HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-09-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO p.m. DATE OF MEETING: September 16,1992 PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Clty Councll Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Acting President Woodward called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. Library Board Trustees Joan Moss and James McCann were introduced to the Board. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: None. Also Present Were: Library Board Trustees Curtin, Martin, McCann, Moss and Woodward. Cliord tange, Library Director Geoff Amour, Assistant Library Director Taffy Cannon, Friends of the Library Virginia Watterson, Genealogical Society APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Library Board Trustee Martin, the Minutes of the June 17,1992, Meeting were approved as presented. AYES: Martin and Woodward ABSTAIN: Curtin LIBRARY BOARD COMMITEES: Dr. Lange recommended that the former committee assignments ,e changed and be replacec y reports from the dierent division heads in the Library. Any committees would be on an as-needed basis. Board discussion determined that the Minutes of the Division Head Meetings should be included in the Board Meeting packets. ACTION: On motion by Board Trustee Martin, the Library Board recommended that there be no committee assignments, with a monthly report from the division heads in the Library and the Minutes of the Division Head Meetings included in the Board Meeting packets. Any committees appointed would be on an as-needed basis. AYES: Curtin, Martin, McCann, Moss and Woodward September 16,1992 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 MONTHLY REPORTS ON LIBRARY ACTlVlM FROM LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS This was included with the previous item. PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE THIRD YEAR GRANT ACCEPTANCE - report on Centro de lnformacion Dr. Lange reported that this Agenda Bill will be before City Council on September 22, 1992, for acceptance. He stated that the Federal Government had granted a waiver to the State of California to continue to receive these funds. Dr. Lange stated that the new Board Members had been given a tour of the Centro de Informacion. ACTION: On motion by Board Trustee Martin, the Lihraty Board supported the acceptance of the grant for partnerships for change frl TI the California State Library. AYES: Curtin, Martin, McCann, Moss and Woodward REPORT ON 1892-93 OPERATING BUDGET Dr. Lange distributed supporting documents and the Board discussed the proposed cuts in order to comply with the reduced budget due to the taking of funds by the State of California budget. One recommendation favored by the Board was the charging of $1.00 for books on tape. The revenue received from this charge was to be used for materials. ACTION: On motion by Board Trustee McCann, the Library Board recommended a charge of $1.00 be made for the use of books on tape. The additional revenue would be used for additional Library hours or for collection materials, at the discretion of the Library staff. AYES: Curtil Martin, McCann, Moss and Woodward ACTION: On motion by Board Trustee Curtin, the Library Board approved the reduction plan presented by Dr. Lange, as amended. AYES: Curtin, Martin, McCann, Moss and Woodward HANDOUT MATERIALS POLICY Dr. Lange stated that there will be a policy formulated regarding handout materials and he will present this to the Board at the October Meeting. DIRECTOR'S REPORT New Securitv Svstem Geoff Amour gave an upds-3 on the installation of the new security system. September 16,1992 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 Video and Periodical Reorqanization Geoff Armour gave a progress report on the reorganization of the periodicals and the videos, stating that the videos will all be brought out of storage and will be accessible. He said this is a major task and all volunteer help is needed. Plaza Paseo Real - Chamber Sundowner Dr. Lange announced that the Chamber Sundowner would be today, at the Plaza Paseo Real, from 5 - 7 p.m., and he would be there with a model of the new Library. Annual RePOrt 1991 -92 Dr. Lange referred to the report in the packet and stated that next month the official annual report submittted to the State Library would be presented. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Taffy Cannon distributed the Friends' Newsletter for September 1992 and reported there will be a book sale on the east parking lot lawn of the Library on Saturday, September 26, 1992, from 9:OO a.m. to 2:OO p.m. She stated the business and corporate memberships in the Friends is now up to ten members, with Fieldstone Company the latest to join. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETV: Virginia Watterson reported on the yard and bake sale, stating $1,478 was netted, with a total from sales of $2,303. All of these funds will be spent on books for the collection. There are now over 500 members in the Genealogical Society. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: No report. PUBLIC COMMENT: Board Trustee Woodward suggested that an Agenda item for Board Comments be added to the Agenda. Dr. Lange stated that Board elections will be on the Agenda in October. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the Meeting of September 16, 1992, was adjourned at 4:22 p.m. Respectfulty submitted, z&gi$i Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk @ RECOMMENDED CUTS FROM 1992-93 LIBRARY GENERAL FUND MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION ACCOUNT - CUT Administration 2479 Misc. Professional Services 2490 Misc. Outside Services 2520 Dues & Subscriptions 2660 Special Departmental Supplies 2940 Travel Expense Circulation 2940 Travel Expense Reference 2940 Travel Expense Genealoav 2940 Travel Expense Children's 2660 Special Departmental Supplies 2940 Travel Expense Technical Services 2540 Printing 2940 Travel Expense Collection Development 2940 Travel Expense $ 180 500 100 10,000 550 50 100 50 500 100 5,000 100 50 Media 2330 Other Machinery & Equipment Rental 200 2940 Travel Expense 100 2660 Special Departmental Supplies 3 , 000 Adult Learninu Prouram 2220 Telephone & Communications 2350 Property Rental 2940 Travel Expense 900 50 1,000 GRAND TOTAL $22,530 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY 1992-93 BUDGET REDUCTION PLAN Current 1992-93 General Fund allocation: $2,347,709 7% budget reduction: $ 164,340 Target budget: $2,183,369 BUDGET CUTS IN PRIORITY ORDER ITEM 1. Frozen position (LA 1/11) 2. General Fund MtO cuts 3. Reduction in library hours 4. Cuts in library materials SUBTOTAL : RECOMMENDED CUT $ 36,000 22,530 53 , 000 35,000 $146,530 ADDITIONAL REVENUE SOURCES ESTIMATED REVENUE 1. Direct access to video holdings $ 6,000 2. New fee (50C) for books on tape 5,000 3. Contributions from Friends of Library 7,000 SUBTOTAL : $ 18,000 GRAND TOTAL IN CUTS AND REVENUES: $164,530 DISCUSSION OF IMPACTS: 1. Frozen Libraw Assistant Position Position was budgeted in the Circulation Division. Due to a reorganization of this division planned for mid-October, the position will not be critical to maintaining current public service levels. If and when the position is again available, it will likely be reallocated to another public service division, either Reference or Children’s. 2. General Fund M&O Cuts See attached list. Most of these cuts were identified by analyzing the previous year’s expenditures and by making projections about needs for the remainder of this fiscal year. No significant impacts on staff or on public services are anticipated provided there are no major failures in equipment. 3. Reduction in Librarv Hours Reducing hours of opening will have a direct impact on the public, but one that is lessened by selecting the hours least used, which historically are the earliest and the latest in the day. The proposed schedule for each facility would be as follows: MAIN LIBRARY (54 hours) BRANCH LIBRARY (44 hours) Mon.-Thurs. 10 AM-8 PM Mon.-Wed. 11 AM-8 PM Fri. -Sat. 10 AM-5 PM Thurs.-Sat. 11 AM-5 PM The idea in this schedule is to protect most nights and Saturday hours and the most heavily used hours during the week days. The branch would be cut ten hours more than the main library since it is a satellite resource and the in-depth collections and special services available at the main library probably need more general access community-wide. The general impact on the public will likely be longer waits at Reference, Children’s, and Circulation desks in both libraries. Note that for planning purposes these reductions would commence October 1, 1992. The longer this new schedule is delayed, the more would have to be made up from Items 3 and 4 (Other Revenue Sources) below. 4. Reduction in Librarv Materials This is the category both staff and Library Board most want to protect. A reduction of this size represents a 9% cut in the materials budget and is being applied selectively to the areas that were least cut in the current budget. These would also be areas, particularly adult fiction and non-fiction, that staff believes provide the most leeway for cuts and would have the least impact on the public. DISCUSSION OF OTHER REVENUE SOURCES 1. Increased use of Video Collection In October 1992 the library plans to reorganize its audio-visual area to accommo- date the bulk of its 11,000 item video collection in the library instead of in storage. Based on revenues generated by the current 2,600 item collection last year ($60,000) a 10% increase in revenues would seem reasonable with direct access to nearly the entire collection. 2. New Fee for Books-on-Taae Over 12,000 books-on-tape were checked out last year. These items are extremely popular and the demand continues to grow. Assessing a 50e fee for a three-week loan would seem reasonable. Current retail practice is 79e per day. It is estimat- ed that about $5,000 or more could be generated per year from such a fee. J 3. 4. Contribution from the Friends of the Librarv The remainder of the projected shortfall, about $7,000, would be requested from the Friends. This amount would be a relatively small portion of their annual revenues. Should any of the above recommendations be disallowed or modified, the library currently carries about $180,000 in unappropriated grant funds. It is recommend- ed that up to 10% of this amount be considered as a general fund offset should such action be needed. c September 10, 1992 TO: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: Library Director HANDOUT MATERIALS POLICY It has become increasingly difficult to deal with material that is placed on the filing cabinets in the reference area of the library. To a great extent it is a space problem and the other part of the situation revolves around the content of the material and the appropriateness of haVing some of it in the library. We do not have a formal written policy to deal with this issue and, there- fore, I recommend that staff develop a policy for this and bring it to the board at the October meeting for consideration. CLIFF LANGE CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS Ausust 1992 Aug . Aug . 1991 1992 % Chanae CIRCULATION STATISTICS MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials 54 I 165 51,568 Video Tapes 9,075 8,907 Audio Visual Equipment 25 26 -5 -2 +4 Total MAIN LIBRARY 63,265 60,501 -4 BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials Video Tapes 16,089 16,244 2,574 2,951 +1 + 15 +3 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 18 , 663 19 , 195 TOTAL CIRCULATION 81,928 79,696 ............................. -3 REFERENCE OUESTIONS MIN LIBRARY Genealogy ' 1,365 1,298 Adult 4,979 5,142 Children's 1,439 1,304 Online Searches 6 11 -5 +3 -9 + 83 Total MAIN LIBRARY 7,789 7,755 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 1.928 1,805 -6 TOTAL QUESTIONS 9,717 9,560 -2 ............................. PEOPLE COUNTER (Daily Average) Main Library Branch Library \ -6 +6 1,715 1,610 484 515 TOTAL 2,199. 2,125 -3 ............................. AUg AUg 1992 3 Chanae - 1991 - ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Centro Programs Adult Programs Children's Programs -- 31 No comparison 15 65 + 333 781 776 -1 TOTAL 796 872 + 10 ............................. INTERLIBRARY LOANS Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad 197 128 - 35 166 120 - 28 207 364 + 76 78 111 + 42 ............................. NEW REGISTRATIONS Main Library Branch TOTAL 854 732 - 14 173 166 -4 1,027 898 - 13 . 2 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS July 1992 CIRCULATION STATISTICS July July 1991 - 1992 % Chanae MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials 62,476 60,100 -4 Video Tapes 9,568 10,664 + 11 Audio Visual Equipment 28 36 + 29 Total MAIN LIBRARY 72,072 70,800 -2 BRANCH LIBRARY -- 17 , 926 17 , 975 2,653 3,147 + 19 - Print Materials Video Tapes Total BRANCH LIBRARY 20,579 21,122 +3 TOTAL CIRCULATION 92,651 91,922 -1 ............................. REFERENCE OUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Genealogy Adult Children's Online Searches 1,328 1,216 -a 5,264 5,610 +7 1,521 1,644 +8 -- - .7 7 Total MAIN LIBRARY 8,120 8,477 +4 + 70 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 1,579 2.679 - TOTAL QUESTIONS 9,699 11,156 + 15 ............................. PEOPLE COUNTER (Daily Average) Main Library Branch Library 1,790 1,842 +3 552 541 - -2 TOTAL 2,342 2,383 +2 ............................. ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Centro Programs Adult Programs Children's Programs TOTAL July 1991 July 1992 % Chancre 249 80 170 1.123 959 -- 1,203 1,37.8 ............................. No comparison . +,113 - 15 INTERLIBRARY LOANS Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad 157 143 125 117 322 391 142 110 ............................. NEW REGISTRATIONS Main Library Branch 1,017 958 223 186 ' TOTAL 1,240 1,144 + 15 -9 -6 + 21 - 23 -6 - 17 -8 2 0 u! m (D r: 7- 0 (0 a0 m o! 0 0 a0 m c? 0 0 9 0 2 m 0 0 m (0 9 0 0 m a0 9 0 (u 3 7 0 0 9 0 9 8 - E zi 7- 7 m 8 8 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 9 m 2 c 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 9 8 0 a + E cu 8 0 0 0 v- 0 0) Qo r- v) 9 9 t In *- 8 0 0 0 cu v) v) 01 b 2 9 9 *. 0 0 0 v) t cu cu v) IC cr! 9 2 v)- 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 t 00 7- 9 - 0 0 0 t 9 01 b t @? 9 7 2 t- 0) * m v) c9 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 8 0 0 9 r a 0 3 I cn W Z 0