HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-08-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Tlme of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: August 16, 1989 Place of Meeting: Council Conference Rocm ~ ~ -~ ~~~ CALL TO ORDER: President Cooper called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - President Cooper, Library Board Trustees Martin and Trigas. Trustee Grosse arrived at 3:08 p.m., and Trustee Curtin arrived at 3:09 p.m. Absent - None. A I so Present Were: Clifford Lange, Library Dtrector Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Connie Beardsley, Arts Manager Dan Hammer, Pres Ident, Fr lends of the L 1 brary Virginia Watterson, Representative, Genealogical SOC 1 ety APPROVAL OF MINUTES: This item was trailed. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Bu I Id inq and Grounds Trustee Trlgas reported ai I information on the neu library was included in the packet, with permit being awalted at this time. b. Budget Trustee Martin stated there was no repor time. c. Personnel the grad ing at this Director Lange reported the City Is advertising for a Librarian 11. d. Youth Geoff Armour called attention to the staff News Notes and to Monster Mania, the summer reading program. Trustee Grosse added to the report and dIstrTbuted the Ca I end ars. OLD BUSINESS: a. Consultinq Librarian Visit, September 13-15, 1989. Tentative Schedule ot Tasks and Events Director Lange referred to the Schedule included In the packet and stated the Building Planning Committee is a continuation of the Library Planning Committee. neu committee Is the Library Review Committee. He stated an Agenda Bi I I wl I I go to Councl I next Tuesday asking for the establ lshment of the Committee. The \ \ August 16, 1989 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held July 19, 1989, were approved as presented. OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) b. Proposition 85 Construction Bond Act Schedule Changes. Director Lange stated these changes were attached to the packet as an update. c. Library Storage Update. Director Lange reported the lease has been signed for the storage space and it should be ready for use after the first of September. d. Preliminary Plan for Information Kiosk Near Library Entrance. Trustee Grosse reported that the committee wilt hold another meeting and return with a suggestion. Connle Beardsley added that the prel iminary design wi I I be refined. NEW BUSINESS: a. Library Board Committee Assignments. Building and Grounds - Trustee Trigas Budget - Trustee Martin Personnel - Trustee Curtln Youth - Trustee Grosse b. Selection of Library Board of Trustees Representatlve to the Library Artist Selection Cam 1 ttee. Trustee Grosse was selected to serve on this Committee. c. Selection of Library Board of Trustees Representative to the Library Review Committee. Trustee Trigas was selected to serve on this Committee. d. Selection of the Library Board of Trustees Representative to the Cultural Facilitles P-laTninq Cmittee. Connie Beardsley, Arts Manager, explained the program for this Committee and a copy of the Agenda Eli I I and Resolutlon No. 89-286 were Included in the packet. Trustee Curtln was selected to serve on this Committee. e. Library Annual Report, 1988-89. Director Lange called attention to the Report included In the packet and commented that the Carlsbad Llbrary System Is very busy. Cooper Curt i n Grosse Mart 1 n Tr igas MINUTES August 16, 1989 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 NEW BUSINESS: (contlnuedl Geoff Armour said that staff members had suggested that the report include all the staff, and not Just the full- time staff. The suggestion was made to Include the donations made by the Friends of the Llbrary and also the number of hours they donate to the Library. f. Request of the Historic Preservation Commission for Storage Space for Historic/Cultural Resources. Director Lange referred to the memoranda fncluded in the packet regarding this request for storage space. Comments from the Board Included not giving them storage space, but encouraging them to have displays; also, that until It Is known what space will be available and how it will be used, the consensus was that no ccinmltment should be made. The Library Board of Trustees received with interest the request of the Historic Preservation Commlsslon for storage space in the new Library, but at this time would encourage displays of historic artifacts and any historlcal documents deemed appropriate by the Library Director, but feel granting storage space at this time would not be appropriate for Library use. 9. Review of Library Conference Room Requlations, with Recommended Chanqes. Director Lange referred to the recommended changes, as Inctuded in the packet, statlng these were due to the expanded hours at the Branch Library. The L 1 brary Board of Trustees approved the Regu I at ions Governing Use of the Library Conference Roan, as subm 1 tted . LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Lange referred to the Georgina Cole plaque from the Friends of the Library and said that It was felt that the proper place for this plaque was outside next to the other plaque. The pillar in the Library Is needed tor additlonal slgnage to dlrect people and it was also felt that the significance of the plaque would be lost inside. Director Lange reported that the slgn permit had been obtalned for the Carlsbad City Library slgn to be placed faclng Elm Avenue. The sign will be 4 feet by 8 feet in s Ire. Director Lange reported on new programs involving Maclntosh computers, with equipment to be purchased to help In producing publications. Computers also will be used as a community data base. Director Lange said the Board Meeting packets wi I I be mailed out to the Board Members, giving them a chance to read over the Agenda prior to the Meeting. y\J' TRUSTEES Cooper Curtin Grosse Martin Tr i gas Cwper Curtin Grosse Mart 1 n Tr igas ! P K X X X X K X K r: I< MINUTES August 16, 1989 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 4 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Dan Hammer, President of Friends of the Library, reported there was no meeting in July. There rill be a Budget Meeting tomorrow to approve the new budget. Mr. Hammer thanked Trustee Martin for his help, as when Robert Wood left, the Friends had no Treasurer. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Vlrglnia Watterson stated there was no report at this time. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: President Cooper reported the next meetlng will be at National City. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no one present desiring to address the Board. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of August 16, 1989, was adjourned at 4:03 p.m. Resp,qctful ly submitted, Ha;r lett Babbltt Minutes Clerk 4.a CONSULTING LIBRARIAN VISIT TENTATIVE SCHEDULE 1. Meet with Building Planning Committee. 2. Meet with Library Review Committee. 3. Meet with library staff. 4. Initiation of architect selection process. 5. Complete space needs assessment. There will be two committees involved in the library planning process. The Building Planning Committee is a continuation of what had been called the Library Plann- ing Committee. This newly named committee is made up of all library division heads, two Library Board mem- bers and the Director and Assistant Director of the library. The Library Review Committee is a public committee that will be made up of the following: 1 Library Board member. 1 Friends of the Library representative. 1 city Council person. 1 Planning Commissioner. 1 Library Director. 1 Assistant Library Director. 1 Assistant City Manager. 1 Capital Projects Head. 1 Project Manager. 2 Citizens at large. 1 Artist. 1 Planning Director. .- PROPOSITION 85 CONSTRUCTION / BOND ACT SCHEDULE CHANGES The following is an updated schedule for the application process to obtain funds from the California Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act of 1988 (Proposition 85). The application process will have two steps: a Notice of Intent, and an Application. The dates are approximate. The draft contents are included to indicate the. likely scope of submittals, but those draft contents are neither certain nor necessarily exhaustive. Tentative Bond Act Application Schedule Januarv 1. 1990: Notice of Intent (one page, non-binding). Project information: purpose, size, total cost, source of local matching funds. Site information: known or unknown, - if known site, already owned or not. - if already owned, when purchased, cost, - if not already owned, how procured and size. value. at what cost. Design information: status of design; name of architect (if any). SDn'nE - 1990: Title 5 administrative remlations noticed for hearing and adooted. The regulations would include any interpretation of the Bond Act needed to implement the application process. The content of the approved regulations would be reflected in the application materials. Mid-Calendar 1990: ADDlication. Details of the application process will be developed after adoption of Title 5 administrative regulations. Changes and additional information will be distributed when developed. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY August 3, 1989 TO: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM : Library Director LIBRARY REVIEW COMMITTEE One member of the Library Review Committee will be an artist. Connie Beardsley, the City's Arts Manager, has suggested formation of a small selection committee, including a representative of the Arts Commission, to select an appropriate artist. $100,000 has been appropriated in the Capital Improve- ment Budget for art work in the new library. The artist selected for this committee will help give an artist's perspective to the ultimate design of the building, and will also assist in selecting art work for the building. _- C E. LANGE CLIFFORD E. LANCE LibRaRy DlReCCOR 1950 ELM AVENUE CARLSEAD, CALIFORNIA 9POO8-1991 (619) 434-9970 LIBRARY REVIEW COMMITTEE 1 Library Board member 1 Friends of the Library representative 1 City Council person 1 Planning Commissioner 1 Library Director 1 Assistant Library Director 1 Assistant City Manager 1 Capital Projects Head 1 Project Manager 2 Citizens at large 1 Artist 1 Planning Director JULY 20, 1989 TO: LIBRARY DIRECTOR FROM: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SPACE FOR HISTORIC/CULTURAL RESOURCES STORAGE The Historic Preservation Commission would like to request storage space for historic/cultural resources in the proposed library. If this is not possible, they would like to request space in the existing library when the new one is completed. Approximately 2,000 square feet would be sufficient for displays of artifacts found in Carlsbad. Microfilm of various reports on cultural resource mitigation would also be stored. The Commission would also like permission to utilize the existing display case for historic displays throughout the year. They would abide by your regulations. Thanks for your consideration. PATRIMA CRATTY Staff to the Historic Preservation Commission : me c: Community Development Director CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY August 3, 1989 TO: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM : Library Director SPACE FOR HISTORIC/CULTURAL RESOURCES STORAGE At this stage of the planning process for the new library, it is difficult to say whether or not there will be space available to provide storage for the Historic Preservation Commission. Although I am sym- pathetic to their need for storage space, I believe it would be premature at this time to commit the library to providing this space. Providing display space at various times throughout the year is much less of a problem; in fact, we are inter- ested in presenting such exhibits. CL E. LANGE CLIFFORD E. LANGE LibRaRg D~R~XCOR 1950 ELM AVENUE CARLSEAD, CALIFORNIA omoe-iogi (619) 434-2970 JULY 20, 1989 TO: LIBRARY DIRECTOR FROM: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SPACE FOR HISTORIC/CULTURAL RESOURCES STORAGE The Historic Preservation Commission would like to request storage space for historic/cultural resources in the proposed library. If this is not possible, they would like to request space in the existing library when the new one is completed. Approximately 2,000 square feet would be sufficient for displays of artifacts found in Carlsbad. Microfilm of various reports on cultural resource mitigation would also be stored. The Commission would also like permission to utilize the existing display case for historic displays throughout the year. They would abide by your regulations. Thanks for your consideration. PATRI~A CRATTY Staff to the Historic Preservation Commission : me c: Community Development Director CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY REGULATIONS GOVERNING USE OF THE LIBRARY CONFERENCE ROOM 1. The applicant shall hold the City of Carlsbad, its officers and employees, including the Librarian and library staff , and the Library Board of Trustees at all times free and harmless from and indemnify against, and shall defend at applicant's sole expense any and all claims, demands, causes of action or judqments that may arise out of, in connection with, or be the result of any injury sustained or suffered by any person or persons while attending the above meeting, or vhile on the premises of said library building or grounds. 2. The applicant shall be responsible for and shall pay for any and all damage to library property including ualls, floors, grounds and furniture while room is being used by applicant or applicant's agents or employees, and SHALL RETURN ROOM TO TEE SAME ORDER AND CLEANLINESS AS IT WAS FOUND. THE APPLICANT MUST TAKE CARE OF PHYSICAL ARRANGEMENTS DURING A MEETING. EQUIPMENT BE NEEDED, TEE RESPONSIBILITY RESTS WITH APPLICANT. SHOULD ADDITIONAL CEAIRS OR 3. Applicant understands that the room may be used free of charge by non-profit groups and organizations sponsoring meetings of general interest. 4. Neither the name nor address of the Carlsbad City Library may be used as an official address or headquarters of the organization. 5. Library functions have scheduling priority. Wednesday evenings are reserved for such programs. The conference room will not be available on Fridav or Saturday evenings or on Sunday. 6. All meetings are to be open and free to the public and no collection of money may be taken. Literature may not be distributed without the approval of the library director. 7. Applicant agrees to serve only light refreshments. Dishes, silver and storage facilities are not available. 8. Fire regulations require NO SMOKING and a maximum of 60 people per meeting. 9. Applicant shall ensure that all members of the organization and the audience have left the building by 9:00 P.M. 10. The Library Director has the final decision on the use of the conference room and reserves the right to chanqe the policies at any time without prior notice. 11. When students and pre-school children are in the conference room, there vi11 be a minimum of one adult in attendance per every twenty children. 12. Orqanizations or groups may not book the conference room more than six months in advance, nor more than one evening Der month. 13. Meetings of a partisan nature may not be held; however, forums for the presentation and discussion of all sides of an issue may be held. APPLICATION FOR USE OF CONFERENCE ROOM Date of application Name of organization Purpose of function to be scheduled Address of organization Telephone number I have read the regulations governing the use of the library conference room and I aqree to abide by them. Signature of applicant Telephone number Applicant’s name printed Address Fill in below if reservation is for a single meeting: Group size Topic Speaker Hour and date of aeetinq Refreshments Fill in below if reservation is for a series of meetings: Group size Hour Dates (list each below) TODiC SDeaker Refreshments Room available Date Library Director STATISTICS JULY 1989 July ON STATISTICS 1988 Print Materials 49,774 Film and Video Tapes 11,462 Audio Visual Equipment 61 Total MAIN LIBRARY 61,297. v Print Materials 10 , 653 Film and Video Tapes 1,619 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 12 , 272 TOTAL CIRCULATION 73 , 569 ***************e: Adult Children's Online Searches Total Total TOTAL 5,172 1,886 23 - Hain Library Branch Library TOTAL MAIN LIBRARY 7,081 BRANCH LIBRARY 822 QUESTIONS 7,903 **************** 1,544 389 1,933 July 1989 % Change, 52,070 +5 11,439 ---- 68 + 11 63,577 +4 11,802 + 11 1,441 - 11 13 , 243 +8 76,820 +4 5,217 2,975 11 8 , 203 635 8,838 1,772 352 2,124 +1 + 58 - 52 + 16 - 23 + 12 + 15 - 10 + 10 ****e*********** Adult Programs Children's Programs TOTAL ***************a Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlebad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad July 1988 - 865 1,794 2,659 128 106 314 72 July 1989 % Change 64 -926 2,157 + 20 2,221 - 16 195 137 284 94 Borrowed from other libraries 10 38 Loaned to other libraries 37 17 ********************e******** Main Library Branch 961 178 - 780 172 - + 52 + 29 - 10 + 31 +280 - 54 - 19 -3 , i TOTAL 1,139 952 - 16 m m cn 4 P- m d. '9 c-i m m m 4 . (u 0 '9 0 0 m P- 0 m rf. m 09 d. m m 4 0': P- 09 w ID hfl III- for Libraries Written by Gail McGovern and Linda Holtslander-Burton Slunchard Community Librury Contact Person: Daniel Robles Blancbard Communi& Library 119 North 8th Street Santa Paula, CA 93060 805-525-2394 Project description: The library used William Kanengiser’s classical guitar concert as a kick-off concert for a newly formed community concert series. Sponsored by the local arts council, the new monthly series will be held in the library. In addition to the concert, Kanengiser held master classes for interested high school and junior high school band members and members of the community. Grant Award: $1,750 (fiscal year 1987-88). Cu ds 6 ad City Library Contact Person: Pat Hansen Carlsbad City Library 1250 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 619-434-2881. Project description: Claudia Leonesio-Mons, theatre artist, worked with bearing-impaired children in kindergarten through grade eight. Two sign/mime revues, based on liter- ature by She1 Silverstein, were performed; 40 of the 45 children who were trained to perform were hearing- impaired. Four live performances were attended by 1,OOO children and adults. Two videos were made by the city’s cablevision team and aired on a local cable channel durins Deaf Awareness Month. More than half of the performers applied for and received their first library cards as a result of their involvement in the project. Grant Award: $2,900 (fiscal year 1987-88).