HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-09-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES I(..ting of: Tiu of Ueetingr 3100 p-m. Date of Ueetingr September 19, 1990 Place of Meeting: City Council Confesoaca Room LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Premident Trigas called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. POLL cAL&: Present: Premident Trigas, Library Board Truatees Cooper, Grosse and Martin. Absent: Library Board Trustee Curtin. Also Preeent Were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geof f Amour, Assistant Library Director Virginia Watterson, Genealogical Society Debbie Plook, President, Friends of the Library The Minutem of the Mebting held Auguet 15, 1990, were approved am presented. a. b. C. d. a and Grounda. Trustee Triga8 deferred to Item a, Review of Library building plans. Budaet Trustee Martin stated Dr. Lange im gotting ready to start on the new budget. E9€sQmd Dr. Lange stated that Library Assimtant I is being advertined at the present time. position and one replacement. There im one new xnvlh Trumtee Grosse distributed the Children's Calendar of event. and reported on the Summer Reading Program. She commented that she felt the storyth programs are very inoaningful to the children. a. Be view of Library Buildina Plplu Dr. Lange reported that there will be a meeting on October 10 at the Senior Center. He referred to the sketches of the Library and stated the storage area 'configuration will be changed. \\\\\ TRUSTEES Trigas Cooper Grosse Mart in MINUTES September 19, 1990 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 OLD BUSIMB SS: (Continued) President Trigas inquired about the parking, and Dr. Lange stated that the postoffice has confirmed the need for all of the property for their building. He said a parking structure has been considered and will be designed. The discrepancy in parking spaces is to be determined, as Dr. Lange said there is a question about number of spaces required. According to the code, 363 spaces are needed. b. Status RePort on Online Cataloa ImDle mentation Dr. Lange referred to the Schedule of Events and stated the schedule seems to be all right. He said that some of the furniture has arrived and'the terminals are due soon. October 15 is the target date for the Branch, with the main Library one month later. Dr. Lange said he hopes to make a big event out of thio. tmw BusImss: a. b. E. 1989-90 Librarv An nual RewrQ Dr. Lange raferred to the brochure included in the packet and called attention to the circulation, which continues to rise. The book collection is the mama, because of the "weeding" they have done. He said the Branch increasa is due to the added hours. Dr. Lange asked the Board whether they felt this form of report was appropriate, and he showed copies of Annual Reports from other libraries. The consensum of the Board of Trustmoo was that they approved of the format for the Annual Report. Book8 on Tarn status R ewe President Trigas conmented on the signage and limiting circulation to four itearn par person. Dr. Langa explained that an informal polling of the books on tap ravealed that on some days there may be six to ten availabla--and some days 50. Gooff Armour added that the real issue is starting from scratch with tha colloction and building it up--and, of courme, that take. money. He said that when the collection gets large enough, the quantity issue will disappear. Tho Library Board of Trustee. approved a policy of limiting books on tapes to four per person. P Comaittee asmignmentfa will remain the same, with Trustee Trigas - Building and Grounds; Trustee Martin - Budget; Trustee Curtin - Pereonnel and Trustee Grosse - Youth. Trustees Cooper and Martin will share representation for the Friends of the Library. TRUSTEES Trigas cooper Grosse Hart in MINUTES September 19, 1990 LIBRARY BOARD OF* TRUSTEES Page 3 Y DIRECTO R'S REP0 RT: Dr. Lange reported the Partnerahip for Change Application was submitted and there should be word by Friday on the grant award--whether or not and how much. This will be reviewed by Council. Dr. Lange atated the Elmwood House ia being reviewed by Maintenance for costs at this time in preparation for the Library staff taking posaeasion. m-&g.g: Ma. Plook announced she was the new President of the Friend8 of the Library and stated she would like to have the Friend8 get more involvement from the Branch service aroa users. She stated this would bo the last year for the Book Fair, and a dinner-dance is being planned a8 the fundraiser. The book sale8 at the Branch are going well. -% Ma. Watterson remrted on a recent yard sale, with over one thousand doll-ars raised, a11 of which was spent on new books. Thore will be a plant sale next month. no. Watterson reported there are 485 member8 at thio time and over 25,000 volume8 in the Genealogical collection. s-q: Truatee Coopor reported on the September 10, 1990, meeting of the Serra Board Meeting and Admini8trativo Council. PUBLIC -: There were no requests to address the Board on a non-agenda item. By proper motion, the Meeting of September 19, 1990, was adjourned at 3156 p.m. Re-spct f u 11 y submitted, I Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk TRUSTEES OPAC TIMELINE 9/13/90 DESCRIPTION RESPONSIBILITY PHY S I CAL BRANCH 1. Phone line I S/Gor don/Lee 2. Install muxes IS/Bi11 3. Cabling IS/Gordon 4. Test mux/cabling IS/Bi11 5. OPAC furniture L i b/Mar y . .assemble and install Lib 6. OPAC terminals Lib/Mary ..configure HP & INLEX Bi 1 l/Mary ..configure terminals IS/Bill . .send to branch Lib ..Startsess 6 auto logoff IS/Bi11 . .install Lib/Mary ..3 sections (45 drawers) to genealogy ..remaining sections & cards? ..after completion of item 1 7. Remove card catalogs Lib 8. Branch Library Online Lib 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. HAIN Enclose stairway Electrical . .power poles JUV,AV ..outlets Ref, Mezz Cab1 ing (Sigma ) ..item 2 must be completed first Test cabling Backup catalog .. review copy rec’d 9/11 Remove card catalogs . .remove catalogs from Ref ,Av , Juv ,Tech Serv ..move 3 sections from Ref to TS ..remaining sections & cards? OPAC furniture , .Demco . .Brodart . ,assemble and install OPAC terminals ..configure HP & INLEX ..configure terminals . .install ..Startsess & auto logoff 9. Main Library Online UM/Chuck UM/Chuck I S/Gor don IS/Sigma/Bill L i b/Mar y UM/Chuck L ib/Mar y Lib L i b/Mar y Bill/Mary IS/Bi11 ? IS/Bi11 Lib/Mary DATE 9/28 10/3 comp 1 et ed 10/3 ship 9/21 10/14 ship 10/3 10/8 10/8 10/12 10/12 10/14 10/14 10/15 10/26 11/2 11/5 11/6 10/12 ? 11/9-11 ship 9/21 ship 10/31 ship 10/3 11/5 11/5 11/11 11/9 11/11 11/13 OPAC TIMELINE 9/13/90 TRAINING AND DOCUMENTATION ITEM Staff Training ..Training workbook to committee to ..Masterinq OPAC to committee to dis- distribute to all staff RESPONSIBILITY DATE Staff Training Committee Callie 9/19 tribute to staff assisting public to use OPAC Mary received at MN (Ref upstairs) and BR for staff training. Mary ..Install staff INLEX terminals when 9/21 9/28? Patron Training Patron Training Committee ..Create training script to be used by all public services staff 10/5 Patron handouts and documentation Documentation Committee . .Advance notice bookmark Call ie 9/21 ..Patron instructions (include in patron registration packet ) Mary 9/28 . .Permanent terminal instructions Call ie 9/28 Publicity 1. Press releases 2. Grand opening Publicity Committee (Callie/Chris Holt) 11/26? ? September 1990 0 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY BOOKS ON TAPE COLLECTION Background The Books on Tape collection as a separate resource was begun in the branch and main libraries in the summer of 1988. Based on heavy demand by the public, the budget for these materials was increased and the collection grew rapidly. The growth of the collection over the past two years is shown below: August 1988 August 1989 August 1990 Branch 17 Main 80 188 242 170 345 The popularity of this collection is due primarily to use by commuters who enjoy listening to books (both fiction and non-fiction) while driving their cars. USE OF COLLECTION For the one-year period from August 1989 through July 1990, there was a total circula- tion of 8,559 books on tape. By way of comparison, in July 1989, 267 books on tape were checked out and in July 1990 there were 877 checked out, an increase of 228%. Circulation of books on tape at the branch accounts for about 20% of the total. With the exception of video categories, which turn over every two days, the LITC category (books on tape) consistently ranks as the highest circulating collection (print or non- print) in the library. POLICIES AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT To meet the growing demand for books on tape, the library has taken the following steps: 1. Improved directional signage. A large BOOKS ON TAPE sign now designates the specific location of this collection. 2. A policy of limiting circulation to four items per person has been put into effect for this collection. 2 3. The budget for books on tape has been increased to continue to build these materials at both libraries. The entire audio budget for fiscal 1990-91 is $10,000. Of this, $1,000 has been allocated specifically for books on tape (see attached budget.) This amount is also being supplemented by a gift of $1,000 from the Friends, received at the end of the last fiscal year and another $1,000 for this year, giving the library a total of $3,000 to put into this collection. 4. Further evaluation and tracking of usage may require even more funding for these materials. It should be noted that individual books on tape are the single most expensive items (print or non-print) that the library buys, averaging nearly $80 each. The library buys only the full, unabridged versions of these audio books, some of which have 10 or 12 cassettes per set. With the added funds from the Friends, the library is now spending more for books on tape than for classical, jazz, or popular music in all their formats (CDs, records, and cassettes.) CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS Auaust 1990 CIRCULATION STATISTICS Aug . Aug . 1989 1990 % Chanae MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials 49,971 48,074 -4 Film and Video Tapes 10,807 11,054 +2 Audio Visual Equipment 68 78 + 15 Total MAIN LIBRARY 60,846 59,206 -3 BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials Film and Video Tapes 12,017 15,373 + 28 1,324 2,502 + 89 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 13,341 17 , 875 + 34 TOTAL CIRCULATION 74 , 187 77 , 081 +4 ............................. REFERENCE OUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Adult Children's Online Searches 5,291 5,531 +5 2,009 1,746 - 13 20 9 - 55 Total MAIN LIBRARY 7,320 7,286 -1 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 771 1,100 + 43 TOTAL QUESTIONS 8,091 8,386 +4 ............................. PEOPLE COUNTER (Daily Average) Main Library Branch Library 1,628 1,527 -6 346 476 + 38 TOTAL 1,974 2,003 +2 ............................. Aug . Aug . 1989 1990 % Chanae ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs Children's Programs 50 40 - 20 2,343 2,523 +a TOTAL 2,393 2,563 +7 ............................. INTERLIBRARY LOANS BOOKS AND REFERENCE Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad 2 19 163 - 26 199 126 - 37 296 426 + 44 88 109 + 24 FILMS Borrowed from other libraries 36 13 - 64 Loaned to other libraries 16 17 +6 ............................. NEW REGISTRATIONS Main Library Branch TOTAL 760 829 +9 169 230 + 36 929 1,059 + 14 2