HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-06-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES W..ting of: Tin of #tooting: 3rOO p.m. Dato of ~ooting: June 19, 1991 Phco of ~~tin9: LLlMAIr BOARD OF mu-s City Council Conforonco Room TRUSTEES ' ~~ ~~ ~ - -: Promidont Trigam called tho Uoeting to order at 3:OO p.m. 1. ROLL w: Proaont: Proaident Trigam, Library Board Truotoea Cooper and Uartin. Trumtn Croamo arrivod at 3:02 and Trust00 Curtin atrivod at 3:OS p.m. Abmont : Nono. Also Prosant Woro: Clifford tango, Library Diroctor Cooff Amour, Aaoiatant Library Diroctor 7. A~PXOVAL OF n-: Tho Uinutom of tho Mooting hold nay 15, 1991, wore approvod am proaontod. a. b. E. d. - Promidont Trigas mtatd that tho bonds will be #old the ond of Octobor or N0v.Pzb.r for tho library. Tho racilitios Dimtrict wao not challongod and tho 30-day period for a challongo ha. oxpirod. &&ass Trust- nartin roportod tho budgot warn approvod by Council laot night and thoro woro no chrngom. P.r.onn.l No ropart. xouth Board U&nbor Gromme roportod on Childron activitios in the Library, otating tho eUrmD.r roading program ia gotting undoway. Sho diatributod copiom of tho Calondar. Sho addod that aftor tho childron road mo many book., thoy aro ontitld to differont prizes. Thim ia in conjunction with tho 75th birthday of tho Zoo. Sho mho- a picturo of tho Spolling Boo winnorm, and roportod thoro will bo tho 9th annual pet ahow to bo hold on tho lawn of tho library. At thio time, tho consonouo of tho Bo&rd warn to hoar itom 5e out of order. 0. Loo Rautonkranz, City Clork, oxplainod how Council will bo mending tho Conflict of Lntoroat Cod., and said that form. will bo 8ont to tho nHnborm of tho Board aomotimo thim coming fall asking than to comply. Trigam Coopar Uart in \ I MINUTES - 4. ptp BWW: a. -tin Board Policv Ro viow and Rocom Rov is ioq Dr. Lango roforrod to his Uomrandum datod nay 31, 1991, whoro ho rocomondod doloting tho tormrnology in tho bullotin board policy rolating to local oducational opportunitios. Tho Library Board approvod tho Carlsbad City Library Bullotin 0oard Policy as prosontod. b. for Chanao Prow Uudm Dr. Lango roportod that tho prsonnol ha. boon hirod and aro in training. Tho difficulty has boon in gotting into Harding Stc0.t Contrr. Thr grand oponing, or any function, cannot bo hold until tho rmodoling is comp10t.d. Tho oatlioot dato for gotting into Harding Stroot would bo August, and Df. Lango said thoy aro thinking of bypassing Harding Stroot and ronting another spaco by SoptMb.r 1. funding for rent, and somoth in August tho grant monoy will b. allocatod, with tho only question-- how much. Dr. Lango s8id thoro aro somo availablo ptoporttos and mom of tho firit y8ar's budgot could bo used to allow movo-in on August 1. That would bo his prrforonco, becausr of tho sovoro limitations on tho Harding Conter space. Thoro is money in tho socond yoar C. Wv Bond Act: Stat. Rev- Dr. Lango roforrod to the report included in tho packst from tho Stat. Library on tho Stat. Library Eligibility L Evaluation Roview of applications filod for tho Library Bond Act Funds. Ho said this would be a good guido for submitting tho socond application on July 19. s. wrm: 8. Dr. Lange reported that thor. would bo tuo major changos in tho oporation of tho librarioo; particularly tho Branch Library. Gooff Amour continuod tho roport, stating that tho Branch Library chango would moan tho loss of tho last inch of meoting spaco, duo to tho noed to croato mor. spaco to build tho colloctions. Ho reforrod to the drawings shoving tho curront configuration at tho Branch and tho proposed chango. He said tho outsido door in tho mooting room will havo to bo mado into an umrgoncy orit with an alarm on it. Tho childron's colloction will bo in that room, and it will nood to bo suporviaed to prevont than having tho building - with materials not checked out. TRUSTEES ' Trigas Curt in Crosmo Hart in COO-K ,\ MINUTES Juno 19, 1991 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES PagO 3 1[IRIINBSq: (Continued) ?hi8 chango io plannod for Soptombor, and tho group8 that havo boon wing that mooting spaco havo boen informod of thi8 chango. Ur. Armour continuod, 8tating that tho vidoo colloction will bo whoro tho childron'r colloction had beon and will bo rolf-aorvo. Thi8 will onablo the Library to expand thim collection by movoral thoumand itemr. Tho Library Board approved thm chango roconmondod at tho Branch Library involving tho moving of tho childron'8 collrction to tho mooting roQ(D. Gooff Armour continud tho topart on tho main Library, stating tho moving of tho vidoos out into tho Library and making thom a molf-8orvr area i8 mor. involvod. aro now in storago will bo movod out, making a total of 8,000 vid-8. Tho poriodical8 will be rwitchod with tho vid-8. Thoro will bo no additional c08t to tho City to mko thou chMg.8, with otaff doing tho work. Board Uombor Gr088m and Gonoalogical Socioty Roprosontativo Wattor8on loft tho mooting at 4r10 p.m. The Library Board approvod tho propo8.d changos at tho main Library to movo tho periodical# and tho videos. He .aid that a11 tho vidoos that. C. arv Board Roc- to Citv Co- gerra Advhxv Bo-. Tho Library Boud approvod tho rm-appointment of Uombor Coopor to tho Sorra Advi8oty Beard. Carolin8 Ayar8 stated that tho Altornato t4unb.r should go to the meoting8 as ofton a8 po88ibl0, in cam. a voting rituation carno up whmn thoy -to in a voting capacity. Tho moloction of an Altornato Sorra Advi8ory Board Mombor warn continuod to tho noxt rnoeting. d. ma and Gift Cataloa Pcowu Dr. Lango statod tho copy in tho packot i8 a rough draft. Tho conoon8u8 of tho Board was that itOm8 12 through 43 should bo dolotd, a8 thoy would not be appropriato itemr for a gift catalog. Tho Board should bo vory specific. A180, tho poplo who contribute 8hould bo givon rocognition, both on tho gift and in a gift list. dLSCU88.d thia item and fOlt that itoms li8t.d TRUSTEES Tr igam Coopr Curt in nart in Gt0880 Trigas Coopor Curtin Martin Trig.. Coopor Curt in Hart in MINUTES . Juno 19, 1991 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Pago 4 lIpw BUS:-: (Continuod) 0. tation of Conflict of In terost Coda Thio itom wao takon out of ordot. (So. Pago 1) tion and Uti1 isation Stua ith. Consul- Librw Hr. Smith axplainod tho procoam of tha 8urvoy of tho Library mployooo and told of tho changoo in porsonnol title. and tho organizational chart. Ho statod that Hay of 1993 ia tho projectod dato for tho oponing of tho now library. Tho Colo Library probably will ro-opon in February of 1994. 6 fm a Or. Langm otatod ho had no further roport. -: The book fair wao a o~ceoom, with a not profit of approximatoly 56,400. tonight. Thoro will bo a book orlo in Octobor at tho Branch Library. Tho annual mooting will bo hold No rrport. ADVISQIIya Board N.mbor Coopor ha. boon 010ct.d the now Chairman of tho Sorra Advisory Board. -: Thoro wore no roquooto to addromm tho Board. rwamnm5: By propor motion, tho nuting wao adjourn& at 5110 p.a. Ro+p.ct f u 11 y oubmi t ted , iiakiott Babbitt Minutom Clork \\q\ TRUSTEES CALIFORNIA LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION AND RENOVATION BOARD MEETING April 23, 1991 9 a.m. Library & Courts Building, Room 500 914 Capitol Mall Sacramento, California AGENDA Action Items: 5.: ’ I. Approval of the Minutes of the January 22, 1991 meeting IT. Consideration of Eligible Applications III. Approval of Grants Information Item: IV. Open Forum W > E e 2 0 0 t U W > .€ .€ .a z 0000 E C B I E a ZT - E E 8 - P 0 - E E 8 E c, E 1 - E E 8 Q) z K f E E 8 I E a ZT t I v) OD 6 n - m cu 0 1 v) OD n - rn (3 0 I v) OD n - ;x E 0 I v) - t .- z H c 0 2 d 12 t- 85 April 15, 1991 TO: DEPARTMENT MANAGERS FROM: Financial Management Director 1990-91 DEPARTMENT BUDGET SAVINGS Thanks to all of you, it looks like our revenues will be sufficient to cover estimated 1990- 91 expenditures. Citywide, over $2.7 million was set aside as departmental savings and $2.4 million was cut out of the General Fund budget. Attached you will find a summary of the departmental budget savings and budget transfer forms. Please carefully review the budget transfer forms, sign and return to me as soon as possible (no later than Friday, April 19). We will enter the transfers into the system and return to you a revised departmental expenditure summary report. In some cases my staff noted insufficient available funds to transfer into the budget savings account. Only available funds were transferred out. Several departments have already discovered problems with their budget reductions. Please attempt to find an offsetting reduction and correct the budget transfer form. Call Cheryl Allen or Debbie Neville if you have any questions. thanks for the teamwork approach to this downswing in city revenues. Agy y I c , SUMFUND DEPARTMENT BUDGET SAVINGS 'UNC 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 131 161 300 391 640 640 81 0 - - D EPfDlV 1020 1310 1330 1410 1510 1610 1710 1910 2200 21 00 3xxx 341 1 4xxx 41 XX 5xxx 33xx 41 2X 1821 351 0 1720 1720 341 0 FY 1990-1 991 DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER FINANCE AUDIT PURCHASING HUMAN RESOURCES RESEARCH & ANALYSIS RISK MANAGEMENT FIRE POLICE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT HISTORIC PRESERVATION LIBRARY PARKS AND RECREATION UTILITIES AND MAINTENANCE INFO SYSTEMS - ADMINISTRATION HOUSING PARKS TREES AND MEDIANS VALLEY JR HlGHlCAP PROJ U3357 CDBG - CAPITAL PROJECTS INFO SYSTEMS INFO SYSTEMS (ONE MONTH FREE SERVICES) REDEVELOPMENT TOTAL SAVINGS ALL DEPARTMENTS SAVl N G S 74,002 92,900 6,300 28,863 36,637 77,650 24,838 25,000 97,938 296,575 778 , 000 825 163,880 168,102 620,600 11,327 19,500 150,000 2,137 52,000 55,000 50,366 2,832,440 BY FUND - 2,492,110 11,327 19,500 150,000 2,137 107,000 50,366 2,832,440 CARLSIJAV CITY LIDRARY 1991-92 GENERAL FUND DUWET It EQUI.;S'I' I:I) NOOIFlEU pr LIURAIIY ur ANALYST A B c AVEIlN1S'l'I1A'I'lUN $454,905 $362,101 $353,617. $3G2,101 I'or euiitiel $444.717 ElhO 350,110 320,110 301,110 893,310- 204,110 - Capl t a 1 4,500 - - .- - C1 IICULA'l'1 UN 297,925 297,925 260,325 Fer aotitie I 297,925 297,925 ElhO 11,100 10,100 9,100 5,900 7,100 --- GENEALOGY Per soittiel MhO 290,932 2911,932 290,932 290,932 273,332 144,200 144 , 200 142,200 -140,400 ' 141,200 75,203 75,203 75,203 75 , 203 71 ,003 22,200 22,200 21,700 20,500 20,700 Capl tal 1,100 1,100 - - -, CIII Loll EN ' S I*eraotiiiel. 193,975 193,975 153,975 153,975 142,075 ElLO 35,450 35,490 35,450 34,550 35,150 TECllNlCAL SEIIVICES I'e r eoiiiie I 343,326 343,326 310,320 310,326 317,320 FlLO 114,300 114,300 104,300 96,800 * 90,300 Capltal 5 500 1,000 -. - - COLLEC'I'ION DEVELOI'HENT I'cr eoiiiiel 90, IUG 90rlOG 90,lOG 90,106 90,106 Nh0 1Y,500 16,500 16,500 , 15,700 16,500 tIEDIA - I*ereoiitiel GY,635 G9eG3S G9, G35 69, G39 69,635 ElhO 33,500 33,500 20,500 .23,500 - 25,500 Capltal 33,995 - - - - I'ersoiiiiel 03,757 03,757 03,757 03,757 03 , 757 -- ADULI' LKAllNU ElLO , 29,000 29,000 20,500 26 , 980 27 t 500 Ult ANCll I'C r eutlllol 191,262 191 2G2 191,262 191,262 181,262 HhO 133,900 133,900 133,400 80,400. 89,qOO $ Cliatiye Crom 1991-YZ requeot -2.2% - 9% -11.7% -14 2% % Clintige €ton 1990-91 budget t 10%' + 7% - - 2.9% - 5.5% ADMINISTRATION 1100 2210 2420 2490 2520 2530 2550 2660 2940 CIRCULATION 2420 2660 2940 REFERENCE 2479 2660 2940 GENEALOGY 2520 2660 2940 CHILDREN'S 1100 2660 2940 TECHNICAL SERVICE8 1991-92 GENERAL FUND BUDGET CUT8 - CUT NEW BUDGET 1100 2540 2660 2940 3900 92 , a84 15 , 000 3 , 000 10,000 1,500 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,300 3,000 2 , 000 200 2 , 000 1,000 aoo 375,717 (FT/PT) 45,000 12 , 000 5,000 1,000 9,000 a, ooo 6,000 1,700 5,700 200 a, ooo 1,800 400 1,000 20,300 500 200 200 --- 40,000 300 600 25,000 15 , 000 1,500 1,000 1,000 153 , 975 (FT/PT) 3 , 000 250 318,326 (FT/PT) 25 , 500 70,000 1,300 --- COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT 2660 2940 MEDIA 2330 2420 2479 2660 2940 ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM 2550 2551 2940 BRANCH 2210 2420 2490 2671 2940 CUTS 500 300 1,000 1,000 1,000 6,000 1,000 500 800 800 800 700 700 300 43,000 NEW BUDGET 500 200 500 700 700 21,300 300 1,000 500 200 4,400 --- --- 43,000 (PLF) 200 2 I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Centro de Informaciofi AQplicant Jurisdiiocl Ti California State Library Library Services and Construction Act Title I PARTHER88108 PO11 CBAYal Community Library Service Grants Program Applio8tiOn for we10 2 Librui.8 Fiscal Year 1991/92 a. Applicant Jurisdiction: Carlsbad City Library b. Community Library Service Program Site: Main Library For your targeted ethnic community(ies), provide: a. Estimate of Total Population Size of Target Group(s): 8,700 be - American Indian - Asian/Pacific - Black X Hispanic Centro de Informaci6n Program Title: Total program budget: $ $133,902 (deck all that apply to your PFC program) Amount requested from ISCA: $ $ 92,502 Congressional District no(s): 43 38 74 State Senate District no(s): State Assembly District no(s): Lynda L. Jones Contact Person: Coordinator , Adult Learning Program Title: Address : 1207 Elm Ave., Suite 0, Carlsbad, CA 92008 434-2998 (619) 729-2050 Area Code: 619 Phone Number: FAX Number: Fiscal Agent: City of Carlsbad Finance Department Name of Authorized Applicant: Clifford E- LaWe Library Director Title: Carlsbad City Library, 1250 Elm Ave., Carlsbad, CA' 92008 Address : Signature of Authorized Applicant: Date: Phone N~mber:_16~9 1 434-2875 1 . ~~&risdicbion Carlsbad City Library Ti Centro de Informacion 11. Summarize your Action Plan for 1991/92. Provib a nuratin stat-t of rh.t you plan to ue0qli.h in 1W1/92 to ave pw kuuh/likary tovrd pw miad krvlce Progrr Design. hurlbe the imolm of your coalition fn duirlaru nd wtfvitfu docuntad fn this .pplicatim. Caplate Ury fn th. pcovibd. In 1991-1992, the Carlsbad City Library will rent its own space in the downtown neighborhood in which to operate the Centro de Informacion. The Centro will continue to be staffed by 5 part-time bilingual/bicultural library technicians during a variety of morning, afternoon, evening, and weekend hours. As an information resource center to assist Spanish- speaking families to adapt to life in a new environment, the Centro will have extensive information and referral files to enable patrons to locate the community services they need. Representatives of community agencies, will visit the Centro regularly to answer questions and conduct informational workshops. Spanish-language books, videos, cassettes , magazines, newspapers, and brochures will introduce adults and children to the types of resources available in the library. Materials for learning English will also be available. Centro patrons will use the standard library card to check out materials from the Centro or the Main Library. With the installation of a computer terminal for circulation and one for public-access to the library collection, patrons will be introduced at the Centro to procedures used in the Main Library. Spanish-language storyhours foi- preschool children will be held weekly, as well as programs for school- age children. Monthly library tours will be given by Centro staff at the Main Library. The Centro staff will devote at least 10 hours a week to outreach, visiting community sites to acquaint neighborhood residents with library services and to learn more about information needs residents have. In the Main Library, bilingual signage will be in place throughout the building and all library brochures and instructions will be bilingual. The Main Library's Spanish-language collections will be increased. Library staff will continue to study Spanish and have multicultural training. A regular schedule of displays and programs at the Main Library will focus on Hispanic heritage. A new program logo and bilingual brochures about the Centro and the library will be widely distributed. The Community Coalition will continue to play a vital role in shaping the services the library offers. 12. Budget Summary (For lW1/92 fudim only, Wrizing btailad Pmra kdg.t fra aoction 18): a. b. C. d. e. f. Salaries/Benefits 37,000 Library Materials 10.000 Operating Expense 38,650 Equipment 0 - Indirect Costs 6,852 Total 92,502 (10% maximum) Other Contrib. In-Kind (2) (3) 0 22,000 0 7,000 0 12,400 0 0 0 0 0 41,400 Total (4 1 59,000 17.000 51,050 0 6,852 133,902 2 I CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY QUARTERLY REPORT FOR JANUARY-MARCH 1991 Library staff and the Partnerships for Change team continued planning for the opening of the Centro de Informacion in the Harding Street multipurpose center. Arrangements were made for use of the auditorium for programs. Staff also conducted a formal recruitment for the part-time bilingual technicians who will operate the Centro. The initial recruitment brought in 55 applications and a thorough screening and interview process conducted by both library staff and Coalition members resulted in the selection of five outstanding candidates.. All five began an orientation and training program in the main library to familiarize them with library resources and procedures. Further collection development work was carried out with staff and community contacts screening lists of pamphlets, magazines, and books and beginning to order materials for use both at the Centro and the library. Directional sips in the main library were translated and a new bilingual sign system was ordered. Plans were also finalized for a grand opening celebration for the Centro in June. The La Costa Branch celebrated its seventh anniversary on February 26. During its first full year of operation, the Branch circulated 68,832 items compared to 197,159 in the . most recent year. There were 39,409 users of the Branch in year one versus 146,278 in year seven and the collection grew from 12,702 volumes at the end of the first year to 32,543 at the end of the seventh year. The Adult Learning Program held its annual Tutor/Learner Potluck celebration on March 22. Attendance this year surpassed all past years, with over 150 people on hand. Mayor Lewis and Councilmember Nygaard represented the City’s elected officials. Other special guests from city government and the Library Board were on hand, as were a number of learners from other literacy programs in the county. Learners and tutors provided the program by sharing what being in the program has meant to them. In Technical Services, staff began using the new PRISM system on OCLC. The system allows more efficient cataloging with full screen text editing instead of the more time- consuming line by line method. New software from INLEX is also now being used to make database changes. This software (EDITOR) is being beta tested by Carlsbad. Planning for the new library in South Carlsbad reached the 90% contract documents stage during this period. Workshops with the design team and architects in February and March concentrated on refinements to the parking area, the children’s courtyard, the lighting system, and the auditorium. Staff also gave input on final choices for interior carpet and furniture finishes. There were reviews of the plans by the Fire Marshall, some changes recommended for exterior roof treatments, and a detailed analysis of requested furniture and equipment along with budget requirements. In addition to a field visit to the Office Pavilion showroom to examine proposed workstation furnishings, staff also tested several options for library, task, and stacking.chairs. The Building Review Committee also met for complete briefings and discussion and reviewed details of proposed public art projects. A one-time state grant of more than $12,000 was received by the library’s Adult Learning Program. This matching grant will be used for computer equipment and software to help with administrative management as well as with the instructional program. A formal application for grant funds under the state’s Proposition 85 (Library Construc- tion and Renovation Bond Act) was submitted this quarter. The complex and lengthy application was a team effort involving library staff, the architects, the library consultant, and Municipal Projects. Competition for the grants will be intense, as the needs for new and improved libraries throughout the state represents many times more in funding than the $75 million available. Should the library not be granted funding in the first phase of the two-phase process, there will likely be a second try in the second phase this summer. Total grant funding would represent 65% of eligible project costs, or about $8 million. A sigmficant operational change this quarter saw the Circulation and Audiovisual Divisions combine into a single staff unit, now called Circulation. Staff who operate the two circulation desks are now being cross-trained to provide added flexibility and better public service. The Serra System Reference Committee was awarded a $2,OOO System Advisory Board grant for a North County Newspaper Indexing project. Carlsbad’s reference staff will create a computer subject database which will provide access to local information in the CARLSBAD JOURNAL. Other North County libraries will index their local papers for addition to the same database. In the Children’s Division, staff began conducting library skills classes for students from local schools in grades 3-6. The classes are taught four times a week and inform students about the organization of library materials, the Dewey Decimal System, and use of the new online catalog. A new book-based program (Prime Time Book Club) is now being offered after school to kids in grades 1-3. Staff read stories and provide copies of other books by the same authors. Children also do reading at home and track their achieve- ments on special coupons. When parents sign the coupons indicating that the child has read for 30 minutes or more, a small prize is awarded. Children’s staff are also putting more time into class visits at local elementary schools to promote the library and its programs. The library sponsored 13 adult programs during the quarter and presented 15 exhibits of and collectibles. There were 63 children’s programs this quarter. 2 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICAL SUMMARY FOR JANUARY-MARCH 1991 - 1991 TOTAL CIRCULATION 232,673 239,112 PROGRAM ATTENDANCE 5,315 3 , 442 FILM AND VIDEO BOOKINGS 37 , 783 35,131 REFERENCE QUESTIONS 31,832 37,718 ILLs SENT BY CARLSBAD 318 308 ILLs RECEIVED BY CARLSBAD 449 349 ONLINE SEARCHES 66 34 HOLDS PLACED 2,700 2 , 761 REGISTRATIONS 3,525 3,535 PEOPLE COUNT (DAILY AVERAGE) 2,273 2 , 373 BRANCH CIRCULATION 48 , 018 53 , 165 BRANCH REFERENCE QUESTIONS 3 , 226 4 , 379 BRANCH VIDEO CIRCULATION 6,164 7 , 017 ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM: LEARNERS SERVED 96 103 TUTORS TRAINED 44 27 REFERRALS 22 10 COLLECTION HOLDINGS: VIDEOS 3 , 605 8,319 BOOKS 198 , 455 197 , 935 TAPES 5,676 5,813 CDs 2,110 2 , 800 MICROFORMS 153 , 704 172 , 236 % CHANGE +3 - 35 -7 + 18 -3 - 22 - 48 +2 +4 + 11 + 36 + 14 +7 - 39 - 55 + 131 -- +2 + 33 + 12 VERTICAL FILE ITEMS 89,031 82 , 545 -7 GENEALOGY ITEMS 23,824 27 , 624 + 16 Gary E. Strong, State Librarian ISSN 0276-6973 April 1991 No. 124 4 .r APR 1991 I*_" -I BUDGET REDUCTION IMPACT AT THE CQLIFORNL4 STATE LJBRARY As the California State Library continues its decision-making with respect to handling the shortfall in the 1991/92 proposed budget, decisions are now in place detailing the reductions that will be necessary to meet the target. Many of these are painful, for they will change the vexy nature of the role of the California State Library and our ability to provide services. The results will likely be reductions in the scrvices and. collections that each o€ you support and use. My greatest concern is that we may never recover either as we attempt to rebuild for the future. The State Law Liirary, as wc know it, will cease to cxist on July 1 if the reductions ot budget are upheld during the budget process now underway. The Law Library will be consolidated with the State Information and Reference Center (SIRC) into a singie service point. The provision of legal information will be provided at a sigdicantly reduced lcvcl along with other general reference and information services. ScMces to business and industry, and the ad&istrative and legislative services have previously been consolidated into this unit and this mow will further stretch our capacity. While we will transfer three positions to handle legal reference, interhibrary loan and prison reference scMce to SIRC, three and one-half positions for legal collection maintenance, circulation and interliibrary loan to Circulation, and one position for acquisitions, cataloging and serials check- in to Technical Services, the Law Library staff will be reduced by four and one-half positions. A further reduction of S201,OOO hm the Law Liirary's materials budget will result in being able to maintain only a basic collection of primary kgal materials (statutes, codes, bills, administrative rules, major legal periodicals, indexing seMces and looseleaf services) for California and the United States. Secondary materials such as treatises, briefs, encyclopedias, form boo4 practice books and most looseleaf services will be discontinued. CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY P.O. BOX 942837 SACRAMENTO, CA 94237-0001 This major reduction will result in state government getting less information in response to requests, and deadlines will have to be missed as the Library’s ability to respond is hampered. The State Law Library was mated in 1905, but was built on the huge coUection accumulated shce the Library’s establishment in 1850. An erosion of 37% in buying power because of price increases and a static library materials budget for the past five years, means that the State Library can no longer afford to provide a full range of legal resource. It costs almost twice as much to provide materials for a law library user as it does for the general collection user. This reduction will change the very nature of the State Liirary’s service role and commitment into the future. In addition to the major change in the State Law Library program, reductions in other services will be made as follows: The curtailment of Monday evening and Saturday hours at the Sutro Library made during this current fiscal year will continue into 1991192 and will be made a permanent reduction; Staff to handle the duties dated with handling 2,ooCr3,000 incoming boob to the Braille and Talking Book Library each day will be reduced by one position; Publications on current awareness of new acquisitions will be discontinued by the State Information and Reference Center, with the reduction of one position (5 Librarian and 5 Office Assistant); One position in the Order Unit will be eliminated, reducing supervision of the clerical staff and seriously hampering the ability to claim materials not received and providing liaison with vendors; Elimination of one position in the Readcr Assistant and Circulation Unit at the Braille and Talking Book Library, reducing the ability to call about 100 new applicants CFLN No. XU (M1) -2- e e e e e e for senice each week and to send overdue notices; Elimination of a Liirarian pition at the Braille and Talking Book Library which supporn the various functions of patron forums, newsletters, local recording and reference service Outreach services will be severely limited; Eliminate in-house photographic laboratory to copy rare materials from the collection for users (one Printing Trades Specialist IU (Process Camera) position); Eliminate one Office Assistant position in the Preservation Office and transfer the preparation of new materials to the Book Repair Section; Reduce the cataloging and proctssing of California special collections materials by eliminating one 5 Librarian position; Eliminate in-house microfilming capacity by cutting the Microfilm Technician position. The ability to preserve fragile materials on microfilm will not exist; Reduce government publications cataloging and kgal reference assistance by eliminating .9 professional Librarian positions funded with temporary help funds, Further reduce the library materials budget by $27,000 in addition to the 5201,000 cut from the Law Library; Reduce the contract with the Braille Institute for Regional Library Service to the Blind and Handicapped in Southern California by 526,ooO; Reduce fuods to support the BTBUBIA 800 numbcn by 530,0oO, scriowly limiting toU-free access by usen to the libraries; Eliminate funds for binding periodicals, kgislative bills, and other materials, saving 510,OOO. This reduction completely eliminates the budget for binding which has been incrementally reduced over the past Eve ycan; Cut in-state travel hnds for the State Library Services Bureau by $5,000; Eliminate two Offie Assistant positions in the Catalog Section supporting online database maintenance; Consolidate the Law Library circulation and collection maintenance supchion with the Circulation Scction operation, eliminating one position in Circulation; Eliminate the production and filing of RLIN catalog cards for the card catalogs of the various sections saving 58,oOO. All catalogs will be cld as of July 1, 1991; Eliminate $3,000 budget to contract with Project ASIA for cataloguing Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese books, and Delete $7,000 from the budget for facilities operations at the Braille and Talking Book Library. Reductions in the budget for the Library Development Services Bureau include: The elimination of one Principal Librarian position supporting technical assistance for libraries in the area of automation and technology planning; Elimination of a Senior Liirarian position providing systems SCMCCS in the CLSA Program Office. This position provides support to the Statewide Data Base program and new technology asksrnent as it relates to state-supported library resource-sharing programs; and Consulting and professional services for the California Literacy Campaign and the Famities for Literacy programs will be reduced by SlSJ52, seriously hampering the ability to provided needed research, development and evaluation activities for In addition, the ability of the Bureau to carry out its mission is being sevcrely assistance funding, including a $6 million reduction in Public Library Funding and other reductions to local assistance. the Prom= impacted by the reductiom in local The Library Automation OEce will experience reductions in the following areas: 1 Retrospective conversion project staff will be relocated to a smaller space in the Liirary-Courts Building and all temporary help positions will be terminated Most effort will be directed to the local system and will bring to a virtual halt all conversion actMty capturing unique fesowcc records into the bibliographic data base of the Liirary; Eliminate the position supporting the development of plans and programs responding to the specialized applications of technology at the State Library. Analysis of new technology solutions to State Library access, storage and retrieval needs will be limited to the integrated system implementation. Developing enhancements for use of full system capabilities will be placed on hold; Use of the Mehryl system will be reduced by 5096; and Data Circuits to Data Research Associates, the host company for the integrated system at CSL will be eliminated, as will 20 ol the 30 local telephone circuits to support did-up access to the integrated system, severely reducing external access to the online files of the Library. Reductions related to the overall administration of the Liirary include: Elimination of the Lirary’s contingency account, which in the past has been used each of the Library’s program budgets is Fully committed, any unQcptcted coat increases will need to be absorbed by concurrent reductions in other areas of Elimination o€ the State Library’s equipment purcheselrepairhplaccment fund rcsultinp in the Library’s loss of its tocoverunnpectedexpenses. Because the service program; -3- CSLN No. 124 (-1) ability to purchase the equipment necessary to improve staff productivity levels, as well as its ability to fund maintenance and replacement costs for existing equipment; Reduction of the State Library‘s outaf- state travel budget, a cut which severely hampers the Library’s ability to acquire and disseminate information communicated through conferences and meetings with liirary service organizations, the United States Department of Education and the Library of Congress; and Reduction of two Office Assistant positions in Mail Services, leaving only one full-time and two temporary part-time positions to carry out the responsibilities of mail sorting, preparation and delivery. This void was created in order to transfer thesc positions to other areas of the Library’s Administrative Bureau in order to meet the State’s mandate to place a Personnel Assistant in the organization to operate the State chntroller’s personnel system, as well as to meet the increased accounting functions created by the Liirary’s transition out of the State Department of Education. While this is the initial response to the shortfalls in the 1991192 budget, there may be additional reductions if the revenues should fall below those predicted when this budget was submitted to the Legislature in January. We will endeavor to keep the library community informed of the proposed reductions as information becomes available. PWE HI BEGRVS - CQLJFORNLQ LJBRARY NEWORKING The California Library Networking Task Force coordinates the development of the California multitype liirary network through a consensus-based planning process. The network will link and serve all types of liiraries - academic, public, school, and special - in a resource-sharing organization. The tint phase focused on what the network should do (mission; services). The second phase, which concluded in Dccember 1990, identified the optimum structure for facilitating the delivery of thosc services by identifying the structure, governance, and membership of the regional liirary networks. Work begins this year on the third phase, that of developing the statewide components for its implementation. The ha1 phase will focus on funding issues and is scheduled to conclude in 1992, at which time all adopted policy directions will be reviewed by the library community. New Task Force Appointed The third phase, which has just begun, will look at what is necessary to implement the program from a statewide standpoint: transition, other-than-library relationships, and statewide administration and coordination. The newly-appointed Phase III Networking Task Force will coordinate the development of policy directions on the statewide components. Although approximately 15 appointments are still pending, the membership roster oE the Phase III Task Forcc is as follows. NETWORK PLANNING GROUP 4 CSLN No. 124 (4191) CARLSBAD'CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS Ami1 1991 CIRCULATION STATISTICS Apr . Apr . 1990 1991 MIN LIBRARY Print Materials 49,370 60,703 Video Tapes 9,952 8,398 Audio Visual Equipment 64 22 Total MAIN LIBRARY 59,386 69,118 BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials Video Tapes 13,222 15,689 1,972 2,379 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 15 , 194 18 , 068 TOTAL CIRCULATION 74,580 87,186 ............................. REFERENCE QUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Genealogy Adult Children's Online Searches 988 1,2-7 6,421 7,030 2,369 3,725 16 26 Total MAIN LIBRARY 8,806 12,048 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 1,203 1,653 TOTAL QUESTIONS 10 , 997 13 , 701 ............................. PROP LE COUNTER (Daily Average) Main Library Branch Library 1,860 2,124 486553 TOTAL 2,346 2,677 % Chanae + 23 - 16 - 66 + 16 + 19 + 21 + 19 + 17 , +9 + 57 s + 37 + 37 + 25 + 14 + 14 + 14 + ............................. Apr . Apr . 1990 - 1991 % Chanue ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs Children's Programs TOTAL 58 42 - 28 - 30 1.693 1.175 - 1,751 1,217 - 30 ............................. INTERLIBRAR Y LOANS BOOKS AND REFERENCE Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad 142 122 146 115 272 264 a4 47 ............................. N Main Library Branch TOTAL 996 995 237 265 1,233 1,260 - 14 - 21 -3 - 44 +2 2 ell I