HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-23; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesM.INUTES' Meeting oE Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES October 23, 1991 City Council Conference Room TRUSTEES Y CALL TO ORDER: President Trigas called the Meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. 1. 2. 3. ROLL CALL: Present - President Trigas, Library Board Trustees Cooper. Trustee Martin amived at 3:OS p.m. and Trustee Curtin arrived at 3:20 p.m. Absent - Trustee Grosse. Also Present Were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Annour, Assistant Library Director, Gina Sachs, Community Relations Manager, Taffy Cannon, Friends of the Library, Mig Chaney, League of Women Voters. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held August 21, 1991, were approved as presented. Approval of the minutes of the Meeting held September 19, 1991 was held pending the anival of Trustee Curtin. COMMI?TEE REPORTS: a. Buildinn and Grounds This report was deferred to item 4e. b. Budnet No report. C. Personnel charlotte Egea, Head of Circulation Services, has announced her retirement effective November 6, 1991. d. Youth Assistant Director Amour presented this report in the absence of Trustee Grosse. He said John Quartarone reports that Children's has been very busy because of the cutback in hours in Oceanside and the staff cutbacks in the School Dismct. Martin Trigas C~E= MINUTES October 23, 1991 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 4. Youth [Continued) John also reported a problem with disruption at the children's storyhoun because of the parents socializing during the program. He is devising a system of registering the children and uying to set up an area in the recreation hall, away from the children, for the use of the parents. John has med to dissuade the parents from attending the storyhours but some of them insist on being with their children. He has suggested we move the storyhours out of the Harding Community Center and back into the library where the bedtime storyhours are being held now. Assistant Director Armour said we are willing to try this. OLD BUSINESS: a. Time Schedule for Fund Raisinn Catalog Gina Sachs called attention to the time line attached to the agenda. President Trigas said the gift catalog should be ready for Christmas of 1992 (about six months before the new library opens.) Ms. Sachs said she and the Friends of the Library are trying to involve the business community. The Friends will initiate a corporate membership drive. Trustee Curtin wanted to know how much we could expect from the business community if the library and the Friends were both approaching them for donations. Ms. Sa& said it will be done at different times. b. Business Community Survey Gina Sachs reported that 612 surveys were mailed out. Names were obtained from a Chamber of Commerce list. About a 6% return has been obtained so far and Ms. Sachs said this is about average for a mail survey. She hopes to complete the executive summary of results in November. C. Video TaDe Reorganization Plans Assistant Director Armour said the whole idea of the reorganization is to make the tapes that are in storage available to the public. Because security is of great concern, one suggestion has been to bring out of storage pomons of the collection on a rotating basis and handling the display as it is currently done, with no changes. A subcommittee was MINUTES October 23, 1991 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 Video Taue Reornanizanon Plans (Continued) formed to discuss this issue and they have recommended that videos be retrieved from storage on an "on demand" basis. The branch has the videos out in the open now and this will be a test for us. So far, there has been no problem. President Trigas and Trustee Curtin asked if the catalog could show something other than "In Storage" when the videos are, in fact, in storage. Perhaps "By Request" or "24 hours notice required" would be better. Assistant Director hour said he would check with Technical Senrices and see if this is possible. Director Lange noted that this whole issue of displaying videos points up the fact that we need a better security system than the one in place now. d. Update on Partnerships for Change Information Center Assistant Director hour reported that the last hurde was passed last Wednesday when the Planning Commission approved the CUP for the properry on Harding Street We will start moving the materials in on Monday and should be ready to open to the public about the second week in November when some kind of opening ceremony will be held. Dead bolts have been installed and the elecnical will be in place shortly. Custodial services are also being looked into but that is still an issue to be resolved. Trustee Martin suggested a local person be hired to perfom custodial services rather than a large company, which could be quite expensive. The Centro will be open from 2:OO to 5:OO p.m. Monday through Friday and all day Saturday. This might change later when the days are longer. Director Lange suggested the November board meeting be adjourned to the Centro so everyone can see what's been done. MINUTES October 23, 1991 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 4 Update on Partnerships for Channe Information Center (Continued) Ms. Sachs said the Cenuo logo will be presented tomomow night at the coalition meeting and the library logo wiIl be incorporated later. President Trigas wondered if this was not being done backwards--that the library logo should be done first. Director Lange said it is a requirement of the State that the program have a logo and that he considered this a temporary program that would last two or three years and would then be incorporated into the library. Trustee Curtin questioned the logo being a requirement of the State and Assistant Director hour said it was not exactly a requirement but they suggest that it be done. President Trigas reiterated that she felt the libmy logo should come first and asked if it could be done at the same time as the Cenuo logo and not at a later date. Ms. Sachs said she would present this to the company chosen to design the logo. e. Update on New Lib- Plans Director Lange said we are at the final fine-tuning stage of the building. The trim color and exterior signage are the remaining issues. The building will be white with blue trim on the window frames. The two architects had a difference of opinion about the sign on the outside of the building. The choice is tiles inset into the face of the building spelling out "Carlsbad City Library" or a monument sign in the front of the building. The Board preferred the tiles rather than the monument. President Trigas said she had talked to someone fiom the Arts Commission and they were under the impression there would be a kiosk in front of the new library. Director Lange said there will be a kiosk but we will have to wait until the building is under construction to decide where it should be placed. President Trigas suggested it be inside the building on the gallery side, rather than outside in front of the budding. Assistant Director hour said the children's garden area has a partial wall but under discussion is the subject of whether the entire area should be fenced in for security. This is still under consideration. There are certain types of sculpture planned for the children's garden and these have been modified for safety. MINUTES October 23, 1991 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 5 5. f. Prouosition 85 UDdate Director Lange said the State is taking longer to make a decision than was originally anticipated and we can not go to bid until we know if we will get a grant. He hoped that we would know by December. NEW BUSINESS: a. Children's Read Aloud Promam Assistant Director Amour said for this year's program John Quartarone is proposing that the children read the stories rather than inviting local dignitaries to read their favorite stones, as was done last year. John Quartarone has talked to the principals of the schools involved and each school will select a reader who will select a three-minute passage from a book to read. There will be a short audition ahead of time and an MC will be booked for the event. President Trigas said that all the schools in South Carlsbad should be included in the program. The Mayor was asked to welcome the pankipants but he will not be available on that date so Mayor Pro-Tem Kulchin will be asked to attend in his place. Local children's author and Carlsbad resident, Karen Coombs, has also been asked to attend. b. Plan to Automate all Librarv Photomaphic Resources Assistant Director Amour said the library has two basic photographic resources--2500 historic photos in the library and slides that are in the Media Services office. Marje Howard-Jones and Ann L'Heureux have worked on the photos for years. Ms. Howard-Jones attended a workshop presentation on automating photographic resources. A consultant will instruct Ms. Howard-Jones, Ms. L'Heureux and library staff on how to input the material. The cost for the software is $150 and the consultant fee is $300. Mr. hour thought it would be a worthwhile expenditure and Trustee Martin moved that we allocate the money. Trustee Cooper seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously. TRUSTEES \I Martin Trigas cooper Curtin X X X MINUTES October 23, 1991 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 6 TRUSTEES \1 C. Proposal to Conduct User Survey This swey was developed by the Collection Development Librarian to get a sense of user satisfaction with the collection. Mr. Armour noted that we have a $4OO,OOO budget for new materials and before we spend it we should know what the public is interested in. Trustee Curtin noted that there were no specific questions about use of computers. Mr. hour explained that this is a draft of the survey and changes can be made before it is finalized. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Lange said he had no report other than to say he had a wonderful vacation and is glad to be back. He thanked Assistant Director Armour for the wonderful job he did while he was gone. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Taffy Cannon reported there will be an appearance by Victor Villasenor, author of RAIN OF GOLD at the Carlsbad Senior Center on Friday, November 1, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. The Christmas program will be held the first Monday in December at the Cultural Arts Center and the book sale will be held January 18, 1992 on the lawn in front of the library. The Friends have started sales of magazines as well as books in the main library. Ms. Cannon also displayed the design for a new tote bag which will sell for $10.00. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Trustee Cooper announced the plant sale earned $310.00. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: The next meeting will be on November 21, 1991 at the San Diego County Library. The minutes of the meeting held September 19, 1991, were approved as presented. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no one present who wished to address the Board. cooper Trigas Cutin Martin MINUTES October 23, 1991 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 7 ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of October 23, 1591, was adjourned at 4:37 P.M. Re-y submitted, Pamela A Batho Secretary