HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-01-31; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES . Meeting of: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: January 31, 1990 Place of Meeting: City Council Conference Room -: Preeident Cooper called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. &L car&: a Present: Preaident Cooper, Library Board Trustees Curtin, Martin and Trigas. Trustee Grosse arrived at 3:02 p.m. Abment: None. Also Present Were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Helen Crosby, Friends of the Library Virginia Watterson, Genealogical Society Carolyn Ayars, League of Women Voters ~~PROVAL OF nxwuTBs: The Minutes of tho Meeting held December 20, 1989, wore approved as presented. 0annI.mar.: a. p-. Trustee Trigas reported the Library Building Review Committee had met for two days and narrowed the field of architects from seven applicants. John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager, Director Lange and Mrs. Trigas will go out of town to follow up on a firm. b. Budaet Trustee Martin deferred to Item #5a of the Agenda. c. per sonnek Truatee Curtin had no report. d. Youth Trustee Grosse reported that activities had picked up from the holiday lull and the children had done a mural. Director Lange called attention to the newsletter and the new Macintosh graphics. OLD Bum: a. partnershius for Chanae Communitv Librarv Service Grantp Proaram: Staff report on workshop held January 26-28, 1990. Director Lange stated that Geoff Armour and Lynda Jones attended a workshop in Manhattan Beach last weekend. He added that he was very pleased that Carlsbad had been chosen as one of eight candidates selected for the initial phase of the grant process. Ha said that the Library is to do a needs assessment with the initial grant and can file an application for the formal grant. TRUSTEES Cooper Curtin Martin Trigas \ MINUTES January 31, 1990 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 ~Imss : (Continued) 1 Ceoff Armour continued the report, stating the conference was two and a half days of intensive workshops and seminars. He said the key word is "change", and the State Library is to assist all public libraries to respond to the increasing ethnic diversity. The libraries are not aware of the change in people, as the new citizens don't come into the libraries. A needs assessment is to be done, going out into the community and finding out who is out there and what they need as far as the libraries are concerned. Hr. Armour said that one million dollars is available this year, and Carlsbad is virtually guaranteed getting a grant. The library has up to $5,000 to spend on a needs assessment. In addition to that, there will be a separate grant in October. Each library would get between $100,000 and $150,000. The library has six months to get the neede assessment done and write the grant. There would be up to $10,000 for books and software, and beyond that it would be a dollar for dollar match. Hr. Armout gave a deecription of the workshops he attended and said a lot of time was spent on the cultural diversity in California and the fact that by the year 2,000 43 percent of the entire population of California would be ethnic minorities. As far as Carlsbad, he aaid the next step here would be to form a coalition. Mr. Armour said Lynda Jones had contacted about 14 people who are very interested and there will be a meeting within the next week or so. This program will tie in with the Library's Goals and Objectives. Hr. Armour said that Lynda Jones has done a lot of work on this and he complimented her on this. In reply to query as to what the Library was to do for these people, Hr. Armour said they are to have a system for dealing with peopte who cannot or will not learn English. tie assured the Board thir would not take away from any services now provided by the Library, but would be to help those new citizene feel welcome and involve them in the community. At this time 15 to 20 percent of the people moving in the area are Hispanic, and a big part of this grant will give the library the tools to deal with them. The goal may not be do deal with migrant workers, and may focus on the citizens of Carlsbad whose needs are not being met. Director Lange added that the idea was to enable the library to make a needs assessment. This was not an extra--it is support for what is already being done--and delivering these services to the Hispanic community. NBW BUSINESS: a. Prowsed 1990-91 Librarv ODeratina Budaet. Trustee Martin reviewed the budget as presented on a Division-by-Division basis. TRUSTEES A b MINUTES January 31, 1990 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 S: (Continued) i The Library Board of Trustees approved the Proposed 1990-91 Library Operating Budget as presented. R'S RT: Director Lange reported there will be a CALTAC Workshop March 10, and asked the Trustees to indicate whether or not they would attend. Trustees Cooper and Curtin indicated they would attend and Trustees Martin and Trigas were "maybe's". Director Lange said that CALTAC is looking for a Board Member from a Library in San Diego County, and if anyone wae interested, to let him know. Trustee Curtin indicated he was interested in this, and Director Lange indicated he would get more information for him. Director Lange stated he had been appointed Librarian-at- Large Representative to the League of California Cities' Executive Conunittee of the Department of Recreation, Parks and Community Services and will attend his first meeting in Sacramento on Friday, February 9, 1990. m-2 There was no report. gENgMncICAL SOCIETY: There was no report. -: President Cooper reported the next meeting will be held February 22, 1990, at the Branch Library. m= F ACILITIBS -1 TTEB: Trustee Grosse reported this Committee will be meeting on Friday, and she will have a report at the next meeting. PWLIC: Carolyn Ayars commented that the main library should not be referred to as a "branch" when the new library is constructed. It will be the Cole Library and will be a full-service library. ADJ(MRNIIBNT: By proper motion, the Meeting of January 31, 1990, was adjourned at 4:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk TRUSTEES ' Cooper Curt in Grosse Martin I Trigas \ J I CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1001 SIXTH STREET SUITE 300 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 MEMO: January 4, 1990 I. TO: The Library Director FROM: The Partnerships for Change Task Force SUBJECT: Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Proposals Thank you for submitting a Partnerships for Change proposal. Your library's proposal was one of the eight proposals selected. We wanted to notify you immediately so that your team would plan to attend the January training (January 26, 27 and 28, 1990). Gary Strong, the State Librarian, will be writing you a letter within the next two weeks which will give you more information regarding the selection process and why your library's proposal was chosen. If you have any questions after receiving the letter, please feel free to contact us further. We will send you further information regarding the January training in the near future. We will also send a copy of this memo to your B team member, the Branch Head, to notify them in case you are at ALA-Midwinter when this arrives. Congratulations and thank you for your interest in the Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program. PFC Disk CLSG3nos.kb CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRA LIBRARY-CWRTS BUILDING P.O. BOX 942837 SACRAMENTO, CA 94237-0001 January 12, 1990 Clifford Lange, Director Carlsbad City Library 1250 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008-1991 .RY w TELEPHONE: (916) 445-2585 Dear Mr. Lange, Thank you for submitting a proposal for the Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program. Twenty-three proposals were received. In light of resource and staffing considerations for the State Library, I have decided to accept eight proposals. As you know, your proposal was one of the eight selected. We are planning on your team attending the training on January 26, 27, and 28, 1990 in Manhattan Beach. I am enclosing a training brochure for your information. Additional brochures have been sent separately to your Partnership Team for their convenience in registering for the training. Their meals and lodging will be paid for and their travel costs will be reimbursed. The consultant assigned to your team is Roberto Trujillo, (916) 322-0376. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions. I am pleased that we will be working together to address the library and information needs of your targeted group. Sincerely, Gary E. Strong California State Librarian Enclosure cc: Geoff Armour Lynda Jones Connie Trejo Collin Clark Roberto Trujillo Bessie Egan GES:KB PFCY2YES.KB 001-40-10 thru 1987-88 Budget 1,263,687 658,064 173,462 CIM OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET DEPARTMENT SUMMARY 1988-89 1989-90 1 990-9 1 Budget Current Budget 1,409,550 1,564,180 2,008,862 761,715 795,946 1,105,639 63,761 83,237 144,615 DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY - ACCTNUMBER: 001-40-70 Grand Total Positions Personnel Maintenance/ Operation 2,095,213 2,235,026 2,443,363 3,259,116 27 28 30 35 Capital Outlay WORK PROGRAM: The Carlsbad City Library's overall work program is to provide educa- tional, informational, and recreational services for all community residents; to provide both print and non-print materials that respond to the interests of a diverse population; to provide convenient access and adequate space for users and resources; and to develop a broad awareness of the Library and its services. The Library contributes to the enrichment of the community by supporting lifelong learning and the pursuit of knowledge. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 1. 7% increase in library's total maintenance and operations budget comes from DP charges supplied by Information Systems for administration of all hardware and software contracts, depreciatior on computers, and prorated salary charges. 2. Five new positions requested as first phase in staffing for new library system. 3. New Genealogy Division is created by pulling functions and book costs out of Reference. Division is staffed by an existing Librarian I11 position. 4. All available CLSA grant funds will be used to purchase books for the new library system. CITY OF CARLSBAD 19-91 BUDGET DEPARTMENT SUMMARY Personnel Maintenance/ Operation Capital Outlay Grand Total Positions DEPARTMENT LIBRARY - A~MTN -ON ACCTNUMBER: 001-4010 I I I I 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 Budget 229,104 297,776 278 , 932 442,494 Budget Budget Current I 173,270 206 , 693 183,233 262,709 16 , 895 --- 15,000 19,900 419 I 269 504,469 477,165 725,103 7 7 6 9 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Budqet Preparation and Fund 1. Accountinq: Prepare departmental budget; process invoices, warrants 2. and requisitions; monitor expendi- tures: and maintain fiscal records. Stratesic Planninq: Develop long- 1. range plans for new and expanded library services, resources, and facilities to meet current and 2. future needs. Proqrams and Exhibits: Arrange for 1. adult programs and exhibits of interest to the general community. 2. External Relations: Maintain close 1. contact and coordination with city management, other city departments, the news media, Friends of the Library, and other libraries. 2. Automate fund accounting. Detail material accounts by major subjects. Plan for a new division of outreach services. Plan collection development for two libraries in new system. Sponsor at least two programs per month. Sponsor at least one exhibit of arts, crafts, or collect- ibles per week. Produce flyers, newsletters, and other graphic arts support to the library and to other city departments. Write and disseminate to local and regional news media articles on significant library activities and events 3: n. * I’ DEPARTMENT SUMMARY (Cont'd.) PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Internal Manaqement: Supervise 10 1. library divisions; manage the use of facilities and resources; develop policies and procedures governing all library operations; 2. and coordinate building maintenance needs. 3. 4. Apply for state and federal grants to help fund new library construction and renovation. Prepare detailed statistics and reports on library use for state and local government. Formalize internal staff training procedures. Improve internal security and safety of equipment and resources by upgrading fire protection system, bracing bookstacks, and securing electronic hardware. Siqnificant Chanqes: 1. Add steel cross-bracing to all free-standing library bookstacks for added structural safety. 2. Upgrade van driver (part-time clerk) to full-time position (messenger.) 3. Add full-time position (Library Assistant) to support Collection Development. 4. Purchase two microfiche reader-printers. I LIBRARY DIRECTOR I ASS I STANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR ILIBRARY ASSISTANT I1 IGRAPHIC ARTIST I SECRETARY I I I I I I I I1 72,000 I I1 48.000 I I1 31.000 I I1 26,000 I 11 30,000 I I I I I I I I I KCT CLERK I1 I I NEW POSITIONS: I 1 I I I LIBRARIAN I11 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I I MESSENGER I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 23,000 11 43,000 11 25,000 11 I I I I I I I I I 21,000 I I I I I I I I I I City of Carlsbad Financial Summary 1990-91 New Program/Personnel Position Title: Yessenger Library Asst. I No. of Positions: 1 -1 Request i ng Dept ./oi v : Library - Admin i s t ra t ion New Program Title: New South Carlsbad Library Program GRAND costs TOTAL Request Operate new facility - - New program - Reason for Request: Maintain existing service Increase service Improve efficiency - Other: Preparation for new facility . Complete either A or 6 below: Personnel Total salary( ies) s21.ooo~25.ooo Disability L Unemployment 403 443 Retirement 3,229 3,844 Health & Life 6,158 6,233 Other Workers Comp. 250 250 Total Personnel Costs 31,040 35,770 s s s 66,810 7 Maintenance & ODeration (Identify line items increased) 2 11 1 1,000 2660 450 Total M&O Costs 1,000 450 1,450 CaDi tal Outlay - I tern !uYA Desk 1 Computer 1 Printer 1 Modum 1 650 4,000 750 7 Total Capital Out1 ay 6,030 Word Processor 230 GRAND TOTAL FOR PROGRAM Lz4AaQ- J990-91 Ne w Proaram/Personnel Justification 1. Attach organization charts showing the existing structure and the proposed 2. Describe what forces have compelled the request for a new program, new personnel or any combination thereof, and why is it important for the City to respond. Examples of compelling forces include legal mandates, fulfilling Council goals and objectives, meeting service level standards, etc. structure(s)* SEE ATTACHED. New main library, as required under Growth Management standards, is being planned for South Carlsbad in 1992. 3. Describe the proposed new program. (If new personnel requests are included, continue with question 4-6, otherwise complete No. 3 and stop here.) Expanded activity relates to two existing programs: 1) delivery and retrieval of materials, including courier service to and from the branch, and 2) collection development, or the building of resources for a new facility that will be double the size of the current main library and will have significant increases in staff and materials. 4. Where applicable, describe how the tasks the new employee will perform are currently being accomplished. Messenger/courier job is currently handled by a parttime clerk, but the added work load in building collections and managing and retrieving materials in storage will require a fulltime effort. Library Assistant I job is currently performed by a Library Assistant in Technical Services, whose duties will be transferred to Collection Development. The Tech Services position would then handle added cataloging and dakaibFzgance. 5. Where will the new employee(s) work? Be very specific. Examples incauae specific beats, parks, offices, and fire stations. Messenger/courier is a van driver who does not require a work station in the library. Library Assistant I will work with the Head of Collection Development in an office on the south mezzanine currently used for storage. 6. Describe specifically what tasks will be assigned to the new position. Messenger/courier: Expanded work load for: 1) pick up and delivery of gifts to the library; 2) delivery and retrieval of materials to and from storage; 3) courier service between main and branch libraries; 4) miscellaneous clerical duties as needed. Library Assistant I: conversion of paper order files to automated system; ordering and receiving additional print and audiovisual materials; clerical support-for Head of Collection Development. U P n 4 0 P U m n OP PP 0r PY, zm 04 un mo mu (no z cnm Pcn UP cnn mm em nm mz m GI z m m % 0 GI 4 b n 0 C z 4 n F P % m cn3 mm PU CIM OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET MAINTENANCE 4% OPERATION DETAIL DEPT LIBRARY PROGRAM: ADMIN. - Acct No. 111 112 114 117 210 220 240 320 420 46 1 479 490 520 530 550 660 940 . Account Description Tehicle Maintenance Tehicle Replacement Cerox Charges lata Processing leat and Light relephone and Comm. Jater lffice Equipment Rental Iffice Equipment Maint. toutine Building Maint. lisc. Professional Svcs lisc. Outside Services lues & Subscriptions >ostage lffice Supplies Special Depart. Supplie rravel Total Maintenance b Operation - 1989-90 Current 8 , 933 17,200 2,200 70,000 20 ,000 3 I 700 5 I 000 8 I 500 15,000 6 , 600 20 ,000 -- 2 I 500 9 I 600 9 ,000 6,800 3 I 200 198 I 233 - Amount Exp As of 111 I90 3 I 002 3 I 200 906 54 16,284 9,452 2,417 1 ,200 4,134 6,663 1,281 1,900 8,648 2,917 4,927 877 -- 67 , 862 - 1989-90 Estimate 8 , 900 7,200 2,200 54 60 I 000 20 ,000 4, 800 4,000 9 , 000 15,000 6,663 17,000 2,500 10,000 9 , 000 7,000 3 I 200 186,517 - 1 990-9 1 Budget 6,464 6,900 2 400 76 I 245 65 I 000 25,000 5,000 4,000 15,000 7,000 2,800 11,500 9,500 7 I 300 1,600 -- 18,000 262,709 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET BUDGET EXPLANATION IEPT: LIBRARY PROG: ADMINI STRATION ACCT. NO. 001-4010 2117 2220 2420 2520 2530 1300 1100 Data Processina Figure supplied by Information Systems. Includes all software and hardware maintenance contracts for HP and INLEX systems; full depreciation and replacement costs; and prorated salary (with Fire and Police) of new Information Systems position to manage all computers city-wide. Telephone & Communications Consolidates Branch telephone bills with main library under administration. Office Equipment Maintenance Costs for replacement and recharge of added microform reader-printers. Replacement costs for cartridges higher than anticipated. Includes cost of maintenance on two new fiche reader-printers and consolidation of all pro-rated maintenance on library PC's (figure supplied by Information Systems 1 . Dues & Subscriptions Accounts for increased California Library Association dues for new professional staff. Postaqe Consolidates Adult Learning Program postage with administration Parttime Salaries One parttime position transferred from Audiovisual to Administration. 10 hours of parttime assistance requested to support increased city-wide demands on printing and other graphic arts activities. Reqular Salaries Librarian I11 (Head of Collection Development) transferred from Technical Services to Administration. CIM OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL DEPT: LIBRARY Capital Outlay Description Minolta RP-503 Microfiche Reader-Printe Two new fiche reader-printers are needed to replace old and unreliable machines and to help meet public demand for access to expanding microform collections. Desk (Alma) For new Library Assistant position to support Collection Development. 17-Drawer Flat Files For use by Graphic Artist to store large quantities of poster board, foam core, and other flat paper products and art materials. Deskpro 386 computer To support Collection Development; for word processing, fund accounting and collection analysis. Epson printer Impact printer to handle order cards and other card stock and to print out materials in support of fund accounting and collection analysis. Total Capital Outlay 89-90 Budget Amount ACCT NO 1-4010 91 Budget Amount 12,500 650 2,000 4,000 750 19,900 DEPT PROGRAM: CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET TRAVEL DETAIL ACCT NO: ~ ~ ~~ Description of Travel or Mealing Expense Total Travel Destinatim - 1990-91 Budget CITY OF CARLSEAD 1990-91 BUDGET TRAVEL DETAIL DEPT LIBRARY PROGRAM: ADMINI STRAT I ON Descrlptim d Travel or Meatina Gamse California Library Association Annual Meeting, November 1990. Director serves as Treasurer of the City Librarian's Chapter of CLA . Public Library Association National Conference, March 1991. League of California Cities Annual Conference, October 1990. Administrative staff - local travel for staff to attend Serra, CLA, workshops and business related meetings and training. ACCTNO: 001-4010 Destination San Diego San Diego Anaheim Various 1990-91 Budget 400 500 300 400 Total Travel 1,600 cm OF CARSBAD 1990-91 BUDGO PROGRAM SUMMARY PROGRAM: LIBRARY--CIRCULATION SERVICES ACCTNUMBER: 001 -40-2 1 F I 1Q87-88 I 1- I IoBQ-90 I IO#-91 QrudToW WORK PROGRAl A IA $ 147,390 $ 181,213 80,012 3,800 224,090 $ 255,032 $ 185,013 I 1 I 7 I 7 sudget $ 199,351 95,900 295,251 2 The Circulation Division handles the check in and check out of library materials, both print and some non-print; maintains patron records; registers all new borrowers; and supervises the reshelving of adult books on a daily basis. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: GENERAL CIRCULATION: Check out and 86-87 87-88 88-89 check in all print and some non-print materials; sort incoming materials in Circulation Totals preparation for shelving; open, close, and maintain the book drop. 704,259 808,141 840,494 PATRON MAINTENANCE: Process delin- quencies and accounts for fines and Library Cards Processed fees collected; handle registrations users. and re-registrations for all library 10,000 14,000 RESERVES AND DELIVERIES: Handle Reserve Notices Processed reserve notices for materials placed on hold; maintain a hold shelf for .. 3,421 8,959 10,536 distribution of items reserved! and receive, sort, and route eeliveries of materials to and from other libraries. SIGNIFICANT CHANGE: Main library circulating adult fiction and non-fiction book budget is being returned to Circulation from CLSA. CITY OF CARLSBM 1990-91 BWEET PERSONNEL DETAIL lfotst Positions, Setarics L Benefits I 0 I I 01 Q 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET MAINTENANCE Q OPERATION DETAIL Account Description pecial Departmental upplies 'ooks & Publications 1989-90 Current $3,700 -- $3,700 - Amount Exp As of 1 I1 190 $1,662 $1,662 ACCT NO: 1989-90 Estimate $3,700 $3,700 1 990-9 1 Budget $3,900 92,000 $95,900 CITY OF CARLSBAD .. 1990-91 BUDGET BUDGET EXPLANATION WT: LIBRARY PROG: CIRCULATION ACCT. NO. 001-4021 2671 Books and Publications Regular adult circulatiqg book budget was in CLSA state grant in FY 89-90. Budget has been transferred back to general fund under Circulation. r c CrrV OF CARLSBAD le90-01 BUDGO CAPITAL OurUY DmAIL Desktop CPU - Compaq Deskpro 286e Model 40 with: Monitor - Compaq Video Graphics Monochrome Monitor Software and Accessories - Word Perfect FastBack Plus Reflection Cable CPU Upgrade Options - 2nd 3.5" 1.44mb floppy drive (Compaq 1 Needed for: 1. Producing individual page assign- ment sheets for daily and weekly record keeping of duties 2. Monthly scheduling of eleven page and twelve circulation clerks 3. Developing and maintaining procedures manuals for circulatio clerks and pages Total Capital Outlay \ Qt - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ACCT. NO. Amount $2050.00 173.00 225.00 95.00 100.00 50.00 187.00 $2880.00 6 I CITY OF CARSBAD 1990-91 BUDGm TRAVEL DOAIL 1 Total Travel -dTmrJ awwbrpnr Staff attend Serra Library System committee meetings on a monthly basis, and training seminars in San Diego. ,Expenses for mileage and incidental costs. (New figure doubled due to change in full time staff from one to two employees. 0.aifUtklIl San Diego County 8udQel $200.00 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET DEPARTMENT SUMMARY -~ Personnel Maintenamel Operation capital Outlay Grand Total DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY - REFERENCE SVCS. ACCTNUMBER: 001-4022 1 987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1 990-9 1 Budget Budget Current Budget 211,365 240,820 254 I 506 337,691 72 I 755 115 , 175 132,170 142 I 600 5 I 140 7,820 -- 2,700 289 , 260 363,815 386 , 676 482,991 ~~ Podtlons 5 I 5 5 6 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: General Reference Services: Respond to 86-87 87-88 88-89 in person and telephoned reference questions; place holds on books; provide Reference Questions materials; give book talks for community groups. library instruction and tours; select new 52 I 242 61 I 589 66 I 394 Interlibrary Loan: Send to and receive from Interlibrary Loans film, and photocopies. Delivery handled by mail, telefacsimile, and system van. other libraries requests for books, micro- 2,622 3,159 3,402 Periodicals: Manage a collection of 509 Periodical Requests magazines and 49 newspapers, and related 28 , 786 36 , 050 38 , 336 backfiles. Handle requests from the public to retrieve back issues. Online Services: Provide ready reference and Online Searches Paid in-depth data base searches for the general 353 380 272. public as well as instruction in the use of self-service computer data bases. *Decrease in paid searchc Individual searches using multiple data due to CD-ROM self- bases average about 2 hours per request and service data base usage are a fee-based service generating over $4,000 per year. Siqnificant Chanqes: Business Librarian actively marketing library's services and resources to the business community. Fax Machine Usaqe - document delivery increasing (more staff time.) Online Cataloq - neec to instruct public how to use (more staff time.) CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET PERSONNEL DETAIL DEPT: LIBRARY .................................... I ACCT NO: 001-40-22 1990-91 --- I ILlBRARlAN I I1 I I [LIBRARY ASSISTANT I I1 I I I I It I II I I I I I I1 30,000 I I1 26,000 1 I I I I I I I I I I' I I Disability & Unemployment City of Carlsbad 1990-91 New Program/Personnel Request Financial Summary Requesting Dept ./Div: LIBRARY - REFERENCE New Program Title: Business Kesource Specialist for New Library Reason for Request: Maintain existing service Operate new facility -x Increase service New program - Improve efficiency 7 - Other: Complete either A or 8 below: A. Cost of new program where no personnel changes are required: 8. Grand total of a program entailing personnel additions: PROGRAM F I SCAL IMPACT Position Title: No. of Positions: iibrar i an I I1 s $46,713 Program costs 1 I Personnel Total salary( ies) Di sabi 1 i ty & Unemployment Ret i rement Health & Life Other Workers Comp. Total Personnel Costs $ 30,000 479 4,613 6,325 s 296 418713 s s GRAND TOTAL f 30,000 479 4,613 6,325 296 418713 Maintenance & ODeration (Identify line items increased) 2479 2940 5,000 200 Total M&O Costs 5,200 5,200 CaDi tal Outlay - I tem Q!L Total Capital Out1 ay GRAND TOTAL FOR PROGRAM 1990-91 New Proaram/Personnel Justification 1. Attach organization charts showing the existing structure and the proposed structure( s) . 2 Describe what forces have compelled the request for a new program, new personnel or any combination thereof, and why is it important for the City to respond. Examples of compel 1 ing forces incl ude 1 egal mandates, ful f i 11 i ng Council goals and objectives, meeting service level standards, etc., Due to the fact that business information requests are increasing and becoming more difficult and time intensive, and the new main library will be closer to the Palomar Airport Industrial Parks, there is a need to hire additional professional staff to serve this sector of the community. 3. Describe the proposed new program. (If new personnel requests are included, continue with question 4-6, otherwise complete No. 3 and stop here.) Business Specialist, who will' develop a cooperative relationship between the library and the business community and will survey the changing needs of the business community on a regular basis. 4. Where applicable, describe how the tasks the new employee will perform are currently being accomplished. A business survey was conducted of all Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce members in November 1983. The Chamber, Mira Costa College, together with the Reference Division have hosted business seminars. Online services business has increased by almost 200% over the past year. Current Head of Reference selects business materials and writes bibliographies and teaches business reference classes. 5. Where will the new employee(s) work? Be very specific. Examples include specific beats, parks, offices, and fire stations. Reference Division - Main Library Public Service Desk - Off-Desk: Reference Mezzanine, also outside library in Carlsbad business community. 6. Describe specifically what tasks will be assigned to the new position. 1. Liaison between library and Carlsbad business community. 2. Select and develop business and economic collections. 3. Coordinate programs and speakers about small business and other 4. Survey the needs of the business community regularly. timely business and economic topics. DEF - - Acct. No. 117 420 479 - 520 660 671 940 - ACCTNO: CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET MAINTENANCE & OPERATION DETAlL 001-4022 -- : LIBRARY . Account Description lata Processing Iffice Equip. Maint. Jlisc. Professional services (Online) lues & Subscriptions Special Dept. Supplies 300kS & Publications rravel Expense Total Maintenance 8 Operation 'ROGRAM: R - 1989-90 Current 4,170 fl ,000 (new) 88,000 16,000 22,000 1,000 132,170 F. SVCS. - Amount Exp As of 1 I1 190 2,232 -- -- 38,498 13,883 19,898 446 74,957 1989-90 Estimate 4,000 -- -- 88,000 17,000 23,000 1,000 133,000 1 990-9 1 Budget -- 1,000 15,500 97,000 2,500 24,200 1,200 141,400 CITY OF CARLSBAD .. 1990-91 BUDGET BUDGET EXPLANATION EPT: LIBRARY PROG: REFERENCE ACCT. NO. 001-4022 117 - 479 - 520 - 660 - Data Processinq: Consolidated in Administration. Miscellaneous Professional Services: Have been separated from Special Departmental Supplies to better define costs and expenditures for online services. Subscriptions: Subscriptions have been raised after an evaluation of how materials should be defined. All titles on standing order, which are updated at least annually are considered subscriptions. Also, new subscriptions and backfiles are being developed for the new library. Special Departmental Supplies: More realistic accounting of costs for supplies for Periodicals and Reference. Online Services moved to 2479. CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET CAPITAL OUTUY DETAIL DEPT: LIBRARY PROG: REFERE ~ ~~~ 1 Capital Outlay Description Microfiche cabinet for expanded holdings Dual drive CD-ROM player for newspaper and government publications indexes. Will improve public access to different information sources. I Total Capital Outlay - 89-90 Budget Amount -- 2E ACCT. NO. 001-,4022 90-91 Budget sty. 1 1 Amount 1 I200 1,500 2700 ClrV OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET TRAVEL DETAIL DEPT LIBRARY PROGRAM: REFERENCE SERVICES ACCT NO: Description d Travel 01 Meetina Emens@ Staff (5 professionals) will attend Serra Library System seminarsf workshops, and meetings. I Staff will attend California Library Associa- tion training seminars and online user group meetings in the Southern Calirornia area. 1990 California Library Association Conference in San Diego. Registration and mileage for five professionals. Public Library Association Conference registration, meals, some mileage for 5 staff New Business Librarian - meals and meetings in Carlsbad area. Total Travel Destination Various If San Diego It I1 Local 001-4022 1990-91 Budget ' 300 300 400 400 200 1 600 CIM OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET DEPARTMENT SUMMARY Personnel Maintenance/ Operation 79,002 , 28,000 Grand Total Positions 112,952 1 Capital Outlay 5,950 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: General Reference Services: Respond to in-person and telephone reference requests; provide library instruction and tours; give talks to neighboring genealogical societies. Interlibrary Loan: Request and receive books, microforms, and photocopies from other libraries. Coordination with NSDCGS: The North San Diego County Genealogical Society has acted as a support group (like the Friends of the Library) for this collection for 15 years. This division will coordinate with and assist that group with their fund raisers, acquisition of materials, program planning, and training of researchers. No statistics for previous fiscal years were recorded. It is estimated that this division will provide library service to about 15,000 persons per year, answer about 7,500 reference questions, and process about 1,500 interlibrary loan items. About 25 tours of the collection will be conducted. b *' DEPT: LIBRARY ~~~ Position Title ,ibrarian I11 Sub-Total: Part Time Overtime Disability & Unemployment Retirement Worker's Compensation Health & Life Insurance Total Positions, Salaries & Benefits CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET PERSONNEL DETAIL 'ROGRAM: GENEAL 1989-90 Current rl0. Amount SY/LOCAL HIST. 1989-90 Estimate No. Estimate ,CCT. NO.: 001-4( 1990-91 Budget No. Amount 1 43,000 1 43,000 22,000 573 6,612 250 6,567 1 79,002 23 DEF = - ACCt No. 520 j60 j7l 340 - - CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET MAINTENANCE & OPERATION DETAIL ~ LIBRARY .Account Description Dues & Subscriptions Special Depart. Supplie! Books & Publications Travel Total Maintenance & Operation 1989-90 Current I Amount Exp As of 1 I1 I90 ~ -~ 1989-90 Estimate - 1990-91 Budget 20,000 2,500 5,000 500 28,000 I DEPT: LIBRARY PROG: GENEALOGY/LOCAL HISTORY ACCT. NO. 001-4023 r CITY OF CARLSBAD .. 1990-91 BUDGET BUDGET EXPLANATION 2520 (Dues & Subscriptions) covers the annual subscription to Genealogy and Local History on microfiche, which is produced three times a year by University Microfilms Inc. 2660 (Special Departmental Supplies) provides for the purchase of three microfiche carousels and additional plastic boxes to hold periodicals. CrrV OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGO CAPITAL OUTUY DETAJL GENEALOGY/ DEPT: LIBRARY Capital Outlay ' Desaiptim Micro Computer Printer I Tables I library (39" high) Micro computer and printer needed for hands-on experience and training for staff of PATH and other genealogical computer programs. Word processing capability would be utilized for develop- ment of bibliographies and maintenance of mailing lists. Tables will be utilized to hold carousels of microfiche and microfiche readers at a stand-up level. The I.G.I. (International Genealogical Index) will be housed in this manner. I Total Capital Outlay 'RW: LOCAL - 89-90 Budget Amount IST. ACCT.NO. 001-4023 91 Budget Amount 4,000 750 1 I200 CIM OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET TRAVEL DETAIL Description of Travel or Meeting Expense Attendance at conferences and lecturs in Southern California. Dates and locations not established. Destination Various 1990-91 ~ I Budget f 500 Total Travel 500 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET DEPARTMENT SUMMARY 1987-88 Budget 102 , 605 Personnel 1988-89 1989-90 1 990-91 Budget Current Budget 114 , 302 122,156 198 , 536 ~ Maintenancel Operation Capital Outlay Grand Total Positions PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: General Reference Services: Respond to in-person and telephone questions, Reference Questions provide readers advisory, library skills 11,494 22,476 29,643 instruction and group tours. 86-87 87-88 88-89 22 , 361 24 795 27 , 000 31 , 805 3 , 604 -- 1 , 000 5,600 128 , 570 139,097 150,156 235 , 941 2 2 2 3 Collection Development: Select new Circulation materials, both print and non-print and 108,292 123,283 169,369 provide collection maintenance and stack organization. Proqram Activities and Special Services: Proqrams and Attendance Annual Summer Reading Club; special 252 332 351 holiday and seasonal events which in- 11,311 18,210 21,227 clude short story contest, pet show, spelling bee, drawing contests, and cultural enrichment programs. Siqnificant Chanqes: Librarian I1 requested to develop children's collections for the new library system. CITY OF CARLSEAD 1990-91 MIDGET PERSONNEL DETAIL DEPT: LIBRARY PROGRAM: CHILDREN'S SERVICES ACCT NO: 001 -40-30 I I lposition Title I 1989- 90 I 1989-90 I 1990-91 I I Cur rent I Estimate I Budget I Amount INo. hunt INo. Amount I INo. I I I I I I I ILIERARY ASSISTANT I1 I I1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I1 29,000 I II I f 7, 'C i: I 'I I Part Time I YI,jOO I I 43,ooc; I I 98,500 I I I Overtime I I I I I I Disability 8 Unemployment I 5,:q I I ITotal Positions, Salaries & Benefits I 0 I 01 Q City of Carlsbad 1990-91 New Program/Personnel Request F i nanc i a1 Summary Requesting Dept./Div: Library - Children's Services New Program Title: Reason for Request: New South Carlsbad Library Maintain existing service - Increase service Improve efficiency - Other: Select, coordinate, discar - Operate new facil i ty X - New program - Complete either A or B below: A. Cost of new program where no personnel changes are required: B. Grand total of a program entailing personnel additions: Position Title: No. of Positions: PROGRAM FISCAL IMPACT Librarian I1 1 Program costs GRAND TOTAL Personnel Total salary(ies) $33,000 s s b Disability & Unemployment 501 Retirement 5,074 Health & Life 6,381 Other T 1 r. Total Personnel Costs 46,956 46,956 t 3 Maintenance & ODeration ( Identify 1 ine i tems increased) 2940 300 Total M&O Costs 300 300 CaDi tal Outl ay item QL Total Capital Outl ay GRAND TOTAL FOR PROGRAM 1990-91 New Proaram/Personnel Justification 1. Attach organization charts showing the existing structure and the proposed structure(s). 2. Describe what forces have compelled the request for a new program, new personnel or any combination thereof, and why is it important for the City to respond. Examples of compel 1 i ng forces incl ude 1 egal mandates, ful f i 11 i ng Council goals and objectives, meeting service level standards, etc. There is a need to increase collections for both the branch and main libraries. This will require additional professional staff to select, order, discard, weed, and assist in the collection development. 3. Describe the proposed new program. (If new personnel requests are included, continue with question 4-6, otherwise complete No. 3 and stop here.) Collection Coordinator will develop a high quality collection at the North and South Libraries. 4. Where applicable, describe how the tasks the new employee will perform are currently being accomplished. J r. 5. Where will the new employee(s) work? Be very specific. Examples include specific beats, parks, offices, and fire stations. Children's Division, Main Library Public Service Desk. Librarian I1 Off-Desk - Children's back storage room. 6. Describe specifically what tasks will be assigned to the new position. 1. To prepare for the new library by building 2 excellent collections. 2. Form a core group to help select and train part-time staff. 3. Prepare for the introduction of the online catalog (instruct 4. Continue to keep the high level of service despite constant staff and public) increased demands by the community. CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET MAINTENANCE & OPERATION DETAIL DEI Acct No. 2660 2671 2672 2940 - Total Maintenance & Operation . Account Description pecial Depart. Supplies looks ti Publications .udio Visual Materials 'ravel ROGRAM: c 1 989-90 Current - 2,100 21,000 3,100 600 I !6,800 ILD. SVCS Amount Exp As of 1 I1 I90 890 12,102 1,290 80 - 14,362 ACCTNO: ( 1989-90 Estimate 2,100 21,000 3,100 600 26,800 '1-4030 1990-91 Budget 3,000 24,000 3,500 1,305 31,805 CITY OF CARLSBAD . BUDGET EXPLANATION 1990-91 BUDGET EPT: LIBRARY PROG: CHILDREN ' S SERVICES ACCT. NO. 001-4030 2660 - Special Departmental Supplies Vital to the work program. Was under-budgeted. Increase needed to prepare for new library and to duplicate toy collection and craft materials. 2671 - Books and Publications Increase for selection of new print materials (K-8); replacement of damaged and missing books. 2672 - Audio Visual Materials Increase for records, cassettes, plus new and replacement items lost or damaged. CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGR CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL Capital Outlay Description 1900 - INFORMATION FINDER NFORMATION FINDER is essentially the forld Book Encyclopedia in electronic 'orm; software designed to be used with a ID-ROM system, similar to the one used in Ldult Reference for the Readern's Guide. [ardware for the system would comprise: . IBM computer !. Canon Printer I. Hitachi CD-ROM drive Total Capital Outlay 90-91 Budget Amount otv. 1 1 1 Amount 4,000 800 800 5,600 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET TRAVEL DETAIL DEPT LIBRARY PROGRAM: CHILDREN'S SERVICES ACCTNO: 001-4030 Descrlptim of Travel of Mee!ing Gpensa 940 - TRAVEL oca1 travel to schools and city facilities or programs, meetings, and schobl visits. 11 staff will attend some of these. We egularly do programs out of the library, ince we have lost the use of'the conference oom. We also need to maintain a close elationship with the students and staff at he local schools. The average gas costs hav een around $10 a month. erra Children's Se'rvices Committee meetings, eminars and workshops, and Author Luncheon. egistration and lunch. 11 staff will attend some of these. It is ecessary to keep in touch with the rest of he county children's librarians, so we can ork together and to plan the summer programs hat we do in concert. The workshops and eminars are helpful in educating staff in ne' deas for library work and programs. The uthor Luncheon is highly motivational in kee ng staff informed about children's authors. alomar Chapter CLA quarterly meetings. egistration fees and gas. 11 librarians will attend. Attending these eetings is important for professional growth nd keeping up to date with county libraries. alifornia Library Association meeting, ovember 1990. For all librarians. This eeting is important in order to keep up with rends in Children's Services statewide and t et new ideas for services. CLMEA, November 7-10. Airfare, lodging, and registration and food. For Children's Services librarian. Importan to professional growth, keeping up with trenl in libraries in California. Total Travel Destination Carlsbad San Diego County Area San Diego County Area San Diego Santa Clara 1990-91 Budget 50 125 80 100 650 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGFT TRAVEL DETAIL PROGRAM: CHILDREN'S SERVICES ACCTNO: 001-4030 DEPT LIBRARY Descriotlon d Travel or Maing Grpmse (Cont d . ) California Reading Association, !November 8-1( Registration and food. For librarian. Important to keep in touch with popular trends in childr'en's literature and new ways of encouraging reading. Public Library Association conference. Registration, food, lodging and travel. Staff librarian. Important to keep in touch uith new trends in public library technology, service and trends. Destination Anaheim ~- - 1990-91 Budget 100 200 Total Travel 1,305 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET DEPARTMENT SUMMARY DEPARTMENT LIBRARY - TECHNICAL SERVICES ACCTNUMBER: 001-4040 1987-88 1 988-89 1989-90 1990-91 Budget Budget Current Budget 255,905 279,615 313,416 344 I 450 Personnel Maintenamel I Operation 112,417 99,691 105,300 111,000 Capital Outlay 18,828 11,417 -- 14,800 Grand Tad 387,150 390,723 418,716 4-70 I 250 Positions 7 7 8 8 WORK PROGRAM: The Technical Services Division orders, receives, catalogs, and prepares all library materials for public use; maintains the library's online database and card catalogs; and manages the library's automated circulation system, online catalog, and related automated operations. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: Acquisitions: The division orders and 86-87 87-88 88-89 receives books and audiovisual materials. Items Ordered (Est.) 12,000 12,500 13,000 Processinq: The division catalogs and Items Cataloqed processes both purchased items and gifts. 12,789 12,455 13,695 The division also repairs damaged materials and arranges for binding and rebinding. Items Sent for Bindinq 2 I 492 1 I 838 2 , 689 Database Maintenance: The division adds new items to the online database and deletes Items Added (Est.) information for lost or discarded materials. 12,900 12,800 14,000 Items Withdrawn 4,330 3,520 8,063 Circulation System: The division operates the library's INLEX 3000 System, including operation of the mini computer, production of statistical reports, installation of new software releases, and handles training. Sisnificant Chanqes: This budget includes one new position. As explained on the new program/personnel justification form, this position is necessary to handle the process- ing of materials for the new library. There are related increases in the maintenance and PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: To ensure system avail- ability (uptime) at least 98% of hours library is open; to schedule training sessions at least quarterly; and to instal all new releases within one week of availability - ca ita1 outla requests for a new computer for word processing and dafabase main%enance, a new cataloging workstation, and related furniture. ~~~~ I 12 I I L I BRAR IAN, d .L I I I L I BRARY ASS I STANT I I IL I I I I I I I I I .- n I2 [LIBRARY ASSISTANT I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I -- I I I 12. I I ,; I IS I I I I c- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ZLf 4Ww- I I fQ deT498- I I I I I I 12 62,000 I I/ I I I I I I I I I I I I ITli.2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 18 City of Carlsbad 1990-91 New Program/Personnel Request Fi nanci a1 Summary Requesting Dept JDiv: Library/Technical Services New Program Title: New South Carlsbad Library Reason for Request: Maintain existing service - Improve efficiency Other: Acquire and process rlanned new Operate new facil i ty - Increase service - New program - main library. Complete either A or B below: A. Cost of new program where no personnel changes are required: $ B. Grand total of a program entailing personnel additions: $37,724 PROGRAM FISCAL IMPACT Position Title: No. of Positions: Clerk I Typist I 1 Program costs GRAND TOTAL Personnel Total salary( ies) s $ f Di sabi 1 i ty & Unemployment 326 Ret i rement 2,614 Health & Life 6,084 Other Workers Comp. 50 Total Personnel Costs 26,074 26,074 -0 (Identify line items increased) 2660 10,000 Total M&O Costs 10.000 10.000 CaDi tal Outl av I tern u Desk 1 - 650 Total Capital Outl ay GRAND TOTAL FOR PROGRAM - 1990-91 New Prowam/Personnel Justification 1. Attach organization charts showing the existing structure and the proposed structure(s). 2 . Describe what forces have compelled the request for a new program, new personnel or any combination thereof, and why is it important for the City to respond. Exampl es of compel 1 ing forces i ncl ude 1 egal mandates, ful f i 11 i ng Council goals and objectives, meeting service level standards, etc. The City has made a commitment to build a new main library. The need to acquire catalog, and process materials for the new library and the expanded branch collection requires additional staff, since the current staff is not able to handle the increasing workload. 3. Describe the proposed new program. (If new personnel requests are inc-luded, continue with question 4-6, otherwise complete No. 3 and stop here.) The new program will be an ‘extension of the existing Technical Services Division and will provide the additional staff necessary to handle the projected 25% increase in materials (gifts and purchases) in FY 1990-91. 4. Where applicable, describe how the tasks the new employee will perform are currently being accomplished. The tasks are currently handled by existing staff; however, existing staff is not sufficient to handle current workload, resulting in an increasing backlog of materials. 5. Where will the new employee(s) work? Be very specific. Examples include specific beats, parks, offices, and fire stations. The new employee will work in the Technical Services area of the main library. 6. Describe specifically what tasks will be assigned to the new position. Will physically process new materials (covering, stamping, etc.) Will assist with monthly bindery shipment. Will type manuals, reports, and correspondence. Will assist with filing of serials. DEF I CITY OF CAALSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET MAINTENANCE & OPERATION DETAIL Ad< No. 2420 2479 2540 2550 2660 2940 - Total Maintenance 8 Operation . Account Description )ffice Equipment Maint. Iisc. Professional Svcs 'rinting (Bindery) Iff ice Supplies :pecial Depart. Supplie: OCLC cataloging plus )ther supplies.) 'ravel Expense ROGRAM: T - 1989-90 Current Zh. Svcs. Amount Exp As of 1 I1 I90 14,955 - -- 11,893 198 9,536 1 162 34,522 ACCTNO: 001-4040 1989-90 Estimate 23 I 000 -- 20 , 000 198 66 I 000 1 , 600 1 990-9 1 Budget 1 I000 3 I 000 25 I 000 -- 80 I 000 2 , 000 111,000 c r CITY OF CARLSBAD .. 1990-91 BUDGET BUDGET EXPLANATION EPT: LIBRARY PROG: TECHNICAL SERVICES ACCT. NO. 001-4040 Personnel This budget adds one new positionlto handle the processing of materials for the new library. Correction: There are currently two Librarian I1 positions in this division, not two Librarian I positions. The two Library Assistant I positions in the 1989-90 budget will become Library Assistant I1 positions in FY 1990-91. 2420 - Office Equipment Maintenance: transferred to 4010-2117 per Information Systems. 2479 - Miscellaneous Professional Services: We will add access to OCLCs new online service EPIC to support cataloging activities. Budgeted amount would pay for 1% hours per week. 2540 - Printing: This account is used for binding paperbacks and rebind- ing damaged hard cover books. Due to the age of the collection and increased use by the public, the number of books needing re- binding has increased 36% so far this fiscal year and will probably continue at this rate. In addition, acquisitions for the new library will increase the number of paperback purchases needing to be bound for public use. 2660 - Special Departmental Supplies: This account includes OCLC costs as well as general supplies. The 1990-91 amount has been increased to reflect an anticipated 25% increase (approximately 3,000 items) in the number of items to be cataloged and processed for the new library. 2940 - Travel Expense: The increase over inflation reflects the increase1 number of staff, plus the opportunity for staff to attend CLA and PLA programs in San Diego in 1990 and 1991. Capital Outlay Two new workstations are requested, one an OCLC workstation for catalog- ing materials, the other a deskpro 386 (or similar) computer for handlin! word processing (including the increasing production of manuals and othe: training information), database maintenance and access to online service: Associated purchases are a modum, a printer, computer furniture, and chairs. The new position asked for will require a desk and a chair. Some current staff are usina old chairs salvaaed from other divisions or d storage. replaced with appropriate work chairs. in addiun fn 3 -izc pcr 22eVe.: They are uncomforiable for full-time use and need to be (Total to be replaced - 5 chairs CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET BUDGET EXPLANATION XPT: LIBRARY PROG: TECHNICAL SERVICES ACCT. NO. 001-4040 Capital Outlay (cont.) A filing cabinet is needed to supplement the one cabinet currently used. CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL DEPT LIBRARY Capital Outlay 3CLC M386/16 workstation with monochrome nonitor: We currently have 7 people 3ttempting to use 3 existing OCLC work- stations for cataloging. An additional workstation will allow more efficient us Df professional staff time. This work- station is essential if we are to handle the projected 25% increase in cataloging in FY 1990-91. * Description Deskpro 386 computer with 110 meg. hard firive and expanded memory board. For word processing, access to online services, and database maintenance. Epson printer (for use with above.) 3ayes external 2400 band modum (for Dnline access. ) steelcase chairs (5 to replace salvaged zhairs currently in use, for new ?ersonnel, 2 for new computer work- stations.) Desks (for new personnel) zomputer tables (for OCLC and Deskpro zomputers above) with hutches. 90-91 Budget Amount -- Total Capital Outlay w. 1 1 1 1 8 1 2 - Amount 4 , 500 4 I 000 750 400 3 , 600 550 1,000 14,800 CllY OF CARLSBAD 1-91 BUDGET TRAVEL DETAIL I Description d Travel or Meeting l%pense Serra Technical and Automation Review Committee - 6 meetings per year. (This committee of public library tecHnica1 services personnel meets to plan workshops and evaluate new products.) California Library Association annual conference, November 1990. (This conference schedules workshops and lectures on catalog- ing, databases, microcomputers, and related topics. ) California Library Association/Tech,nical Services Chapter workshops. (This group schedules 4 to 6 workshops a year on various aspects of technical services, such as cataloging, acquisitions, and automation.) INLEX Users Group, December 1990. (2 attendees, 3 days, air fare $600, lodging $200, registration $100, parking and taxis $50, meals $50.) 1 Total Travel Destination Varies (San Diego County) San Diego Varies (So. Salif. ) ilonterey :an Diego - 1990-91 Budget 150 350 200 1,000 300 2,000 t I c 1987-88 Budget Personnel $ 99,599 Maintenamel Operation 14,290 Capital Outlay 1,194 Grand Total $115,083 Positions 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDG€l' DEPARTMENT SUMMARY 1989-90 1990-91 1 9-09 Budget Current Budget $113,007 $1 27 , 091 $ 80,933 , 16,060 16 I 530 18,500 -- -- -- $129,067 $143,621 $ 99,433 2 2 1 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: AV Public Services: Includes checkout and in of videotapes/films, AV equipment and the collection of insurance and fees. Interlibrary Loan: Sending and receiving requests for films and videotapes. AV Collection Development: Selection, purchase and receipt of new AV materials, preparation of video for circulation and maintenance of video, compact disk, record and cassette collections. AV Reference & Information: Collection of reference materials to assist with AV related inquiries, development of a local AV information database, preparation of selected lists, catalogs and promotional materials. Siqnificant Chanqes: Increase of $3,000 for purchase of talking books and CD Audio. Reduction in personnel Librarian I11 is transferred to Collection Develop- ment Librarian. WORKLOAD MEASURES 86-87 87-88 88-89 Videotape/Film Circulation 95,106 115,825 138,549 Equipment Circulation 1,014 1,107 723 Insurance & Fees 57,800 69,158 65,280 Items Loaned to Other Libraries 584 373 328 Items Borrowed from Other Libraries 457 311 324 Video Tapes Purchased 812 427 385 Audio Materials Purchased 360 430 486 Production of Catalog Database Updates & Selected Media Graphics 16 26 66 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 EU)GET PERSONNEL DETAIL DEI - - Acct No. - 420 660 672 - CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET MAINTENANCE & OPERATION DETAIL : LIBRARY PROGRAM: AV SERVICES Account Description Iffice Equip. Maintenanc ;pecial Depart. Supplies Ludio Visual Materials Total Maintenance 8 Operation ~ 1989-90 Current - Amount Exp As of 1 I1 190 563 2,874 5,981 9,418 1989-90 Estimate 2,800 3,300 9,000 15,100 1990-91 Budget 3 I 000 3 , 500 12,000 18,500 CITY OF CARLSBAD .. 1990-91 BUDGET BUDGET EXPLANATION DEPT: LIBRARY PROG: AV SERVICES ACCT.NO. 001-4050 Budget increase in 2672 to allow growth in "talking books" audio collection. , CllY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET TRAVEL DETAIL DEPT LIBRARY PROGRAM: AV SERVICES Description d Travel 01 Meeting Gqmsa For attendance of related professional organizations and specialized training I Total Travel ACCTNO: 001-4050 Destination - 1990-91 Budget 300 Various 300 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET OEPARTMENT SUMMARY DEPARTMENT LIBRARY - MEDIA SERVICES ACCTNUMBER: 001-4052 WORK PROGRAM: Media Services provides a wide range of professional media production services in support of all the city departments' communications needs. Services include photographic, video, audio, publication illustration, sync-slide shows, developing and maintaining locally relevant stock image collections. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES Public Information Media: Produce city- related photographic, video and audio Number of Media Projects information for distribution to news- Produced papers, magazines, local publications, 90 120 138 radio, TV stations and other inter-city uses. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES Imaqe Research & Development: Develop 1) Research a comprehensive and maintain a fully indexed city image data based organization retrieval and storage system for slid.es, system. prints, negatives, video, audio, etc. (27,000 slides and 7,200 prints) 86-87 87-88 88-89 2) Arrange system programmin Media Production Development: Provide audio, video, photographic media services for the preservation and documentation of such locally significant information as oral history, historical photos/ documents and displays/exhibits. Video Production Service Expansion: Broaden services supplied by expanding into professional quality.video productions. 3) Input index data and file material. 4) Generate related media productions. 5) Participate in local and regional civic and service organizations for for the purpose of generating media produc- tions. Siqnificant Chanqes: Capital outlay for video equipment to complement presenta- 6) Develop eng and post tion of-city department information on production video services large screen video playback at City Mgram. expansion. 11 t -74 *n Y .- v DEf E - 9cct No. - 330 420 479 660 - :LIBRARY CIM OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET MAINTENANCE 6 OPERATION DETAIL . Account Description Ither machinery & equip- nent rental Iffice equipment maint. lisc. Professional Svcs. Special Depart. Supplies Total Maintenance & Operation 'ROGRAM: E? - 1989-90 Current '1,500 1,700 1,700 22,600 27,500 3IA SVCS. - Amount Exp As of 1 I1 190 -- 513 -- 8,008 8,521 ACCTNO: 1 1989-90 Estimate 1,200 1 , 500 1,500 22,000 26,200 11-4052 1990-91 Budget 27,900 DEPT: LIBRARY CITY OF CARLSBAD 1-91 BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL Capital Outlay Description VIDEO PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT Sony Camera Package DXC-325/ $10,400 8800PACTC to include: DXC- 325L, PH12x7.5BKRSt BC-1WA, (4)NP-IAt VO-8800PACTCt CMA-8 CCQX-3 Sony VO-9850PACTC 3/4" Editing $14,950 Package to include: VO-9800, RM-450, 2 RCC-SG, VDC-5 BKU-704, BKU705, V09850 Sony PVM-8220 8" Color Monitors $ 1,000 Miller Tripod System 25 Fluid $ 1,925 head and spreader Comprehensive Light Kit P-4/SLCS$ 1,375 Winsted Console H8501 $ 1,195 Set-up and installation $ 150 auarterly maintenance contract $ 3,000 Zomputer Expansion: 100 MB Hard $ 700 drive computer expansion Total Capital Outlay $34,695 -~ - 89-90 Budget Amount ROG: MEDIA SVCS. ACCT. NO. 001 90-91 Budget Amount -4052 CITY OF CARLSBAD . 1990-91 BUDGET BUDGET EXPLANATION 3 EPT: ACCT. NO. 001-4052 CAPITAL OUTLAY JUSTIFICATION Video Production Equipment: ENG field video production and' basic editing system will be used to produce city related video programs. Presentation to City Council will be on video playback. In addition there will be distribution over community cable TV and through library video loan. Computer Expansion: Hard drive for necessary storage 0 image file index data. ClTv OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET TRAVEL DETAIL DEPT LIBRARY PROGRAM: MEDIA SERVICES Descriptim d Travel or Mming Gmrm - Media Services Manager is required to attend and document city and related community events. City vehicle is not always avail- able. Expenses will include in-service training and trade workshops in the Southern California area to keep informed with new techniques. Total Travel Destination Various - 1990-91 Budget 600 600 CITY OF CARLSBAO 1990-91 BUDGET PROGRAM SUMMARY Grand TOW PosltloC\s PROGRAM: LIBRARY - ADULT LEARNING PROGFWIACCTNUMBER: 001-4060- 74,506.00 48,697.00 94,734.00 113,639.00 2 2 2 2 r 1987-88 198849 1989-90 1 990-9 1 Budget E* Cunent Budget eerwnnJ 61,376.00 30,527.00 76,134.00 84,314.00 MdnteMncal 8,430.00 18,170.00 18,600.00 29,325 .OO I WORK PROGRAM: The Adult Learning Program is the library's adult literacy service. It provides individual tutoring for English-speaking adults who need to improve their basic reading, writing and math skills in order to function effectively in daily life, achieve personal goals and take advantage of society's opportunities. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: 86-87 87-88 88-89 Tutoring: The program provides free one- Learners instructed: to-one tutoring for 80-100 adults who need 121 147 158 to improve their basic reading, writing and math skills. Staff develops an individual 80 89 88 study plan for the learner, using a variety of methods and materials. The program trains Tutors instructing: and supports volunteer tutors. Inservice 100 128 132 trainings and individual counseling on materials, methods and social service needs of learners are also provided. needs and progress are monitored. Tutors trained: Learners' Community Awareness and Referrals: The program Potential Learner Inquiries: increases community awareness and involvement in 146 141 146 literacy through use of the local media, public speaking, and the cooperative public relations strategies of the San Diego County Literacy Network. The program also interacts with social Potential Learners Referred Elsewhere: 145 151 136 and health service agencies, service clubs, Potential Volunteer Inquiries businesses, educational institutions, and other literacy programs to receive referrals and to refer learners and volunteers whose needs cannot be met by the program (e.g., live in other geographic area). 240 24 7 248 Referre' 193 69 84 Library Adult Learners Collection: The program Items circulated: 1800 volumes of texts, fiction and nonfiction appropriate for adult interests and written at lower library through the collection and are enabled to use the'library for lifelong learning. reading levels. Adult learners are introduced to the I I DEI - - - AfXt No. 2220 2350 2420 2520 2530 2550 2551 2660 2671 2940 2980 - - CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET MAINTENANCE Q OPERATION DETAIL A I Library PROGRAM: Account Description Telephone Rent Off ice Equip. Maint . Dues & Subscriptions Postage Office Supplies Office Furn. & Equip. Special Deptl. Supplies Books & Publications Travel Training & Educ. Total Maintenance & Operation 1989-90 Current 1,600 11,000 900 100 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 7 00 300 18,600 Amount Exp As of 1 I1 190 508 9,466 629 31 239 287 337 145 11,642 ALL1 NU: UUl-4UOU- 1989-90 Estimate 1,600 11,000 900 100 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 700 300 18,600 1990-91 Budget 1,600 20,775 1,000 0 0 1,300 1,300 1,550 1,000 800 0 CIM OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET BUDGET EXPLANATION 001-4060 ACCT. NO. PR~: ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM IEPT: 1. /I2520 (dues & subscriptions) has been transferred to library's regular dues & subscriptions account. 2. {I2530 (postage) has been transferred to library administration's postage account. 3. /I2980 expenses have been mainly for training volunteer tutors and more appropriately belong in #2660. 4. 82671 is consumable workbooks for tutors and learners. previously covered by grant money. This expense was 5. /I2350 increase is due to rental of additional suite in Colonial Mall. Small increases in //2550, #2551, and {I2660 reflect costs of maintaining additional suite and supporting work performed in it. CrrY OF CARISBAD 1990-91 BUDGET TfUVEL DETAIL DEPT: Library PfWGmM: Adult Learning Progr California Literacy State Conference - dates and location not established yet. Usually 3 nights. ACCT NO: 001-4060 1 Mnatkm 1990-91 Budael 800 ~~ Total Travel 800 'I .I 'C CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET DEPARTMENT SUMMARY DEPARTMENT LIBRARY - LA COSTA BRANCH ACCTNUMBER: 001-4070 The branch library provides services for South Carlsbad. These services include print and non-print materials, reference services, special programs for children and adults and the preparation of exhibits and displays. I PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: I I WORKLOAD MEASURES 86-87 87-88 88-89 Reference: Assist patrons in using the library, answer reference questions, Reference Questions reserve specific titles and request 8 , 368 9,719 9,796 - materials from other libraries. Circulation: Circulate print and non-print 118,189 138,448 148,669 materials to children and adults, handle patron registration, collect fees and Volumes Added fines and track overdue items. 20,859 25,561 28,698 Circulation Collection Development: Evaluate the Proqram Attendance branch collection, select and order print 9 , 143 6,734 9,796 I and non-print materials. PERFORMANCE MEASURES 1 Proqramminq: Plan, schedule and develop programs for adults and children. 1) Schedule and supervise staff. Library Manaqement: 1) manage branch 2) Hire and train new library staff, collection and facility; staff . 2) maintain awareness of community. 3) Prepare monthly narrative and statistic 1 reports. I 4) Actively maintain a I print and non-print I media collection. 5) Maintain a safe and I I I efficient facility. 6) Survey the needs of and 1 interact with members of the community. I current and topical 1 L *NOTE: In fiscal 89-90 all branch MbO was funded by CLSA State Grant. For FY 90-91 branch M&O will come under general fund and CLSA Grant will be used to purchase books for new library system. I Part Time I I Overtime I I I I Disability B Unenployment I I Retirement I I Uorker’s Conpensation I I I I 4,346 I 8,610 I 505 D EF - - Acct. No. 210 220 320 350 420 490 520 660 671 672 940 - CIM OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET MAINTENANCE & OPERATION DETAIL Account Description [eat and Light 'elephone & Comm, )ffice Equipment Rental 'roperty Rental Iffice Equipment Maint. [isc. Outside Services lues & Subscriptions lpecial Dept. Supplies looks & Publications .udio Visual Materials 'ravel Total Maintenance & Operation COSTA BR. - Amount Exp As of 1/1/90 ACCT NO: - 1989-90 Estimate 01-4070 1 990-9 1 Budget 5 I 000 -- 4 I 000 62 000 700 700 5,000 2,000 44 I 000 5,500 500 129,400 CITY OF CARLSBAD .. 1990-91 BUDGET BUDGET EXPLANATION 'EPT: T,TRRARY PROG: LA COSTA BRANCH ACCT. NO. 001-4070 Dersonnel: Part-time budget request increased from $89,000 in 1989 to $100,000 in 1990. This is due to increase in hours and use of the library circulation. Hours increased from 44 to 64 beginning September 1989. Circulation for the period September through November in 1989 increased 17% over the same period 1988. 2220: Telephone charges incorporated with Administration. CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL SHELVING Capital Outlay Description This is for an addition of eight single faced 90" sections which will house an estimated 1500 volumes of the expanding branch collection. Estimate is from an update of a 1988 Boot Gentle estimate. Original estimate was $2,663. For 1990- 91 estimate the company quoted an 8% increase per year plus the increase in sales tax. Total Capital Outlay 'ROG: LA COI 89-90 Budget Amount - 90-91 Budget Amount $3,500 $3,500 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET TRAVEL DETAIL DEPT: LIBRARY PROGRAM: LA COSTA BRANCH Oescription of Travel or Meeting Gcpense Staff will attend appropriate Serra meetings, workshops and seminars. Total Travel ACCT NO: 001-4070 Destination - 1990-91 Budget $500.00 Various $500.00 CITY OF CARLSBAO 19-91 BUDGET DEPARTMENT SUMMARY Personnel Maintenancal Opwatlon Capital Outlay Grand Total Positions Budget Budget Budget Current -- -- -- -- I 75 I 536 57,801 101,500 108,000 -- 6,300 8 I 000 -- 75,536 64,101 109,500 108,000 -- -- -- -- PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES Zollection Development: Evaluating, selecting and ordering videotapes for Number of Videotapes existing and new South Carlsbad library. Added to New Library Replacement: Replace lost or damaged items as needed to maintain quality of Number of Videotapes collection. Added to Existins 86-87 87-88 88-89 -- 2,000 2,500 Technical Processinq: Arrange and Library Collection 784 381 308 monitor necessary cataloging/processing services for videotapes from outside Number of Videotapes vendor. ~~ Replaced 28 46 77 PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE To catalog and process 3,000 videotapes for new library system. Siqnificant Chanqes: Cataloging will be purchased from an outside vendor for all videos purchased for new and existing libraries. I. DEF ACCt No. 2479 2660 2672 - Total Maintenance h Operation CITY OF CARLSBAO 1990-91 BUDGET MAINTENANCE & OPERATION DETAIL LIBRARY . Account Description isc. Professional Svcs. pecial Depart. Supplies V Materials ROGRAM: A - 1 989-90 Current 101,500 INSURANCI - Amount Exp As of 1 I1 190 113 1,736 17,681 19,530 ACCT NO: 1 L - 1989-90 Estimate 25,500 5 I 000 60,000 90 , 500 -4051 - 1990-91 Budget 30 , 000 5,000 73 , 000 108 , 000 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET DEPARTMENT SUMMARY %rmnel Maintenamel )petation *ita1 Outlay Grand Total Budget Budget Current Budget -- -- -- -- t 117,682 112,228 168,400 100,000 59,987 -- -- -- 177,669 112,228 168,400 100,000 WORK PROGRAM: Projected reimbursements from the California State Library to the city for loans of materials to non-residents. Payment is based on a reciprocal usage formula. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Reimbursement funds are used to Funds will be used to purchase assist in the cost of library adult fiction and non-fiction operations. books for the new library system. DEI - ncct No. 210 2 20 320 350 420 190 520 560 571 572 340 - - Heat & Light Telephone Equipment Rental Property Rental Equipment Maintenance Outside Services Dues & Subscriptions Special Depart. Supplies Books AV Materials Travel CIM Of CARLSBAO 1990-91 BUDGET MAINTENANCE & OPERATION OETAlL r: LIBRARY . Account Description Total Maintenance & Operation 168,400 JSA - Amount Exp As of 1 I1 190 1,766 83 1 I 790 61 , 864 -- 598 1,830 199 44,292 4,363 128 ACCT NO: : - 1989-90 Estimate 4,000 300 4 I 000 62 I 000 700 800 4 I 500 2 , 000 80 I 000 6 , 000 300 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUDGET EXPLANATION 1990-91 BUDGET PT: LIBRARY PROG: CLSA ACCT. NO. 180-8101 CLSA budget for FY 1989-90 was used to cover the branch maintenance and operations. so that available CLSA funds can be used to develop collections for the new library system. In FY 1990-91 branch M G 0 will be incorporated with 001-4070 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET PROGRAM SUMMARY Personnel Maintenance/ Operation Capital Outlay Grand Total Positions Budget Budget Current Budget -- -- -- -- 8 , 520 58,000 15,000 12,467 62 , 468 37 I 224 63 I 000 57 I 470 74 I 935 45,744 121,000 72,470 -- -- -- -- PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Automation projects. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Purchase terminals for online public access catalog. Purchase microfiche catalog to serve as backup to online catalog. Transfer operations to an automated acquisitions system. Upgrade mini-computer to hand1 added terminals for the online catalog. Upgrade computer memory to handle expanded data'base. CIM OF CARLSEAD 1990-91 BUDGET MAINTENANCE & OPERATION DETAIL c : LIBRARY PROGRAM: PLF DEI Acct No. 2479 2660 Total Maintenance & Operation . Account Description fisc. Professional Svcs. jpecial Depart. Supplies ~~ 1989-90 Current 12,000 - Amount Exp As of 1 I1 I90 7,500 3,238 ~~ 10,738 1989-90 Estimate 7,500 1990-91 Budget 10 too0 15,000 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1990-91 BUDGET BUDGET EXPLANATION DEFT: LIBRARY PROG: PLF ACCT. NO. 180-8110 2479 - Computer cabling and installation; outside service contracts for processing books for new library system. 2660 - Computer furniture, equipment, and miscellaneous supplies. CrrY OF CARLSBAD 1-91 BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY DETAIL - 89-90 Budget .. DEPT: LIBRARY 90-91 Budget .. Capital Outlay Descriotiarr HP computer terminals: Terminals for INLEX online public access catalog. Microfiche Catalog: Fiche catalog to serve as backup for the online catalog if and when system is down or when communication is not available. Upgrade HP 58 computer memory: Needed to handle expanded data base. Will include the following: 3 ATP (24 ports) @ $4,000 1 MB memory upgrade INLEX Inventory Control Module -Module -Portable Wand Scanner Kit This system will enable staff to perform mobile inventory control of all collections. INLEX Acquisitions Module Automated acquisitions system which enables selection staff to place orders online and provides instant fund accounting. Total Capital Outlay AmOUnt 20,000 8,000 10 , 000 s.!L 20 1 3 1 1 1 1 - Amount 20,000 8 , 000 12 , 000 1,875 3,000 1,595 11,000 57,470 CIRCULATION STATISTICS MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS December 1989 Dec . 1988 Dec . 1989 1,709 2,201 Film and Video Tapes 10,133 9,867 Audio Visual Equipment 70 47 Total MAIN LIBRARY 51,912 52,115 BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials Film and Video Tapes 8,764 10,174 1.279 1.753 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 10,043 11,927 TOTAL CIRCULATION 61,955 64,042 ............................. REFERE NCE UU ESTIONS MAIN LIRW Y Adult Children's Online Searches 4,292 4,815 1,570 1,680 40 10 Total MAIN LIBRARY 5,902 6,505 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 742 772 TOTAL QUESTIONS 6,644 7,277 ............................. PEOPLE CO UNTER (Daily Average) Main Library Branch Library 1,416 1,479 332 370 TOTAL 1,748 1,849 'k Chanae +1 -3 - 33 -- + 16 + 37 + 19 +3 - + 12 +7 - 75 + 10 +4 + 10 +4 + 11 +6 ............................. Dec. Dec. 1988 1989 ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs Children’s Programs 250 105 1,206 945 TOTAL 1,456 1,050 ............................. OANS Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad 135 136 126 154 258 271 80 98 Borrowed from other libraries 39 23 Loaned to other libraries 13 7 ............................. NEW REGISTRA TIONS Main Library Branch 742 799 162 146 TOTAL 904 945 % Chanae - 58 - 22 - 28 +1 + 22 +5 + 23 - 41 - 46 +8 - 10 +5 2 & al LI E a, V 0, n PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND PAYMENTS (20,600,000) FY 1989/90 11/22/89 PAYEE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 01/0 1/89 INCOME CAPITA OF PER CAPITA PAYMENT PAYMENT FY 89/90 (1/2) 14.778 (4X 1.642) (1 X 5) POP. SEC. 18023 PER PERCENT STATE ADJUSTED ALAMEDA 0. ALAMEDA P. L. ALHAMBRA ALPINE CO. ALTADENA AMADOR CO. ANAHEIM ARCADI A AZUSA BANNING UNIF. S.D. BEAUMONT BENICIA BERKELEY BEVERLY HILLS BRAWLEY BUENA PARK BURBANK BURL1 NGAME CALAVERAS CQ. CALEX I CO CARLSBAD CARME L CERR I TOS CHULA VISTA COAL1 NGA-HURON COLTON COLUSA CO. COMMERCE CONTRA COSTA CO. CORONA CORONADO COVI NA DALY CITY DEL NORTE CO. DIXON UNIF. S.D DOWNEY EL CENTRO EL DORADO 0. EL SEGUNDO ESCONDIDO FRESNO CO. FULLERTON GLENDALE GLENDORA HAYWARD HEMET HUMBOLDT CO. AUBURN-PLACER CO. BUTTE CO. 468,200 77,200 74,900 1,190 45 , 440 29,150 244,300 49,100 116,100 38,250 23,215 14,175 24,350 106,400 34,300 19,650 66,200 93,800 34,715 176,700 32,400 19,550 62,000 4,990 58,400 128,000 13,610 37,700 15,500 11,700 693,500 61,000 24,600 43,250 85,400 20,400 14,670 86,800 31,650 124,100 15,750 99,000 607,590 111,700 166,100 47,400 104,500 33,350 116,800 14,268,632 30.48 100% 1 642 1,113,048 14.42 98% 1 602 1,533,981 20.48 100% 1.642 96,631 81.20 100% 1.642 1,063,028 23.39 100% 1.642 310,776 10.66 7 2% 1.185 5,407,534 22.13 100% 1.642 1,208,089 24.60 100% 1.642 1,206,419 10.39 70% 1.155 674,461 17.63 100% 1.642 334,200 14.40 97% 1.600 189,000 13.33 90% 1.481 249,462 10.24 6 9% 1.138 6,237,400 58.62 100% 1.642 2,706,853 78.92 100% 1.642 189,168 9.63 65% 1 070 1,545,965 23.35 100% 1.642 2,517,625 26.84 100% 1.642 1,517,561 43.71 100% 1.642 NOT ELIGIBLE 678,268 ------------ 212,040 6.54 188,637 9.65 2,089,213 33.70 719,453 144.18 1,259,780 21.57 2,276,426 17.78 458,700 33.70 565,123 14.99 367,571 23.71 1,256,830 107.42 8,778,500 12.66 1,385,723 22.72 857,354 34.85 667,820 15.44 1,095,134 12.82 129,909 6.37 182,506 12.44 1,213,209 13.98 284,653 8.99 931,219 7.50 697,075 44.26 1,587,183 16.03 5,279,777 8.69 2,750,741 24.63 4,466,803 26.89 854,902 18.04 1,863,396 17.83 385,956 11.57 1,371,635 11.74 44% 65% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 86% 100% 100% 100% 87% 43% 84% 95% 6 1% 5 1% 100% 100% 59% 100% 100% 100% 100% 78% 7 9% 0.727 1.072 1.642 1.642 1.642 1.642 1.642 1.642 1.642 1.642 1.406 1.642 1.642 1.642 1.425 0.708 1.382 1.553 0.999 0.834 1.642 1.642 0.966 1.642 1.642 1.642 1.642 1.286 1.305 768,784 123,672 122,986 1,954 74,612 34,531 401,141 80,622 134,047 62,807 37,133 21,000 27,718 174,709 56,321 21,019 108,700 154,020 57,002 23,560 20,960 101,804 8,194 95,893 210,176 22,348 61,903 25,451 19,211 975,389 100,162 40,393 71,017 121,682 14,434 20,278 134,801 31,628 103,469 25,862 162,558 183,411 272,736 77,831 171,589 42,884 152,404 ---------- 586,642 375,932 60,475 60,139 955 36,485 16,885 196,156 39,424 65,548 30,712 18,158 10,269 13,554 85,432 27,540 10,278 53,154 75,315 27,874 11,521 10 , 249 49,782 4,007 46,891 102,775 10,928 30,270 12,445 9 394 476,960 48,979 19,752 34,727 59,502 7,058 9,916 65,917 15,466 . 50,596 12,646 79,490 286,865 89,687 133,367 38,059 83,906 20,970 74,525