HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-11-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES . Meetinq of: LIRRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: November 16, 1988 Place of Meetlnq: Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: - President Cooper called the Meeting to ordes at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - President Cooper, Library Board Trustees Martin, Wood and Trigas. Library Board Trustee Grosse. Absent - Also Present Were: Clifford Lanqe. Library Director Geoff Armour. Assistant Library Director Herbert Falkenstrin, Former Board Member Anna Knox. Friends of the Library Margaret Brownley APPROVAL OF MINUTESc The Minutes of the Meetinq held October 19. 1988, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Buildinq and Grounds Trustee Trigas reported there will be an Agenda Bill qoing to Council in December on the new Library building, and the plans should he before the PlannInq Commission soon. b. Budget Trustee Martin deferred to Item a under New Business. c. Personnel Trustee Wood reported 3oe Skymha and Bob nillianson are both retiring December 31. 1988. d. Youth Trustee Crosse was not present. OLD BUSINESS: a. Library Coals and Objectives Developed by Library Planning Committee. Director Lange referred to the copy of the Goals and Objectives contained in the packet. He said the final step will be to create a planning document to incorporate everything. Trustee Trigas suggested 2a read "to continuously survey the needs of the business community", as their needs should be determined before the new facility is designed. Cooper Mart in Trigas Wood \ \ November 16, 1988 LIBRARY BOARD OF TWSTEES Paqe 2' NEU BUSINESS: a. 1989-90 Budqet Calendar and Preliminary discussion - of Library Brrdqet Issues and Plans for Next Fiscal Year. - Dfrector Lanaa stated the Library hudgat for 1989-90 is being worked on at this time. There will be a Manaaoment retreat December 8 and 9, at Uarner Sprlnqs. At that time. there will be a discussion about the City's budget plans for next fiscal year. Director Lanqe said this coming budget will be the first one to include the new library. incltrdinfl staff. Money will be set aside to purchase materlals for the new collection and a suitable storage space will be needed to house the materials until the library is completed. In answer to query regarding 3oe Skymba's salary being in the LJbrary budget, Director Lango stated he was in favor of that, as he sees this as a service provided by the Library. President Cooper stated he had a letter from the Carlsbad Hall of Fame and he asked the Board Members to recommend anyone they might want to nominate. b. Recognition of Herbert Falkenstein upon his Retirement from the Library Board of Trustees. This item was deferred to the end of the regular Meeting. LIRRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT- Director Lange referred to the summary of Propositlon 85. and the debt of $14.000 from the campaiqn. fall of 1989 wfll be the earliest time to apply for funds. with another qrant cycle in 1990. Dr. Lanqe sajd the Library intends to apply in 1989 for the new library bufldjnq. and if no funds are received, will apply for remodelinq funds in 1990 for the existjnq ltbrary. Director Lanqe reported he spent four days in Fresno at the California Library Association Conference. The outstandinq advisory board award was won by Serra System Advisory Board. Marqaret Brownley showed a copy of a map indicating libraries operating in tho red in California counties. She lndlcated there are others that are on the brink, and it is a crisis in the State. Director Lanqe qave a brief report on his recent trip to Futtsu. Japan. and added that Futtsu does not have a public library. Director Lange reported the coolinq tower bids have been let and it will be replaced next month. Geoff Armour reported on the prooress of the surveys beinq conducted by the Library, with the staff and users surveys completed at this time. The school survey is in proqress in seven schools in Carlsbad. He said the TRUSTEES \I MINUTES November 16, 1988 LIBRARY ROARD OF TRUSTEES Paqe 3 The non-user survey Is by far the most difficult of the surveys, and very slow proqress is beinq made. ThJs may take three months to complete. accorrlina to Mr. Armour. He said the Friends of the Library comc ln to the Lihrarv In the evenlnos to makc telephone calls. and It is difficult to find a reesident of Carlsbad who has never used the Library . FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Anna Knox. President of Friends of the Library. reported they are assisting with the survey and she reminded everyone that the Book Fair is beginning to gear up. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY; President Cooper reported $553 was cleared on the barbecue. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: Geoff Amur reported that the Advisory Board meets with the Administrative Council first. and one item reported to the Administrative Council was to get an Advisory Member from the conmunity on that Board. PUBLIC COMMENT: Marqaret Brownley commented on the crisis of libraries throuqhout the State and sugqested this Board qet the audio tape that ts available of Leoard Freiser's speech at the Caljfornia Llbrary Association Annual Conference. LIBRARY BOARD NORKSHOP: This item was continued. b. Recognition of Herhert Falkenstein uponu Retirement from the Library Board of Trustees. Mayor Lewis presented Herbert Falkenstein with a plaque in appreciation of his years of service to the City. Mayor Lewis read a Resolution from the Board of Trustees given to Mr. Falkenstein in appreciation for his service on the Board. Mr. Falkenstein's picture and name plate were presented to him by President Cooper. Director Lange expressed his appreciation of the years of service Mr. Falkenstein has given to the Library. AD3WREHENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of November 16. 1988. was adjourned at 3:36 p.m. Respectfully submitted. Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk \ TRUSTEES I \ r LIBRARY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Developed by LIBRARY PLANNING COMMITTEE September 16, 1988 - Administration - All All/Consultant - Planning Committee - Reference - Selection Committee - Technical Services €ax: (A) (All) (All/Con- - sultnt. ) (PI (R) (SI (TI s- S 1. Library facilities and services are accessible to everyone. Objectives: (A) a. To make restrooms accessible to the handicapped as (A) b. part of library renovation. To install a library sign on Elm Avenue by December 1989. (A) c. To provide a library-wide directional and informational sign system by June 1989. (A) d. To make use of off-site facilities in north Carlsbad for at least six library-sponsored programs during FY 88-89. 2. The library responds to the needs of our diverse community, Objectives: . (R) a. To survey the needs of the business community within the next five years. (S) b. To increase Spanish-language materials in FY 89-90 by purchasing at least $1500 of reference materials, $3500 of non-fiction and fiction materials and $2000 of non-print materials. (A) c. To begin planning in 1989-1990 for establishment by 1992 of Outreach Services of the library, to include services for literacy, homebound, Spanish- speaking and the disabled, (A) d. To assist Spanish-speaking patrons by having Spanish/ English bilingual staff available in the public service area of the libraries during all hours by 1990. 3. The Adult Learning Program is a permanent service of the library. Objectives: (A) a. To include in the FY 89-90 library budget salary for the program assistant. (A) b. To include in the FY 89-90 library budget rent for the current Adult Learning Program facilities. (A) c. To relocate the Adult Learning Program to a library facility upon completion of the south Carlsbad library. (Geoff, Char, John, Lynda, Chris H. -- 8/10/88 ) I RESOURC g Foal 1. The library builds and manages balanced collections that will meet the current and anticipated needs of the com- munity . Objectives: (S) a. To develop recommendations for a collection development plan for the current collection by December 31, 1988, for implementation in FY 89-90. (T) b. To develop uniform policies and procedures for acquisitions of materials for the current collection by June 30, 1989. (S) c. To outline a collection development plan for two major collections by June 30, 1989. Goal 2. The library develops a staff that carries out the mission of the library and encourages continuing education and development of the staff. Objectives: (A) a. (A) b. To make all employees aware of existing benefits To write a staff development plan that will be official library policy by June 30, 1989. relating to staff development and education by October 1, 1988. (A) c. To outline an orientation/training program for new employees that would identify content of training and a schedule for training by June 30, 1989. (A) d. To develop an ongoing training program for current staff to acquaint them with new technology, policies and procedures, and skills by June 30, 1989. ISTRATIVE/DIRECTIONAL 1. Adequate staffing is achieved for the Carlsbad Library System. Objectives: a. To hire an organizational consultant by the end of 1988 to assist the library in developing a staffing plan for the library system, (A) b. To direct the organizational consultant to study the use of full-time and part-time staff in view of organizational effectiveness and staff morale. (A) 2. The library has improved productivity and system efficiency. Objectives: a. To prepare a plan for centralizing orders of all materials in FY 88-89. (T) b. To have a public access catalog in operation by the end of 1989. (TI c. To select an automated acquisition system in FY 89-90. (T) d. To select an automated serials check-in system in FY 88-89. of 1988. (R) (A) e. To develop a library disaster plan by the end f. To update division operations manuals during FY 88-89. (All 1 g. To develop a staff orientation program in FY 88-89. (A) h. To organize and make available to all staff, all library-wide administrative policies and directives to date. (Ongoing objective.) (A) 3. The library provides adequate facilities to meet the needs of a growing population. Objectives: a. To update the master plan in terms of collections, services, user accommodations, staff and facilities. ( A/S 1 b. To complete negotiations on agreement to buy six acres for the library site by September 30, 1988. (A) c. To determine the division of services and collections for the two facilities. 'i p/s ) d. To hire a building consultant when the land purchase agreement is completed. (A) e. To work with the building consultant to prepare a comprehensive Library Building Program by June 30, 1989. (All) (All/Con- sultnt.) f. To visit and evaluate recently constructed library buildings by June 30, 1989. g. To select and hire a design team upon completion of the building program. (A) h. To work with the design team to complete i. drawings by June 30, 1990. To present the building plans to the city council for approval and for letting out to bid (for contractor) within 30 days of completion of drawings. (PI (A) j. To select and order furniture and equipment for the new site when construction begins. k. To plan for reorganizing and remodeling existing library building by the end of 1989. 1. To prepare a plan for the move and opening of the new facilities toward the end of construction. (Geoff Armour, Pat Hansen, Dick Martin, Chris Holt) November 7, 1988 TO: DEPARTMENT HEADS FROM: SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST - FINANCE 1989-90 BUDGET CALENDAR The calendar for the 1989-90 Operating and Capital budgets has been tentatively set. below. This preliminary calendar should help you plan your winter schedules. The primary changes are in the departmental preparation stages. budget manuals and forms will be distributed in January, you are encouraged to start planning now. Budgets will be due in Finance on February 3, 1989. The financial information needed will be quite similar to that of last year. You will find an outline of the significant budget events A1 though FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 BUDGET CALENDAR 12/89 1/2/89 2/3/89 3/3 1/89 4/2 1/89 4/28/89 5/9/89 5/ 10 -5/ 19/89 5/30/89 6/ 13/89 6/89 Meet with department heads to develop pol for 89-90 Operating and Capital Budgets. Distribute budget manuals and forms to a1 Submit all completed forms and justificat cies and priorities departments ons to Finance. Complete budget analysis. recommendations to City Manager. Submit final version of preliminary budgets to City Manager and immediate staff. Submit preliminary overview and Submit preliminary budgets to City Council. Present budgets to City Council Conduct two public meetings for the general population of Carlsbad, in both north and south regions. City Council budget workshop City Council public hearing on the budget Print and distribute Operating and Capital Budgets CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS October 1988 CIRCULATION STATISTICS Oct . Oct . 1987 1988 % Chanae MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials 43,887 45,019 +3 Film and Video Tapes 8,859 9,139 +3 Total MAIN LIBRARY 52,846 54,230 +3 Audio Visual Equipment 100 72 - 28 BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials 10,779 10,208 -5 Film and Video Tapes 1,081 1,097 +1 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 11,860 11,305 -5 TOTAL CIRCULATION 64,706 65,535 +1 ............................. REFERENCE OUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Adult 5,068 5,681 + 12 Online Searches 40 18 - 55 Total MAIN LIBRARY 7,108 7,988 + 12 Children's 2,000 2,289 + 14 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 875 802 -8 TOTAL QUESTIONS 7,983 8,790 + 10 ............................. PEOPLE COUNTER Main Library 1,472 1,549 +5 Branch Library 386 380 -2 TOTAL 1,858 1,929 +4 ............................. ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs 32 97 +203 Children's Programs 2,108 1.899 - 10 TOTAL 2,140 1,996 -7 ............................. INTERLIBRARY LOANS BOOKS AND REFERENCE Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad 135 179 + 33 142 122 - 14 330 236 - 28 98 102 +4 FILMS Borrowed from other libraries 24 52 +117 Loaned to other libraries 22 15 - 32 .- ,, I I Q) W m 54 h Q, P 0 4 U 0 cc CI 0 0 p9 cc