HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-02-19; Library Board of Trustees; Minutesl4EETINo. OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO p.n. DATE OF IIELSTIBJG: February 19, 1992 PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: President Trigas called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present : President Trigas, Library Board Trustees Cooper, Martin and Absent: None. Woodward. Library Board Curtin arrived at 3:03 p.m. Also Present Were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Taffy Cannon, Friends of the Library Lynda Jones, Adult Learning Coordinator Lizeth Simonson, Bilingual Library Technician APPROVAL OF XI-S: On motion by Library Board Trustee Cooper, the Minutes of the January 15, 1992, Meeting were approved as presented. AYES : Trigas, Cooper and Martin ABSTAIN: Woodward Minutes of the December 18, 1991, were carried forward. COblEIITTEE REPORTS: a. Buildina and Grounds President Trigas stated she would defer to the other items on the Agenda, as there was nothing new to report on the new Library building. b. Budaet Trustee Martin reported that Dr. Lange attended a budget meeting this morning and will discuss this later in the agenda. c. Personnel No report. d. Youth No report. for reporting on the Youth Committee, and he agreed. President Trigas asked Trustee Woodward to be responsible February 19, 1992 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 a. TemDorarv Video Tam2 Retrieval Svstem and Promsal to Redesian Audio- Geoff Armour explained in detail the plans to move all the video tapes out of storage and into the AV area. 10,000 videos that will be on display. Staff feels with the videos in view, this will expand the use. The move will include the Young Adult Collection, Cassettes, Oversize Audios, Paperbacks, Compact Disks and the Friend's Sale area. This will bring the collection to Mr. Armour explained that the video collection contains foreign films, documentaries, history and health and educational tapes, rather than popular films. The Library only has one copy of any recent movies, and the bulk of demand is for the cultural and educational videos. Mr. Armour stated the security system was a concern, but that will be discussed at length later in the agenda. In response to query, he stated that the reason the collection of videoa is so large, is that money was available from the insurance fee charged on videos. Dr. Lange added that also staff had in mind having a collection available for the new library. The AV area work will be done with grant funds, and with the help of volunteers and staff. b. ReDort on Centro de Informacion Activity and Use - Lynda Jones Lynda Jones reported on the Centro de Infonnacion, stating it opened November 12, 1991, with 1.6 full-time etaff. The Centro is open 18 hours a week, and at the end of January, there were 840 items in their collection. She stated that the Centro is getting the reputation of being a "helping place" and the local residents in that area are calling the Centro and/or stopping in to seek assistance. She complimented the staff for their work and stated they are doing an excellent job of developing public relations with the Hispanic population. Lizeth Simonson, Supervisor at the Centro de Informacion, showed photographs of activities at the Centro and stated that they have a study room where the high school student8 now come to have a quiet place to study. Centro and showed a copy of a survey to be distributed to find what services the people in the area want from the Library. She told of the tours of the young children through the c. Relocation at ions for Centro de Informacion Dr. Lange stated that the Centro will be moving, and Lynda Jones stated that approximately $2,300 apent for telephone wiring might be lost due to the move. There might be some of the other equipment that might not be usable in a new location, but staff would salvage all that they could. Dr. Lange stated that another house near by has been considered as the new location, but negotiations are not final. He said the earliest the Centro could move would be April, and probably later than that. Dr. Lange stated that there is a possibility that additional funds will not be available, due to the budget problems with the State. Trustee Curtin suggested "dragging their feet" with the move, in order to try to determine whether or not there will be funds €or the Centro. February 19, 1992 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 NEW BUSINESS: a. b. C. d. e. Librarv Services and Construction Act and State Library Fundina Issues Dr. Lange referred to the letter from Gary Strong included in the packet which was to apprise the Library of steps being taken to avert the potential loss of Federal Library Services and Construction Act Title I funds for 1992/93. Status rewrt on SB 1230 Library Construction Bond Act Dr. Lange referred to the Memorandum from Michael Dillon to get the library bonds included in the bond package. He recommended that the Trustees write letters to the Governor to urge his support. President Trigas asked for a letter to be sent from the Library Board, with all their signatures. The consensus of the Board was to have this letter sent and letters thanking the local representatives for their continued support. Prormsal for a New Security Svstem for the Librarv Geoff Armour stated that staff wanted the video tapes secured, and that the present security system is not working. Items are being taken out the door at the present time, as the security system ie easily compromised. Mr. Armour said that requests for bids will be sent to three vendore, and the funds are in next year's budget. He explained how an electro- magnetic system would work and stated it is hoped to get this system installed in July of this year. New gates will be installed at the doors, but the most difficult part will be getting the collection tagged Promsed 1992-93 Librarv Ow ratina Budaet Dr. Lange recommended that the Board not spend time on going through the budget, as it is still subject to change. He explained that further cuts have been requested and it is now a question of where to cut. Geoff Armour stated that the collection materials could be curtailed, or the hours of operation could be cut. The consensus of the Library Board was to cut hours and leave the collection materials intact. President Trigas left the meeting at 4:45 p.m., and Trustee Martin assumed the Chair. Glendora on Satur dav. March 7. 1992 Dr. Lange asked any Board Members planning to attend this meeting to please let him know prior to February 24. : Califo LIBRARY DIRECTOR ' S REPORT : Dr. Lange stated that the City Manager had asked for a report on non-residents fees and cards, and he is working on that at the present time. February 19, 1992 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 4 FRIENDS OF TEE LIBRARY: Taffy Cannon reported the Friends cleared $3,300 on the book sale last month, and plan to hold sales three times a year. The next one will probably be held sometime in May, She reported that the ongoing sale of books and magazines ia going well. She explained a new program, "Plant a Book in a Young Mind" and said they hope to start a business and corporate membership drive. Me. Cannon commented that volunteer time has dropped, and that ie due to the younger women holding regular jobs and the other helpers getting too old to do the volunteer work. OENGALOO ICAL SOCIETY: No report. SERRA ADVISORY BOW: No report. PUBfiIC COIQIENT: There was no one preaent to address the Board on a non-agenda item. By proper motion, the Meeting of February 19, 1992, was adjourned at 4:58 p.m. Rwct fuJly submitted, U Minutes Clerk z pc z 0 H B 4 N H u ffi 0 w ffi GI 4 3 m H -3 z 30 2 H n I LSCA 7 Page 1 ' . :, - '< i California State Library Library SeMces and Construction Act Quarterly Report Narrative Quarter: Q First quarter - Oct, NOV, ~ec. Second quarter - Jan, Feb, Mar. 0 Third quarter - Apr, May, Jun. Fourth quarter - Jul, Aug, Sep. This report is due quarterty, thirty (30) days after each three month period of the project's duration. Submit three (3) copies, one with original signature to: California State Ubrary Fiscal Office - LSCA P.O. Box 942837 Sacramento, CA 942374001 Date: January 28, 1992 Grant Award ID #: 40-2251 1. Grantee : Carlsbad City Library Centro de Informaci6n 2 Project : 3. Describe significant events of this project report period. Relate activities to specific project objectives. Attach project statistics, pubiicity, publications, etc. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED PAGES CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Centro de Informacih LSCA Quarterly Report October - December 1991 Page IA 3. Describe significant events of this project report period. Relate activities to specific project objectives. Centro de Informaci6n Facility 1) On October 16, 1991, the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission unanimously approved the library's application for a Cyditional Use Permit to operate the Centro de Informacion in a small house on Harding Street in downtown Carlsbad. The city's Utilities and Maintenance Department and Information Systems Department, from mid-October to mid-November, handled the many improvements necessary to prepare the building for occupancy: installation of security doors and window bars, upgrading of electrical system, repair of heating system, installation of phone system, lighting, pest control, cleaning, etc. The city's Utilities and Maintenance staff is handling ongoing cleaning and maintenance of the facility. The Centro de Informaci6n staff spent two weeks preparing the facility to open: collection, arranging furniture, preparing interior signage, hanging posters,, etc. 5) The Centro de Informacion opened to the public on November 12, 1991. 6) On December 1, 1991, the property which the library leases for the Centro was sold to a new owner. The library had had no prior notice that a sale was anticipated. On December 21, the new property owner delivered a 30- day notice of eviction to the Centro. City Utilities and Maintenance managers and library managers met with the new property owner on December 26 to discuss options. City officials will continue to work with the property owner to resolve the situation. In the meantime, library officials are investigating other sites, should a move be necessary. - a. 2) 3) 4) arranging the 7) 8) - b. Patron Visits and Reaistrations 1) The Main Library staff, in the Reference, Children's, and Circulation Departments, informally noticed a marked increase in Hispanic patrons using the Main Library during this quarter. It is not possible to quantify the increase, since, of course, individual patrons are not counted by their ethnicity. Also, Hispanic patrons are using many different library resources, not just the Spanish language collections, CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Centro de Informacidn LSCA Quarterly Report October - December 1991 Page 2 so their increased use of the library may not be statistically obvious. registered through PFC, bringing the total number of patrons registered since July 1991 (when PFC registrations began) to 103. The Centro opened on November 12. Patron visits to the Centro from November 12 to December 31 numbered 913. 2) From October to December 1991, 80 new patrons were 3) Adults Teens Children Total November 88 55 188 331 December 128 88 366 582 Total 216 143 554 913 4) The most surprising aspect of patron visits to the Centro thus far has been the steady use of the facility by Spanish-speaking teens. In all of the planning for the Centro, a high use by teens was never anticipated. The library staff is very excited about this development. There is growing evidence of a need for a quiet place for teens to study and a need for Spanish- language resources and Spanish-speaking staff and tutors to help them with their studies. - c. Collection and Circulation 1) The library's Collections Coordinator and the Centro staff have allocated the funds available, both from the LSCA grant and from the library's own materials budget, to provide continued growth of Spanish-language resources at both the Centro and the Main Library. At the Main Library, special emphasis is being put on increasing the size and quality of the children's Spanish-language collection. 2) Library managers, division heads, and Centro staff decided that the Centro should be tied in with the rest of the library's computerized catalog and circulation system (Inlex). Therefore, all new materials being purchased are receiving full processing. Additionally, all materials previously processed for manual circulation were re-processed and entered into the Inlex database. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY centro de Informaci4n LSCA Quarterly Report October - December 1991 Page 3 3) A dedicated phone line was installed at the Centro for hook-up to the library's main computer system, and modems were ordered. The necessary hardware for hook-up with Inlex had not arrived by December 31, so during this quarter all circulation at the Centro was handled manually. this time period, the manual circulation system at the Centro necessitated that the categories for which circulation statistics were kept differed from those kept by computer at the Main Library. As soon as the Inlex system is in place at the Centro, circulation will not only be much easier but statistical analysis of which materials are being used at the Centro will be possible. 5) Circulation statistics for October to December 1991 are on the following page. 4) During CARLSBAD CITY LIBYY Centro de Informacion Page 4 LSCA Quarterly Report October - December 1991 CIRCULATION OF SPANISH-LANGUAGE MATERIALS October - December 1991 Oct. Nov . Dec . Total Main Library Adult Fiction 89 101 68 258 Adult Nonfiction 187 162 127 476 Children's Fiction 158 132 83 373 Childrenls Nonfiction 108 138 80 326 Total 542 533 358 1433 Oct . Nov . Dec. Total Centro (opened Nov. 12) Books Magazines Audio-Visual 167 367 534 22 40 62 20 30 50 --- Total 209 437 646 --- TOTAL SPANISH LANGUAGE MATERIALS CIRCULATION Main Library and Centro de Informacion October - December 1991 Books 2079 Magazines 62 Audio-Visual 50 Total 2191 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Centro de Informacidn Page 5 LSCA Quarterly Report October - December 1991 6) Comparing the circulation of Spanish materials during this quarter with the circulation during the same quarter in 1990: October - December 1990 1167 October - December 1991 2191 This is an increase of 87.7% over the same quarter last year. patron category in the Inlex system so that circulation at the Main Library to patrons who registered through the PFC effort can be tracked. 7) Fortunately, the library has been able to create a ITEMS CIRCULATED AT MAIN LIBRARY TO PATRONS REGISTERED THROUGH PFC October - December 1991 October 265 November 234 December 330 - Total 829 8) Combining the circulation to PFC-registered borrowers at the Main Library with the circulation at the Centro from October through December gives a picture of the direct impact of PFC efforts on circulation and patron use : PFC Circulation at Main: 829 Circulation at Centro: 646 Total - 1475 9) These figures suggest that the opening of the Centro has created not only a healthy circulation at the Centro but has also increased circulation at the Main Library to Hispanic residents. CARLSBAD CITY LIB=,Y Centro de Inf ormacion LSCA Quarterly Report October - December 1991 Page 6 - . Outreach and Public Relations 1) Planning Commission Hearing, October 16 Library staff prepared a bilingual flyer explaining the purpose of the Planning Commissionls hearing about the libraryls application for a Conditional Use Permit. Bilingual staff and volunteers distributed the flyers throughout the downtown neighborhood and invited residents to attend the commission meeting and voice their opinions. b) At the Planning Commission meeting, 17 adults and 7 children from the downtown neighborhood attended, These included Coalition members, neighbors of the proposed site, and children and adults who had been attending Spanish storyhours and informational programs. c) Six community residents, including three who spoke through a translator, told the Commission how much the Centro was needed in their neighborhood. d) Commissioners voiced how impressed and moved they were by the residents' testimony, and they approved the application unanimously. a) 2) ODen House, November 23 a) Over 100 people attended an Open House held to officially celebrate the opening of the Centro on November 23. Mayor Lewis, City Council Member Stanton, City Manager Patchett, and Assistant City Manager Mannen were all able to attend. Neighborhood residents, agency representatives, library staff, the PFC team from Whittier Library, and many others were also present. b) . Pollos Maria restaurant donated refreshments. 3) Media coverage With the opening of the Centro, the PFC program received strong newspaper coverage this quarter: -Blade-Citizen, 10/17/91: article and photo about approval of Conditional Use Permit. -HisDanos Unidos, 10/22/91: article about Spanish storyhour. -San Dieso Tribune, 10/24/91: article about approval of Conditional Use Permit. -Carlsbad Journal, 10/31/91: article and photo about approval of Conditional Use Permit. -Blade-Citizen, 11/13/91: article and photo about opening of Centro. -San Dieso Union, 11/14/91: article and photo about CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Centro de Informaci6n LSCA Quarterly Report October - December 1991 Page 7 opening of Centro. -San Dieao Tribune, 11/14/91: article about opening of Centro. -Carlsbad Journal, 11/14/91: listing of Pacific Bell donation to Centro in City Council Digest. -Carlsbad Journal, 11/14/91: article and photo about Dia de 10s Muertos display. -Carlsbad Journal, 11/21/91: article and photo about opening of Centro. -Carlsbad Journal, 11/21/91: editorial applauding opening of Centro. -Blade-Citizen, 11/23/91 announcement of Centro Open House. -Blade-Citizen, 11/24/91: photo of Open House. -Carlsbad Journal, 12/12/91: photo of Open House. -Blade-Citizen, 12/22/91: "Letters to Santa" contest winner. -San Dieso Tribune, 12/27/91: article about possible eviction. 4) Public relations in other Drint media a) City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department's fall activity catalog carried an article and photo about the opening of the Centro and the services it would offer. The article was in English and Spanish, the first time Spanish has been used in this publication. b) Flyers The library's monthly activity calendar began carrying the address, phone, and hours of the Centro. Monthly flyers giving information about Spanish storyhours and informational programs for adults were distributed through the elementary schools, at Lola's Market, and in other locations. In fact, one elementary school not previously receiving flyers called the Centro and requested that they be included in the future. Flyers were widely distributed advertising the Open House. A flyer giving the hours of the Centro was also distributed. Flyers advertising the Main Library's Club Bilingce activities were distributed through the schools. c) Bilingual invitations to the Open House were sent to all city officials, city departments, library CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Centro de Informacio'n LSCA Quarterly Report October - December 1991 Page 8 trustees, library staff, PFC libraries, Coalition members, partnership agencies, and the media. An announcement of the Open House appeared in the City Manager's newsletter of November 22. d) 5) Sianaae a) A monument sign was installed on the lawn in front of the Centro on November 22, in time for the Open House. eventually chosen for the Centro de Informacion effort. b) Signage indicating when the Centro is open, hours, etc. was installed. c) Inside the Centro, the staff created a very welcoming atmosphere, with the use of Spanish- language posters, labelling of shelves, and cultural decorations. Graphics on the sign inspired the logo 6) Loa0 a) After interviewing three local graphic design firms and obtaining bids, the library staff and the PFC Coalition chose Try-J Advertising to design the Centro's logo and stationery package. Fifteen logo designs were submitted by Try-J. Some of these were re-worked, and the library staff and Coalition made other suggestions. The final design chosen was, fortunately, the choice of everyone associated with the program: Coalition members, Centro staff, library trustees, and the Assistant City Manager. (Sample logo included in appendices) The design of a PFC logo for the library coincided with choosing a new logo for the entire library. Ideas developed during the PFC logo process will be used in design of an overall library logo. d) Stationery, business cards, imprinted pencils, and imprinted bookmarks for the Centro will include the new logo. resolution of whether the Centro will be moving or not. b) , management, library division heads, library c) Actual production is waiting on 7) Two photo albums, containing photos, clippings, and memorabilia of the PFC effort to date were prepared. 8) A letter describing the Centrols hours and services was CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Centro de Inf ormacidn LSCA Quarterly Report October - December 1991 Page 9 sent to all social, health, and educational agencies in the area when the Centro opened. Certificates of appreciation were sent to Pacific Bell, Fieldstone Corporation, and San Dieguito National Bank to thank them for their monetary donations to the Centro. 9) 10) Pacific Bell's donation of $750 to the Centro was presented to Mayor Lewis at the City Council meeting on November 12 by Pacific Bell's Community Relations Manager. cable channel. This event was also televised on the local 11) An International Festival was held at California State University, San Marcos, on October 27. The SER organization distributed information about the Centro at this event, along with information about other Hispanic services in the area. - e. Proarammincr and DisDlaYs 1) Displavs in the Main Library a) During October and November, a special display tellingiabout the Centro de Informacion was in a glass case by the circulation desk in the Main Library. b) During November, a display about Dfa de 10s Muertos was in the large wall display case in the Main Library. c) During December, the library's art wall was I devoted to displaying over 100 of the traditional "Ojos de Dios" decorations made by children during the Spanish storyhour and Club BilingGe at the Centro and the Main Library. 2) Club BilinsGe During the quarter, a new bilingual library clerk in the Main Library's Children's Department took over the semi-monthly Club de Ninos. The focus of this group was changed to an emphasis on instruction in use of library resources. The response from bilingual youth was very positive. Because those attending tended to be in upper elementary school and junior high, rather than small children, they chose to change the name of the group to "Club Bi1ingue.I' Department reports that attendance has been 30-40 youth every other Saturday. The Children's CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Centro de Informacih Page 10 LSCA Quarterly Report October - December 1991 3) Spanish Storyhours During October, the Centro staff organized several special events for the Spanish storyhours. included a Spanish-speaking magician, Spanish- These speaking clowns, a Halloween puppet show, and a Halloween party. Each storyhour included books read to the children tied in with the theme for the day. both children and adults. The Headstart program children and parents attended the puppet show. Because Halloween fell on a storyhour day, the Centro staff arranged for the children to trick- or-treat at nearby offices and businesses. The city's Parks and Recreation offices, Jack-in-the- Box, and Pollos Maria restaurant all had treats for the children. During the holiday season, the Centro staff was able to give each child at the Spanish storyhour a gift book to keep, thanks to generous donations from Fieldstone Corporation and San Dieguito National Bank. ~ The special programs proved popular with Attendance at Spanish storyhours for the quarter: Children 325 Adults 68 4) Library tour The Centro and Children's staff gave children and teachers of Carlsbad's Home Headstart program a tour and introduction to the Main Library's children's services. 5) "Letters to Santa" contest a. The Centro staff read about the "Letters to Santa" contest in the Blade-Citizen. They asked the newspaper if letters could be written in Spanish. Since none of the judges could read Spanish, the newspaper said that Spanish letters would need to be translated. The Centro staff encouraged children coming to the Centro to write letters. The staff translated those written in Spanish. b. Amanda Lissette Valdez, from the Centro, won third place in the contest, and her letter--in English and Spanish--was published in the newspaper, with her photo. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRAR,Y Centro de Inf ormacion LSCA Quarterly Report October - December 1991 Page 11 - f. Translations 1) 2) Translation of the community services directory was completed, and copies were printed and distributed. All of the Inlex screens appearing on the on-line public access catalog in the Main Library and Branch were translated into Spanish. Previously, the Inlex terminals had had Spanish screens provided by Inlex, but the translation was so poor that the Spanish screens were not of use. 3) The library brochure explaining how to use the Inlex system was translated into Spanish. 4) A bilingual flyer summarizing library services was prepared and distributed. Staff On December 20, 1991, the library's Community Relations Manager moved out of state. This position is under a hiring freeze, so a replacement cannot be hired for an undetermined length of time. The previous Community Relations Manager had done the bulk of the translating of library publications, had arranged for library displays, had handled contacting media and writing press releases, and had solicited donations to the library. Her responsibilities will have to be divided among remaining staff, which will probably slow the translation and public relations efforts. _. h. Library Policies and Procedures the Centro, library technical services staff have been worlcing with the Centro staff to establish procedures and policies that will benefit Centro patrons and also be consistent with Main Library practices. Some examples include length of borrowing period, fines and overdue notices, and treatment of audio-visual materials. 2) The Centro staff, Main Library children's staff, and library management met to discuss how the Centro and the Children's Department can work more closely to benefit Spanish-speaking children. One decision was to combine into one flyer information about Spanish storyhours at the Centro and information about the Club Bilingfie, to emphasize that both are library-sponsored. 1) In anticipation of installation of an Inlex terminal at CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Centro de Informaci6n LSCA Quarterly Report October - December 1991 Page 12 - i. Oncroinq Needs Assessment and Evaluation In November, the library's Collections Coordinator surveyed patrons at the Main Library, Branch Library, and Centro to find out if patrons were finding the materials they sought. Statistics of the survey of 20 patrons at the Centro were: Title fill rate 50% (% of titles sought that were found) (% of specific subjects or authors sought that were found) (% of patrons who found something of interest during visit) (% of patrons who asked staff for assistance during visit) Subject/author fill rate 17 % Browser fill rate 100% Asked for assistance 96% The low title, subject, and author fill rates reflect the small size of the Centro collection. When the Inlex terminal is installed, Centro patrons will be able to see what is available at the Main and Branch libraries, and the Centro staff may be able to reserve materials or have materials transferred so that more patrons' needs are met. Perhaps the most significant statistic is that showing how many patrons at each site surveyed asked staff for assistance. The comparisons are: ASKED STAFF FOR ASSISTANCE Main 39% Branch 46% Centro 96% This comparison shows that a majority of patrons at the Main and Branch libraries are finding what they need without asking staff for assistance. In contrast, virtually every Centro patron is asking for assistance. The personalized guidance available at the Centro, in Spanish, cannot now be duplicated at the Main Library, where staff are already stretched to the limit and very few speak Spanish. The implication is that it may take quite some time for the Centro patrons to make the transition to using the Main Library, with its very different style of self-help. The CARLSBAD CITY LIBYY Centro de Informacion LSCA Quarterly Report October - December 1991 Page 13 library will need to give serious consideration to these results. j, Communitv Coalition As always, the Community Coalition continued to be actively involved in the planning and implementation of the Centro program. Coalition members spoke at the Planning Commission, helped plan and host the Open House, helped choose the logo, and helped publicize all the Centro's activities. The Coalition continued to meet monthly at Lola's Market. Corporate donations a) Pacific Bell donated $750 to the Centro to use as b) Fieldstone Corporation donated $200 and San needed. Dieguito National Bank donated $100 to purchase Spanish-language storybooks to give to the children attending the Spanish storyhour during the holiday season. Pollos Marta restaurant donated refreshments during the Open House. c) Individual donations Private individuals in the community donated a television, a VCR, and a refrigerator to the Centro. Citv contributions The City of Carlsbad supplied most of the Centro's furniture from its warehouse inventory, a new phone answering machine, and the labor for upgrading the facility and its ongoing cleaning and maintenance. Consultations Library staff were consulted by representatives of Hospice and North County Interfaith Council about Hispanic needs in the community and the model of the Centro de Informacion. Human service asencies The Centro staff continues to work closely with service agencies and schools, making referrals, distributing agency literature, arranging for programs. Increasingly, agencies are calling the Centro--rather than the opposite--to ask about making presentations at the Centro. CARLOBAD CITY LIBRARY Centro de Inf ormacidn LSCA Quarterly Report October - December 1991 Page 14 _. 1. Interaction with State Library November 7-9, Assistant Library Director Geoff Armour, Adult Learning Program Coordinator Lynda Jones, and community partner Ofelia Escobedo attended a PFC workshop in San Francisco. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Centro de 1nformaci6n LSCA Quarterly Report October - December 1991 Page 15 4. Outline planned activities for the next quarter. Note if these differ from activities proposed in the application for this period. _. a. Facility City and library officials will continue to meet with the property owner to try to resolve whether the Centro can stay in its present location or not. possible sites or options will also be explored as necessary. Other - b. Collection and Circulation 1) The Inlex terminal will be installed at the Centro, allowing immediate issuance of library cards, automated circulation, and access to records of the Main and Branch Library collections (access by staff, not public). 2) New shelving will be ordered, and collections in the Main Library rearranged. collections for children and adults will be relocated to give them much-needed space and to display them in a more accessible location. The Spanish ._ c. Outreach and Public Relations 1) Tours of the Centro will be conducted for MiraCosta College's evening English-as-a-Second- Language classes and for elementary school bilingual classes. As soon as new Spanish-language videos are , processed at the Main Library, an annotated list will be prepared and distributed. As soon as a decision is reached about the Centro's location, stationery, business cards, imprinted pencils, imprinted bookmarks, and descriptive brochures can be produced, including the new logo. 2) 3) - a. Procrramminq and Displays 1) 2) A new Readers Club will begin on Saturdays at the Centro. Informational programs for adults will resume and be held at the Centro. These were not held over the holiday season when many families returned to Mexico. continue to be made. New contacts with community agencies will CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Centro de Inf ormaci6n LSCA Quarterly Report October - December 1991 Page 16 3) Bilingual volunteers from V.I.T.A. will be at the Centro on a regular basis to help Spanish-speaking residents with their income tax forms. _. e. Translations The overdue notice produced by the library's current circulation system computer will be studied and translated as appropriate for the Centro's patrons. - f. Oncroinu Needs Assessment and Evaluation Patrons using the Centro and also persons not yet using the Centro (such as ESL class participants) will be surveyed about what programming and resources they would like to have at the Centro. 5. Note if the project is on schedule as described and approved Y either box is checked no, describe within budget as approved what corrective actions are being taken. Yes no Yes no 6. Note any other present constraints or problems foreseen that may affect the outcome of the project. How can such problems be overcome? 1. The change in ownership of the building in which the Centro is housed has raised some questions about whether the Centro will be able to stay in its present location. City officials are working with the library and the property owner to resolve these questions. The library is also exploring alternative sites. 2. The library ' s Community Relations Manager moved out-of-state the end of December. This position, along with all other vacant city positions, is now under a hiring freeze. The loss of this person, who did much of the translation of library publications into Spanish and handled all press releases and other public relations, will undoubtedly slow the library's translation and public relations efforts related to PFC. Coordinator, Adult Learninu Prncrram or@mpieting report (619) 434-2998 Telephone d 'a). -. 'F g. E: a 7 01 C .o .d 0 (d E $4 0 C a a a " z zf H u E: u t3 40 $4 3L) C a U x P u (d $4 IJ h u .rl U a (d P v1 rl u (d U 2 .. al al u E: " k t3 0. d 0) B .. .. z us EU Q)" E 2b rl sr m Fm a \Q) ak m m a Ion co m N " i I I I I E- l urn I w- ! i I' I I W'U- Lr; k* wn- 3 3 15- I GO I el- l I I I I 1 a- I IPN I Pi- I I Y m co 4 I m m \D om Q) Q) N a CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY LIBRARY-COURTS BUILDING P.O. BOX 942837 SACRAMENTO, CA 94237-0001 MEMORANDUM Vs/ TELEPHONE: (916) 445-2585 TO: California Public Library Directors FROM: Gary E. Strong California State Librarian DATE December 13, 1991 I want to apprise you of steps being taken to avert the potential loss of federal Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA) Title I funds for 1992/1993. Please forgive this memorandum form, which saves time over individually addressed letters. As you may know, the entire program of public library service grants under LSCA Title I, including MURL and PFC, is in jeopardy for the coming year due to new federal regulations. The State must now show a maintenance of effort (MOE) in its assistance to local public libraries, and because of current economic conditions and State budget cutbacks, this is something we cannot do. As one example, the Public Library Fund (PLF) of direct State grants to public libraries went from $20 million in 1989 to $16 million in 1990 to $10 million in 1991. On the federal level, I have just sent individual letters to each of our 45-member Congressional delegation, itemizing every current LSCA project or award made in his or her district. I have also alerted them to the coming problem with Title I in 1992/93. Your Representative may be contacting you about this situation. I have not copied each of you with the letter sent, because of the considerable clerical task this entails. If anyone does wish a copy of the letter sent to a Representative, I will be glad to supply it on request. Additionally, I have requested of the federal Department of Education a waiver for a second year of the MOE requirements for Title I. At the time we were granted the waiver and received this year’s funds, we were told that granting of a second waiver for similar reasons, the economic downturn, would be problematic. It is not yet clear what additional documentation the federal government will require in order to consider a second waiver; but we will supply everything we can, when we can. -2- On the State level, I have submitted Budget Change Proposals for increase of PLF and for CLSA and other State-funded activities that would help our MOE problem with the federal government. It will not be known if any of them are accepted until we see the Governor’s budget. Even if successful, those remedies would affect the 1993/94 year, not 1992/93 which is our current problem. It may be that we will have to seek direct relief from Congress. If any of you is on close terms with a Representative, or one of our Senators, and think he or she could be of help in this situation, I would be glad to hear from you. I will send further news about the Title I situation when I have something to report.-- -As previously noted, LSCA Titles I1 and 111 are not affected, and we should get our 1992 allotment fir those without difficulty. GES:CCmt M#&LSCA.memo CITY OF CARLSBAD DEP A RTM EN1 SUMMA AY 1992-93 BUDGET Personnd Maintenance/ Operation 1,939,233 1,812,100 940,244 881,450 ACCOUNTNoS- 4010 thru 4070 ! 1,953,782 884,595 Capital Outlay Grand Total 22,700 2,902,177 20,000 18,000 2,7 13,550 2,856,377 Positions 34 34 WORK PROGRAM The Carlsbad City Library provides educational, informational, and recreational services for all community residents; provides both print and non-print materials that respond to the interests and needs of a diverse population; provides convenient access and adequate space for users and resources; and promotes a broad awareness of the library and its services. The library contributes to the enrichment of Carlsbad's citizens by supporting lifelong learning and the pursuit of knowledge. 34 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES To cut general fund expenditures, the California Library Services Act state grant will be used to fund the following 1992-93 budgets: -Branch maintenance and operations: $ 81,600 -Adult and branch circulating book budgets: 153,000 -All branch and main library audio materials: 27,400 GENERAL FUND BUDGET SUMMARY FY 1991-92 FY 1992-93 % CHANGE General Fund Budget (does not $2,638,103 $2,506,877 -5 include grants and video insurance). 2. Personnel Maintenance/ mer at Ion CIlY OF CARLS8AO 1992-93 8UffiR PROGRAM SUMMARY 1 364,102 334,000 335,777 242,440 231,000 233,395 FUND. Library PROGRAM Administration ACCOUNTNO. 001-4010 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES Budget Preparation and Fund Accounting: 1. Refine automated fund accounting Prepare department budget; process invoices, system and on-order information. warrants and requisitions; monitor 2. Monitor and distribute to all expenditures; and maintain fiscal records. divisions up-to-date account balances. Strategic Planning: Develop long-range plans 1. Work with city staff and con- for new and expanded library services, tractors to construct the new resources and facilities to meet current library in south Carlsbad. and future needs. 2. Complete staffing plan for new Community Relations: Manage programs, exhibits, 1. Work closely with local media graphic arts and all external public relations. services. system. to promote the library and its 2. Sponsor at least one program anc arrange for at least three exhibits per month. other graphics for the library and other city departments. Reports and Grants: Handle grants and reports 1. Prepare detailed monthly stat- at local and state levels. istics on library use. 3. Produce flyers, newsletters, anc 2. Write quarterly and annual reports for state and local use. 3. Manage grants for special pro- grams supported by state and federal funding. 1 Grand Total 606,542 I I I I Capital Outlay 565,000 569,172 Positions 7 7 7 WORK PROGRAM Provide leadership for the library and its ten divisions; plans for the growth of resources and facilities; manage all budget and fiscal matters; and coordinate relations with local and state government, the Library Board, the Friends of the Library, and the Serra Cooperative Library System. 3. Internal Management: Provide leadership for I. Supervise the library's ten the library's divisions and for the Cultural operational divisions. Arts Office. 2. Manage the use of facilities and re sources . governing all library operations. 3. Develop policies and procedures LIBRARY DIRECTOR ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST GRAPHIC ARTIST * - SECRETARY I1 ACCOUNT CLERK 11 MESSENGER Sub-Total: Part Time Overtime Disability & Unemployment Retirement Worker's Compensation Health & Life Insurance Medicare iota1 Positions, Salaries & Benefits CITY OF CARLSBAD , 1992-93 BUDGET PERSONNEL DETAIL RAM: ADMINI 256.100 30,900 2,633 42,727 1,049 1 27;652 3,041 364,102 :ON 238, 000 31 ,000 2,000 39,000 1 to00 22,000 1,OOO 334, 000 IO. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 7 ACCT NO: 001-40-10 - 7 1992-93 Budget Amount 85,000 59,000 29,000 34,000 25,000 b 232,000 32,000 2,746 35,441 1,049 31,178 363 335,777 4. 5. CrrV OF CARLSBAD 1992-93 BUOGET MAINTENANCE AND opmnm DETAIL rn NO 2111 2112 2114 21 17 2210 2220 2 240 2320 2420 2479 2490 2520 2530 255C 2660 2940 - -RAM: Administration ACCT. NO: 4010 ACCUUN I DESCRlPnON Vehicle Maintenance Vehicle Replacement Xerox Charges Data Processing Heat & Light TeleCmications Water Office Equipment Rental Office Equipment Maintenance Misc. Professional Services Misc. Outside Services Dues Postage Office Supplies Special Departmental Supplies Travel 7931-92 CURRENT 8,515 7,600 2,000 92,415 45 , 000 28,310 5,000 3,000 12,000 6,700 5,000 1,000 9,000 8 , 000 6 , 000 2 , 900 242 , 440 ExPTmF 111192 4,221 3,795 1,146 47,547 17,097 12,488 2,359 1,247 3,111 6,543 906 . 390 8,550 3,928 1,924 1,337 116,589 1491;92 ESTIMATE 8,000 7,000 2,000 92,000 42,000 28,000 5,000 3,000 9,000 7,000 2,000 1,000 9,000 8,000 6,000 2,000 ____L 231,000 1992-93 REQUEST 9,277 7,818 2,000 30,000 42,000 30,000 5,000 3,000 9,000 6,700 2,000 1,000 9,000 9,000 6,000 1,600 -~ !33,395 6. I Clpl OF CAALSBAD 1m2-w BUObET TRAVEL DETAIL 1 Long Beach LOS geles IS igeles irious I 500 100 00 00 PcKH1M: Library - Adminismtion ACCT NO, 401 0 1992-93 ; 1~~~~~~~~~ TRAM on MEETINQ aPmsE DESTINATION BUOGET California Libraiy Association Annual Conf, orence , November 14-17, 1992 Director will attend. Director serves as Treasurer of City Librarians Chapter. League of California Cities Annual Conference October, 1992 Director serves on the Executive Cornittee of the Recreation, Parks, and Cornunity Services Department. League of California Cities Recreation, Parks and Cornunity Services Fxecutive Committee meetings. Three one day meetings and 2-day Comunity Sewices Conference in Los Angeles area. Administrative staff--local travel for attendance at Serra Cooperative Library System meetings, and local workshops, training sessions. TOTAL TRAVEL CITY OF CARLSBAO PROGRAM SUMMARY 1992-93 BUDGET Personnel 297 I 925 268 , 700 Maintenance/ Operation 5 , 900 6 , 000 Capital Outlay Grand Total Positions 303 , 825 254 , 700 3 3 I I i 108,217 5 , 500 ~ 213,717 3 )ROGRAM ACTIVITIES : ;enera1 Circulation: Check out and check-in all print tnc‘ non-print materials; sort incoming materials in >reparation for shelvinG; open, close and maintain rideo and book drops. )atron Maintenance: !or fines and fees collected; handle registrations and :e-registrations and re-registrations for all library isers . Process delinquencies md accounts leserves and Deliveries: Handle reserve notices for naterials ?laced on hold; maintain a hold shelf for Iistribution of items reserved, and receive, sort and route deliveries of materials to and from other .ibraries. 88-89 89-90 90-91 Circulation Totals 840,494 894,655 921,517 Library Cards Processed 12,907 12,798 13,258 Patron Modifications 51 , 572 37,894 35,975 Reserve Notices Processed 8,667 9,162 9,632 Video Circulation 138,549 140,593 134,041 CITY OF CARLS8AD PERSONNEL DETAIL 1992-93 BUDGET 1 8. ACCT NO: JBF!ARY ASSISTANT I11 JIBRARY ASSISTANT I JBRARY ASSISTANT I1 Sub-To tal: Part Time Overtime Disability & Unemployment Retirement Worker's Compensation Health & Life insurance 'otal Positions, Salaries & Benefits RAM: CIRcCn 1891-82 Current . Amount 82 I 000 174,000 1,373 13,184 223 ' 13,165 13,980 297,925 --..- 1991- *;: Estimata Amount 170 , 000 400 12 I 000 300 13,500 11 -40-2 1 1992-93 m-1 , Amount 34,000 26,000 29,000 89,000 182,000 1 I 728 13,596 223 la I784 2,886 308,217 9. FUND: 001 ZT NO 7 - !660 CITY OF CARLSBAD MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION DETAIL 1992-93 BUDGET PROGRAM: CIRCULATION - DESCRlFTlON Special Departmental Supplies 1991 -92 CURRENT 5,900 5,900 €xms7F 111192 4,849 4,849 ACCT.NO 4021 1991 -92 ESTIMATE 6,000 6,000 1992-93 REQUEST 5,500 10. CITY OF CARLSAD 1892-93 BUDGET TRAVEL DETAIL FUNO: 001 pIK)Qw: CIRCULATION DESCRIPTIONOF TRAM OF1 MMlNO MPENSE TO cover expense of attending seminars and Serra meetings for circulation staff. I 1 TOTAL TRAVEL ACCT NO. ESTlNATlON lrarious 100 - 100 11. PerwnnJ Maintenancd Operatjon Capital Outlay CI'TV Of CARLSBAD PROGRAM SUMMARY 1992-93 BUDGET 298 I 932 262 , 000 285 , 394 140,400 134,200 127,000 439,332 5 Grand Total Positions PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: 396 , 200 412,394 5 5 General Reference: telephoned reference questions; place holds on books; provide library instruction and tours; select new materials; give book talks for camunity groups. Respond to in-person and Interlibrary Loan: Send to and receive from other libraries requests for books, microfilm, and photocopies. Periodicals: newspapers and 44 newsletters. the public to retrieve back issues. Manage a collection of 673 magazines, 45 Handle requests from Online Sed-: data base searches for the general public as well as instruction in the use of self-service computer data bases. average about two hours per request and are a fee-based service generating over $4,000 per year. Provide ready reference and in-depth Individual searches using mltiple data bases WORKLOAD MEASURES 88-89 89-90 90-91 - Reference Questions 66,394 71 , 806 74 , 826 Interlibrary Loans 5,419 5,310 3,375 Intra Library Reserves 826 i.,m 2; 358 Periodical Requests 38 , 336 47,278 48 , 852 Online Searches Paid 272 196 189* FAX Transmissions & Receptic 31 430 854 *Decrease in paid online searches due to CD-ROM self-service data base usage. LIBRARIAN I1 LIBRARIAN I LIBRARY ASSISTANT 1- Sub-Total: Part Time Overtime Disability 6 Unemployment Retirement Worker's Compensation Health & Life Insurance ked icare/Soc ial Secur i tv 'otal Positions, Salaries 6 Benefits CITY OF CARLSBAD 1992-93 BUDGET PERSONNEL DETAIL ~~ 172 , 000 73,000 2 735 27 , 346 759 \ 17,029 6,063 298,932 2 1 1 - 5 - e3 5 - ~~ 148 I 000 68 , 000 800 26,000 800 17,000 1.400 262,000 ACCT NO: 0 1 -40-2 2 1992-93 -%Pt Amount 46,000 76 000 33,000 155,000 77 000 2,717 23,678 759 25 I 210 1.030 ~~ ~ 285,394 12. CIN OF CARLSBAD MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION DETAIL 1992-93 BUDGET 8,000 LOO, 000 2,000 24,000 200 FUND: 001 PROGRAM: REFERENCE SERVICES ACCT. NO 4022 m NO - - 2479 2 520 2660 2671 2 940 - - - ACm DESCRlPnON Misc. Professional Services (online) Dues & Subscriptions Special Departmental Supplies Books & Publications Travel mnse HA I IUN 1991 -92 CURRENT 8,000 106,200 1,800 24,000 400 s Ob 1 I1 I92 4,464 8,405 1,732 9,470 63 140,400 I 64,134 1991 -92 ESTIMATE ~~ 134 , 200 1992-93 REQUEST 7,000 93,800 2,000 24,000 200 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1982-43 BUOGET TRAVEL OETAIL I Tar i ous JND: Am: 001 REFERENCE SERVICES ACCT NO 4037 ' 1992-93 ; ESCRIPTIONOF IRA- OCI MEETING MPENSE eference staff of four full time professional librarians will attend erra Library System meetings, seminars and workshops. fSTlNATlON I 200 15. Personnel Maintenancel Operation Capital Outlay Grand Total Posit ions DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY 70,752 75,283 71,800 77,115 12,700 20,500 20,400 20,400 1 I 4 1,500 84,952 95,783 92,200 97,515 1 1 1 1 CrrV OF CARLSBAD PROGRAM SUMMARY 1992-93 8UDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: General Reference Services: Respond to in-person and telephone reference requests: provide Library instruction and tours: give talks to visiting Southern California groups. Coordination with NSDCGS: The North San Diego County Genealogical Society has acted as a support group for this collection for 16 years. will coordinate with and assist NSDCGS with fund raisers, acquisition of materials, program planning and train- ing of researchers. This Division PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES : 1. Register 10,000 researchers. 2. Process 14,000 inquiries. 3. Plan and hold orientations for visiting groups. 1. Develop bi-monthly training classes for beginning geneal- ogists. 2. Plan and assist with six major fund raisers. 3. Advise a NSDCGS cornittee on selection of materials for proper collection development. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. LIBRARIAN I11 Sub-total: Part Time Overtime Disability h Unemployment Retirement Worker's Compensation Health & Life Insurance !fedicare/Social Security ~ ~~ rota1 Positions, Salaries & Benefits 'RC - fa 1 - CITY OF CARLSBAO PERSONNEL DETAIL 1992-93 BUDGET RAM: GENE?d -c 45 too0 [ 16,000 642 7 , 325 200 4,892 1,224 1 1 75,283 XAL HISMRY 44,000 15,000 100 7,400 200 5,000 100 71,800 ACCT NO: 11-40-23 1992-93 mdget , Amount 47,000 47 t 000 16 800 736 7,180 200 4,967 232 77,115 16. 17. DEPT: LIBRARY FUND: GENERAL -E 252C CITY OF CARLSBAD 1992-93 BUDGET MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION DETAIL ACCd131oT DESCRlPnON Dues and subscriptions. Trave 1 AL MAIN 1 tNAm (L -HA I IUN 1991 -92 CURRENT 20 I300 200 20 I500 m?PTmT 111192 13,513 1991 -92 ESTIMATE 20,300 100 20 1300 100 CKY Of CARLSBAD 1992-93 BUDGET' DEFT: LIBRARY PROGRAM: GENEALOGY/LOCAL HI STORY MPUNAnm 18. ACCT NO.: 001-4023 2520 (Dues and Subscriptions) Includes $20,300 for the annual subscription to Genealogy 8, Local History on microfiche, which is produced three times a year by University Microfilms Inc. This program began in 1979. Clarlsbad City Library holds a complete run of the material which is of great value to the researcher as UMI draws on the resources of the Newberry Library in Chicago, the Widener Library at Harvard University, the New York City Public Library, and the University of Illinois at Urbana. 13. ESCRIPTIONOF TRAVEL OR MEmNQ MPENSE 1 DEPT: LIBRARY 1 1002-e3 + LSTlNATlON 1 BUOGR 1 I I CllY OF CARLSAD 1-2-93 WOGET TRAVEL DETAIL - 100 - Ittendance at conferences and lectures in Southern California. Dates ind locations not established. TOTAL TRAVEL CITY Of CARLSBAD 1992-93 BUffiO PROGRAM SUMMARY FUND: 001 Mw. Children Is Services ACCOU~ NO. 001-4030 20. 1990-91 1991 -92 1991-92 1992-93 BUDOET CURRENT ESTIMATE REQUEST Perronnd WORK PROGRAM: To sewe children from preschool through Junior High, the children's library introduces young people to the wonders of reading: provides library skills classes, group tours, reading incentive programs and activities that educate or encourage creativity. The division also assists teachers and adult students in education, child development and children's literature courses. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES : GENERAL, REFERENCE SERVICES: Respond to in-person and telephone questions, provide readers advisory, library skills instruction, and group tours. C ..;LECTION DEVRXIPMENT: Select new materials both print and non-printr and provide collection maintenance and stack organization. an unusual peak last year due to area libraries being closed, but the trend is upward. There was PROGRAM ACTIVITIES AND SPECIAL SERVICES: Summer Reading Club, special holiday and seasonal events. Annual short story contest, spelling beer pet showr and educational and cultural enrichnent programs. Regular storyhour and story reading programs to introduce children to literature and encourage creativity. WORKLOAD MEASURES 88-89 89-90 90-9 1 Reference Questions: 29 643 30 I 844 36 I 387 Circulation: 169 I 369 154,376 190,791 Programs: 35 1 238 . 226. Program Attendance: 21,227 20,566 10,134* *Format change in storyhours required registration and limits attendance. Programs held in the library where space also limits attendance. DEPT: LIBRARY LIBRARIAN I11 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I1 LIBRARIAN I1 Sub-Total: Part Time Overtime 3isability & Unemployment Retirement Norker's Compensation 4ealth & Life Insurance *dicare/Social Security 'otal Positions, Salaries h Benefits 'RC - la 1 1 1 i. 3 - 3 CITY OF CARLSBAO 1992-93 BUDGET PERSONNEL DETAIL RAM: CHILDR 74 , 000 51,000 1,151 1.2 , 208 328 3,902 ' 8,373 ~ 150,962 I's I@. 1 1 1 - ERVICES 100142 Estimate Amount 72,000 51,000 400 12,000 350 8,400 1,400 145,550 IO. 1 1 1 I ACCT NO: mdoet Amount 46,000 32,000 78 ,000 53 I 500 1 I 357 11,916 328 8,533 740 154,374 FUND: 001 F 2520 660 67 1 672 940 - - - CITY OF CARLSBAO 1992-93 BUDGET MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION DETAIL PROGRAM: Children's Services ACCT. NO 4030 AC- OESCRlPnON Dues & Subscriptions Special Departmental Supplies Books and Publications Audio Visual Travel Expense 1991 -92 CURRENT 3,100 3 , 000 24,500 3,700 2 50 34 550 ExnmF 1 It I92 413 613 3,434 374 128 3,962 1991 -92 ESTIMATE 3,000 3,000 !4,000 3,500 2 50 REQUEST 3,000 1 4,500 180-8 101 200 1- -3. IESCRlPTIONOf TRAVEL OR MEflINCI MPENSE CITY Of CARLSAD 1992-93 BUOOET TRAVEL DRAIL OESTlNATlON 1 BUDGET I Serra Children's Services Cornittee and YA Cornittee meetings, 1 I Local travel to schools and city facilities for programs, meetings,school visits and businesses. seminars and workshops and author luncheon. Registration and lunch. 1 nperial ,unties 10 '1. Prrsonnd 317,265 308 I 400 345,713 Maintrnancd Operation 96 I 800 94 , 300 86 , 100 COY OF CARLSBAD 1882-93 BUOOR PROGRAM SUMMARY Capital Outlay "D: 00 1 PROORAM: Technical Services ACCOUNTNO. 4040 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES : WORKLOAD MEASURES: 88-89 89-90 90-9 1 Processinq: The division catalogs and Items Cataloged & Processed: processes both purchased items and gifts. 13,695 15,644 16,641 The division also repairs damaged materials and arranges for binding and rebinding. Items Sent for Binding: 2,689 3,045 2,585 Database Maintenance: The division adds new items to the online database and deletes Items Withdrawn: information for lost or discarded materials. . 8,063 8,947 14 I 645 Circulation System and Online Catalog: division operates the library's INLEX 3000 PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: The system, including all software related activities, writes instructions, and trains 1. To ensure system availability staff . (uptime) at least 99% of hours the library is open. 2. following INLEX software updates. To conduct two training sessions CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL DRAIL 1992-93 BUDGET DEPT: LIBRARY LIBRARIAN I11 LIBRARIAN I1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT CLERK TYPIST * I1 Sub-Total: Part Time Overtime Disability & Unemployment Retirement Worker's Compensation Health 6. Life Insurance Medicare ITotaI Positions, Salaries & Benefits ?AM: TECHNIC Current Amount: 1981 -92 224,000 24,300 3,604 36,953 1,139 1 23,742 3,527 317,265 NICES 1991 -92 Estimate Amount 220 ,000 24 000 1,000 37 , 000 1,100 24,000 1,300 308 , 400 10. - 1 2 4 1 ACCT NO: 001-40-40 I 1992-93 Budget Amount 44,000 74,000 124,000 242 , 000 25 t 500 5,068 41,402 1,139 29,167 1,437 345 t 71 3 FUND: Ool m NO - - !540 !660 !940 - - CITY OF CAALSBAD 1992-93 BUDGET MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION DETAIL PROGRAM: Technical Services ACCT. NO: 4040 Print i ng Special Departmental Supplies Travel mnse 1991 -92 CURRENT :5,500 '0,000 1,300 16,800 EXPASDF 111192 ,238 ,957 832 15,027 1991 -92 ESTIMATE 25,000 68,000 1,300 94,300 1992-93 REQUEST 25,000 60,000 1,100 CITY OF CARLS6AD 1982-93 BUDGET TRAVEL DETAIL I INLEX Users Group, December 1992 (2 attendees) This annual conference for libraries using INLEX includes hands-on training with new software, workshops on such topics as library FUND: 001 P(I0QAMI: Technical Services ACCT NO. 4040 DESCRIPTIONOF TRAM OR MEETING MPENSE j 1092-93 DESTINATION BUDG!3 I I California L€brary Association/Technical Services Chapter Workshops This group schedules 4 to 6 workshops a year on various aspects of technical services, such as cataloging and automation. TOTAL TRAVEL 3n t erey 4 outhern A )OO 2 00 CFN OF CARLSBAO 1892-93 BUDGET PROGRAM SUMMARY 28. FUND: 001 PFIOORAM: COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT ACCOUMNO. 4041 1990-91 1991 -92 1991 -92 1992-93 Pwsonnd I WORK PROGRAM: Coordinate the selection of materials and plan collection developrent for the library. Allocate and monitor all materials budgets for the library. materials budgets for the library. materials. Allocate and monitor all Order and receive all print and non-print PROGRAM ACTIVITIES : Planninq: of materials. Develop plans for the collection Budqetinq: Prepare departmental and library- wide materials budgets; monitor expenditures for department and materials. Coordinate Selection of Materials: Coordinate selection and ordering of print and non-print materials. PERFORMANCE OBJECTTVES: 1. 1. 1. 2. Plan collection developnent for two libraries in the new systen Detail material accounts by major subjects. Coordinate purchase of materials With $400,000 . capital budget for new library, Coordinate selection and order- ing of print and non-print materials in operating budget. LIBRARIAN I11 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I1 Sub-Total: Dart Time 3vertime 3isability & Unemployment Wirement Norker's Compensation iealth & Life Insurance [edicare otal Positions, Salaries & Benefits CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL DETAIL 1992-93 BUDGET RAM: CouEc, Current Amount 1901 -92 70 , 000 1,108 11,068 150 I 7,230 550 90,106 Estimate Amount 68 , 000 400 11,400 150 7,200 300 87,450 ACCT NO: 01-40-4 1 1 992-93 Budget Amount 44,000 32,000 76,000 1,328 11,305 150 7,156 638 96,577 '9. FUND: 001 300 m NO - 2660 2672 2940 = - GIN OF CARLSBAD 1992-93 BUDGET MAINTENANCE AND oPEmnoN DETAIL ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ Special Departmental Supplies Audio Visual Materials Travel 1991 -92 CURRENT 500 18,000 200 18,700 -ExmmsF 111192 43 7,116 -- 7,159 1991 -92 ESTIMATE 200 18,000 100 18,300 200 100 CITY OF CARLSBAO BUDGET MPUNATlON 1992-93 BUOGR 2672 - AV Materials $18,000 audio materials budget transferred to CLSA grant (180-820-8101-2672). CITY OF CARLWAD 108243 BUDGET TRAVEL DETAIL ! FUND: 001 PIKKIRASJ: COLLECTION DEVEtOPMENT IESCRIPTIONOF TRAM OR MEmlNQ MPENSE Contingency for mileage for area meetings if no city car is available. TOTALTRAVa ;an liego lounty 100 CJTY OF CARLSBAO 1982-93 BUOGET PROGRAM SUMMARY PermnnJ 69 I 635 64 I 700 Ma~ntonacd Operatlot! 23 I 500 22 I 800 33. 70 I 419 23,100 Capital Outlay Grand Total 93 I 135 a7 I 500 93,519 1 1 Positions WORK PROGRAM 1 Media Services provides a wide range of professional media production in support of city departments' communication needs. Services include photographics, video, audio, publication illustration, sync-slide shows, and developing and maintaining locally relevant stock image collections. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES Public Information Media: Produce city-related photographics, video and audio information for distribution to newspapers, magazines, local publications, radio,. TV and other inter-city uses. Image Research & Development: Develop and maintain a fully indexed city image retrieval and storage system for slides, prints, negatives, video, and audio. Media Production Development: Provide audio, video, & photographic media services for the preservation and documentation of such locally signficant information as oral history, historical photos/documents, and displays/exhibits of city activities. WORKLOAD MEASURES Media Projects Produced: 88-89 89-90 90-91 138 175 208 PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES 1. Maintain a comprehensive data based image organization . system for 27,000 slides and 7,200 prints. 2. Input image index data & file retrieval to automate system. 1. Create city related media productions in support of city goals and objectives. 2. Participate in local and regional civic service organ- izations for the purpose of generating media productions. '4EDIA SERVICES MANAGER Sub-Total: Part Time 3vertime Disability & Unemployment Wirement Norker's Compensation lealth & Life Insurance &dic;re/Social Security 'otal Positions, Salaries (I Benefits CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL DnAlL 1992-93 BUDGET RAM: MEDIA ! 1991-92 Current Amount: 50 000 8,000 360 8,138 196 ' 2,329 61 2 69,635 IO. 1 - ES 1981-92 Estlmate Amount 1 48,000 6 000 I, 64,700 IO. 1 - ' 34. ACCT NO: 11 -40-52 1992-93 Budget Amount 51,000 51,000 8,500 368 7,791 196 2,464 100 70,419 FUND: 001 TxmimF 111192 m NO - !330 M20 !479 2660 2940 - - - GIN OF CARLSBAD MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OETAlL 1992-93 BUDGET PROGRAM: MEDIA SERVICES ACCm DESCRlPnON ~~ ~~ Other Machinery & Equipment Rental Office Equipment Maintenance Miscellaneous Professional Services Special Departmntal Supplies Travel Expense 1991 -92 CURRENT 500 700 700 21,300 300 23,500 -- 422 590 7,700 76 8 788 ACC7.NO: 4052 1991-92 ESTIMATE 200 7 00 700 1 to00 200 22 800 200 700 700 :1,300 200 23 100 CITY OF CARLWAD 1881-83 BUOGR TRAVEL OflAIL 36. )€SCRIPTIONOF TRAVEL OCI MERINQ MPENSE Media Services Manager is requirzd to attend anti document city and related comnity events. Expenses will include in-service training and trade workshops in the Southern California area to keep informed of nex techniques. City vehicle is not always available. STINATION i I - irious 00 CITY Of CARLSBAO PROQRAM SUMMARY 1992-93 BUDOET -- 31. PCloaRAM: ADULTLEAFWING ACCOUNTNO. 4060 1990-91 1991-92 1991-82 1992-93 I nRK PROGRAM: I'he Adult Learning Program is the library's adult literacy service. It provides individual tutoring for English-speaking adults who need to improve their basic reading, writing and math skills in order to function effectively in daily life, achieve personal goals and take advantage of society's opportunities. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES : Tutorinq: for 80-100 adults who need to improve their basic reading, writing and math skills. individual study plan for the learner, using a variety of methods and materials. and supports volunteer tutors. The program provides free one-to-one tutoring Staff develops an The program trains Commmity Awareness and Referrals: The program increases comity awareness and involvement in literacy through use of the local media, public speaking, and the cooperative public relations strategies of the San Diego County Literacy Network. Library Adult Learners Collection: develops and maintains a library collection of over The program 1800 v6lumes, appropriate for adult interests and written azt lower reading levels. WORKLOAD MEASURES 88-89 89-90 90-91 Learners Instructed 158 154 152 Tutors Trained 88 96 101 Tutors Instructinq : 132 i 34 143 Potential Learner Inquiries 146 159 157 . Potential Learners Referred Elsewhere 136 147 174 Potential volunteer Insuiric 240 274 296 Items Circulated 2,893 3,168 3,818 LIBRARIAN I11 CLERK TYPIST I1 Sub-Total: Pan Time Overtime Disability & Unemployment Retiremen< Worker's Compensation Health & Life Insurance 'otal Positions, Salaries & Benefits CITY OF CARLSBAO PERSONNEL DETAIL 1992-93 BUDGET 65,000 1,000 10,417 278 ' 7,062 1991 -92 Wmate 62,000 300 10 , 500 300 7 , 200 80,300 ACCT NO: 11-40-60 1992-93 1 hwt Amount 44,000 25,000 69,000 1,187 10,389 278 4,511 85,365 'KCF NO - - 220 3 50 420 550 551 660 67 1 940 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1992-93 BUDGET MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION DETAIL PROGRAM: ADULT LEAWING ACCT. NO: $060 Telephone Property Rental 3ffice Eq-uipnt Maintenance 3ffice Supplies 3ffice Furniture & Equipment special Departmental Supplies Books & Publications rravel - I 1991 -92 CURRENT ~~ ~ - 1,880 19,600 1 / 000 1,000 500 1,300 1,500 200 26,980 ExPxuF 111192 180 11,416 75 188 950 749 372 -- 13,930 1991-92 ESTIMATE 1,000 19,600 500 700 l,ooO 1,200 1,000 100 25,100 1992-93 REQUEST 1,000 20 600 1 IO00 900 400 1,000 1,500 100 4 26,500 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1992-93 BUDGET BUDGET EXPUNATION 2220 2350 Anticipate 5% increase in rent. 2420 Telephone expense has dropped since joined city system. Cost of maintenance contracts for new copier, typewriters an? computers. Clpl OF CARLSBAD TRAVEL DETAIL 1992-83 euoan >EXRIPTIONOF TRAM OA MEETING MPENSE Miscellaneous fees (e.g. parking) associated with regional literacy metings and vorkshops. 41. ACCT NO. 4060 1992-93 1 ESTINATION I :an liego' :ounty UOGR ~ 100 100 CnV OF CARLWAD PROORAM SUMMARY i 992-93 euwn "a 001 PflOORMkLibrary-LaCos ta Branch ACCOUNTNO. 4070 1990-81 1991 -92 1891-92 1992-93 PormnJ WORK PROGRAM: services include print and non-print materials, reference servi.?s, special programs for children and monthly changes in exhibits and displays. The Branch Library provides services for South Carlsbad. These PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES Reference: library, answer reference questions, reserve Reference Questions: specific titles and request materials frm 9,796 11,792 16,553 other libraries. Circulation: Circulate print and non-print 148,669 174,259 203,550 materials to children and adults, handlepatron registration, collect fees and fines and track Total Volumes: overdue items. 28,698 32,012 33,372 88/89 89/90 90/91 Assist patrons in using the Circulation: Collection Developnt: EMluate the Program Attendance: , and non-print materials. Proqrakinq: Plan, schedule and develop 1. Schedule & supervise staff programs for children. branch collection, select and order print 9,796 8,099 5,465* PERFORMANCE MEASURES: 2. Hire 8, train new staff 3. Prepare monthly narrative and Library Manaqement: 1) Manage Branch library, statistical reports staff, collection, and facility. 2) Maintain 4. Actively maintain a current - awareness of camunity. topical- print and non-print media collection. 5. Maintain a safe/efficient facility 6. Survey the needs of and interact with members of the comunity. *. * This figure is reduced because'of the loss of the Branch Meeting Room. Adult programs can no longer be scheduled and children's programs are kept to very small groups. CITY OF CARLSBAD 1992-93 BUDGET PERSONNEL DETAIL LIBRARY ASSISTANT I11 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I S u b-Tot al: Part Time 3vertime %ability & Unemployment Wrement Norker's Compensation iealth 6 Life Insurance Iledicare/Social Security otal Positions, Salaries & Benefits IRAM: BRANC] 1891 -92 Current Amount 105,000 994 9 , 603 259 1 7,014 8,396 I 191'266 $RY 1891 -92 Estlmata , Amount 103,000 300 10,000 300 7 , 200 I 1,400 2 I 180,200 IO. 1 1 - ACCT NO: 01-40-70 1992-93 Budget Amount 38 , 000 27,000 I - 2 65 , 000 110,000 1,184 9,777 259 7,111 1,500 2 194,831 FUND: 001 4,400 6,000 -- .o ,000 2,000 -- 5,000 200 m NO - - 2210 2350 2490 2520 2660 2671 2672 2940 - - - CITY OF CARLSBAD 1992-93 BUDGET MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION DETAIL PFIOGAAM: Library-Branch ACCm DE SCRl WlON Heat and light Property Rental Miscellaneous Outside Services Dues and Supscriptions Special Departmental Supplies Books and Publications A.V. Materials Travel 1991 -92 CURRENT ~~ - ~ 4,400 66,000 700 10,000 2,100 -- 5,700 200 89,100 2,154 5,087 -- 1,534 754 -- 1,657 -- 42,186 1991 -92 ESTIMATE 87,600 I 1992-93 ’ REQUEST -I CITY OF CARLSBAD BUOGR EXPUNATION 1992-93 BUOOET I I 1 Entire La Costa Branch ME0 budget has been transferred to the library's I CLSA grant (180-820-8101-). I I i Cm Of CARLSBAD 1992-93 BUOaR PFIOORAM SUMMARY 46. t #KIQW. A.V. Insurance ACCO~,J~NO. 141-4051 FUND. 141 1990191 1991 -92 1991-82 1992-93 BUDQET CURRENT ESTIMATE REOUEST PwmnJ WORK PROGRAM: Special revenue fund to support video collection replacement and related supplies , processing, and equipment. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Collection Developnent: Evaluating, selecting and ordering new and replacement videotapes. Technical Processing: Monitoring necessary cataloging/processing services for videotapes from outside vendor. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: 1. To make entire collection of over 10,000 videos accessible to the public. 2. To implement interim retrieval and delivery plan for all videos in storage. 3. To implement a new shelving layout in the mainslibrary so that most of the video collection can be directly accessed by the pub1 ic . RIND: 141 1992-93 I REQUEST m NO - - 2 19C 2475 266C 2672 - - - CITY OF CARLSBAO MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION DETAIL ,1992-93 BUDGET‘ PROGRAM. A.V. Insurance ACCUClNT DESCRIPTION ~~~ ~~ Misc. Services - Other Departments Misc. Professional Services Special Departmental Supplies AudioVisual Materials 1991 -92 CURRENT 5 , 674 20 ,000 40,000 65,674 BmmF 111192 25,930 1991 -92 ESTlMATE 56,674 47, j0,OOO 48. CITY OF CARLSBAD 1992-93 BUffiET BUOGET EXPUNATION A.V. Insurance 14 1 2660 - Special Departmental Supplies Cases for new videotapes, labels,and other supplies related to maintenance of the collection. CITY Of CARLMAD 1892-83 BUWET PROORAM SUMMARY 49. FUND: 180 -RAM: CLSA Grant ACCOUNTNO. 180-8101 1WO-81 1991 -82 1091 -82 1992-93 ESTlMATE REQUEST BUWET CURRENT 1 I PorsonnJ I Mainlonancll Operation 153,000 150,000 262,000 I 1 I I I I I WORK PROGRAM: Projected reimbursements from the California State Library to the city for loans of materials to non-residents. formula. Payment is based on a reciprocal usage PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: Reimbursement funds are used to assist in the cost of library operations. Funds will be used to purchase adult fiction and non-fiction books for the main library and for all Branch M&O. Offsets General Fund. 50 NO FUND: 180 OE!XRIPnON CllY OF CARLSBAO MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Di3AIL 1992-93 warn 2210 2350 2520 2660 2671 2672 PFIOGRAM: CLSA Grant ACCT. NO. 180-8 10 1 Heat 8, Light Property Rental Dues 8 Subscriptions Special Departmental Supplies Books & Publications A.V. Materials 2940 Travel 1991 -92 CURRENT 153,000 AS OF 1 1991-92 1 1992-93 1/1/92 57,684 ~~ 57,684 ESTIMATE I REQUEST .SO, 000 4,400 5 I 000 0,000 2 IO00 83 000 7,400 200 !62 I 000 51. 00 I CITY Of CARLSaAO 1-43 BUOCiET TRAVEL DETAIL PROGRAM: CLSA Grant I IESCRIPTIONOF TRAVEL oa MEETINQ MPENSE eranch Staff will attend appropriate meetings, workshops and seminars at main library and in San Diego County TOTAL TRAVEL .,CCT NO 180-8101 STINATION irious 200 52. FUND: 180 -RAM: Public Library Rrnd Grant A~~N~o. 180-8110 1990-91 1991-92 1091 -92 1992-93 BUDGET CURRENT ESTIMATE REOUEST WORK PROGRAM: The California Public Library Fund Act provides an annual per capita grant to public library jurisdictions provided they meet the maintenance of effort requirement (no cuts in general fund support from previous fiscal year). PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES : Various special projects 1. Install new security system to provide reliable protection for both print & non-print resources. 2. Purchase a microfiche catalog of the library's database for use as a backup during any systems down time..' Crry OF CARLSBAD 1992-93 BUWET MAINTENANCE AND OpErnnoN DETAIL Public Library Fund FUN& 180 PROORAM: Grant KEE NO 247' 2661 DESCRIPTION ~ Mise. Professional Services Special Departmental Supplies =Tmr CURRENT - 111192 -- 5.3. ACCT. NO: 180-8110 REQUEST 6,500 3,000 9,500 CIW Of CARLSBAO CAPlTAL DETAIL 1992-93 euwn 1991 -82 CUR- Electro-Magnetic security system to replace current radio frequency system. System will include a double-wide gate at the main library's East entry and single-wide gates at the main library's West door and at the branch, a total of three gates. 1991-82 ESTIMATE Electro-Magnetic system will provide much greater security for books and audiovisual materials and will be especially important for videotapes, which are planned for an open shelving arrangement. new library. System will be relocated to the MJT. NO. 180-81 10 .8 , 000 18;OOO CIM OF CARLSBAD 1992-93 BUOGET BUDGET DBUNATIOIY Fund: 180 Proqram: PLF Grant Acct. No. 180-8110 2479 - Misc Professional Services $6,500 for production of microfiche catalog of library database. used in event system goes down, to provide public access to library holdings. Will be 2660 - Departmental Supplies $3,000 for pulsed tags to be placed on or into. selected print and non-print items for use with electromagnetic security system. Budget will also include various magnetic stamps and mats used to de-tune items to allow them to pass through the security gates when properly checked out. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS January 1992 CIRCULATION STATISTICS Jan. Jan. 1991 1992 % Chanae MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials 53 , 029 58,877 + 11 Video Tapes 10,110 9,095 - 10 Audio Visual Equipment 9 24 +167 Total MAIN LIBRARY 63,148 67,996 +8 BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials 15,960 18,041 + 13 Video Tapes 2.412 3,069 + 27 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 18,372 21,110 + 15 TOTAL CIRCULATION 81,520 89,106 +9 ............................. REFERENCE OUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Genealogy Adult Children's Online Searches 1,172 1,368 6,780 6,978 2,414 2,482 9 13 Total MAIN LIBRARY 10,375 10,841 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 1,566 2,523 TOTAL QUESTIONS 11,941 13,364 ............................. - PEOPLE COUNTER (Daily Average) Main Library 1,768 1,881 Branch Library 539 579 TOTAL 2,307 2,460 + 17 +3 +3 + 44 +4 + 61 + 12 +6 - +7 +7 ............................. Jan. Jan. 1991 1992 % Chanse ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs Children's Programs TOTAL 231 25 - a9 1,130 569 - 50 1,361 594 - 56 .............................. Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad 128 17 8 + 39 265 424 + 60 89 113 + 27 93 128 + 3a ............................. NEW REGISTRATIONS Main Library Branch TOTAL 1,017 1,108 +9 234 255 +9 1,251 1,363 +9 2 c c 0 b d d 0 d d . 0 (v m d 0 d . . In co 0 b 0 W co . d b e e d rl . . IA w w R 4 v) w 2; n cr 0 m d 0 FJ N 0 tl -