HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-10-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: October 19, 1988 Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: President Cooper called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - President Cooper, Library Board Trustees Martin, Wood and Trigas. Absent - Library Board Trustee Grosse. Also Present Were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Mike Howes, Senior Planner Lance Schulte, Project Planner Clyde Wickham, Project Engineer Anna Knox, Friends of the Library Bee McWilliams, Genealogical Society APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held September 21, 1988, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Building and Grounds Trustee Trigas deferred the report to Item 4a under Old Business. b. Budget Trustee Martin stated he had no report. c. Personnel Trustee Wood stated he had no report. d. Youth lohn Quartarone reported that circulation for September was substantially up in the Children's Department, and that was unusual, as it normally drops in September. He showed a photograph of a child in a bubble taken during the Bubble Mania Program and reported the Spanish Story Program had resumed on Saturdays and the Creative Story Telling on Tuesday evenings. OLD BUSINESS: a. Library Site Presentation and Review Mike Howes gave the initial report, stating that Lance Schulte was the Project Planner and Clyde Wickham was the Engineering Planner for the center. Mr. Howes stated there would be a theater, a branch post office, and the Library. The sh-style. numerous stores architecture wi and shops 1 be Span TRUSTEES Cooper Martin Trigas Wood 1\ \ P \ MINUTES c October 19, 1988 LJBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Paqe 2 Mr Schulte continued the report usinq wall charts to indicate the circulation pattern of the development and statina the desire of the developer to have a pedestrian- oriented environment. The Library will sit at the high point of the site and be visible from all points of the the plaza. The site plan and the landscaping plan were also displayed for the Board. Mr Howes explained that a larqe, flat pad has been designated for the Library to give as much flexibility for the buildinq as possible. He explained there are erosion issues to be resolved and the storm water must be held on the site before it qoes into the drains and into the lagoon. Mr. Howes stated that thfs project and the one adjacent to it are being planned together and and slope between the two projects will be planned to blend them together. In reply to query regarding a timetable for the project, the Planners said when they have a good project it will be brought forward. There are some minor site details to be worked out at this time, and staff will have discussions with the Coastal Commission staff before the project goes to the Coastal Commission. b. Library User Suggestions - Library Response Director Lange referred to the list distributed to Board Members before the meeting and said these sugqestions will be placed on display at the Library for patrons to see the suggestions and the responses. NEW BUSINESS: a. Children's Services Video Tape - 3ohn Quartarone 3ohn Quartarone stated this video tape had been produced by the Department for use at the schools. increased school enrollments, staff did not have the time to get to all of the classrooms, and this tape is a valuable aid in introducing youngsters to all the services available at the Library. Due to the b. Library Staff Survey Results Director Lange stated the staff survey was interesting, and it was obvious that communication was an issue. He felt the survey was useful as a problem-solving tool. There will be a general staff meeting November 18, 1988, to discuss this survey. c. First Quarter Report, 1988-89 Director Lange called attention to the statistics in the First Quarter Report, stating that Registrations was the most outstanding piece of information, with 3.340 for the quarter in 1988, up 42 percent from 1987. d. California Library Statistics - 1986-87 Director Lange called attention to the report in the packet, where Carlsbad was included in the cities from 50,000 to 100,000 population. TRUSTEES \ MINUTES October 19, 1988 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Paqe 3 LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Lange referred to the memorandum from the California Library Services Board dated October 4, 1988, copy of which was given to all Board Members prior to the Meeting. This memorandum stated reimbursement payments for 1988189 claims would be paid at the 1987188 rates. Director Lange stated the Users Survey would be ending today, with over 700 responses expected. The Telephone Survey to non-users of the Library will be the next survey to be conducted. The cooling tower is on Council's Agenda for next week, with a pre-construction meeting November 1. Geoff Armour stated the Branch Library had no fire alarm protection, and a system will now be installed. Director Lange stated there will be three pieces of art on display on Library property for the upcoming Temporary Sculpture Exhibition. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Anna Knox, President of Friends of the Library, gave the report,. stating they were doing a special mailing to vote "Yes'I on Proposition 85. She stated the applications for the Gold Card were going great and told of possible approval of the purchase of a baby grand piano for the new Library. desire to be a part of the naming of the new Library. The Friends had expressed a GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Bee Milliams, Representative of the Genealogical Society, reported $600 was taken in at the plant sale and they are looking forward to the barbecue this coming Saturday. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to speak before the Board. LIBRARY BOARD UORKSHOP: Due to the hour, President Cooper recommended postponing the Uorkshop to the next meeting, and the Board concurred. AD30URNMENT : By proper motion, the Meeting of October 19, 1988, was adjourned at 4:23 p.m. Respectfully submitted, [ILK arriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk TRUSTEES ' h \ c -- i $1 , SUGGESTIONS SUBMITTED BY LIBRARY US- Over 130 suggestions have been submitted to the library during the past year. These suggestions have been analyzed and placed in general categories. more than one person have been given special attention by staff and are listed below (with the number of requests in parentheses.) This information is now being publicized so that all our users can share the library's responses. We hope to find solutions to these problems and we welcome any ideas that library users might have. All complaints or suggestions sent in by CIRCULATE LINER NOTES FOR COMPACT DISKS (20) We are aware that this is a problem and we have been trying to find a solution for some time. The major reason we don't check out liner notes with CDs is that some of the notes are too bulky to fit in the sturdy soft boxes we use for circulation and the notes can be damaged. other libraries who have circulated liner notes, one negative has been that many times the notes are not returned with the CD, leaving nothing for other users. Patrons, of course, are welcome to photocopy any of the original liner notes that come with the display boxes. In talking to BUY MORE COMPACT DISKS AND BOOKS ON TAPE (18) One of the reasons we may not appear to have many CDs is because they are so popular and are usually checked out. fact, we have over 800 CDs. on tape. The library has increased the audio materials budget for this year and is adding many more CDs in all subject areas. In There are also about 100 books HAVE A SEPARATE BIOGRAPHY SECTION (10) This is a common request and one we agree with. However, our current physical limitations and system of collection organization make such a massive reorganization extremely difficult. We have put spine tags on all biographies for easy identification but in order to pull them together in one place we would have to use a large part of the adult reading room or the mezzanine stacks and this in turn would force a complex and fragmented arrangement of the remaining collections. Eventually, when the new library opens and this library is reorganized, a separate biography section will be created. In the meantime we encourage use of the card catalog to locate biographies by subject. 1 CUT DOWN THE NOISE LEVEL IN THE LIBRARY (9) The library has increasingly become too noisy for many of our patrons. busy, heavily used facility, is generally overcrowded, and has no sound proof booths or study areas for those who are sensitive to noise. Children are now prohibited from using the mezzanine area, so this is usually one relatively quiet haven. If you are being disturbed by laughter, loud talk- ing, or other types of noise, please notify the reference librarians and they will deal with the situation. individuals and groups will be asked to leave if they do not follow the rules. The reason is that this library is a very Noisy PROVIDE PUBLIC VENDING MACHINES (7) The staff does not believe having food and beverage vending machines in the library would be appropriate. Neither may be consumed in the library and there is a general lack of space for such bulky machinery. We do have a public drink- ing fountain at the east entrance to the library. KEEP THE DATE DUE STICKERS F'ROM COWING UP INFORHATION ON CASSETTES (7) Although it appears that the DATE DUE stickers cover information on cassettes, the stickers are actually attached to the plastic case. When the cassette is taken from its case for use, the liner notes can be slipped out as well. Please replace the liner notes before returning the cas- sette. If the liner notes are not returned, future users won't have this information. IWPROVE THE PUB LIC RESTROOHS (5) There have been requests for several improvements to the restrooms: locks on stalls, changing tables, and better access for the handicapped. Locks have been put in the stalls and other items are being considered. access in public restrooms will have to wait for the remodeling of this library. Handicap access is available in staff restrooms Full handicap PROVIDE RENTAL T YPEWRITERS ( 4) There is no private, quiet space in the library for patrons to use typewriters. This will all change with the construction of a new library and remodeling of the present building. 2 HAVE MORE PROGRAMS AT THE MAIN LIBRARY (3) At the present time it is impossible to have programs in the main library because there is no meeting room. new library is built, all adult programs are being held at the La Costa Branch. We are trying to have more programs at sites in this part of town, such as Harding Street, the Cultural Arts Center and the Carlsbad Inn. Until the ; (3) Three new footstools were purchased recently. keep one in the large type area at all times. We try to NEED MORE DIRE CTIONAL AND 1NFOR)LATIONAL SIG NS (3) Printed floor plans, signs and collection identifiers are currently being developed as part of a major goal to have a library-wide directional sign system in place this fiscal year. It would be ideal to have checkout lines like a bank, where people line up in a holding area and are taken in order at the next available service counter. Our problem, again, is one of space. We simply do not have a wide enough area between the atrium glass and the service counter to set up a single line of waiting patrons without blocking this main passageway. So far this has only been a problem at peak hours and with the future remodeling, will be corrected. THERE IS Too wu CH SUNL IGHT AND GLARE THROUGH THE ATRIM GLASS (3) This is sometimes a problem for those who are using the microfilm readers next to the atrium. Depending on the time of year and the time of day, the sun cuts across the open atrium and reflects off the glass and aluminum frames. have tinted part of the glass and are considering other ways to cover those areas where reflection most often occurs. In the future, after remodeling, the microfilm readers will be relwated to another part of the library. We JZAVE THE VIDEO AND BOO K DROPS OPEN ALL TH E TI= (2) Having the video and book drops open during regular library hours would save patrons only about the ten seconds it takes to walk in the door and drop these items off. St would require staff to come out and chgck the bins at regular intervals during the day and frinsport materials back to 3 their work stations. We feel having the drops open only when the library is closed is reasonable and adequate service. PROVIDE A DOLLAR BILL CHANGER (2) A dollar bill changer has been installed near the west door. The machine currently provides quarters only and soon will be changed to dimes. HAVE A SEPARATE LIST OF CASSETTE AND CD HOLDINGS (2) The library now has over 6,000 cassettes and CDs. To put all these on a list and keep it up to date would be costly and not really useful to the general public. With a list that long and cumbersome most people would be better served by using the card catalog, which is already subdivided by CDs, records and cassettes and which you can access by subject, title and artist. CHECK THE STACKS MORE CAREFULLY TO FIND OVERDUE ITEMS (2) Items do sometimes get back on the shelves without being properly checked in, and this is often our fault. We try very hard to avoid such errors and we train our staff to be careful in following the computer checkin process. We check the shelves before mailing overdue notices. If a patron gets an overdue notice for an item they claim to have returned, we will check and recheck the shelves again. Sometimes we do find the item and all we can do is apologize and try to do better next time. ALLOW PEOPLE TO CHECK OUT ITEMS UNTIL THE LIBRARY CLOSES (2) We try to be flexible about checking out until the last several minutes, but our staff must observe certain closing procedures before leaving the library. And staff must leave right at closing since there is no provision for extra staff hours to keep the library open past the posted closing time. Of the remaining 30 or so miscellaneous single requests, some have now been done (fixing lights, issuing promotional Gold Cards, selling bookbags, fixing wheelstops in the parking lot and identifying closed captioned videotapes.) the planning stages as part of a new main library (rooms for classes and typing, programs at the present library and more space in general.) Finally, a number of requests are simply difficult to justify from service, efficiency or cost standpoints (lower fines for senior citizens, opening the library on Sundays, color-coding the card catalog drawers and turning off some of the lights to save electricity.) Other requests are in 4 _- ,' Carlsbad City Library 1988 Staff Survey SCALE 1 = Very Important 2 = Somewhat Important 3 = Not at all Important 4 = No Opinion 1. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have typewriters for public use? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... 2. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have personal computers for public use? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... 1 .2 3 4 3. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have drive-through book drop? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... 4. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have baskets or bags for carrying library materials? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... Responses of all Employees Page 1 Carlsbad City Library 1988 Staff Survey SCALE 1 = Very Important 2 = Somewhat Important 3 = Not at all Important 4 = No Opinion 5. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have film/video previewing rooms? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... 6. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have listening rooms (for audio materials)? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... 7. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have conference rooms? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... 8. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have tutoring rooms or booths? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... Responses of all Employees Page 2 Carlsbad City Library 1988 Staff Survey SCALE 1 = Very Important 2 = Somewhat Important 3 = Not at all Important 4 = No Opinion 9. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have group study rooms? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... 10. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have preschool child care while parent uses library? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... 11. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have bilingual staff? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... 1 2 3 4 12. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have foreign language materials (other than Spanish)? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... Responses of all Employees Page 3 Carlsbad City Library 1988 Staff Survey SCALE: 1 = Very Important 2 = Somewhat Important 3 = Not at all Important 4 = No Opinion 13. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have community event information? Response Freq ,... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... 14. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have library staff identification badges (no personal names)? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... 15. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have an auditorium? Response Freq .... 10.,.20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... 16. How important would having a separate staff smoking lounge be to you? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40~~~50...60...70...80...90.... Responses of all Employees Page 4 Carlsbad City Library 1988 Staff Survey SCALE: 1 = Very Important 2 = Somewhat Important 3 = Not at all Important 4 = No Opinion 17. How important would having a staff workout/shower facility be to you? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40,..50..,60...60. .. 7080...90.... 18. How important would having a staff lockers be to you? Response Freq ..., 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... 1 24 ++4++++++44+++++++++4+ 45% 2 14 +++44++++++++ 26% 3 13 +4++++++++++ 25% 4 2 ++ 4% ...................................................................... SCALE: 1 = Very satisfied 2 = Mostly satisfied 3 = Not very satisfied 4 = Not at all satisfied 19. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your job? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90... . SCALE: 1 = Very Effective 2 = Somewhat Effective 3 = Not at all Effective 4 = No Opinion 20. How would you rate the effectiveness of management to staff communication? Response Freq .,.. 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... Responses of all Employees Page 5 Carlsbad City Library 1988 Staff Survey SCALE: 1 = Very Effective 2 = Somewhat Effective 3 = Not at all Effective 4 = No Opinion 21. How would you rate the effectiveness of division heads to staff communication? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... 22. How would you rate the effectiveness of staff to supervisors communication? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... 23. How would you rate the effectiveness of division to division communication? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... SCALE: 1 = Very Important 2 = Somewhat Important 3 = Not at all Important 4 = No Opinion 24. How important do you feel increased orientation for new staff would be for improving staff communications? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... Responses of all Employees Page 6 Carlsbad City Library 1988 Staff Survey SCALE 1 = Very Important 2 = Somewhat Important 3 = Not at all Important 4 = No Opinion 25. How important do you feel regular meetings for all staff would be for improving staff communications? Response Freq .... 10,,,20...30...40..,50...60,..70...80...90.... 26. How important do you feel a monthly library and division news summary would be for improving staff communications? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... 1 2 3 4 27. How important do you feel planned social events would be for improving staff communications? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... Responses of all Employees Page 7 Carlsbad City Library 1988 Staff Survey SCALE: 1 = Less than one year 2 = 1 to 4 years 3 = 5 to 9 years 4 = 10 years or more 28. How long have you worked for the Carlsbad City Library? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... SCALE 1 = Full-time 2 = Part-time 29. Are you a full-time or part-time employee? Response Freq .... 10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90.... Responses of all Employees Page 8 W t, Carlsbad City Library Staff Survey - Summary of Comments (September 1988) - Page 1 HOW TO IMPROVE SERVICES Count Percent of Responses ........................................................ Separate children's area Separate circulation area More videos More staff required Larger AV area Improve public relations attitude Improve employee attitudes Decrease AV noise Convert part-time to full-time Computer reference access Other More CD1s/Cassettes Separate information center 7 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 16.7% 9.5% 9.5% 9.5% 7.1% 7.1% 7.1% 7.1% 7.1% 7.1% 4.8% 4.8% 2.4% HOW TO IMPROVE PROGRAMS Count Percent of Responses More facilities for programs 8 26.7% Increase adult & senior programs 6 20.0% More lectures 5 16.7% Better audio system. 3 10.0% More concerts 3 10.0% Increase teen programs 3 10.0% Increase child care 1 3.3% Good job as is 1 3.3% ........................................................ ........................................................ 30 HOW TO IMPROVE ATMOSPHERE Count Percent of Responses Improve lighting 12 28.6% Senior and children's area 11 26.2% More and better seating 10 23.8% Remove couches, etc. 6 14.3% Better heating and air conditioning 3 7.1% ........................................................ 42 Carlsbad City Library Staff Survey - Summary of Comments (September 1988) - Page 2 HOW TO IMPROVE RESOURCES Count Percent of Responses Self help, fin, study 5 14.3% Improve depth of collection 5 14.3% Reorganize books 5 14.3% Copies of popular videos 4 11.4% Update collection 4 11.4% Other 3 8.6% ........................................................ More foreign language books 2 5.7% More foreign language videos 2 5.7% More Videos and CDs 2 5.7% Books on cassette 1 2.9% More newspapers 1 2.9% Input from staff 1 2.9% ........................................................ 35 MOST DIFFICULT ABOUT WORKING HERE Count Percent of Responses ........................................................ Inadequate work space Uncooperative co-employees Inequalities betw. full & part-time Ineffectual management Inderdepartmental support Patrons Not enough staff Handicapped facilities No difficulties Lack of employee training Lack of janitorial support Parking 12 8 7 7 6 5 3 2 2 1 1 1 21.8% 14.5% 12.7% 12.7% 10.9% 9.1% 5.5% 3.6% 3.6% 1.8% 1.8% 1.8% 55 t. Carlsbad City Library Staff Survey - Summary of Comments (September 1988) - Page 3 TRAINING SUGGESTIONS Count Percent of Responses Training in all departments 6 23.1% Better orientation 5 19.2% Written job descriptions 4 15.4% Daily bulletins 3 11.5% Information on available programs 1 3.8% Employees to follow the rules 1 3.8% Stress positive attitudes 1 3.8% Probationary period 1 3.8% In-house resources 1 3.8% Reward education 1 3.8% ........................................................ Constency in instruction 2 7.7% ........................................................ 26 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Count Percent of Responses Promotional opportunities 6 20.7% Benefits for part-time employees 4 13.8% Unfair benefits some departments 4 13.8% Better staff relations 3 10.3% Better employee facilities 3 10.3% Good staff-library 3 10.3% No smoking 1 3.4% Better security 1 3.4% Handicapped restroom 1 3.4% More substitute employees 1 3.4% Provide day care 1 3.4% Review workloads 1 3.4% ........................................................ 29 CARLSBAD-CITY LIBRARY STAFF SURVEY Oveqqll 2pr Status 1 = Very Important 2 = Somewhat Important 3 = Not at all Important 4 = No Opinion 1. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have typewriters for public use? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full-time Part-time Overall 22 1.8 **** 31 1.9 ***** 53 1.9 ***** 2. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have personal computers for public use? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full -time Part-time Overall 21 2.0 ***** 29 2.2 ****** 50 2.2 ****** 3. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have drive-through book drop? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full -time Part-time Overall 22 2.1 ***** 30 2.3 ****** 52 2.2 ****** 4. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have baskets or bags for carrying library materials? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full -time Part-time Overall 19 2.4 ******* 31 2.2 ****** 50 2.3 ****** 5. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have film/video previewing rooms? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full-time Part-time Overall CARLSB&D.CITY LIBRARY STAFF SURVEY Oveqall €or Status 1 = Very Important 2 = Somewhat Important 3 = Not at all Important 4 = No Opinion 6. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Library to have listening rooms (for audio materials)? Full-time Part-time Overall 22 1.9 ***** 29 2.0 ***** 51 2.0 ***** 7. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have conference rooms? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full-time Part-time Overall 22 1.2 ** 30 1.5 *** 52 1.4 *** 8. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have tutoring rooms or booths? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full -time Part-time Overall 21 1.4 *** 28 1.8 **** 49 1.6 *** 9. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have group study rooms? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full-time Part-time Overall 22 1.5 *** 29 1.9 **** 51 1.7 **** 10. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have preschool child care while parent uses library? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full -time Part-time Overall CARLSBAD-CITY LIBRARY STAFF SURVEY Over,,11 flor Status 1 = Very Important 4 = No Opinion 11. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 2 = Somewhat Important 3 = Not at all Important Library to have bilingual staff? Full-time Part-time Overall 22 1.5 *** 30 2.1 ***** 52 1.8 **** 12. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have foreign language materials (other than Spanish)? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full-time Part-time Overall 22 1.7 **** 31 1.9 **** 53 1.8 **** 13. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have community event information? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full-time Part-time Overall 21 1.2 ** 31 1.3 ** 52 1.3 ** 14. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have library staff identification badges (no personal names) ? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full -time Part-time Overall 21 1.8 **** 29 2.1 ****** 50 2.0 ***** 15. How important do you think it would be for the Carlsbad City Library to have an auditorium? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full-time Part-time Overall 20 1.4 *** 26 1.8 **** 46 1.6 **** CARLSBAD-CITY LIBRARY STAFF SURVEY Over,qll for Status 1 = Very Important 4 = No Opinion 16. How important would having a separate staff smoking lounge be Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 2 = Somewhat Important 3 = Not at all Important to you? Full -time Part-time Overall 21 1.2 ** 29 1.8 **** 50 1.6 *** 17. How important would having a staff workout/shower facility be Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 to you? Full -time Part-time Overall 21 2.0 ***** 29 2.5 ******* 50 2.3 ****** 18. How important would having a staff lockers be to you? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full-time Part-time Overall 22 1.6 *** 29 1.9 ***** 51 1.8 **** 1 = Very satisfied 2 = Mostly satisfied 3 = Not very satisfied 4 = Not at all satisfied 19. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your job? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full-time Part-time Overall 21 1.6 *** 31 1.6 *** 52 1.6 *** 1 = Very Effective 2 = Somewhat Effective 3 = Not at all Effective 4 = No Opinion 20. How would you rate the effectiveness of management to staff communication? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full-time Part-time Overall 22 2.1 ****** 29 2.0 ***** 51 2.0 ***** CARLSBADSCITY LIBRARY STAFF SURVEY Overa,ll for Status 1 = Very Effective 2 = Somewhat Effective 3 = Not at all Effective 4 = No Opinion 21. How would you rate the effectiveness of division heads to staff communication? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full -time Part-time Overall 21 1.8 **** 26 2.0 ***** 47 1.9 **** 22. How would you rate the effectiveness of staff to supervisors communication? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full-time Part-time Overa 11 21 1.9 ***** 24 1.6 **** 45 1.8 **** 23. How would you rate the effectiveness of division to division communication? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full-time Part-time Overall 1 = Very Important 2 = Somewhat Important 3 = Not at all Important 4 = No Opinion 24. How important do you feel increased orientation for new staff would be for improving staff communications? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full-time Part-time Overall 22 1.1 ** 30 1.3 ** 52 1.2 ** 25. How important do you feel regular meetings for all staff would Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 be for improving staff communications? Full-time Part-time Overall 22 1.3 ** 31 1.5 *** 53 1.4 *** CARLSBAD-CITY LIBRARY STAFF SURVEY Overa.11 fpr Status 1 = Very Important 2 = Somewhat Important 3 = Not at all Important 4 = No Opinion 26. How important do you feel a monthly library and division news summary would be for improving staff communications? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full -time Part-time Overall 21 1.4 *** 28 1.7 **** 49 1.6 *** 27. How important do you feel planned social events would be for improving staff communications? Group Resp Avg 1...2...3...4 Full-time Part-time Overall 21 2.4 ******* 24 2.5 ***e*** 45 2.5 ******* CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY QUARTERLY REPORT FOR JULY-SEPTEMBER 1988 The library sponsored a Sign/Mime Revue program with performances at the Cultural Arts Center and featuring a cast of hearing impaired children. California State Library and the California Arts Council, and was directed by Library Artist-in-Residence, Claudia Leonesio-Mons. A library disaster preparedness and response plan was drafted by a staff committee at the request of the Carlsbad Fire Department. The library was asked to develop a separate plan because of its size, resources and the large number of staff and public in- volved. The project was funded by a grant from the The library's long-range planning committee, after a series of monthly meetings, completed a plan of eight goals and 40 objec- tives organized under services, resource management and adminis- tration. Different divisions and committees have now been assigned to produce action plans for implementing these objec- tives. The Audiovisual Services Division developed the 'ICarlsbad Library Video Magazinegg project with funding from the Foundation for Carlsbad Community Television. local cable TV and presents current Carlsbad library issues within the broader context of national library news. Each segment is introduced by the library director. Three new photocopy machines (two for the public and one for staff) were installed to keep up with public demand. tion, a dollar bill changer was placed in the library so that making change will now be self-service. being handled by an outside vendor at no cost to the city. A staff committee developed four survey instruments covering library staff, users, non-users and children. help determine public awareness, needs, reasons for non-use, and will provide demographic information for correlation purposes. The staff survey was administered and the results will be made available through a series of discussion groups. The children's Summer Reading Club this year used a mystery and detective theme. main and branch libraries and 40 student volunteers were recruited to assist with all the activities. Over 20,000 chil- dren's items were checked out in each month of the summer, an all time record for circulation. Library Video Magazine airs on In addi- All of this equipment is The results will Nearly 800 kids registered for the club at the An employee orientation manual was developed by a staff commit- tee. key part of each new employee's training. A separate office for the branch head was completed to provide private space for administrative activities that formerly took place in a room used for a staff lounge, for processing materials and for storage. The library sponsored nine adult programs during the quarter and presented 14 exhibits of arts, crafts and collectibles. There were a total of 78 children's programs this quarter, 50 at the main library and 28 at the branch. The manual will be given to all current staff and will be a CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICAL SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES FOR JULY-SEPTEMBER 1988 QUARTER TOTAL CIRCULATION PROGRAM ATTENDANCE FILM &I VIDEO BOOKINGS REFERENCE QUESTIONS ONLINE SEARCHES ILL REQUESTS BY CARLSBAD ILL REQUESTS OF CARLSBAD HOLDS PLACED REGISTRATIONS BRANCH CIRCULATION BRANCH REFERENCE QUESTIONS BRANCH VIDEO CIRCULATION 1987 195 , 341 5,663 29 067 21 , 313 90 508 1 052 1 754 2 323 33 873 2 527 3 , 556 1988 210 , 687 5 , 560 33 742 23 , 398 58 436 1 , 048 2 , 630 3 , 340 37 , 137 2 575 4 f 595 % Chancre +8 -2 + 16 + 10 - 36 - 14 -- + 50 + 42 + 10 +2 + 29 COMFARISON OF SELECTED PUBLIC LIBRARY STATISTICS The 1988 edition of CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY STATISTICS reports key library statistics for the 1986-87 fiscal year. Carlsbad is now included in the 50,000-100,000 population category along with 41 other libraries. The following comparisons show Carlsbad's ranking. Registered borrowers Total circulation Circulation per capita Reference questions Reference questions per capita Operating income Total Expenditures Total staff FTE staff Volumes held Microforms held Audio materials held Films held Videotapes held Periodicals held Programs Program attendance Data base searches Weekly use by patrons CARLSBAD'S RANKING 13th 7th 1st 15th 7th 10th 11th 5th 9th 19th 2nd 7th 8th 5th 14th 9th 5th 4th 3rd