HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-02-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: February 21, 1990 Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES City Council Conference Room TRUSl CALL TO ORDER: President Cooper called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - President Cooper, Library Board Trustees Martin and Trigas. Trustee Curtin arrived at 3:02 p.m. and Trustee Grosse arrived at 3:05 p.m. ,< ' Absent - None. Also Present Were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Carolyn Ayars, League of Women Voters Virginia Watterson, Genealogical Society APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held January 31, 1990, were approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Buildina and Grounds Trustee Trigas deferred to Item #4a of the Agenda. b. puduet Trustee Martin deferred to Item #4b of the . Agenda. c. Personnel Trustee Curtin reported that a Librarian 111, Susan Simpson, has been hired for the position of Head of Collection Development. She will start work on April 2, 1990. Ms. Simpson has eight years of experience, three years in collection development at the Pike's Peak Library in Colorado. COOP€ Curti Marti Gross Trigz MINUTES COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Continued) d. Youth There was no report. that at his request, John Quartarone had attended a meeting at the Boys & Girls Club last night to discuss the recreational needs of boys and girls in their teens. OLD BUSINESS: Director Lange mentioned a. The Architect Selection Process: Update. Trustee Trigas reported that she, Director Lange and Municipal Projects Manager, John Cahill, made a trip to Seattle last week to further interview the top candidate for architect. three of them saw many buildings the firm of Richard Cardwell has done, both new and renovations, in and around Seattle. Richard Cardwell will work with another architectural firm, James McGraw of San Diego and Trustee Trigas said both firms were very impressive. The Trustee Martin asked how close the first and second ranked candidates were and Trustee Trigas replied that as interviews and discussions progressed, Cardwell came out far ahead of the second choice. The Library Building Review Committee will meet tomorrow night and a recommendation will be made to approve the hiring of Richard Cardwell. b. ProDosed 1990-91 Library ODeratinu Budaet: Preliminary review report. Trustee Martin reported that the budget has been walked through with the budget analyst. Items have been explained but nothing has been finalized as yet. MINUTES February 21, 1990 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 NEW BUSINESS: a. 1989-90 Fourth Ouarter ReDort. Director Lange stated that this report is a review of October, November and December of last year, which covers building activity for that period. b. On-lili'e Catalou Update and Potential Hardware UDurade: For discussion. Director Lange stated that the library has been working for several years in this direction. A lot of cleanup still has to be done but there has been significant improvement in the last run through. The plan is to get it up and operating at the Branch first. There will be practice time and publicity and then the on-line catalog will be implemented at the main library. We are looking at a whole new computer which will run about $219,000. This will give us significant increase in the capacity of the system. The upgrade of the hardware, which will last for many years, will be proposed to Council after more analysis is done. The upgrade of the software will cost another $15,000 but we will get a $9,000 or $10,000 trade-in on the old equipment. back to the Board at the next meeting. A detailed proposal will be brought c. Librarv Board ADDointment to the Artist Selection Committee for the New Librarv. Director Lange stated we have $100,000 for art for the new building. We want to put together a committee to select an artist to work with the architect. Bebe Grosse was appointed as the Board representative to this Committee. v TRUSTEES MINUTES !\A\ s February 21, 1990 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 4 TRUSTEES - LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Lange reported that the Arts Commission and Arts Office staff are in the process of developing a cultural plan for the City. A consulting firm from back east has been hired and they will be working with the Arts Office. There will be two public meetings for input and discussion. There is a delegation in Futtsu this week. The delegation includes high school students and Connie Beardsley of the City's arts office. Connie hopes to see Japanese artists and their work while she is over there. 4 Director Lange said he is continuing to chair the Organizational Excellence Committee for the City Manager. He has implemented the Investment in Excellence program for the City and a new, revised version for the 1990s is now being used. Six sessions will be held this year and there are 14 trained facilitators. The Organizational Excellence Committee is looking into organizational and staff development for all employees. Next Tuesday night there will be a Northeast Quadrant meeting in the Council Chambers. Director Lange will be talking about the renovation and rehab of this building and the new library. Director Lange added that the City has made a final offer to buy the house across the street from the library but so far has received no response. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: There was no report. MINUTES February 21, 1990 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 5 GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: There was no report. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: President Cooper reported the next meeting will be held tomorrow at the Branch. At this pknt, Director Lange mentioned the CALTAC Workshop which will be held in Los Angeles on March 10, 1990. Trustees Cooper and Curtin will attend with Director Lange. It was suggested that they might go by train and Director Lange said he will obtain train schedules. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no one present who wished to address the Board. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of February 21, 1990, was adjourned at 3:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, - I Pamela A. Batho Secretary CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY FEBRUARY 1990 QUARTERLY REPORT FOR OCTOBER-DECEMBER 1989 Progress was made this quarter on a number of badly needed building maintenance projects. Most noteworthy of these was the relamping of the overhead fluorescent lights throughout the library. Yellowed diffusers were replaced and new, brighter bulbs were installed giving the entire library a much brighter, cleaner appearance. The public restrooms are also much brighter and cleaner now with a fresh coat of paint and new stall panels. Still to come will be new carpet for the audiovisual workroom and children's area. As part of preparations for long-term collection devel- opment for the new library system, a new storage facil- ity was leased in the Palomar Business Park area. The new facility, just over 2,000 square feet, has climate controls and is much better suited for the lengthy storage of books and audiovisual materials than was the smaller library space in the City warehouse. All library materials in the City warehouse were moved to the new facility and negotiations with the City of Oceanside resulted in the acquisition of solid wood bookstacks from the Oceanside Library. These book- stacks will provide adequate storage for all antici- pated collections to be developed over the next two and a half years. Planning for the new South Carlsbad Library this quar- ter included a number of lengthy meetings with the library's Long-Range Planning Committee and the Library Building Review Committee. Consultant David Smith was on hand for most of these meetings as well as for separate sessions with library division heads. A full draft building program for the new library has now been completed along with staffing plans for the entire system. Plans for the renovation and remodel of the Cole Library were put on hold pending input from an architect yet to be selected. Part of the architect's scope of work will be to advise on the potential for expansion of the existing library, especially access to the south mezzanine, handicap access to the public restrooms, and removal of the atrium. Applications were received from 33 architectural firms for the design of the new library. These firms who responded to the initial request for qualifications were narrowed down to seven finalists by a sub-committee of the Library Building Review Committee. Final interviews will be conducted in January. Children's staff began a series of meetings with librarians and administrators from Carlsbad's elemen- tary schools to discuss ways to further cooperation in the delivery of services to students. distributed a brochure to the schools which illustrates ideas for coordinating activities and explains what the library needs from the schools, especially classroom teachers, to prepare for upcoming research assignments. A decision was made to reorganize public service opera- tions to include a separate Genealogy and Local History Division. This was done to give greater administrative direction and control over genealogy resources and services, which are among the most noteworthy in Southern California. The library Signage for the library improved significantly with the installation of a handsome new 8' by 3' wooden sign on the parkway facing Elm. In addition, a new directional and informational sign system for the interior of the library was completed this quarter. The new system points to all the major service areas and special resources. At the La Costa Branch, a new FAX machine, funded by the Serra System, was added, giving both branch and main library staff the ability to transfer documents and articles back and forth much more quickly and efficiently. Also at the branch, the La Costa Bookfair was a great success for the Friends of the Library, bringing in over $2,000. The library sponsored nine adult programs during the quarter and presented 14 exhibits of arts, crafts, and collectibles. There were 81 children's programs pre- sented this quarter, 29 at the branch and 52 at the main library. 2 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICAL SUMMARY FOR OCTOBER-DECEMBER 1989 TOTAL CIRCULATION PROGRAM ATTENDANCE FILM AND VIDEO BOOKINGS REFERENCE QUESTIONS ILLs SENT BY CARLSBAD ILLs RECEIVED BY CARLSBAD ONLINE SEARCHES HOLDS PLACED REGISTRATIONS PEOPLE COUNT (DAILY AVERAGE) BRANCH CIRCULATION BRANCH REFERENCE QUESTIONS BRANCH VIDEO CIRCULATION ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM: LEARNERS SERVED TUTORS TRAINED REFERRALS COLLECTION HOLDINGS: VIDEOS BOOKS RECORDS TAPES COMPACT DISKS MICROFORMS VERTICAL FILE ITEMS GENEALOGY ITEMS 1988 193 , 970 5 I 512 31 , 572 23 I 440 252 444 73 2 , 047 3,183 1 , 928 32 I 953 2 I 321 3 , 589 94 33 30 2 , 700 193,474 2 I 634 5 I 847 1 112 121 , 150 86 , 189 19,766 1989 214 , 888 4 , 939 32 I 663 27 I 984 294 434 41 2 , 169 3 I 131 2 , 123 39 , 805 2 540 4,733 93 21 31 3 I 352 194 I 987 1 I 850 5 I 709 1 I 795 145 I 081 88 I 474 22 I 692 % CHANGE + 11 - 10 +3 + 19 + 17 -2 - 44 +6 -2 + 10 + 21 +9 + 32 -1 - 36 +3 + 24 +1 - 30 -2 + 61 + 20 +3 + 15 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS January 1990 CIRCULATION STATISTICS Jan. Jan. 1989 1990 % Chanue MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials 51.533 53.369 +4 Film and Video Tapes 11,279 11,167 -1 Audio Visual Equipment 64 68 +6 Total MAIN LIBRARY 62,876 64,603 +3 BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials Film and Video Tapes 11,614 14,793 + 27 1.558 2,064 + 32 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 13,172 16,857 + 28 TOTAL CIRCULATION 76,048 81,460 +7 ............................. REFERENCE OUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Adult Children's Online Searches 6,867 7,560 + 10 2,441 2,429 -- 14 16 + 14 Total MAIN LIBRARY 9,322 10,005 +7 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 803 832 +4 TOTAL QUESTIONS 10,125 10,837 +7 ............................. PEOPLE COUNTER (Daily Average) Main Library 1,792 1,746 -3 Branch Library 441 480 +9 TOTAL 2,233 2,226 -- ............................. Jan. Jan. 1989 1990 ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs Children's Programs 142 385 1,660 1,794 TOTAL 1,802 2,179 ............................. INTERLIBRARY LOANS BOOKS AND REFERENCE Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad FILMS 163 193 148 150 263 297 56 90 Borrowed from other libraries 17 13 Loaned to other libraries 31 16 ............................. NEW REGISTRATIONS Main Library Branch TOTAL 3 Chancre +171 +8 + 21 + 18 +1 + 13 + 61 - 24 - 48 1,142 973 - 15 222 257 + 16 1,364 1,230 -a 2 4 m c? d. . m m 0 0 m N m -J. m 0 - cv m o\ co "9 m N "1 4 : 03 ID ro Q 0 m m 0 m d. 0 cv PI PI m