRARY-COURTS BUILDING P.O. BOX 942837 SACRAMENTO, CA 94237.0001 Date: July 15, 1988 To. All California Public Library Directors From: Gary E. Strong California State Librarian Subject: ESTIMATED Allocations From the Public Library Fund (1988/89) On July 8, 1988, the Governor signed a budget which contains $20.6 million for the Public Library Fund. The attached table and accompanying explanation presents the California State Library‘s preliminary estimates €or the distribution of these funds this fiscal year. The final determination of the Public Library Fund allocation will be made following the October 31, 1988, submittal by local public libraries of their respective local appropriations. Enclosures GES/FEW:js r PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND DATA -- -_____. The attached listing shows the California State Library's estimate for PLF payments in Fiscal Year 88/89 as of July 15, 1988. This estimate uses the local public library appropriation for Fiscal Year 87/88 as the income figure for calculating Fiscal Year 88/89 estimates and assumes all jurisdictions meet the maintenance effort requirements. The actual allocation to each library will change depending on whether the Fiscal Year 88/89 local support figures create an increase or decrease in the number of libraries eligible to receive PLF funds or whether local support funds change the per capita percentage allocation for any library. The final allocation figures will not be available until after October 31, 1988, when the California State Library receives the actual Fiscal Year 88/89 local public library appropriations. If you know approximately what your Fiscal Year 88/89 local appropriation will be, you can enter that estimate in Column 2 of the table and follow the formula presented at the top of each column to more accurately estimate your Fiscal Year 88/89 total funding. PLF Data for FY 88/89 Foundation Base $15.78 Maximum State Per Capita $1.578 (-10) Local Match Per Capita $14.202 (.go) State Budget for PLF $20,600,000 PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND PAYMENTS (20,600,000) ESTIMATE FY 1988/89 ALAMEDA CO. ALAMEDA P.L. ALHAMBRA ALPINE CO. ALTADENA AMADOR CO. ANAHEIM ARCADIA AUBURN-PLACER CO. AZUSA BANNING UNIF. S.D. BEAUMONT BENICIA BERKELEY BEVERLY HILLS BRAWLEY BUENA PARK BURBANK BURLINGAME BUTTE CO. CALAVERAS CO. CALEXICO CARLSBAD CARMEL CERRITOS CHULA VISTA COALINGA-HURON COLTON COLUSA CO. COMMERCE CONTRA COSTA CO. CORONA CORONADO COVINA DALY CITY DEL NORTE CO. DIXON UNIF. S.D DOWNEY EL CENTRO EL DORADO CO. EL SEGUNDO ESCONDI DO EUREKA-HUMBOLT CO. FRESNO CO. FULLERTON GLENDALE GLEWDORA 458,750 75,900 73,700 1,210 44 , 900 27,150 243,000 49,350 111,225 37,600 17,900 13,245 23,050 106,800 34,750 18,650 66,200 93,500 34,680 172,600 30,300 19,050 58, 900 5,025 58,400 99,140 13,100 33,300 14,950 11,400 672,000 52,200 23,600 43,250 84,900 19,750 14,600 86,900 29,650 116,700 15,800 93,300 114,900 592,900 110,600 161,900 48,050 10,394,880 897,987 1,392,042 78,241 858,000 275,000 4,669,013 1,042,219 1,012,922 628,155 245,800 166,790 175,857 4,248,751 2,231,270 151,063 1,461,936 1,734,602 1,286 , 976 906,365 190,875 156,660 1,695,895 544,760 994,930 1,835,547 474,150 442,476 353,355 1,195,010 7,213,000 961,632 741,742 493,620 1 , 024,560 108,823 176,364 1,150,078 248,290 738,053 574,873 1,214,240 1,234,786 4,588,358 2,391,725 4,026,747 749,273 22.66 11.83 18.89 64.66 19.11 10.13 19.21 21.12 9.11 16.71 13.73 12.59 7.63 39.78 64.21 8.10 22.08 18.55 37.11 5.25 6.30 8.22 28.79 108.41 17.04 18.51 36.19 13.29 23.64 104.83 10.73 18.42 31.43 11.41 12.07 5.51 12.08 13.23 8.37 6.32 36.38 13.01 10.75 7.74 21.63 24.87 15.59 100% 83% 100% 100% 100% 71% 100% 100% 64% 100% 97% 89% 54% 100% 100% 57% 100% 100% 100% 37% 44% 58% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 94% 100% 100% 76% 100% 100% 80% 85% 39% 85% 93% 59% 45% 100% 92% 76% 54% 100% 100% 100% 1.578 1.315 1.578 1.578 1.578 1.125 1.578 1.578 1.012 1.578 1.526 1.399 0.848 1.578 1.578 0.900 1.578 1.578 1.578 0.583 0.700 0.914 1.578 1.578 1.578 1.578 1.578 1.476 1.578 1.578 1.193 1.578 1.578 1.268 1.341 0.612 1.342 1.470 0.930 0.703 1.578 1.446 1.194 0.860 1.578 1.578 1.578 723,908 99 , 776 116,299 1,909 70,852 30,556 383,454 77,074 112,547 59,333 27,311 18 , 532 19,540 168,530 54,836 16,785 104,464 147,543 54,725 100,707 21,208 17,407 92,944 7,929 92,155 156,443 20,672 49,164 23,591 17,989 801,444 82,372 37,241 54,047 113,840 12,091 19,596 127,786 27,588 82,006 24,932 134,916 137,198 509 , 818 174,527 255,478 75,823 384,736 53,028 61,809 1,015 37,656 16,239 203,795 41,388 59,815 31,534 14,515 9,849 10,385 89,569 29,144 8,921 55,519 78,415 29,085 53,523 11,272 9,251 49,397 4,214 48,978 83,145 10,986 26,129 12,538 9,561 425,945 43,778 19,792 29,149 60,503 6,426 10,415 67,915 14,662 43,584 13,251 71,704 72,917 270,954 92,756 135,779 40,298 7/15/88 PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND PAYMENTS (20,600,000) ESTIMATE FY 1988/89 HAYWARD HEMET HUNTINTON BEACH IMPERIAL CO. IMPERIAL P.L. INGLEWOOD INYO CO. IRW INDALE KERN CO. KING CITY KINGS CO. LAKE CO. LARKSPUR LASSEN CO. LINCOLN LIVERMORE LOD I LOMPOC LONG BEACH LOS ANGELES CO. LOS ANGELES P.L. LOS GATOS MADERA CO. MARIN CO. MENDOCINO CO. MENLO PARK MERCED CO. MILL VALLEY MODOC CO. MONO CO. MONROV I A MONTEREY CO. MONTEREY PARK MONTEREY P.L. MOUNTAIN VIEW NAPA NATIONAL CITY NEVADA CO. NEUPORT BEACH OAKLAND OCEANS I DE ONTAR IO ORANGE CO. ORANGE P.L. ORLAND OXNARD PACIFIC GROVE 103,400 32,050 187,700 39,460 4,310 102,400 18,100 1,070 511,400 7,425 92,000 51,400 11,300 26,450 6,225 48 , 050 55,820 415,800 2,993,935 3,361,500 28,100 81,600 138,390 75,600 27,900 168,600 13,400 9,250 9,350 33,900 185,950 63,900 31,150 63,000 100,725 55,300 75,300 69,600 373,180 107,900 118,800 1,136,940 104,900 11,285 126,100 56 400 1,452,788 300,288 2,610,729 220,404 47,765 1,645,503 307,956 117,351 7,258,779 53,794 691,722 439,178 176,141 277,934 46,441 901,650 652,770 433,075 10,113,679 41,568,145 47,745,150 747,025 534,032 2,786 072 468,711 694,520 1,489,871 525,863 123,840 240,000 533,988 2,521,987 997,750 1,173,132 1,829,701 1,201,978 784,360 550,982 2,067,015 6,343,310 1,785,848 2,017,482 16,061,291 1,906,323 185,863 1 , 487,788 16,650 461,606 14.05 9.37 13.91 5.59 11.08 16.07 17.01 109.67 14.19 7.24 7.52 8.54 15.59 10.51 7.46 15.99 13.59 7.76 24.32 13.88 14.20 26.58 6.54 20.13 6.20 24.89 8.84 39.24 13.39 25.67 15.75 13.56 15.61 37.66 29.04 11.93 14.18 7.32 29.70 17.00 16.55 16.98 14.13 18.17 16.47 11.80 27.72 99% 66% 98% 39% 78% 100% 100% 100% 100% 51% 53% 60% 100% 74% 53% 100% 96% 55% 100% 98% 100% 100% 46% 100% 44% 100% 62% 100% 94% 100% lOOX 95% 100% 100% 100% 84% 100% 52% 100% 100% 100% 100% 99% 100% lOOX 83% 100% 1.561 1.041 1.545 0.621 1.231 1.578 1.578 1.578 1.577 0.805 0.835 0.949 1.578 1.168 0.829 1.578 1.509 0.862 1.578 1.543 1.578 1.578 0.727 1.578 0.689 1.578 0.982 1.578 1.488 1.578 1.578 1.507 1.578 1.578 1,578 1.326 1.576 0.813 1.578 1.578 1.578 1.578 1.570 1.578 1 .S78 1.311 1.578 161,421 290,081 5,307 161,587 28,562 1,688 806,531 5,977 76,858 48,798 17,831 30,882 5,160 88,999 72,530 48,119 656,132 4,618,683 5,304,447 44,342 59,337 218,379 52,079 44,026 165,541 21,145 13,760 14,754 53 , 494 280,221 100,834 49,155 99,414 133,553 87,151 61,220 109,829 588,878 170,266 187,466 1 , 784,588 165,532 17,808 165,310 26,274 33,365 248 489 85,791 154,170 13,015 2,821 85,879 15,180 897 428,648 3,177 40,848 25,935 9,477 16,413 '2,742 47,301 38,548 25,574 348,716 2,454,699 2,819,164 23,566 31,536 116,062 27,679 23,399 87,980 11,238 7,313 7,841 28,431 148,929 53,591 26,124 52,836 70,980 46,318 32,537 58,371 312,972 90,492 99,633 948,458 87,976 9,464 87,857 13,964 178733 PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND PAYMENTS (20,600,000) ESTIMATE FY 1988/89 7/15/88 PALMDALE PALM SPRINGS PALO ALTO PALOS VERDES PALO VERDE PASADENA PAS0 ROBLES PLACENTIA PLUMAS/SIERRA CO. POMONA PORTERVILLE REDLANDS REDONDO BEACH REDWOOD CITY RICHMOND RIVERSIDE ROSEV I LLE SACRAMENTO CITY SACRAMENTO CO. SALINAS SAN ANSELMO SAN BENITO SAN BERNARDINO CO. SAN BERNARDINO P.L. SAN BRUNO SAN DIEGO CO. SAN DIEGO P.L. SAN FRANCISCO SAN JOSE SAN JUAN BAUTISTA SAN LEANDRO SAN LUIS OBISPO SAN MARINO SAN MATEO CO. SAN MATEO P.L. SAN RAFAEL SANTA ANA SANTA BARBARA SANTA CLARA CO. SANTA CLARA P.L. SANTA CRUZ SANTA FE SPRINGS SANTA MARIA SANTA MONIC SANTA PAULA SAUSALITO SHASTA CO. 39,150 41,670 56,900 83,100 15,720 132,000 15,500 42,310 23,470 119,100 25,050 56,200 65 # 000 60, 500 81,500 780,585 34,350 334,700 627,200 99,900 11,950 32,530 822,170 148,400 35,650 830 885 1,058,700 741,300 732,800 1,570 67,100 188,800 243,865 87,920 45,900 231,500 195,687 342,885 90,900 195,950 15,500 93,496 97,200 23,750 7,550 137,000 138 900 1,033,720 1,551,437 3,067,292 2,139,738 162,778 4,985,482 227,800 987,983 225,790 1,725,896 315,107 1,027,950 552,920 2,099,486 1,645,804 7,840,948 1,012,150 5,147,470 7,632,922 1,694,400 203,134 283,187 5,097,366 2,249,515 616,518 6,754,186 12,641,047 18,203,216 14,232,867 12,175 1,397,683 318,900 6,650,165 1,798,193 661,562 28545,047 2,732,825 28 335,905 8,786,804 2,003,191 2,552,518 654,500 1,057,858 3, 146,913 218,688 275,455 388,053 26.40 37.23 53.91 25 75 10.35 37.77 14.70 23.35 9.62 14.49 12.58 18.29 8.51 34.70 20.19 10.04 29.47 15.38 12.17 16.96 17.00 8.71 6.20 15.16 17.29 8.13 11.94 24.56 19.42 7.75 20.83 13.48 22.94 27.27 20.45 14.41 11.80 11.94 25.63 22.04 13.03 42.23 11.31 32.38 9.21 36.48 2.83 100% 100% 100% 100% 73% 100% 100% 100% 68% 100% 89% 100% 60% 100% 100% 71% 100% 100% 86% 100% 100% 61% 44% 100% 100% 57% 84% 100% 100% 55% 100% 95% 100% 100% 100% 100% 83% 84% 100% 100% 92% 100% 80% 100% 65% 100% 20% 1.578 1.578 1.578 1.578 1.151 1.578 1.578 1.578 1.069 1.578 1.398 1.578 0.945 1.578 1.578 1.116 1.578 1.578 1.352 1.578 1.578 0.967 0.689 1 A78 1.578 0.903 1.327 1.578 1.578 0.862 1.578 1.498 1.578 1.578 1.578 1.578 1.312 1.326 1.578 1.578 1.447 1.578 1.257 1.578 1.023 1.578 0.315 61,779 65,755 89,788 131,132 18,086 208,296 24,459 66,765 25,088 187,940 35,012 88,684 61,436 95,469 128,607 871,216 54,204 528,157 848,102 157,642 18,857 31,465 566,374 234,175 56,256 750,465 1,404,561 1,169,771 1,156,358 1,353 105,884 282,783 21,934 384,819 138,738 72,430 303 # 647 259,545 541,073 143 , 440 283,613 24,459 117,540 153,382 11,914 43,117 248 299 32,834 34,947 47,720 69,693 9,612 110,703 12,999 35,484 13,333 99,885 18,608 47,133 32,651 50 , 739 68,351 463,027 28,808 280,700 450,742 83,782 10,022 16,723 301,012 124,457 29,898 398,851 746 ,484 621,700 614,572 719 56,274 150,291 11,657 204,520 73,735 38,495 161,380 137,941 287,565 76,234 150,732 12,999 62,469 81,518 12,914 6,332 228915 7/15/88 PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND PAYMENTS ~20,600,000~ ESTIMATE FY 1988189 SIERRA MADRE SIGNAL HILL SISKIYOU CO. SOLAN0 CO. SONOMA CO. SOUTH PASADENA SO. SAN FRANCISCO STANISLAUS CO. ST. HELENA STOCKTON-SAN JOAQUIN SUNNY VALE SUTTER CO. TEHEMA CO. THOUSAND OAKS TORRANCE TRINITY CO. TULARE CO. TULARE P.L. TUOLUMNE/MARIPOSA CO UPLAND VENTURA CO. VERNON WATSONVILLE WH I TTI ER w I LLOWS WOODLAND YOLO co. YORBA LINDA YUBA CO. 11,200 8 , 075 43,250 265 , 945 360,300 24 , 300 52,100 333 , 200 5 , 075 402 , 950 117,000 60 , 900 46 , 750 101 , 600 141 , 500 13,900 241 , 800 28 , 050 59 , 300 61 , 100 385,950 80 29 , 450 73,600 11,900 36 , 950 96 , 550 46 , 050 56 , 600 275 , 389 103,250 662,524 3,618,950 4,207,372 571 , 291 1 , 017,451 2,551,120 254 , 733 4 , 912 , 605 3,387 , 873 459,872 227 , 308 2,713,380 3,327,725 162 , 466 1,599,287 193,780 337,534 1,098,403 5,166, 800 4,500 520 , 700 1,468,973 142 , 506 461,756 1 , 219,200 256 , 542 1 , 101,112 24.59 12.79 15.32 13.61 11.68 23.51 19.53 7.66 50.19 12.19 28.96 7.55 4.86 26.71 23.52 11.69 6.61 6.91 5.69 17.98 13.39 56.25 17.68 19.96 11.98 12.50 11.40 26.48 4.53 100% 90% 100% 96% 82% 100% 100% 54% 100% 86% 100% 53% 34% 100% 100% 82% 47% 49% 40% 100% 94% 100% 100% 100% 84% 88% 80% 100% 32% 1.578 1.421 1.578 1.512 1.297 1.578 1.578 0.851 1.578 1.355 1.578 0.839 0.540 1.578 1.578 1.299 0.735 0.768 0.632 1.578 1,487 1.578 1.578 1.578 1.331 1.389 1.267 1.578 0.504 17 , 674 11,472 68,249 402,106 467 , 486 38,345 82,214 283 , 458 8 , 008 545 , 845 184,626 51,097 25 , 256 160,325 223 , 287 18,052 177 , 699 21 , 531 37,504 96,416 574 , 089 126 46 , 472 116,141 15,834 51 , 306 122 , 346 72 , 667 28 , 505 9,393 6,097 36 , 272 213,708 248 , 455 20,379 43,694 150,650 4,256 290,101 98,123 27,157 13 , 423 85,208 11'8,671 9,594 94,442 11,443 19,932 51 , 242 305,112 67 24,699 .. 61,726 8,415 27,268 65 , 023 38 , 620 15,149 Explanation for Columns 3 to 7 Column 3. Income (Column 2) divided by population (Column 1). Column 4. Local per capita divided by 814.202. Column 5. Column 4 multiplied by 1.578. Column 6. Column 1 multiplied by Column 5 equals full PLF authorization IF FULL FUNDING WERE AVAILABLE. Column 7. Total PLF funding available is 53.1% of the full authorization. Column 7 is Sj.l% of Column 6.