HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-05-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Nmmting of I Date of Meeting: Y.y 16, 1990 Place of meting: LIBRARY WARD OI TRUSTZ6S Tw Of betingt 3100 Q.l. City Council Confermace Boom au&9swm: President Cooper called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. BQhUau: Present: President Cooper, Library Board Trustees Curtin and Martin. Trustee Groeee arrived at 3:02 p.m. Absent: Library Board Trustee Trigas. Also Presmnt Were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Virginia Watterson, Genealogical Society The Minutes of the Meeting hold March 21, 1990, were approved as presented. a. and Ground& Trustee Trigam was absent. Budaef Trustee Martin stated further justifications were being made for the requestin-g of new pomitions. c. Pereonnel Trustee Curtin had no report. d. XQ!m Trustee Grosse reported that in April there was a short story contest and in Hay the spelling bee was held. The finals will be held this week. She stated that the summer reading program is about to gat underway--as of June 25. The program will be linked with the other Serra libraries and the thome will bo 'Treasure Quest". OLD: a. -on 85 Workpbpp. Dr. Lange reported on this workshop and referred to his report which was included in the packet. He said the requirements for applying for the money have been increased and he aaid that the check liat generated most of the discussion. Consultants have been hired by the State Librarian to hold workshops around the State to help those libraries that are not as far along with their building plans as Carlsbad. Dr. Lange said that Carlsbad is in a good position to apply for tb money, with the only potential problem being whether or not the Office of Administrative Law approves the draft regulations to be oubmitted to them. If the new library does not get funds, it is possible to apply for funda for the renovating of the existing library. TRUSTEES ' cooper Curt in Martin \ \ \ I MINUTES May 16, 1990 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 ~~ - BUS-: (Continued) b. p90-91 BU daet UDdatg. This item wan covered in Committee Reports. C. e. Dr. Lange reported there was a successful workshop last week. three days, starting on Wedneeday. The evaluation of the existing library was discussed and there will be a final report in June. Thursday was spent talking about the placement of the new library building on the site. Friday a tour wan taken, visiting the libraries in San Bernardino, Escondido and Oceanside. President Cooper, Trustee Martin and Dr. Lange all agreed the trip was very worthwhile and gave them the opportunity to see firsthand the mistakes made in the other buildings. Dr. Lange stated that at least with the building here, it will be their mistakes and not because the architects did not listen to the librarians. Dr. Lange will show slides of the tour at the end of this meeting. Dr. Lange continued, stating that the plan for the new library is to have the popular library on the first floor, the children'n operation, paperbacks and the audio/visual. The second floor will have reference, backfile periodicals and non-fiction section.. He said he would have a more detailod report in June. Dr. Lange stated he wants a more direct access to the library from Dove Lane. If there were a curb cut made by the library. there could be a dropoff area and driveup book return. The Trustees concurred that a direct access would be very beneficial. d. -ter Svstsm Uwra-. Dr. Lange reported that Council approved the computer system upgrade and it should be operational by the end of the year. e. partnerahips for Chanae R ewrt - Ceoff Armour. Ceoff Armour reported thin project is in the preliminary phase--the Needs Assessment phase of the program. give the information to put together the grant proposal, which is due in Sacramento by August 1, 1990. He explained in detail how the N8eds Assessment will be conducted to cover the Hispanic population, and said that the library shouLd havo a presence in the life of all the residents of Carlsbad. This will \ \ wllw: a. prowse d Princiual L ibrarian Position. Dr. Lange referred to the copy of the Agenda Bill and the documents contained in the packet. He said this person would be the Manager of the existing Library, and is needed as Soon as possible to relieve Ceoff and Dr. Lange to plan for the new library. Dr. Lange stated he would like the endorsement of the Board for the creation of this position. MINUTES L- e- my 16, 1990 LIBRARY BOARD O? TRUSTEES Page 3 -: (Continued) The Library Board of Trustees endorsed the creation of a position entitled Principal Librarian, as requested by the Director. b. -ter Renork. This report was dietributed to the Board Members. c. hibrarv Bo ard ReDresentat ive to the Art Ga llery -. Dr. Lange stated that a gallery combittee was being formed to plan for the 2,000 square foot gallery in the new library. The members selected are: Dona Meilach--Arts Comniasioner, Jackie Wrench--Arts Associates, Connie Beardsley--Manager, Arts Office and Cliff Lange--Library Director. He aeked for a volunteer to servo on this Conmittee, and Trustee Grosse volunteered to serve. d. peauest of True tee Grosse to Di scuss Librarv Name Truster Groese referred to her letter dated April 11, 1990, regarding the designation of the existing Library as the Cole Library. Dr. Lange reiterated hie recotmendation to complete the new building and then, after the renovation, rededicate this Library. This Library will be a major Library and ehould not be referrod to as a branch. Dr. Lange mtated he would write a memorandum to the newspapers and talk with them about the planned names for the Libraries and get the present terminology correct. R'S REPQBT: Dr. Lange reported there is an item on the Council's Consent Calendar for the acquisition of the Elmwood Street house. There ace plane for the Library to use that, and Dr. Lange, Geoff Armour and Dr. Lange's secretary would move into that house, freeing up space for the new Library Manager. Dr. Lange distributed a chart that wan presented at the CEEC luncheon today, showing the Library at the top of the list in Local Government Performance Ratings. Dr. Lange roported on a meeting yesterday in Ontario of the OCLC. This was to give an overview of OCLC and where it plans to go in the future. expansion of service. area of the delivery of reference- type information. There are 44 million items in the data base now and a subject access approach has been developed. He added that OCLC ie now international, with libraries in 39 countries as members. A major happening is the Dr. Lange commented that wiring is critical in the new building to make certain they allow for all the new electronics to be introduced into Library work. Dr. Lange distributed copies of the Procese for Library Selection of Artists. The Arts commiesion has $100,000 for the new Library building artists. TRUSTEES \ Cooper Curtin Grosee Mart in MINUTES Hay 16, 1990 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 4 -: Dr. Lange reported the Book Fair would be held this coming Sunday. We. Watteraon reported there have been three fund raisers, with over 51,689.25 raieed; with over half of that spent for books. President Cooper reported on the last Advisory Board Heeting, and stated the Awards Dinner will be held November 1. The new slate of officers will be nominated June 7. There was no one preaent to address the Board on a non- agenda item. -8 The Board watched a slide presentation of the tour of th8 San Bernardino, Encondido and Oceanside Libraries. By proper motion, the Heeting of Hay 16, 1990, was adjourned at 5:OO p.m. Hinutes Clerk TRUSTEES ' r .- 8 Proposition 85 Regional Meetings April 17, 1998 in Oakland April 19, 1998 in Imine AGENDA 9:00 A.M. Registration & Coffee, Tea, Rolls 1O:OO A.M. Welcome and Purpose of the Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Yolanda J. Cues&, Chkf Libnup Ikvebptnenl Services Bureau Introduction of Facilitator and Recorder Role of the Facilitator, Recorder and Group . . . . . . . . . M*n Snider, Fucibr Agenda Review Introductions Overview of the Proposition 85 Rulemaking Process . . . . . . . . . . Richard B. Hall Library Consrnrcwn Bond Ad Manager What is Positive about the Draft Regulations, Excluding the Application Form? What Are Your Major Concerns About the Draft Regulations, Excluding the Application? What Suggestions Do You Have Regarding the Draft Regulations, Excluding the What is Positive About the Application Form? What Are Your Major Concerns About the Application Form? What Suggestions Do You Have About the Application Form? Application? Presentation Regarding the Evaluation Prooess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard B. Hall Libmry kuhnl Bond Act Manager What Suggestions Do You Have Regarding the Evaluation Process Next Steps Summary Closing Remarks 5:00 P.M. Adjourn CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY , TELEPHONE: (916) 445-4730 LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES I1 1001 SIXTH STREET SUITE 300 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 4 DATE : April, 9, 1990 TO: California Public Library Directors -? '? Library System Coordinatirs x A Contact People for Proposition 85 Library Project&-':- Other Interested Parties FROM: Richard B. Hall Library Construction Bond Act Manager SUBJECT: Draft Regulations for the Proposition 85 Library Construction Program Find attached the draft regulations for the Proposition 85 library construction program. These draft regulations include a draft of the application form as well as an outline of the requirements for a building program. Please review this material carefully and provide me with your comments either verbally, but preferably in writing, no lat er th an Fridav. ADrll 27. If it is possible for you to attend one of the regional meetings on April 17 or 19, then provide your input at that time. If you can not attend or wish to make additional comments after the meetings, be sure to contact me before April 27, so that I have time to consider your thoughts before the final proposed regulations are prepared forthe formal public comment and hearings process. I look forward to meeting many of you at the regional meetings and welcome your input to improve the regulations. It will be to our mutual benefit to obtain a high quality set of requlations in order to foster a better state funding program and ultimately better public library facilities in the State of California. L ArtSoAe 1. Qonoral Provimiona Artial. 2. California Library Con.truotion and monovation Program 420. aligibility for Grant. 430. Purpoaor of Grant8 460. Application for aranta 470. Compotitiva Bidding Crlifornh Librq Conatruotion md Ronovrtion Board Titlo 8, Diriaiona 24, Ch8pt.r 4, IWtiOn8 20410 20490 (chapter and section designations are tentative) &tielo la Oonorrl Proviaion. 410. mfinitiona. Pro jmct l*projectn mean. a construction or remodeling project for purposes under section 19957. Addi tion/ronovation l'Addition/renovationn moan8 a project which is both an addition to an existing library and a retoCkling of the existing library building for the purposes specifid in section 19957. Eligiblo projoct coat. "Eligible project costsn are those co8ts defined in section 19957 (a) through (g) and section 19963. "Applicantw means a local jurisdiction as defined under section 19956 which is eligible for and in the process of making application for California Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act funds. ~oc.1 matching funds "Local matching fundsn means 35 percent of the oligible project costs. B8aton.d to tho atruoturo "Fastened to the structurew means bolted, screwed, or welded to the structure of the building or otherwise permanently attached to the building. Built-in oquipmont "Built-in equipmentn means equipment which is constructed a. part of the building which is not detachable and therefore not rewvable from the building or grounds. NOTE: Authority cited: Section 19960, Education Code. Reference: Section 19952, 19957, 19961, and 19962 Education Code. OonfliOtiIhg qpl%O8tiOB8 Ol8biBg tho mu0 8OrViaO -08 For purport. of identifying tho current and projected population of tho library 80rvicm area, no person in California shall be deemed to be 8erv.d by DO- than one public library. The applicant shall only count peoph lfving within the official geographical boundaries of the appli-. County jurisdictions may not count the population of any municipal or special district jurisdictions that maintain and operata independent public libraries. NOTE: Authority cited: Saction 19960, Education Code. Reference: Sections 19956, 19961 and 19966 Education Code. 430. Purpomom of grant8 Allow8neo for 8rt works Any work of art which is acquired a8 M eligible project cost must be fastened to the structure of the library building or otherwise permanently attached to tho grounds. Acquisition of ua oxiating building A local jurisdiction may acquire through purchase or donation an existing building for the purpose of converting it to a public library. The cost of the acquisition of this real property is an eligible expense. The State Librarian reserves the right to reject an application for the purchase of an existing building if it i8 found to be unsuitable for conversion to a public library because of poor structural condition, presence of toxic materials, building conditions which limit effective library service, inappropriate location to serve as a public library, or conversion costs in excess of the normal public construction cost in the applicant's area for new construction. Addition8 to OXhting f8dliti.8 The State Librarian reserves the right to reject an application for an addition/renovation project if the existing building i8 found to be unsuitable for renovation because of poor structural condition, presence of toxic materials, building condition8 which limit effective library service, inappropriate location to aerve as a public library, or renovation costs in excess of th8 normal public construction cost in the applicant's area for new construction. rrrltipurpow bui ldinga Projects whish result in a multipurpose building are allowable if: (a) th. project costs for the library portion can be pro- ratad (b) UW State Librarian does not find that the other prospective occupants ar8 incompatible with a public library, 8xl , (c) thr applicant wets the eligibility requirements in section 19956. Acquiaition Of 8 ask The State Librarian reserves the right to reject the purchase of, or credit allowance for, my aitr if it is found to have excessive acquisition co6ts# restrictions to clear title, limited vehicular accessibility, inappropriate geogr8phical location within the library service area, excessiva site development Costs, limited lot size, poor soil conditions, location in a flood plain, excessive demolition or relocation costs, or lack of required utilities. Site doveloprent and duolith Site development and demolition costs a88ociated with the project are eligible project costs, but shall be directly related to the construction of the library facility and limited to work performed within the legal boundaries of the library project'8 site. Romodoling for energy oonsommtioa Remodeling of existing facilities meam remdaling existing buildings to meet or exceed the requirements 8pcifbd in (specific statute and State Building Code to be cited). Remodeling for 800.81 for the di88bl.d Remodeling of existing facilities mean8 remodeling existing buildings to meet or exceed the requirements specified (mpocifie statute and State Building Code to be cited). Reh8bilit8tion for h88lth md 88f8ty, Rehabilitation of existing facilities for current health and aafety requi-rements means remodeling for purposes of earthquake protection, fire protection, toxic chemicals and materials removal and control of water intrusion (specific statute and State Building Code to be cited). The necessity of remodeling for these oses _must be cart ified bv the local j urisdiction's buildina or he altn *off ic* This certification shall b e submitted with thx application prior to the State Librarian's deadline for applications. 1 DRWT PS~OPOBITIOH es IL~CGULATIONU April 9, 1990 p.9. s General renovation of existing facilities is not eligible. aUhitOot8 .I( oaginoerm "Architect. urd engineersa means a person required to be certified or licensod by the State Board of Architectural Examiners State Board of Lrndscape Architects, State Board of Registration for Profusfonal Ibghaarm and Land Surve Or88 State Board of a current and valid licena or certificate from that body. Registration for Gwlogimts and Gaophysic r 8t.l and who possesses Other d0.i- prOf.88iOn.l. "Other design profeasionaloa means: interior designers who will rovide floor layouts, design and mite specifications P or library furnishings and conat~ction cort emtirators, asbestos consultants registered by the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (CALOS~), and ewimnt 8 qualified library consultant. providing: (1) public library needs assessments, (2) public library facility master plans, (3) public library eite studie8, (4) Public library building programs and (5) Public library architectural plans reviews. "Qualified library consultantsw means a person who: (1) Possesses a Masters in Library Science (WLS) or equivalent 5th ymar degree in library science, and (2) has acted as a consultant to provida at least five of any of the above ( (d) (1) throu h (5)) services for at least five different hbrary projects within the last ten years. The consultant can have provided the sarvices as an independent contractor, or a8 the employee of an organization involved with administration of public libraries. NOTE: Authority cited: Section 19960, Education Code. Reference: Sections 19956, 19957, 19963, 19962 and 19967 Education Coda. DRWT W#)BITIOM OS EuQoLATIOM6 April 9, 1990 Page c he commitment of local the local ported by official action taken at an The resolution &all be open meeting of the juri- ction and dul recorded in the minutes of that meeting. the duly jurisdiction. An a lieation submitted without the resolution Private fund8 from donations ifts or foundations which are - e s'.uch in th8 froj& budget must be cash in a bank account and undar the corp et8 control of the local jurisdiction prior to the State Librarian'. deadline for applications. A certified copy of the bank account statement showing the necessary account balance and indicati the local jurisdiction's control the State Librarian's deadline for applications, The local jurisdiction shall @-it a financial plan certified by he fiscal officer demon8trating the anticipated source of the availability of fund8. Local fiscal officer shall certify that local funds will be available when necessary to rr8t project cash flow requirements. and oredit The State Librarian shall allow credit for all land approved by the State Librarian as a libra site except land alrmady owned by the public library. The State Librarian shal allow credit for land purchased, donated or othewise acquired specifically for an addition to an existing public library. Appr8is.d land v8lue. .up elected head of the jutimdiction and notarized by the c 'I erk of the shall be deed inel PP gible by the State Librarian. The rasolution shalr be signed b over the account must be sub^ ?? tted viM the application prior to matching and supplemental funds a8 well as the timetable for r local jurisdiction and ded 7! cated to the o ration of an existing value of land and im rovements to be acquired or cr8dit.d m8t of the State Librarian s deadline for ap lication. This e determined by a certi P ied appraisal within one year prior to the appraisal shall be submitted with the applicat P on prior to the State Librarian's deadline for application. The certified appraisal shall conform with the requirement8 of the Lancaster-Montoya Appraisal Act (Civil Code section 1922 et. 8eq.). The appraiser shall be a Member of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers (MAI). The eligible (a) land acquisition cost, or (b) credit allowance for land purchased by the applicant within three years of the State Librarian's deadline for applications, shall be the appraised value or purchase price of the land, whichever is lower. The credit allowance for (c) land purchased b the applicant prior to three yaus of the State Librarian's dead r ins for applications shall be tho appraised value of the land. If the certified appraisal is contested by either the State ahall be at the expense of the local urisdiction and the Librarian cal jurhdiction, one or more certified appraisals average of tk appraisals shall be the aligib 1 e land value. -8hi-8 orcrbit State Librarian ehall not give credit for movable furnishings and equipment of any kind. Arohitecrtur.1 pZmr orodit The State Librarian 8hall give credit for architectural plans and for the specific project for which drawings developed application is being ma e. The plans shall have been created by an architect licensed to practice bthe State of California. The combined credit and eli file CoIt for architectural plans and drawings shall not exce 93 tvelve prcent of the construction cost of the project. NOTE: Authority cited: Section 19960, Education Code. Reference: Sections 19962, 19957 Education Code. OnV 4bO. 1CXaOSSiVO COStS. #orma1 publie oonsttuction oomts in tho appliaurt*s area Remodelina The normal public construction costs in the applicant's area for projects involving remodeling shall be determined on the basis of cost estimates provided by architects and angineers licensed to practice in the State of California. Remodeling, conversion, and addition/renovation projects shall submit: (a) an engineering study performed by a licensed en ineer which assesses the structural integrity of the ex 4 sting building, and which determines the presenca of materials in the building and cost estimate for the safe runoval of the materials. The building survey for asbestos containing materials shall be performed by an asbestos consultant registered with the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (CAL OSHA). For remodeling projects, a contingency not to exceed fifteen percent of the projected remodeling costs may be added to obtain the allowable construction cost. ?or additim and remodeling projects, a co of the projected constructioEostm of the addition' ncy not to exceed fifteen percent of the projected s may be added to obtain the allowable construction uencv not to exceed cost. - The current cost shall be modified utilizing the following "California facalit b Zip Code Adjustment Table." The current obtain the locally adjust2 co8t. cost figure i8 malt rr pl ed th8 factor in the adjustment table to a Leoalitv bv Cod. mU8t8@nt TU zzuxQE 900-918 e Yg2 923-924 925 926-927 928 930 931 932-933 934 935 936-937 939 940-941 943 944 945-946 947 948 949 950-951 952-953 954 955 956-958 959 960 961 lum&sux -8 &lgeh8 SM Di-0 Palm Spring. San Bernardino Rivers ide Santa Ana Anaheim Ventura Santa Barbara Bakersfield San Luis Obispo Mo j ave Presno Salinas San Francisco Palo Alto San Mate0 Oakland Berkeley Richmond San Rafael San Jose S tockt on Santa Rosa Eureka Sacramento Marysvi 1 le Reddin? Susanv lle FACTOR 1.12 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.09* 1012 1.13 1.14 1.06 1.11 1.06 1.08 1.07 1.25 1.18 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.13 1.20 1.09 1.16 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 The locally adjusted cost shall then be modified by 1/4 percent per month for each month from the State Librarian's deadline for application until the anticipated date of construction bids for the project. -0; figuro shall bo known as tho projectod construction cost. Thi8 figuro, or a lesser amount, mhall be utilized as the normal conrtruction comt in tho applicant's area unless justification can be made based upon recent local bidding experience. At the 1-1 jurisdiction'8 option, thim figure may be further by averaging a minimum of three rocently bid comparable ublic corutruction projects within the legal boundaries of the oca1 juridiction. Comparable public conmtruction projects shall officu, -, ~~urthouses, city halls, auditoriums, community collmgo l.ibr8rie8, senior citizens centers, public schools and recreation centers. This locally datarmined comt figuro will then bo averaged with the R. S. Means duivod rejected construction cost to obtain the For projects with new corutruction, a contingency not to exceed seven percent of the projected construction costs may be added to obtain the allowable conmtruction cost. revised proj.ct.6 con8 P naction co8t figure. ~ortifioation of axoommiro oomtm For projects which exceed tho normal public construction costs in the a plicant's area, the local jurisdiction must provide certif P cation in the form of a rumolution demonstrating the capabilityto finance the supplemental funds necessaryto construct the project at the higher cost. The remlution must also guarantee that the required local matching and 8u lemental funds necessary to complete the project at the level 8ta PP ed in the project budget will be made available for the projact in a timely manner. Finally, the resolution must include a financial plan demonstrating the source of the supplemental local funding a8 well as the timetable for availability of funds. Projoot budgot A project budget shall include all expmbitures for eligible project costs and all other related roject comts. In addition, local matching, and local supplemental funding. Estimates for the projected construction cost of the roject shall be provided by an architect Conceptual plans shall be developed to sup rt and justify the Ed et estimate shall architect's estimate. The complete be certified by the fiscal officer o the local qurimdietion. Any amendment to the project budget shall be submitted to the Stat. Librarian for approval. NOTE: Authority cited: Section 19960, Education Code. Roference: Sections 19964 and 19957 Education Code. it shall show the sources of all fund P ng including state matching, licensed to practice P n the State of California. project 460. Appliaation for Qruttr. Con8truotion bid. 8lrO8dy 8btrOrti8.d If construction bids have been submitted prior to six month8 before the State Librarian's deadline for application, and all bids were formal1 rejected resulting in no contract award, the project may be subm f: tted during the grant application process. Applioatioe form Bach local urisdiction shall make a plication for state funds on NOTE: Author% cited: Section 19960, Education Code. Reference: Sections 1993, 19966, 19956, 19957, 19964, 19962, and 19955 Education cod.. 470. Oaig.titiV0 Bidding. Bidding Of 8 8t-l. OOUtXUotiOE OOEtr8Ot the applicr l $am form shown in Append P x 1. The local juridiction -1 bid and let only one construction general conmtrwtion, mito development, demolition, land8caping, built-in equipnnt ud mhelving fa8tened to the 8tructure. Require gonoral oontraotor During the execution of the genua1 construction contract, it is required that a single genua1 contractor be employedto coordinate the work of all subcontractor.. Th, general contractor shall be emplo ed b the applicant and have no other existing contractual including but not limited to the project architect, engineers, or developers. Requfro U80 Of uohiteat. Thim contract shall inciuae, but not rmea t 0 relat xr onsh ps with other partiu with an interest in the project, be employedto develop con P ractdocumentm and supervise the bidding w 1 th other parties with an interest in tho projoct, including but An architect licensed to ractice in tho State of California must and construction of the project. The architect shall be employed b the applicant and have no existing contractual relationships not limited to developers or the project's general contractor. NOTE: Authority cited: Section 19960, Education Code. Reference: Sections 19959 and 19957 Education Code. 480. Reoord ItOOping, Audit. md It8ta p8]THILt8 offioial projoot roaords The official project records shall be unchr the control of the applicant and show evidence of havin been officially ap roved by fiscal and rogram related materials requiring signature. rust hava by the local jurisdiction for a min mum of seven years. Tho State Librarian shall have access within five working days of tho receipt of the request by the local jurisdiction to all official project records as well as all source documentation utilized fa the planning of the project. the project coordinator or his author s zed aqents. Allapp P icatfon, original s P gnatures. 1 Official pro ect records shall be retained Arrdit @XUOnt8 If good mume i8 found by the State Librarian during the administratian of the project, a fiscal or program compliance audit of eli iblo project funds ma bo roquirod at any time. The State release of tha fina ten percent of state project funds. Audits shll follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) requireman- for auditing. If an applicant receives state funding for more than OM frojoct, the local jurisdiction shall maintain an independent aud t trail for each project. li Y Librar f an -11 re ire a f nal audit to bo 8ubmitted prior to stat0 p8mOnt8 The State Librarian -11 authorize atate grant payments to the local jurisdiction on a riodic reimbursement basis. With each that the reimbursement request is being made only for eligible pro j act expenditures. The final state payment of ten percant shall be made when: payment request, the loca Y jurisdiction shall submit certification all eligible project fund8 have been expended, the architect certifies that the building has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, the local jurisdiction shows evidence of having recorded a "Notice of Completion" for which the lien period has expired and for which all outstanding liens have been settled, the local jurisdiction shows evidurce of the building title having been accepted, and the local jurisdiction submits a final audit which is acceptable to the State Librarian. NOTE: Authority cited: Section 19960, Education Code. Reference: Sections 19962, and 19958 Education Code. 490. Taoility Dodicatod to Diroct Fublio Library Sarvba statuont of library jUri8dhtiOB@8 willingnama to operato If the proposed library facility will not be operated by the applicant, a resolution indicating a willingness to operate the facility must be adopted by the governing body, or its desi officer who has been empowered to act in its behalf, that w 11 be operating the facility after its completion. This resolution shall be submitted with the application prior to the State Librarian's deadline for application. rated c DRAfi PROFOBITIOM @S RIQULATfON8 April 9, 1990 Pago 12 IUtO*8 irktomt rwordod in tho titlo roaord The local urbdiction shall record in the title record the state’s ruct bo dedicated to providing direct public library service for twenty year8 or tho u88ful life of tho building, whichever is longer Valuo dothod by mutual agro.ront9 Determining tho raltn of the facility and land by mutual agreement shall mean by u8a of 8 &fieid ”. appraisal as called for in section NOTE: Authori cited: -ion 19960, Education Code. Reference: Section 19967 Lation we. interest ? IL -8 facility and tho fact that the library facility 440. c May 10, 1990 TO: LIBRARY DIRECTOR FROM: Manager, Arts Office A gallery committee is being formed to plan for the 2000 sq. ft. gallery in the new library. This committee will meet to form a mission statement for the gallery. Another session is planned as a roundtable discussion with gallery directors in the area to help with specifics regarding the facility and programming. Gallery Committee 1. Dona Meilach - Arts Commissioner 2. Jackie Wrench - Arts Associates 3. - Library Board 4. Connie Beardsley - Manager,Arts Office 5. Cliff Lange - Library Director Would you please ask the Library Board to select a representative to serve on this committee. I anticipate the two meetings as outlined above to take place shortly. There may need to be additional meetings in the future. CONNIE BEARDSLEY saf ' RUSSELL W. GROSSE DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. 5850 Avenida Encinas, Suite A -_ Carlsbad, California 92008 -_ Phone 61 91438-3 141 April 11, 1990 Mr. Clifford Langl, Library Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Cliff: Congratulations on the first step toward building the new library in Carlsbad. We all see this as a great advantage to the entire City, and we hope that the building process will go smoothly, and the scheduled opening of July.1992,can be realized. I have one concern with the Carlsbad Library names. I believe it is important to refer to the existing library as the Cole Memorial Library at some point, and perhaps the sooner the better. The article in the newspaper discussing the appointment of the architect showed the picture of our library and noted that it will "become a branch library." I know the existing library was not to be officially dedicated as the Cole Memorial Library until the new library is completed, but the Board may want to discuss the appropriate designations now, with a statement submitted to newspapers and other City Departments. I am concerned that we not offend any of the Carlsbad library supporters. Please call me to discuss this issue. Sincersly, Bebe Grosse BG:jh Contractors License No. 378383 CARTISBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS March 1990 CIRCUJiATION STAT1 STICS Mar. Mar. 1989 1990 % Chanae Print Materials 52,337 54,597 +4 Film and Video Tapes ii,ooa 10,965 -- Audio Visual Equipment 97 a7 3 Total MAIN LIBRARY 63,442 65,649 +3 Print Materials Film and Video Tapes 12,854 14,533 + 13 1.3362.137 s Total BRANCH LIBRARY 14,190 16,670 + 17 TOTAL CIRCULATION 77,632 82,319 +6 ............................. Adult Children's Online Searches 6,296 6,813 +a 2,485 3,303 + 33 3131 -- Total MAIN LIBRARY 8,812 10,147 + 15 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 9651.278 u TOTAL QUESTIONS 9,777 11,425 + 17 ............................. PEOPLE COUNT= (Daily Average) Main Library Branch Library 1,725 1,845 +7 403493 u TOTAL 2,128 2,338 + 10 ............................. Adult Programs Children's Programs Mar. Mar. 1989 1990 97 120 1,5961,236 TOTAL 1,693 1,356 ............................. Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad 144 158 153 142 337 323 118 102 Borrowed from other libraries 13 9 Loaned to other libraries 33 17 ............................. Main Library Branch TOTAL 936 1,037 172252 1,108 1,289 % Chanue + 24 3 - 20 + 10 -7 -4 - 14 - 31 - 48 + 11 u + 16 2 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS April 1990 CIRCULATION STATISTICS Apr . Apr . 1989 1990 % Chanae MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials 47,727 49,370 +3 Film and Video Tapes 8,807 9,952 + 13 Audio Visual Equipment 83 64 - 23 Total MAIN LIBRARY 56,617 59,386 +5 BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials Film and Video Tapes 10,844 13,222 + 22 1.101 1,972 + 79 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 11,945 15,194 + 27 TOTAL CIRCULATION 68,562 74,580 +9 ............................. REFERENCE OUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Adult Children’s Online Searches 5,792 6,421 + 11 2,487 2,369 -5 24 16 - 33 Total MAIN LIBRARY 8,303 8,806 +6 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 826 1,203 + 46 TOTAL QUESTIONS 9,129 10,009 + 10 ............................. PEOPLE COUNTER (Daily Average) Main Library 1,776 1,860 +5 Branch Library 400 486 + 22 TOTAL 2,176 2,346 +8 ............................. Apr . Apr . 1989 1990 ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs Children's Programs 54 58 1,820 1.693 TOTAL 1,874 1,751 ............................. Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad 102 142 150 146 264 272 80 84 Borrowed from other libraries 30 10 Loaned to other libraries 23 9 ............................. NEW REGISTRATIONS Main Library Branch 833 996 123 237 TOTAL 956 1,233 % Chanue +7 -7 -7 + 39 -3 +3 +5 - 67 - 65 + 20 + 93 + 29 0 m m 4