HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-08-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES meting of: Tim of Mmating: 3t00 p.'. Data of Wmatingr August 15, 1990 Place of Meeting: City Council conferenca Room LIBRARY BOARD O? TRUSTEES President Cooper called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL cuL: Present: President Cooper, Library Board Trustees Martin and Trigas. Trustee Grosse arrived at 3:lO p.m. Absent: Library Board Trustee Curtin. Also Present Were: Clifford Lange, Library Director GeOf f Armour, Assistant Library Director Ken puon, Engineering Department VAL OF nrm S: The Minutea of the Meeting held July 18, 1990, were continued as there was not a quorum of Trustees present at that meeting in attendance today. cOIQ(1m RE PORTS: a. Buildina and Gro unds. Trustee Trigas deferred to the other agenda items regarding the Library buildings. b. Budaet Trustee Martin stated he had no report. c. pers onnel Dr. Lange stated there is a new employee at the Library. Pamela Strojny is an Account Clerk I. Geoff Armour reported that the Reading Club party will be held Friday morning. OLD BIJ SImSs: a. b. Georaina Col e Library FeasibLlitv Study - for discussion .. Dr. Lange stated he was available for questions. The Library Board of Trustees recommended 928 Alternative and 96B Alternative for approval. Partnershim for Chanae Community Library Service Grant proaram ADDliCat ion - for discussion Dr. Lange referred to the copy of the complete application distributed to all Board Members. There are seven other Libraries applying for the one million dollars available, and Carlsbad is asking for $157,000. TRUSTEES ' Cooper Grosse . Trigas Mart in -- MINUTES August 15, 1990 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Dr. Lange continued, stating the application did reach the State Library in time to be included in the grant, and Carlsbad should hear September 21 whether or not they were awarded a grant. It was said that what the Library, St. Patrick's and Community Resources offer overlap--and complement each other, and should be side by side. Geoff Armour stated that Library Services strictly were being discussed, and not social services- -that this would be information and referral services only. There will be rotation of the Center staff and the Library staff on a one-at-a-time basis. This will serve as cultural education for the Library staff, also. Geoff Armour said there will be field trips to the Library to familiarize the citizens with the services available there, and some of the money would be spent to "beef up" the present collection--with a lot of pamphlets, brochurea, etc. Dr. Lange said the grant is for three years, with the second year at 65 percent funding, and the third year not determined as yet. He said that City Council has to be shown the fiscal impact of the program on the General Fund. The goal is to do this outreach for two years and when the Library is remodeled, the program will move into the Library and no longer be a facility downtown. The citizens are to be made comfortable with the Library and to undaratand what it can do for them. The people who will be hired would be hired anyway for the Cole Library. The Library Board of Trustees approved the Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grant Program application. c. Elmwood House Pre liminarv Plan s for Use and Space Reallocation in Cole Library Dr. Lange atated he was working on a more detailed plan for the Elmwood House, and he explained the drawing distributed tokhe Board Members. He referred to his August 9, 1990, Memorandum to the Board of Trustees, explaining the planned moves. ZS6W DUSIWCSS: a. Flec tion of Off icerg Board Member Trigas was unanimously elected President of the Library Board of Trustees. Board Member Grosse was unanimously elected Vice- President of the Library Board of Trustees. At this point, President Trigas assumed the Chair for the remainder of the Meeting. TRUSTEES Cooper Crosae Martin Trigas * MINUTES August 15, 1990 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 BUSIN68 S: (Continued) b. Annual ReDort to the California State Library Or. Lange explained thie is the statistical data for 1989-90, and Geoff Armour and he would answer any quest ions. President Trigas asked about talking books and how many the Library has, recommendations and alternatives. LIBRARY DfRSCl'OR'S REPORT: Dr. Lange announced the State of the City luncheon to be held tomorrow at the Safety Center. He said there would be different tables set up with different topica. There will be one for Library Services, and Dr. Lange will be at that table. The luncheon i8 from 11:45 to 1:30 p.m. September 11, 1990, will be a Southeast Quadrant Meeting at Stagecoach Park at 7:OO p.m., and Ut. Lange will be on the Agenda to discuss the new Library building. There will be a 15-student delegation from Futtsu, Japan, here next Wednesday, together with ten adults. The Sister City Cornittee has planned a full day of activities, ending with a picnic at Calavera Hills that evening at 6:30 p.m. Dr. Lange paid the CLA Conference program should have been received by the Members, and if they don't have it, he will make copies available to them. The Conference will be in San Diego in early November. Caroline Shindler's farewell dinner is to be held Wednesday, August 29, 1990. Fifty people have already responded to the invitations. Dr. Lange said there had been an asbestos inspection in the Library, and the asbestos found there has been removed. SmRa mvxs ORY BO-: Board Member Cooper reported the Board will meet in Oceanside in September. PUBLIC cw: There were no requests to addrese the Board on a non-agenda item. By proper motion, the Meeting of August 15, 1990, was adjourned at 4:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, -. Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk TRUSTEES I c Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centro de Amistad Community's Needs, page 1 1 7. Identi fv your COMMUNITY'S NEEDS. In identifying the community's needs, the Partnership Team felt it was important to gain insight into two types of needs: 1. The community's information needs, and 2. The context within which these information needs exist; that is, cultural, social, and economic realities and needs that will be important to consider in designing any library service. 1. INFORMATION NEEDS The information needs identified through existing data, key informants, the Migrant Education parents meeting, the community survey, and Coalition discussions all confirmed one another. Two types of information needs emerged from all sources: 1. Information to assist Spanish-speaking families in coping with their daily lives and in making the transition to life in a new environment. Examples include information about legal requirements to drive a car, preventive health information, and where to find job training. 2. Hispanic cultural information and resources so that new immigrants and their children can maintain a tie with their cultural heritage and so that the wider Carlsbad community can appreciate the rich Hispanic culture. 2. CONTEXTUAL FACTORS A number of important contextual factors were also identified. a. New residents Like many residents in all of Carlsbad, Hispanic residents in the downtown neighborhood tend to have moved to Carlsbad recently. A comparison of length of residence data from the Hispanic community survey with that from a survey of patrons using the Carlsbad City Library in 1989 shows similar residence patterns except in the category of "rrore than 10 years.'' California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 7A Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centro de Amistad Community's Needs, page 2 LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN CARLSBAD Less than 1 year 16.7% 20.3% Less than 1 year 1 to 4 years 38.5 28.9 1 to 3 years 5 to 9 years 18.1 15.6 3 to 5 years Library Users Hispanics 10.0 5 to 10 years More than 10 years 27.6 11.0 More than 10 years Don't live in Carlsbad 33.1 14.1 Don't live in (not included in Carl sbad 100% total) (included in 100% total) Some Hispanic residents who have moved to Carlsbad in recent years have come from other parts of California, while most have come from Mexico and Central America. Nearly all who have come from Mexico and Central America have come from rural, village environments in which their families worked in the fields. Technology was limited. Thus, these new residents have experienced a great change moving to Carlsbad with its thousands of residents, many laws and regulations, and sophisticated technology. In village life, the extended family is the source of training and information about how to effectively live one's life, and the extended family provides for daily needs such as work, housing, and child care. However, for many new Hispanic residents in Carlsbad, the extended family remains in Mexico, creating both a practical and an emotional strain. made clear in the age breakdown of adult Hispanic residents surveyed : This fact is Ase Under 16 16 - 19 20 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 70 - 79 80 or older Percent 3.4% 15.1% 42.7% 24.4% 7.6% 3.4% 2.0% 1.2% 0.2% 100.0% California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 7B Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centro de Amistad Community's Needs, page 3 Clearly, the new Hispanic residents of Carlsbad are mostly under the age of 40, with the elder generation barely represented. What is more, even if the elder generation were present, their lifeskills information would be suited to a rural, village context rather than an urban, technological one. One difference revealed in the survey with regard to length of residence was the contrast found between parents and non-parents. Thirty percent of non-parent respondents have lived in Carlsbad less than a year compared to 11 percent of parents. nearly thirty percent of respondents who are parents have lived in Carlsbad five years or more, compared to 14 percent of non- parents. After carefully considering this data, the Coalition decided to focus the library's initial efforts on the information needs of families (parents and children), feeling that the families have demonstrated a desire to settle in Carlsbad rind become an integral part of the community. Conversely, 2. Lanauase and Education Overwhelmingly, the Hispanic residents of downtown Carlsbad speak primarily Spanish. Lansuase suoken most often Percent Spanish 74.6% English 3.1% 1.2% Other 100 .O% Spanish and English 21.1% While many adults and children are enrolled in courses to learn English, it is a slow process, especially for the many adults who have had little or no formal schooling in Spanish. The educational levels of survey respondents were found to be the following: California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 7C Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centro de Amlstad Community's Needs, page 4 Years of school comuleted Percent 4 - 6 years 27.5% 7 - 9 years 25.8% 13 - 16 years 8.3% 0 - 3 years 15.9% 10 - 12 years 20.2% More than 16 years 2.3% 100.0% Of perhaps even more significance, the community survey revealed that more than half of respondents speaking primarily Spanish hac! completed 6 years or less of school, compared with only 18% of bilingual or English-speaking respondents. Surveyors reported that one-third to one-half of respondents at some survey sites needed help completing the Spanish-language written survey because of low Spanish-language literacy skills. However, the survey demonstrated that Spanish-speaking residents still need to take care of their immediate survival needs while they are learning a new language. The implications of the language and education factors are clear. First, coping and lifeskills information needs to be provided in Spanish. Second, even information written in Spanish will not 5e easily accessible to about half the adults in the community. Information needs to be provided in alternative forms as well, such as through cassettes or videos, or by informed persons face- to-face. A third implication is that bilingual/bicultural staff must be available to answer questions and guide inquirers, or else Spanish-speaking residents will have great difficulty meeting their needs. In the community survey, when respondents were asked to indicate which of a list of 15 life situations created major, minor, or no problems for them, it was the lack of bilingual staff in community agencies that topped the list, with 88% of respondents citing it as a problem. 3. GENERAL LIFE SITUATION Throughout the needs assessment process, additional insortant cofitextual factors recurred frequently. First, the survey demonstrated that most Hispanics in downtown Carlsbad have very low incomes, particularly when compared with the general income California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 7D Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centro de Amistad Communitv's Needs, page 5 levels and housing costs in Carlsbad. More than half of Spanish- speaking respondent households have annual incomes under $10,000. Data also indicated that single adults and families share housing, with resultant overcrowding, in order to afford rents. Hispanic residents of downtown Carlsbad also reported many other problems in their general life situation (refer to page 17 in SANDAG report). problems for residents, every single item was cited by at least 59 percent of respondents as a problem. Those items cited most often as "major problems" were abuse of drugs and alcohol in the community (68%); the lack of bilingual staff in community service agencies (67%); concern about crime and the safety of the family (65%); and keeping children away from drugs and gangs (60%). When "major" and "minor" problems were combined, the most-cited responses were lack of bilingual staff in community agencies (88%); discrimination against Hispanics (88%); and conceren about crime and the safety of the family (86%). For Spanish-speaking residents, finding a job, a lack of bilingual staff in community service agencies, discrimination against Hispanics, and getting health care were cited as significantly greater problems than for persons who were bilingual or spoke Eng 1 ish . Of a list of 15 items that could be potential The results of the community survey were echoed in the discussions by Migrant Education parents, who overwhelmingly were concerned about the presence of gangs in their neighborhood and inadequate police protection. Key informants echoed the concerns, particularly citing health care and legal problems, lack of bilingual staff, and negative feelings toward Hispanics and Hispanic culture in the general population as major concerns. The necessity of bilingual staff and the need for basic lifeskills and coping information have already been discussed. However, the discrimination issue is also important to consider in any library service which will be designed. The discrimination issue ties in with the expressed desire of Hispanics to have availabie information and resources about their cultural heritage so that their children will develop with a positive self-image and pride in their heritage. It also relates to the need for a sharing of cultures, so that as Hispanic ixriiigrants learn about life in the United States, Anglo residents will simultaneously have a chance to become familiar with the richness of the Hispanic heritage, and the diversity in the community can be appreciated. California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 7E Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centro de Amistad Cormunitv's Needs, page 6 Additionally, the safety issue must be addressed. Any library service must acknowledge that Hispanic residents in downtown Carlsbad are deeply conceraed about the safety of their families. Transportation difficulties (cited later in this section), combined with safety issues, will dictate the design of some services. 4. INFORMATION SOURCES, BARRIERS, AND THE LIBRARY The most-often cited sources of information for Hispanic residents surveyed were friends (59.2%), church (36.0%), and family (33.5%). The library was cited by only 10.1% of respondents. Nearly every key informant--whether school personnel, business person, longterm resident, or leader in another position--said that they themselves were an information source for Spanish-speaking residents. Clearly, when Spanish- speaking residents need practical coping information, they turn to the people they already trust and who can speak their language. official institutions with which they are unfamiliar and where they have reason to believe they will not find someone who speaks Spanish. Key informants made it clear that the library currently falls into this category for most Spanish-speaking residents. Spanish-speaking residents expressed distrust of Some other barriers to acquiring the information Spanish-speaking families need have already been discussed: language, education, change in living environment, general life situation. Two other barriers to information were emphasized particularly strongly by key informants and in Coalition discussions: perception of the library by Spanish-speaking resider,ts, and 2) geographical location of other potential information sources. 1) a. Perceution of the library by Spanish-speakins residents Individual comments written by respondents on-the survey indicated a generally positive attitude toward the library and the resources it can offer. However, key informants, Coalition members, and survey respondents (in oral corrments to surveyors) also clearly stated that the library was perceived to be an Anglo institution for use by Anglos and largely irrelevant to Spanish- speaking residents' lives. In Mexico, there has not.been a history of public libraries available for most people. Thus, most Spanish-speaking immigrants to Carlsbad have no experience California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 7F Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centro de Amistad Community's Needs, page 7 with using a library. Furthermore, the limited educational level of the Spanish-speaking population in Carlsbad reinforces the unfamiliarity with libraries and formal information seeking. The inevitable conclusion is that Spanish-speaking residents are very unlikely to use the Main Library as services are currently structured. Although the Main Library is located within a mile of the downtown neighborhood, the psychological distance between the library and the neighborhood is immense. In the community survey, 42.9% of respondents did not know where the library is located. Only 21% of Spanish-speaking respondents had visited the library. Significantly, key informants, survey respondents, and Coalition members concluded that even the addition of bilingual personnel and an increase in the Spanish language materials in the Main Library, while essential, would not in themselves draw Spanish-speaking residents into the Main Library. The institution of the library would still be perceived as an Anglo institution, with Spanish-speakers having little concept of what relevance the 1i.brary might have for them. It became clear to Coalition members that the library could not wait for the Spanish-speaking population to come to the library, even if changes were made at the Main Library. Rather, the library would have to first adopt an outreach philosophy of operation and take its services to the population it seeks to serve. The library would need to go into the neighborhood, delivering information in a culturally sensitive manner, and build trust. Building trust would take time. Coalition members recognized that the library could speed the trust-building process by working in partnership with individuals and organizations already trusted in the neighborhood. Coalition members themselves are such trusted persons. The Coalition recognized that St. Patrick's Church, through its significant role in the lives of neighborhood residents as well as through its outreach services, had already established a high degree of trust with neighborhood residents. Coalition members felt that a partnership with St. Patrick's Church would benefit the library in building trust. The information services of the library and the outreach services of St. Patrick's were seen as complementing one another in seeking to improve the quality of life of Spanish- speaking families in the downtown neighborhood. Expanding on this level of trust, the library could introduce Spanish-speaking residents to library services and begin the transition to use of the full resources of the Main Library. California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 7G Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centro de Amistad Community's Needs, page 8 b. Geoaraphical location of other 7otential sources of When Coalition members looked at the types of lifeskill and coping information that Spanish-speaking families need, they were aware that much of the information that was needed is available from social and health care agencies. However, only 5 percent of survey respondents reported getting information from community service agencies. When Coalition members looked at the geographic location of such agencies, it was apparent that most of the social and health care agencies serving Carlsbad residents, and especially those targeting low-income and Spanish- speaking clients, are located in Oceanside, Vista, and Encinitas. These include both nonprofit and government agencies. Examples include health clinics, mental health care, services for abused women, Employment Development Department, commodities programs, Department of Social Services, high school diploma and G.E.D. programs, Legal Aid, drug abuse treatment, and Headstart. One exception is that, in Carlsbad, St. Patrick's Church has recently recognized the lack of services and has begun outreach services for downtown residents. information With this geographic information, the Coalition looked at the transportation situation of survey respondents. Percent Car/Truck/Motorcycle 55.1% Bus 23.6% 2 Bicycle 4.5% Walk 10.2% Other 0.2% Get rides from friends/relatives 6.5% 100.0% In contrast with the population in general, which relies almost exclusively on transportation by car, about half the respondents did not travel by car. Furthermore, over half of respondents reported that affordable child care was a problem. Combining these two factors, it is apparent that travelins to socia! and health care agencies is a difficult task for many residents. Even more serious, lack of knowledge about what agencies exist and what they offer was reported. And finally, Hispanics have traditionally used informal sources, not institutions--except the California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 7 H Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centra de Amistad Community's Needs, page 9 church and schools--to fill their information n Hispanics in Carlsbad were unlikely to encounte their daily routine, they were unlikely to take services offered or even to know that services these factors combined made it clear to Coaliti Hispanic residents' basic information and refer not be easily met by traveling to existing soci service agencies located in other cities, even needed to travel to those agencies for direct s eeds. Since r most agencies advantage of t existed. All on members that ral needs could a1 and health if they eventua ,ervices. in he .1 ly c. Barriers to information in the library Many of the barriers for Spanish-speaking residents to fill information needs at the existing library have already been discussed. from the Hispanic community survey are compared with data from the Library User Survey conducted by the Carlsbad City Library in February 1989. The comparisons show that the persons currently using the Carlsbad City Library and the Hispanic population the library seeks additionally to serve present two quite different profiles in sex, age, years of schooling, language spoken, homes with children, usual means of transportation, and technology in the home. Some of these become even more clear when some data SEX OF RESPONDENT Mal e 42.9% 56.8% Library Users Hispanics ~ Fernal e 57.1 43.2 AGE OF RESPONDENTS Library Users Xispanics 18-24 years 6.5% 42.7% 25-44 years 45-59 years 60 or over 47.5 24.4 7.6 14.3 3.4 25.6 3.4 20-29 years 30-39 years 40-49 years 50-59 years 60 or over ~ California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 7 11 Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad Citv Librarr Title Centro de Arnistac! Community's Needs, page 10 YEARS OF SCHOOL COMPLETED Library Users Hispanics 15.9% 0-3 years 8th grade or less 9-12 years 13-16 years More than 16 years LANGUAGE Is there a language other than English spoken in your home? English only Spanish Other 27.5 4-6 years 3.5% 25.8 7-9 years 12.5 20.2 10-12 years 51.2 8.3 13-16 years 32.9 2.3 More than 16 years Library Users 83.0% 7.9 9.1 Hispanics 3.1% 74.6 21.1 1.2 What language do you speak most often? English Spanish Spanish and English Other RESPONDENTS WITH CHILDREN Have children under Library Users Hispanics Have children under age 18 40.5% 59.3% age 13 49.3 Have children ages 13-18 CHILDREN'S USE OF LIBRARY (per cent of those respondents with children) Library Users Hispanics Children use the Children have gone library 84.2% 52.4% to library 32.7 Children have library card California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 7 J Applicant Jurisdiction CarlsSad City Librar-7 Title Centro de Amistad Community's Needs, page 11 USUAL MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION Library Users Hispanics Car/truck/rnotorcycle 94.5% 55.1% Bus 0.5 .23.6 Walk 2.5 10.2 Bicycle 1.1 4.5 Get rides from friends/ family 1.3 6.5 TECHNOLOGY IN THE HOME Library Users I c . L- Cassette player 80.1% VCR 84.4 Stereo 75.7 20.2 Compact disk player Computer 39.3 Hispanics 86.7% 82.0% 63.3 40.4 10.6 2.2 Television Telephone Cassette recorder VCR CD player. Computer Note: In the responses to the technology question, significant differences were found between Hispanic respondents who primarili speak Spanish and those who are bilingual or speak primarily Eng 1 ish. Library Users Spanish Bilinaual/Enalish 86% 90 % 79 91 64 63 33 61 6 25 Television Telephone Cassette recorder 80.1% VCR 84.4 CD player 20.2 These comparisons clearly point out that in seeking to serve the information needs of Hispanic residents, the library is seeking to serve a population with a significantly different demographic profile, educational level, and language proficiency from its traditional users. California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 7 K Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centro de Amistad Community's Needs, page 12 ?he transportation issue again surfaces in this data. Spanish- speaking respondents named lack of transportation to get to the library as a significant problem. about safety, this indicates once again that it would be advisable at first for library services to go to the neighborhood rather than expect that, given the many other barriers as well, Spanish-speaking residents will easily start using the Main Library. Combined with the concern The technology data also suggests a potential barrier to library use. the information age with computers, whereas Hispanic respondents have almost no experience with computers. moving this year into having a computerized catalog, even more barriers will be erected for potential Hispanic library users. It is clear, therefore, that the special services the library provides for Hispanic residents must include familiarizing them with the public access computer to be used in the library. In addition, the library must make provisions in its Computerized catalog for Spanish-language access to the system. Clearly, many current library users are already moving into With the library Another barrier to library use by the Spanish-speaking residents is the library's limited bilingual signage and publicity. of any indication on the outside of the Main Library building that this is the "biblioteca" obviously partially accounts for 42.9% of respondents not knowing where the library is. entering the library, there are no directional signs in Spanish until one reaches the Spanish language collection. Further, the only consistent publicity the library conducts in Spanish is the children's activities newsletter. Significantly, respondents reported that 52% of their children had used the library in the past year, compared with just under 30% of all adults and 21% of Spanish-speaking adults. Lack Upon Many respondents took the opportunity to write comments on the survey about the limited Spanish-language resources available in the library. visual materials in Spanish; the need for more Hispanic history, literature, and cultural information: and the need for practical information such as medical information. Respondents mentioned the need for more audio- Relevant to all of the factors named above, many respondents commented orally to surveyors that they had "visited" the library but had not "used" the library. This situation certainly California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 7L .- Applicant Juridiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centro de Amistad 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. California State Library Library Services and Construction Act Title I Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Fiscal Year 1990/91 a. Applicant Jurisdiction: b. Community Library Service Program Site: Indicate the targeted ethnic community(ies): Carlsbad City Library Main Library a. Population of Target Group(s): 9,137 ~988) b- - Americanhdian - Asian/Paafic - Blackx Hispanic Program Title: Centro de Amistad Total program budget: $ 17 1 I 18 8 Amount requested from LSCA: $ 15 7 I 2 4 8 Congressional District no.(s): 43 State Senate District no.(s): 38 State Assembly District no.($: 74 Contact Person: Lynda L. Jones Title: Coordinator, Adult Learning Program Address: 1207 Elm Ave., Suite 0, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Area Code: 619 PhoneNumber: 729-3690 FAX Number: (619) 729-2050 Fiscal Agent: City of Carlsbad Finance Department Name of Authorized Applicant: Clifford Lange Title: Library Director Address: Carlsbad City Library, 1250 Elm Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Area Code: 619 PhoneNumber: 434-28 Signature of Authorized Applicant: Title: n California State Library Ill Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application AppbMtJllfWCth Carlsbad City Library ?%I- Centro de Amistad 11. Complete Summary in the space provided. c The Carlsbad City Library is responding to the information needs of Spanish-speaking families living in downtown Carlsbad. The primary need is for basic information to assist families in coping with their daily lives and in making the transition to life in a new environment. Hispanic cultural information and resources are also needed so that new immigrants and their children can maintain a tie with their cultural heritage and so that the wider Carlsbad community can appreciate the rich Hispanic culture. To meet these needs, the library will establish an information center, called Centro de Amistad, located in the downtown neighborhood. The center will provide basic competency information necessary for neighborhood residents to meet personal needs and participate effectively in society. The center will also make referrals to community helping agencies. Community resource persons will be asked to come to the center on a regular basis to provide information and conduct workshops on needed topics. Subjects might include tax information, preventive health information, and information on where to find job training. Materials and programming for children will also be available. In addition to being a welcoming information place in itself, the center will provide a transition for making use of the wider resources of the Main Library. Bilingual/bicultural staff will go into the community to encourage use of the Centro and the Main Library.: To enable Spanish-speaking residents to make more use of the Main Library, Spanish language resources will be expanded, bilingual signage will be added, and bilingual staff will be recruited. 12 Budget Summary: a. b. c - d. e. - f. - LSCA (1) salaries/Benefits 88,000 LibraryMaterials 10,000 OperatingExPense Equipment 0 47,600 Indirectcosts 11,648 Total 157,248 Califomla State Llbrarv Other Contrib. (2) 1,440 In-kind (3) 0 0 5,000 3,000 4,500 0 0 Total (4) 89,440 15,000 55,100 0 0 0 0 4,440 ~ 9,500 171.188 I 7 partnerships for Change Communtty Lbmy Senrlce Grants Program Applicath Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library I i I c Title Centro de Amistad 13. Identify Partnership Team members. a. Administrative Partner Name: Geoffrey Armour Title: Assistant Library Director Affiliation: Carlsbad City Library Mailing Address: Area Code: 619 Phone Number: 434-2889 1250 Elm Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 b. Branch Partner Name: Lynda L. Jones Title: Coordinator, Adult Learning Program c Affiliation: Carlsbad City Library Mailing Address: Area Code: 619 Phone Number: 729-3690 1207 Elm Ave., Ste. 0, Carlsbad, CA 92008 c. Community Partner Name: Sister Rosa Hernandez Title: Outreach Coordinator Affiliation: St. Patrick's Catholic Church Mailing Address: 3568 Harding St., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Area Code: 619 Phone Number: 434-9686 131 California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centro de Amistad Coalition Partners Coalition Partners Margarita Acosta, community resident Stephen J. Ahle, principal, Pine School Virginia Byrd, director, SOLO Project, San Diego County Office Gloria Valencia Cothran, community resident Josephine de 10s Santos, community resident Jose Diaz Rodriguez, parent member of Jefferson School Bilingual Marielena Erickson, principal, Buena Vista Elementary School Ofelia E. Escobedo, co-owner, Lola's Market and Deli Steve Escoboza, Assistant Director, County of San Diego Mike Franz, director, McAlister Institute Bertha R. Galaz, community resident Maria E. Gomez, coordinator, Migrant Education Program in Juliette E. Heard, Southern California Director, Linda Ledesma, community resident George D. Lopez, director, San Diego County SER/Jobs for Progress Hesiquio P. Lopez, community resident Roberta Macfarlane, coordinator, MiraCosta Community College Luis Maldonado, parent member of Jefferson School Bilingual Margarita Maldonado, parent member of Jefferson School Bilingual Barbara Mannino, Executive Director, Vista Community Clinic Father J. Raymond Moore, pastor, St. Patrick's Church Dolores Skolimowska, president, Disabled Network Center, 12c. Claudia E. Smith, Esq., director, California Rural Legal Anna Tilton, principal, Jefferson Elementary School Connie Trejo, co-owner, Lola's Market and Deli Maria L. Valenzuela, community resident Daniel Villeda, president, MECHA Club, Carlsbad High School of Education Commi t t ee Department of Health Services Carlsbad AARP TAX-AIDE/TEC English-as-a-Second-Language Program Committee Commi t tee Assistance California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 4 c Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centro de Amistad 15. LSCA Community Library Service Grants Program Revisions/Refinements. If the following proposal items have changed from the proposal submitted, state changes and include an exp anation for these changes. If no changes have occurred enter NA (not applicable). 5. Identif site NA NA NA 8. Changes in use of library. NA 9. Potential Members. NA NA 6. Identi ? y target group(s) 7. Ethnic and racial of targeted group(s) 10. Previous 11. Identify Partnership Team of targeted group(s) NA c (' CalHomIa State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application c Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad CitY Li5rar.r Title Centro de Amistad Needs Assessment Process, page I 16. Describe the needs assessment PROCESS. 1. GOALS OF THE PROCESS. Throughout the needs assessment process, the Partnership Team had several 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. goals: To continue building a coalition of library and community representatives committed to improving services for Hispanics in Carlsbad. for Change program, particularly geographically and with regard to specific popElation to be served. To gain information about the general life situation and context of Hispanics living in Carlsbad in order to design appropriate means of delivering service. To gain information about Carlsbad Hispanics' information needs and information sou- ces . To gain information about barriers to Hispanics' use of current library services. To gather suggestions for new or revised services the library might offer to meet Hispanics' information needs. To better define the focus of the library's Partnerships 2. INITIAL CONTACTS. During preparation of the library's original Partnerships for Change proposal, fourteen potential community partners were contacted. They were asked about what changes they perceived in the Carlsbad Hispanic community and what general needs they perceived Hispanics in Carlsbad having. They were asked if they would be willing to work with the library in increasing its services for Hispanic residents in Carlsbad. 3. EXISTING DATA. During preparation of the original proposal, existing statistical data was collected from the San Ciego Association of Governmects, Carlsbad Unified School District, City of Carlsbad iiesearch and Analysis Office, County Supervisor John MacDonald's office, the Carlsbad City Library Library User Survey, aiid Donnel!Tf DemosraPhics. The statistical data acquired at that time included current and projected population figures by ethnicity and age, school enrollment by ethnicity, axxi? school enrollmerit ir, bilingual programs. California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 6A Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Cectro de Amistad Needs Assessment Process, page 2 During the formal needs assessment process, additiocal existing data was obtained. Four relevant needs assessments were consulted: -Survey of Migrant Education Parents in Carlsbad, November 1989 County, 1990 homeless migrants, farmworkers and dayworkers in North and South San Diego County, October 1989. -Community Needs Assessnent of MAAC Project Headstart, North -City of Carlsbad Child Care Survey, 1987 -MAAC Project, "The Working Homeless," a needs assessment of Additional statistical data was obtained on population, housing, health, employment, and other relevant information from a variety of sources. 4. KEY INFORMANTS Returning to those potential community partners already contacted during the proposal stage, and adding to this list, the three members of the Partnership Team interviewed eighteen key informants in the community. These are people who.are familiar with the Hispanic population in Carlsbad and are able to give information based on their longtime residence, professional expertise, or formal or informal position in the community. The key informants were asked the following questions: 1 A. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What are the needs of Carlsbad's Hispanic population? Where do people go now for help with these needs? Very few Hispanics now use the Carlsbad Library. Why do What kinds of information do Hispanics in Carlsbad need? Where do Hispanics in Carlsbad go to get information now? How do you perceive the role of the library in the Hispanic community? What should the library's roie be? If a survey were done trying to reach a cross-section of Carlsbad's Hispanic community, where would be some good places to conduct such a survey? Can you suggest 2 other people I caz talk with about the needs of Carlsbad's Hispanic population? you think that is? What barriers are there? California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 6Ei Applicant Jurisdiction CarlsbaZ! City LiSrarv Title Centro de Amistad Needs Assessment Process, page 3 The 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16, key informants who were interviewed were: Stephen Ahle, principal, Pine Elementary School. Gloria Valencia Cothran, staff aide to County Supervisor John MacDonald. Marie Davis, co-owner, Pollos Maria Restaurant. Marielena Erickson, principal, Buena Vista Elementary School. Ofelia Escobedo, co-owner, Lola's Market and Deli. Maria Gomez, coordinator, Migrant Education. Sister Rosa Hernandez, Outreach Coordinator, St. Patrick's Church, and Coordinator, SHARE Program. 'Linda Ledesma, Coordinator, Juvenile Justice Program, Carlsbad Police Department. Lifetime resident, has workez with Boys and Girls Club, Centro Youth Services, and other agencies. Xev. Rafael Martinez, Director, North County Chaplaincy. Monsignor Moore, pastor, St. Patrick's Catholic Church. Marina Sanchez, health coordinator, North County Readstart. Chair, Hispanic Business and Professional Association of North San Diego County. Eas founded and worked with many human care agencies. fioy Sanchez, longtime Carlsbad resident, active on many city commissions. Sally Soto, owner, El Corral Pottery. Anna Tilton, principal, Jefferson Elementary School. Connie Trejo, co-owner, Lola's Market ar,d Deli. Maria Valenzuela, coordinator of computer lab at Jefferson Elementary School; substitute library employee; volunteer with migrant workers; Friends of the Library board member. California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 6c Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centro de Amlstad Needs Assessmect Process, page 4 l7. Amy Viilalobos, administrator, City of Carlsbad Department of Housing and Redevelopment. community groups. Volunteer witn numerous 18. Danny Villeda, president, MECHA Clkb, Carlsbad High School. In addition to these formal interviews, the Branch Partner of the Partnership Team has attecded monthly rneeticss of the North Coastal Directors Council for 6 years. This group is composed of the directors of nearly all social and health service agencies in North Coastal San Diego County. Through this network, the Brazc'n Partner has Seen able to be consistently updated on emerging needs and services, including those related to Hispanics, as experienced by social and health service agencies. In addition to providing valuable information aSozt needs in the community and barriers to library use, the key informants helped the Partnership Team narrow the focus of the project. in the original proposal, Carlsbad's Hispanic population is concentrated in two geographic regions. First, there are approximately 9000 Hispanic residents living in the downtown neighborhood. Second, there are estimated to be 6000 migrant workers living outdoors in the canyons located within city boundaries. Interviews with key informants made it clear that the needs of these two populations are different and that the library should not attempt to meet the needs of both groups IC its initial effort. The recommendation was that the library focus its initial project on the needs of Hispanics living in downtown Carlsbad. As noted 5. CONSULTATIONS On April 23, the Partnership Team met with State Library Consultant Roberto Trujillo to discuss information obtained thus far and next steps. Mr. Trujillo suggested consulting with Orange Public Library, which received a Partnerships for Change grant the grevious year and which appeared to have fouz=:! zeeds similar to those emerging In Carlsbad. The Acklnlstrative Partner and the Branch Partner visited Orange Public Library ax2 discussed their written community survey of needs and the design of their program. California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 6 D Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centro de Anistad Needs Assessment Process, page 5 6. MIGRANT EDUCATION PARENTS MEETING. At the invitation of Migrant Education Coordinator Earia Gornez Coalition representatives were able to gain input from a large group of community parents. On May 16, the Branch Partner, Community Partner, and Coalition member H.P. Lopez attended a meeting of parents whose children participate in the Migrant Education program in Carlsbad. Although the program is called ~ "Migrant Education," the families are in fact stable residents Carlsbad who work in agriculture but are living almost entirely in the downtown neighborhood. Carlsbad's agricultural farnilies do not have the migratory pattern found in other parts of the country or among single men living in the canyons in Carlsbad. 1 Of Approximately 50 parents, all Spanish-speaking, attended. Divided into small groups of 5, the parents then discussed what they perceived the most important needs of Hispanics in Carlsbad to be. Each small group reported back to the full group and the results were recorded for the whole group to see. 7. COMMUNITY SURVEY The next step was to conduct a widescale written survey of community residents. representative of the San Diego Association of Governments, which is skilled in conducting community surveys, to discuss design an6 logistics of the survey. Using input already obtained from existing data, key informants, and the Migrant Education parents, the Branch and Community Partners wrote the survey. Some questions were adapted from the Orange Public Library survey. Questions were included for demographic comzarison with results of the Carlsbad City Library User Survey conducted in 1989. The survey was reviewed by a SANDAG representative for technical considerations. Three separate translations into Spanish were done by three bilingual/bicultural Coalition members; the three versions were then compared to get the wording most likely to be understood by the target population. The Partnership Team met with a Sites where the survey was conducted were chosen from those suggested by key informants. A total of 423 surveys were completed between May 19 and June 3. Community partners were invaluable in conducting the survey. AI1 of MiraCosta College's adult English-as-a-Second-Language classes, both morning and evening, participated, with teachers and aides assisting students. The congregations of St. Patrick's Church and the California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 6E Applicant Jurisdiction CarIsSad City Library Title Centro de Amistad Needs Assessment Process, page 6 Iglesia Apostolica completed surveys following their services. SEIARE program participants completed surveys when they came for food. Bilingual/bicultural surveyors walked neighborhood streets interviewing neighborhood residents in their yards, on Sundays in Holiday Park, and going door-to-door in one apartment complex. Lola's Market graciously allowed a surveyor to conduct surveys daily for two weeks at the market. SANDAG then compiled and analyzed the data and wrote the final survey report. 8. COALITION MEETINGS Upon completion of the survey, Coalition members met for the first time as a group. In a series of meetings starting on June 7, those Coalition members able to attend analyzed the survey results. Coalition members continued to add their own impressions of community needs as well. Through these discussions, the Coalition was able to define the geographic focus, population focus, community social and economic context, information needs and sources, and information barriers for the Partne'rships for Change pr0gra.m to address. An appropriate revision of library service was then designed by the Coalition members. Coalition members then contacted additional resource people who would be needed to carry out the service plan. California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application ?age 6F Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City{ Library7 Title Centro de Amista6 Conmunitv's Needs, page 13 suggests that the current library services and collection are nct as relevant or accessible as they need to be. 5. RECOMMENDED SERVICES, SERVICE ACCESS, AND SERVICE DELIVERY MECHANISMS Taking all of the above needs information into account, the Partnership Team and Coalition, at its meetings on June 19 and July 10, 1990, made certain recommendations: a. Taraet Population Spanish-speaking families (parents and children) b. GeoaraPhic focus Northwest quadrant of Carlsbad, with particular focus on the downtown neighborhood located between Interstate 5 (east) and Carlsbad Boulevard (west) and between Tamarack Avenue (south) and Laguna Drive (north). c. Information focus Two types of information will be the focus of services: 1) Information to assist Spanish-speaking families in coping with their daily lives and in making the transition to life in a new environment. Examples include information about legal requirements to drive a car, preventive health care information, and where to find job training. 2) Hispanic cultural information and resources so that new immigrants and their children can maintain a tie with their cultural heritage and so that the wider Carlsbad community can appreciate the rich Hispanic culture. d. Services The library's service delivery will he a two-pronged effort. The library proposes to establish a facility to be called Centro de Amistad (Friendship Center) in the downtown neighborhood. It may share a building with 1) Centro de Amistad St. Patrick's Church's outreach programs. Centro de Amistad will be a specialized outreach center of the - Main Library. In a culturally sensitive atmosphere, California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 7 M Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centro de Amistad Community's Needs, page 14 bilingual/bicultural staff will provide information and referral information on lifeskills and coping topics that Spanish-speaking residents need for adapting to a new environment and meeting their daily Reeds. Print and audio-visual information will be availaSle. A major component of Centro de Amistad will be the participation of representatives of social and health care agencies and other knowledgeable community members. They will provide needed information in person, either on a regularly scheduled basis or by conducting workshops and mini-courses. The Centro de Amistad is a transitional center to introduce residents to the services of the library and encourage use of the wider resources of the Main Library. A computer catalog terminal will be on site to access the Main Library collection and familiarize residents with its use. Centro de Amistad staff and Main Library staff will rotate between locations to build trust and familiarity between the neighborhood and the Main Library. Because the Centro de Amistad seeks to serve the needs of families, a children's collection and children's library programming will also take place at the site. A collection of print and nonprint materials related to Hispanic culture will be an integral part of the collection. Active promotion of the Centro de Amistad will take place through the many community partners already helping and through Spanish language media. Main Library Changes will take place simultaneously within the Main Library building. As the Carlsbad City Library moves toward 1992, when a new Main Library will open in south Carlsbad, the current Main Library is preparing to become more of a regionally focused library serving north Carlsbad. Bilingual/bicultural staff will be actively recruited for the Main Library as positions become open (this is already occurring to fill a new Children's Librarian position). Arrangements will be made to offer Spanish language instruction and cross- cultural training for Main Library staff. The Spanish- language reference, adult, and children's collections will be expanded. Spanish-language audio-visual materials will be purchased. The online catalog will have Spanish language accessibility. Bilingual signage California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application page 7N c c Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centro de Amistac? Comunitv's Needs, page 15 will be incorporated into the library. S2ecial exhibits and programs will highlight Hispanic culture and heritage for the wider Carlsbad coznunity. Library services will be publicized in Spanish. Main Library staff and Centro de Amistad staff will rotate between sites so that staff and the community can become familiar with one another and Spanish-speaking residents will feel more comfortable going to the Main Library. California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 7-0 Applicant Carlsbad City Library Jurisdiction Centro de Amistad - Title I 18. Describe PLANS FOR MAKING SERVICE CHANGES. a. Describe your Current Service Program. The mission of the Carlsbad City Library is: The Carlsbad City Library contributes to the enrichment of the community by supporting lifelong learning and the pursuit of knowledge. It provides traditional and innovative library services in a friendly, welcoming atmosphere. Collections include resources with educational, informational and recreational value that respond to the interests of a diverse community. Expert staff serve the public in a courteous, helpful manner. Library Divisions' Goals: ADMINI STRATION 1. Budget Preparation and Fund Accounting: Prepare departmental budget; process invoices, warrants and requisitions; monitor expenditures; and maintain fiscal records. 2. Strategic Planning: Develop long-range plans for new and expanded library services, resources, and facilities to meet current and future needs. 3. Programs and Exhibits: Arrange for adult programs and exhibits of interest to the general community. 4. External Relations: Maintain close contact and coordination with city management, other city departments, the news media, Friends of the Library, and other libraries. CIRCULATION SERVICES 1. General Circulation: Check out and check in all print and some non- print materials; sort incoming materials in preparation for shelving; open, close, and maintain the book drop. 2. Patron Maintenance: Process delinquencies and accounts for fines and fees collected; library users. handle registrations and re-registrations for all 3. Reserves and Deliveries: Handle reserve notices for materials placed on hold; maintain a hold shelf for distribution of items reserved, and receive, sort, and route deliveries of materials to and from other libraries. Supplemental Page 8A California State Library U - Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Ptogram Application Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad Citv Library Title Centro de Amistad Current Service Program, page 2 Library Divisions' Goals: (cont.) REFERENCE SERVICES c 1. General Reference Services: Respond to in person and telephoned reference questions; place holds on books; provide library instruction and tours; select new materials; give book talks for community groups. 2. Interlibrary Loan: Send to and receive from other libraries requests for books, microfilm, and photocopies. 3. Periodicals: and related backfiles. Manage a collection of 509 magazines and 49 newspapers, 4. Online Services: Provide ready reference and in-depth data base searches for the general public as well as instruction in the use of self-service computer data bases. GENEALOGY/LOCAL HISTORY 1. General Reference Services: Respond to in-person and telephone reference requests; provide library instruction and tours; give talks to neighboring genealogical societies. 2. Interlibrary Loan: Request and receive books, microforms, and photocopies from other libraries. CHILDREN'S SERVICES 1. General Reference Services: Respond to in-person and telephone questions; provide readers advisory, library skills instruction and group tours. 2. Collection Development: Select new materials, both print and non-print and provide collection maintenance and stack organization. 3. Program Activities and Special Services: Provide Annual Summer Reading Club and regular storyhours and children's programming. TECHNICAL SERVICES 1. Acquisitions: Order and receive books and audiovisual materials. 2. Processing: Catalog and process both purchased items and gifts. Repair damaged materials and arrange for binding and rebinding. 3. Database Maintenance: Add new items to the online database and delete information for lost or discarded materials. - Supplemental Page 8B California State Library 0 - Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Applicant Jurid&ion Carlsbad City Library Centro de Amistad Title - Current Service Program, page 3 ( - Library Divisions' Goals: (cont.) TECHNICAL SERVICES (cont.) 4. Circulation System: Operate the library's INLEX 3000 System, including operation of the mini computer, production of statistical reports and installation of new software releases. AV SERVICES 1. AV Public Services: Check out and in videotapes/films, AV equipment, and collect fees. 2. Interlibrary Loan: Send and receive requests for films and videotapes. 3. AV Collection Development: Select, purchase and receive new AV materials. 4. AV Reference & Information: Maintain collection of reference materials to assist with AV related inquiries; develop a local AV information database; prepare selected lists, catalogs and promotional materials. MEDIA SERVICES 1. Public Information Media: Produce city-related photographic, video and audio information for distribution to newspapers, magazines, local publications, radio, TV stations and other inter-city uses. Image Research & Development: Develop and maintain a fully indexed city image retrieval and storage system for slides, prints, negatives, video, audio, etc. 2. 3. Media Production Development: Provide audio, video, photographic media services for the preservation and documentation of such locally significant information as oral history, historical photos/documents and displayslexhibits. 4. Video Production Service Expansion: Broaden services supplied by expanding into professional quality video productions. ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM 1. Tutoring: The program provides free one-to-one tutoring for 80-100 adults who need to improve their basic reading, writing and math skills. 2. Community Awareness and Referrals: The program increases community awareness and involvement in literacy through use of the local media, public speaking, and the cooperative public relations strategies of the San Diego County Literacy Network. 3. Libary Adult Learners Collection: The program develops and maintains a collection of materials for adult interests and c written at lower readinn levels. - kl California State Library Supplemental Page - Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Centro de Amistad Title - i Current Service Program, page 4 Library Divisions' Goals: (cont.) L- LA COSTA BRANCH L 1. 2. 3. 4. Reference: Assist patrons in using the library; answer reference questions; reserve specific titles; and request materials from other libraries. Circulation: adults; handle patron registration; collect fees and fines and track Circulate print and non-print materials to children and overdue items. Collection Development: Evaluate the branch collection, select and order print and non-print materials. Programming: children. Plan, schedule and develop programs for adults and - Supplemental Page 8D California State Library 0 - Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City7 Library Title Centro de Amistad Current Service Program, ?age 5 STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF CURRENT SERVICE PIIOGRAN St r ena ths 1. The library's mission statement clearly recognizes the importance of meeting the information needs of a diverse community population. c 2. The library's mission statement clearly recosnizes the importance of meeting community information needs in both traditional and innovative ways. 3. In its 5-year goals and objectives formulated in 1988, the library established the presence of bilinsual (Spanish/English) staff at all public service desks during all hours of library operation as a high priority. The Circulation, Reference, Children's, and Adult Learning Divisions have been making progress in this area. 4. In fiscal year 1990-1991, allocations for purchase of Spanish language materials were increased, including $3000 to be used for purchase of Spanish-language reference materials. 5. The Children's Division conducts Spanish-language storyhours at the Main Library and issues its monthly activities calendar in Spanish and English. 6. Library staff, not just management, ars involved in decisions about library policies and practices. Weaknesses 1. The library does not have a planned program t:, meet the needs of Hispanic residents. 2. The library's orientation is to well-edzcated residents who already know how to use a library and does not include a Flannel?. program for assisting persons who are new to library services, especially persons with !ow educational levels. 3. The library's orientation has been to the city's English- speaking population. It has lacked a significazt Spanish- language collection and bilingual signage and staffing to enable Spanish-speaking residents access to information. California State Library Partnerships for change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 8E Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad Cit;. Library Title Centro de Amistad Current Service Frogran, page 6 4. The library has lacked an overall outreach program, with outreach limitec? to the literacy program and some work with homebound residents and the visually impaired. 5. Community input into library planning has been largely related to planning the new library building in south Carlsbad. There has been limited involvement of the community in other aspects of library service planning. 6. Public relations efforts have focused. on the English language media and communications strategies appropriats for the library's current user population but have not included Spanish language media or less forma! channels of communicatioz effective in the Hispanic community. 7. The library has lacked programming and cultural events which celebrate the Hispanic heritage of residents. 8. The library's nonprint resources (e.g., videos) do not include Spanish-language materials. The low educational level of many Spanish-speaking residents would make nonprint resources especially appropriate. 9. The library's current services are increasingly taking advantage of sophisticated technology for information access, including data base searches and a new computerized catalog. Since most Hispanic residents have little familiarity with computers, the library's resources will becone even less accessible without deliberate planning for their needs. California State Library Partnerships for change Community Library Service Grants Program Application PaSe 8 F Applicant Jurisdiction Carlshad City LiSrarv Title Centro de Anlistad Service Procrram Redesian, page 1 iL o am Redesi The existing problems and considerations that must be addressed in a revised service program were discussed in this application on pages 7A-7M an6 in section 18a. In a series of meetings in June and July 1990, the Partnership Team and Coalition members discussed appropriate information services and service delivery methods, based on all aspects of the needs assessment. The recommended target population, geographic focus, information to be provided, and means of providing information are outlined in pages 7-M - 7-0 of this application. Since the recommendations were unanimous, they were adopted by the Coalition as the plan of service. Subsequently, the Partnership Team and Coalition member Gloria Valencia Cothran drafted a Program Mission, Goals, and Objectives. These were discussed at the Coalition meeting on July 18 and adopted. The Library Board of Trustees approved the plan of service, mission, goals, and objectives on July 18 also. The program's mission, goals, and objectives are listed below. PROGRAM MISSION: To assist the Carlsbad City Library in analyzing and restructuring our community library service programs and policies to respond,to the ethnic an6 cultural diversity of our community. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: 1. Goa! #I: To develop a revised community library service program that is responsive to the needs of Carlsbad's downtown Hispanic population. Objectives related to Goal #I: a. To increase the Spanish-language resources in the library collection by 10% by the en< of the first fcl! year of operation of the program. California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 8G I Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centro de Amistad Service Prosram Redesicin, page 2 b. C. d. e. To increase the circulation of Spanish-language materials by 10% by the end of the first full year of operation of the program. To sponsor 4 Hispanic cultural grograms during the first year of program operation. Main Library obiectives: 1) To increase the number of staff hours during which bilingual staff are available on public service desks by 12 hours per week by the end of the first full year of program operation. 2) To increase attendance at children's Spanish- language storyhours by 10% by the end of the first year of program operation. Centro de Amistad obiectives: 1) To have 3000 contacts with community residents at the Centro by the end of the first full year of operation. 2) To have 2000 requests for information at the Centro by the end of the first full year of operation. 3) To make 300 referrals to sociallhealthleducational community services by the end of the first full year of operation of the Centro. 4) To hold 50 Spanish-language storyhours for childrer!, at the Centro by the end of the first full year of operation. 5) To register 400 new library patrons at the Centro by the end of the first full year of operation. 6) To offer 25 informational/educational workshops by the end of the first full year of operation of the Centro. California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Applicant Jurisdiction CarIsSad Citv Library Title Centro de Aalstac! Service Proaram Redesian, page 3 7) To have community resource persons available to provide information and answer questions at the Centro during 50 hours of the first full year of operation. 8) To make 2000 outreach contacts by the Centro staff by the end of the first full year of operation. 2. GOAL $2: To implement an ongoing pattern of library staff involvement in the community and of active community involvement in development, revision, and maintenance of Carlsbad's library service program. Obiectives related to Goal #2: a. To hold monthly Partnerships for Change Coalition meetings. b. To enroll 20 library staff in cross-cultural sensitivity training and/or Spanish-language instruction during the first full year of program operation. e. To exchange staff between the Main Library and the Centro de Amistad on a weekly basis. To fully incorporate the revised service program into the library's baseline budget. Obiectives related to Goal #3: a. To double the library's expenditures for Spanish- language materials in fiscal year 1990-1991. b. To increase the number of staff hours during which bilingual staff are available on public service desks in the Main Library by 12 hours per week by the end of the first full year of program operation. (same as objective under Goal #1 above) c. To incorporate the Program Manager's i~osltion into the library's planned Outreach Division. by 1992 California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 8 I Title Centro de Amistad ! 18c. Define your goals, objectives, activities and timeline for - implementation of service program redesign. OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES TO BE ACCOMPLISHED c MONTH 1 2 3 4 -Funding received. -Request to city Human Resources Department to develop job description and ad for recruitment of Program Manager and Program Assistant. -Meet with Coalition. -Library Selection Committee begins planning for -Begin search for facility to house Centro. main library collection development. -Recruit and hire Program Manager.(PM). -Locate and lease program facility. -Program Manager meets with library Division Heads to discuss plans (PM will participate in all monthly library staff meetings). -Plan resource development for Centro. -Begin recruitment of Program Asst. & parttime staff -Begin planning I&R operations. -Meet with Coalition. -Hire Program Assistant. -Hire parttime staff and assign to main library -Order furniture, equipment, and supplies for -Plan for any needed renovation work at Centro. -Meet with Coalition. for work program and orientation. Centro. -Complete renovation and setup of Centro. -Begin ordering and receiving resource materials -Integrate all staff into Centro to organize -Meet with Coalition. for Centro collections. resources and plan for opening. 5 -Make presentatiorsto city management team and -Plan first of quarterly cultural programs. -Begin Spanish language instruction for main -Do outreach to community groups and social service -Set up online public access INLEX terminal to -Develop public relations program and meet with community groups. library staff. agencies to coordinate support activities. provide direct access to main library holdings. media. - -Meet with coalition. Supplemental Page g a California State Library 0 -- Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Carlsbad City LIbrary Applicant Jurisdiction Title c MONTH OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES TO BE ACCOMPLISHED 6 7 8 9 10 11 -Hold grand opening ceremony for Centro. -Hold first cross-cultural training session for -Develop information and referral (I&R) plan. -Initiate staff exchanges with main library. -Meet with Coalition. library staff. -Begin regular programming for children. -I&R operations activated (to be updated on a -Continue with ongoing community outreach and -Meet with Coalition. regular basis with new resources and corrected data.) needs assessment. -Work closely with media representatives to keep them informed of programs, accomplishments, and findings . city management. -Develop monthly report format for library and -Meet with Coaltion. -Develop plan for bilingual signage in main library -Continue to refine public relations campaign. -Continue staff training at both main library and -Meet with Coalition. and order all needed materials. at Centro. -Develop detailed plans for program incorporation. -Work with library administration to plan for -Continue to evaluate and report on program activities. -Consider, with Coalition,. any necessary program changes based on evaluation of services and community needs. budget needs. -Work closely with main library technical services and reference divisions to coordinate support activities. -Initiate plans to further concept of the Centro serving as a transition to the main library. -Meet with Coalition. 12 -At completion of first full year, plan detailed evaluation and report to library, city management, and elected officials. -Apply for second year of funding. -Continue all operations. - Supplemental Page g b California State Library U - Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Applicant Jurj&tion Car lsbad City Library Title Centro de Amistad d -Describe your preliminary ideas for evaluating and refining your revised service program. - 1. 2. 3. 4. Use of objective measurements as outlined in paragraph 8b above. Discussion and feedback from Coalition members at their regular monthly meetings. Discussion and feedback from library Division Heads at their monthly meeting, which will include active participation of the Program Manager. Feedback from outreach contacts by the Program Manager with community groups and individuals. c -Preliminary P.R. Planning and Budgeting Note: If any of the items below is clearly answered by data that is elsewhere in this application or in your earlier Proposal, there is no need to repeat that data here. Just indicate for each item the exact location of the answering data, including name of document 0.e. Application or Proposal); section and page number; and location on page/section in which this data is found. If in doubt, repeat the data here. This position is currently vacant at Carlsbad Library. Pari-pr can hc CQ.I-~--. The Administrative partner or Branch P.R Contact Person: Area Code: Phone: e c California State Library - Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application c I c Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centro de Amistad Public Relations, Taruet Audience, page 1 1. Clearly define your target audience(s) for your library's 2rogram. Describe their ethnicity; geographic location; age; education level; information needs, sources and barri.ers. a. TARGET AUDIENCE ETI-INICITY: Sispanic (mostly Mexican heritage, some Central American) b. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: Northwest quadrant of Carlsbad, focusing especially on the downtown neighborhood from Interstate 5 (east) to Carlsbad Boulevard (west), from Tamarack Avenue (south) to Laguna Drive (north). c. AGES: Families (parents and children). 86% of adults are under age 40, with 42.7% aged 20-29. Average number of children under age 13 is 2.7 per household; average number of teens is 2.1 per household. d. EDUCATION LEVEL: 43.4% of all Hispanic adults in target neighborhood have less than 6 years of education, with 15.9% having 0-3 years. More than half of adults uno speak primarily Spanish completed 6 years or less of school. e. INFORMATION NEEDS: 1. Information to assist Spanish-speaking families in coping with their daily lives and in making the transition to life in a new environment. Examples include information about legal requirements to drive a car, preventive health information, and where to find job training. 2. Hispanic cultural information and resources so that new immigrants and their children can maintain a tie with their cultural heritage and so that the wider Carlsbad community can appreciate the rich Hispanic culture. f. INFORMATION SOURCES: Friends (59.2%), Church (36%), Family (33.5%), School (29.7%), Newssaper (26.7%) u. INFORMATION BARRIERS: 1. 74% of adults are primarily Spanish-speaking. 2. Low literacy skills in Spanish and English. 3. Lack of bilingual staff in library and other community 4. Lack of previous experience with formal information agencies. seeking and libraries'. Many residents do not know what the library offers or how to use its resources. California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centro de Amistad Public Relations, Tarset Audience, page 2 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 42.9% of residents do not know where the library is. Only 21% of Spanish-speaking adults have been to Lack of transportation to get to informat’ 13n sources Perception of the library as an Anglo institution. Perception of the library as an official institution, unwelcoming -and unfriendly. Inadequate Spanish-language resources in the library, especially ones appropriate to residents’ literacy skills, such as videos and cassettes, and information needs. Lack of familiarity among adults with sophisticated information technology, such as computers. Lack of bilingual signage at the library. Concerns about the safety of the family affect decisions to use community resources. the library, 46% of their children. such as library. California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 11 B Carlsbad City Library Applicant Jurisdiction Title Centro de Amistad 2. which you will communicate to your audience. These should include: key informants; coalition organizations; public agencies who also target your audience; social service and religious organizations who serve your audience; schools and daycare centers in your neighborhood; businesses, chambers of commerce or other business groups; print and broadcast media (including stations and specific programming). List your audience's information sources and communication networks through (some listed in Key informants other categories) Schools and Daycare Gloria Valencia Cothran Jefferson School (Anna Tilton) Roy Sanchez Pine School (Steve Ahle) Sally Soto Buena Vista School (M. Erickson) Maria Valenzuela St. Patrick's School Linda Ledesma Valley Junior High Amy Villalobos Carlsbad High School Marina Sanchez Migrant Education (Maria Gomez) MiraCosta adult ESL (R. Macfarlane) MECHA Club, Carlsbad High School (D. Villeda) Public agencies/social senrice/ Media religious organizations St. Patrick's Church (Msr. Moore) Iglesia Apostolica (Rev. Hernandez) Asamblea Carlsbad Housing Authority Friends of the Library Dept. of Social Services Employment Development Dept. Public health nurses North Coastal Directors Council SER/Jobs for Progress (G. Lopez) Businesses, chambers & business groups Hispanic Business and Professional Assoc. of No. San Diego County Lola's Market and Deli (C. Trejo, Alberto's Restaurant Pollos Maria (Marie Davis) 0. Escobedo) T.V. radio Ahora Now Hispanos Unidos Carlsbad Journal La Prensa $an7,;B-Fe&br :* ,- Blade Citizen Times-Advocate San Diego Union San Diego Tribune Other Coalition partners not listed above Margarita Acosta, resident Josephine de 10s Santos, resident Jose Diaz Rodriguez, resident Bertha Galaz, resident Luis Ma-ldonado, resident Margarita Maldonado, resident H.P. Lopez, resident 1'21 California State Library - Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Carlsbad City Library Applicant Jurisdiction 1 Title 3. Based on your answers to Number 2, design a preliminary P.R. plan for 1990/91. This plan should reflect and meet the needs of the people and organizations listed in Number 2. Show P.R. objectives, activities and measures of success for each. NOTE: This plan will be developed with State consultants at Use the following activity categories. Add others if you need to. notes are below. State Library workshop in October 1990. Some preliminary Interior and exterior sip Bilingual signage is a high priority at the Centro and the Main Library. Personal Contacts/S eakefs bureau Staff and c? oalition members will make contacts & speak. Wordaf-Mouth Activities Many Coalition members are committed to telling friends. Publicity Public Service Announcements Public Affairs ProgrammingNews & Interviews Advertising in Ethnic Me Listed on previous page. Special Events Grand opening of Centro de Amistad Communication Activities (print, audio, and video materials) Coalition members have emphasized the importance of a personal approach, such as personal invitations in person, a phone call, or a personal note, rather than generic flyers . 1131 California State Library - Partnership for change Community Llbrary Service Grants Program Apprkatkn Carlsbad City Library Centro de Amistad Applicant Jurisdiction Title 4. Complete the budget estimation form below. Your P.R. budget should most likely be between 5% and 10% of your total budget. Consult your assigned consultant if you have questions regarding the percentages. DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM UNTIL AmER OCTOBER, 1990 WORKSHOP. Item Signage Flyers Brochures Posters Displays Nametags Premiums Photography Publicity PSAs Newsletters Public Affairs Paid Advertising Special Events Displays Stationery Videos Translator Other (please list) Writing Production & Design & Printing Distribution Other California State Library 1'41 - Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Carlsbad City Libr.ary Centro de Amistad Applicant Jurisdiction c Tile c c 5. describe: If you are considering production of a video or audio program for your project, The library has no plans for a video at this time. Purpose: AudienceDistribution. Length: To be produced by whom? Estimated cost: Production timeline Califomla State Library llsl - PartnershlpsforChango community Llbrary Service Grants Rogram Applicatbn I c i I i L i Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library .. Centro de Arnistad Title JNCORPORATION CONSIDERADQNS Use the questions below to help you begin planning to get the service revisions you are making and the change process you are learning fully incorporatedinto your ongoing service program, policies, and budget. DO NOT answer these questions 1-8 on this application. Do answer questions 9 and 10 in the space provided after these questions. 1. the following elements, after the changes you propose are fully incorporated into your ongoing service program: Describe what you want your revised service program to look like, in terms of a. Services added; eliminated; reduced; modified. b. Staffing (number, makeup, skills, languages, etc.) c. Changes in your library environment (organizational structure, physical design / layout, etc.) 2. How long will full implementation and incorporation of your proposed service program revisions take? 3. What steps or milestones are necessary to accomplish full incorporation? Develop a general timeline and indicate how you envision local support taking over as LSCA funds phase out. 4. Cansider what magnitude of service revisions you can realistically fold into your library budget over a reasonable time period. Does your proposal for changes reflect this reality. 5. What proportion of your ongoing library materials budget needs to be allocated to materials acquisitions for your target group if you are to maintain the service level you are establishing via this effort? Is it realistic that you can maintain this level? 6. Remembering that communities rarely remain static, consider how your general community (of which your target group is a part) is likely to change over the time that it takes to revise and incorporate services for your target group. How might you try to accommodate any of these changes that are significant? California State Library FI Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Centro de Amistad Title INCORPORATION CONSIDERATIONS 9. Which portions of your proposed service revisions do you believe you can realistically incorporate within the first 18 months of your revision program? Under what conditions? -Quarterly Hispanic cultural programs. -Addition of bilingual staff in the main library to fill vacant public service positions (at least one fulltime position and two parttime positions). -Continue to hold monthly Coalition meetings. -Continue Spanish language classes and cross-cultural training -Continue staff exchanges between the Centro and the main -Full funding of all Spanish language resources at double -Incorporate the Program Manager position into the library's for all interested library staff. library. the current rate of expenditure. general fund budget in fiscal 1991-92. This budget will include staff increases to meet the needs of an expanded library system. -Incorporation of all maintenance and operations expenses to maintain the Centro. -Fund from the library budget any needed capital acquisitions such as computers or additional furniture. The incorporation plan assumes a continued healthy fiscal climate in Carlsbad as well as continued political support for what would have to be evaluated as a successful program. 10. What steps might you need to take in this first year of your program revision efforts to ensure your changes are incorporated by the end of your efforts under this CLSG Program? -Keep city management and elected officials informed of the -Keep the Library Director, library staff, Friends of the Library, -Keep the Coalition actively involved with monthly meetings to -Keep the media informed of program activities and accomplishments -Continue a positive program of outreach and interaction with progress and accomplishments of the program. and the Library Board informed of program activities. review activities and to discuss program modifications. the Hispanic community in the downtown area to evaluate ongoing needs. Supplemental Page 17 California State Library 0 PartnerShlDS for Chanae Communitv Librarv Service Grants Proaram ADDlhtbn .. " .. CarPsbad City Library Appltcant Jurisdidion Title 19. DETAILED PROGRAM BUDGET ( - LSCA OTHER CONT. IN-KIND TOTAL SALARIES Program Manager: (Managemt. Ass t. ) Benefits 10 , 600 Salary 32, 100 Program Ass t. : (Clerk/Typist) Salary 17,800 Benefits 5,900 3 Part-time clerks 21,600 2 Hire-a-Youth 1,440 c 32,100 10 , 600 17 , 800 5,900 21,600 1,440 - SUB-TOTAL 887 000 1,440 89 , 440 - LIBRARY MATERIALS 10 , 000 5 , 000 15 , 000 L ,--- OPERATING EXPENSES Rent 12,000 Travel/Mileage 1,500 Contract Services : Translators 6 , 500 Spanish instruction & cross-cultural training for library staff 7,000 - Presentations c Telephone 2,000 Office Supplies 4,000 Postage .1,000 3,000 12 , 000 1,500 6 , 500 7,000 3,000 2,000 4 , 000 1,000 continued SupplementalPage 18 A California State Library 0 I Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application c c c - I c Applicant Jurisdictiocl Cud C-arv Title Centro de Amistad Detailed Program Budget, cont., page 2 LSCA OTHER CONT. IN-KIND TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES, cont. Furniture & Equipmt. Desks 1,800 Tables 800 Chairs Operator 1,200 Stacking 600 Side 1,000 Reading 1,000 File cabinets 1,000 Stand for online terminal 300 Typewriter 300 Online terminal Microcomputer & printer Shelving : Typewriter stand 200 Magazine 200 Paperback 200 Desktop copier 2, 000 Book 800 Literature stands 900 A-Frame Display 300 Public Relations & Printing 1,000 1,000 3,500 1,800 800 1,200 600 1,000 1,000 1,000 300 30 0 200 1,000 3,500 200 800 900 200 300 2,000 1,000 SUB-TOTAL 47,600 3,000 4,500 55,100 TOTAL 145,600 4,440 9,500 159., 540 IBDIEIECT COSTS (8%) 11,648 11,648 GRAND TOTAL 157,248 4,440 9,500 1Y1,188 Supplemental Page 18 California State Library LAB Partnerships fot Change Community Library Service Grants Program Applkatlon - e Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Librar-7 Title Centro de Amistad Loncr-term Benefits, page 1 20. Describe the Ions-term benefit for your tarset community and irsur corrmunitv 1 ibrar-1. a. BENEFITS FOR SPANISH-SPEAKING FAMILIES IN DOWNTOWN CAfiTYSBAD Access to reliable information will be improved. Families' overall quality of life will be improved. A pattern of lifelong learning through use of library resources can be established for children and adults. Parents will have more resources with which to help their children succeed in school. Self-esteem of Hispanic young people and adults can be enhanced. Hispanic residents will be active participants in library planning and decision-making. Hispanic residents will have more information and resources to become more active participants in the wider community. The drop-out rate among Hispanic youth may be reduced. Families' cultural heritage can be celebrated while they simultaneously adapt to life in a new environment. b. BENEFITS TO COMMUNITY LIBRARY The library will be better able to fulfill its mission of meeting the information needs of a diverse community . The library will be better able to plan appropriate information services for Hispanic residents. Library staff will expand their cross-cultural awareness and sensitivity. Library staff will have more information with which to plan collection development. As the city moves toward opening the new Main Library in south Carlsbad, the north library's plan of service can be better tailored to the needs of north Carlsbad residents, including Hispanic residents of the downtowr, neighborhood. The library will develop an outreach orientation and move towards its goal of establishing an Outreach Division. An ongoing sharing of information between the library and other agencies and organizations serving Hispanic residents will be established. California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 19~ Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library Title Centro de Amistad Loncr-term Benefits, page 2 e. EENEFITS TO THE WHOLE CITY OF CARLSBAD The intercultural exchange fostered through this prograr, will enable all residents to appreciate the rich and diverse heritages present in our community. Misunderstandings between persons of differing cdtural heritages and languages may be reduced and a spirit of cooperation enhanced. The program will enable more residents to ensure a good education for their children, thus better ensuring a stable and productive future for the entire community. More residents will be better informed and better able to participate in community life. More residents will have access to information such as legal requirements for driving and the importance of prenatal care, thus reducing the necessity of spending public funds on dealing with situations caused by the lack of this information. More residents will have access to information that can improve their economic status, thus improving the economic situation of the community as a whole. California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Pase 19B Appl~tju~~ Carlsbad City Library Title' Centro de Amistad - Statement of Partnership Team Member Participation - I, Geoffrey Armour , certify that as a member of the Partnership Team name I will partidpate in the development of the Centro de Amistad title program and agree to attend all required Partnership Team Training sessions for the fiscal year 1990/91. c I joined this team because: I have been involved with this program as the Carlsbad City Library's administrative representative to the Partnership. As the Assistant - Library Director, I am responsible for management of the library's day-to-day public and technical service operations. During a series of workshops in 1989, library staff and administrators - developed a mission statement and a series of long range goals and objectives. Part of the library's mission statement includes providing resources and services "...that respond to the interests of a diverse community." Among objectives to service goals in the long range plan are an increase in bilingual staff at the public service desks and an expansion of Spanish language materials. I am committed to achieving these objectives and to, improving library services for all residents of the community, including Hispanic residents who have not made use of library services because of cultural barriers, lack of signage, and especially lack of bilingual staff. The Partnerships for Change program seems an excellent way to initiate a transition for these residents by providing basic information while at the same time introducing them to library services. ( - - - TO c - Signature: Date: 7 (7 This form must be completed by each of the three Partnership Team members. Please photocopy additional copies. California State Library m - Partnerships for Change Community ubcary Service Grants Program Applkxtion c L c c L Applicant Jurisdiction Carlsbad City Library -.. Centro de Amistad Statement of Partnership Team Member Participation 1, Lynda L. Jones , certify that as a member of the Partnership Team name Centro de Amistad I will partidpate in the development of the title program and agree to attend all required Partnership Team Training sessions for the fiscal year 1990/91. I joined this team because: I believe that public libraries are essential cornerstones of freedom and democracy. In the United States, free exchange of information and ideas has been part of our way of life since its founding and is fundamental to our system of government. However, it has become apparent in recent years that subtle, if unintentional, barriers to information exist for some residents of our nation. The efforts to make libraries accessible to the physically disabled, the advent in. libraries of talking books and braille materials for the visually impaired, and the use of bookmobiles for persons who are geographically far from library resources are prime examples of efforts to rectify this situation. Limited literacy skills have prevented many Americans from utilizing the information in libraries, so libraries such as Carlsbad's have instituted adult literacy programs to remove this barrier. I have personally been involved in the Carlsbad Library's litercy effort since 1984. The Partnerships for Change program seeks to remove barriers to information for Hispanic residents of Carlsbad. City Library's resources are for all its residents and that the library is committed to working with the community to be sure that all residents have access to them. The Carlsbad Library already has a history of designing special information services for particular accesss needs: the literacy program, the homebound program, the genealogy program, and computerized access to specialized research. Change program follows in this tradition and in the tradition of public libraries as cornerstones of democracy through free and open access It acknowledges that the Carlsbad The Partnerships for Signature: to information. This form must be completed by each of the three Partnership Team members. Please photocopy additioaal copies. California State Library rn -@forchange Community ubrary Service Grants Program Applkatbn Carlsbad City Library Applicant Jurisdiction Title Centro de Amistad Statement of Partnership Team Member Participation I, Sister Rosa Hernandez , certify that as a member of the Partnership Team - name I will participate in the development of the Centro de Amistad title program and agree to attend all requird Partnership Team Training sessions for the fiscal year 1990/91. I joined this team because: For the past 19 months, as Program Director for St. Patrick's Church Outreach Programs, I have found a consistent lack of information in the increasing Latino community in the city of Carlsbad. I believe Centro de Amistad is the link that can unite the Amistad can be the key to the Latino community's participation in our American society. - wealth of information and the people. Thus, Centro de n This form must be completed by each of the three Partnership Team members. Please photocopy additional copies. California State Library HC - Partnerships for change Community ubrsry Wce Grants Progm Applkath Applicant Jurisdiction CarlsSad City Library Title Centro de Amistad Coalition Partners Coalition Partners Margarita Acosta, community resident Stephen J. Ahle, principal, Pine School Virginia Byrd, director, SOLO Project, San Diego County Office Gloria Valencia Cothran, community resident Josephine de 10s Santos, community resident Jose Diaz Rodriguez, parent member of Jefferson School Bilingual Committee Marielena Erickson, principal, Buena Vista Elementary School Ofelia E. Escobedo, co-owner, Lola's Market and Deli Steve Escoboza, Assistant Director, County of San Diego Mike Franz, director, McAlister Institute Bertha R. Galaz, community resident Maria E. Gomez, coordinator, Migrant Education Program in Juliette E. Heard, Southern California Director, Linda Ledesma, community resident George D. Lopez, director, San Diego County SER/Jobs for Progress Hesiquio P. Lopez, community resident Roberta Macfarlane, coordinator, MiraCosta Community College Luis Maldonado, parent member of Jefferson School Bilingual Margarita Maldonado, parent member of Jefferson School Bilingual Barbara Mannino, Executive Director, Vista Community Clinic Father J. Raymond Moore, pastor, St. Patrick's Church Dolores Skolimowska, president, Disabled Network Center, Inc. Claudia E. Smith, Esq., director, California Rural Legal Anna Tilton, principal, Jefferson Elementary School Connie Trejo, co-owner, Lola's Market and Deli Maria L. Valenzuela, community resident Daniel Villeda, president, MECHA Club, Carlsbad High School of Education Department of Health Services Carlsbad AARP TAX-AIDE/TEC English-as-a-Second-Language Program Committee Committee Assistance California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Page 21 .~~tJuf~~ CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Title Centro de ad Coalition Support Letter , representing /I I, HJ, .L , f *t / 7.- $4 5*- 24-71 I name (please print or type) community; agency; organization program Centro de Amistad will support the development of the title I/My-agency or organization will contribute to this effort in the following ways: +A - L L Signature: Date: Agency /Organiza tion Fkpresenta tive Authorized to make this committment I One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please - photocopy additional copies. Callfomla State LIbrary pip - Partnershwqor change Community Lbrary senrice Grants Program Applkatkrr .~pplimt Jurisdiction CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Ttle Centro de Amistad .- Coalition Support Letter Pine School Carlsbad Unified School District I, Stephen J. Ahle , representing t i name (please print or type) community; agency; organization Centro de Amistad will support the development of the program title for the following reasons: Pine School is located in the downtown neighborhood of Carlsbad. I have long seen the need for a central location where our Spanish speaking families can gain the information and assistance.they require. value to these families in giving them a resource for "survival" and "competency" information in such areas as U.S. law, tax information, consumer information, use of community resources, and referrals to helping agencies. Many of our Spanish speaking parents have limited education in Spanish as well as English, which shows a need for personal and verbal assistance offered through resource people and mini-courses in addition to the dissemination of written material. "Centro de Amistad" will be of great Many of our Spanish speaking parents contact -the bi 1 i ngual personnel of Pi ne School trying to gain the assistance they require. extremely valuable resource for these parents and for school personnel. The "Centro de Amistad" will be an I/My agency or organization will contriiute to this effort in the following ways: We will distribute information to our Spanish speaking parents in both written and verbal form. -- We will also encourage our bilingual staff members, both certificated and classified, to become involved in the "Centro de Amistad" program as volunteers and/or resource personnel for the mini-courses to be offered. -.. Signature: Date: Date: Coalition Member Agency /Organization Representative Authorized to make this mmmittment , ._ Signature: , '* . ! One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please photocopy additional copies. Caiifornla,State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Applkatlon - Title - Coalition Support Letter SOLO Project I, Virginia Byrd reprenting San Diego County Office of Education - name (please print or type) community; agency; organization will support the development of the Centro de Amistad program - title for the followin reasons: The purpose OP OLE project is to aid displaced homemakersr single parentsr including teen parents, in becoming economically self-sufficient. trainingr job leadsr and career counseling. We provide information about ROP and vocational training, and give referrals to connnunity-based agencies in the area. services are free: there is no income limitation, and child care reimbursement is available during classes. (minimum of 8 women per class). but this is a new goal for 1990-9ls to serve the Hispanic population more directly. - Our services include job search The - Hispanic womenr mainly from Carlsbad, will be served The SOLO Project is in the fifth year of operationr I/M agency or or anization will contribute to this effort in the followin wa s: o gchedule regu 5 ar pre-emplopnt training classes to meet twige w&kly in the evenings for approximately 7 weeksr beginning in September/October through December 1990r repeating again, February to May 1991. Provide a workshop leader who is bi-cultural and bi-lingual to teach interest o and skill identification, goal-setting and o Structure a mentor programr using Hispanic support and encouragement of participants. . .. I.,.:. . ' ~. .. . ... .. .. problem-solving for self-sufficiency. business and professional womenr for Signature: Date: Coalition Member Date: ?L,& ,I .= ,! 9 JB Signature: ;;/cwL---.-. 7A!,d- , '( Agency/Orgihization Representative i Authorized to make this committment - One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please photocopy additional copies. Partnersh bs ' for Change - California State Library rn - Community Library Senrice Grants Program Application C ,~ppldtJ~risdh CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Title Centro de Wd Coalition Support Letter will support the development of the Centro de Amistad program title I/My agency or organization will contribute to this effort in the following ways: Signature: Date: Agency /Organization Representative Authorized to make this ammittment One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please photocopy additional copies. Califomla State Library HD Partnersh(bS7or Change Community Library senrfce Grants Program Application .Applicant Jurisdiction CARLSBAD Title Centro de Amj stad Coalition Support Letter - I, \irJ\eLoL \ 'L fl- 4 d 4 ~4 sby2presenting J community; agency; organization name (*ase print or type) program Centro de Amistad will support the development of the for the following reasons: - title - - I/My agency or organization will contriite to this effort in the following ways: - Signature: Date: Agency /Organization Representative Authorized to make this committment c One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please photocopy additional copies. 7 California State Library pT-JE - Partnershbkfor Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application bmm~uw& CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Ti Catro One form must be completed by each caaiition member, agency, or organization. Please photocopy additional copies. - ,~pplbt ju<ja CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Centro de Amistad - Jitle Coalition Support Letter will support the development of the Centro de Amistad program title for the following reasons: - I/My agency or organization will mntriite to this effort in the following ways: fW t’ - Signature: ali tion Member - Date: L’ Signature: Agency /Organization Representative Authorized to make this armmittment c One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please * (, photocopy additionai copies. Partnershblor Change - California State Library pip Community Lbrary Senrice Grants Program Apprrcation - Carlsbad City Library Centro de Amistad J. WILLIAM COX, M.D., Ph.D. DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES (619) 236-2237 c 1700 PACIFIC HIGHWAY. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92101-241 7 STEVEN A. ESCOBOZA ASSISTANT DIRECTOR 1619) 236-7833 c Coalition Support Letter I, Steve Escoboza , representing The Department of Health Services name (please print or type) community; agency; organization will support the development of the following reasons: Centro de Amistad title program for the This program w to populations to establish a and to provide main 1 i brary. volunteers ava 11 provide an opportunity to provide health and social information in need in the downtown neighborhood of Carlsbad. The library plans satellite facility in that area to outreach to people living there a welcoming location for persons who would ordinarily not access the The satellite will have bilingual Spanish/English staff as well as lable to work with the people who reside there. I/My agency or organization will contribute to this effort in the following ways: The Department of Health Services is willing to provide health information presentations at this Satellite. presentations about services of the Health Department and specific topics of health prevention and health promotion may be offered. - Based upon resources available at the time, - Signature: Date: Signature: Date: 7d1.14 Agency/Organization Authorized to make t Applicant Jurisdiction CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Centro de Amistad Title Coalition Support Letter 1, Mike Franz , representing Mc A1 i s ter Institute I name (please print or type) community; agency; organization will support the development of the Centra de Amistad program title for the following reasons: address valid needs for the Hispanic Community. We also feel it takes an effort of cooperation between existing communities to best meet these needs. We believe that this coalition is attempting to I/My agency or organization will contribute to this effort in the following ways: Provide Bi-Lingual Educational presentations concerning addiction, signs & symptons of drug use, effects of drugs, co-depend.ency, recovery etc. We would also be available as a resource for treatment as needed and any other areas that would benefit the target population. c I Signature: Date: Coalition Member Agency/Organiz&on ReIjresenta tive Authorized to make this committment - Signature: Date: 7 /IX 140 - One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please c photocopy additional copies. - Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application California.State Library @I I - ,Applicant Jurisdiction CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY iitie Ud Coalition Support Letter I, GP ,$La .Q L- a 7Ci 'c-, representing I name' (pleas5 print or typej will support the development of the community; agency; organization program Centro de Amistad title for the following reasons: c I/My agency or organization will amtribute to this effort in the following ways: Signature: Date: IC /G/- 4d 4 Signature: Date: Agency /Organiza tion Representative Authorized to make this committment One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please photocopy additional copies. California State Llbrary (2115 Partnersh&lor Change Communfty Library service Grants Program Application .~ppl~tj~~~ CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Title tro -.tad ~ - Coalition Support Letter Maria E. Gomez , representing Migrant Education Program in Carlshad - I, name (please print or type) community; agency; organization program Centro de Amistad will support the development of the - title for the following reasons: It will provide the Hispanic community with information and skills needed to actively participate in the community and in the education of their children. c c I/My agency or organization will antribute to this effort in the following ways: 1. Share information with parents and help them understand how they can - contribute to this community. 2. Keep the lines of communication open by providing input & feedback to the - library from the parents. via the monthly meetings held at Pine School. 3. Provide the library with resources on Hispanic leaders who-can inservice the parents. c_ 8 ,I - I- $,-FL, Date: Signature: ,I ’L,, . Coalition Member ’I i’ C’ Signature: ~ , I- <: \.-’, rp’: Date: Agency /Organization Representative Authorized to make this annmittment I 7 ’f- I - - - One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please c I photocopy additional copies. California State Llbrary - Parlnarsh&?or Change Communfty Library Service Grants Program Applkatkrr i c Coalition Support Letter I, Juliette E. Heard ,representing AARP TAX - AT~R/TC!E communitE agency; organization 1 - name (please print or type) program Centro de Amistad will support the development of the 7 title for the following reasons: 7 Tax-Aide Assistance is intended to help low or moderate income older persons with their tax returns. It makes them aware of the special tax provisions that they are entitled to, such as c those governing pensions, sales of a home and credit for the elderly. Help is available for filing state income tax returns, and special state and local rebate and relief forms that enable c low-income older persons to receive any refunds due to them. All services are FREE, and are available to the non-English community. 7 I I I/My agency or organization will amtribute to this effort in the following ways: Volunteers serve as counselors and instructors. Special arrangements are made to help shut-ins and the disabled and to provide counseling at special sites including hospitals and nursing homes, will render this service. Centro de Amistad will be a site where our volunteers c n Signature: &k-&ad~ Signature: Ad*-PIt,& Date: Julv 19. 1990 Coalition Member &’.c Date: July 19, 1990 7 Y7 ’ Agency/Organization Representative J:’Authorized to make this ammittment r_ One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please I photocopy additional copies. 7 California state Library I ~artnenhb7or change Community Library Senrlce Grants Program Application ,Applicant Juwmn CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Centro de Amistad Title Coalition Support Letter c c c (3 1, L~G Led.esm I representing I name (please print or type) community; agency; organization program will support the development of the Centro de Amistad title for the following reasons: Signature: On- Date: &&L, \@, 199 0 Signature: Date: Agency /Organization Representative Authorized to make this mittment One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please photocopy additional copies. Partnershblor Change CalHomia State Library HM Community Library Senrice Grants Program Applrcatkn Centro de Amistad Title - Coalition Support Letter - I, George D. Lopez ,representingSan Dieao County SER,Jobs For, Progres name (please print or type) community; agency; organization e will support the development of the Centra de Amistad program title for the following reasons: 1. It is essential to provide information to families of 2. It will reduce. the high drop-out rate among Hispanic youth. 3. It will increase the employability of parents and youth. 4. It will improve the literacy and English-language Latino background who normally don't get proper information. skills of Carlsbad residents. I/My agency or organization will contribute to this effort in the following ways: 1. Provide job training referrals. 2. Provide information on how to find a job. 3. Provide information on how to go to the Employment office. 4. Provide information on how to access job opportunities. 5. Provide information for youth on employment and on Hire-a-Youth program. In addition, SER/Jobs for Progress will provide 2 Hire-a-Youth participants to work at Centro de Amistad during the summer at 180 hours each. Signature: Date: Signature: Coalition Member Agency / Organization- Represen tative Authorized to make this com'mittment - - /-- Date: July 17. 1990 , 4 --ccTd+/ i' ,.> .e,? - One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please - photocopy additional copies. California$tate Library " - Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application .Applicant Jurisdiction CARLSBAD Centro de Amistad Title - Coalition Support Letter community resident - presenting I community; agency; organization Centro de Amistad will support the development of the program title for the following reasons: It is important that Hispanic residents of Carlsbad be able to get the information they need. Spanish-speaking people understand, for example, the requirements to be able to drive a car. I have done this informally. With this project, there will be a place for Spanish-speaking people to(go for this kind of information when they need it. I have helped 7 c .- I/My agency or organization will contribute to this effort in the following ways: Talking with neighborhood residents about. this project so they will know that it is available and that they can trust the library people. Translating, when necessary, for community resource people who come to the Centro de Amistad to give information, and for community residents who need to ask them questions. . 7/10/90 Date: - Signature: - Signature: Date: Agency /Organization Representative Authorized to make this committment - One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please - photocopy additional copies. - Partnershlpd for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Applicatbn California,State Library 10 ,~pplicant Jufddbn CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Title Centro de wd Coalition Support Letter i c c I/My agency or organization will contribute to this effort in the following ways: I + -, / 1. ,/ F Signature: '5 1 c- 'Y / .I <ti. < ,, -Le // Date: Agency/Organiz&on Fkpresentative' - Authorized to make this ammittment / One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please photocopy additional copies. Partnershbbr Change California State Library pJP Communfty Library Service Grants Program Application C. Coalition Support Letter program Centro de Amistad will support the development of the title Signa tu re: Date: Agency /Organization Representative Authorized to make this oommittment One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please photocopy additional copies. California State Library 12'Q Partnersh&lorChange Communtty Library senrice Grants Program Applicatbn .micantjurisdiction CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Title C- de ud Coalition Support Letter program Centro de Amistad will support the development of the title n for the following reasons: e,’ n ,-m One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please photocopy additional copies. California State Library (21)R Partnershblor Change Community Library service Grants Program Appllcation .Applicant Jurisdiction CARLSBAD Title Centro de Amistad Coalition Support Letter I, Barbara Mannino representing Vista Community Clinic - I name (please print or type) will support the development of the community; agency; organization program Centro de Amistad title for the following reasons: c We are pleased to support this application. the Hispanic community throughout North San Diego County. develop networks and provide educationally sensitive services to the Hispanic people in North San Diego County. The Vista Community Clinic works with We support the effort to - I/My agency or organization will contribute to this effort in the following ways: - The Vista Community Clinic is willing to provide health education on nutrition, smoking, AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, and other health issues which are of interest to the Hispanic community in North County. Trained health educators will routinely provide seminars as requested. - Signature: Date: Signature: Coalition Member - - One form must k completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please - photocopy additional copies. - Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application California.State Library piJ CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Tile - Coalition Support Letter 1, Father J. Raymond Moore , representing S t. Patrick ' s Church I I name (please print or type) community; agency; organization program Centro de Amistad will support the development of the c title for the following reasons: c St. Patrick's Church is concerned about improving the quality of life of Carlsbad's Hispanic residents. We have established an outreach service in the downtown neighborhood to help needs. Through the many programs of St. Patrick's Church, I see the great need that Spanish-speaking residents of Carlsbad have for information to improve their lives. I am anxious to continue the partnership we have formed with the Carlsbad City Library toward this end. The library's proposed program and the efforts of St. Patrick's Church complement and reinforce one another. c residents, regardless of their church affiliation, with their c I/My agency or organization will antribute to this effort in the fohwhg Ways: 1. Sister Rosa Hernandez has been participating in the planning process as the Community Partner. 2. St. Patrick's will rent facilities in the barrio for its "outreach" programs. We would be happy to share our facilities with the library's "Centro de Amistad" for a year or so rent free. 3. St. Patrick's Church will publicize the information and education services offered by the library to the members of our congregation, including our many Spanish-speaking members. Signature: Date: Coalition Member Agency/Organization Representative Authorized to make this annmittment t- 1- Signature: -. _i_'. . - ( > , ^, :.. b- J . %.. 1 'L Date: - <i .- - - One form must be completed by each dtion member, agency, or organization. Please I photocopy additional copies. Callfomla State Libraw PIT ,~ppljant Jurisdiction CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Title Centro de Amistad - Coalition Support Letter Dolores Skolimowska representing DISABLED NETWORK CENTER, INC. I, I - name (please print or type) community; agency; organization Centro de Amistad program will support the development of the - title forthe following reasons: We offer a specialized service relating to service people. Our information and referral network, and peer couseling will enhance the lifestyle and selfresteem of the people with information and reassurance there is someone to help. c people with disabilities, their families, and other interested c -c I/My agency or organization will contribute to this effort in the following ways: We will be available four hours a week minimum on a schediiled date - and time to assist as needed, in the office. Signature: Date:Juiv 16: 1990 Coalition Member Signature: 9- YLJLU Date: Agency/&ganization Representative Authorized to make this committment - . July 16,' 1990 - One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please photocopy additional copies. Partnersh fps'for Change - California State Librav DLJ Community Library Service Grants Program Application Centro de Amistad c Title - Coalition Support Letter I, Claudia E. Smith , representingcA Rural Legal Assistance I - name (please print or type) community; agency; organization will support the development of the Centra de Arnis tad program title for the following reasons: c I/My agency or organization will contribute to this effort in the following ways: We will provide at least four hours of free legal services to program participants who are fannmrkers. strawberries and tcnnatces. Carlsbad is a large horticultural center and is a producer of Signature: Date: Signature: Date: 7 - f6-9'0 Coalition Member Agxcy/Organization Representathe Authorized to make this committment - - One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please ' photocopy additional copies. c California ,State Library IV - Partnershfps for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application .Applicant Jurisdiction CARLSBm Title Centro de Amistad Coalition Support Letter I, .-/rim /: /I C tL'k/ , representing :/ community; agency; organization will support the development of the Centra de mistad program name (please print or type) title for the following reasons: The elementary school system provides serveral services to the Hispanic community. School will be able to encourage literacy for all students and their families. We have a strong committment to the education of all students. association is very active and will be able to provide leadership when developing and implementing community services. Through our combined effort with the City Library, Jefferson Elementary Our parent Signature: Date: d-21- 9 3 Coalition Member Signature: Date: b -A/ - Sd Agency /Organization Representative Authorized to make this committment - One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please photocopy additional copies. - - California .State Library 12'W - Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application Centro de Amistad Titfe Coalition Support Letter I7 ,representing LaLa4 7Lc~ !J/& Cll 2[L; - *; I, CGm \e - name (please printdr type) community; agedcy; organization program Centro de Amistad will support the development of the title for the following reasons: . - I/My agency or organization will contribute to this effort in the following ways: Signature: Date: Agency/Organization Representative Authorized to make this ammittment One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please I photocopy additional copies. California State Library 12'X Partnershfpstor Change Community Library Service Grants hogram ApplIcatbn Centro de Amistad - Title \ I Coalition Support Letter . 1, Mkn 6. representing Cd Yn\M&.hisv name (pleas6 prin community; agency; orgadiza tion I - -- c program will support the development of the Centro de Amistad title Signature: Cbalition Member Signature: Date: Agency /Organiza tion Fkpresen ta tive Authorized to make this axnmittment One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please photocopy additional copies. California State Library Partnershbtor Change Community Lfbrary Service Grants Program Applrcatkm . . . . . . . . - .-I- ~. - .. . . -. . . . . - . . .. . . ,. . . . Coalition Support Letter & ,representing The PJE~L+A. c ILL( 1'3 I Pdd d't /e J community; agency; organization -name (please print or type) program Centro de Amistad will support the development of the title for the following reasons: c I/My agency or organization will contribute to this effort in the following ways: c Signature: Date: Signature: Date: 1 Coalition Member c - One form must be completed by each coalition member, agency, or organization. Please I photocopy additional copies.' - - Mounfg of $an piego JOHN MACDONALD SUPERVISOR. FIFTH DISTRICT (619) 531-5555 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - 1800 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, ROOM 335, SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92101-2470 July 18, 1990 Cliff Lange, Library Director - City of Carlsbad Library 1250 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 - Dear Mr. Lange: Please accept this letter as my formal support for your application to the State of California for funds to provide additional services to hispanic residents in Barrio Carlos. All people need the ability to access information from the library system. We appreciate your efforts to serve the entire community with library services. I L c Sincerely, - I JMD : ab cc: Linda Jones, Literacy Council c 07/23/90 14: 37 FRRZEE 74TH RSSEMBLY DISTRICT P. 02 ROBERT 6, FRAZEE MEMBER OF PHE ASSEMRLY SEVENTY FOURTH DISTRIC'T REPUBLICAN CAUCUS CHAIRMAN July 20, 1990 Mr. Clifford E. Lango Library Director Carlsbad City Library .1250 Elm Avenvue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Uoar Mr. Langs: 1 support: the application of khe Carlsbad City Library for a Partnerships for Change grant. This grant wi1.l provide additional needed services fur Hispanic residents in the areas of information and education. T am pleased that the Carlsbad City Library is committed to moeting the information needs of all its residents and is taking action to provide appropriate services. I hope that your application meets with success. Assemblyman, 74th District RC F : mm j -1 ! L WILLIAM A. CRA'JEN SENATOR 38TH DISTRICT VICE CHA1RMAr.d COMMITTEE ON RULES July 23, 1990 90-510 i Mr. Clifford E. Lange - Carlsbad City Library 1250 Elm Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 f Library Director Dear Mr. Lange: It has come to my attention that the Carlsbad City Library is applying for a PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE GRANT under the Community Library Service Grants Program. I wish to express my support for the Carlsbad City Library's application for a Partnerships for Change Grant. This grant will pkbvide needed services for Hispanic residents in the areas of information and education. I am pleased that the Library is committed to meeting the information needs of all its residents and is taking action to provide appropriate services to this population. I hope that your application/proposal is approved. anything my office can do to If there is - WAC : bf RON PACKARD 43RD D15TlllCT CALlFDRVl4 COMMllTEES PUSLlC WORKS AND TRANSPCRTATION - PLEASE REPLY TO X 2 12 1 PALOMAR AIRPOAT ROAD SUITE 105 CARLSBAO. CA 92009 ,619) 438-0443 (G 19) 94 1-3043 July 21, 1990 Clifford E. Lange Library Director Carlsbad City Library 1250 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Dear Mr. Lange: I am writing this letter in support of the Carlsbad City Library's application for a Partnerships for Change grant. As you are aware, this grant will assist the City of Carlsbad in its efforts to offer important programs to the Spanish-speaking community. The Carlsbad City Library is a progressive organization offering services of tremendous value to the community. I can think of no other organization that would better serve the spirit of a Partnerships of Change grant. With such funding, library staff would have the ability to offer basic community competency information necessary for the Spanish-speaking portion of our North County population. The library's programs would help families within this area to meet the requirements of every day life. Such basic information regarding our driving laws, employment opportunities, consumer laws and where to find medical care would be offered at the library. Information regarding community activities would also be available. Therefore, I wholeheartedly support Carlsbad City Library's application for this grant. I ask that you give it your fullest consideration. Sincerelv. Ron Packard Member of Congress CIVIL RIGHTS CERTIFICATE ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964, SECTION 504 OF THE REHABnITATION ACT OF 1973, n?ZE IX OF THE EDUCATION AMENDMENTS OF 1972, AND THE AGE DISCRIMINATION ACT OF 1975 i The applicant provides this assurance in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining Federal grants, loans, contracts (except contracts of insurance or guaranty), property, discounts, or other Federal financial assistance to education programs or activities from the Department of Education. The applicant assures that it will comply with 1. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C 2OOOd et seq., which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in p'ograms and activities receiving Federal financial assistance. the basis of handicap in programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance. discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance. the basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Department of Education. 2. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. 794, which prohibits discrimination on 3. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, 20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq., which prohibits 4. The Age Discximination Act of 1975, as amended, 42 US.C. 8101 et seq., which prohibits discrimination on 5. All regulations, guidelines, and standards lawfully adopted under the above statutes by the United States The applicant agrees that compliance with this Assurance constitutes a condition of continued receipt of Federal financial assistance, and that it is binding upon the applicant, its successors, transferees, and assignees for the period during which such assistance is provided. The applicant further assures that all contractors, subcontractors, subgrantees or others with whom it arranges to provide services or benefits to its students or employees in connection with its educatian programs or activities are not discriminating in violation of the above statutes, regulations, guidelines, and standards against those students or employees. In the event of failure to comply the applicant understands that assistance can be tenni~ted and the applicant denied the right to receive further assistance. The applicant also understands that the Department of Education may at its disaetion seek a court order requiring compliance with the terms of the Assurance or seek other appropriate judiaal relief. ( - The person or persons whose signatuds) appearts) below Ware authorized to sign this application, and to commit the applicant to the above provisions. I- I- I- Date Authorized Official(s) Name of Applicant or Recipient Street City, State, Zip Code I- I - California State Library kl - Partnerships for Change Community Library Sewice Grants Program Application NOTIFICATION OF GRANT AWARD LSCA grant award no. c I 1 I Blanks will be filled out by State Library upon award. - I. The applicant/recipient designated below hereby certifies to the application/grant award to the California State Library, State Department of Education, for a grant of funds in the amount of $ , from Title , LSCA, to provide library services as set forth in the LSCA Service Project Application as approved and/or as amended by the California State Librarian, California State Library. TERMS AND CONDITIONS The applicant agency and its named or designated fiscal agent hereby assures the California State Librarian, California State Library, State Department of Education that: c 1. Upon the grant award approved by the State Librarian, one (1) completed set of this CONSOLIDATED APPUCATION/NOTIFICATION OF GRANT AWARD and REUPENT CERTIFICATION will be returned to the grantee. Such copy shall be the officially approved agreement for the conduct of the approved project. 2 The local library/agency will make reports to the State Libxarian in such form and containing such information as may be required to enable the California State Libraxy, State Department of Education to perform its duties. The local liirary/agency will keep such records and afford such access thereto as the California State Librarian, California State Library, State Department of Education may find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such reports. 3. The control of hds and title to property derived therefrom shall be in a public agency for the uses and purposes provided; a public agency will administer such property and funds and shall apply funds only for the purposes for which they are granted. 4. The Assurance of Compliance (Form HEW 441), court order, or desegregation plan applies to this application. (Form HEW 441 was executed and provided when the application was originally submitted and is on file at the California State Library, State Department of Education.) 5. The expenditures under this program will not be used to supplant local jurisdiction effort. 6. This agreement is entered into under provisions of the Library Services and Construction Act, as amended, Public Laws 84-597,89-511,91-600,93-29,93-133,93-380,95-123 Education Division General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) 45 CFR Parts lOOa, lob, lOOc, Part 74, and LSCA Part 130. - California State Library El - Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application NOTIACATION OF GRANT AWARD (conk) .....- 7. Performance of the provisions of this agreement is subject to the conditions and availability of funds under said Act. 8. The sheet marked “Non-Dkrhhation Clause Addendum” is attached hereto and incorporated herein. 9. The term of this agreement shall be from to and including October 1.19 but shall be subject to termination by either party by giving written notice to the other party at least thvty (30) days prior to the effective date of termination. In the event this agreement is so terminated, the copies of all reports and/or materials prepared up to the date of termination, and the State Librarian shall determine, and pay the expenditures and obligations to the date of termination which have not been covered by prior installments heretofore paid to the shall deliver to the State Librarian for the necessary and appropriate - - 10.The State Librarian is empowered to review, audit, and inspect the Program for compliance with this agreement. LIMlTATION OF EXPENDITURE - Expenditures for all grants must conform to the approved budget, as amended, and with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. - Any of the sums listed as approved and/or amended appearing under the categories in the approved budget in the attached application may be adjusted by the LibraIian of the fiscal agency to increase any allotment not more than 10% with the understanding that there will be corresponding dec3.eases in the other allotments so that the total amount paid by the California State Library, State Department of Education to the , of which not more than $ ,shall be expended in the period ending September 30,19 . - under this agreement shall not exceed $ REPORTS AND CLAIMS (Instructions for providing the following reports and claims to the State Library will be forwarded to each named designated fiscal agent soon after the award. It is the responsibility of the recipient of these instructions to see that the proper individual assigned to supply the required reports and claims receives the instructions and makes the required reports and claims to the California State Library.) California State Llbraw El Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application I 1 c NOTlflCATlON OF GRANT AWARD (cont.) I. The shall be responsible for the submission of quarterly Progress Reports on the progress and activities of the project, in triplicate, to the State Library within 30 days following the end of each quarter. II. The shall submit quarterly Financial Expenditure Statements, in triplicate to the State Library. These statements to reflect the expenditures made by the under the agreement. The financial statements to be submitted within 30 days following the end of the quarter. The final payment of $ , shall be withheld until receipt and acceptance by the State Library of the final expenditure statement showing expenditures incurred by the payments specified under this agreement. If the amount of payment made by the Califomia State Library, Department of Education shall exceed the actual expenses during the term of this agreement, as reflected in the financial expenditure statements to be filed by the , shall refund to the California State Library, Department of Education the amount of such excess payment. during the term of this agreement to be equal to or more than the total , the III. To obtain payment hereunder the the State Library for that purpose, on each of the following mentioned dates for payment, and the soon thereafter as State fiscal procedures will permit. shall submit claims on forms provided by ! California State Library, Department of Education agrees to reimburse the as Payment will be provided to cover the expenditures incurred by the grant award in the following manner for the $ upon execution of agreement $ on or about January 31,1991 California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application - Applicant completes this page. III. __ CERTIFICATION I affirm that the jurisdiction or agency named below is the legally designated fiscal agent for this program and is authorized to receive and expend funds for the conduct of this program. I affirm that the information contained in this application/grant award is correct and complete; that the local agency or other agency which I represent has authorized me to file this application/grant award, and that such authorizing action is recorded by certified resolution or in the certified minutes of a meeting held by the legally constituted governing board of the agency. I affirm that any or all other agencies participating in the program have agreed to the terms of the application/grant award, and have entered into an agreement (SI concerning the fi~l disposition of quipment, facilities, and materials purchased for this program from the funds awarded for the activities and services described in the attached, as approved and/or as amended application. (Signed) Authorized representative Date ! Type or print MITE, title of authorized representative Legal name of local library/system: TITLE as listed on the application: Street address of named library / system: City: county: Zip Code: Telephone number of authorized representative: CwrdinatodDirector for the program if other than the authorized representative named above: Telephone number: Who should receive notification of approval or denial of LSCA Award (provide name, address, city, state and zipcode): type or print name and title of Coordinator/Dimtor for program Who should receive instructions for preparing required reports if award is granted (provide name, address, city, state and zipcode): California State Library Partnerships for Change Community Library Senrice Grants Program Application 1 LSCA Title I, 111 I (Circle One) CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY Library services and Construction Act FINANCIAL CLAIM Claim of: (Fiscal Agency Named in Contract or Grant Award) Address: i Date: L 1 For: (Name of System or Agency) Title of Program Revision Plan: L Amount Claimed. $ for Period from: to Contract or Grant Award I.D. Number: L I i( L Type of Payment: progress Final In full Payable Upon Execution of Agreement (enter date). CERTIFICATION I hereby certify under penalty of perjury: that I am the duly authorized officer of the claimant herein; that this claim is in all respects he, correct and in accordance with law and the terms of the contract; and that payment has not previously been received for the amount claimed herein. BY (Signature of AuthoM Officer of the Fiscal Agency) ~~ ~ ~ State of California Approval by State State Library Fiscal Office c date MAIL ONE SIGNATURE ORIGINAL TO (dates due are listed in contract or grant award) California State Library Fiscal Office - LSCA P.O. Box 942837 Sacramento, CA 942374001 lael California State Library U Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Application August 9, 1990 TO: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: Library Director PROPOSED USE OF ELMWOOD HOUSE AND CHANGES TO LIBRARY OFFICES I am preparing a proposal for Frank Mannen to review regarding the use of the Elmwood house. will recommend that the library secretary and the director move to the Elmwood house, along with the Arts office staff from city hall. the house to accommodate the three full-time and two part-time Arts office staff members, and two staff members from the library. The proposal There is enough space in The assistant director will remain in the library and will move into the director's office. The account clerk will move into the secretary's office. The temporary office walls in the loading dock area and in what is now the assistant director and account clerk offices will be removed. This demolition will provide for more effective use of the loading dock area, and will provide needed and improved office space for library staff. It will also be proposed that the Friends of the Library use the garage in the Elmwood house for book storage. E. LANGE P c H H z 0 z C 0 5: 1 P H c H z 0 z C 0 5: td M U z 0 0 z N trr M U w 0 0 3: P ELMWOOD STREET c California State Library Federal-State Cooperative System for Public Library Data CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT 1990 Fiscal year 1989-1990, ending June 30, 1990. Due August 31. 1990 California State Library Library Development Senices 1001 Sixth St, Suite 300 Sacramento, CA 95814-3324 Attn: Collin Clark (916) 322-0373 I. GENERALINFORMATION CALSTARS 1. Name of library. r- CITY T,TqaaRY 2. Library Director: Name. CLIFFORD E. LANGE Title. LI BRARY DIRECTOR 1 3. Street address. 1250 Elm A venue 4. City. Carlsbad 5. Mailing adddress. Same 6. ZIP+4. 92008 -1991 7. Telephone. 6 1 9 - 4 34- 2 8 70 8. Fa 619-729-2050 9. onme. Carlsbad 10. TDD for deaf. NA 11. size in sq.miles. 38 12. District: House. 43 . State Senate. 38 . Assembly. 74 13. CLSA library system. Serra 14. Other affiliations. ALA, CLA, CLASS 15. Interlibrary loan policy: Number of weeks standard ILL period. 2 Is photocopy service free of charge up to 10 copies? If not, enter charge per corn Nn 15 @ 16. Population, State Li3rary Certified. 17. Estimated population of children, age 0-14. 18. Registered borrowers, total as of June 30. 63,500 12.000 59,900 I have reviewed the data entered and affirm this is a complete and correct annual report for my library to the California State Librarian, as required by the State Education Code. Signature of Library Director. Number of library outlets: - 19. Main libmy, if open for public service. 20. Branches (at least 1,400 sq.ft., 7,000 vols.) 1 21. Bookmobiles (vehicle count). Nh 22. Other outlets (stations, deposits). 23. Total public service outlets, fixed & mobile. a 3 24. Schedule of main library service hours as of September 1, current year. Use abbreviations for days: M T W Th F S Su. 25. Hours per week main library open. 64 11. LIBRARY STAFF 1. Total count of persons employed, full-time and part-time, as of June 30. i nFi persons, not FE Remainder of this section in full-time equivalent (FlT). Persons holding title of Librarian: 2. With accredited ALA master’s. 3. FTE total Librarians (ALA or other). Support staff positions: 4. Special professionals. 5. Ii%rary Technical Assistants. 6. Other. . rS 7. FIE total support staff. 8. Total staff, Librarians and support. 9. Volunteers, average per week. 16.8 16.8 11 25.8 36.8 53.6 6.4 persons FTE III. INCOME. Library CAETiSRAD CITY JiIRW page 3 Report whole dollars only, omit cents. Enter funds for operating expenses and for capital outlay. 1. Local government, taxes & allocations. 2,157,002 2. State funds: 217,404 CLSA TBR 162,821 CLSA database 4,801 CLSAliteraq NA PLF 49.783 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Federal: LSCA or other. Other income. Total income (add lines 1 - 4). Special District Augmentation funds, counties and districts. Contract payment from another jurisdiction, specify: Gifts, fines, fees, local fund raising. NA 85,581 2,459,987 NA NA 77.784 Estimate of services and supplies benefiting library for reporting year expended by other city or county unit, not charged to Library budget. Include amount for facility main- tenance and administration allowed in PLF Certification, if not in library budget. L "€€IS SPACE FOR USE OF STATE LIBRARY *- a. b. c d. Expenditure per capita. e. Circulation per capita. f. Reference aunt per capita. Allocation from -A, reporting year. Local revenue appropriated for PLF'. Allocation from PLF, reporting year. IV. EXPENDITURE Library clART..WTI PTTY TtTRWRY Page 4 Section A Standard Operating Expenditures. Local, state and federal funds. - 1. Salaries (exclude maintenance). 2 Benefits, if paid by library. 3. Subtotal, salaries and benefits. Library materials: 4. Print materials. 5. Current scrial subscriptions. 6. Microforms. 7. Audiovisual materials. 8.- Other materials, specify: 9. Subtotal, all expenditures on collection. 10. All other operating expenditures. 11. Total operating: staff, materials, other. Section B. Capital outlay. Include sites, buildings, original equipment, vehicles. 1. Capital outlay. 2 Grand total, all library eqxnditures, (add All and Bl). 1,334,433 263 , 358 1,597,791 188,191 122,587 In Serials 77,525 NA 388,303 439.530 2.425.624 69,407 2,495,031 IV. EXPENDITURE. Liirary CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Page 5 Section C. Selected special expenditures, included in A & B above. - 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Postage and delivery. Telephone and other telecommunications. Contracted computer services. Online database searching. Preservation. Expenditure for childrens materials. Adult literacy program. Transfer to other division of city or county for services, eg. maintenance, accounting. Payment to other jurisdiction for services performed under contract; include rebate of CLSA funds to library system. Section D. Public Library Fund. 1. Amount of PLF funds in Total Operating Expenditures (line All). 13,859 25,221 77,664 8,565 20,015 (45,000) 97.355 NA 2. PLF expended for library materials. d5.Re;7 3. PLF expended for personnel: Hours of service provided 4. PLF expended on general operating budget. 57.818 5. PLF expended on special projects, specify: Computer hardware and software 6. PLF difference from allosotion, Whin: Use of unexpended funds carried over from past years. Section E Estimate of strviccs and supplies benefiting liirary expended by other city or county division for reporting year. NA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Books added, cataloged. - Books added, uncataloged. Books, total beld. Leased books, inventory on hand. Government documents in separate collection. Microforms. Audio materials. Films. Video materials. Non-English language print materials added, specify language. SPANISH 13.731 NA u - - 383 3,297 216 11. Non-English language print materials held, specify language. SPANISH 2,337 12 Current number of periodical & serial subscriptions. *-= 722 13. BooktitlS8dded I ACIIVITIES. Library CURAD CITY JiIBURY Page 7 VI. LIBRARY SERVICE PER TYPICAL WEEK weekly - 1. Attendance in library. 2. In-library use of library materials. 12,834 NA w. LIBRARY SERVICE, ANNUAL Annual 1. Total annual public service hours. 2 Circulation transactions, non-English language. 3. Circulation transactions, non-book materials. 4. Total circulation transactions. 5. Library sponsored group programs for children. 6. Attendance at library sponsored programs for children. 7. Online database searches. 8. Reference and reading aid questions, omit directional. 6,656 3 I 764 1 4 1 ~ q 5n - 339 19.709 196 9.3.35Fi VIII.RESOURCE SHARING, ANNUAL 1. Interlibrary loans to other libraries. 2. Interlibrary loans received from other libraries. 2.260 3.974 . ...F 1. w, circle: B Bookmobile.- T Trailer. V Van. 2 Description: make, model number, year, chassis manufacturer. NA 3. Length infeet. 5. Total miles traveled per year. 6. Number of individual stops. 7. Total how per month in public service (omit travel time). 8. Staffing in full-time equivalent: 4. Book capacity in volumes. Librarians on vehicle Drivdclerks on vehicle Support staff off vehicle 9. Total materials circulation per year. 10. Yearly operating and maintenance cost. (fuel, maintenance, repair, labor and parts) SALARY SURVEY 1990 Library C-D CITY J,TqBBBY Survey is of monthly salary ranges-for selected classifications in current fiscal year, as of September 1, 1990. Leave sections blank if inappropriate, but do not divide sections or add new ones. List monthly ranges, whole dollars only, omit cents. Monthly range 1. Library Director at monthly rate. 2. Assistant Library Director. Deputy line position with library-wide responsibilities; not ad&. assistant. 3. Chief of Library Division. Professional line position supervising other librarians. 4. Branch Librarian. Professional line position normally supervising other staff in branch outlet. 5. Librarian. Beginning professional with library training but normally without previous professional library work experience. 6. Library Technical Assistant (LTA). Para-professional with AA degree in library science or equivalent. 7. Beginning non-professional employee without library work experience or special training. Not hourly or student paging help. 8. Manager of special library seMce. Normally not a Liirarian but professional in another field, eg. Business Manager, Personnel Officer, Literaq Coordinator. -.e Beginning Final 4680 5974 3651 4658 2664 3238 21832653 13683733 Thank you for your cooperation ccgv 4nam PLR Form CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS July 1990 CIRCULATION STATISTICS Jul. Jul . 1989 1990 % Chanae MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials 52,070 56,549 +9 Film and Video Tapes 11,439 10,714 -6 Audio Visual Equipment 68 68 -- Total MAIN LIBRARY 63,577 67,331 +6 BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials Film and Video Tapes 11,802 15,270 + 29 1.441 2.161 + 50 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 13,243 17,431 + 32 TOTAL CIRCULATION 76,820 84,762 + 10 ............................. REFERENCE OUESTIONS MAIN LIBRAR Y Adult Children’s Online Searches 5,217 5,448 +4 2,975 2,274 - 24 11 14 L2.2 Total MAIN LIBRARY 8,203 7,736 -6 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 635 1.191 + 88 TOTAL QUESTIONS 8,838 8,927 +1 ............................. PEOPLE COUNTER (Daily Average) Main Library Branch Library TOTAL 1,772 1,716 -3 352 488 + 39 2,124 2,204 +4 ............................. Jul. Jul . 1989 1990 % Chanae ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs Children's Programs TOTAL 64 30 - 53 2.157 1.943 - 10 2,221 1,973 - 11 ............................. INTERLIBRARY LOANS BOOKS AND REFERENCE Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad FILMS 195 187 137 159 284 294 94 86 Borrowed from other libraries 38 7 Loaned to other libraries 17 10 ............................. ]NEW REGISTRATIONS Main Library Branch TOTAL 780 866 172 210 952 1,076 -4 + 16 +4 -9 - 82 - 41 + 11 u + 13 2 i 3 m 0' 4 00 e e- m (u 00 Lo '? 0: 0 0 0 4 4 h 00 4 0 m UJ Lo c3 cv, 0 : m e 0 m m e UJ -? 0 Lo (u 0 rl 5 4 e m cv 4 '? 0 0 0 hl 0 0 e m 0 5 d. 0 d 2 m -3 0 In 9 e In cu 4 '? c 4 * 4 Lo 0 0 4 4 c ... (L-e I I- SI .r- ? c CQ. N c 0 N 0 L" e e h M 0 9 c * v'. e ul x ul : - c v) W w U v) w v) !!! v) + LL CI) -