HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-11-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Date of Meeting: November 15, 1989 Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Conference Room LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES CALL TO ORDER: President Cooper called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. BOLL CALC: Present - President Cooper, Library Board Trustees Grosse, Martin and Trigas. Trustee Curtin arrived at 3:05 p.m. Absent - None. Also Present Were: C1 i fford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Alan Kindle, Friends of the Library Virginia Watterson, Representative Genealogical Society Brian Robertson, Historic Preservation Commissioner APPROVAL OF HINUTES: Minutes of the October 18, 1989, Meeting were approved as presented. Sam Richmond, the new Cataloger in Technical Services, was introduced to the Board. COmIllEE REWRE: A. Build ina and Gr oundr Trustee Trigas stated she would defer to Item 4c of the Agenda. b. Budaet Trustee Martin reported that there will be a meeting November 28, 1989, to start work on the budget. c. Personnd Director Lange referred to the job announcement for Librarian 111. d. M Trustee Grosse distributed photographs of the Halloween Party. She said the Spanish Story Club has been renamed Club Oe Ninos . Mrs. Grosse a1 so distributed photographs of Ted Taylor's Reception at Rancho Santa Fe. reported that next year's reading program will be Pirates' Buried Treasure, with Captain Book. She TRUSTEES Cooper Grosse Mart i n Trigas MINUTES November 15, 1989 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 OLD BUSINESS: a. Librarv Storage of Historical Documents for Historic Preservation Commission. Director Lange referred to the memorandum from Clint Phillips regarding the storage of historical documents, and said this would not include bones, etc., but would be documents. Brian Robert son, Hi storic Preservation Commi ssi oner, stated that "artifacts" was the wrong term, and the Commission had not meant large bones. They do have some very small bones and small objects, but mostly papers and photographs. curious about the "Carlsbad Room" and whether the items they had would be something that should be placed in that room. Director Lange stated that a local history room is being planned for the existing Library, after the new Library is completed. Mr. Robertson said that there are video tapes on different historic sites in Carlsbad and the Comnission would like to have the items they have collected viewable and not locked up somewhere in boxes. He said the Commission was not asking for a certain number of square feet, but just asking if their materials would fit into the Library. Director Lange stated he felt that was exactly what the Library should provide. Geoff Armour asked about the photographs, slides or video tapes, and how the Commission ultimately saw the ownership-- incorporated into the Library's coll ection and managed by the Library staff, or controlled by the Commission. Mr. Robertson said the Commission had discussed that matter at its last meeting, and felt the Library Board might feel the Commission had "dumped" material on them, and who was to pay for staff time to organize it. The Comnission felt that they would budget money for that. Director Lange said he felt it was the Library's obligation to deal with that material. material and the City Library, and it would be appropriate for the Library to organize it. He added that there would not be a Carlsbad Room for two and a half years, and in the interim the Library has storage space in a climate-controlled space. Geoff Armour look through the material the Historic Preservation Commission has on hand. Mr. Robertson said the Commissioners were to make up lists of what was to be stored at the Library, and they could make an inventory of material on hand. He said that the Comnission was It is City He suggested that '. MINUTES November 15, 1989 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Geoff Armour said he would hate to see the Historical Society, the Historic Preservation Commission and the Library all working in different directions. comment was made that this would not be a museum--but it would be better to have all the documents and tapes in one place. He added that there will be places to display these objects, and he felt that was important. b. David Smith's Visit. Director Lange said this item was on the Agenda to tell about Mr. Smith's visit last week. The primary purpose of Mr. Smith's visit was to review the changes suggested in the building program for the new Library and cut through a preliminary square footage allocation for the Cole Library. Also, the first draft of organization and staffing was reviewed. Director Lange said that work was finished on the building program document for the new Library, and work was started on the Cole Library square footage allocation. Dr. Lange said an architect is needed to help with the decisions in allocating the square footage and accessibility. He said the staff mezzanine is not handicap accessible, and that raises an issue of the effective use of that space. Director Lange commented that one reason an architect is needed, is that when this present building is changed, staff does not want to do something that would have to be re-done. Part of the scope of work for the architect will be to give advice on the potential for expansion of the existing Library. Director Lange said organization and staffing was worked on, and there will be a revised version of that. He said this will be on the December Agenda, and there will be a final version of the program for this Board's review. C. ReDort on Librarv Buildins Review Committee Trustee Trigas reported the Panel had met and reviewed 33 architect applications and narrowed the field down to seven to bring back to the Conmittee-at-Large. The Committee will meet January 18 and 19, to interview the seven finalists. The Panel did focus on library experience, as this is a specific type of structure. She said that everyone received the same information, and it was stipulated that every member of the Panel had to be present to interview all seven finalists. NEW BUS1 NFSS: a. Presentation bv Carlsbad MuniciDal Water Geoffrey Poole, Administrative Manager for the Municipal Water District, addressed the Board, distributing copies of the Background of the Water District. He explained that as part of a public information program, they hope to disseminate information to the Carlsbad residents regarding water. The Meeting. District. TRUSTEES MINUTES November 15, 1989 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Paqe 4 NEW BUSINESS; (Continued) Mr. Poole showed a copy of a video tape entitled "Water- wise Gardening" distributed by Sunset Maqazine. Poole gave a copy of the video to Dr. Lange for use in the Library. with the Library-to develop programs in which they can educate the public about the water system. Or. Lange stated he would like a copy of Loth tapes that Mr. Poole said were available, and also have copies for the Branch Library. Mr. Poole explained the San Diego County Water Authority, using a map furnished by the Water Education Foundation. have two weeks' water supply on hand, in case of an emergency. b. I i brarv Ouarterl v Reoort. Director Lange referred to the copy of the Report contained in the packet. Geoff Armour stated that the Adult Learning Program had been added to the report. Director Lange stated he had asked the City to redo the temporary parking lot for the over-flow parking. C. Director Lange discussed architect competitions, and stated the problem with those was that quite often the Library people were not consulted and did not get the type of design they needed. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Lange referred to the memorandum dated November 7, 1989, from the California State Library. He stated that there is an area of 3,000 square feet that is not accessible to the handicapped. Letter of Intent for LSCA funds for the remodel of the Library . Director Lange gave a summary report of the CLA Conference in Oakland, and told of the meetings he attended. Director Lange called attention to the announcement of the California Association of Library Trustees and Commissions workshop to be held in March. Geoff Armour reported the Carlsbad Police Department had approached the Library to assist them in distributing engraving kits to the public. These kits can be checked out for two days at a time. Mr. Armour reported on the maintenance projects that have been completed, and added that the new storage area was moved into last week. He said that Oceanside had offered their shelving from the old Library at a good price, and although a new inside door had to be installed, it was a sizable saving of money. Mr. He also said that they would like to work He said this District is fortunate, as they PBS Proaram - Design Wars. He plans to submit a TRUSTEES MINUTES November 15, 1989 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 5 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Alan Kindle announced the Friends' Board Meeting would be held tomorrow night. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Virginia Watterson reported the Society made $345 on the Christmas Boutique. books this year totalling nearly $13,000. SFRRA ADVISORY BOARP: President Cooper announced that the Serra Advisory Board would meet at Coronado on November 30. WBLIC COmEN'I: There was no one present.who wished to address the Board. She said the Society has purchased By proper motion, the Meeting of November 15, 1989, was adjourned at 4:25 p.m. Minutes Clerk \\\\\ h TRUSTEES October 19, 1989 TO: LIBRARY DIRECTOR FROM: Historic Preservation Commission LIBRARY STORAGE OF HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS At its regular meeting of October 11, 1989, the Historic Preservation Commission expressed appreciation of the Library Boardls willingness to store historical documents. It is hoped that the Library's collection of local historical material will be enhanced by the addition of letters, reports and research papers pertaining to Carlsbadls development; past, present and future. The Historic Preservation Commission looks forward to remaining in touch with your office as the need for storing these documents becomes evident. At sometime soon, the Commission hopes to pursue the matter of curation for informally discussed between your Howard-Jones. you for your assistance and CLINT PHILLIPS this collection as was office and Commissioner Marje cooperation. Staff to the Historic Preservation Commission : ec -_ ,- October 30, 1989 Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5950 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Engineering: (619) 438-3367 Administration: (61 9) 438-2722 Fax: (619) 431-1601 Cliff Lange, Library Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Cliff, As we have discussed during our telephone conversation, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District is continuously striving to keep consumers informed on all issues pertaining to our most precious resource - water. One method to accomplish this objective is through the use of audio and visual materials. The District has purchased the video ltWaterquestt@, which chronicles the development of California's water system, and outlines critical issues facing the water industry today. The film is 28 minutes in length. It would be our request to address your Board of Trustees, and preview this fine film at your meeting on November 15th. If your Board so desires, we would like to donate a copy to your video library at a subsequent meeting. We also may discuss various methods to make the public aware that this film is now available. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the District office. Sincerely, E-/ Geoffrey bohe Administrative Manager 'Serving Carlsbad for over 35 years" ** Formed in 1954 ** Service Area of 20,500 Gross Acres ** Provdes Water Service to 85% of the City of Carlsbad ** Currently Empowered With Planning, Operating and Maintaining Water System ** Staffed with 30 Employees ** Annual Water Deliveries of 5.3 Billion Gallons ** Fiscal Year 1989-90 Budget of $23 million ** Subsidiary District Formation in January 1990 ** Council Becomes Board of Directors ** Unified Water Service Operation CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY OCTOBER 1989 QUARTERLY REPORT FOR JULY-SEPTEMBER 1989 The planning process for the new South Carlsbad Library moved ahead significantly with the hiring of consultant David Smith and the formation of a Library Building Review Committee. This new committee provides an advisory role in the process for citizens at large as well as members of key city boards, commissions and the council. Mr. Smith made three trips to Carlsbad this quarter for lengthy meetings with library staff, the library Planning Committee and the new Building Review Committee. A draft building program for the new library has been reviewed and modified and plans are well under way to recruit an architect. The theme for the children's Summer Reading Club at both main and branch libraries was "Monstermania." Programs, movies, crafts and most other club activities were all related to monster themes. 864 children participated in the club this summer, 138 of them at the branch. The library began sponsoring a series of poetry writing workshops held at the granary building in Magee Park. The Magee Park Poets' Workshops are held on selected Saturdays and are led by San Diego County poets who are currently teaching poetry or creative writing in local colleges and who have published poetry themselves. Two new computer based projects were proposed this quarter and approved by the City Council for develop- ment. Both projects will use Apple MacIntosh hardware. Desktop publishing will be the first of the two proj- ects to be put to practical use. The project will be handled by the library's Arts and Programs and Exhibits Divisions and will expedite the retrieval and review of documents as well as professionalize the appearance of printed materials. It will also enhance the library's ability to provide design and graphics services to other city departments. The Reference Division, in preparation for the expanded library system, will develop a self-service information station using a hypercard program. Computers will eventually be in- stalled in public service areas in each library, pro- viding patrons with access to the physical layout, the location of materials and various policies and proce- dures. Approval was granted by the City Council for supplemen- tal funding to extend hours of service at the La Costa Branch. Effective September 5 the branch began a new schedule with hours matching those of the main library. One part-time reference librarian and three part-time clerks and pages were added to the branch staff to manage the new schedule. The United Way has produced a new promotional video featuring six learners and tutors from Carlsbad City Library's Adult Learning Program. focuses on literacy issues, will be used by businesses, service clubs and social service agencies in San Diego County. The tape, which Adult Learning Program staff also worked with the San Diego Literacy Network to plan training sessions for staff at area social service agencies. 31 staff from different agencies have now been trained on how to identify and do referrals for people with literacy needs. In the Reference Division, staff began conducting a series of weekly library skills workshops. sions are open to the general public and are designed to help with the basics of library use as well as with specialized reference resources. The ses- To help recognize the "Year of the Young Reader,I1 Children's staff established a "Readers Writel' contest. The idea is to stimulate an interest in both reading and writing by having kids write about a favorite book. Over 60 entries were received in the preliminary round of competition. prizes to be announced in November as part of National Children's Book Week. Finalists will compete for grand The library sponsored eight adult programs during the quarter and presented 14 exhibits of arts, crafts and collectibles. There were 84 children's programs pre- sented this quarter, 31 at the branch and 53 at the main library. 2 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICAL SUMMARY FOR JULY-SEPTEMBER 1989 1988 TOTAL CIRCULATION 210,687 PROGRAM ATTENDANCE 5,560 FILM & VIDEO BOOKINGS 33,742 REFERENCE QUESTIONS 23,398 ILLs SENT BY CARLSBAD 248 ILLs RECEIVED BY CARLSBAD 372 ONLINE SEARCHES 58 HOLDS PLACED 2,630 REGISTRATIONS 3,340 BRANCH CIRCULATION 37,137 BRANCH REFERENCE QUESTIONS 2,575 BRANCH VIDEO CIRCULATION 4,595 PEOPLE COUNT (daily average) 1,998 ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM LEARNERS SERVED 96 TUTORS TRAINED 16 REFERRALS 31 COLLECTION HOLDINGS BOOKS 192,930 RECORDS 2,652 TAPES 5,942 COMPACT DISKS 987 MICROFORMS 133,207 VERTICAL FILE ITEMS 85,873 GENEALOGY ITEMS 18,772 1989 220,472 6,069 31,624 25,952 273 461 45 2,881 2,799 39,497 2,298 4,115 2,007 87 17 45 196,313 1,867 5,776 3,225 151,930 88,101 22,254 % CHANGE +5 +9 -6 +11 +10 +24 -22 +10 -16 +6 -11 -10 --- -9 +6 +45 +2 -30 -3 +227 +14 +3 +19 CIRCULATION STATISTICS CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS October 1989 Oct. Oct . 1988 1989 % Chanae MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials 45,019 52,198 + 16 Film and Video Tapes 9,139 9,155 --- Audio Visual Equipment 72 57 - 21 Total MAIN LIBRARY 54,230 61,410 + 13 BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials Film and Video Tapes 10,208 12,242 + 20 1,097 1.361 + 24 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 11,305 13,603 + 20 TOTAL CIRCULATION 65,535 75,013 + 14 ............................. REFERENCE OUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Adult Children's Online Searches 5,681 7,260 + 28 2,289 2,835 + 24 18 12 - 33 Total MAIN LIBRARY 7,988 10,107 + 27 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 802 851 +6 TOTAL QUESTIONS 8,790 10,958 + 25 ............................. PEOPLE COUNTER (Daily Average) Main Library Branch Library 1,549 1,843 + 19 380 421 + 11 TOTAL 1,929 2,264 + 17 ............................. Oct . Oct . 1988 1989 % Chanue ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs Children's Programs 97 215 1,899 2,000 TOTAL 1,996 2,215 ............................. INTERLIBRARY LOANS BOOKS AND REFERENCE Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad FILMS 179 193 122 130 236 267 102 102 Borrowed from other libraries 52 18 Loaned to other libraries 15 23 NEW REGISTRATIONS Main Library Branch ............................. 960 970 202 237 TOTAL 1,162 1,207 +122 +5 + 11 +8 +7 + 13 --- - 65 + 53 +1 - + 17 +4 2 m co m 4 Ll al s 0 .+ u 0 m W -r r-a r" 'p, CQ b b 4 b 4 r-a . m b r-a 4 rr) 0 0 2 *, m t-4 =r m m 4 a, b In s: In 0 s October 25, 1989 TO: CITY TREASURER FROM: Assistant City Manager CLOSE OF ESCROW FOR PURCHASE OF LIBRARY PROPERTY It is anticipated that the escrow for the purchase of the South Carlsbad Library site will close around April 1, 1990. Upon the close of escrow, the City will need to pay the full price of the property. We anticipate that price to be approximate $2 million. The precise price will not be known until grading and site development work is completed and the costs audited by the City. I will let you know when we have more definitive cost figures and a more precise fix on the closing date. This information is being provided at this time for your use in cash flow projections. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. FRANK MANNEN saf c: Finance Director Library Director .I CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA 3:OO P.M. November 15, 1989 Council Conference Room 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Building and Grounds b. Budget c. Personnel d. Youth Trigas Martin Curtin Grosse 4. OLD BUSINESS: a. Library storage of historical documents for Historic Preservation Commission. b. David Smith's visit. c. Report on Library Building Review Committee meeting - Seena Trigas. 5. NEW BUSINESS: a. b. Library Quarterly Report. c. Presentation by Carlsbad Municipal Water District. PBS Program - Design Wars. 6. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT Lange 7. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Hammer 8. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Watterson 9. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD Cooper 10. PUBLIC COMMENT: In conformance with the Brown Act, no Board discussion or action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. 12. ADJOURNMENT October 19, 1989 TO: LIBRARY DIRECTOR FROM: Historic Preservation Commission LIBRARY STORAGE OF HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS At its regular meeting of October 11, 1989, the Historic Preservation Commission expressed appreciation of the Library Boardls willingness to store historical documents. It is hoped that the Library's collection of local historical material will be enhanced by the addition of letters, reports and research papers pertaining to Carlsbadls development; past, present and future. The Historic Preservation Commission looks forward to remaining in touch with your office as the need for storing these documents becomes evident. At sometime soon, the Commission hopes to pursue the matter of curation for informally discussed between your Howard-Jones. you for your assistance and CLINT PHILLIPS this collection as was office and Commissioner Marje cooperation. Staff to the Historic Preservation Commission : ec -_ ,- October 30, 1989 Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5950 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Engineering: (619) 438-3367 Administration: (61 9) 438-2722 Fax: (619) 431-1601 Cliff Lange, Library Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Cliff, As we have discussed during our telephone conversation, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District is continuously striving to keep consumers informed on all issues pertaining to our most precious resource - water. One method to accomplish this objective is through the use of audio and visual materials. The District has purchased the video ltWaterquestt@, which chronicles the development of California's water system, and outlines critical issues facing the water industry today. The film is 28 minutes in length. It would be our request to address your Board of Trustees, and preview this fine film at your meeting on November 15th. If your Board so desires, we would like to donate a copy to your video library at a subsequent meeting. We also may discuss various methods to make the public aware that this film is now available. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the District office. Sincerely, E-/ Geoffrey bohe Administrative Manager 'Serving Carlsbad for over 35 years" ** Formed in 1954 ** Service Area of 20,500 Gross Acres ** Provdes Water Service to 85% of the City of Carlsbad ** Currently Empowered With Planning, Operating and Maintaining Water System ** Staffed with 30 Employees ** Annual Water Deliveries of 5.3 Billion Gallons ** Fiscal Year 1989-90 Budget of $23 million ** Subsidiary District Formation in January 1990 ** Council Becomes Board of Directors ** Unified Water Service Operation CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY OCTOBER 1989 QUARTERLY REPORT FOR JULY-SEPTEMBER 1989 The planning process for the new South Carlsbad Library moved ahead significantly with the hiring of consultant David Smith and the formation of a Library Building Review Committee. This new committee provides an advisory role in the process for citizens at large as well as members of key city boards, commissions and the council. Mr. Smith made three trips to Carlsbad this quarter for lengthy meetings with library staff, the library Planning Committee and the new Building Review Committee. A draft building program for the new library has been reviewed and modified and plans are well under way to recruit an architect. The theme for the children's Summer Reading Club at both main and branch libraries was "Monstermania." Programs, movies, crafts and most other club activities were all related to monster themes. 864 children participated in the club this summer, 138 of them at the branch. The library began sponsoring a series of poetry writing workshops held at the granary building in Magee Park. The Magee Park Poets' Workshops are held on selected Saturdays and are led by San Diego County poets who are currently teaching poetry or creative writing in local colleges and who have published poetry themselves. Two new computer based projects were proposed this quarter and approved by the City Council for develop- ment. Both projects will use Apple MacIntosh hardware. Desktop publishing will be the first of the two proj- ects to be put to practical use. The project will be handled by the library's Arts and Programs and Exhibits Divisions and will expedite the retrieval and review of documents as well as professionalize the appearance of printed materials. It will also enhance the library's ability to provide design and graphics services to other city departments. The Reference Division, in preparation for the expanded library system, will develop a self-service information station using a hypercard program. Computers will eventually be in- stalled in public service areas in each library, pro- viding patrons with access to the physical layout, the location of materials and various policies and proce- dures. Approval was granted by the City Council for supplemen- tal funding to extend hours of service at the La Costa Branch. Effective September 5 the branch began a new schedule with hours matching those of the main library. One part-time reference librarian and three part-time clerks and pages were added to the branch staff to manage the new schedule. The United Way has produced a new promotional video featuring six learners and tutors from Carlsbad City Library's Adult Learning Program. focuses on literacy issues, will be used by businesses, service clubs and social service agencies in San Diego County. The tape, which Adult Learning Program staff also worked with the San Diego Literacy Network to plan training sessions for staff at area social service agencies. 31 staff from different agencies have now been trained on how to identify and do referrals for people with literacy needs. In the Reference Division, staff began conducting a series of weekly library skills workshops. sions are open to the general public and are designed to help with the basics of library use as well as with specialized reference resources. The ses- To help recognize the "Year of the Young Reader,I1 Children's staff established a "Readers Writel' contest. The idea is to stimulate an interest in both reading and writing by having kids write about a favorite book. Over 60 entries were received in the preliminary round of competition. prizes to be announced in November as part of National Children's Book Week. Finalists will compete for grand The library sponsored eight adult programs during the quarter and presented 14 exhibits of arts, crafts and collectibles. There were 84 children's programs pre- sented this quarter, 31 at the branch and 53 at the main library. 2 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICAL SUMMARY FOR JULY-SEPTEMBER 1989 1988 TOTAL CIRCULATION 210,687 PROGRAM ATTENDANCE 5,560 FILM & VIDEO BOOKINGS 33,742 REFERENCE QUESTIONS 23,398 ILLs SENT BY CARLSBAD 248 ILLs RECEIVED BY CARLSBAD 372 ONLINE SEARCHES 58 HOLDS PLACED 2,630 REGISTRATIONS 3,340 BRANCH CIRCULATION 37,137 BRANCH REFERENCE QUESTIONS 2,575 BRANCH VIDEO CIRCULATION 4,595 PEOPLE COUNT (daily average) 1,998 ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM LEARNERS SERVED 96 TUTORS TRAINED 16 REFERRALS 31 COLLECTION HOLDINGS BOOKS 192,930 RECORDS 2,652 TAPES 5,942 COMPACT DISKS 987 MICROFORMS 133,207 VERTICAL FILE ITEMS 85,873 GENEALOGY ITEMS 18,772 1989 220,472 6,069 31,624 25,952 273 461 45 2,881 2,799 39,497 2,298 4,115 2,007 87 17 45 196,313 1,867 5,776 3,225 151,930 88,101 22,254 % CHANGE +5 +9 -6 +11 +10 +24 -22 +10 -16 +6 -11 -10 --- -9 +6 +45 +2 -30 -3 +227 +14 +3 +19 CIRCULATION STATISTICS CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS October 1989 Oct. Oct . 1988 1989 % Chanae MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials 45,019 52,198 + 16 Film and Video Tapes 9,139 9,155 --- Audio Visual Equipment 72 57 - 21 Total MAIN LIBRARY 54,230 61,410 + 13 BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials Film and Video Tapes 10,208 12,242 + 20 1,097 1.361 + 24 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 11,305 13,603 + 20 TOTAL CIRCULATION 65,535 75,013 + 14 ............................. REFERENCE OUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Adult Children's Online Searches 5,681 7,260 + 28 2,289 2,835 + 24 18 12 - 33 Total MAIN LIBRARY 7,988 10,107 + 27 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 802 851 +6 TOTAL QUESTIONS 8,790 10,958 + 25 ............................. PEOPLE COUNTER (Daily Average) Main Library Branch Library 1,549 1,843 + 19 380 421 + 11 TOTAL 1,929 2,264 + 17 ............................. Oct . Oct . 1988 1989 % Chanue ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs Children's Programs 97 215 1,899 2,000 TOTAL 1,996 2,215 ............................. INTERLIBRARY LOANS BOOKS AND REFERENCE Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad FILMS 179 193 122 130 236 267 102 102 Borrowed from other libraries 52 18 Loaned to other libraries 15 23 NEW REGISTRATIONS Main Library Branch ............................. 960 970 202 237 TOTAL 1,162 1,207 +122 +5 + 11 +8 +7 + 13 --- - 65 + 53 +1 - + 17 +4 2 m co m 4 Ll al s 0 .+ u 0 m W -r r-a r" 'p, CQ b b 4 b 4 r-a . m b r-a 4 rr) 0 0 2 *, m t-4 =r m m 4 a, b In s: In 0 s October 25, 1989 TO: CITY TREASURER FROM: Assistant City Manager CLOSE OF ESCROW FOR PURCHASE OF LIBRARY PROPERTY It is anticipated that the escrow for the purchase of the South Carlsbad Library site will close around April 1, 1990. Upon the close of escrow, the City will need to pay the full price of the property. We anticipate that price to be approximate $2 million. The precise price will not be known until grading and site development work is completed and the costs audited by the City. I will let you know when we have more definitive cost figures and a more precise fix on the closing date. This information is being provided at this time for your use in cash flow projections. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. FRANK MANNEN saf c: Finance Director Library Director