HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-09-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO p.m. DATE OF MEETING: PUCE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21, 1994 City Councll Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: President Woodward called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CAU: Present: Library Board Trustees Woodward, L'Heureux and Moss. Absent: Library Board Trustee McCann. Library Board Trustee Curtin arrived at 3:06 p.m. Also Present: Clifford Lange, Library Director Barbara Otwell, Friends of the Library Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Library Board Trustee Moss, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 17,1994, were approved as presented. AYES: Woodward, CHeureux and Moss MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS President Woodward referred to the reports contained in the packet, and asked for comments or questions. Board Trustee Moss commented ,about the use of the Library dropping for the first time. Geoff Armour stated that they are puzzled about this, and that since December, the overall use of the Library is down with the exception of the Branch Library. However, this is not just in Carlsbad, but the other libraries in the area are experiencing the same drop in use. Mr. Armour added that the outside book drop, which was installed the last week in November, might have caused the drop in use. Dr. Lange said that the drop in the door count is probably the result of the book drop. In response to query regarding the updating of MAIN STREET, Dr. Lange said it is updated when a book arrives and is added to the data base. Board Trustee L'Heureux commented about the INLM system being in use 24 hours a day since July 1987, and Dr. hge said this is the first time anything has happened, and the down time is practically zero. September 21,1994 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS Board Trustee Moss commented on the Women's Expo, and suggested that perhaps there should be mention made of the work that has been done in Carlsbad with Literacy, the Centro and Taffy Cannon, as possible candidates for an award to be made at the -0. This will be held October 18,1994, and Board Trustee Moss will get more information on this Gpo. President Woodward inquired about the status of the visits to the libraries at San Marcos and Vista, and Dr. Lange said that the San Marcos library is supposed to open within the next two or three weeks, and Vista will also open their library some time in October. He added that the Library usually gets an invitation from libraries that are opening, and he will send copies of the invitations to the Board Members. AGENDA BILL TO AWARD CONTRACT FOR ADA MODIFICATIONS TO THE LIBRARY Dr. Lange referred to the copy of the Agenda Bill included in the packet and stated that the City Council approved this last week and a construction meeting is tentatively scheduled for next Thursday. There is no firm schedule for the work to start; however, there are funds to pay for the modifications. AGENDA BILL TO ACCEPT 1994-95 PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE GRANT FROM THE STATE LIBRARY Dr. Lange reported this is the 4th year the State of California has gotten a waiver for this grant, and Carlsbad receives the grant from the State Library. The Centro is funded for the coming year of October 1 to September 30, 1995, which is the 5th and final year of that grant. Dr. Lange stated that the City had submitted applications to the League of California Cities for the Helen Putnam Award of Excellence. There are nine awards made, and the City of Carlsbad won three; Lego, the Habitat Management Program with Fieldstone Company,and the Centro. LIBRARY ANNUAL REPORT TO THE STATE LIBRARIAN Dr. Lange reported that each year this report is compiled by Geoff Armour, and the information from all the libraries in the State is used by the State Librarian's office to make comparisons throughout the entire State. Geoff Armour indicated there are new requirements for the report, which then makes it more complicated each year. Dr. Lange stated that this allows the State to study the services delivered and the need for planning on a Statewide basis. He feels that this Library gets a lot of benefit from this. PRESENTATION ON THE LIBRARY'S CHILDREN'S SERVICES DIVISION BY JOHN QUARTARONE John Quartarone gave a very complete report on the programs presented by the Children's Services Division, explaining the age groups served by the different programs. He stated that part of their goal is to introduce young people to the wonders of reading and prepare them for using the Library in a way that will be comfortable to them. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Dr. Lange reported that Board Member McCann was suddenly called to Denver, and that is why he is absent today. Dr. Lange called attention to the California Association of Library Trustees and Commissioners 1994 Awards Nomination application for Carrie and Randy Scott, a copy of which was supplied to the Board Members. September 21 , 1994 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 DIRECTOR’S REPORT: (Continued) Dr. Lange stated the increase in video rental fee took effect this week, and there had been two protests registered. Most of the patrons have accepted the increased fee. Dr. Lange stated that the Library will receive a fifth check from the State this year for non-resident circulation, providing 98 percent of the entitled amount. At the last meeting, the Board discussed appointing representatives on the Community Services Committee to determine the funds to be given to the social agencies. This has been changed, and only one name is needed. Board Trustee Moss will be the representative from the Library Board. Dr. Lange referred to the discussion by the Board with regard to placing a message on the water bills to test the feeling of the public for increased funding for the library. He has gotten a copy of the new water bill from Jeanne Flack at the Water District Office and it is possible to insert another sheet of light-weight paper and ask that to be returned with the water bill. One problem with this would be only 80 percent of the residents would be reached. The La Costa area is served by another water district, and that is the area where the new library is to be built. He said he is not convinced that this is the right thing to do. The people need to be educated as to why it is necessary to ask about this funding. This means that the public needs more information about the budget of the City and the cuts that have been made by all Departments throughout the City over the last few years. Dr. hge stated that this matter needs to be tabled until after the November election. In the meantime, he will contact the Leucadia Water District to find out if it would be possible to include such a survey in their billing to the Carlsbad residents in the south area of Carlsbad. Dr. Lange announced there is a Chamber of Commerce Sundowner tonight at the Plaza Paseo Real, and the Library will have a table there. He stated he will be gone most of the month of October, and recommended that the October meeting be canceled. The consensus of the Board was to cancel the October meeting. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Barbara Otwell reported there will be a book sale this Saturday, September 24, 1994, from 9:OO a.m. until 2:OO p.m., in the front yard of the Library. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Dr. Lange reported the Society held a yard sale at the Library and cleared $1,300. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: President Woodward reported the Advisory Board will meet tomorrow morning in Mira Mesa. He said there was an Orientation Meeting on September 1 , 1994, and Board Member Moss and he attended. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Board on a non-agenda item. September 21,1994 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 4 ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of September 21, 1994, was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM Monthly Report August 1994 - 1. - 2. - 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. _. 7. 8mall Grour, Instruction VISTA Volunteer Shirley Taylor, with 2 tut rs, visit d MiraCosta College s G. E. D . (high school equivalency) program and Chula Vista Literacy Teamls writing class to gain ideas on small group instruction. On August 29, Shirley and tutor Ruth Levor demonstrated small group writing instruction for 10 tutors from our program. The tutors and literacy staff then strategized how to begin small group writing instruction. Planning will continue. Intensive Phonics Instruction Several adult learners who have had difficulty making progress using other means are now using the computer lab's intensive phonics software with their tutors. One tutor is being trained to specialize in providing this instruction to several learners during the week. One learner comes 5 days a week. So far, the results are very positive. Pen to Paver The Summer 1994 issue of Pen to Paper, the program's writing journal by adult learners, was distributed in August. Volunteers Ruth Levor and David Jones are co-editors and do all the design of Pen to Paper as well. Workshor, for Adult Learners On August 17, tutor Carrie Scott conducted a special workshop for 7 adult learners on how to fill out forms. Several types of forms and applications were studied, and issues such as listing references on applications were discussed. Tutor Traininq Eight new tutors were trained on August 20, 22 and 24. USA Todav On August 3, USA Todav carried an article about adult learner John Corcoran and his book The Teacher Who Couldnlt Read. Accompanying the article was a photo of John in the reading room of the main Carlsbad Library. GOAL8 Workshor, On August 25, the last of the series of 6 GOALS workshops for adult learners was held at the Carlsbad Senior Center. The topic was "Leadership , Teamwork, and Success. Five adult learners from the Adult Learning Program and one learners from Escondido Public Library completed all six workshops. A graduation will be held October 13. CHILDREN'S DIVISION AUGUST 1994 I* - MONTHLY STATEMENT The Summer Reading Program, Around the World in 80 Ways, came to an end in August at the Branch, Centro and Main Library-Over 1,000 children participated in the program. The aim of the Summer Reading Program, to encourage children to continue reading during the summer, was achieved. Programs during the month included Storytime, Grandparents Storytime, the Roller Blade Demonstration, a Clown program at Centro, the Summer Reading Awards program, the Summer Reading Program party, a Volunteer party and an extra "Ride America" program for the volunteers. One of the highlights of the month was the Clown program at Centro, attended by over 150 children and their families. Several state library and federal library dignitaries were also in attendance, and they enjoyed the festivities and took pictures. To honor our top readers and volunteers, the Summer Reading Program concluded with an awards program. Prizes included special T-shirts designed and printed by Children's staff members, as well as airplane rides, helicopter rides, free bus passes, Wells Fargo fanny packs and many other gift certificates and prizes donated by local businesses. Sponsors and businesses were especially generous this year, and were thanked with the ad (attached) in the local paper. There was also a party for everyone who participated in the program. This included entertainment and refreshments, as well as the presentation of the Family Vacation Prize, which had been donated by the Bit of Travel agency. To show appreciation for the hard-working volunteers, the library gave a pizza and ice cream party, and a lot of good fun was high on the agenda. ''??e 1nerlca" V~S s3 3Ie3sed -$it> the sr3q.r:~ ';hat ;hey gave for -. ir; 7.;~ z~nzsz, c.:az - L-.= ---- za,,ac zr.: -:;iunteered to do something else. a horse show and special tour. .. They ended in inviting the volunteers to In addition to the Summer Reading Program and other programs, staff have also been involved in Task Force meetings, and attending a Grant Writing workshop sponsored by the California State Library. The workshop was very enlightening, and provided many ideas and sources for corporate, private and state grants. It is great to know that the state has three people in your corner to help write great grants ! COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITIONS STATISTICS REPORT Aug 1994 Current Month Fiscal Items Received B&T Direct PMSC Total to Date Year ...................................... -------------- ................................................ Books - Adult Main 183 250 433 1 , 063 Branch 100 1 101 176 Centro 0 6 6 19 subtotal 283 257 540 1,258 Books - Children Main 135 Branch 7 Centro 0 subtotal 142 9 0 1 10 144 215 7 13 1 26 152 254 Audio - Adult 41 69 110 ' 224 Audio - Children 0 128 128 129 Video 60 146 68 274 416 Total Received 526 610 68 1,204 2 , 281 .................................................................... Direct-ordered Videos Cataloged at PMSC B & T = Baker & Taylor PMSC = Professional Media Services Corporation Genealogy - Local’History Statistics FY 199 - 199 Auqust HOLDINGS : Titles Volumes Current Total Total Total Month Additions Holdings Holdings Additions Current FY Last M 257 360 31,134 30,774 31)9 464 39,415 Description of holdings: Titles Volumes Cataloged in INLEX 11,378 Non-Circ. 14,542 775 Circ. 775 Books 9,ooo Books - GEN-CIRC Books - Microform -xiaQ- 17,7 22 Microform 14 , 560 29 877 Periodicals - Bound 4.12 3,048 Total Periodicals - Microform 145 1,690 Maps 179a Microfilm (census, etc. ) 5.058_5,083 Microforms added this month: Film Fiche 1655.268 -- Bs.777 CALImAR YEAR GOALS: This month Total calendar year Volunteer hours 36a Programs held 432 At tendance 215- NSDCGS book/equipnent expenditures SO0 .OO $l& 3.48.66 ACTIVITY : This This +I - Total Total Month Month This FY Last FY 1,301 +40 2,545 14 , 608 50 49 50 0 +73 2,138 11,231 41 +1 41 38 319 2,010 Last EY Reference questions 1.341 Daily average 5(3 Daily average 42 Daily average 67 -1 6 7 Researchers registered 1,3.31 1,058 Circulating checkout 168 183 -15 DISTRIBUTION OF RESEARCHERS: City This This Month FY Carlsbad Del ?4ar area East S.D. area Encinitas area Escondido area Fallbrook Oceanside S.D. City etc. San Marcos Vista . 401 27 ..67 107 123 69 365 348 117 193 -- County This - Mmth -1 Fresno4 -2 Monterev2 Riverside19 -95 Bernard. 3 Francisco 1 San Joaauin 1 $anta Barbara 6 -- -1 I This N 1 5 3 35 2 43 178 a 1 1 ‘6 2 1 state a This . - Month Colorado 3 gist. of Col. 1 Maryland 2 Misosuri 1 Nebraska 1 Nevada 4 New Mexico 1 Oklahoma 1 Texas 2 Washinqton 1 other states This FY 3 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 16 LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY Monthly Report Augiist-1994 *CIRCULATION* Branch circulation was 21,496 for the month of August. This total included 10,930 adult items, 7,593 children's items and 2,973 video tapes. Total increase in circulation over August, 1993 was 8.7%. Circulation averaged 74 items an hour or 796 items a day. This is a 4% increase over last year;-. *USERS* The total number of library users was 18,518. This was an average of 63 each hour or 685 each day. The total number of users increased 32.7%. Hourly increase was 26% and users per day rose 27.6%. *CHILDREN'S* Highlighting the children's activities this month was the awards ceremony for the 1994 Summer Reading Program. Pat Brunini conducted the program on August 3, awarding 26 children prizes for the most well-rounded summer reading accomplishments, plus art and short story entries. Entertainment for the-celebration was from the lively musical group, Jackstraws. School is back in session for most children so report materials are beginning their seasonally heavy use. Many paperbacks were received as donations. It is rare to receive so many like-new children's books. These donations included many brand new Spanish language editions. *VOLUNTEERS* The Branch library is exceptionally fortunate to have many volunteers helping in the various activities. Many hours have been given by ' students wishing community service hours required by High School curriculum or college applications. One High School student from Bishop School in La Jolla has been charting circulation statistics to provide a tool by which to schedule staff. His graphs will indicate pictorially the busiest circulation times. As in this task, volunteers have filled needs for which paid staff simply do not have the time. This month 1283 hours of time were donated. *SELFCHECK* SELFCHECK has been in operation for 3 months. It has checked out 2,946 items and has done 4.57% of the total circulation. If one ccunted only materials accepted by SELFCHECK which excludes paperbacKs and audio visual materials, 6.8% of the circulation has been carried by self automation. FAVORITE QUOTE OF THE MONTH from a 3 year old, "Hey, ya know, I yike dis Yibrary. Iss gweat!" FY 94-95 Media Graphics PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE/CENTRO DE INFORMACION Monthly Report August 1994 1.- Centro de Informaah Newsletter. Over 1200 copies of the July and August Centro de Informacibn Newsletter in Spanish and English were distributed in the community during the first week of August. 2.- children’spronramrmnn . On August 3, in conjunction with the Children’s Department at the Main Library, the Centro presented a bilingual program featuring the clowns Milike and Pakin. On August 5, the kindergarten summer school from Jefferson Elementary School visited the Centro for storytime. On August 11, children from 1st and 2nd grades attending Migrant Education Summer School at Pine Elementary School visited the Centro for a storytime. The same day children from 5th and 6th grades came to the Centro de Informacicin to listen to a story and to share with Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson their school project, a translation of the book La Abuela ODalina from Spanish to English. On August 5, the Centro ended the Summer Reading Program with 167 children enrolled, and on August 11, at the City Council Chambers, 6 children from the Centro received awards and prizes for their outstanding participation in the Reading Program. 3.- Jelly Bean Contest. Through the Centro, children from the neighborhood had the opportunity to participate in the Jelly Bean Contest. This year three children won second and third prizes in the Jelly Bean Contest and received their prizes at the City Council Chambers on August 11. 4.- Community partners hi^ - Hedthv Kids Fair. On August 27, the American Red Cross presented a Healthy Kids Fair at Pine Elementary School. Centro staff worked during the fair running an information booth to promote the library and helping Red Cross staff in assisting Spanish-speaking clients seeking vaccinations for their children. Before the fair Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson was involved in planning and promoting the fair. On August 22, Mayor Bud Lewis and City Council member Julie Nygaard participated with volunteers from the Red Cross and the Centro de Informacih in walking around the neighborhood doing outreach for the fair. During the fair, 179 children received immunizations. 5.- State PFC consultation. On August 30, PFC Team Members Geoff Armour, Lynda Jones, and Ofie Escobedo; Library Director Cliff Lange; and Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson had a one-day meeting with two PFC Consultants from the State Library. The purpose.of this meeting was to discuss the library‘s future PFC efforts. 6.- at of Education Visit. On August 3, PFC Consultant Bessie Condos Tichauer and Clarence Fogelstrom, California’s Program Officer from the U.S. Department of Education, visited the Centro de Informaci6n. The purpose of his visit was to observe projects funded by federal LSCA grants. 7.- Centro SuDervisor Position. PFC Coordinator Lynda Jones met with Hamet Gerza of the Human Resources Department to develop a job description for the Centro Supervisor's position. 8.- Putnam Award A~Dlication. The City of Carlsbad submitted an award application to the Institute for Local Self Government, a non-profit organization committed to promoting and strengthening local self government, to compete among other cities for the 1994 Helen Putnam California Cities Award for Excellence. The Centro de Informacih was chosen by city officials as a city program that met the requirements for one of the nine award categories, "Enhancing Diversity in the Work Place and Community". The results of the jury's actions will be announced by September 25th. 9.- SDanish Literacv Meetinn. On August 18 the Spanish Literacy Committee of the San Diego Council on Leteracy held their bimonthly meeting at the Centro de Informaci6n. Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson introduced Mrs. Lesbia Chavez, a volunteer tutor, to the committee. Mrs. Chavez explained to the members about the methods and materials that she is using with her group of learners in Carlsbad. 10.- Volunteer. During the Summer Reading Program Award Ceremony, Miguel Ibarra, a volunteer from the Centro, received a plaque as the top volunteer from all the libraries. Miguel gave the Centro 80 hours of his time during the program, listening to reports, shelving books, and accompanying us with groups of children to events at the Main Library. Dtrnng the month of August, there were 3 Reference Skills Classes snd 1 tu-. On four Tuesday mornings in August, Calk Ahrens attended Investment in Excellence Facilitators Meetings. Char Kennedy gave 3 presentation about the use of technology in the Reference Department during the Library Board Meeting on August 17. Cathy Miller went to an lnflauic Indexers Meeting at the Oceanside Public Library on August 26. Techniaa1 Services Report August 1994 In August, Technical Services staff added 1,231 books and 501 audiovisual items to the library's collection. A total of 873 books and 414 A-V items were withdrawn from the collection. Library users with computers made 323 calls to the library's dial-up catalog in August. In addition, the library catalog was accessed through Main Street on Daniels Cablevision 288 times. The 3M Selfcheck station at the La Costa branch was used to check out a total of 1028 items in August. This is an increase of 1% from July. On August 4, while staff in the city's Information Systems department was performing the backup to tape of our previous day's data, one of the disk drives on our Hewlett-Packard mini- computer failed. The company with whom the city contracts for computer maintenance and repair was unable to save the data, so we lost all our records of circulation and database maintenance activity for August 3. In addition, the system was down for most of the day, since the replacement part was not installed until mid-afternoon. Our database was then restored from the backup of August 2. Meanwhile, staff used INLEX's PC-based backup circulation system, which enables us to record check-out and check-in activity and patron registrations to the hard drive of a personal computer, for uploading to the main computer later. This is the first loss of data and the first significant down- time due to hardware we've experienced since we moved to Hewlett- Packard computers with our purchase of the INLEX system in 1987. Our previous system, a product of CLSI, Inc., ran on a DEC computer which was considerably more trouble-prone. The drive failure may reflect the age of the equipment; this particular drive had been in use 24 hours a day since July 1987. Despite the reliability of the equipment, we have always backed up the database to tape five days a week. For extra safety, once a week we send a full set of backup tapes to a site in San Diego that specializes in data storage. Off-site storage is an essential precaution that safeguards our data in case of a disaster, such as earthquake or fire, that might damage both the computer and any backups stored at the same location. AB # 4 85% MTG. 9/13/94 DEPT. CSD RECOMMENDED ACTION: TITLE: AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD CONTRACT FOR DEPT. HD. &' LIBRARY ADA MODIFICATIONS CITY MGR. CONTRACT U/M 94-9 Adopt Resolution No. $72,270 to Johnson Construction for the Library ADA Modifications, Contract No. U/M 94-9. accepting bids and awarding a contract in the amount of ITEM EXPLANATION: On June 28, 1994, the Crty Council approved the contract documents, special provisions and specifications, and authorized the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the Library ADA Modifications. Four (4) bids were received, opened, witnessed and recorded on August 18, 1994. The bid included three alternates in addition to the base bid because of the limited funding and the uncertainty of the construction market. The total bid amounts, including the alternates, ranged from $72,270 to $92,157. The bids were reviewed by the staff of the Purchasing Department and the Communrty Services Department. Bidder Bid Amount Wier Construction Co, Escondido Malek General Contractor, Fallbrook Bachmann Construction, Carlsbad Johnson Construction, Murrieta $92,157 $85,297 $75,412 $72,270 Sufficient funds are available to award the base bid and all three alternates. It is therefore recommended that the construction contract be awarded to Johnson Construction, the lowest responsive bidder, in the amount of $72,270. The contractor's registration and bonds are in order and references are satisfactory. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for this project is appropriated in the City's Capital Improvement Program, Account No. 320-820-1890-3384. The total budget for this project is $86,231. Of this amount, $36,231 is funded from a Library Services and Construction Act Title II Grant while the remaining $50,000 are currently available using Public Facility Funds allocated for the remodeling of the Cole Library. Use of these funds now will not increase the cost of the ultimate remodel. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. H-JX3 2. Bid Summary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Exhibit 1 RESOLUTION NO. 94-253 RESOLUTlON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT NO. U/M 94-9 FOR THE LIBRARY ADA MODIFICATIONS WHEREAS, bids have been received by the City of Carlsbad, California, for the Library ADA Modifications; and WHEREAS, the lowest responsive bid was submitted by Johnson Construction, in the amount of $72,270; and WHEREAS, sufficient funds are available in the City's Capital Improvement Program, Account Number 320-820-1 890-3384 for the project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. 2. The above recitations are true and correct. The bid of $72,270 by Johnson Construction for the Library ADA Modifications, Contract No. U/M 94-9 is hereby accepted and the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a contract therefore. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of , 1994, by the Carlsbad at its regular meeting held on the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: day of CLAUDEA. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) z cu- r- 0 cu b 2 n 7 3 Y h m r- in co_ Y b m Q) 7 (xi- (xi m b 7 9. CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB # JTITLE: ACCEPTANCE OF A FIFTH YEAR IDEPT. HD.~ 7 MTG. "u/r/94 I PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE GRANT CITY ATTY CITY MGR. I DEPT. FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: On May 17, 1994, the City Council approved the library's application for a fifth year (1994- 95) Partnerships for Change grant in the amount of $40,000. This will be the final year of federal funding for this program, which has been administered by the California State Library. The library has used this grant to establish an information outreach program to Hispanic families in Carlsbad's downtown neighborhood. This program, the Centro de Informacion, opened in November 1991 in a rented facility. Now located in a classroom at Pine School, the Centro, with its four part-time bilingual staff, provides services 23 hours per week. Sewices include programs for both adults and children; a variety of bilingual print and non-print resources; information and referral; a bi-monthly newsletter; and close contact with community groups and neighborhood residents. There have also been increasing efforts to assist new Hispanic residents as they adapt to life in a different culture and become familiar with the range of services and resources offered at the main library. During the most recent quarter of activity, over 4,900 people visited the Centro; over 900 adults and children attended informational and educational programs; 79 new library cards were issued (over 1,400 issued since the program began); 532 information and referral questions were handled; and 3,079 items were checked out. In the coming year, the Centro plans to continue serving the informational and educational needs of Spanish- speaking residents of the downtown area. Exhibit 2 summarizes the Centro's planned services and budget for the coming year. FISCAL IMPACT: This grant operates on the federal fiscal cycle from October 1 through September 30 each year. The $4o,OOO federal grant, plus in-kind contributions of $16,050 will fully support program operations through September 30, 1995. In-kind contributions include $6,700 for support and administration provided by library staff; $1,850 for supplies; and $7,500 for Spanish-language materials included in the library's CLSA state grant, which does no1 invoiw jenaral ~LCC. Accuxuiatm inwas: Jf approximately $l,OOO will be used to purchase additional books. In addition, the Centro supervisor's position has been approved in the 1994-95 budget for conversion to 3/4-time general fund status, a total of $27,369 in salary and benefits as shown in the budget summary in Exhibit 2. The library has reallocated funds within its budget to accommodate this shift. . PAGE 2 OF AB# - / EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. accepting a fifth year Partnerships for Change grant from the California State Library. 2. Action Plan and Budget Summary for 1993-94. 3. Letter dated August 19, 1994 from California State Librarian, awarding the grant. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 .-- i- 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION ,NO. I- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A FIFTH YEAR PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY. WHEREAS, the library’s submittal of an application for a Partnerships for Change grant was approved on May 17, 1994; and WHEREAS, the library’s proposed plan of service is in keeping with Council guidelines; and WHEREAS, the California State Library has awarded the Carlsbad City Library a grant in the amount of $40,000 for the fifth year of the grant program; and WHEREAS, the City has earned interest from fourth year grant funds; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the California State Library Partnerships for Change grant in the amount of $40,000 is hereby accepted. 2. That the grant of $4O,OOO is hereby appropriated to Account No. i SG-8.50-82 I 2. 3. That the earned interest from fourth year grant funds is hereby appropriated to Account No. 880-5199223-0000. /I 11 /I I/ 3 * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I- - r=.r 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 4. That the Mayor of the City ofcarlsbad is authorized and directed to -- sign a statement certifying the City of Carlsbad’s eligibility for the grant funds. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held the - day of , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ct EXHIBIT 2 Jurisdiction Carlsbad Ci tv LiSrarv Applicant Title Centro de Inforrnaci6n -- 11. Summarize your Action Plan for 1994/95. Provide a narrative statement of what you plan to accomplish in 1994/95 to complete revision of your revised Service Program Design. Include a description of the - involvement of your Coalition in decisions and activities documented in this application. Complete Summary in the space provided. - In 1994-1995, the Carlsbad City Library will continue to operate the Centro de Informaci6n in Carlsbad's downtown neighborhood. The Centro will continue to be staffed by bilingual/bicultural library technicians during a variety of day and evening hours, on a schedule determined in conjunction with neighborhood residents. Frequent informational programs for Spanish- speaking adults will be presented by community and governmental agencies. Staff will continue to provide in-depth information and referral services to aid Spanish-speaking residents to interact with agencies and adapt to life in this country. Programming for preschool and school-age children will continue to emphasize development of reading skills, celebration of Hispanic culture, participation in U.S. culture, and homework assistance. The Centro staff will continue to spend several hours a week in outreach activities in the community, and the Centro will continue to serve as a meeting site for neighborhood groups. The Main Library's staff will also be involved in the community and participate in regular staff exchanges with the Centro staff. to expand their adult and children's Spanish print and audio-visual collections, as well as materials for learning English. An emphasis on converting all library information into bilingual format will be continued. Frequent tours of the Main Library and Centro wil? be conducted for Spanish-speaking adults and children. Special bilingual children's programs will be conducted by Main Library and Centro staff jointly. Library staff will continue to seek the ideas and feedback of Community coalition members, both formally and informally, in building the Spanish- language collections and planning services. The Centro'ls newsletter will continue to inform neighborhood families, city and agency staffs, and coalition members of the Centro's services. The library will continue to work with the city's Human Resources Department in developing city staff's skills to serve an increasingly diverse city population. 12. Budget Summary Both the Main Library and the Centro will continue (For 1994/95 fundi39 only, summarizing Detailed Program Budget from sectlon 17): Gcnez LSCA Contrib. In-Kind Total (1) (2) (3 1 (4 1 a. Salaries/Benef its 23,900 27,369 6,700 57,969 b. Library Materials 2,637 7,500 10,137 c. Operating Expense LO, 500 -- 1,850 12,350 -- d. Equipment e. Indirect Costs 2,963 -- 2,963 -- (Max: 10% of direct) f. Total 40,000 27,369 16,050 83,419 EXHIBIT 3 CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY LIBRARY-COURTS BUILDING 0 P.O. BOX 942837 e SACRAMENTO, CA 94237-OOOf -c August 19, 1994 Clifford Lange, Director Carlsbad City Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: LSCA I - 3225, FY 1994/95, WP 93, Grant Award #40-2826 Title: Centro de Inforrnacion TELEPHONE: (916) 445-2585 Dear Mr. Lange: I am pleased to approve your grant application for the above named Partnerships for Change program for a total of $40,000 in federal Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA) funds, effective immediately for the period ending September 30, 1995. The State Library primary consultant assigned to this program will be Bessie Condos Tichauer, telephone (916) 653-8293. Please work with this consultant in implementing your grant. My staff is ready to assist you in making your program a success. You have outlined a series of activities for your final transition year that will continue to provide services for the Hispanic families in your community. You have assembled an excellent PFC team that continues to build strong community support. Don’t hesitate to call on us if we can be of further assistance during this concluding year. Funds allowed are as follows: Sdarks ik benefiis Library materials Operating expenses Equipment (items over $5,OOO) Program award 1994195 LSCA &moved bum 532 ,sco 2,637 10,500 0 37,037 Indirect cost (up to 10%) 2963 Total $4O,OOO 6 J Clifford Lange -2- , August 19, 1994 On September 30, 1995 this grant program will be officially closed and no new expenditures may be generated nor funded program activities occur. All unexpended and unencumbered funds must be returned by November 13, 1995. This program is allowed 60 days to liquidate encumbrances which were incurred prior to September 30. After the 60 day period, all encumbered funds which have not been liquidated must be returned to the State Library. Reporting on financial and program activities is required quarterly, on the forms enclosed, within 30 days of each quarter. A final narrative report is required and is due within 30 days after the close of this grant period, by October 30, 1995. The final liquidation report, if required, is due and must be submitted by December 15. Thus, all reporting regarding this grant award must have been received at the State Library by December 15, 1995. Please note this change in procedure for Fiscal Year 1993/94 regarding grant payments. Ten percent (10%) of the total grant award or the indirect cost, whichever is higher, is withheld until the end of the grant year. It is payable only if the grant recipient fulfills all reporting requirements and returns all unspent grant funds by the time specified in this grant award. Failure to provide timely reports is a serious breach of a grant recipient’s administrative duty under the grant program, which may result in federal audit exceptions against the state and the loss of LSCA funds. The State Librarian may extend the final deadline for good cause. Requests for extension beyond the final deadline must be received in writing at least 30 days prior to the deadline at the State Librarian’s office. All required reporting materials are attached to this letter. This letter and the enclosed list of LSCA procedural requirements amend the Consolidated Application/Grant Award Certification document and must remain a part of all your existing copies. Best wishes for a successful program year. Sincerely, Cary E. strcr.= California State Librarian Enclosures cc: Barbara Will Colette Moody Bessie Condos Tichauer Geoffrey Armour Lynda Jones 7 PLEASE DO NOT FOLD OR STAPLE 16. ILL Period: #Weeks. 2 California State Library Federal-State Cooperative System for Public Library Data CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT 1994 I 17. Photocopy free up to 10 pages? N REPORT YEAR equals ending June 30,1994 Fiscal Year 1993-94 Library Development hices P.O. Box 942837 Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 Liz Gibson (916) 653-6752 Due August 3 1. 1994 M616 DCR - BASE Car 1 sbad Code: P Table: 3 ~ ~~ Type or Handwrite Changes on this page. This page will NOT be OCR Scanned. 1. Library. Carlsbad City Libmry 2. Director. Cliffoni E. Lunge 3. Street Address. 1250 Carlsbad Vige Drive Carlsbad CA 92008-1991 I 5. Public Phone. (619) 434-2870 7. FAX Phone. (619) 729-2050 9. TDD for Deaf. 11. House Dist. 43 (619) 434-8113 13. Assembly. 74 ALA, CLA, CLASS 15. Affiliations. Dinetor ~~~~ ~~ ~~~ 4. Mailing Address. 1250 Carisbad Viige Drive Carisbad CA 92008-1991 6. Reference Phone. (619) 434-2871 8. INTERNET ID. cLrRen.org 10. Size Sq. Miles. -42.88 40.00 12. State Senate. 38 14. CLSA System. Semi 1 M-TI, 9-9; F,S 9-5. I have reviewed the data entered and affirm this is a complete and correct annual report as required by the State Education Code. Signature of Library Director. Date. <//6,/?g CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 Carlsbad For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markdcomments on page. POPULATION and OUTLETS 201. Pop. Children Age 0-5 202. Pop. 0-5 as Percent of Total Pop. 203. Pop. Children Age 6-14 204. Pop. 6-14 as Percent of Total Pop. 205. Registered Borrowen as of June 30. 206. Children Bomwers Age 0-14 207. MainLibrary. 208. Branches. 209. Stations. (if open for public service) (at least 1400 sq.ft. 7000 vols) 2 10. Bookmobiles. Vehicle count. 2 11. Other Outlets, Deposits. 212. Hours per week Wn Library is open. LIBRARY STAFF 251. Total count of persons employed. full and part time. (PERSONS NOT FTE) 252. ALA LibrariarrS.(Full Time Equivalent) 253. FTE Total Librarians (ALA or other.) 254. FIE Special professionals who have accredited ALA Masters. 255. FTE Lib. Tech. Assistants. 256. mother. 257. FI’EVolunteers, Average per week Response for FY 1m-93 100. 616 201. 5,100 202. 8.00 203. 6,800 204. 10.00 205. 76,721 206. 14,000 207. 1 208. 1 209. 1 210. 0 211. 0 212. 64.00 251. 112 252. 17.00 253. 17.00 254. 0.00 255. 10.00 256. 29.80 257. 8.00 Type Response for 1993/94 in box below. 100. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 251. 252. 25:. 254. 255. 256. 257. 616 5,200 7.70 7,000 10.40 76,357 14 , 500 1 1 1 0 0 64.00 115 17.84 17.84 0.47 9.00 33.87 8.00 Page 2 QST-STAT ~ DCR STAT - S :S CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other marks/comments on page. INCOME Report whole dollars only, omit cents. Enter funds for operating expenses, and for capital outlay. 301. LocalGovernmenk 302. Statefunds: 303. Feddfunds: 304. Otherhcome. 305. Special District Augmentation funds for counties and districts. 306. Gifts, Fines, Fees 307. Contract Payments. 308. Capital Outlay. taxes and allocations. (ii S's from 305. & 307.) CLSA and PLF. LSCA or other. Cides S's de@iled in 306, below.) and local fund raising. fiom another jurisdiction. Type or Handwrite nature of Contracts in this space. Page 3 M616 cartsbad Response for FY 1992-93 100. 616 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 2 , 418, a27 300 I 300 57,498 60,000 0 loa I 123 0 QST-STAT Type Response for 1993/94 in box below. 100. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 1 616 2,483,857 291 , 200 40,000 123,500 0 120,466 0 41,500 DCR STAT - CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 Carlsbad Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other marks/comments on page. STANDARD OPERATING EXPENDITURES Local, State and Federal funds. 401. !&dark. 402. Benefits. 403. printfit&&. If paid by Library. 404. Current Serial Subscriptions. 405. Microforms. 406. Audiovisual materials. 407. Othermaterials. 408. All other Operating Expenditures. 409. Capital outlay. Include sites, buildings, vehicles, original equipment. Respollse for FY 1992-93 100. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 616 1,571,285 329,600 186,301 138,550 0 49,171 0 514,376 16,793 Page 4 QST STAT - Type Rsponse for 1993194 in box below. 100. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. a 616 1,578,422 351,359 204,175 129,058 39,000 77,139 521,147 51,910 DCR STAT - CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markslcomments on page. EXPENDITURES (Xncluded on page 4) 501. Postage and Delivery. 502. Telephone and Other 503. Contracted Computer Services. Telecommunications. 504. Online Database Searching. 505. Preservation. 506. Expenditure for Children's 507. Adult Literacy Program. Materials. 508. Transfer to CitylCounty divisions for services: mint, accounting, etc. 509. Payments for Contract Service to another jurisdiction. 510. Estimate of Services & Supplies benefiting the library that were paid for by other City/County Division for report year. PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND 5 11. Amount of PLF funds included in 5 12. PLF expended for Library Materials. Total Operating Expenditure. 513. PLF expended for Personnel. 514. Hours of mice provided by PLF-paid Personnel. 5 15. PLF expended on General Operating 516. PLF expended on Special Projects. budget. 517. PLF difference from Allocation. Explain difference in this space. Bids for printing equipment came in slightly over budget. Page 5 M616 Carlsbad Response for FY 1992-93 100. 616 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 13 , 594 26,903 57 , 821 4,079 18 , 250 52 , 302 110 , 233 0 6,516 210 , 000 38 , 300 0 0 0.00 0 34 , 227 4,073 Type Response for 1993l94 in box below. 100. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 4 616 12,530 30,787 55,337 3,227 18,000 49,000 118,071 37,148 6,516 215,000 42,500 0 0 0 0 42,750 (250) QST STAT - - DCR-STAT ES CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markslcomments on page. COLLECTIONS. All entries are annual for fiscal year, and are in units or items. 601. Books Added Cataloged. 602. Books Adult/YA Added Cataloged. 603. Books Added Uncataloged. 604. Children's Books. 605. Children's Books. 606. Books Total Held as of June 30. Added, Cataloged. Added, Uncataloged. 607. Books Children Held as of June 30. 608. Books AdultNA Held as of June 30. 609. LeasedBooks. 6 10. Govemment Documents 611. Microfilm (reels). Inventory on hand. in separate collections. 6 12. Microforms (not microfilm). 613. Children's Audio Materials held as of June 30. 6 14. Total Audio Materials. 615. Films. 6 16. Children's Video Materials held as of June 30. 617. Total Video Materials. 618. Number of Current Periodical 6 19. Book Titles Added (Cataloged) and Serial Subscriptions. 620. CD-ROM Data disks only, 6 2 1. Serial Volumes (OPTIONAL for 1993/94) not AudioNideo or public catalog. held as of June 30. Page 6 M616 Carlsbad Response for FY m-93 100. 616 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 14,159 10,477 5 , 000 3 , 682 1,000 207 , 711 48 , sa2 159 , 129 0 0 9,800 207,517 2 , 018 11,392 0 1,798 11,312 1,413 10,131 10 QST - STAT Type Response for 1993/94 in box below. 100. 616 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 619. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. ES ES DCR-STAT CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other marks/comments on page. NON-ENGLISH LANGUAGES Print Materials ADDED as of June 30. 701. Armenian 702. Chinese 703. French 704. German 705. Hmong 706. Italian 707. Japanese 708. Korean 709. Laotian 710. Russian 711. Spanish 712. Vietnamese Print Materials HELD as of June 30. 751. Armenian 752. Chinese 753. French 754. German 755. Hmong 756. Italian 758. Korean 759. Laotian 760. Russian 761. Spanish 762. Vietnamese 757. Japanese Print Materials ADDED in other languages. Specify in this space. Note, these will be maintained manually, not in statistics data base files. M616 Carlsbad Response for FY 1992-93 100. 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. 757. 758. 759. 760. 761. 762. 616 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,228 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,852 0 Type Response for 1993/94 in box Mow. 100. 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. 757. 758. 759. 760. 761. 762. 1 616 933 5,673 Page 7 QST-LANG DCR LANG - CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LXBRARY REPORT For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markdcoxnments on page. LIBRARY SERVICES, ANNUAL. 80 1. Total Public Service Hours. 802. Attendance in Library. 803. Reference Questions. Omit Directional. 804. Online Database %arches. 805. Circulation of Children's Materials. 806. Circulation Non-English. 807. Circulation Non-Book. 808. Total Circulation. 809. Children's Circ as Percent of Total Circulation. 810. In-Library use of Materials. 811. ILL loans to others. 812. ILLloansreceived. 813. Preschool Programs. Number. 814. Pre-school Programs. Attendance. 815. School Age Programs. Number. 816. sehool Age Pqpms. Attendance. 817. Adult Programs. Number. 818. Adult Programs. Attendance. 819. Total Programs. Number. 820 Total Programs. Attendance. Page 8 M616 Carisbad Response for FY 1992-93 100. 801. 802. 803. 804. 805. 806. 807. 808. 809. 810. 811. 812. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 616 7 I 774 745 I 332 140 I 075 220 324,317 14 I 742 281,978 1,081 , 125 30.00 0 1,275 1,428 206 5,459 94 3,328 77 2 I982 377 11 I 769 QST - STAT Type Response for 1993/94 in box below. 100. 801. 802. 803. 804. 805. 806. 807. 808. 809. 810. 811. 812. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 1 616 913 1,457 212 6 , 094 217 6,412 110 4,154 539 16,660 DCR STAT - CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 Carlsbad For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, A Avoid other markslcomments on page. Special Report, 1993194 FACILITIES PLANNING ****PLEASE FOR WARD, WITH THIS ANNUAL REPORT FORM, A COPY OF YOUR**** 8888 88.8 MOST CURRENT FACILXTIES MASTER PLAN. Status 0 f Jurisdiction-wide Lib- Facilities Mas ter Plan 835. Year Plan was completed, or of most recent update of Plan. 836. plan not completed, but in-Progress (1 = Yes; 0 = Not Applicable). 837 . If in-Progress, Year in which completion is expected. 838. No Plan yet developed, but plan to begin development soon. 839. If answer to #838 is Yes, provide Year in which you hope to complete your plan. 840. No Facilities Master Plan is Needed at this time for this library. (1 = Yes, no master plan is needed; otherwise, leave blank) (1 = Yes; 0 = No) Provide. below. a list of Maior Libran C onstruction Roiects that are currentlv Needed, whether YOU have a master DIZW or not,(Indicate Square footage in response box at right- > ) 841 842. 843. 844 845. 846. 847. 848. 849. 850. Name of Project South Carlsbad Library Cole Library New/Exp/Rmdl 841. New 842. Exp/Rmd 1 843. 844. 845. 846. 847. 848. 849. 850. '^"Name of ProjectAAn Page 8a *"New/Exp/RmdlA " Type Resporrse for FY 1993194 in box below. 100. 835. 836. 837. 838. 839. 840. 841. 842. 843. 844. 845. 846. 847. 848. 849. 850. 616 1990 0 64,000 50,000 " " "Square FootageA A A DCR-STAT CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markslcomments on page. SALARY SURVEY. Survey is of monthly ranges for selected classifications. Leave sections blank if inappropriate. But do not divide sections or add new ones. List monthly ranges, whole dollars only, omit cents. 901. Director (monthly rate) 902. Director (monthly rate) 903. Assistant Dir. 904. AssktantDir. 905. Chief Lib. Div. 906. Chief Lib. Div. 907. BranchLibn. 908. BranchLibn. 909. Librarian 910. Librarian 911. Lib. Tech. Asst. 912. Lib. Tech, Asst. 913. Clerk Non-Pro. (Begmnmg) .. Begin Final Begin Final Begin Final Begin Final Begin Final Besin Final Begin (general clerical; no librpry skills requirement) Fd .. 914. Clerk Non-Pro. @egmmg) 915. Mgr. of Spec. Service. (mn-MLS) Begin 916. Mgr. of Spec. Service. (non-MLS) Final (e.g. Literacy, A-V, or I&R Specialist) M616 Carlsbad Response for FY 1992-93 100. 616 901. 902. 903. 904. 905. 906. 907. 908. 909. 910. 911. 912. 913. 914. 915. 916. 5,579 7 I 120 4 I 351 5,553 2,981 3,623 2,981 3,623 2,212 3,121 1,924 2,970 1,531 2,138 3,367 4,297 Type Response for 1993194 in box below. 100. 616 901. 5,579 902. 7,120 903. 4,351 904. 5,553 905. 2,981 906. 3,623 907. 2,981 908. 3,623 909. 2,212 910. 3,121 911. 1,924 912. 2,970 913. 1,531 914. 2,138 4 915. 3,367 916. 4,297 Page 9 QST SALR - DCR SALR - CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT FOR : n6 16 NEW MOBILE LIBRARIES. Report Year FY 1993194 Use this page to report NEW vehicles. Photocopy this page if several new vehicles. Type or Handwrite Responses on this page. This page will NOT be OCR Scanned. I FILE DCR-BXMB NOT APPLICABLE Type: (B)ookmobile (T)railer Wan : Description: Make. Model. I I Year. Length. Book Capacity in Volumes. I TOM miles trave14 per year. I Number of individual Stops. Total hours per month in public service. (omit travel time) Staffkg in full-time equivalent: Librarians on vehicle. FTE. Driver/clerks on vehicle. FTE. Support Staff off vehicle. Fl'E. Total materials circulation per year. a Yearly operating and maintenance cost. (fuel, maintenance, repair, labor and parts) ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ Has adult or children's programming been conducted from bookmobile? (Y/N) Cite example. Page 10 California State Library Federal-State Cooperative System for Public Library Data CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1994 Library Development Services P. 0. Box 942837 Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 Liz Gibson (916) 653-6752 Due August 31,1994 1. Outlet: La Costa Brunch 2. Director: Chris Hob 3. Title: -H&u~&&&~B Sercviees- Branch Manager 4. Street Address: 5. Mail Address: -n5e~ac-k~ 6949 El Camino Real, Suite 200 6949 El Camino Real, Suite 200 6. City: Carlsbad 7. Mail City: Carlsbad 8. County: San Diego County 9. Zip: 92009-8516 10. Mail Zip: 92009-851 6 11. Public Phone: (619) 434-2865 Ext: 12. FAX Phone: (619) 930-0251 13. This Facility is Owned by: (Check one) City County Special District Public School Other Public Agency Private Agency/Person/etc. X I 14. Is this Facility in need of (Y = Yes; N = No) Remodeling N ? Expansion Y? Replacement y ? CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1994 M616 Carisbad Outlet Name: La Costn Briluch CORRECTIONS COLUMN BLANK. 11 For OCR Scanning: Flae Avoid Folding /I Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, WHERE THE DATA ON FTLE IS CORRECT, YOU MAY LEAVE THE UPDATE1 285. Population Sewed By Outlet. 286. Total Outlet Staff, in lTE. ' 287 . Hours Open, Weekly. 288. Hours Open, Annually. 289. Total Number of Volumes Ht y Outlet. 290. Total Annual Circulation by Outlet. 2 9 1 . Total Outlet Operating Expenditure. 292. Year in which Outlet was Originally Built. 293. Year in which Outlet was Remodeled. 294. Size of Outlet, in sq. ft. 295. Number of Reader Seats in Outlet. 296. MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) Status. 0 = Not in an MSA. 1 = Within city limits of the central city of an MSA. 2 = In an MSA but not within the central city limits. (If status is unknown, contact your planning department.) 297. Type of Outlet. BR = Branch. ST = Station. CE = Central library. 298. Degree of Adequacy of this Facility. (On a scale from 1 = Poor to 10 = Excellent) Page 2 Data Currently On File 100. 120. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 616 0020.002 15,700 7.30 64 3,328 39,785 236,000 1981 1985 4,500 66 2 BR QST-OUTL Update/Corrections For 1993194 100. 616 120. 0020.002 285. 20,000 286. 8.75 287. 64 288. 3,328 289. 41,781 290. 235,818 291. 315,000 292. 1992 293. 1993 294. 5,600 295. 44 296. 2 1 297. BR 298. a DCR - OUTL ES California State Library Federal-State Cooperative System for Public Library Data CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1994 II Library Development Services P. 0. Box 942837 Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 Liz Gibson (916) 653-6752 ~ 1. Outlet: Carlsbad City Library 2. Director: Clvfoord E. Lange 3. Title: Director 4. Street Address: 5. Mail Address: 1250 Carlsbad VillQge Drive. 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive 6. City: Carlsbad 7. Mail City: Carlsbad 8. County: San Diego County 9. Zip: 92008-1991 10. Mail Zip: 92008-1991 11. Public Phone: (619) 434-2870 Ext: 12. FAX Phone: (619) 729-2050 13. This Facility is Owned by: (Check one) City x County Special District Public School Other Public Agency Private Agency/Person/etc. 4 14. Is this Facility in need of: (Y = Yes; N = No) Remodeling Y ? Expansion Y? Replacement N ? CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1994 M616 Carlsbad outlet Name: &&bod City Library 11 For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding II I Type Responses in-indicated area ONLY: WHERE THE DATA ON F'ILE IS CORRECT, YOU MAY LEAVE THE UPDATE1 II 11 CORRECTIONS COLUMN BLANK. 285. Population Served By Outlet. 286. Total Outlet Staff, in mE. 287. Hours Open, Weekly. 288. Hours Open, Annually. 289. Total Number of Volumes Held by Outlet. 290. Total Annual Circulation by Outlet. 291. Total Outlet Operating Expenditure. 292. Year in which Outlet was Originally Built. 293. Year in which Outlet was Remodeled. 294.. Size of Outlet, in sq. ft. 295. Number of Reader Seats in Outlet. 296. MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) Status. 0 = Not in an MSA. 1 = Within city limits of the central city of an MSA. 2 = In an MSA but not within the central city limits. (If status is unknown, contact your planning department.) 297. Type of Outlet. BR = Branch. ST = Station. CE = Central library. 298. Degree of Adequacy of this Facility. (On a scale from 1 = Poor to 10 = Excellent) Data Currently On File 100. 120. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 61 6 0020.001 64,300 52.20 64 3,328 165,944 830,OOO 1967 1982 24,600 146 2 CE UpdatdCorrections For 1993194 100. 616 120. 0020.001 I 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 4 297. 298. 55,000 51.43 64 3,328 A - 9,096 879,530 2,241,000 1967 1982 24,600 152 2 CE 4 Page 2 QST-OUTL DCR OUTL - :S' * : California State Library Federal-State Cooperative System for Public Library Data I CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1994 Outlets Survey Due August 31,1994 Mail to: Library Development Services P. 0. Box 942837 Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 Liz Gibson (916) 653-6752 Carlsbad 111616 CA0020.003 1. Outlet: Centm de In formacion 2. Director: Lizeth Simonson 3. Title: Supervisor 4. Street Address: 5. Mail Address: 3333 Hading St, Room 11 3333 Hading St. Room 11 6. City: Carlsbad 7. Mail City: Carlsbad 8. County: San Diego County 9. Zip: 92008-2424 10. Mad Zip: 92008-2424 11. Public Phone: (619) 729-6907 Ext: 12. FAX Phone: 13. This Facility is Owned by: (Check one) City County Special District Public School X Other Public Agency Private Agency/Person/etc. 4 14. Is this Facility in need of: (Y = Yes; N = No) Remodeling N ? Expansion N? Replacement N ? CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1994 M616 Carlsbad Outlet Name: Centm de Infomaxion 11 For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in-indicated area ONLY, WHERE THE DATA ON FILE IS CORRECT, YOU MAY LEAVE THE UPDATE/ 11 CORRECTIONS COLUMN BLANK. 285. Population Served By Outlet. 286. Total Outlet Staff, in FTE. 287. Hours Open, Weekly. 288. Hours Open, Annually. 289. Total Number of Volumes Held by Outlet. 290. Total Annual Circulation by Outlet. 29 1. Total Outlet Operating Expenditure. 292. Year in which Outlet was Originally Built. 293. Year in which Outlet was Remodeled. 294. Size of Outlet, in sq. ft. 295. Number of Reader Seats in Outlet. 296. MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) Status. 0 = Not in an MA. 1 = Within city limits of the central city of an MSA. 2 = In an MSA but not within the central city limits. (If status is unknown, contact your planning department.) 297. Type of Outlet. BR = Branch. ST = Station. CE = Centnl library. 298. Degree of Adequacy of this Facility. (On a scale from 1 = Poor to 10 = Excellent) Page 2 Data Currently On File 100. 616 120. 0020.003 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298.. 10,000 1.60 23 1,196 1,600 8,600 1957 900 40 2 ST QST-OUTL Update/Corrections For 1993/94 100. 120. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 616 0020.003 10,000 1.60 23 1 I 196 1,993 12,936 $82,650 1957 900 34 2 1 297. ST 298. 7 DCR OUTL - ELlGlBILlTY All nominees must have performed some of their service within the past two years. Individuals submitting the nomination must be current CALTAC voting members. CALTAC Board members are not eligible to nominate or to be nominated during their term of office. Only one nomination per form will be accepted. Please photocopy the form as needed. CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES AND COMMISSIONERS 1994 Awards Nomination APPLICATION FORM Categories: Please check the category for which the nomination is being made. - 1. - 2. 3. - 4. - 5. X - 6. Trustee. Commissioner. or System Advisory Board Member for outstanding service to a local library or system. Librarian for outstanding work with a Board of Trustees or Commission (Librarians who served their libraries or systems with outstanding work are honored in their own professional organization). Newsoaoer. radio station. or television channel for outstanding media coverage or special services to libraries. Oraanization or individual making a significant financial contribution to a library or library program. Elected local. state or federal official from California for special support or promotion of legislation to benefit libraries and/or library services. Individual volunteer for outstanding or continuing volunteer service to a library. Individual or oruanization beinu nominated: Carrie and Randy Scott Name Address / 5248 Hubbert St. Oceanside, CA 92056 City, State, Zip Phone ( 619 945-361 7 CALTAC member makina the nomination: Emmett J. Woodward, Jr. 4225 Trieste Dr. Name Address city, State, zip Phone ( 619 ) 729-1019 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Carlsbad City Library Library or library system NOMINATION MATERIALS ' A letter of nomination must be attached, clearly stating why the nominee is worthy of recognition. * A maximum of three (3) additional pages of support may be included (Le. press clippings, copies of recom- mendation letters, etc. Items may be reduced in size but must be legible). I- Please return this form and all nomination materials by SEPTEMBER 12,1994 to: Alice B. Grigsby, CALTAC Awards Chairman 10901 Ardath Avenue Inglewood, CA 90303 (21 3) 779-5827 CALTACTICS 5 September 7, 1994 Alice B. Grigsby CALTAC Awards Chairman 10901 Ardath Avenue Inglewood, CA 90303 Dear Ms. Grigsby and CALTAC Awards Committee: Through its annual awards, CALTAC has been pleased to honor the contributions of outstanding individual library volunteers. This year I would like to offer CALTAC the unique opportunity to honor a husband-and-wife team who have functioned as complementary halves of an extraordinary volunteer commitment. Carrie and Randy Scott have shared the vision, the cheerleading, the organization, and the technical expertise to make computer-assisted learning a dynamic component of adult literacy instruction at the Carlsbad City Library. In 1991, the library's Adult Learning Program had 2 second-hand computers in a corner of a tutoring classroom. They were rarely used. Carrie and Randy, however, could see the tremendous potential of computer-assisted instruction, and they proposed creating a full computer lab: in its own room, with state-of-the- art equipment and software specially selected for the needs of adult learners and volunteer tutors. To fulfill this dream, the library used matching State Library literacy grants to purchase the hardware and software. However, every hour of labor required to create and nurture the computer lab has been donated. Randy's expertise is in hardware: he developed all the specifications for the lab, installed and networked the 4 new computers, including CD- ROMs, installed and adapted all the software, wrote original software, and for 3 years has performed all the ongoing maintenance and trouble-shooting. Carrie's expertise is in adult literacy and software. A volunteer tutor and tutor trainer for 7 years, she previewed hundreds of software programs, selecting only those most appropriate and friendly for adult learners and volunteer tutors. She designed training programs and has personally guided scores of adult learners and tutors through the jitters of initial computer use. Together, Randy and Carrie have contributed over 3500 hours, since 1991, in professional expertise and leadership to the Carlsbad City Library Adult Learning Program's computer lab. 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, CA 92008-1991 - (619) 434-2870 CALTAC Awards 1994: Volunteer Carrie and Randy Scott Carlsbad City Library Page 2 The most significant results of the Scotts' efforts are apparent during a visit to the computer lab, when one feels the excitement of learning, the growth in self-esteem, and the bonds that grow from helping one another. At one computer, an adult learner and tutor are concentrating on an intensive phonics program. From a second computer, the voice and gestures of Harry Truman emerge, as an adult learner demonstrates for a volunteer tutor how to use the new CD about American Presidents. Another learner is using a word processing program to write a menu for his restaurant. Working in pairs and individually, adult learners are expanding the hours of learning they have each week, as well as the variety of skills and knowledge they take back into their jobs, homes, and community. Carrie and Randy Scott have devoted their evenings, weekends, and even vacation days to the library's Adult Learning Program. This time commitment is in addition to the 60-hour-a-week careers they each have. Many adult learners and volunteer tutors have commented that they wanted a way to express their gratitude to Carrie and Randy for making the computer lab a vital reality. In the enclosed letter, thirty-three adult learners join with me to endorse the nomination of Carrie and Randy Scott for CALTAC's award for outstanding volunteer service. President Enclosures (2): Letter from adult learners Photos (4) CARLSBAD cum LUBWARV ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM August 11, 1994 Dear California Association of Library Trustees and Commissioners: We are all adult learners in the Carlsbad City Library Adult Learning Program. We are in this program so that we can improve our reading and writing. We want you to know that Carrie and Randy Scott are the ones who have made it possible for us to have a computer lab. They set up and fix the computers, and they always take the time to help us if we have questions or problems. Carrie and Randy are really special people, and we want to let them know how much we all appreciate what they have done for us. They are our friends, and they are definitely '*outstanding volunteers.1* - 1207 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR., SUITE 0, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (61 9) 434-2998 FAX (61 9) 720-7621 study together in the computer lab. CIRCULA TION v Print/Audio Video Equipment TOTAL: BRA" Print/Audio Video TOTAL: CENTRO TOTAL: GRAND TOTAL: Centro Genealogy Adult Online Branch ' Children's TOTAL: CARLSBAD CITY LI BRARY STATISTICS Auaust 1 994 Media Graphics TOTAL: Aug . Aug . 1993 1994 56,358 52,795 15,443 13,058 13 10 17 , 162 ia, 772 2.709 2AzQ ig,a71 21,692 1,166 a33 92, a7a 88,388 143 223 1,301 1,341 1,265 1,467 6,022 7,183 30 17 2.367 1.934 11,128 12,165 45 42 2020 65 62 % Chanae -6 - 15 23 -a +9 u +9 - 29 -5 + 56 +3 + 16 + 19 - 43 18 +9 -7 -- -5 Aug . Aug . 1993 - 1994 % Chanae PEOPLE COUNT (Daily Average) 51 1,820 537 2,408 94 1,648 685 + 84 -9 u Centro Main Library Branch 2 , 427 +1 TOTAL: ATTJWDANCE AT PROGRAMS 24 136 33 722 102 245 216 16 698 118 + 920 + 59 - 52 -3 u Centro Genealogy Adult Children's: Main Branch 1,293 + 27 TOTAL : 1,017 155 132 301 121 -1 - 16 - 24 + 51 Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad 157 158 396 80 24 791 344 24 877 195 Centro Main Library Branch -- - lo u +6 1,096 1,159 TOTAL : 1.732 1.416 1,082 1.287 ITEMS WITHDRAW 2 0 (D t 0 9 k l- l- d 7 0 8 0 9 k l- l- e l- (0 0 (D 9 l- 0 2 0 8 0 0 9 0 8 a c c