HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-05-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCARISBAD CITY LJBRARY BOARD OF TRUSITES * AGENDA 3:OO P.M. MAY 15,1991 COUNCIL CONFERENCE ROOM 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. COMMITTEE REPORTS: a. Building and Grounds b. Budget C. Personnel d. Youth 4. OLD BUSINESS: a. Library Bond Act allocations. b. 1991-92 library budget update. 5. NEW BUSINESS: a. b. Third quarter activity report. Partnerships for Change Program Grant Application for 1991-92. Trigas Martin Curtin Grosse c. d. Automated acquisitions system presentation -- Susan Simpson. California State Library budget reduction impacts. e. Fund raising options -- discussion. 6. LIBRARY DIRECTOR’S REPORT Lange 7. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Flook 8. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Watterson 9. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD Cooper 10. PUBLIC COMMENT: In conformance with the Brown Act, no Board discussion or action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. 11. ADJOURNMENT. LIBRARY BULLETIN BOARD POLICY The purpose of the Library Bulletin Board is to provide information about City and Library sponsored events and activities, including appropriate legal notices. Information items relating to the arts and cultural events will be handled by the Arts Office for posting in the Arts Kiosk. CARLSBAD ClTY LIBRARY BULLETIN BOARD POLICY The purpose of the library's bulletin board is to provide information about city and library sponsored events, local educational opportunities, and appropriate legal notices. The library reserves the right to evaluate items and determine whether or not to post them. In general, the following types of materials will Et be posted: 1. Advertising items of business or individual profit-making enterprises. 2. Political ads or flyers. 3. Religious materials (e.g., church bulletins and announce- ments) except for general directories. All materials posted must be approved in advance by the Library Director or his designee. Materials will be dated and stamped "Approved for Posting." In case of questionable items, the decision of the Library Dkec- tor will be final. CULTURAL ARTS KIOSK POLICY The purpose of the Cultural Arts Kiosk is to provide information about arts and cultural events and related material of interest. This includes theatre, dance, music, visual arts, media arts and literary arts. The Arts Office reserves the right to evaluate items and determine whether or not to post them. All materials posted must be approved in advance by the Arts Office. Materials will be changed once a month and information should be in the Arts Office by the 25th of the previous month if it is to be included in the monthly display. In general, the following types of materials will not be posted: 1. Political ads or flyers 2. Religious materials ~ ~~~___~~___~ __ For information call the Arts Office at 434-2920 - -~ ~~ -~ 311 5/91 ~~ April 10, 1991 TO: BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: Library Director 1990-91 AND 1991-92 LIBRARY BUDGET REVIEW Attached is a revenue summary report from the City Finance Department which shows a significant decline in city revenues. As a result of this change in revenue all city departments have been asked to review their 1990-91 budgets and estimate savings that can be realized for the remain- der of this fiscal year. The library's estimate of projected savings is also attached to this memo. Attachments Dec 12,1000 Maf 15, la01 1~1-92 1se0-01 1-1 Best RevenueTypo I -mate I Estimate I ch~nqe 1 Cam Cam Property Tax 13,900.000 13.400,OOO (soO,000) 15.317.000 14,000.000 imi-92 Worst Sales Tax Transient Tax Franchise Tax Transfer Tax Trailer Coach Tax Construct. Permits Business Lic tic Tax on New Const Other Permits Cigarette Tax Vehicle In-lieu Fee Home Prop Tax Exern Dev Fees - Planning Dev Fees - Engin Dev Fees - Building Zone Plan Fees Weed Cleaning Ambulance Fees Recreation Fees Other General Fees Finer & Forfeits interest 16.51% 4.90% 10.808.000 3.600.000 750.000 375.000 18.000 875.000 800,000 100,000 140.OOO 2.250.000 295.000 750.000 1.3OO.OOO 575.000 100.000 35,000 230.000 T10.000 200,000 550.000 2.000.000 I ,004.484 Q.400.000 (1.408.000) 11.808.000 3.200.000 780.000 260,000 20,000 =J.ooo 840.000 550.000 265.000 150,000 2,125.000 295.000 1.000.000 420,000 140.000 =,000 200.000 700.000 850.000 530.000 2.000.000 2.150.000 am.oo0 (rn.000) 3.780.000 30,000 780.000 (115.000) 410,000 2.000 20.000 (554,484) 1.323.000 (35,000) 919.000 (250,000) 700.000 165.000 105,000 1o.OOo 144.000 (125.000) 2.443.000 0 309.000 140.000 Q15.000 (300,000) 1,588,000 (155.OOO) 701.500 40.000 75.000 0 35.000 (3o.ooo) 238.000 (70.000) 800.000 450,000 208,900 (2o.ooo) 568.000 0 2.000.000 15o.OOo 2.15o.OoO 10,5M).000 3.350.000 800.000 275.000 20,000 530,000 875,000 500.000 280.000 150,000 2,230,000 295,oo0 900.000 1 .oK).oO0 440.000 30,000 35.ooo 700.000 880,000 550,000 2.000.000 2.150.000 im.oO0 Other Revenues 2.000,Ooo . Td Revenues 43.505.484 40,530,000 (2.975.484) 47,334,400 42.530.000 Gas Tax Revenue 848.072 848.000 (72) 875.000 875.000 I TOW ticpond'# 41.500.000 41,540,000 0 48.875.319 48.875.318 Net Renmue (Detkiit) 2,853,558 (122.000) (2.975.556) (esS.019) (5,470.319 Actual Funding Ability Incream aver Actual Eqmnd 198091 # I~W om current em 43,854.000 14.31 % 25.62% 18.13% 0.00% 57.m 0.00% 149.82% 9.40% 27.27% -60.38% 4.00% 4.75% 2.81 % 58.60% 67.02% -46.43% 0.00% 19.00% 14.29% -68.17% 7.36% 0.00% 0.00% i4.m% 3.18% I 48,209,400 43,405.000 4.5946 16.17% 8.93% -1.02% 445.84% 4383.87 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY BUDGET PROJECTIONS FOR THE REMAINDER OF FY90-91 ' FUNDS AVAILABLE AS OF 4/ 1/91 FULL TIME SALARIES $365 , 800 PART TIME SALARIES $142,500 M & 0 ACCOUNTS $148,900 CAPITAL $ 8,700 FUNDS NEEDED PROJECTED SAVINGS THROUGH 6/30/91 $ 83,500 $ 9,100 $ 76,200 $ 72,700 $0 $ 8,700 TOTAL NET SAVINGS: $174,000 CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY LIaRAUY-COURTS OUILDING P.0 6OX 942837 SACRAMENTO, CA 94237.0001 TELEPHONE: (916) W-2585 TO: CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY DIRECTORS €G California state Iiirarian p.1 FROM: GARY E. STRONG DATE. December 1, 1990 SUBJECT: LSCA TITLE I1 CONSTRUCI'ION FlpJDs You are invited to apply for between S25,oOO and Sl,000,oOO of federal Liirary Services and Construction Act (EA) Title I1 construction funds. Approximately $1,700,000 is expected to be appropriated for award to California public libraries in 1991. Applications are due Tuesday, May 28,1991, and award decisions will be announced no later than Friday, June 29, 1991. There are two priorities this year. The first priority responds to the changing population of California, and is for projects serving communities whose minority populations significantly cxctcd the state average. Those projects can be for new buildings, defined as including totally new buiiingr, additions to existing library buildings or conversion to libraries of buildings now used for other purposes (except private residences); or for remodeling existing library buildings to provide handicapped access, introduction of new technologies, safe working environments or energy consewation. The second priority is for projects serving general communities by constructing new buildings (as defined above) or for remodeling for handicapped access. second priority projects will be funded only if funds remain after approving qualified, competitive first priority projects. Details on thm priorities are in the enclosed Form LSCA 17. For either priority, a jurisdiction may include remodeling of several facilities on a single combined project application. Local matching funds must bc at kast qual to requested LSCA construction fwlck Because of the cost of applying for and administering funds, a minimum project cat of $50,000 (of which the LSCA portion would be S25,OOO) is established, and applications for projects CoQting less may not '. LSCA Title I1 Invitation to Appiy December 1,1990 Page 2 be submitted. Although there is no maximum total project cost limit, no more than Sl,OOO,OOO of LSCA funds will be awarded to a single project. A separate Application must be made for each project. Please note that the Application and its required attachments, must be rraivcd (not postmarked) no later than 4:OO p.m., Tuesday, May 28, 1991. The address for filing all required submissions is: California State Library Fiscal Office - LSCA 11, Room 215 914 Capitol Mall P. 0. Bax 942837 Sacramento, CA 94237-001 For assistance with EA Title 11, including copies of cited documents if not available locally, please contact Cy Silver, Facilities Planning Consultant, 9161322-0360. For additional copies of application materials, contact Marlene Trotta 9W322-0417. Their fax number is 916/323-1870 For assistance with facility and space planning, lifiraries should contact Mr. Silver. Enclosures: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. How to apply for LSCA Title I1 Construction Funds, 1991. (Form EA 18) (Blue) Construction Project Criteria and Priorities for LSCA Title 11 construCtion Projects, 1991 Summary of Requirements (Form LSCA 19) (Green) Schedule of events for Title 11, 1991 (Pink) Outline Building Program for New Buildings, Additions and Conversions (Form LSCA Optional method for estimating public library construction costs (White) Construction Project Application, 1991 (Form ISCA 16) (White) Questions about LSCA Title II, 1991 (Buff) Financing California Public Liirary Buildings, 1991 (Yellow) Public Library Facility Planning, (Goldenrod) Persons Served by California Public Liirarics 1990 (White) Title I1 Appeal procescl (White) (Form LSCA 17) (Goldenrod) 32A) (White) CALIFORNU SI'ATE LIBRARY LIBRARY SERVICES AND CONS"JCI"ION ACT HOW TO APPLY FOR LSCA TITLE II CONSIllUCI'ION FUNDS, 1991 AU submissions haw md# dead- postmark b not rcapubk. Submi$akm uc to be made to: CALIFORNU SIATE LIBRARY Fbcll OIBce- LSCA I& Room 215 914 Capitol M8ll P.O. Box 942837 . !%cr8mcato, CA 94237M101 A APPLICATION (rsqpirsd). Six (6) -pia) of d Of the fobwing must be (not ptmuted) It the 8ddra8 8bCm w kter than 4%lO p.m, Tuesdrry, May 28,1991 for ercb project applied for. One copy must beu original signatures. All copies must be oompkte rad assembled the same 8s the original signature aqy. 1. Film out application form (rsclr 16). which indudcx a. Crmejuribdiatoa 'r canmitment for mnding 8d b. A cust uh8U pnpusd by an uchitect. If the pm@x b a 8111l11 rcmo&lhg project, it may be that, with prior sutc Ubmy 8- an engineer ntber tbrn an uchitsa muld be aa%pt8bk b.1. It is ramgnhd that actual project coda nry from the atimrte in tbe appliadon. Tbe amount of any LSCA Iwud, onfs mrde, will not clunp, so my didpMMa in pjcct CoIt uifl be tbe responsibility of the grantee. Sina the kal mrtcb must by kw be at kat SO% ofproject aua, if the LSCA grant exceeds 5096 of tbe actual tlnnl project colt, my LseA funds in CJD~U ofthat 5096would be deducted from the last poymcnt rmde to the grantee. c AU other information required in Form LXA 16, 2 Site selection information, including: a If site is known: al. Its location and secure availability, and a2 Tbe rationale for site selection (a&, logic4 location, la& cast, ability to aammmodate library d). siae, oonforma11ot to long-range hcilities b. Ifsite io not known: b.1. The Criteria to be used for site #kction (e.&, thole in 1.2 above, with informstion specific to the local situation), and b.2 The 7: *as, schedule etc for site selection. 3. If the applicatrc: is for remodeling of more than one facility, ittlch I list in priority order of the facilities, showing for each the amount of federal funds reqwtcd .nd the mount of locml matching expenditures anticipated. (?his can be a proration of the total request and match, by the total at of the work required at each facility.) 4. Statement describing present sewkc defkkncia caw by lack of proper Mlity (Appliition 4C.4.) 5. If handicapped access remodeling project, brief statement describing haw brndicappcd persons will, following the remodcling, pin acca~ to the facility and its togaher with rolc, if any, of community representatives. (Application oC.6.) 6. If the project is to sem communities with high minority populations, copy of worksheet showing sources, tabulations, etc. of population makeup. (Application 4C.7.) 7. If for remodeling in a high minority oommunity (Application Oca), for: a. Introduction of new technologies, a brief description of the improvements (both hordwut and program) the remodeling will accomplish. b. Safe working emironmeat, 8 brief description of the improvements oontunplated, ad of the current hazards which require correction; together with citations of applicable fcderol, state or local statutes or ordinances that require the remodeling (provide language of local ordinances or axk ssctiorrcl). c. Energy wnnavadoa, a brief dacription of the improvements contemplated, and of tbe energy savinp thereby resulting. 8. Resolution, ordillpnce or minute order of lpverning body naming the ruthorized oiadrl who signs and submits the application. 7h&~muuindm&~~~~tke~~t&bml~~~~. Applicants that have completed building progra~~scbcmatic dnwine, design development drawings, or working drawing3 and spsci8atbas, should submit tafo (not Sa) copies of the building program and of the most advancsd set of drawinlp and specillcation& The State Liirary will review the Application (Form LSCA 16 and 8tt.chments outlined in 2.a- C above), and make a decision to approve or deny the application on thc b.sL of the aompetitivc aitelia atablished, not on the basis of the design submitted under tht section. If tbe dccision i8 to ap the rpplicstion, it will analyze the design documents, wing the srme duJir m Ibr 81ky projea 8~ deraibed in ssctbn 4. bek, md rdvise the applicant of any changes that would be required prior to approval of them. If existing plans of an approved applicant do not meet he review criteria, they will not be rccepted. The approved applicant will be given a brief period of time to dscide if the mount d redesign required is acceptable. If it is acceptable, an award contract will be made between the State ad the rpplicant, and the procedure outlined in 4. below will be lollowcd. If the applicant cboo#s not to lcccpt the lwud on thaw terms, the funds will be awarded to another appliant. FAILURE TO DELIVER ALL REQUIRED MATERUIS BY lrly PM, TUESDAY, MAY 28,1991, WILL DISQUALIFY AN APPLICATION. aeeaaaee The foregoing comprises dl requirements to apply for Titk II ibndr Tbe foUawh# inlormrtion ir included to describe the remainder of the entire proccrr, ao rppUanu will fullv undersuad whrt to expect, B. HOW TITltE II AWARD DECISIONS ARE MADE Based on the applicatioua rcdved, the State Libntirn will daWc whicb rppbtionr would result in Mlities that have the gratest potential impact on improvement of libny rerVia loally md rc$onally md best mcct announced priorities. Since total award8 will equal the fcderrrl funds rvrilrbk, some negotiation with individual prospective grantees may be necessary before UrMng at final decirionr. Awudr will tben be rmdt to the extent funds permit. c.llfornia state Ublary . LSCA 18,1991 W4d4 1. The State Libmy prepores and mails the grant conttsct to be executed by the gr8ntee jurisdiction and the State. 2 The grantee prepares 8nd submits the required derign bocumenu. Each will be reviewed for et6ident aervice and for complianoe with architectuml standards (see Qwtiau crbart LSCA TWe n, Q. #3., with the application materials), before approval is given to proeubg with the next. In ordcr of submission, the design documents required include: a. For new buildins, additi0nr 8d muvembw. (1). Detailed compkte building progmm prepued by 8 pro~kmd librarian or library planner, which makes specific the outline building pro- submitted with the Notice of Intent. If the project is one approved under the priority lot serving communities with signifbat minority or older adult populations, include with the building program a statement of how the scndces and propms to be provided from the facility will be appropriate for tbe population. Together with, Schematic drawing 8d outline spebfiatbns, Preparsa by the architect. (2). Preliminary dmwingr rad spccUkationS. (3). Working dmwinp 8nd sptdfiatiow b. For remodeling: If the project L not as mmpb 8s 8 &w building e&, grantceza m8y 8t their option omit the building program altogether, and submit drawing twice, first either rcbemrtic or preliminary drawing and specifications, and after thost have been rpptaved, wrking dr8wine 8d spedtiatiorra c Please keep in mind that State Building Code regulations for h8ndicappcd accus ut issued by the Office of the State Architect, and no project will be appnmd unlass it conforms to thoa regulations. d. Design review procedures adopted for PropOritiOn 85 in Title 24, Pm 1, Chapter 16, California Code of Regulations, will be uscd for LSCA Title IL (Tat ntk 24 requirements for submission of successive budgets, and lor a project administration fee, arc e) 3. It is espuWly important that grantees be mrc tbey must nun8ge their own cash tlow, which in some case requires signi6ant up-front axts. For awards of $50,000 or more in LSCA tunds, the LSCA grant is sent in four 25% payments, rmdt 8t 2596-ofoompktion milestona d the mpltmction itself. Gnnts of leM than $SO,OCNl are paid in two in8tallments: 75% of tbe funds 8t 25% of OomtNCtion, the remrinder upon completion. Verification of the percent-ofumpktion is by on-site visits from the OfAoe of tbe State Architect (OSA). Fwe weeks should be rllowed from receipt of erch claim rab OSA vaifiation until 'tocipt of funds. For further information or assistance, contact Cy Silver, Facilith Planning Consultant, (916) 322-0360, EMS Onme CLASS.CSJLDS; Fax (916) 323-1870,10016th Street, Suite 300, slcrpmcnto, California 95814-3422 I:C:WSERSUDS\CS\l2MPPMA l9I WOW CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY LIBRARY SERVICES AND CONSlllUCIlON Am CONSTRUCTION PROJECI' CRlTERU AND PRlORiTIES FOR 1991 Thc Library Sendcu and &mtmctbn Act b intended to rrrbt 8Utea to srtablish, mnd and hprovr: public library services in areas tht arc without thac SclvLCcI or in which thc6erervker uc iMdequate. 1. 2 3. Does the building or buildhip housing the lfbny rerviceS for the 8rca proViae adequate physical facilities to impkmcnt locally adopted unnmunity amvb standards? Does the building or building, housing the library e for the utr ptaViae aayroecrr md uac by physically Doa tbe building or building hornin# the llbnry senhce k the UCI pmvidc for enera oorrrrervcrtioa or new bradicppped penons? technologies? 1. 2 3. 4. 5. a 7. 8. 9. 10. C. ELICIBLEPROJECIS Projects generally eligiik for hnding Mder LSCA are thore providing dirsct primary library ScNIcc, including: 1. 2 Coasuuction of ecw or expanded library Mlitkr Remodeling of existing hdlities to providc impmud energy COIUCM~~, or to yxxlmmodlte new luhobgk to *&ally hadicappd penon, to accommodate (General repair8 to existin# facilities 8re llot eligii) D. PRIORITIES “New buiklinr mums um branch’or main library building, addition8 to &sting bnnch or moin public library buildinp, or oomnrsioll to himria of buitdinp now used for otber purpmea 3. Funding There is no priority br funding per sc bepad the thmbotd 1:l individual project match requirement. Lmrger projects arc generally apected to request sipMunUy lm than Lu project am, so 8s to enrbk more projects to be funded. However, under one circumstance saxnhd priortty or otberwire le86 competitive projects whose match is greater than the minimum 1:l might be approved oycf lht priority or otberwi# more competitive projects with only 1:l match. ?bat drcumstowe would ufre bm the LSCA requirement for an aggregate statewide match greater than the 1:l required of each individual ptojen Fbr eampk, in order for California to rsaeive the S1,9S6,117 appropriated to it in 1988 for LSCA, tbe LSCA formula required an aggregate statewide kal match Of It k8St $2,683,629, OT 1.3719 tk8 tbe ebk The followiry is intended to illurtrative how tbb requirement yopld optntc. krow tbe tow LSCA available is Sl~,ooO, and under tbe statutory Ibrmulr the required stat4wide aggregate aytcb b $2,00O,OOO. Six eligible 8pp&dOIkS bVC been received. Roiect - ltaamma- a. Mcstcompetitive: (Note tbat in this illustration the amgate match now exceeds the required In reality, it is likely tbat the actual match from dl approved projects would exceed tbe minimum aggregate match requirement.) In addition, riter mrds hrve been made to prOJcar tbat will provsbe the overmatch, the remaining LSCA funds mry "fit. only one or tm) anabinatioas of tbe mnrining appliationr Tbore mald be funded, ad other equally worthy projects could not because tbcir numbers do not add up mmdy. *. ,- 1. April 9, 1991 TO: LIBRARY DIRECTOR FROM: Manager, Arts Office MUNICIPAL GALLERY The following is an update on the municipal gallery which should be of interest to the Library Board. I will be happy to give a presentation at your April Board meeting. A gallery committee was formed to develop the program for the new Municipal Gallery located in the Library and to oversee the workings of the gallery. Members of this committee are Dona Meilach, Jackie Wrench, Pat Hansen, Evelyn Camp, and Carol Tico. The committee developed a mission statement for the gallery which the Arts Commission subsequently approved. The Carlsbad Municipal Gallery, located in the Carlsbad City Library, is dedicated to featuring excellent quality traveling, curated and/or juried exhibitions of arts and culture for public enjoyment and education. Exhibitions will include: visual art, cultural exhibitions with an emphasis on visual art, folk art/crafts, photography, curated shows, or juried local shows. It is anticipated that there will be 8 shows per year, many of which will come from the Smithsonian and the American Federation of the Arts. These shows require security, humidity and light control and fire protection. For moderate security exhibitions (those containing original artworks), professional guards or other trained persons whose sole duty is the supervision of the exhibition are required. Exhibitions will not include: local and regional artists with access to exhibiting elsewhere in the Library and individual artist’s shows which are not curated or juried. Education rxoclrams will include: docents, tours and lectures. We are planning to open the gallery with the Fieldstone Company exhibition of Early California Paintings from their collection. CONNIE BEARDSLEY CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY ' CIRCULATION STATISTICS STATISTICS Februarv 1991 Mar. Mar. 1990 1991 % Chanse MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials 54,597 57,082 +5 Film and Video Tapes 10,965 10,030 -9 Audio Visual Equipment a7 24 - 72 Total MAIN LIBRARY 65,649 67,136 +2 BRANCH LIBRAR Y Print Materials 14,533 15,999 + 10 Film and Video Tapes 2.1372.533 Lx3 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 16,670 18,532 + 11 TOTAL CIRCULATION a2,319 85,668 +4 ............................. REFEREN CE QUESTIONS IN LIBRARY Adult Children's Online Searches 6,813 6,994 3,303 4,176 31 7 Total MAIN LIBRARY 10,147 11,177 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 1.2781.599 TOTAL QUESTIONS 11,425 12,767 ............................. PEOPLE COUNT= (Daily Average) Main Library Branch Library TOTAL 2,338 2,421 +3 + 26 a + 10 + 12 +2 LU +4 ............................. ATTENDANCE AT P ROGRAMS Adult Programs Children's Programs TOTAL Mar. Mar. 1990 199 1 120 20 1.236 951 1,356 971 ............................. INTERLIBRARY LOANS BOOKS AND REFERENCE Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad 158 159 142 128 323 245 102 98 N ONS Main Library Branch TOTAL ............................. 1,037 998 252216 1,289 1,214 % Chanse - 83 - 23 - 28 +1 - 10 + 24 -4 -4 * -6 2 OI 3 W- v) p: 2 vi 8 8