HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-01-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSlEES Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: 3anuary 18, 1989 Place of Meeting: Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: President Cooper called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - President Cooper, Library Board Trustees Martin, Wood and Trigas. Absent - Library Board Trustee Grosse. Also Present Were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Bee McWllliams, Genealogical Society Representative Carolyn Ayars APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meetlng held November 16, 1988, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Building and Grounds Trustee Trigas stated she would defer to Item #4a. b. Budget Trustee Martin deferred to Item #Sa under New Business. c. Personnel Trustee Wood reported 3oe Skynba and Rob Williamson have retired and Bill Richmond has been appointed Acting Audio-Visual Specialist. Teresa Bradshaw is a new employee. d. Youth Trustee Grosse was not present. OLD BUSINESS: a. Library Site and Building Consultant Agenda Bill Director Lange reported this Agenda Bill will not be going to Council on January 24, 1989. Events appear to have overtaken the need for this agreement, and an acquisition agreement will be developed. would meet with the Johnson Wax people tomorrow afternoon to discuss this acquisition agreement and other matters. The entire project is to be presented to the Planning Comnisslon February 1. Director Lange asked as many Trustees as possible to attend that meeting . Trustee Trigas suggested having President Cooper make a statement to the Planning Commission saying how delighted this Board is with the project and acknowledge the Board of Trustee Members that are present. He said he u\ TRUSTEES ' Cooper Martin Trigas Wood h \ MINUTES 3anuary 18, 1989 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 - OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) b. Serra Cooperative Library System Advisory Board Appointment - Agenda Bill, 3 anuary 10, 1989. Director Lange announced that President Cooper had been appointed to the Advisory Board. NEW BUSINESS: a. Proposed 1989-90 Library Operating Budget. Director Lange announced there was a surplus in the CSLA and the Public Library Fund acounts, which together will fund the Adult Book Budget at $85,000. Director Lange sald the Literacy Program has been incorporated into the General Fund. He is asking for a new position of Librarian I1 to help get the collection ready for the new library building. Library Board Trustee Martin explained each page of the proposed budget, including any changes. Director Lange said that "standing orders" may be considered "subscriptions" and with that heading, the sales tax is not paid. Trustee Wood cotmnented that slnce the Friends of the Library buy all of the T-shirts for the children's programs, he felt certain they would underwrite the purchase of the T-shirt Printer and Supplies Kit. Director Lange stated he 1s working with Personnel to change the job description for Head of the Audio-visual Division to cover all the areas covered by Joe Skymba. Geoff Armour distributed a rim sheet for the AIV Insurance and the CLSA. He also explained the Branch and Main Librarey circulating book budgets are together and need to be separate. comparisons for FY 88-89 and 89-90, with a General Fund increase of less than one percent. Board of Library Trustees endorsed the Proposed 1989-90 Library Operating Budget as presented, with the understanding that the final version will be brought back to the Board in February. Reference was made to the budget b. Public Library Fund Payment for FYU 1988/89 from talifornia State Library, Director Lange reported that the latest estimate on the amount of funds to be received by the Library is almost $49,000. This check will come next week. $45,000 has been placed in the FY 89-90 budget. "\ y TRUSTEES Cooper Mart in Trigas Wood \ January 18, 1989 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 \\\ 7 TRUSTEES NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) c. Proposed Proposition 85 Implementation Schedule. Director Lange said applications will be filed this fall for the funding for the new Library, and next fall the application will be for the addition to the existing Library. d. California Association of Library Trustees and Commissioners Sixth Annual Workshop in Library Leadership - Cerritos Public Llbrary, February 4, 19A9 ._--. - Board Trustees Wood, Cooper and Martin will attend the Workshop in Cerrltos. e. Proposal to Establish a Ceorgina Cole Memorial Book Fund. - Director Lange said he will write an Agenda Bill to Council to establish a memorial book fund in the name of Ceorgina Cole. Mayor Lewis had talked wlth Director Lange about a plaque to be placed in the Library in Ceorgina Cole's memory, and Director Lange suggested that the Friends might want tu do that. Library Board of Trustees directed staff to prepare the documents to submit to Council to recommend establishing a Ceorgina Cole Memorial Book Fund. Trustee Wood stated he wwld present the idea of a plaque in Ceorgina Cole's memory in the Library to the Friends of the Library. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Lange reported the cooling tower is being replaced now, and the fire detection system went out to bid and no one bid. The rules changed as of 3anuary 1, and they will go out to bid again on an informal bid basis. Director Lange said the CIP went to Council last night and one significant item was that money for books was restored--$Z00,000 for library materials. The Purchasing Agent is looking for storage space at this time to store the materials until the new library is completed. FRIENDS OF THE LIBAARY: Trustee Wood reported the Friends of the library were named in the will of Betty Ramsey to receive approximately $1,000. There was no opposition to this at the Probate, so it should go forward. He said the money for the plaque for Ceorglna Cole cwld come from that money. Cooper Martin Trigas Wood h \ MINUTES January 18, 1989 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 4 - FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: (Continued) Mr. Wood said progress is being made on the Book Fair, which will be held May 21, 1989. discussion about having a book sale at the Branch Library sometime in September or October. Mr. Wood said the Cold Card Membership is up to close to 150. He said the Friends are building a cash fund for the new Library. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Bee McWilliams reported that Christmas projects netted the Society $1,041. There has been some SERRA ADVISORYY BOARD: President Cooper said the letter from Betty Sherman had stated the need-for an Alternate to the Serra Advisory Board. He said if anyone had a name to submit, to get In touch with Director Lange. year, with the next meeting February 16 in Brawley. Trustee Wood stated he would represent this Board at the Friends of the Library meeting on January 19th. There are six meetings a PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no one present desiring to address the Board. LIBRARY BOARD WORKSHOP: The Workshop was postponed. ADJWRFMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of January 18, 1989, was adjourned at 4:03 p.m. Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk TRUSTEES \ \