HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-05-13; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE O? MEETING: Way 13, 1992 PUCE OP MEETING: City Council Conference Room TINE OF UEETIWO: 3:OO P.11. CALL TO ORDER2 President Trigas called the meeting to\ order at 3:OO P.M. ROLL CAI& I Present: President Trigas, Library Board Trueteee Cooper, Martin, Woodward Also Present Were: Clifford Lange, Library Director and Curtin. Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Lynda Jones, Coordinator, Adult Learning Program Ap_pRovAcg!: On motion by Library Board Trustee Woodward, the minutes of the April 15, 1992 meeting were approved with the following correction: The Genealogical Society yard sale made $825, not S125. AYES : Trigas, Cooper, Martin, Woodward ABSTAIN 8 Curtin COWWI!CTEE REPORTS I a. Buildina and Grounds President Trigas stated she would defer to Item a under Old Business. b. Budaet Trustee Martin stated the City Manager restored the suggested ten-hour cut in the library hours. The State is trying to take some revenues from the City, such as vehicle in lieu fees, and if this happens Carlsbad will be in real trouble. C. Per sonne I No report. d. Youth Trustee Woodward reported there were 21 children's programs in April. One of the most exciting was the Easter Egg Hunt, with over 200 parents and children participating. Trustee Woodward eaid he wanted to express thanks to the Friends of the Library for their continuing help with donations to make these programs possible. April was the last month for story hours until September because of the Summer Reading Program. Storytime will still be in effect, but the etaff will have to work harder because there will be cutbacks in other libraries and because of that the Carlsbad Library will have a larger attendance. May 13, 1992 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 OLD BUSINESS: a. New Buildincr UDdate Director Lange said he and Assistant Director Armour spent time with the City Manager and the Strategic Planning Group, and presented the six options for the planning of the new library. Director Lange was asked to come up with other options and he said he and Assistant Director Armour and library division heads are working on coming up with three or four new options to present to the City Manager. Director Lange stated the major goal is to build the building. The money is available for construction of the building; what has to be done is to figure out the issues of operating costs. He and the staff are reevaluating everything we do, why we do it, and how we do it. The staff is busy looking at priorities and working from there. One option (Option 4) is to close this building for a year after the new building is completed in 1994 and have interim service in the parking lot, then reopen in 1995. Another option is to build the new building but only operate the main floor and maintain the Cole Library as is, with some minor cosmetic remodeling. The fourth option is to build the building, use it, do some remodeling at Cole and do what we had planned to do on a smaller scale. The issue is how many people it will take to staff the two buildings. Another recommendation is to build the building and move into the ground floor. Assistant Director Armour said we either move into the ground floor of the new building, or use the whole building and operate the Cole with reduced hours. We are also looking into the possibility of using volunteers for the Information Desk at the new library, rather than using two employees as originally planned. Trustee Curtin suggested using library technician students as interns instead of paid employees. President Trigas asked for a special meeting to finalize these decisions after the numbers are in place. Assistant Director Armour said the numbers will be ready in draft form next week and it was agreed that a special meeting of the Library Board would be held on Wednesday, May 27 at 3:OO P.M. in the City Council Conference Room. b. Centro de Informacion UDdate and Remrt on PartnershiDs for Chancre Work s hoD Director Lange said the Centro is still operating in the Harding Community Center on a temporary basis but we have had no word from the State Library on the availability of funds for next year. The application for State funds will go to council for approval on June 2. Assistant Director Armour said the word he got from the State was that they are optimistic that their waiver application will be approved. Lynda Jones stated the Centro could operate another year even without the grant money. They would like to make the move into another facility by August. There will be enough money for rent out of this year's funds and PLF money could be used for salaries for next year. President Trigas thought we should wait to be sure of the funding before moving into a new facility since a promise had been made to Council that no City money would be used €or this program. Director Lange agreed that we can not make a final commitment at this point. Assistant Director Armour said that if we have not heard anything from the State by the end of June we will then go to council with the May 13, 1992 C. LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 plan of using PLF funds. Assistant Director Armour gave a report on the Partnerships for Change Workshop that he, Director Lange, and other members of the library staff attended. It was a two-day workshop sponsored by the State Library, with just three libraries attending--Whittier Public Library, Kern County Public Library, and Carlsbad. The subject matter dealt with change in the community and with people who do not speak English. It was an outstanding workshop, led by an excellent facilitator. Lynda Jones stated that staff will be exchanged between the library and the Centrro so they will be known by patrons in both facilities. She also said we want to hire the facilitator to come here for two one-day workshops for other city departments and for other boards, commissions, council members, etc. Librarv Position Modification and Reclassification Aaenda Bill, This agenda bill will go to council on June 2. It puts into place the Teraonnel recommendations of David Smith's study. It does not, however, 'ea1 with staffing of the new library. On motion by Trustee Curtin and econded by Trustee Cooper, the agenda bill was approved as presented. d. Budaet Status Remrt This report was presented under Item 3b. NEW BUSINESS: a. Online Searchina Fees Assistant Director Armour stated that clients are charged only for the used. He recommended that two fees be added: a pre-search fee of $5.00 covering staff time used and another fee of $5.00 for two days for the loan of AV equipment. We have never charged for these services but many other libraries do. Assistant Director Armour pointed out that the money does not go to the library, but would go to the city's general fund since the amount is too small to warrant a separate account number being set up by Finance. President Trigas suggested charging $5.00 a day instead of $5.00 for two days, and adding it to the AV insurance account instead of putting it into the city's general fund. On motion by Trustee Woodward and seconded by Trustee Martin, it was decided to charge patrons $5.00 for online pre-search and $5.00 a day for the loan of AV equipment. This will take effect July 1, 1992. b. Board ParticiDation in Communitv Services Committee President Trigas said she was going to make an appointment by seniority. Since she and Trustee Cooper would be leaving the Board in June they could not take the position on the Community Services Committee. Both Trustees Curtin and Martin declined. Therefore, Trustee Woodward was appointed. Trustee Curtin left at 4:05 P.M. to attend another meeting. C. Julv 4 Holiday Director Lange said he had done a little informal survey of other libraries and found that Oceanside and Chula Vista were both closing on Friday, July 3 and Saturday, July 4. Escondido Library is closing on May 13, 1992 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEE; Page 4 the 4th, but staying open on the 3rd. Since the legal holiday is July 3 this year, Director Lange suggested the Carlsbad City Library be closed both July 3 and July 4. On motion by Trustee Cooper, seconded by Trustee Martin, the closing of the library on both days was approved. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Lange reported that we now have the dial-up catalog available for the public. ins. These came in at all hours of the day and night. The Serra System won the John Cotton Dana Public Relations Award for the Summer Reading Program last year. was sent in for the award. Technical Services has reported that during April they had 711 dial- Jane11 Cannon put together the book that Bill Richmond applied €or grants from the Foundation for Carlsbad Community Television. We have received $4200 to finish the editing on the documentary on the building of the :ew library. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Director Lange announced the next Friends Book Sale will be Saturday, May 30, from 9:00 A.M. to 2:OO P.M. on the lawn in front of the library. The newaletter will be going out in a week or so giving this information. Director Lange announced that about six or seven businesses have responded to the Friends business membership campaign and the Plant A Book program has been very successful. The general meeting of the Friends will be held on June 27 at the Senior Center. There will be an art auction the same day, with a preview scheduled for 10:30 A.M. The actual auction will start at 11 o'clock. They will be auctioning off their pictures that used to be available for loan at the library. OEmALoQ Y SOCIETY: No report. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: Trustee Cooper advised they will meet next week. awarded to Serra library/committee applicants. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no one present to address the board on a non-agenda item. ADJO- t By proper motion, the meeting of May 13, 1992 was adjourned at 4:15 P.M. mt f ull y submitted, $2000 in grants will be 'Pamela A. Batho Secretary Califo- ms For Changg Proeram Cycle 2, Spring 1992 Workshops Whittler Central Library A Partner: Bonnie Weber, B Partner: Ivonne Arreola C Partner: Marlene Mendez Martel, community Parfner Children’s Services Supervisor Branch library Staff: Margaret Donnellan Patricia M. Beck Barbara Cote Martha M. Hidalgo Lynette Low Betty Diesen Diana Erickson Cathy Garcia Edward Montaus Diane M. Orosz Julie Padilla Dean Rowan Olga Ruiz Sylvia Saenz Maria mora Carlsbad City Main Library A Partner: Geoff Armour, Assistant B Partner: Lynda L. Jones, Library Director Coordinator, Adult Learning Program C Partner: Ofelia Escobedo, community Partner Branch library Staff: Callie Ahrens Cathi Berchiolli Charlene Kennedy Cliff Lange John Quartarone Linda Roth MarySasso Lizeth Simonson Penny Thompson Susan Simpson te J ,ibw For we Procam Cycle 2, Spring 1992 Workshops Lamont Branch Library A Partner: Kristie Coons, Adult Collection & A.V. Services Librarian B Partner: Doris Weddell, C Partner: Linda Borunda, Branch Supervisor community Partner Branch Library Staff: Guadalupe Adame Carol Brown Juan Contreras Sherry Gomez Wanda Gonzales Louann Nickerson Maria Sandoval Barbara Swanson Workshop Sc h e d u I e Partnerships for Change Community Library Service Grants Program Cycle 2, Spring 1992-Day 2 California State Library I ,- ,.e Partnersh im for Chanee/Ge neral Information Cycle 2, Spring 1992 Workshops mice Grants Pro ram Workshop Topics rn Getting a clearer picture of your library’s local population. w Learning ways to make library users more comfortable when they visit your library. rn Learning how to communicate with those who have limited English speaking ability when you have limited Spanish (or other language) speaking ability. rn Understanding how to work with community agencies to better identify and meet the information needs of target-group users. material to better serve your library’s ethnic community. rn Developing ways to use the PFC PartnershiDs for ChanPe/General Information Communitv Librarv Service Grants Program Cycle 2, Spring 1992 Workshops Cluster Workshop Schedule Library Staff and PFC Team Training Session Time 8:30-9:30 am 9:30 - 1200 noon 1:OO pm 3:OO pm 3:30 pm Activity Registration & Continental Breakfast Welcome PFC Background Demographics & their implications Cultural awareness exercises Catered Lunch Concurrent Learning Labs: Linguistic Issues, Environmental Issues and Problem Solving/Sharing Wrap-up and Evaluation Adjourn Partnershim for Channe/General Information Communitv Librarv Service Grants Program Cycle 2, Spring 1992 Workshops Cycle 2 Training Team Rafael Gonzalez Cycle 2 Training Coordinator Rafael Gonzalez has worked for over 13 years with cities, government agencies and private industry providing consultation in organization development, leadership and human development. He brings a special focus of organization change and multicultural training to his work. His skills include: w Organizational Development and Team Building; rn Building Effective Pluralistic Organizations; rn Communications Strategies; w Leadership and Career w Effective Negotiation; rn Valuing Diversity Training; and rn Training of Trainers. A noted lecturer and dynamic speaker on the subject of Valuing Diversity, Rafael has lectured, consulted and trained inter- nationally and in more than 30 states. He received his M.S.W. in Organizational and Clinical Social :Work from California State University, San Jose. Development; Elissa Maas Cycle 2 Trainer Elissa Maas is a principal consultant with EMRG Consulting Group, bringing 17 years of experience in: rn Strategic Quality Planning; rn Marketing and Community Communications; Leadership Training; and Organizational Development. Before establishing her own company, Elissa worked both in the public and private sectors. She was administrator for public health services and children’s services for two counties in California and served as chief marketing officer for a proprietary hospital. During these years, she developed and carried out service and marketing plans, program evaluations, multi-agency service agreements and community involvement strategies. With EMRG Consulting Group, Elissa has helped clients develop and implement strategic plans, marketing and community relations programs, and organizational change efforts. Current and past clients include: San Juan Unified School District; Tulare County Relations; w Partnershius for Chanpe/General Information Communitv Library Se mice Grants Proeram Cycle 2, Spring 1992 Workshops Department of Education; Levi Strauss & CO.; EPIC Healthcare Corp.; Community Development Commission of Los Angeles County; Clovis Unified School District; City of Fontana; and California Interscholastic Federation. Elissa has served eight years on a local school board and understands first hand how the political process can influence organizational decision making. Elissa is a frequent presenter in the areas of strategic planning, leadership development, and stakeholder involvement in decision making. Elissa received her B.A. in Sociology from the University of California, Riverside, and she received her M.P.H. from UCLA. Robin Hardy Publications Manager & Exhibits Trainer Robin has over 12 years of experience as an award-winning graphic designer. Her clients come from the public, private and nonprofit sectors and include: the California State Library Foundation; the California School Boards Association; the California Office of Tourism; Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency; the California Energy Commission; the California Senate and Assembly; and River Oaks Child Development Center. Robin has a B.A. in Art and Design from the University of California at Davis and she serves on the Board of Directors for the Sacramento Ad Club. Shelly Keller Public Relations Training Coordinator, Cycle 1 81 2 Shelly is a marketing and communications specialist with over 15 years of experience with businesses, associations and state government. Her specialties include: strategic marketing and planning; advertising and public relations; event planning and publicity; publication design; and client research. Her clients currently include: the California State Library Foundation; the California Office of Tourism; Community Resource Project, Inc.; Sacramento City Recycling; the California Energy Commission; and Nissan of North America. Shelly has a B.S. in Consumer Economics from the University of Maryland and is listed in Marquis’ Who’s Who of American Women and Who‘s Who of Emerging Leaders in America. Shelly is also a member of the American Library Association, the California State Library Foundation, the American Association of University Women, and the Sacramento Ad Club. partnershius for Chanee/General Information Communitv Librarv Service Grants Procram Cycle 2, Spring 1992 Workshops Craig Martinez Creative Director & Exhibits Trainer Craig has eight years of professional design experience with emphasis on logo design and illustration. Craig became partner at Marrtinez/Hardy in January 1992. He is the primary illustrator for Martinez/Hardy Design and his design techniques include pencil, pen-and-ink, watercolor and air- brush. Craig has designed logos for the Sacramento Conservation Corps and the Mexican-American Veterans Memorial campaign, and Partnerships for Change posters and brochures. He designed the PFC calendar, “America’s First People’’ (full-color portraits of American Indians in native outfits), which received gold and merit awards from Sacramento Advertising Club. Craig has a B.S. in Design from the University of California at Davis. Ann Roos Kania Graphic Designer & Exhibits Trainer Ann Kania is the newest member of the Martinez/Hardy staff. She has been a graphic designer with several other Sacramento and San Francisco design firms, as well as production artist for Sacramento City College. typography, corporate identity packages, and publication design. Her recent projects at Martinez/ Hardy include work on Partnerships for Change training manuals, and a Public Relations and Graphics Standards Manual for Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency. Ann is a graduate of the California College of Arts and Crafts - San Francisco/Oakland. She is also Assistant Vice-president of the Sacramento Art Directors and Artists Club. Her specialties include Mary Tuma Mc Adam Workshop Coordinator Mary is an independent consultant specializing in leadership development and team building. She has over eighteen years of human resources and organization development experience. She served as Corporate Director of Education and Training for a major health corporation and as Conference and Meeting Planner for Gary Brown Associates, Computers in Health Care, and the University of California, Los Angeles. She designs and delivers leadership development seminars throughout the Western United States and instructs courses through Partnershius for ChanPe/General Information y Cycle 2, Spring 1992 Workshops the University of San Francisco, St. Mary’s College, and Golden Gate University. Since 1978, Mary has been an active member of the American Society for Training and Development, a national professional association representing 50,000 members worldwide. She served as President of The Sacramento Chapter and now contributes to the development of senior training and organization development professionals in the Northern California region. Mary completed a Bachelor of Arts with full majors in Philosophy, German, and Interpersonal Communications at the University of the Pacific; a Master of Arts in Group Dynamics at the University of the Pacific; and a Master of Public Administration in Health Services Administration at the University of San Francisco. Her postgraduate education focuses on leadership development, change agency, and team building. Mary also enjoys international travel, swimming, music, ancient languages and mythology. Rose -Marie Kennedy Guest Presenter Rose-Marie Kennedy is Deputy County Librarian, Head of Branches and Extension Services for Contra Costa County Library System where she has worked 19 years. She has five years‘ experience as Library Community Services Coordinator with management responsibilities for the detention facility library program, literacy program and the community information program (BAIRS). She has written and secured 15 grants during the last five years including the Partnerships For Change grant for the Pinole Library: “Library Service to Filipino-Americans”. range planning project and has transmitted the training provided through PFC to all branch librarians, management staff and library commissioners who have recently completed a needs assessment process that included 62 focus groups, 125 key informant interviews, 10,000 library surveys and 695 newspaper surveys. Rose-Marie currently chairs the PLA-MLS ”Service to Multicultural Populations” committee and the CLA Library Service to Special Populations Chapter. She is currently involved in a long form Service Grants Pr- Cycle 2, Spring 1992 Workshops Amado M. Padilla Trainer Dr. Padilla is Professor of Psychological Studies in Education in the School of Education at Stanford University. He is also the Chairperson of the School's Program in Language, Literacy, and Culture. His current research interests include first and second language literacy and education; effects of acculturative stress and psy- chological well-being on social functioning of immigrants, including school age populations; and social issues in child and adolescent development. He has directed several national research center projects, including the UCLA Center for Language Education and Research, and the Spanish Speaking Mental Health Research Center. Dr. Padilla is the author of numerous publications; listed among his books are: (1980); Acculturation (1980); Chicano Ethnicity (1987); Invitation to Psychology (1989); Bilingual Education (1990); and Foreign Language Education (1990). He is also founding editor of the Hispanic fournal of Behaviral sciences. Crossing Cultures in Therapy Dr. Padilla is a Fellow of the American Psychological Associa- tion, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is also a member of the National Research Council Committee on Child Development Research and Public Policy. Dr. Padilla authored the Partnerships for Change volume, Public L&ra y Smices for Immigrant Populations in California, published by the California State Library Foundation. . - .- Partnerships for Change/General Information Community Library Service Grants Program Cycle 2, Spring 1992 Workshops Statewide Evaluation Team Evaluation and Training Institute Cheryl Stecher Project Director Cheryl Stecher, Ph.D., is a Director at the Evaluation and Training Institute, specializing in program evaluation and management consulting services. Her areas of expertise include research design and statistics, management reviews, and cost/ benefit analyses. Dr. Stecher's clients have included the California Community Colleges, the California Department of Education and various counties and city departments throughout the state. Cheryl will serve as overall director to the statewide evaluation. Michael Rubin Project Manager Michael Rubin, a Project Manager at the Evaluation and Training Institute, has coordinated numerous research and evaluation studies. His areas of specialization include program evaluation for academic partnerships between secondary schools and postsecondary education institutions. Michael will serve as day-to-day manager of all statewide evaluation project activities. Chris Browne Research Associate Chris is a Research Associate at the Evaluation and Training Institute (ETI). He has participated in En's major program evaluations, including studies for the California Community Colleges and Los Angeles Community Development Department. Chris will assist the evaluation through his participation in on-site visits and analyzing program data. May 1, 1992 TO : DEBBIE NEVILLE, SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST FROM: Assistant Library Director PROPOSED NEW FEES FOR LIBRARY Contingent on Library Board approval at their meeting of May 13, 1992, the following new fees are recommended for FY 1992-93: 1. 2. $5 presearch fee for online searching. $5 loan fee for audiovisual equipment. Justification Currently, patrons pay only direct line charges for computer time used. These charges vary considerably but average about $15 per search. The proposed $5 presearch fee would be in addition to any line charges and would partially cover staff time. Staff time averages about one hour per search, which includes meeting with the patron, developing search strategies, and doing the actual search. Users of online search services tend to be fairly sophisticated and are often people doing academic or business related research. Staff estimates the presearch fee would bring in about $1,000 per year in added revenue. done in FY 1990-91, There were 189 online searches To date there has not been a fee for borrowing audiovisual equipment. The library loans slide projectors, overhead projectors, and screens. These are most often used by private businesses or by teachers. such equipment privately generally costs $15-$25 per day, depending on the type of equipment. The $5 fee for a two day loan would cover the small amount of staff time needed for processing as well as equipment maintenance. in revenue per year. There were 424 such loans in FY 1990-91 Renting Staff estimates this new fee would bring in about $2,000 Assistant Library Director CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY PROPOSED NEW FEES The library recommends that two new fees be established beginning in fiscal year 1992-93: 1. A $5 presearch fee for online searching. This fee is for staff time and is in addition to the database connect time which is charged to the user. Online searching is a highly sophisticated service most often used by academic researchers and by local corporations. The library handles about 15 paid searches per month. It is further requested that all online charges recovered be used to pay telecom- munications fees incurred. 2. A $5 fee for each item of audiovisual equipment loaned for a two- day period. AV equipment, slide projectors, screens, and overhead projectors are borrowed almost exclusively by teachers and by local businesses. There are an average of about 30 such loans per month. Other public libraries in San Diego County have similar fees for AV equipment loans and private businesses typically charge $25-$30 per day for such items. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS April 1992 CIRCULATION STATISTICS Apr . Apr . 1991 - 1992 MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials 60,703 61,304 Video Tapes 8,398 8,670 Audio Visual Equipment 22 41 Total MAIN LIBRARY 69,118 70,015 BRANCH LIBRARY 'Print Materials Video Tapes 15,689 16,913 2.379 2,714 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 18,068 19 , 627 TOTAL CIRCULATION 87,186 89,642 ............................. REFERENCE OUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Genealogy 1,267 1,227 Adult 6,060 7,152 Children's 2,442 2,156 Online Searches 26 6 Total MAIN LIBRARY 9,795 10,541 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 1.653 2,376 TOTAL QUESTIONS 11,448 12,917 ............................. PEOPLE COUNTER (Daily Average) Main Library 2,124 1,984 Branch Library 553 592 TOTAL 2,677 2,576 ............................. % Chanae +1 +3 + 86 +1 +8 + 14 +9 +3 - -3 + 18 - 12 - - 77 +e + 44 + 13 - -7 - +7 -4 ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Adult Programs Children's Programs Apr . Apr . 1991 1992 % Chanae - 42 75 + 79 1,175 747 - 36 TOTAL 1,217 822 - 32 ............................. INTERLIBRARY LOANS Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad 122. 115 -6 115 14 1 + 23 264 447 + 69 47 12 3 + 162 ............................. NEW REGISTRATIONS Main Library Branch TOTAL 995 945 -5 265 217 - 18 1,260 1,162 -a 2 L PI r- d * Q\ m 81 ? . II 21: I e I I I 1011 m 81 v1 w VI w w E a v1 w z H E v1 w H PI 0 0 0 E-l 0 E v1 E H c3 I- d v) e m I- N d e - . I- N 4 m N co ID I- m d . . m o\ N 0 co (3 . . N m In v) QI o\ . . v1