HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-10-21; Library Board of Trustees; Minutesi I 'I I MINUTES MEETING OF: TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO p.m. DATE OF MEETING: October 21,1992 PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Clty Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Acting President Woodward called the Meeting to order at 3:O p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Martin, Moss and Woodward. Trustee McCann arrived at 3:04 p.m., and Trustee Curtin arrived at 3:24 p.m. Absent: None. Also Present Were: Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armow, Assistant Library Director Taffy Cannon, Friends of the Library APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion by Library Board Trustee Woodward, the Minutes of the September 16, 1992, Meeting were approved as presented. AYES: Martin, Moss and Woodward ELECTION OF OFFICERS ACTION: On motion by Board Trustee Martin, the Library Board tabled the Election of Officers until a full Board is present: whether that is later in today's meeting or the next regular meeting. - AYES: Martin, McCann, Moss and Woodward MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS Dr. Lange referred to the reports contained in the packet and added that those reports not included were distributed to the Board Members today. He gave a brief explanation of the reports. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS None. October 21, 1992 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 STATE ANNUAL REPORT. Dr. Lange explained that this report is required by State Law and is due by the end of August. The report contains the activii in the Library during the previous fiscal year. Geoff Armour prepares this report every year and Dr. Lange stated there were new forms this year to make the report more uniform in reporting statistics for all states. PROPOSED FREE HANDOUT MATERIALS POLICY Dr. Lange reported that this policy was made necessary because of the space problem at the Library. He said the issue was not 'Good News' or any particular group of materials. Space was the determining factor. He said that different groups would bring material in and place it on the file cabinets and there was no fair way for the Library staff to make arbitrary decisions as to what should remain there. The volume of material that has been placed there has been tremendous. Dr. Lange stated that the policy presented has been approved by the City Attorney. He referred to the partial list of handout material that had been placed on the file cabinet, but that this was not even a complete list and much more had been placed there the last few days. Library Board discussion followed with the question asked whether under the 'Information on City or Library Sponsored Events', City elections could qualify. David Fennessee, MiraCosta student, spoke in opposition to the 'Good News' being placed in the Library. Dr. Lange explained that the policy for periodicals and magazines is that they are to be listed in the Reader's Guide or other major indexes. He reiterated that this was not regarding 'Good News', but about controlling the publications that are placed there. In reply to query regarding how these people would be alerted, Or. Lange said if the Library Board adopts this policy, they will notify the people and there will be an article in the newspaper. Board Member Moss stated her concern that the policy might not be strong enough. She said it should be clear that staff must approve any material that is placed on the cabinets. Any material to be placed there, must be presented to the Library staff for approval and placement on the cabinets. Board Member Curtin made a motion to ask staff to return with a policy at the next meeting containing the changes discussed today; whether or not poliitical literature would be covered and that all material must be approved by the Library staff before staff places it on the cabinets. Board Member Moss seconded the motion. Discussion followed on the motion. Fred Freidlander stated his questions had been answered by the discussion. Board Member Curtin suggested that nothing should be allowed on the cabinets that does not come through the Library staff and that should be enforced as of tomorrow. Board Member McCann recommended a proviso in the motion to have the City Attorney review the item regarding City or Library sponsored events to deal with the election problem. Board Member Curtin withdrew his previous motion and Board Member Moss withdrew the second. October 21, 1992 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 ACTION: On motion by Board Member Curtin, the Library Board approved the Policy on Handout Materials, as amended to ascertain whether election materials are not included as City sponsored events; and to enforce approval by Library staff of all materials to be placed on the cabinets, with the policy to be instituted at the discretion of the Library staff. AYES: Curtin, McCann, Martin, Moss and Woodward Copies of the amended Policy will be sent to the Board Members. 1992-93 LIBRARY BUDGET UPDATE Dr. Lange reported there is no new information at this time. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Dr. Lange stated the new security system has been installed and is working well. The video/periodical reorganization will be done in November. The Maintenance people will do the work. Dr. Lange attended the League of California Cities Conference in Los Angela, and reported that the new State Library building has been approved. Dr. Lange continued, stating that more handicap parking spaces have been added in the parking lot, with a total of six spaces now available. This was done as a result of the AmericatixDisabiii Act, which rquired more spaces. The Library now exceeds the requirement by two spaces, with two being van accessible. The restrooms also are to be upgraded to ADA standards. The telephone device for the deaf has been installed. Dr. Lange stated that the books on tape fee discussed by the Library Board at the September meeting had also been discussed by the Library staff. me Library staff felt that a $1.00 fee was too high, and asked that the Board consider reducing that to .50 cents. This fee is for adult books on tape, only, and would be for a three-week period. Taffy Cannon stated that the Wherehouse charges .79 cents a day for books on tape. Discussion by the Library Board Members followed, with a consensus that they wished the charge to remain $1.00 for a three-week rental of adult books on tape. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Taffy Cannon reported the book sale was tremendously successful, with $3,800 netted. mere will be a reception for the business and corporate members of the Friends of the Library on November 19, at 5:30 p.m., in the Library Atrium. She invited the Board Members and added that there will be light refreshments sw8d. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY No report. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: No report. October 21, 1992 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 4 PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Board. Dr. Lange stated there would be Valuing Diversity Workshops held on November 4 and 5, from 8:OO a.m. to 4:OO p.m., at the Carlsbad Safety Center, for people who interact with the public, He stated that the Board Members were welcome to attend. ELECTION OF OFFICERS ACTION: On motion by aoard Member Woodward, the Library Board elected Board Member Martin as President and Board Member Curtin as Vice-president for the coming year. - AYES Curtin, McCann, Martin, Moss and Woodward ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of October 21, 1992, was adjourned at 432 p.m. -/c Haniett Bathi Minutes Clerk '- .I I .I - REPORT YEAR equals Library Development Services Due August 31. 1992 F'ii Year 1991-92, 1001 Sixth St., Suite 300 M616 PLRBASIC ending June 30,1992 Sacramento, CA 95814-3324 Carlabad Liz Gibson (916) 322-0368 Code: P Table: 4 California State Library Federal-State Cooperative System for Public Library Data CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT 1992 ~~ 7. Reference Phone. (619) 434-2871 9. TDD for Deaf. (619) 434-8113 8. FAX Phone. (619) 729-2050 10. Size Sq. Miles. 39.00 Type or Handwrite Changes on this page. This page will NOT be OCR Scanned. ~~ ~____~ 11. House Dist. 43 13. Assembly. 74 ~ _______~~ 1. Library. Carlsbad City Library 2. Director. Clifford E. Lange 3. Street Address. 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008-1991 5. Director Phone. (619) 434-2874 12. State Senate. . 38 14. CLSA System. Serra Director 16. ILL Period: # Weeks. 2 4. Mailing Address. 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008-1991 17. Photocopy free up to 10 pages? N 6. Public Phone. (619) 434-2870 ~~~ ~~~ 18. Copy fee. 10 cents 19. Schedule of Main Library Service Hours. M-Th 9-9; F,S 9-5. I have reviewed this is a complete and correct annual report as required by the State Education Code. Signature of Library Director. CkIFdRNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated tuea ONLY, Avoid other markdcomments on page. POPULATION and OUTLETS 201. Pop. Children Age 0-5 202 POP. 0-5 8~ Pmt of Total POP. 203. Pop. Children Age 6-14 204. POP. 6-14 85 Pmt of Total POP. 205. Registered Borrowers as of June 30. 206. Children Borrowers Age 0-14 207. MainLibrary. 208. Branches. 209. Stations. 2 10. Bookmobiles. Vehicle count. 2 11. Other Outlets, Deposits. 2 12. Hours per week Main Library is open. LIBRARY STAFF 25 1. Total count of persons employed. full and part time. (PERSONS NOT FTE) 2 5 2 . ALA Librarians. (Full Time Equivalent) 253. FTE Total Librarians (ALA or other.) 2 5 4 . FTE Special Professionals 2 5 5 . FTE Lib. Tech. Assistants. 256. FTEother. 257. FTE Volunteers, (if open for public service) (at least 1400 sq.ft. 7000 vols) who have accredited ALA Masters. Average per week M616 Carlsbad Response for FY 1990-91 100. 616 201. 4,400 202. 0.00 203. 7,900 204. 0.00 205. 68,577 206. 207. 1 208. 1 209. 0 210. 0 211. 0 212. 64.00 251. 112 252. 17.00 253. 17.00 254. 1.00 255. 12.00 256. 29.50 257. 6.40 Type REPORT YEAR Response in this area. 100. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 616 5 I 000 8% 6 I 600 1 077 72 I 617 13 IO00 1 1 0 0 0 64.00 112 17 17 0 10 29.8 6.50 Page 2 PLRSTATS eS es es es es CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other marks/comments on page. INCOME Report whole dollars only, omit cents. Enter funds for operating expenses, and for capital outlay. 301. LocalGovernment: 302. State funds: 303. Federal funds: 304. Other Income. taxes and allocations. CLSA and PLF. LSCA or other. 305. Special District Augmentation funds for counties and districts. 306. Gifts, Fines, Fees 307. Contract Payments. and local fund raising. from another jurisdiction. M616 Car€sbad Response for FY 1990-91 100. 616 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 2,568,207 205,164 40,000 152,171 0 0 0 Type or Handwrite nature of Contract(s) in this space. Page 3 Type REPORT YEAR Response in this area. 100. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 616 2,638,099 146,621 92,502 65,586 0 89,192 0 PLRSTATS .> . CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 Carlsbad For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markdcomments on page. I STANDARD OPERATING EXPENDITURES Local, State and Federal funds. 401. Salaries. 402. Benefits. 403. PrintMaterials. 404. Current Serial Subscriptions. 405. Microforms. 406. Audiovisual materials. 407. Other materials. 408. All other Operating Expenditures. 409. Capital outlay. If paid by Library. Include sites, buildings, vehicles, original equipment. Response for FY 1990-91 100. 616 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. I, 471,250 280,866 201,606 114,524 0 84,235 0 575, 849 85,941 Page 4 Type REPORT YEAR Response in this area. 100. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 616 1,513,838 336,859 196,103 133,107 0 64,121 0 660,176 38,604 PLRSTATS c .- CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 Carlsbad ADDITIONAL EXPLANATION FOR ITEM 405 (expenditures for microforms) This amount is not reported separately since it is included in item 404 (Current Serial Subscriptions). c .' CALTFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 Carlsbad For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markdcomments on page. I EXPENDITURES (Included on page 4) 50 1. Postage and Delivery. 502. Telephone and Other 503. Contracted Computer !3emices. Telecommunications. 504. Online Database Searching. 505. Reservation. 506. Expenditure for Children's 507. Adult Literacy Program. Materials. 508. Transfer to City/County divisions for services: mint, accounting, etc. 509. Payments for Contract Service to another jurisdiction. 5 10. Estimate of Services & Supplies benefiting the library that were paid for by other CitylCounty Division for report year. PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND 5 11. Amount of PLF funds included in 5 12. PLF expended for Library Materials. Total Operating Expenditure. 513. PLF expended for Personnel. ' 5 14. Hours of service provided by PLF-paid Personnel. 515. PLF expended on General Operating 516. PLF expended on Special Projects. budget. 5 17 . PLF difference from Allocation. Response for FY 1990-91 100. 616 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 10,581 28,310 68,541 8,430 20,340 47,000 95,926 0 7,048 210,000 41,597 22,700 0 0.00 7,889 33,708 0 Explain difference in this space. Did not purchase some of the computer equipment originally planned for in the budget. Also, did not appropriate total alloca- tion. Saving for future projects. Page 5 Type REPORT YEAR Response in this area. 100. 616 501. 15,877 502. 29,864 503. 61,009 504. 6,236 505. 15,762 506. 45,000 507. 115,204 508. 0 509. 6,631 510. 215,000 511. 22,700 512. 0 513. 0 514. 0 515. 0 516. 15,819 517. 0 PLRSTATS :s t 1st ' CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other marks/comments on page. COLLECTIONS. All entries are annual for fiscal year, and are in units or items. 601. Books Added Cataloged. 602. Books AdultNA Added Cataloged. 603. Books Added Uncataloged. 604. Children's Print Materials Added, Cataloged. 605. Children's Print Materials Added, Uncataloged. 606. Books Total Held as of June 30. 607. Books Children Held as of June 30. 608. Books Adult/YA Held as of June 30. 609. LeasedBooks. Inventory on hand. 6 10. Government Documents. in separate collections. 611. Microfilm (reels). 6 12. Microforms (not microfilm). 6 13. Children's Audio Materials held as of June 30. 614. Total Audio Materials. 615. Films. 616. Children's Video Materials held as of June 30. 617. Total Video Materials. 618. Number of Current Periodical and Serial Subscriptions. 6 19. Book Titles Added (Cataloged) 620. CD-ROM Data disks only, not AudioNideo. M616 Carlsbad Response for FY 1990-91 100. 616 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 13,978 9,965 0 4,013 0 199,609 46,146 0 0 0 0 176,967 0 9,550 "0 0 9,581 1,180 10,018 0 TypeREPORT YEAR Response in this area. 100. 616 601. 15,910 602- 11,548 603. 5,000 604. 4,162 605. 2,000 606. 205,804 607. 47,401 608. 158,403 609. 0 610. 0 611. 8,715 612. 201,780 613. 1,986 614. 10,461 615. 0 616. 1,633 617. 10,917 618. 1,113 619. 10,848 620. 6 Page 6 PLRSTATS CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other marks/comments on page. NON-ENGLISH LANGUAGES Print Materials ADDD as of June 30. 701. Armenian 702. Chinese 703. French 704. German 705. Hmong 706. Italian 707. Japanese 708. Korean 709. Laotian 710. Russian 711. Spanish 712. Vietnamese Print Materials HELD as of June 30. 751. Armenian 752. Chinese 753. French 754. German 755. Hmong 756. Italian 757. Japanese 758. Korean 759. Laotian 760. Russian 761. Spanish 762. Vietnamese M616 Carlsbad Response for FY 1990-91 100. 616 701. 702. 703. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 704 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. 757. 758. 759. 760. 761. 762. Print Materials ADDED in other languages. Specify in this space. TypeREPORT YEAR Respolrse in this area. 100. 616 701. 0 702. 0 703. 0 704. 0 705. 0 706. 0 707. 0 708. 0 709. 0 710. 0 711. 1,271 712. 0 751. 0 752. 0 753. 0 754. 0 755. 0 756. 0 757. 0 758. 0 759. 0 760. 0 761. 3,873 762. 0 PLRLANG .. .* . CkIFdRNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT LIBRARY SERVICES, ANNUAL. 801. Total Public Service Hours. 802. Attendance in Library. 803. Reference Questions. Omit Directional. 804. Online Database searches. 805. Circulation of Children's Materials. 806. Circulation Non-English. 807. Circulation Non-Book. 808. Total Circulation. 809. Children's Circ as Percent of Total Circulation. 810. In-Library use of Materials. 811. ILL loans to others. 812. ILL loans received. 813. Pre-School Programs. Number. 8 14. Pre-School Programs. Attendance. 8 15 . School Age Programs. Number. 816. School Age Programs. Attendance. 817. Adult Programs. Number. 818. Adult Programs. Attendance. 819. Total Programs. Number. 820. Total Programs. Attendance. M616 Carlsbad Response for FY 1990-91 100. 616 801. 802. 803. 804. 805. 806. 807. 808. 809. 810. 811. 812. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 6,656 670,747 115,449 189 0 5,820 226,447 921,517 0.00 0 1,132 1,574 0 0 0 0 0 0 341 16,630 Page 8 Type REPORT YEAR Response in this area. 100. 616 801. 802. 803. 804. 805. 806. 807. 808. 809. 810. 811. 812. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 6,656 705 , 682 134,713 112 306,709 11,200 241,136 1,020,056 30 0 1,278 1,720 132 4,398 86 4,285 30 821 248 9,504 PLRSTATS k . *. -_ ' CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, SALARY SURVEY. Survey is of monthly ranges for selected classifications. Leave sections blank if inappropriate. But do not divide sections or add new ones. List monthly ranges, whole dollars only, omit cents. 901. Director (monthly rate) 902. Director (monthly rate) 903. AssistantDir. 904. Assistant Dir. 905. Chief Lib. Div. 906. Chief Lib. Div. 907. Branch Libn. 908. Branch Libn. 909 .' Librarian 910. Librarian 911. Lib. Tech. Asst. 912. Lib. Tech. Asst. 9 13 . Clerk Non-Pro. (Beginning) 9 14. Clerk Non-Pro. (Beginning) 915. Mgr. of Spec. Service. 9 16. hlgr. of Spec. Service. Begin Final Begin Final Begin Final Begin Final Begin Final Begin Final Begin Final Begin Final M616 Carlsbad Response for FY 1990-91 100. 616 901. 902. 903. 904. 905. 906. 907. 908. 909. 910. 911. 912. 913. 914. 915. 916. 5204 6641 4058 5178 2826 3435 2316 2815 2096 2548 1824 2473 1451 1817 3140 4008 Type REPORT YEAR Response in this area. 100. 616 901. 5,974 902. 7,120 903. 4,351 904. 5,553 905. 2,981 906. 3,623 907. 2,981 908. 3,805 909. 2,212 910. 3,121 911. 1,924 912- 2,970 913. 1,531 914. 1,917 915. 3,304 916. 4,216 Page 9 PLRSALAR CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT FOR : M6 16 MOBILE LIBRARIES. Report Year FY. UPDATE PLRBKMBL Make. Model. Year. Chassii Manufacturer. Length. Book Capacity in Volumes. Total miles traveled per year. Use this page to report new vehicles. Photocopy this page if several new vehicles. Type or Handwrite Responses on this page. This page will NOT be OCR scanned. 0 Type: (B)ookmobile Orailer (Wan : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 __~~___~~~~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 Number of individual Stops. Total hours per month in public service. (omit travel time) Staffing in full-time equivalenk Librarians on vehicle. Fl'E. Drivedclerks on vehicle. Fl'E. 0 0 0 n Support Staff off vehicle. FIE. Total materials circulation per year. Yearly operating and maintenance cost. (fuel, maintenance, repair, labor and parts) 0 ~~~ ~ Has adult or children's programming been conducted from bookmobile? (YU) N Page 10 October 14, 1992 TO: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: Library Director POLICY ON HANDOUT MATERIALS Attached is the proposed policy for handout materials at the main library and the branch. The chief reason for having this policy is the lack of space to accommodate all of the items that are brought into the library by various individuals and organizations. Without a written policy, it is impossible for library staff to make decisions about what is appropriate to provide in the limited space available. Since the library cannot accept all of the publications that are brought in for display, the recommended policy is that the display space in both the main library and the branch be limited to the items specified in the proposed policy. CLIFF LANGE Attachment CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY POLICY ON HANDOUT MATERIALS The library does not provide unlimited space for the distribution of unsolicited newsletters, flyers, magazines or other publications. There is a limited amount of space designated for the free distribution of materials as follows: Main Library: On top of filing cabinets in the reference area. Branch: On shelving below the bulletin board near entry. Due to space constraints materials displayed in these areas are limited to the following: 1. Informational and instructional materials from federal, state and local governments. 2. Class schedules from public and non-profit, educational institutions. 3. Information on city or library sponsored events. 4. Bus schedules. 5. Voter registration forms. Any additional space available is reserved for displays of library materials. For questions concerning this policy, see the Library Director or Assistant Library Director. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS CIRCULATION STATISTICS September 1992 Sep. Sep. 1991 1992 % Chanae MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials 50,097 53,936 +8 Video Tapes 6,589 7,658 + 16 Audio Visual Equipment 31 28 - 10 Total MAIN LIBRARY 56,717 61,622 +9 BRANCH LIBRARY Print Materials Video Tapes 15.162 17 , 301 + 14 1,793 2,423 + 35 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 16 , 955 19 , 724 + 16 TOTAL CIRCULATION 73,762 81,346 + 10 ............................. REFERENCE OUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY Genealogy Adult Children's Online Searches 1,151 1,346 + 17 5,181 5,507 +6 1,531 1,905 + 24 14 5 - 64 Total MAIN LIBRARY 7,877 8,763 + 11 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 1,949 2.179 + 12 TOTAL QUESTIONS 9,826 10,942 + 11 ............................. PEOPLE COUNTER (Daily Average) Main Library Branch Library 1,657 1,700 +3 504 532 +6 TOTAL 2,161 2,232 +3 ............................. ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Centro Programs Adult Programs Children's Programs Sep . Sep. 1991 1992 % Chanae - -- 53 + 100 -- 25 + 100 3 19 280 - 12 TOTAL 319 358 + 12 ............................. INTERLIBRARY LOANS Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad 198 102 -2 197 111 -7 343 405 + 18 86 118 + 37 ............................. NEW REGISTRATIONS Main Library Branch 959 870 -9 235 209 - 11 TOTAL 1,194 1,096 -8 2 . 1- L cu Q, Q, r U W W W v) : k iz wo *I- I- v) 9 OCI v) W z ii m m b 9 7 0 0 9 0 8 0 8 0 0 9 l- 9 8 01 l- 9 (D m l- 9 (0 m 8 0 l- 2 m