HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-05-27; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMeeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: 3:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES (Special Meeting) May 27, 1992 City Council Conference Room I CALL TO ORDER: I . President Trigas called the meeting to order at 3:13 p.m. I ROLL CALL: I Present: Trustees Trigas, Cooper and Woodward Absent : Trustees Martin and Curtin Also present were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Virginia Watterson, Genealogical Society Mig Chaney, League of Women Voters OPTIONS FOR BUILDING THE NEW ClTY LIBRARY: Director Lange distributed copies of a draft of three options to be presented to the City Strategic Planning Committee. These options are a refinement of the original six options after Director Lange was directed to develop two or three options rather than six. The Library Board read all three options and Director Lange informed them that all the library staff are recommending adoption of Option 3. Option 3 recommends building the new building and do less extensive remodeling of the Cole Library. The feeling is that people would understand Cole being closed for two to three months only. Director Lange said he understands the building of the new library is back in the CIP for 1992-93 and it will be reviewed by Council at a CIP workshop on June 9. He will turn in the options to the Assistant City Manager tomorrow momhg and there will be other discussions to arrive at a final decision. An agenda bill will be presented to Council at the end of June or the beginning of July to seek approval to go to bid. If all goes as planned, the library will open in the summer of 1994. However, we have to know when the bonds will be sold in order to know when we can go to bid. President Tngas suggested the savings to the General Fund by closing the storage facility be itemized in Option 3. May 27, 1992 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 Assistant Director Armour mentioned the library staff is concerned that there is a calculated risk that after we prove we can operate with current staff, there is a danger that city management will say we are doing fine with what we have and we may not get more staff down the road. Director Lange said the City Manager and Assistant City Manager understand what we are doing and when the Citfs finances improve we will be able to get the staff we need. President Tngas added that the presentation to city management should include the fact that this is the ideal time for getting low bids. If we can go to bid this year we will get the best prices possible. Assistant Director Armour stated that Option 1 is the least desirable but Option 2 does give us the opportunity to do the fill renovation of the Cole Library. The Strategic Planning team were concerned that there would be no service in the north for a long period of time. Trustee Woodward said that during the two years it will take to build the new library, depending on the fiscal situation, the City might want to review the use of Option 2 with the modulars, getting the entire renovation of the Cole Library done instead of waiting for a few years when it might be a lot more costly. President Trigas called for a motion to approve Option 3, with minor changes of cost factor and flexibility. On motion by Trustee Cooper and seconded by Trustee Wood- ward, Option 3, with minor changes, was approved. Director Lange stated he wanted to publicly thank Assistant Director Armour and the library division heads for doing a wonderful job of putting together these options. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m. Re ectfully submitted, A PAMELA A. BATH0 Secretary