HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-08-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTSES Tinu of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: August 21, lssi Place of Meeting: City Council Conference Room President Tripas called the Meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. AOLL: Present: President Trigas, Library Board Trustns Coopr and Martin. Absent: Trustees Curtin and Gross.. Staff Present: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director -: The Minutes of the momting held June 19, 1991, war* approved as presented. CO)#I’ITB: a. and Ground. Dr. Lange stated that the City is hopinq to go out to bid for the now Library in late November and opn thm bids in January. No report. c.P.r.onnal Dr. Langm stated that Gin& Sachs is a full-the an ploy^ as of July 22, as a Management Analyst. Comunity Relations Managor. retiring September 6. Her title is Colleen Hollow&y is d. &!&h Gooff Armour reported the Children‘s Dopartman+ was very busy last month. He lirtod the activities and added that it has been a very active summer reading program. a. - s for Chanae UDdatQ Dr. Lange referred to the memorandum datad August 12, 1991,‘from Gary Strong regarding LSCA Awards for 1991/92. This memorandum was included in the packet. He said if no funds are received, this would affect soma of the personnel. The programs that are alroady planned would be continued on a reduced basis. The five part-time people that have bean hired have done an outstanding job in the community. with the $40,000 received. Geoff Armour added that the grant funds could be released before the present funding cycle ends; or, the City could get the monoy somewhore down the road and have to reduce service. for a few months. ne felt a lot ha. been accomplished Trigan Coopor Mutin MINUTES Augumt 21, 1991 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 TRUSTEES ~~ b. Hew Lib- Build ina Status ReDort -- DiSCU8#iOn Dr. Lango statod thoro will be a meeting Septembor 5 with tho City Manager for a briefing and update. that everything im going quite well at thim time. aro 8ign8 at the site stating that thim im the futuro sit. of a major library facility of 64,000 mquaro foot, opening in the suuuner of 1993. Ho maid Thoro mLmmmss: a. Premident Trigas warn unanimously ro-olacted a8 Prosident of tho Library Board for tho coming yoar. Tr~8t.e Grosme warn unanimoumly re-olocted as Vico- Premidont for tho coming yoar. Trumtee Kartin retainod his Budgot Cumnittw ammignaunt and the other committeo as8igmmntm were continuad to tho next mooting. b. -90-91 Liprnrv Ann- Dr. Lango roforred to tho copy of tho Annual Report which im 8ubmitt.d to tho Stat.. Ho 8tat.d that tho Library had tho highomt circulation ever during tho lamt you, and could par8 tho one million mark thim yoar. c. warv Board Re~roeentation on the Librarv Pw De. Lango maid thim Committee needm to revhit tho work accomplimhod originally and then set up another ffvo- year plan. Therm needm to bo two ropremontativom from thim Board, and the group will meet once a month for approximatoly mix months. Trumtwm Cooper and nutin volunteerod to serve on this Committee. Y DIRECTOR'S REPORZ: Dr. Lange stated that Trustee Cooper had been re-appoint& am Roprementative to the Serra Advisory Board, and im now Chairman of that Board. Dr. Lange showed a Certificate of Appreciation the Library received from the IRS for the asmistance the Library gave in dimtributing form. and giving a8eimtanco to the citizen#. Dr. Lango distributed the statistic# report and stated that Trumtee Cooper had the highemt number ofvolunteor hour.. Krm. Ayarm warn second on the list, and Dr. Lango maid tho work could not bo accomplished without tho help from people liko Mr. Cooper and Mrs. Ayars. Or. Lange reported that David Smith's personnel study im in for final review. There will be a southeast quadrant mooting next Tuesday, and Dr. Lange will givo a rogort on the new library. Dr. Lange gave a talk beforo the North County Coalition for Seniors to tall them about the library services that are available for eeniors. MINUTES Augumt 21, 1991 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Pago 3 DXRJECTOR'S REPORT: (Continued) Thoro will bo a Sorra Adminimtrativo Council rotroat Soptombor 19 - 20, at Borropo Springs, to plan tho futuro of . tho Sy0t.m. Dr. Lango mtatod ho will bo on vacation from Septombor 21 to Octobor 11, and will Attend tho Leaguo of California Citiom Muting following that. Gwff Amour di.CUS8.d tho organizational chang.8 at tho Main and Branch Librariom. Tho childron's matorialm aro to go into tho conforonce room and tho vidw colloction will bo out in the opmn. Chrim Holt and nr. Armour havo workod out a plan for tho imploanontation of thim plan tho woekond of Octobor 5 - 6. and addod that tho piano may havo to bo gut in mtorago tamporarily. Tho movmnont at tho Hain Library i8 mor. complox minco Utilitiom/Uaintonance im working on tho Harding Strwt facility at thi8 the. Thoy aro thinking about November 11 -- am that im a thrw-day wookond. Or. Lango mtatd that tho Stat. Library had callod mtating thoro warn a 520 orror on tho application for Proposition 85 monoy, and it h88 boon corroctmd. Thore woro only 52 applicationm received, and tho Stat. had anticipatmd r.cmLving 80. which might holp Carlabad'm chancom for rocoiving momo of tho fund.. Ho oxphinod tho plan of work for tho Branch -: Tho firmt mooting will bo held noxt weok. Tho conmonmum of tho Board warn to oliminate having a Trumtoo attond thdr meotingm, minco Dr. Lango or Gooff Armour always attond, and Dr. Lango i8 nov a voting Uember of tho Board. nm. Wattormon roportod thero are now ovor 504 momborm of tho GOnOahgiC8l Socioty. At tho hot yard sah, over 51,400 wa8 nottod, and Wa8 mpont on book.. Thero will bo anothor yard ma10 thim coming wwkend. She reportod tho mpoakorm motingm, hold in tho Council Chamberm, aro umually fillod to ovor-flowing. - Trumtoo Coopor roportod there will be an orientation mooting Augumt 29. Thmro wa8.no on. premont to spoak on a non-agenda itom. By propor motion, tho Regular Meeting of Augumt 21, 1991, was adjourned at 3:45 p.m. pectfully bmitte, Fe Harriett Babbitt Uinutom Clerk 7 TRUSTEES May 31, 1991 TO: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: Library Director BULLETIN BOARD POLICY After further consultation with the City Attorney’s office I believe it would be best to delete the terminology in the bulletin board policy relating to local educational opportunities. The issue regarding that terminology is the lack of definition of what that means, Rather than defining it, it is recom- mended that the terminology simply be deleted. Making this change will bring us back to the original proposal that the board be limited to City and Library sponsored events and legal notices. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY BULLETIN BOARD POLICY The purpose of the library's bulletin board is to provide information about city and library sponsored events, local educational opportunities and appropriate legal notices. The library reserves the right to evaluate items and determine whether or not to post them. In general, the following types of materials will not be posted: I. Advertising items of business or individual profit-making enterprises. 2. Political ads or flyers. 3. Religious materials (e.g., church bulletins and announcements) except for general directories. All materials posted must be approved in advance by the Library Director or his designee. Materials will be dated and stamped "Approved for Posting." In case of questionable items, the decision of the Library Director will be final. c LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1001 SIXTH STREET SUITE 300 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 RY TELEPHONE: (916) ONPIME: CSLLDS 445-4730 HAY 1991 LIBRARY CITY OF CRRLSBAD DATE: May 23, 1991 TO : Potential Applicants for Library Bond Act Funds FROM : Richard B. Hall, Library Construction Bond Act Manager SUBJECT: The State Library Eligibility & Evaluation Review Find enclosed an excerpt from the May issue of the California State Librarv Newsletter which details the State Library's eligibility and evaluation review of the first funding cycle submission of applications for Library Bond Act funds. This article has been produced as an overview to assist potential applicants in their second cycle submissions. Please have your staff review this information carefully. The article discusses the State Library's review process as well as common areas of non-compliance which were experienced by first cycle applicants. It should be recognized by potential applicants that the same regulations that were in effect for the first cycle submission are still in effect for the second cycle submission. It also should be recognized that any application submitted for second cycle funds stands completely on its own, regardless if there was a previous first cycle submission or not. For further information on this subject, see the section in the article entitled "Submission of an Application Previously Submitted in the First Cycle. (I If you or your staff have any questions regarding the article, the regulations or the application process, please do not hesitate to contact me at (916) 323-5941. The State Library Eligibility & Evaluation Review In order to assist potential applicants in submitting an application for the second cycle of the Library Renovation and Construction Bond Act Program, it is worthwhile to review the State Library's activities after the applications for the first cycle were received. ELIGIBILITY REWEIY The first activity was an eligibility review coordinated by the program manager. This review was essentially a compliance review to ensure that the applications met all of the requirements of the program regulations and the Bond Act. The State Library was looking for any significant areas of non-compliance that might be present in the application. If a significant deficiency was found, the State Library completed an eligibility review and documented everything (including technical problems) that was found to be in error, and transmitted an ineligibility determination to the applicant. This was done in order to assist the applicant in correcting the original application so that an application could be submitted once again for the second cycle of funding. If only minor technicalities were found during the eligibility review, the State Librarian instructed the program manager to contact the applicant in order to assist the applicant in taking the necessary corrective steps regarding these technicalities. Section 20420 I (d) (7) provides the State Librarian with the authority to waive "minor procedural problems or technicalities which occur during the submission of applications." However, if the application was clearly in non-compliance with one or more of the provisions of the regulations or the Bond Act itself, the application was deemed to be ineligible. It is particularly important to recognize that Section 20420 (d) (5) and (6) of the regulations specifically prohibits the State Librarian or Board from considering an application if the application and supporting documents are not received by the application deadline. This means, for example, that if an application is complete with the exception of even one of the requirements (such as the CEQA documentation. an appraisal, or an engineering study), the application must be considered ineligible and cannot receive any further consideration by the State Librarian. Just as the applicant is bound by the program regulations, so is the State Librarian since the regulations carry the weight of administrative law as they were developed under the Administrative Procedures Act. What kinds of things did the State Librarian consider as technicalities? Essentially, minor items of oversight or clerical error. If, for example, a column was not correctly added or the state administrative fee was incorrectly calculated, the applicant was given an opportunity to correct these minor problems. There were other common oversights that occurred during the completion of the project budget that bear further discussion as well. -6- CSLN No. 125 (5191) C~N~NGENCY For example, there was confusion over how to calculate the maximum ceiling for contingency for a project. Section 20418 (c) (7) states: "For projects with new construction, an eligible contingency not to exceed fifteen percent of the eligible projected construction cost may be utilized in the project budget." Some applicants calculated the contingency based upon the eligible construction costs (line 2 of the project budget) plus other line items such as site development, demolition, furnishings and equipment, etc. This is not allowed. The regulation is quite clear in stating that the contingency can only be calculated on the eligible construction cost. The same is true for remodeling projects. The contingency figure is calculated only on the eligible projected construction cost for remodeling (See Section 20418 (b) (3)) which appears on lines 3 through 5 of the project budget. In the case of additionhemodeling projects, Section 20418 (b) (4) applies. Finally, with respect to contingency, the applicant should be certain that it is only on line 7 where any contingency for the project is shown. Eligible contingency funds are specifically limited by the regulations to 15% of new eligiile construction and 20% of eligible remodeling. Therefore, there should be no contingency funds included in the cost for of the other line items in the budget, including but not limited to site development, construction or remodeling. In other words, there should be no additional contingencies shown in the architect's detailed construction cost estimate other than what is shown on line 7 of the project budget. Another area where there was some confusion on the part of the applicant was the calculation of the allowable ceiling for eligible architectural fees and credit. The regulations require that the combined credit and eligible architectural and engineering fees shall not exceed 12% of the construction costs. Again, this calculation should be made based upon the eligible construction and/or eligible remodeling costs for the project (lines 2 through 5). It should also be remembered that any survey work, testing or engineering inspections are considered architectural and engineering fees and must be entered on line 15 (and not on lines 21 or 22 as an "other" expense). WORKS OF ART Applicants should also remember that only 1% of the eligible construction costs may be considered eligible costs for works of art. Just as with contingency and architectural fees, this is calculated on the figures in the eligible column of lines 2 through 5. PARKING SlRUCruRES There was occasionally confusion on the part of applicants as to how to handle parking structures which are to be constructed either above ground or underground below the library building. Since this space is not "normal" library construction as defined in Section 20418, and since it does provide for parking which is generally considered as part of the development of a site, the State Library is interpreting parking structures as "site development" for the purposes of the Bond Act application. Therefore, the costs for parking structures should be shown on page 33 under the "site development costs" section, as well as inzluded in line 8 "site -I- CSLN No. 125 (5191) development costs" of the project budget on page 39 of the application form. These costs should also be clearly broken out in the architect's detailed construction cost estimate and designated as site development costs. "OTHER" AND LOCAL ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS Other common problems with the budget included such things as not specifying an "other" cost (on pages 33, 39 and 40). This is necessary in order to determine eligibility. In some cases, applicants did not break out specific line items identified in the budget, but instead indicated that the figure was included in some other line item. It is important to break out each and every line item that is called for in the project budget form. Occasionally, applicants would not specify any local administration costs. It is dificult to see how a project could be administered with absolutely no local administration costs since the costs of audits, appraisals etc. are not eligible costs, but are required. LEGAL COUNSEL'S WRITIEN OPINION Another oversight that occurred concerned the lack of a letter from the applicant's legal counsel when title exceptions were present in the title report. Section 20424 (b) (6) of the regulations states: "If exceptions to marketable record title are present, the applicant's legal counsel shall submit a written opinion indicating that the exceptions present do not diminish the use of the property for a public library building or in any way diminish or limit the state's interest in the property." Since it is difficult to interpret whether or not certain exceptions constitute an exception to marketable record title, the State Library recommends that if there are any exceptions -8- present in the title report or the deed for the site, that the applicant also transmit a written opinion from legal counsel regarding the exceptions. In this way, there can be no question during the State Library's legal review of the status of the exceptions that are present. THE LIBRARY BUILDING PROGRAM With respect to the building program, there were two areas that applicants frequently overlooked. The first is the requirement under the community analysis to compare demographic information of the library service area to the norms of larger populations such as the county, state or nation. Comparison of data to the norms of larger populations is critical in order to place the statistical information of the service area in some perspective. Without comparing the average age of the community, for example, to the average age of the county, state or nation, one does not really understand the significance of the local service area data. The second area where building programs frequently fell short was in stating the conversion standards which were used for such things as the collection, reader's seats, special purpose units, staff workstations, or meeting morn seats. These conversion standards are necessary in order to monitor how the space allocations were derived and evaluate the adequacy of the allocations in the program. OTHER COMPLMNCE ISSUES In addition to technical deficiencies, there were a number of other areas which applicants frequently had difficulty with during the submission of applications for the first cycle. A brief review of some of the more common problem areas is prudent to assist CSLN No. 125 (5191) potential second cycle applicants in avoiding these pitfalls. ARCHITECT'S DETAILED CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMAIIE Applicants should make certain that the architect's detailed construction cost estimate matches the information in the application form. Frequently, the application form reported different figures for site development, demolition, furnishings, equipment and even construction than were shown in the architect's estimate. Occasionally, it was impossible to understand how the construction figure in line 2 of the project budget had been determined when it was compared to the detailed cost estimate. This is particularly problematic if the detailed cost estimate, for example, shows a lower figure for construction than the figure which is shown on line 2. This means that there is either an inconsistency in the architect's estimate or the applicant has submitted an application for more construction funding than is supportable by the architect's estimate. Neither is acceptable. First, applicants should utilize the methodology on page 36 of the application form to determine the maximum eligiile projected construction cost for new construction, and then if the architect's estimate is lower, use the lower fipure, not some figure in between the two figures which implies the use of a "fudge factor" or an additional set-aside of contingency funds which, as previously stated, must be shown only on line 7. Again, it is important that all parts of the architect's estimate match the application form. In some cases, it will be helpful if the architect creates the estimate using a standardized estimating format to obtain a -9- total figure, and then "back out" the other line item costs such as site development, demolition, furnishing, equipment and any other costs which need to be delineated separately on the project budget form. This approach should be useful to the applicant and will be very helpful during the State Library review as well. Also, this approach should provide a clear method of double checking the application form against the detailed construction cost estimate for consistency. FURNISHINGS & EUUiPMENT With respect to the furnishings and equipment line items, there were two major areas of concern. First, it is important to remember that only "furniture" for the library building that has a life of at least 10 years can be considered to be eligible "furnishings" on line 12 Furnishings which are not "furniture" are not eligible; however, all fastened shelving and "built-in" equipment is eligible. Second, no movable equipment is eligible, but most all projects will need to show some costs for movable equipment in line 13. This is particularly important if the applicant is claiming electronic information delivery units on page 18 of the application form since these units must be specified in the building program and the furnishinm and euuiDment budget. If there are units specified on page 18 and no money allocated on line 13 of the project budget, then there is a definite eligibility concern. This point is critical as the number of public use electronic information delivery units per capita is an evaluation factor. RESOLUTIONS A number of applicants had difficulty with the wording of the resolution which is required to CSLN No. 125 (591) support the application. It is extremely important that the resolution specifically certify all of the requirements stated in Section 20416 (a) (1) (A) through (F). The resolution must have wording that specifically states that the applicant is certifying the entire project budget contained in the application, and not just the total and matching dollars for the project. The resolution needs to specifically state a commitment of the local matching funds for the project. When specifying the actual dollar amount of local matching funds, the amount specified in the resolution should be identical to the local matching amount necessary as stated in the project budget form on page 40 of the application form. If the resolution cedps a local matching amount for less than the amount specifid in the pject budget, there are obvious compliance pmblems. In almost all applications, there will be some ineligible costs which must be identified in the project budget. These ineligible costs are considered "supplemental" funds, but are necessary for the completion of the project. The resolution needs to specifically state the applicant's ability to finance the supplemental funds necessary to complete the project in a timely manner. Further, the resolution must specifically state that both the local and the supplemental funds will be available when needed to meet the project's cash flow requirements. In addition, the resolution must specifically certify the accuracy and truthfulness of all information contained in the application form. Finally, the resolution needs to specifically state a commitment to operate the completed facility and provide direct public library service, unless the facility shall be operated by a jurisdiction other than the applicant. If the latter is the case, a resolution indicating a willingness to operate the facility must be adopted by the jurisdiction that will be operating the facility after its completion in compliance with the requirements of Section 20424 (a). If an applicant is unsure how to word the required resolution, there is no reason that the exact language provided in Section 20416 (a) (1) (A) through (F) could not be effectively used in the resolution. Precision and thoroughness is critical in this aspect of the application. Further, it is important to follow the requirements of Section 20416 (a) (2) which states that the resolution must be supported by official action taken at an open meeting of the governing body of the applicant and duly recorded in the minutes of that meeting. In addition, it is important to remember that the resolution is to be signed by the du3, elected head of the jurisdiction and notarized or validated by affhing the offiial seal of the clerk of the jutisdiction. PRIVATE FUNDS In the case where private funds are identified in the library project budget, the application must be accompanied by an account statement bearing on its face an original signature of the applicant's fiscal oEficer and a statement certifying the necessary account balance from private sources and the applicant's control over the account (See Section 20416 (a) (3)). BOUNDARY SURVEY Another area of concern is the boundary survey. First, it is important that the boundary survey be a drawing and not just a legal description of the metes and bounds. Secondly, the boundary survey must be stamped and signed by a licensed land surveyor. - 10- CSLN No. 125 (5191) Next, it should be noted that by its very nature, the boundary survey defines the scope of the project in that it limits the eligible site development and project costs to the land within the area of the survey (or within 100 feet for utility and paving tie-ins). It is for this reason that the survey must be very carefully drawn. There are fundamental problems with an application that is submitted with a boundary survey which shows more land (and buildings) than just the library project site. The applicant must take care to exclude any land and buildings which are not part of the project. This is necessary because Library Bond Act funds are only for the purpose of public library construction. A boundary survey for a proposed project which includes land and buildings for some other use than the public library project, is defining a project in a manner which creates a misuse and abuse of the program funds. Since the boundary survey defines the project site, and since state matching funds are going into the acquisition of the site as well as construction and site development, the applicant must be very careful to limit the size of the site to the specific scope of the project which is only for the provision of public library service. CREDIT FOR LAND Along with the boundary survey, applicants had difficulty with other site-related issues. Occasionally credit was requested for land which was not already owned by the applicant. Section 20416 (e) specifies that there is no credit aIlowed for land which has not already been acquired by the applicant as of the application deadline. -11 The eligible cost of land can be determined by either purchase price or appraisal depending upon the requirements specified in Section 20414 (g), but if the appraised value is used, a certified appraisal performed by an appraiser with either an MAX or an SREA designation must be submitted. No other designation is acceptable. OWNERSHIP & MARKETABLE RECORD TI-ILE Another site related difficulty was that applicants occasionally claimed ownership, but did not demonstrate ownership or marketable record title. If the applicant claims ownership, but submits a title report which shows that the title is held by an individual or agency other than the applicant, obviously there are compliance problems. As mentioned earlier, if there are any exceptions in the title report submitted, the applicant’s legal counsel must submit a written opinion regarding the exceptions. Many applicants also experienced difficulty with meeting the requirements of CEQA Several applicants did not submit the necessary State clearinghouse documentation which includes either the compliance letter or the comments from the state agencies provided by the State Clearinghouse. Problems were experienced by applicants that were submitting either a negative declaration or an environmental impact report (Em) when only a draft of the declaration or report was submitted. It is necessary for the applicant to submit a final copy of the negative declaration or EIR Further, applicants did not always meet the requirement for a conformed copy of the CSLN No. 125 (5Dl) Notice of Determination. The conformed copy must be stamped by the County Clerk and signed by the lead agency and filed with the County Clerk. Applicants must be careful to make certain that the Notice oE Determination and not some other document is stamped by the County Clerk and signed by the lead agency. CONCEPTUAL. PLANS Another area of concern is the submission of conceptual plans. Page 35 of the application form delineates exactly what is required. The applicant should submit no more and no less. There were several areas where applicants appeared to have difficulty during the first cycle submission. The floor plans submitted were not always single-line drawings and they occasionally did not provide the allocation of square footage in the building program and/or on the plans for comparison. Without these figures, it is impossible for the review team to evaluate the adequacy of the plans compared to the program. Some applicants had difficulty with the area plan. Frequently, the area plan did not show neighborhood buildings, parking or streets, making it impossible to understand the context within which the library was being placed in the community. Area plans should show the general conditions around the site for at least one block in each direction. For remodeling projects, applicants occasionally failed to show the extent and limits of the remodeling on the floor plan or failed to cite the specific sections of State Statutes, State Building codes or local codes when the existing building was being remodeled for health and safety purposes. With respect to outline specifications, frequently applicants submitted much more detail than was necessary to meet this requirement. It is not necessary to provide a detailed outline including numerous subcategories of specifications. An outline with the major divisions and a basic description of the type of cohstruction and occupancy is adequate. The foregoing has been a discussion of the most frequently encountered problem areas experienced by applicants in the first cycle. The review is not meant as an exhaustive list, nor does emphasis on any one aspect lessen the importance of requirements that were not covered in the article. The regulations that were approved in November of 1990 are still in full effect and all requirements must be met for an aDulication to be considered eligible. Submission Of An Application Previously Submitted In The First Cycle For those applicants who submitted an application for the first cycle and are considering submitting an application once again for the second cycle, there are a few points which need to be clarified. Since the application and supporting documents which were submitted at the first cycle deadline will be retained by the State Library as an official state record, applicants will be required to submit an entirelv new aDDlication for the second deadline if the applicant desires to make any changes in the original application. This "new" application will be a modified version of the original first cycle application, but the applicant must reconstruct the entire application, make any desired modifications to it, and submit it once again prior to the July 19, 1991 deadline. Since there will be changes in the original application (including supporting documents), the application form must be signed once again and dated with -12- CSLN No. 125 (5Bl) new dates since the individuals are attesting to the accuracy and truthfulness of this "new" application. It is important to remember that any submittal of an application requires an original and seven photocopies of the application form, along with a single copy of all supporting documentation. Further, it is important to recognize that if there are any changes in the application or supporting documents, the resolutions which are required in Sections 20416 (a) (1) and 20424 (a) will have to be enacted by the applicant's governing body once again and enclosed with the submittal of the "new" application. It is important to recognize that the resolution required by Section 20416 must state, among other things, that the governing body certifies the accuracy and truthfulness of - all information contained in the application. Since there will be changes in the original application, an entirelv new resolution must be aDuroved bv the amticant's eoveming - to adequately support the "new" application. As discussed earlier, it is important to remember that Section 20416 (a) (2) requires that the resolution from the governing body be supported by official action taken at an open meeting and duly recorded in the minutes of that meeting. Further, the resolution must be signed by the elected head of the jurisdiction and notarized or validated by the affing of the offcial seal of the clerk of the jurisdiction. If the library will be operated by a jurisdiction other than the applicant, the mlution required in Section 20424 will have to be redone as well and submitted with the "new" application. Since there will be changes in the original application, the jurisdiction that will operate the completed facility must certify their commitment to operate the proposed facility that is reflected in the "new" application by providing a newly enacted resolution indicating a willingness to operate the facility being proposed in the "& application. Also, it should be noted that if private funds are identified in the library project budget section of the application form, the applicant must submit with the "new" application an account statement bearing on its face an original signature of the applicant's fial officer and a statement certifying that which is required in Section 20416 (a) (3) of the regulations. In addition, all other required supporting documents must be submitted as part of the "new" application in the form required in the Library-Bond Act. and the program regulations. . It is particularly important for those applicants whose applications were deemed to be ineligible during the first cycle to carefully review their entire "new" application submittal for compliance with the Bond Act and program regulations, It is clearly the applicant's responsibility to make certain that a modified or "ne application is complete and in compliance with the program requirements. An application can, for example, be determined to be ineligible if a required document is not submitted for the second cycle "new" application even if it was submitted for the first cvcle orieinal amlication. In other words, if an applicant forgets to submit a building program with the "new" application at the second cycle deadline, the application will be considered ineligible even if a cow of the building proeram from the orieinal first cyc le amlication is on file with the State Library. Each of the applications submitted at the different deadlines (cycles) is a completely separate application that stands alone and on its own merits. In short, a "new" application -13- CSLN No. 125 (SB1) submitted for the second funding cycle is entirely independent of a previous (original) application submission at the first cycle. Application Schedule As defined by the regulations, the deadline for the second cycle applications is 3 p.m. on July 19, 1991. Applications must be received by the Bond Act Fiscal Officer, or that officer's designee, at the following location: California State Library Library & Courts Building Fiscal Services - Room 215 914 Capitol Mall Sacramen to, California 958 14-4877 Mr. Richard B. Hall, Library Construction Bond Act Manager, is available to potential applicants to provide technical assistance by telephone at (916) 323-5941. This includes answering questions regarding the regulations and submission of an application, as well as reviewing the details of any ineligibility determination. Applicants are encouraged to contact Mr. Hall early and not wait until close to the second cycle deadline. Further, applicants are encouraged to schedule an internal completion date for their applications well in advance of the July 19th deadline. This will be helpful to allow for the inevitable "slippage" that occurs in any schedule, as well as time for the applicant to carefully review the final application for compliance prior to its submission. It was found that during the first cycle, several applications were made ineligible because the applicant failed to submit a required document that was available locally, but was inadvertently omitted from the state submission. A few extra dap to double check the application might have allowed this oversight to be avoided. At this point in time, it is unknown by the State Library how long it will take to evaluate the second cycle applications, as the number of eligiile applications which will be submitted is unknown. The State Library will review the applications as quickly as possible, but since there is no additional opportunity to apply €or the 1988 Bond Act funds, the State Library will take whatever time is necessary to provide applicants with a comprehensive professional review. With this in mind, applicants who are submitting documents which are date related, such as an option-to-purchase, should allow an adequate amount of time for the State Library review to be completed even if there are substantial delays. The State Library is recommending that an option-to-purchase be negotiated to allow the applicant until the Spring of 1992 to execute the agreement. This will hopefully allow more than enough time for the State Library to evaluate the applications, the Board to meet and determine grant approvals, and possibly even enough time for grant contracts to be executed with the successful applicants before the expiration date of the agreement. The State Library will attempt to keep applicants aware of any timetable changes in the program in the upcoming months. Eva1 ua t io n Review Based on the eligibility review, if an application which was submitted in the first cycle was determined to be ineligible, there was no evaluation of the application. For those applications which were determined to be eligiile, the State Library staff reviewed the applications in detail. The eligible application forms and supporting documents were reviewed in detail by a six-member review team comprised of library consultants -14- CSLN No. 125 (5/91) in the Bureau of Library Development Services. Each application was carefully examined in light of the five broad factors for consideration stated in the Section 19966 of the Bond Act. Each of the review team members developed written comments regarding each eligible application. The comments were documented on a "Master Evaluation Form." These comprehensive staff comments were then summarized in a two page document entitled the "Application Summary." During the staff review of the narrative portions of the application, the database for the objective data which was utilized during the preapplication evaluation was updated with any revised objective data in the applications. The nine objective data factors were compared and analyzed and a "Project Profile" was produced for each application which showed an overall ranking for the objective data only. This project profile, along with the application summary and the master evaluation form, including all staff comments regarding an application, was transmitted to the State Librarian for review. Based upon this information, the State Librarian provided the California Library Construction and Renovation Board with his "Findings." The eligible applications were classified as either "Very Competitive", "Competitive", "Somewhat Competitive", or "Less Than Competitive." Further, the State Librarian recommended to the Board that only applications which were very competitive or competitive be funded. Based upon these findings, the Board made grant approval determinations. Records Requests If applicants wish to obtain copies of any application information, they should submit the request in writing to: Mr. Michael Ferguson Bond Act Fiscal Officer California State Library Library & Courts Building Fiscal Services - Room 215 914 Capitol Mall Sacramento, California 95814-4877 Summary The State Library wishes to acknowledge the tremendous amount of effort on the part of many individuals and applicant jurisdictions which was expended during the application process. All of the applications submitted in the first cycle have a definite need for funds. It is truly unfortunate that more of the applications could not have been hnded since the need is so great and obvious. The application and evaluation process is difficult due to the fact that to a large extent, there is such an overwhelming need compared to the small amount of state funds currently available. In order to effectively evaluate an application in such a highly competitive environment, it was necessary to require an extensive amount of planning information in order to accurately assess the applications. Nothing was required that was outside of the Bond Act or the normal planning process for public library facilities. The State Library made every effort to review the application data thoroughly given the staff and time available. The State Librarian believes that the application and evaluation process has been successful in uncovering those applications which best meet the stated requirements of the Bond Act. -15- CSLN No. 125 (5191) Branch Librarv SDace Issues Problem: Lack of space for collection growth over next two years. Solution: Turn the meeting room into the children’s room. Expand the audiovisual and print collections into the area formerly occupied by the children’s collection. Timinq: Project will take at least two days and could be done over a weekend to reduce inconvenience to the public. Completion in early September, before school starts. Cost: Needed shelving and installation contract already in budget and on order. City Utilities/Maintenance staff will handle the relocation of audio display racks and any other small jobs related to the project. There would be no additional costs to the library. Main Librarv Videotape Relocation Proposal Problem: Solution: Timing: - cost: Currently space is not available in the audiovisual area to put the library’s videotape collection out in the open for direct public access. In addition, there are over 5,000 videotapes now fully processed and now in an offsite storage facility. These tapes can be seen in the online catalog by patrons but cannot be retrieved. The inability to retrieve videotapes that are seen in the online catalog is frustrating to the public and has resulted in many complaints . Convert the current periodical backfile area behind Circulation into an open videotape collection. Space available in this area will hold up to 9,000 videotapes. About two thirds of the periodical backfiles along with all the microform cabinets and all newspaper backfiles would then be moved into space currently occupied by the video service desk and the AV workroom. Complete in September or October 1991. This is a fairly complex renova- tion project. Utilitiesblaintenance staff have been consulted and would need to remove the entire video counter, extend the circulation desk, assist with the move of stacks, and would construct partitions to screen off the new periodical area. Estimate several days of work. Maintenance staff will try to handle the heavy work both before the library opens and at their own shop but the job is so large that there will likely be some reduced services in both periodicals and at the video desk over a period of two or three days. Only library cost is staff time to help move periodicals and videos. Mainte- nance staff will handle all renovation work. J , P; 0. H SXOOB 38nL3Id 42" Double JY * s 7 aJ rl F c -4 v1 JNC I 3 - j" 0 m STUDY TABLE U a STUDY TABLE El N W ,-tm 3 a, u 4J a, m m (dm Wh (d 04 -4 a am 7 -4 I m dJ 4n . N rl . m 1 m a' < 'a H n 2 e W a t SIV3IQOIIl3d 1 I I I v) a C U H n 2 d W a , - A‘d.LN3 I I3 z w c3 z 4 p: ffi 4 M ;n w a z 0 H E.l 3 W ffi H V w in 3 pc 0 PI 2 3 a - -- i- I I .- --- Y 00 wow -1 I I I c’) W a < e 0 W CI H > VI W a d t.. 0 W n H > .. m W a 4 e 0 W n H > GIFT CATALOG FOR THE NEW CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY You can help stretch library budget dollars.... The new Carlsbad City Library will open in 1993. This catalog pictures the equipment not budgeted but necessary for the new facility. Your contributions toward the purchase of any of these items will help to insure the best services possible. The Friends of the Carlsbad City Library urge you to support your library by mailing a tax deductible donation for the purchase of any item or items in this catalog. All contributions will be acknowledged and publicly recognized. If you would like to enjoy the privileges and satisfaction of belonging to the Friends of the Carlsbad City Library, see the membership information on the last page of this brochure. Thank you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Books (reference books and books $25 and up on tape) Plants accessories, supplies and film to video conversion. (Contribution will appear in credits section of part I1 of the '!New Library" video documentary schedule to begin with ground- breaking.) Word processor and printer for the children's department World Book on CD ROM and printer for the children's department Educational "DUPLO" toy table for the children's reading area Tropical fish aquarium and maintenance Laminator for the children's department World globe on stand for the children's department New puppet stage for story hour Panel saw $1,000 Frame clamps (4 at $7.50 each) 30 Nail gun (electric - w/2" nails) 40 Tool box (roll around t locking) 200 Ladder 300 Drill motor (variable speed-cordless) 45 Box drills 35 Skill saw 150 Tape measure 20 Framing square 15 Hammers (2 claw type at $15 each) 30 Crow bar 12 Level (frame type) 25 Magazine and newspaper subscriptions $15 - $200 S-8 movie camera with inteval timer, $2,000 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Level (line type) Putty knives (2 at $5 each) Extension cords (2 at $15 each) Hand truck Set of screw drivers Drop cloth Wrench set Work cart on wheels Dust broom C pan Dust mop or floor broom Mat knives (2 at $5 each) Tape lrgun" dispenser Assorted bolts, screws, nails, etc. Roll gallery wire (framing wire) Paint rollers, pans (2 of each) Paint brushes (6 of each) Wood extension handle File cabinet (4 drawer) Hand saw Answering machine IBM Selectric typewriter Electronic Encyclopedia on CD ROM computer and printer Computer security Computer earthquake proofing materials $ 10 10 30 50 35 15 50 100 35 15 10 15 75 30 15 20 5 150 20 150 GIFT ORDER FORM Name Phone Address Please accept my tax deductible contribution of $ I would like my contribution to purchase Order # Quantity Price $ Total Price: $ Please make checks payable to Friends of the Carlsbad City Library. Your gift will be acknowledged by mail for tax records. Return to: Friends of the Carlsbad City Library 1250 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM Friends of the Carlsbad Library, Inc. 1250 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 .. organization $ <?j Patron $(?) 1 Life Membership $(?) I would like to send an additional $ to support the FRIENDS. WHAT THE FRIENDS DO... Special fundrising events such as book fairs provide about $(?) each year for the Friends' multifaceted support of the library ... The Spirit of Love, our quarterly newsletter, describes upcoming Friends' events as well as library activities. An impressive roster of speakers and special events add to the cultural enrichment of our city ... Friends volunteers also provide a wide range of service to the library and its staff. . MAY 15, 1991 TO: BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS NEWLY DESIGNATED EMPLOYEES FROM: City Clerk City Attorney LOCAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE The City is in the process of updating its local Conflict of Interest Code as required by the Political reform Act of 1974 (Gov't Code 5 81000 et seq.). The purpose of the Act is to prohibit designated employees and members of boards and commissions from participating in decisions on matters in which they have an economic interest which may be affected by their decision. Therefore, the local code requires those people in designated positions to disclose certain economic interests and sources of income within the jurisdiction. For the City, that jurisdiction is the City limits or within two miles of the City limits. The City Council, the Water District and Redevelopment Commission will be amending their local codes at a public hearing in the next few months. Once it is adopted, it has the force of law and you must comply with its provisions. If you are a newly designated position in the Code, you must file an initial Statement of Economic Interest with the City Clerk within 30 days after the Code is adopted. State law requires that you disclose investments, business positions, and interests in real property held on the effective date of the adoption of the Code and income received during the 12 months before its adoption. After that, you will be required to file annual statements for each calendar year. The City Clerk will send you all of the necessary forms and instruction manuals in order to assist you in meeting the filing deadlines. The purpose of this memorandum is to alert you to the fact that the amendment affects you. Attached is the proposed code. Therefore, you are encouraged to read it and contact us with any questions regarding the Act or the local Conflict of Interest Code which will be adopted.. n RONALD R. BALL Assistant City Attorney ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ I City Clerk rmh/attachment c: Arts Manager Library Director Manager of Research Parks and Recreation Director Human Resources Director Senior Citizen Coordinator Traffic Engineer Carlsbad Municipal Water District Administrative Manager CONFfrI CT 03 INTERE ST COD8 OF TIIE CITY OF CARLSBAQ TEE H OUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF CARLSBAQ TBE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DIST RICT ARTICLE I. GENERAL SECTION I: Tim: This Code shall be known and may be'cited as Itconflict of Interest Code of the City of Carlsbad and the Housing and Redevelopment Commission of the City of Carlsbad and the Housing Authority of the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District.vv SECTION 11: Authoritv : This Code is adopted pursuant to the provisions of the "Political Reform Act of 1974", Title 9 of the Government Code commencing with Government Code Section 81000 and Section 18730 of Article 2 of Chapter 7 of Division 6 of Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations. SECTION 111: purnose: This Code is adopted in order to: a. Assure that all employees designated herein perform their duties in an impartial manner, free from bias caused by financial interests; B. Enumerate and differentiate the positions of employment within the City which involve the making of decisions which may foreseeably have a material effect upon a financial interest; C. Require the disclosure of such interests, by setting forth the specific types of interests which are reportable for each posit Ton ; D. Require that designated employees disqualify themselves from participation in City decision-making which may involve a conflict of interest. SECTION IV: Incornorat ion bv Refer enca: The provisions of Title 2 California Code of Regulations Section 18730, except Section 8.5 thereof, a copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit v8Atv, are hereby incorporated by this reference and constitute the Conflict of Interest Code of the City of Carlsbad and the Housing and Page 1 of 3 Redevelopment Commission of the City of Carlsbad and the Housing Authority of the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. SECTION V: Amendments: Section 4 of the Code found in Title 2 California Code of Regulations Section 18730 is replaced with the following Section 4: Section 4: All designated employees shall file the statements of economic interests required herein with the City Clerk for the City of Carlsbad. Where the person filing such statements is required to file multiple statements on account of his or her capacity in both City and Agency, filing may be. made on a single form(s) , specifying therein that it is filed in both capacities. APPENDIX A. Persons holding positions listed in the Appendix are required to file the initial, annual, and leaving office statements of financial interest required by this Code for the types of interests in the categories set forth in the column "Disclosure CategoriesB8 opposite the column "Designated Positionsmv. It has been determined that these persons make or participate in making decisions which foreseeably may have a material effect on such financial interests. B. Where the disclosure category requires disclosure of interests in real property, the designated employee need only disclose real property which is located in whole or in part within or not more than two miles outside the boundaries of the jurisdiction or within two miles of any land owned or used by the local government agency. C. Where the disclosure category requires disclosure of investments or sources of income, the designated employee need only disclose investments in business entities and sources of income which do business in the jurisdiction, plan to do business in the jurisdiction or have done business in the jurisdiction within the past two years. In- addition to other activities, a business entity is doing business within the jurisdiction if it owns real property within the jurisdiction. D. Where the disclosure category requires disclosure of business positions, the designated employee need only disclose positions of director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or any position of management in organizations or enterprises operated for profit. SECTION VI: 11Act88 means the Political Reform Act of 1974, comprising Title 9 (commencing with Section 81000) of the Government Code of the State of California. &: Page 2 of 3 . SECTION VII: Desianated ,emDlovee: "Designated employee11 means any officer, employee, commission or board member or consultant to the City whose position with the City is listed in the Appendix of this Code. SECTION VIII: Desianated Dosition: "Designated position" means a position with the City specified in the Appendix of this Code and requiring disclosure as provided in this Code because the position entails the making or participating in. the making of decisions which may foreseeably have a material effect on a financial interest. SECTION IX: Recrulat ions: ltRegulations@g mean the regulation of the Fair Political Practices Commission adopted pursuant to Title 9 of the Government Code and reported at Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations commencing with Section 18100. SECTION X: JteDed: This Code shall repeal and supersede the llConflict of Interest Code of the City of Carlsbadl@ adopted October 2, 1979 and Title 9 of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Administrative Code. SECTION XI: Effective date: This Code shall be effective upon adoption by resolution of the appropriate code reviewing body. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Page 3 of 3 I , 0 18730. Rd8kfW Of COtWlCt Of IfltOfWt Cod@& (a) Incorpontian by rcfercnct of the tams of this regulation dong Withthede~~onofemploytesandtheformulation ofdiscloaurecuc gorier in the Appendix =fen& to below constitute the adoption and pro- mentCodc~tion87300ortheamendmentofaconflictofintmstcade withinthemeMineofOovenrmntCode~on87307ifthetermsofthis regulation ate substituted for terms of a conflict of interest code already ineffect. Acodesoamardcdoradopttdandpromuigatcdrcquircsthere- portingof~~kitemsinamannersubstantiallyequival~ttothcrt- quhments of article 2 of chapter 7 of the Political Reform Act, Govern- ment Code sections 81000, ct sq. The rtquircmCnts of a conflict of intacstcode~inadditiontoothareq~ntsofthePoliticalReform Acfsuch~thcgtrmalprohibiti~asrrinstconflictsofintmstcontaintd mulgation of a CORflict of interest code within the meaning of Govern- .A in G0V-t codt sa~tion 87100, and to other state local laws p~r- taining to codicts of intcxest. promulgated ppsuant to this regulation ate as follows: (1) section I. Definitions. (b) The terms of a conflict of inmest code amended or adopted and The dehitim c~ntainod in thc Politid Ref- Act Of 1974, rtgula- tion8 of the Fak Political Ractices Commission (2 a. Code of Regs. SCC~~OM 18100 et acq.)* and any amendments to the Act or regulations, areifKqmud by reference into this conflict of intacst code. (2) Section 2. Designated Employees. Thc persons holdin8 positions listed in the Appendix arc designated employees.Ith~~ndcterminedthatthellcprmonsmakearparticipate in the making of decisions which may faasecably have a matuial effect on furancial intmats. (3) section 3. Disclosure categories. 'Ibis code does not establish any dj~closm obligation forthosc desig- natcd employees who arc also spccificd in evanamt Code section 87#)0 if they arc designated in this code in that same capacity or if the geographkd jurisdiction of this agency is thc w~mt as or is wholly in- cludcdwithin the jurisdiction in which those persons mustrcport their fi- n8ncial intmsts pmuant to article 2 of chapter7 of the Politid Reform ~~v~ntCode~ti~87U)IO,ct#q.'Suchpersanrarecovmd by this code far diqualifkation pyrpo#s only. With rcspect to all othcr dea~~employtes,thediscloa~cattgoritsbdforthintheApptndix specify which kinds of financial intmsts atrc reportabk. Such a desig- nated employee shall didost in his or her statement of economic inter- ests thbs f-ial intmsts he or she has which arc of the kind descxibcd in the disclosane catcgaries to which he or she is assigned in the Appen- dix. It hru been dctcrmincd that the financial intcxcsts set forth in a desig- natedemployec's disclormrecategories an the kinds of financial interests which he or she foreseeably can dect materially through the conduct of his or her Offkc. (4) Section 4. Statements of Economic Interests: Place of Filing. miucodetofiltstattmentsofeconomic~~~withthtaetncy~with the code reviewing body, as provided by the code miewing body in the agency's codkt of intenst code3 3 i 'Ihecodereviewingbody~hallinseuctalldesignatedtmplo~~with- . Page 1 of 5 (5) section 5. Statements of Eco~~llc Interests: lme ot khg. (A) Initial Statements. All designated employees employed by the agency on the effeaive date of this code. as originally adopted, promul- gated and appved by the code reviewing body, shall file statements within 30 days after the effective date of this code. Thereafter, each per- son alrcady in a position when it is designated by an amendment to this codc shall file M initial statement within 30 days afta the effective date of the amendment. (B) Assuming Offia Statements. All pasons assuming designated positions after the effective date of this code shall file statements within u)dayspftcrassumingthedesignatedpositi~s,orifsubjecttoStpteSen- ate confirmation, 30 days after being nominated or appointed. (C) Annual Statements. All designatcdemployees shall file statements no later than April 1. @) Leaving Officc Statements. All pcxaons who leave designated po- sitions shall file statements within 30 days after leaving office. (5.5) Scction 5.5. Statements for Prmons Who Resign 30 Days After Appointment. Pasons who resign within 30 days of initial appointment aae not deemed to have assumed office or left office provided they did not makc or participate in the making of,= use their position to influence any deci- sion and did not lrcocivc or become entitled to dve MY form of pay- ment as a re8ult of their appointment. Such persons shall not file either an assuming or leaving office stotemmt. (6) Section 6. Contents of and Puiod Covered by Statcnmb of Em- nonricIntereds. (A) Contents of Initial Statemcnta. Initial statenmts shall disclo# MY reportable investments, intenr3r in md property and bushcss positions held on the effective date of the codcandincamereccivedduringthe 12monrhsp1iortotheeffoctivedate of thecode. (B) Contents of Asmaming Office !3tatmmnts. Assuming office statcmcnta shall disclose any icportnble inve8tumts, ing office ar, if subject to State senate confirmation or appointment, on the date of nomination. and income mxived during the 12 months prior to~~ofas~goffice~thed~ofbe~~~~~no~ respectively . (C) Contents of Annual Statements. Annual statements shd disclose any mportable investments, interests in real property, income and busi- ness positions held or received during the pievious calendar year pro- vided, however, that the period covmd by an employee's first annual statement shall begin on the effective date of the code or the date of as- hterrstr hd pmmd bu8bSspofi~~hdd On thedate Of am- suming offie whichever is lata. (D) Contents of Leaving Office Statements. Lenvingoffiiccrtatements shalldisclosereportablemvcstnmts,inter- , est8 in real property, income and business positions held or rtctived dur- -- ing the period between the closing date of the last statement fibd and the due of leaving office. (7) Section 7. Manner of Reporting. Statements of cconomic interests shall be made on fenns prtscribed by the Fair Political Practices Commission and supplied by the agency, and shall contain the following informatiorc (A) Investment and Rcal Property Disclosure. When an investment or an intenst in& ppcrtf is required to be q0nc4t4 the statement shall contain the following: 1. A statement of tht natlllrt of the investment or interest; 2. The name of the business entity in which each investment is held and a gend description of the business activity in which thc busincas entity is engaged, 3. ?he addnss or other precise location of the real property; 4. A statement whetherthe fair market value of the investment or inter- est in real property e& one thousand dollars (S 1 ,OOO), excdtdt ten thd dollars (Sl0,OOO). or exceeds one humid thousad dollars (S loo,ooo). Page 2 of 5 Page 3 of 5 (B)~lncomeDisclo~.Whenprrsonalincomeisr#luisodto 1. 'Ihe lllllkt and address of each source of income aggrcgatiq two hundred fifty doh ($250) or morc in valuc, or fifty dollars ($50) a more in value if the incorm waa a gift, anda general description of the buhs activity. if any, of each source. 2. A stetement whether the aggngate value of income bm each sotme, or in the case of a loan, the highest amount owed to each soulrcc, lars ($1,000), or greater than ten thousand dollam (Sl0,OOO); 3. A description of the Consideration, if any, for which the income waa received; 4. In the case of a gift. the name, address and business activity of the donor and any intenndky through which the gdt was made; adescrip tion of the gift; the amount or value of the gift; and the date on which the sift waa received; 5. In the case of a loan, the annual intmest rate and the sacuxity. if any, given for the lm. (C) Busineaa Entity Income Diacloau~~. When income of a business entity, including income of a sole proprietorship. is requid to be re- ported6the atatcmmt shall contain: 1.- ~,~saandageneraldescri~onofthebusinessactivity of the businesr altim 2. 'Ihe namc of every pason from whom the b-88 er@y rcccivcd papnta if the fila's pro ratn sham of gnws mxipts from such pason waa qual to or patm than ten thousand doh (Sl0,OOO). (D) Buaincss Poaition Diaclosm. When business positions am re- quired to be rqxxtd, a designated employee shall list the name and ad- drtss of each businesl entity in which he or she is a dimctor, officer, part- ner, mstce, employee, or in which he a she holda any position of management, a description of the business activity in which the buaincaa entity ia engaged and the designated employee's position with the busi- ness entity. (E) Acquiaitim aDiapo8al During Reporting Pdod. In the- of an annual a leaving office atatcmcnt. if an investment or an htmst in repl property waa pattially or wholly acquiredordisposedof during the period tim or disposal. (8) Section 8. Disqudiflcation. No designated employee shall make, Participate in maling, OK in any way attempt to use hisorherofficialpoaitionto influence the of any govenunentrldcckion which he or shc knows or haareuon to know will have a reasanably forcdle material fuuncial eff- distinguish- able bm ita effect on the public generally, on the official or a mcmk of hiaorherimmdratr? - Eamilyoron: _-_ (A)Anyburinessentityinwhichthedesignatedempioyeehsradircct or indkect investment Wd one thd dollar8 ($l,oOo) or rmm (B) Any real propaty in which the designated employee ha8 a dim% 01 indirect inmst warh one thousand dollars (S1,OOO) or mort; (C)hy sowxof income,othcrthangiftsMd otharthanloana by a COmmcmd * lending institution in the regular course of buaincaa ontuma available to the public without regard to official stataaa, aggregating two hundred my dollars ($250) or mort in value provided to, ltctivod by or promised to the designated employee within 12 monthn prior to the timt when the decision ia mrdt, (D)Any~~entityinwhichthedesignattdemployeeiaa~, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or holds MY poaitim of managemmG a (E) Any donor of, or MY intermediary or agent for a donor of, 8 sift or @?a agsngating Sw) or more in value provided to; received by, or pmistd to the designated employee within 12 months prior to the time when the decision is made. beIrc~~the~lnentshaucontain: was O(IC thousand dolh (S 1 ,ooO) less, greats than OIW thousand dol- COV@ by the statement, the statement shall contain the date Of a~qubi- (8.3)sectiOn8.3.Le~yRquirulpaaicipatiOn. No de- employee shall be pevented hm making or mipat- hg h the making of any decision to the extent his or ha partkipation is legally required for the decision to be made. The fact that the vote of a designated employee who is an avoting body is necdcd to break atie does not~ehisorher~i~onlegallyrcquiredforptrposesofthissac- tion. (8.5) Section 8.5. Disqualification of State Offices and Employees. In addition to the general disqualification provisions of section 8. no drte adminirb..tive official shall ma& wipatc in making, or use his or ha official position to influence any governmental decision directly !dating t0My-t Whaethe 've official knows or has reason toknow that any paity to thecontract is a person with whom the state admirristrative official, or any member of his or her immediate family has, within 12 months prior to the tim when the official action is tobetaken: available to membas of the public, regllrding any investment or interest (B) Engaged in a business transection or transactions on terms not available to members of the public regarding the rrndering of goods or services totaliig in value one thousand doh ($1.000) or nunc. (A) &gaged in a business transaction or hnnmct~ 'OMontermsnot inrealpr0patY;or (9) Section 9. Manner of Disqualifiion. When a designated employee determines that k Q she rhould nd make a governmental docision because he or she hrradbqdfyhg ia- terestiniit,the- * 'on not to act must be accompanied by disclo- KC of the disqqurlifying interest. In the case of a voting body. this deter- mination aad disclosure shall be made part of the wy's official rrcord, in the are of adesignatalemployee who is tbc hed of UI agency, this&tcrmin~on urd disclosure shall be de in writing to his or ha rppointingsuthority;.ndinthecareofother~gnrtademployeer,thir dctamhth mddi8closll!c shall bed in writing tothe deaignatcd emplop's supcrvbor. (10) Section 10. Assistance of the Commis8ian and Counrel. Any desipatcd employee who is unsure of his ar her duties unda this code may request assistance.brn the Fair Politicrl Rrctioer Cunmis- sionpurwanttoGovernmntCodesection83114orhntherttonreyfor his or heragency,pmvided that nothing in thislectionrquimthe attor- my for the apcy to issue any fd a infonnal opinion. (1 1) Section 11. Violations. ma oodc has the fom and effect of law. Designrted employets vio- lating any proviaia of this code Wbjed to the W~VC, Crimi- nal and civil maions provided in the Political Reform Act, Govanmcnt code Sactionr 81000-91014. In addition, adcciian in relation to which a violation of the disqualification provisions of this codc or of Govem- ment Cock scctian 87100 or 87450 has occllmd amy be set aside as void pursuant to Qov~nt Code section 91003. Nm Authaiy citd Section 831 12, Oovamaeat Codc. Ref-. sccciOnr 87300-87302 Govanmcot code. HWItXY 1. New rsaiaafiW4-2-80um ~dcuiveupmmhy(Ragba80. 2. Editai.lcamuma ' (Register 80. No. 29). 3. AmmQaent of subaectkm (b) frlcd 1-94; effective thhietb day thacrfta (Rcgirta 8 1, No. 2). thaerfter (Regirtn 83, No. 5). tkaftcr (Regher 83. No. 46). _- '. No. 14). wm ofbplhX IDC . 4.Amendmcntofruksaraa . (bx7XB)l. filed 1-26-83; thiticrh d.y 5. AmenQnmt af Nbwctioa (bM7XA) fikd 11-1043; d-e thirticdr dry- 6. AmcnQnent fM 413-87; operative 5-13-87 (Regism 87, No. 16). 7.Amendmentaf- * (b) fM 10-2148; oplrriw 11-20-88 (Rceirta 8. Amendment of ~besaiaar (bK8)(A) md @M8)(B) md numauu editai.l 88, No. 46). *U fi 8-28-m; opentive enso m. 90, NO. 42). Page 4 of 5 --- Page 5 of 5 APPENDIX TO THE LOCAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT The positions and categories within the City listed in this appendix are @@designated positions. @@ Any person whose position with the City is a designated position is a designated employee. Designated employees shall disclose in the manner provided in the Amended Local Conflict of Interest Code of the City of Carlsbad those financial interests which are within the categories represented by the number(s) following the listed position. The categories correspond to the subsections of Title 2, California code of Regulations Section 18703, subsection 7 and represent the following disclosures: @@l@* investment and real property disciosure; @@2@@ personal income disclosure; @@3@@ business entity income disclosure; '@4" business position disclosure. DESIGNATED POSITIONS DISCLOSURE CATEGORIES Mayor and Members of the City Council * Chairman and Members of the Housing and President, Vice President and Redevelopment Commission * Members of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District * City Manager * City Attorney * Redevelopment Commission * Redevelopment Commission * Secretary to the Housing and Attorney of the Housing and City Staff under City Manager: Accountant 2, 3, 4 Arts Coordinator 2, 3, 4 Assistant City Engineer 1, 2, 3, 4 * Thii position is required tu report by VimK of (kwrnment code Section 87200. It is included for disqualification purposes only. See Government Code Section 87200 for disclosure requinments. * * When a designated employee is also required to file a conflict of interest form under Article 2 (Gofl Code §87200, Form 721) of the Ac& he or she may expand their stament to covrr reportabk in- in both jurisdii or both positions and tile copia of thii expanded statement with the City Clerk provided that each copy of such expanded statement fikd in place of an original is signed and Verified by the designated employee as if it were an Original. Page 1 of 4 I. Assistant Finance Director Assistant Library Director Assistant Planner Assistant Planning Director Assistant Utilities and Associate Planner Maintenance Director Building Inspector 1 Civil Engineer Assistant Civil Enaineer Associate 1 1 Community Redevelopment Manager Construction Inspector Construction Supervisor Data Processing Manager DeveloDment Processina Manaaer 1, 2, 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 2. 3 I Finance Director 1. 2. 3, 4 3, 4 3, 4 3, 4 3, 4 3, 4 3, 4 3, 4 Fire Battalion Chief Fire Captain Assigned to Prevention Bureau 2, 3 2. 3 Library Director Manaaement Analvst 1; 2; 3, 4 2. 3 Parks and Recreation Director - Parks SuDerintendent 1; 2; 3; 4 1. 2. 3. 4 * * When a designated employee is also required to file a conflict of interest form under Article 2 (CoVt Code g87200, Form 721) of the Act, he or she may expand their statement to cover r~portable interests in both jurisdictions or both positions and file copies of this expanded statement with the Cily Clerk provided that each copy of such expanded statement filed in place of an original is signed and verified by the designated employee as if it were an original. Page 2 of 4 * Planning Director Police Chief 2, 3 Recreation Superintendent 2, 3 Senior Citizens Coordinator 2, 3 Senior Construction Inspector 1, 2, 3 Manager 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 Research Risk Manager Utilities and Maintenance Director . .. City Attorney's Office: * This position is required to report by virtue of Government Code Section 87200. It is included for disqualification purposes only. See Government Code Section 87200 for disclosure requirements. Page 3 of 4 . Page 4 of 4 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS May 1991 CIRCULATION STATISTICS May. May. 1990 1991 % Chancre MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials 51,994 54,245 +4 Video Tapes 8,827 7,999 -9 Audio Visual Equipment 57 17 - 70 Total MAIN LIBRARY 60,878 62,261 +2 BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials Video Tapes 14,523 15,617 +8 1,766 2,231 + 26 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 16,289 17 , 848 + 10 TOTAL CIRCULATION 76,547 80,109 +5 ............................. REFERENCE OUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Genealogy Adult Children's Online Searches 869 1,212 + 39 6,451 6,720 +4 2,902 3,098 +7 18 30 + 67 Total MAIN LIBRARY 10,240 11,060 +8 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 1,203 1,989 + 65 TOTAL QUESTIONS 10,574 13,049 + 23 ............................. PEOPLE COUNTER (Daily Average) Main Library Branch Library 1,662 1,718 +3 458 514 + 12 TOTAL 2,120 2,232 +5 ............................. May. May. 19_90 1991 % Chanae b 1 PO Adult Programs Children's Programs 25 30 + 20 2.018 1.597 3 TOTAL 2,043 1,627 - 20 ............................. LNTERLIBRARY LOANS BOOKS AND REFEREN CE Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad 107 133 + 24 132 132 297 291 -2 104 100 -4 -- ............................. J?FW REGISTRATIONS Main Library Branch TOTAL 900 868 -4 2 17 194 ZLU 1,117 1,062 -5 2 wlnooo o(vlno0 dcumob dbbbrl wmw d w . . . . * rl co rl cv . 0 rl bI lnI mI rl . m 00 co u m rl rl . 0 0 rl rl 0 Ill Ill Ill cn w w Er (21 w H CI cn w B w cn cu 0 ln rl ln 0 m rl . . 0 ri co w * cv . m b 0 0 Lo . m