HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-02-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSlEES lime of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: February 15, 1989 Place of Meeting: Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: President Cooper called the Meeting to order dt 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - President Cooper, Library Board Trustees Martin, Wood and Trigas. Trustee Grosse arrlved at 3:12 p.m. Absent - None. Also Present Were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Anna Knox, President, Friends of the Library Carolyn Ayars APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held January 18, 1989, were approved as presented. CWMITTEE REPORTS: a. hilding and Grounds -Trustee Trigas reported the Agenda Bill authorizing staff to seek a building consultant was approved by the City Council last night. agreement is being reviewed by the City Attorney. Director Lange added that the entire shopping center project will be on the Council Agenda March 14 for approval. He asked the Trustees to attend that Council Meeting, if possible. b. Budget Trustee Martin explained the changes in the Budget. c. Personnel Trustee Wood stated he had no report this month. A draft of the acquisition Geoff Armour reported the topic for the month had been whales, with all programs relating to whales. OLD BUSINESS: a. Revised Library Site and 0uilding Consultant Agenda Bill for City Councll, February 14, 1989. Director Lange reported this Agenda Bill was passed by Council last night by a unanimous vote. There is a meeting scheduled next Tuesday with John Cahill and Frank Mannen to get out the RFP for the building consultant. Director Lange further reported the consultant nil1 be asked to do both buildings. He will propose that additional funds be added to the CIP for remodeling the ekisting Library when the new building is occupied. ! TRUSTEES Cooper Mart in Trigas Wood MINUTES February 15, 1989 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSrEES Page 2 OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) b. Serra Cooperative Library System Advisory Board Alternate Representative Recommendation to the Mayor and City Council. Director Lange reported that Barbara Otwell had agreed to serve as the Alternate Member on the Serra Cooperative Library System Advisory Board. This will be on the City Council Agenda next week. c. Agenda Bill to City Council, February 14, 1989, to Establish a Ceorgina Cole Memorial Book Fund. Director Lange stated the Agenda Bill was passed by Council last night by a unanimous vote. He has asked for a press release publicizing this book fund and the Friends of the Library have been asked to promote this fund and place an article in their newsletter. NEW BUSINESS: a. Second Quarter Report on Library Activity, October - December, 1988. Director Lange stated the report was distributed today; the Board reviewed the report and had no comments. b. Report on the CALTAC Sixth Annual Workshop in Library Leadership, Cerritos Public Library, February 4, 1989. (Milt Cooper and Bob Wood) President Cooper, Ceoff Armour and Trustee Wood attended this meeting, and Trustee Wood distributed brochures showing the library where the meeting was held; also brochures on all the services offered by that library. things already being done in this library. He commented that the topics discussed were c. Proposal to Rename the Existing Main Library Building The Georqina Cole Library. Director Lange said this item was on the Agenda because the Agenda Bill will go to Council next week. Council Member Mamaux will propose that the new library be named the Carlsbad City Llbrary and the second proposal wlll be to rename the existing Library building for Ceorgina Cole. a good time to do this is at the time of the re-opening after remodellng. included in next month's packet. He stated he supports this proposal and felt that A copy of the Agenda Bill will be LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Lange stated the survey results are to be returned to SANDAC for the final production, but he wants to make certain there are no errors in the report. Director Lange reported on a program held at the Cultural Arts Center showinq the Futtsu City video tape, which tells the story of the City Officials' visit to Japan. The tape has been aired on Channel 30 several times and Director Lanage has a copy available. consensus, the Board requested this tape be shown at the next Board Meeting. By TRUSTEES ' MINUTES February 15, 1989 LIBAARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Carlsbad has a new Maintenance Director -- Chuck Walden, who has met with all the Department Heads to talk about maintenance needs. The lighting in the Library was discussed, and there are many tubes out most of the time and they are: difficult to replace. A re-lamplng program is being investigated and this would provide for re- lamping once a year. Director Lange reported the cooling tower has been installed and is functioning well. The data base upgrade is being worked on at this time. It is planned that the on-line catalog will be available to the public by the end of thls year. The consensus of staff is to close the card catalog once the on-line is operational, and leave it there for a year. Geoff Armour called attention to the monthly statistics and stated there is a new category showing New Registrations. The over-all circulation is up 7 percent and thls is an all-time highest circulation in the history of the Library. Mr. Armour called attention to an error In the Revenue Status Report, Fiscal Total column, second figure should total $93,919.72. -be $18,534.60 instead of $15,055.67. This makes the FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Anna Knox, President of Friends of the Library, reported an idea had been discussed at their last meeting of sponsoring a mini-book fair at the Branch Library. This would be done in October, with a Harvest theme. Mrs. Knox further reported the Friends would be purchasing the Memorial Plaque in honor of Georgina Cole for the Library. WBL IC COHMENT : There was no one present desiring to address the Board. LIBRARY BOARD WORKSHOP: Library Trustee Martin discussed Chapters 9 and 10 of the Trustee Tool Klt for Library Leadership. ADJOURN.(ENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of February 15, 1989, was adjourned at 4:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted. ’ i!dbw- arriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk \\\\\ TRUSTEES CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY February 7, 1989 TO: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: Library Director LIBRARY SYSTEM ALTERNATE Based on the Library Board's discussion at the January board meeting, I have been able to obtain a commitment to serve as an alternate on the Serra Advisory Board from Barbara Otwell. February 16, 1989 meeting but can serve beyond that point. I am preparing an agenda bill for council approval with Barbara's name recommended to the Mayor by the Library Board. The agenda bill should be on the February 21, 1989 city council agenda. She may not be able to attend the CL D E. LANGE Library Director CLIFFORD E. LANGE LibRORg) Dinecton 1950 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 99008-1991 (619) 434-9870 February 7, 1989 TO: MAYOR CLAUDE A. LEWIS FROM: Library Board of Trustees SERRA SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD In response to your memo of January 16, 1989 regarding the recommendation for an appoint- ment of an alternate member to the Serra System Advisory Board, the Library Board recommends the appointment of Barbara Otwell. An agenda bill has been prepared to make this appointment. MILT COOPER, P~ESIDENT LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES I250 ELM AVENUE CWLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 (7141 729-7933 * ,- <, .I CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY FEBRUARY 1989 QUARTERLY REPORT FOR OCTOBER-DECEMBER 1988 Over 130 patron suggestion forms returned over the past year were collected and analyzed. The issues raised have been categorized and staff responses have been written up and publicly posted in the library for all users to share. Children's division staff produced a video tape which introduces programs and services available at the library. The tape is available both at the library and in each of the elementary schools and will be used to supplement classroom visits by staff. Replacement of the library's cooling tower was put out to bid. January. Work on this project should be completed in A comprehensive disaster plan for both branch and main libraries was completed and reviewed by key staff, the library board and the city fire department. As part of the library's long-range planning process, four surveys (staff, user, non-user and school) were completed and sent to SANDAG for analysis. The staff survey was analyzed first and the results were dis- cussed in a general staff meeting. Among the needs expressed were better staff to staff and supervisor to staff communication and more security for staff belong- ings. Plans are now underway to develop a general staff newsletter as well as to install individual lockers. Another result of the planning process was the prepara- tion of an implementation schedule for the eight goals and 40 objectives established by the planning commit- tee. The National Education Corporation, the largest company involved in training business employees, published a new business journal, SYNTHESIS, the first issue of which profiled Carlsbad adult learner, John Corcoran. In other literacy news, Cliff Lange spoke at the annual California Library Association Conference, giving a library director's perspective on the literacy effort and the Carlsbad Adult Learning Program. Several staff members participated in separate inter- view programs on radio station KSVD, answering ques- tions about library services, resources and future plans. Smoke and heat detectors were installed in the branch and connected to the existing security system. The children's division, with a grant from the Carlsbad Cable TV Foundation, developed three video programs in a series called "Kids and Authors.11 Each program features an interview with a local children's author and a lively question and answer exchange with a studio audience of selected students. Reference staff began to analyze, evaluate and plan for the acquisition of a FAX machine and an automated serials control system. Using displays, posters and bibliographies, audiovisual staff began promoting video tapes in such categories as I'Winter Sports1*, "Great Books on Video", llOperall and Ifcritics Choice Comedy. w The library sponsored 14 adult programs during the quarter and presented 16 exhibits of arts, crafts and collectibles. There were a total of 109 children's programs this quarter; 80 at the main library and 29 at the branch. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICAL SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES FOR OCTOBER-DECEMBER 1988 TOTAL CIRCULATION PROGRAM ATTENDANCE FILM AND VIDEO BOOKINGS REFERENCE QUESTIONS ILLs SENT BY CARLSBAD ILLs RECEIVED BY CARLSBAD ONLINE SEARCHES HOLDS PLACED REGISTRATIONS BRANCH CIRCULATION BRANCH REFERENCE QUESTIONS BRANCH VIDEO CIRCULATION 1987 186 , 412 4,759 30,221 23 , 360 274 337 97 2 , 237 3,870 31 , 578 2,388 3 , 270 1988 193 , 970 5,512 31,572 23 , 440 252 444 73 2,047 3 , 183 32 , 953 2,321 3 , 589 % CHANGE +4 + 16 +4 -- -8 + 32 - 25 -8 - 18 +4 -3 + 10 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS CIRCULATION STATISTICS MAIN LIBRARY January 1989 Jan. Jan. 1988 1989 Print Materials 46,743 51,533 Film and Video Tapes 10,976 11,279 Audio Visual Equipment 66 64 Total MAIN LIBRARY 57,785 62,876 BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials Film and Video Tapes 11,609 11,614 1,463 1.558 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 13,072 13,172 TOTAL CIRCULATION 70,857 76,048 ............................. REFERENCE OUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Adult Children's Online Searches 5,934 6,867 2,250 2,441 31 14 Total MAIN LIBRARY 8,215 9,322 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 742 803 TOTAL QUESTIONS 8,957 10,125 ............................. PEOPLE COUNTER Main Library Branch Library 1,693 1,792 428 441 TOTAL 2,121 2,233 3 Chanae + 10 +3 -3 +9 +6 +1 +7 + 16 +8 - 55 + 13 +8 + 13 +6 +3 +5 ............................. ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs Children's Programs TOTAL 64 142 1.408 1,660 1,472 1,802 ............................. INTERLIBRAR Y LOANS Requests by Carlsbad 136 163 Received by Carlsbad 179 148 Requests of Carlsbad 286 263 Filled by Carlsbad 66 56 Borrowed from other libraries 33 17 Loaned to other libraries 24 31 ............................. Main Library Branch 1,065 1,142 249222 TOTAL 1,314 1,364 +122 LJ& + 22 + 20 - 17 -8 - 15 - 48 + 29 +7 A +4 0, 03 m t-4