HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-03-17; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO p.m. DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 17, 1993 City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: President Martin called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Also Present Were: Library Board Trustees Martin, Curtin and Moss. Library Board Trustees McCann and Woodward. Clifford Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Taffy Cannon, Friends of the Library Virginia Watterson, Genealogical Society APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Library Board Trustee Curtin, the Minutes of the February .O, 1993, Meeting were approved as presented. AYES: Martin, Curtin and Moss MONTHLY LIBRARY DWISION HEADS REPORTS Dr. Lange referred to the reports contained in the packet and asked for comments. In reply to query regarding the Library's success with obtaining volunteers, Dr. Lange stated they have been very successful. Geoff Armour called attention to the new report from the Centro. Dr. Lange answered Board Trustee Moss' question about how the visits to the schools are initiated by stating that the Library makes the arrangements. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS None. 1993 COUNCIL GOALS AND LIBRARY OBJECTIVES Dr. Lange stated that each year in January the City Council determines the goals for that year and the Departments then come up with Objectives to attain those goals. He referred to the Objectives given in the packet and stated that next year it is hoped that the Board will be involved in this process. At the present time, the timing is such that it is impossible to bring these to the Board first. He asked for the Board Members' comments and suggestions. March 17,1993 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 1993 COUNCIL GOALS AND LIBRARY OBJECTIVES (Continued) Dr. Lange explained that these objectives are attainable and not just wishes. He and Mr. Armour stated that the new Objectives were contained in Goals N and V. ACTION: On motion by Board Trustee Moss, the Library Board approved the 1993 Library Objectives, as presented. AYES: Martin, Curtin and Moss RENEWAL OF BRANCH LIBRARY LEASE Dr. Lange reported that the papework on the agenda bill for this lease is being done through Utilities and Maintenance, as they are negotiating for a new lease. The present lease for the branch library expired at the end of January and was extended for a couple of months. The decision was made to renew the lease and the new lease will be at a lower rate than before. The new lease will go to the City Council on April 6, 1993, for approval, and will be for a period of three years. LIBRARY VOLUNTEER BROCHURE FOR FINAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL Dr. Lange referred to the copy of the brochure contained in the packet and asked for Board comments. He stated that Bill Richmond has developed 30 second commercials for Daniels Cablevision to encourage people to call the Library and become volunteers. Those will be shown to the Board at the next meeting. They have been shown on TV starting this week and there has been a good response already. In response to query about where these brochures will be available, Dr. Lange stated they are sent out with a new Library card and copies are available at the Libraries and all City facilities. Board Trustee Moss also inquired about the high school students, and Mr. Armour stated they come to the Library to volunteer, since they are aware that they must sewe a certain number of hours. He said that copies of the brochure could be given to the High School. ACTION: On motion by Library Board Trustee Curtin, the Library Volunteer Brochure was approved as presented. AYES: Martin, Curtin and Moss REVISED VIDEO POLICY FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL Geoff Armour referred to the Videotape Lending Policies and the Citizen’s Comment Regarding Library Material, copies of which were attached to the packet. He explained that the Library has had the Citizen’s Comment form, but revised it some to include the Videotapes. Mr. Armour explained that the Video Ratings were new and follow the Motion Picture Association of America ratings. Originally, the Library would not allow anyone under the age of 18 to check out videos. This has now been changed to comply with the MPAA ratings. Staff felt that it was unfair to deny access to anyone under 18 years of age, since there are now children’s films and documentaries that should be available to them. March 17, 1993 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 REVISED VIDEO POUCY FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL (Continued) Mr. Armour stated that staff wanted to discuss this matter with the Board and the City Attorney. The City Attorney recommended that the MPAA ratings be used as a basic guide. The Library has no NC-17 videos, and although there are several hundred of the NR videos, staff feels that it is unlikely that there will be a problem. Mr. Armour stated that staff is recommending a change in the fines and fees, as follows: The fine for OVERDUES would be reduced to $1 per day from $3 per day. The REWIND FEE of $1 would be dropped. The yearly loss of revenue from this change would be approximately $5,OOO from overdue charges and $1,000 from rewind fees. This is a public relations problem, and the Library has been receiving complaints about the $3 overdue charge. As far as the rewind fee, tapes would not be rewound by staff, but left in the condition in which they were returned. Copies of a chart showing charges in the other Libraries in the system were distributed to the Board Members, and Carfsbad was at the top as far as charges. This confirmed staff's opinion that the charges were not fair and should be changed. ACTION: On motion by Chairman Martin, the Library Board of Trustees approved the Videotape Lending Policies, as presented, and adopted staff recommendation to reduce the OVERDUES to $1.00 per day and to drop the REWIND FEE. AYES: Martin, Curtin and Moss REPORT OF THE CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES AND COMMISSIONERS WORKSHOP IN LIBRARY LEADERSHIP Dr. Lange reported that Library Board Trustee Moss and Woodward and he attended the Workshop. A copy of the Agenda was included in the packet. Library Board Trustee Moss stated that it was a great day and she believes there is a lot of work to be done to meet with the Representatives to try to get money for the Libraries. Dr. Lange added that there is a need to lobby the legislature. Library Board Trustee Moss discussed the remodeled Yorba Linda Library and Dr. Lange agreed that it was a beautiful facility. PROPOSED LEGISLATION TO FINANCE LIBRARY SERVICES THROUGH BENEFIT ASSESSMENT. Dr. Lange stated that this item was discussed at the Workshop. S.B. 566 has been proposed to allow the creation of assessment districts for library services. This has come about due to the threat of the State of California taking more funds away from the Counties and Cities. There is no legislation on the books that permits City Councils to establish benefit assessment districts for library services. This would put such legislation in place for future use. March 17,1993 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 4 STATE LIBRARY GRANT OF FEDERAL FUNDS FOR LIBRARY MATERIALS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH. Dr. Lange referred to the letter from the California State Librarian regarding the economic situation in California and how it relates to public and school libraries. He said that staff has been working on a proposal to apply for this grant money. ACTION: On motion by Library Board Trustee Curtin, the Library Board approved applying for grant money from the 1992/93 Library Sewices and Construction Act, Tile 1. AYES: Martin, Curtin and Moss LIBRARY BOARD NOMINEES FOR MAYORAL APPOINTMENT TO THE SERRA ADVISORY BOARD This item was continued until a full Board is present. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Dr. Lange reported that his Secretary had major surgery about a month ago, and is doing fine and expects to return to work March 29. Dr. Lange stated there will be a reception and book signing set tentatively for April 16, 1993, after 5:OO p.m., at the Library, and a book signing on Saturday afternoon, Apnl17,1993, from 2:W p.m. to 4:OO p.m. The invitations will be going out shortly. The authors of the two books are Taffy Cannon and Janell Cannon. National Library Week will be April 18 - 25, 1993, and there will be a Proclamation read at the Council meeting. The theme this year is 'Libraries Change Lives'. Dr. Lange stated there is nothing new to report on the budget. The parking lot to the north of the existing Library parking lot will be redone within the next month, and will provide sixteen parking spaces. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Taffy Cannon reported the Friends continue to net approximately one thousand dollars a month from book sales at the Library. The next book sale will be May 22, 1993, in front of the Library. Dr. Lange stated that he is Chairing the Public Relations Committee of the Serra System and they want to arrange some activity with the Friends groups in the County. There was a Summit Meeting last Saturday, with fifty people present. Library Board Trustee Curtin left the meeting at 4:05 p.m. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Virginia Watterson reported there will be a yard, bake and plant sale outside of the Library on April 1 and 2. All of the money raised goes to purchase more books and genealogical material. March 17,1993 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 5 SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: No report. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Board on a non-agenda item. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of March 17, 1993, was adjourned at 4:lO p.m. Respectfully submitted, ar4w Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY Monthly Report February, 1993 ..................... * * * * * * * * * ANNIVERSARY * * * * * ..................... March, 1993 marks the beginning of the 10th year of La Costa Branch Library operations. the 9th year of service and a comparison with the previous year are as follows. Statistics at the completion of Mar.'91-Feb192 Mar.'92-FebV93 %Increase CIRCULATION USERS COLLECTION 219 , 210 157,950 37 , 990 236,861 171,211 43,726 In the nine years of operation, 1,384,794 items have been circulated from the La Costa Branch Library. ...................... *CIRCULATION* Branch circulation totaled 19,720 items during February. The total included 9,450 adult items, 7,852 children's and 2,418 video tapes. Items circulated at the rate of 84 each hour or 896 each day. Hourly circulation increased 3.7% over February, 1992. *USERS* 14,385 users were served at the Branch during February. hourly rate was 61 and daily, 654. The *CHILDREN'S AREA* "Parents and people we care about'' was the preschool storyhour theme for February. 45 preschoolers listened to the reading of four picturebooks: THIS QUIET LADY by Charlotte Zolotow; AM I BEAUTIFUL? by Else Minarik; MY FATHER IS FAR AWAY by Robin Ballard; and TUCKING MOMMY IN by Morag Loh. A discussion I. of kindness and caring also took place. Questions of the week were answered by 50 children. included science, geography, political science and health. The questions Collection Children's Vols. Children's A.V. Adult Vols. Adult A.V. Video Tapes TOTAL LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY Monthly Report February, 1993 CIRCULATION Reference Questions: Adult Children TOTAL Shelf Checks: Periodicals: Registrations: Carlsbad Non Resident TOTAL Hrs. /Days Circulation Circ.Hr/Day 7 , 577 7,799 1,651 2,418 19 ,~720 275, 236/22 84/896 2,224 292 2,516 141 76 120 95 215 - ? : Users 14,385 LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY Monthly Report February, 1993 USERS Hrs. /Days 236/22 Programs Preschool Storyhour Program Attendance Audience 45 preschoolers / Users per Hr./Day 61 / 654 No. of Programs 2 C. ITEM LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY Monthly Report .February, 1993 STATISTIC COMPARISON CIRCULATION Feb. '92 Feb. '93 Comparison Children's Vols. 6,510 7,577 +1,067 Children's A.V. 260 275 *+ 15 Adult Vols. 7,838 7,799 (- 39) Adult A. V. 1,733 1,651 (- 82) Video Tapes 3,077 2,418 (- 659) / TOTAL 19,417 19,720 + 303 Circulation per hour 81 84 + 3 January 1992 14,800 62 USERS January 1993 Comparison 14,385 (-415) Users per Hour 61 (- 1) % + 16.4 5.8 - .5 - 4.7 - 21.4 + 1.6 - + 3.7 % (-2; 8) - (-1.6) 1 CENTRO DE INFORMACION FEBRUARY 1993 k Individual patron visits 1.- Children 557 3.- Teens 67 2.- Adults 426 TOTAL 1,050 B. Adult Programs Feb/lO Tour at Centro - Head Start parent group - 10 Feb/ll Head Start Presentation for parent group - 9 Feb/l7 Vista CommUnity Clinic - AIDS Presentation - 23 42 C. Children Programs Spanish Storyhour Wednesdays 1O:OO a.m Children 73 Adults 9 Spanish Storyhour Thursdays 3:OO pm Children 69 Adults 15 166Children & adults t .* Grand total a+b+c 1,258 Average Day Attendance 70 ... I .. 1 .. . CIRCULATION DIVISION FEBRUARY 1993 Monday, February 22, 1993 the Circulation staff of the Carlsbad City Library was able to provide service to over 3,000 patrons, a record breaking number for the library, The monthly total of almost 50,000 patrons visiting the library equated to a daily average of 2,247, which exceeded all existing records. The relocation of video cassettes contributed to the 65% increase in circulation over February 1992. Revenues collected from book, audio visual fines and video insurance at the Circulation desk were $12,319.19. We are actively seeking the help of community service volunteers to assist the staff in shelving the ever increasing circulation of books and audio visual items. We currently have one volunteer who assists in the audio visual areas. Donna Harvey, a Circulation clerk, is now writing a column for the Organizational Excellence Committee newsletter. This committee newsletter is published quarterly and is distributed to all city employees. Her column is entitled "Part-Timers". Anyone wishing to contribute to her column may contact her at the Circulation desk. Circulation clerk, Beverly Wade, is currently enrolled at Palomar College taking courses in Library Science. As a key employee, this expertise will further enable the Circulation Department to better serve the patrons. Patrons and staff are now fully acclimated to the new checkout system and the remodeling of the Circulation area. patrons are very appreciative of the improved open video area and the ease with which all circulating items may be checked out. The Circulation Division continues to adapt and change in order to provide the best possible public service to the patrons of the Carlsbad City Library. The CHILDREN'S DIVISION M 0NTH.LY' STAT EM EN T FEBRUARY 1993 We were only open 22 days during the month of February, but we had 22 programs, including StorYhours, Storytimes, a Whale Art Contest, Jackstraws Sea Songs, Martha Hol laway's Sea Story Program, Prime Time Club meetings, Storycraft and group tours. The Whale Art Contest was judged by our resident artist, Jane11 Cannon. of art were entered in the contest, by artists from 2 to 14. There were 3 a e divisions. people jammed into the Children's Library for the Awards program. Over 100 pieces Prizes were art supplies, ribbons and passes for whale watching trips. Near 3 y 70 .. TWO other programs which were significant in our celebrarion of Whale Month were the Martha Hollaway Sea Story program and the Jackstaws program of sea songs. is the name of a group of three versitile singers and musicians who came in costume and dazzled the audience with humor and fun for the entire family. Jackstraws Preschool Storyhour had a special guest who presented the "Bubbles of Fun" program for both age groups. learned how bubbles are formed and were able to see bubbles of all sizes and shapes. Many thanks to the Friends of the Library who make programs like this possible. Each child got to stand inside a giant bubble and they also Our Prime Time Club has been such a sucdessbecause it offers an afterschool program for Ist, 2nd and 3rd graders. Basically the program is READING = PRIZES. It is sort of a mini year-round reading program. Kudos to Doris! Storycraft has been so crafty and exciting lately that we have had to get a bit rigid about attendance.. doing such a great job! Happiness is having such a fine stafr as Doris, Connie and Kristi There are many low-visibility duties that have to be done in the Children's Library. During the coming months I would like to discuss some of these duties. being a co-leader of the Thursday Preschool Storyhour, Patricia has two of these duties,...she handles our problem audio-visual items and schedules displays. We have record covers that are checked in with no record, cassette kits that arrive with the wrong cassette, audio cassettes that have had their cases switched, etc. Patricia is the person who contacts the patron and gets everything sorted back where it belongs. student work. Patricia is the person who schedules these so that we don't have two classes at the same time, and she also checks to see when and who will pick up a display after it has been shown. These are not the most exciting duties, compared Beside We frequently have schools and classes calling to arrange displays of f .' .with doing Storyhour, but Patricia does them well and keeps her section of the . Chi Idren's Library work running smoothly. I FEBRUARY 1993 DATE : CH I LDREN' S DEPARTMENT MONTHLY STATISTICS ~~ C I RCULAT I ON FOR MONTH : 20,125 REFERENCE QUEST1 ONS': - 1,985 TOTAL NUMBER OF PROGRAMS: 22 ATTENDANCE AT CHI LDREN' S PROGRAMS: 642 chi ldren & STORYHOURS: 12 Storyhours, 381 chi ldren 6 adults OTHER PROGRAMS : Whale Art Contest Awards Program, 65 children 6 adults Jackstraws Sea Songs Program, 45 children & adults Martha Hollaway Sea Story Program, 10 children Prime Time Club, 4 meetings, 32 children , Storycraft, 24 children E adults CLASS E; GROUP TOURS OF. LIBRARY: 3 .tours, 85 children . .. STAFF .VIS ITS TO SCHOOLS: 0 REQUESTS FROM BRANCH: 76 HOLDS PLACED: 7 A.V. CHECKED IN: 763 A.V. PROBLEMS HANDLED: 8 'MEETINGS ATTENDED BY STAFF: 2S1, John - Serra committee meeting 2-3, John - Investment in Excel lence .J~~Rn-.4,::,5~,~-~,'rEee o n - hvest e t in E ellenc me? ing ea s meetina . ' 2-24; A1 1 staff - Children's Div: Staff meeting 2-26, John - State Library Workshop COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND ACOUISITIONS STATISTICS REPORT Februarv 1993 Items Received Books - Adult Main Branch subtotal Books - Children Main Branch subtotal Audio - Adult Main Branch subtotal 603 173 776 123 126 3 i 57 77 134 Audio - Children Main 86 subtotal 86 Branch 0 497 106 170 3 667 109 106 17 2 1 108 18 Video 97 Total Received 1219 775 127 Orders Placed Orders Reauests I items 1 Genealogy - Local History Statistics FY 1992-1993 February HOLDINGS: , Titles Volumes Current Total Total Total Month Additions Holdings Holdings Additions Current FY Last FY 108 1,592 26,641 25,049 164 2,070 34,331 32,261 Description of holdings: Titles Volumes Books Books - Gen Circ Wks - microform Periodicals - bound Periodicals - microform -PS Microfilm (census, etc. 1 7,907 10,143 51 1 14,623 15,861 365 2,688 118 1,471 179 183 3,449 3,474 Reels of microfilm added this month 29 Microfiche added this month 0 ACTIVITY : This This +r- Total Total Month Month This FY Last M 14,548 48 Daily average Researchefs registered 930 1,076 -146 6,882 10,872 Daily average 42 47 -5 36 1 I 851 Last FY Reference questions 1,123 1,174 - 51 9,454 51 51 -- 160 161 -1 1,115 Circulating collection: Materials checked out DISTRIBUTION OF RESEARCHERS: City This This County This This State This This Monty FY Month FY Month FY Arizona 1 19 Carlsbad A25 1299 3 - -2 -23- 3 Del Mar area 16 168 Los Anueles 11 j47 Ezucky East S.D. area 8 132 Oranue 53 463 BZ&%t!a -1 2.2- Nebraska Encinitas area 55 449 Evprsidp 5 2.L NewPo Escondido area 41 367 35 310 Fa1 lbrook 136 1115 Oceans ide S.D. City etc. 164 1046 49 408 San Marcos 112 659 Vista -- -- -- -- -- S. Eernardino 12 19 New York 2 2 -- San Luis Obispo 1 2 Ohio 2 4 -- 3 18 1 9 2 3 4 lo 3 5 2 4 -- 5 16 Oregon -- Ventura other -- 24 Texas -- -- Virginia Washington Wisconsin Canada -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Programs : Date Hour Subject 6 Feb. 10 a.m. Reginners Class (4 hours) 9 Feb. 1:30 p.m. American Indian Research 23 Feb. 10 a.m. Civil War Records 23 Feb. 1.:30 p.m. Cemetery Research Attendance 56 27 120 53 REFERENCE ACTIVITIES FOR FEBRUARY, 1993 Calk Ahrens gave a tour of the Reference Departrnent to 16 senisrs fr-om the Cnrlsbad Senior Center on February 3. Char Kennedy attended the second 2 sessions of Investment in Excellence, an individual development program for city employees, on February 3 and 4. This is a useful tool that enables ore to focus on petmnal growth as an individual , as an employee at work and as a member of a family. A Reference Book Selection Meeting was held on February 5. The committee order-ed $760 for reference book updates and $684 for reference books. The committee is taking a look at the standing arders list to see if we can order 5ome titles every 2 or 3 years instead of every year to save money. On February 17, Char Kennedy met in San Diego with Thomas Childers., Pt1.D. from Dt-exel Univet-ziity and a group of librarians from San Diego and Imperial County reference departments. The group participated in test.inq facus group methodology for 3 statewide study of reference service under the direction sf the California State Library. Gretchen Gabbert attended an INMAGIC indexers meeting in Oceanside ~?n February 19. Also the new upgrade for INMAGIC software arrived and was instslid. Internet news this month: Leila and Char have jointed 2 public library riser forums, which network librarians who share current issues and problems and their solutibns in the library field. ! Technical. Services Report In Febrnary, TechniCal Services staff cataloged 891 books and 246 cassettes, compact discs, and videocassettes. In all, 1,151 print items and 287 audiovisual items were added to the library's collection- prht items and 35 audiov5sual items. During the month, 261 calls were =de into our dial-access catalog- They also withdrew from the database 780 TechnicaI Services has also begun the process of assigning call rmmbers to non-fktion books in the Bdult Learning program collection- Originally, these boob were not cataloged and were gruuped infomy in subject areas assigned by ALP staff. Now, most of them are cataloged, 50 library patrons can find the= in the library's on-line catalog. In order to make them easier to find on the shelves, we suggested that Dewey call tulBtbers be asskped. until afl i!&P non-ficticm has been relabelleif, Tbk project will emthue for the next several lscrnths h. '2 , . xx .. . X xx x x X xx x x x xx x x .. a 0 t3 X x ". xx . .- x X x xx xx x x, x x X xx x X x xx - : O' (0 .L- x .. x .. . .. - .. . , . _... ., .. . ... . . .. .. _. . .. . . ,. , .. .- . '. . ..: .. . - : X X x cj t x x h 'L :. x x x .. . . . . . . . . .5 - -. . . .._ .._I . .. .. x x .* x x x x I/ 3 m' m 0 0 r' c r t m Q, ~. :. . - .. . , . >.:, .. X x x .. x x .. . -. ... : x x P 8 8 x '. x . . --. .. --.. i? . i ,+> s. X x x X - P z 0 0 X X X x X X X x x x X X X x: x X x X x x m 0 m r c l- .. e E co t 0 t c\ t Q) Q) )., m f I h t J z m 6 .L cn U cn ommmoommo CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY VIDEOTAPE LENDING POLICIES 2/93 FEES AND FINES -There is a $0.50 INSURANCE FEE charged for each videotape checked out. -Fines for OVERDUES are assessed at $3 per day. -Videos returned and not rewound are assessed a $1 REWIND FEE. LIMITS -Patrons are limited to 4 videos at a time. RESERVES -Reserves may be placed on non-fiction tapes only. LOAN PERIODS -Fiction titles: 2 days. -Nan-fiction titles: 7 days. VIDEO RATINGS , Most films released in the United States since 1968 carry MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) ratings. The library uses these ratings as a guide for minors and their parents, to assist them in evaluating the content of videos. G -General Audiences (intended for people of all ages). PG -Parental Guidance (some material may not be suitable for children). PG-13 -Suggests parents give special guidance to children under 13. R -A person under 17 must have the approval of an accompanying parent or adult guardian. NC-17 -No children under 17. NR -No Rating. These include many older movies, foreign films, and non- fiction titles that were not given MPAA ratings. The viewer is responsible for reading descriptions and reviews of these videos to determine their suitability. AGE RESTRICTIONS There are no age restrictions for categories other than R and NC-17. Anyone under 17 years of age may not check out R or NC-17 rated movies. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY CITIZEN’S COMMENT REGARDING LIBRARY MATERIAL NAME DATE ADDRESS PHONE Comment represents:-self -organization Organization name, address, phone: MATERIAL: Title: Author: Type of material: - book - video -audio - other DID YOU READ/HEA.R/SEE THE ENTIRE WORK? IF NOT, WHAT PARTS OF IT? WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE TO BE THE GENERU THEME OR SUBJECT OF THIS ITEM? TO WHAT IN THE MATERIAL, DO YOU OBJECT? (Please be specific and cite page numbers or scenes). WHAT DO YOU FEEL MIGHT BE THE RESULT OF READING OR VIEWING THIS MATERIAL? IS THERE ANYTHING GOOD ABOUT THE MATERIAL, IN YOUR OPINION? ARE YOU AWARE OF ANY PUBLISHED REVIEWS OR EVALUATIONS OF THIS ITEM? (over) 'I WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE THE LIBRARY TO DO ABOUT THE ITEM? - Withdraw it from the library completely. - Place it in a more appropriate collection in the library. - Other action: SIGNATURE: PLEASE SUBMIT TO LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION. A Library Review Committee will consider your concerns and will make a recommendation to the Library Director. The material in question could be recommended for withdrawal, for a change in status, such as for age group access or for placement in a different collection, or the recommendation could be not to change anything. All findings and recommendations will also be sent to you. California Association of Library Trustees and Commissioners WORKSHOPS IN LIBRARY LEADERSHIP 9:oo 9:30 9:45 1 1 :30 NOON 1 :oo 2:oo 3:OO Yorba Linda February 27, 1993 - - ._ REGISTRATION AND COFFEE INTRODUCTIONS AND WELCOME KEYNOTE REMARKS Gary E. Strong, California State Librarian QUESTION PERIOD BREAK CONNECTING WITH SACRAMENT Curt Pringle, California State Assemblyma CONNECTING WITH YOUR LOC - ..... FUNDING OPTIONS Mary L. Stephens, County Librarian, Yolo County, CA LUNCHEON Persons interested in learning more about the Yorba Linda Friends Bo.oEstore invited to eat lunch with Garth Pacaud, Yorba Linda Friends Presi A library tour will be available during the lunch hour. STRATEGIES FOR STRONG CONNECTIONS Small group discussion and planning session __ __ . ...... . . .. .. : : .- . .. .. "-..""". 7, i __ -- i CH~-GE ~6 THE LIBRARY COMMUNITY 3 library tour will be available following the workshop. Before leaving today, please complete the evaluation fm in your packet. Your commen~ will help us pkm and imgrmre future workrhops. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED LEGISLAITON TO F'INMCE LIBRARY SERVICES THROUGH BENEFlT ASSESSMENT The California Library Association is sponsoring legislation to create statutory authority for frnancing of public library services through assessments on real property. The proposed legislation would add provisions to the California Government Code to allow the creation of assessment districts for library services, and would contain the following elements: b Applies to any local agency authorized by law to provide library services, including cities, counties, library districts and joint powers authorities. Allows a local agency to form an assessment district in any area to which it makes library services available. Annual assessments on properties in the district are based on the benefit of library services to the properties. Benefit may be based on use of the property, structure or property size, distance from library services, and other factors relative to providing library services to the property. Zones with separate apportionment methods may be established. Assessments may pay for all services and facilities provided by a local agency in connection with a public library, such as acquiring, constructing, furnishing, equipping, operating and maintaining land, buildings, equipment, books and vehicles; principal and interest on bonded indebtedness; personnel salaries and benefits; service contracts with other entities; and administrative and indirect costs of providing services, establishing the assessment district, levying and collecting the assessment, including election costs if required. Notice of public hearing is given by publication, posting and mailing to all property owners in the proposed district. If written protests are received representing more than 10 percent but less than 50 percent of total annual assessment, the proposal must be approved by a majority of the voters in the proposed district. If written protests are received by persons representing more than 50 percent of the expected revenues, the proposal must be abandoned. District is established and maximum assessment is set by ordinance or resolution after a noticed public hearing. -2- b An annual report containing the annual assessments must be approved by the legislative body after a noticed public hearing, with notice provided by publication and posting. b The annual assessments cannot exceed the maximum set when the district was formed, except after a public hearing for which mailed notice has been given. b Assessments can be collected with the property taxes. . b Any legal challenge to the district or assessments must be brought within 30 days of forming the district or levying the assessment. b Revenues from assessments will not reduce the amount of augmentation funds distributed to a special district. b The legislation is proposed as an urgency measure to take effect immediately upon enactment. For further information regarding this proposed legislation, please contact David Flint, County of Los Angeles Public Library (310) 940-8406. bvUd 2-18-93 bene6thmmary.2 ? : FIRE QS "33 04: XFM CR STQTE LIBERRIFINS CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY LIBRAR'I-COURTS BUILDING 4 P C. BOX 942837 SACRAMENTO. CA 94237-0001 March 5, 1993 P.2/3 @ TELEPHONE: (916) 445-1585 Clifford Lange, Director Carisbad City Library 1250 Carlsbad Vie Drive Carfsbad, CA 92008-1991 Dear Mr. Lange: The economic situation in Califmia has impacted all libraries, but I think that public libraries and school libraries have been particularly hard hit in the last few years. While all Californians will suffer, the Iong-term effects of inadequate services to our children and youth are the mast devastating to the fbture of our State. With the limited means that I have available to me, I would like to support the efforts of public libraries to serve children and youth. Accordingly, I have allocated approximately $1,40O,OOO in 1992/93 Library Services and Construction Act, Title I funds for the purchase of library materials for children and youth (infancy - age 17) that will supplement the existing collections and support ?he public library's se!mice program in 1993/94. Application is by invitation only, and invitations are limited to those eligible jurisdictions which responded to the State Library's request for budget data for The Impac t of 1992 /93 Budget Cuts on C- Services report. Eligibility for this grant pmgram was determined by a combination of a 5% or more reduction in library local government income as documented in that report, since that is an indicator of areas in greatest need, and membership in a California Library Servicea Act (CLSA) public library system. .. Your library jurisdiction qualifies undcr this Criteria and is eligible to receive a grant award of up to $22,500 under the Library Materials for Children and Youth Program. The alldon was derived from several factors, with papulation distribution and number of library outlets paramount among them. All invited jurisdictions submitting appkations that meet the program criteria and agreeing to the program cunditions will receive grant awards. LSCA funds must be used exclusively for the purchase of library materials for children and youth, and the materials must be located in the branches sewing communities where young people live and attend school. For the purposes of this program, it is assumed that a library jurisdiction With- a single outlet (Le., a main or central library) is also located in a community where young people Live and attend school. ' a: Barbamwill Judy Le Liz Pdta MAR W5 '93 W4:32PM CA STRTE LIBRARIRNS P .3/3 F Word Lange March 5, 1993 Page2 Enclosed are the Library Materials for Children and Youth Program grant instructions and application form. Applicatims are due on Apd 16,1993. Please mtad LSCA Coordinator Barbara Will at @16) 322-0371. with any questions about the forms or the program. While this grant program can in no way compensate for the hard times we are enduring, I hope it Wju. help us maintain some measure of library Service to our young people. sincettly, California state Lii Enclosure March 10, 1993 TO: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: Library Director SERRA ADVISORY BOARD APPOINTMENT The Serra Cooperative Library System is governed by an Administrative Council made up of all of the member library directors. There is also a citizen advisory body called the Serra Advisory Board. Each member jurisdiction appoints a representative to the SAB. It is time for the Mayor to make an appointment to the SAB for Carlsbad. The last time an appointment was made, the Library Board recommended that a member of the Library Board be appointed to the SAB. The Mayor appointed Milt Cooper whose second term has expired. For the new appointment, the Mayor has asked that the Library Board recommend two members of the Board for his consideration. The Serra Advisory Board meets in conjunction with the Administrative Council six times a year at various libraries. Meetings begin at 1O:OO A.M. and usually last until 1:OO P.M., followed by lunch. Membership on the SAB provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the system's operation as well as gain some insight into the way other public libraries in the area provide service to their users. I. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS FEBRUARY 19 93 .. CIRCULATION STATISTICS Feb, Feb. 1993 % Chancre - 1992 - MAIN LIBRARY Print Materials 57,718 59,934 +4 Video Tapes 9,372 15,617 +67 Audio Visual Equipment 34 21 -38 Total MliIN LIBRARY 67,124 75,572-1. ' +13 BRANCH LIBRARY ..- Print Materials 16,428 - 17,386 +6 -22 Video Tapes 3,076 2,410 +1 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 19,504 19,796 .- .- - - -- - -_ .\ - - TOTAL CIRCULATION 86,628 95,368 +10 . .. ............................. _- REFEREN CE OUESTIONS MAIN LIBRARY . Genealogy Adult Children's Online Searches i, 174 1,123 5 ; 540 6,331 2,040 1,985 14 38 Total MAIN LIBRARY 8,768 9,477 -4 + 14 -. 3 +171 .+ 8 Total BRANCH LIBRARY 2,322 2,516 +8 TOTAL QrJESTIONS 11,090 11,993. +8 ............................. PEOPLE COUNTER (Daily Average) Centro Main Library - Branch Library TOTAL 70 1,930 2', 247 643 554. 2,573 2,971 -- + 100 + 16 +2 - + 15 4. ', ' ***'************************.** .r "A*ENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Centro Programs Adult Programs Children s Programs Feb. Feb. e 1992 3993 % Chanae -- 208 +loo 170 145 - 15 - 28 687 948 - - TOTAL 1,118 1,040 - 7- I... ............................. - __ __ 4.'-.- ?L Requests by Carlsbad 165 128 * -22 Received by Carlsbad . 149 143 -5 Requests of Carlsbad 43 1 440 +2 Filled by Carlsbad 109 84 -23 ***************************** REGISTRATT ONS - MaZn Library . Branch TOTAL -. - 1,033 1,064 . +3 -23 247 - - '190- - -2 ' 1,280 . ' 1,254 -. ... -- -. * * ... .- . .. ., _. -- . .. .. .- .. . . . L, .* ..T.. ._ .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .... ..-. . , _- . < ._. 2 c JJ aa UI- 8 e 0 I n > a m m d (9 7- 0 0 9 0 8 0 0 9 0 8 I z 4 v) W J z 0 z