HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-06-13; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Y..ting Oil LIMY BOARD OI TRWITXZS NJD L1-Y 8UXLDXYO w1m coIo(x'ITM mto of Nnting: Juno 13, 1990 Placo of Noatingx City Eafoty Contor, 3 ThO Of wt-1 6x00 P.D. Library Board Tru8t.r Trigam Call& tho Uooting to ordor at 6:OI p.0. Library Board Mombor8 Trigam, Cooper and Curtin. Library Building R0vi.w Committoo Uemborm Andor8aon, L'Heroaux and Wronch. Council Member Larmon, Library Director Cliff Lange, A8shtant Library Diroctor Gooff Axmour, Xon Won, Carolyn Brad Millor, Rich Clrdwoll, David Smith and Polly UcArthur. Ayar8, John Cahill, Connio 0oardmloy, JM.. &Grab -UT AW-.'xO* OF w.w ca&gmR - Ur. Cardmll pra8ontod didom to addr.88 the immu.8 talked about in tho original intorviou8 with tho Architoctm. Schematic drawing8 wore 8hWn of many difforent typo. of architocturo which wro 8tudi.d in ordor to mako tha got tho pl8n diagram right and lot tho architocturo follw- -working from tho insido fir8t. Actual 81id.s of differont buildlngs wro mhown to mphamizo a cloar ontry and mtairway to tho mocond floor, to alloviato mignago and quomtionm. Ur. Cardwll thon premontod .lido8 of tho mito plan, ohowing a two-8tory library, with +-third8 of tho apaco on tho main floor. Ho indicatod that 350 cum could be acc0rmodat.d for parking and ho oxphinod tho planned land8caping and approach to tha library. It will bo comprtiblo with tho .hopping contor, but havo a lot of 8trongth in it8.U. Thoro will bo a doublo lano approaching tho library and a now curb cut ha. boon addod to bring tho road acrorm in front of tho library. Hr. Cardwoll explained tho thrn adjacont parking uoa8 and tho arcado plannod for the front of tho library, which will bo around a contra1 public mpaco. and it W.8 8hown how tho library Could bo Cl0O.d off At night, having th. 0th.r 8OCtiOn8 to b0 U8.d. building pr0poO.d c~~~~tibl~. H. .aid it W.0 important to A m0d.l Of tho prOpo8.d library was 8hOWn, Brad Hillor oxplainod tho floor pl8n of tho library, uming a prir of mtairbaym loading to tho roforonce library and thr non-fiction aroa. Thoro will bo a grand 8paco upstairm with light caing in from abovo. Thoro will a180 bo porsonal roding area., admini8tration, with a boud room, diroctor'r officoo, workroau urd public romtr~~(~m. ~1. iihor dimcum8.d tho olovator, explaining that it was importurt to havo tho public on0 .amy to 800, and at tho ~UD. tinv, havo tho mtaircaao tho primary mite. It im not certain at thi8 tima whore tho olevator will be, and it im plannod to havo this olovator mervo a8 tho service olovator, too. Ho maid it im posmiblo thoy may go back to two olovatorm, to provido a backup and havo a separate rorvico 0l.vator. Wall Chart., Thf8 inC1ud.d ahowing tho UQ8tairS ChUt, With Richard Crrdwall oxp1ain.d tho charta 8howing tho out8ido of the building, indicating tho natural light coming into tho aroam, with tho children'. extorior aroa oncloeed by L wall. MINUTES Juna 131 1990 Paga 2 Polly McArthur discusmod the art propomad for the library, stating 32 artimtm' slides had been reviewed. This warn narrowed dm to five artimts to ba interviewed permonally. Tha incorporation of art into tha architecture of the building warn dimCU8S.d. with much thing. am paver. with a pattarn in tha arcada, axtanding into tha entrance hall and tha vamtibulo. She indicated that colors were difficult to talk about at thi8 th. Thim will depond on the mpaca8 and the amount of light CoUdng into thoso 8p.ca8, oxcept for the terra cotta tilas and tha wood. n8. KcArthur .aid tho lighting i8 important--both the natural and at the t~blo laval. In mumnary, aha said it warn important that tha public porcaiva that thim im a cla8mic building and tha artwork im to bocoma historical and appraciatod mora and mora through tho yaarm. Wr. L'naureux amkod how it warn pomeiblo to have opn areas two-mtoriom high without having harmhnasm and noimo. Hr. Cardwall anmumrod that thi8 warn a challonga. The area8 with tha hard aurfacos will havo to k mtudiod carofully. David Smith axplainod that thay worm trying to mako .011y .pacem do eaveral thing.; for oxamplo, a multi-purpon room of 1,200 8quara fnt ACCaaSiblO to the childran'm area and a program area for thw. This araa will almo bo accamsibla for wotinge. Kr. Cardmll maid tho w8ll murfacam and floor murfacae will bo vory important. luko tha floor plan8 uork. Tha ahvations war0 8hown next, and thora will bo a landmcapo architact who will deal with tha hill khind tho library. The incraase in tho haight of tho embankment im a concorn at thim tima, a8 that would cut down on tha light coming into the library. Ur. L'Hauroux added that therm would also ba hou8es on tho top of that hill looking down at tha library. Ha added that ha hopod tha matb8ck of tha houmem will cut off any viw of tha mito. Mr. Cardwall maid thay naad to chack tho satback of thoma houmaa, and he added that the roof of tho library will k vory tidy. The coament warn rnada that tha landscaping on tha .Pb.nkmont mhould bo much to provida an attractivo backdrop for tho library. A retaining wall ha8 b..n Fn8tall.d thara. Council rc.ldwr tar8on muggm8te there 8hould bo trn8 along that rataining Ha addad that tha major thrumt im to UAlI. Tha =Chit=+. 8t.t.d that tho.. Arm praliminary plAnm, ilnd the llbrrry im to contain 64,000 mquara fnt, with approriutoly 40,000 down8tair8 and 24,000 upitair.. Kr. L'lWuraux quaotionod having tha AV back in the cornar, and Hr. Slllith .aid that they my mproad the stair8 wider apart, and added that the audio vfmual may not stay whore it fa, and may bo placod toward the childran'm room. Hr. Smith unphamizod that thay aro trying to mako tha building am adaptable a8 po8mfbhI and arm making adjumtmants to corroct many thing. now before the building im built. He maid the umor ammi8tanco domk wan placed too damp, and it will be coming forward. The gallery was discurnmod, with +ha quomtion of whathar or not to have natural light. -c- \ MEMBERS MINUTES June 13, 1990 Page 3 Council Manbor Larson inquired about thm smlection of permanant pimcms of art--not in thm gallery. Dr. Langm said that 250 rmsponsos had been rmcmived from artists, and that had bomn narrowmd dawn to 32. Slidms of thoem artists had beon viewed yostorday, narrowing the number down to five. Richard Cudwmll stated that the artimts arm being brought into thm procam8 early, so the art will rolate to the architecturm. This L8 baing dona as a tam, ae they want somathing appropriato. In rmply to quory rmgarding tho windows from Mr. Wrench, Ilt. Cardwall rmplimd that this has not boon docidad; howwar, thoy want to usm largo window. to mnablm pooplo to look through to thm land8caping; also out into thm childran's gardmn arma. Wr. L'Hrurmux inquirod whmthor tho mntry court was smcurablm) and that has not boon dofinad a8 ymt. Thm Iriond. of thm Library book storm arm8 wa. pointed out. Us. Trig.. askad about thm auditorium, and tho architects 8aid it would smat 204 pmoplm. Therm would bo no raisd 8t&gm, and would lm primarily for public omti.ngs. Mr. Smith said the staff room has boon changed at this the, and may bo moved to thm socond floor. Library Board Prosidant Cooper 8Skd about the drivo-by book drop and Mr. Cardwall stated it would be difficult to do. Wr. Smith said therm might bm a curb-midm book rmturn, with a delivery dmvicm.undmr thm sidwalk on a convmymr bolt. At this tinu, Wr. Nillmr wont through thr Schematic DO8ipn and Existing Library Study Schodulm that was rmvind as of Way 15, 1990. Thm next mooting will bo on Thursday, July 12, 1990, at 6:OO pa., at which timo thmrm will ba a 100 parcant schmmatic dosign prmsmntod. WO. 1. IUI 9. 10. 11. 199Q Ilt. Cardwoll showed skotchms of the plan Organization. Thmrm arm thrr plans and +ha marits of those schemes wmrm discussod, and the plan today is a coopositm of that workmhop. '. on COLE Lm patpx Wall charts on tho Wrgina Cola Library worm displayod showingZhm proposal8 for axpanding tho library. A draft rmgort is baing prmpsrod on what dirmction that axpansion will tako, and thrrm will bo a documrnt with recommendations for thm Cola Library distributed for the next meeting. Slidma wmrm presmntad of thm tour of the San Bernardino, Ocean8idm and Bscondido Libraries. ! MEMBERS MINUTES June 13, 1990 Pago 4 Library Diroctor &ngo pointod out a portion of the California Stat. Library Nwmlottor of Hay, 1990. Tho Prop. 85 +ifnotablo ham boon changod and tho procome changed, making tho pro-application due Novoaber 16, 1990, and making two round. of applicationm, and it is uncortain when it will occur. Bo said tho firmt cyclo will bo dum in tho winter of 1991, and that may bo down to tho vir. for tho oligibility for Carlmbad to apply for monoy. ne maid thero had boon complaintm about the thtablo to moot thm Novombor 16 date, mo tho tinu warn mtrotchod out. Onco a projoct has gone to bid, it im inoligiblo to apply, and thim library im muppomed to go to bid in Much or April. Icon won reportod that Dr. Lango and ho had attandod a mooting on tho bond act funding, and prioritiom for awarding tho money warn discumsed, with Carlsbad'm library projoct hitting tho top of a11 the prioritlam. Thoy folt it would bo in tho top 30 of tho 200 oxpoctod to apply. n+. L'Heuroux amked uhothor it would lm appropriate to invito the Planning Carmoimmion to tho July 12 mooting, and Or. Lango rop1i.d he would invito thu. By proper motion, the Meeting of Juno 13, 1990, warn adj0urn.d at 7r31 p.m. Harriott Babbitt Minute8 Clerk