HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-02-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesM I N U T E S MEEnNG OF: TIME OF MER1NG: DATE OF ME€llNG: PLACE OF MER1NG: UBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES 3:OO p.m. February 15, 1995 City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: President Woodward called the Meeting to order at 3:08 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Library Board Trustees IVoodward, Curtin and L'Heureux. Library Board Trustees McCann and Moss. Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Barbara Otwell, Friends of the Library Milt Cooper, Genealogical Society Gebbie Neville, Senior Management Analyst, Finance Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Library Board Trustee LHeureux, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 18, 1995, were approved as presented. AYES: Woodward, Curtin and L'Heureux MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS President Woodward referred to the reports contained in the packet, and asked for comments or questions. Board Trustee Curtin inquired about the parking problem at the Adult Learning Program and would it be necessary to find another site. Or. Lange said the parking there has always been a problem, and now there are some new medical offices there and that has exacerbated the problem. Other sites are being looked at now, due to the new tenants (dentists), and the increased use of the available parking. Also, there was an attercation between a staff member and one of the dentists, which may suggest the need to find another more suitable site. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS Board Trustee Curtin commented about the 3/4 time position, and whether this signified the City is willing to take over some of the funding for the Centro, and Dr. Lange replied that this position is included in the General Fund budget. February 15, 1995 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 PRESENTATION FROM THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT ON FY 1995-96 Debbie Neville, Senior Management Analyst, gave a report on the City of Carlsbad General Fund Revenue Estimates for 1995-96. using charts and tables, copies of which were distributed to the Board Members. In response to query, Ms. Neville explained that these are operating figures, and the figure in the 1998-99 budget for the Library is for operating expenses. However, that is not the full amount that will be needed. She explained that the library could be built, but the concern is the money to operate the library. Dr. Lange explained that the 1996-97 CIP budget has the money to build the new library, which would be a two-year project. The earliest that the library would be in operation would be the fall of 1998 or the winter of 1999. The original plan was to close the library here at City Hall and remodel it. It would be closed from nine to twelve months for the remodeling and would then re-open. The real impact on the General Fund would not occur until FY 1999-2000. Dr. Lange stated that if the five vacant positions that now exist were to be filled, together with the full staff from this library and the branch, the new library could be fully staffed. He said that he has set a goal to utilize as much self-service as possible in the new library to minimize the need for staff. Dr. Lange said that Geoff Armour and Chris Holt had spent considerable time looking at the floor plans from five years ago and see changes that need to be made as a result of new technology. He said that there is a real need to build the new library. He feels this would be a good thing for the community and would be a boost to the City's economic development. Dr. Lange said that the CSIA funds, which is a reimbursement for non-residents' use of the Carlsbad library, is really earned revenue and not a grant. Last year this earned revenue totaled approximately $200,000, which is almost ten percent of the library budget. He feels strongly that this money should be considered earned revenue and has always been budgeted in the library budget. In reply to Board query, Dr. Lange stated that approximately 40 percent of the circulation for the library is to non-residents. Or. Lange and Geoff Armour discussed the charging of non-residents for library services, and both felt this would result in a loss of revenue. Or. Lange stated he feels that the sharing of resources among libraries is the most economical way for everyone. Libraries can't buy all of the resources available, and by sharing all the services and resources, all the libraries save money. He said that the next step would be for all the libraries to connect electronically, which again would save money for everyone. Dr. Lange emphasized that ownership is no longer the issue---it is access. He reiterated that he is a strong proponent of sharing services. One problem is that many of the libraries are County libraries, and there is inadequate funding available. LIBRARY FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATION Dr. Lange referred to his memorandum dated February 1, 1995, to the Library Board, stating the Library Foundation Proposal and a copy of the Newport Beach Foundation brochure. He stated he believes this is a good time to think about this concept, as money could be raised to have an outstanding new library. This could supplement what the City provides and provide operating costs, which are critical for the success of the new library. Or. Lange stated that the initial action is to establish a Board of Directors for the Foundation. This could be a Library Board Trustee, the Finance Director, City Attorney or an attorney from the community and Presidents and/or CEO's from businesses in the Community. February 15, 1995 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 LIBRARY FOUNDATION 8ECOMMENDATION (Continued) In response to Board query, Dr. Lange stated there are Foundations in several California cities. inciuding Thousand Oaks and Bakersfield. He added that he is asking for the approval of the Board, and then this would go to the City Council for authorization, The City Attorney could help set by-laws and a constitution and then this would be submitted to the State to be approved as a non-profit corporation and for tax- exempt Status. Dr. Lange stated that he would be an ex-officio member of the Board and he would be furthering the Foundation as part of his job, since he felt this would be worth doing. Geoff Armour said the key word is "recognition" and that would be the incentive for business people, as well as individuals, to become involved. Dr. Lange stated that he feels this is over and above what the Friends of the Library can do. However, the Friends should probably have a member on the Board of Directors for the Foundation. ACTION: On motion by Board Trustee LHeureux, the Library Board of Trustees approved the establishment this year of a Library Foundation to raise money to enhance library services. AYES: Woodward, Curtin and L'Heureux BUSINESS SURVEY RESULTS FROM THE LIBRARY BUSINESS RESOURCES WORKSHCP FOR CHAMBER OF COMMEPCE MEMBERS ON JANUARY 20, 1995 Dr. Lange referred to the summary contained in the packet, stating these are the findings from the Workshop held January 20, 1995. He said that the library has not been heavily involved in the business community, and they are working on that through the Chamber and the Village Merchants Association to promote the use of the library. The Workshop was very valuable and another one is planned for some time in April. 1995 CITY COUNCIL GOALS AND LIBRARY OBJECTIVES Dr. Lange stated that the Council establishes goals each year and the Departments of the Clty then provide Objectives in order to attain those goals. He asked the Board Members to change the date on the report in the packet to show 1995 Goals and Objectives. Dr. Lange called attention to Item #2 on the list, which is to provide a system of patron-placed holds through the library On-line Catalog by June 30, 1995, and stated that this is a major change. Patrons have had to come to the Reference Desk, and they will be able to do more for themselves, freeing up the Reference staff for other tasks. A suggestion was made to add a #14 to the list, to have access to the Internet. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Dr. Lange reported that there will be the annual workshop for the Trustees on March 11, 1995, and the Trustees should be getting some information on this soon. Dr. Lange stated that the public restrooms are finished and it is a big improvement. Now that the restrooms are finished, the coffee cart will be back on the agenda. February 15, 1995 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 4 DIRECTOR’S REPORT: (Continued) Dr. Lange reported that staff members are going to Sacramento tomorrow to receive the Helen Putnam awards. Carlsbad won three of the awards, with the grand prize winner being the Centro de Informacion. The Strategic Plan is being worked on, with data being gathered. There will be a session with the school district people on March 9, in the Council Chambers. There will be 40 administrators and teachers to talk about their needs, and Dr. Lange stated that there will be a similar questionnaire distributed to them. Dr. Lange reported that the former mayor of Mission Viejo visited the Carlsbad library last week. She is a Library Board Member at Mission Viejo, and they have become an independent city library, leaving the Orange County system. They intend to build a new library and wanted to see our building and operation. They are very interested in Genealogy and want to have a collection. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Barbara Otwell reported on the book sale, stating the net profit was $5,000. She said the Friends would be happy to participate in the Library Foundation, but not as the primary force. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Milt Cooper reported the Genealogical Society now has 641 members. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: President Woodward reported on the last meeting, where the six-month report was approved. He stated the budgets for 1995 and 1996 will be presented in March. There will be a local legislative workshop on April 28. The new State Librarian is to be the speaker. President Woodward reported there will be a workshop sponsored by the Young Adult Services Committee and Serra on March 30, at 1:30 pm., with a tour of the EastLake Library in Chula Vista. PUBUC COMMEM: None. ADJOURNMEM: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of February 15, 1995, was adjourned at 4:32 p.m. The March meeting will be held in the Council Conference Room, and the April meeting will be held at the Branch Library, Minutes Clerk ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM Monthly Report January 1995 1. Carrie and Randv Scott The January issue of San Dieeo Home/Garden Lifestvles magazine presented their selection of the "First Annual San Diegans of the Year." Included in this group of 41 outstanding individuals were Carrie and Randy Scott, volunteers with the Adult Learning Program who were cited for their dedicated work developing the program's instructional computer lab. The Scotts were also profiled and pictured in the January 5th Carlsbad Sun, which described their winning the 1994 Outstanding Volunteers of the Year award from the California Library Trustees and Commissioners. - 2. Tutor Training Thirteen new tutors were trained during a workshop held January 21-26. 3. GOALS WorkshoD In 1994, 6 special trainings, called GOALS workshops, were held in North County for adult learners to better understand and develop self-esteem and personal goal-setting. Sponsored by the San Diego Council on Literacy, another series of 6 GOALS workshops is being conducted at the Adult Learning Program in 1995. The first of these was held on January 25 and dealt with "Budgeting on a Limited Income." Seventeen adult learners and family members found the information very useful and requested a follow-up workshop on this topic. - 4. North County Directors Council On January 27 Adult Learning Program Coordinator Lynda Jones attended the annual meeting of the North County Directors Council (directors of human service agencies), held at the new San Marcos Civic Center. Guest speaker was County Supervisor Bill Horn. A tour of the entire complex, including the new library, followed. (Inconsistency noticed during tour: bilingual in English and Spanish; the signs in the Community Services building are bilingual in English and Braille ...) the signs in the library are - 5. Parking Several new tenants in the Colonial Professional Building, where the Adult Learning Program is located, have added high demand to the already limited parking. This is causing a good deal of stress for all the tenants and the people we serve, including after dark, when some people are having to walk some distance through unlit areas. - 6. Ouarterlv Report The quarterly report for the 94/95 California Library Literacy Services grant was submitted to the State Library. LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY Monthly Report January 1995 *CIRCULATION* Branch Circulation totaled 23,359 for the month of January. This total included 8,951 children's items, 11,689 adult items and 2,719 video tapes. Daily circulation was 934 items, and hourly circulation, 87. Due to the shortened January schedule last year (because of the move) no comparison can be made between 1994 and 1995. *USERS* This month's total user count was 19,145. This was an average of 766 a day and 71 each hour. Again, no comparison can be made with January, 1994. *NEW FACILITY - one year later* The first year in the new facility passed quickly. Settling in has gradually occurred with staff adjusting to new work spaces and public working the new location into their regular schedules. It is very apparent that evening and Saturday users frequently coordinate their library visits with the movie schedules at the Edwards Theater 3 doors down. Those with leisure time enjoy browsing library shelves for a good selection and then walk next door to La Costa Coffee Roasting Co. to combine coffee and a good book. The greatest service impact point has been in the children's ' area. Gaining a 3/4 time position has enabled better staffing in the area that is heavily used. Student and recreational usage has increased considerably. There has also been increasing demand for more programming. Beginning February, 1995, five storyhours are scheduled each month in addition to a weekly read- a-loud program for all ages. In everyway, the La Costa Branch Library has become a busier place as monthly statistics have confirmed. Public reaction to the move was generally supportive finding the new location airy and bright, and in a more desirable location. PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE/CENTRO DE INFORMACION Monthly Report January - 1995 1.- Centro de Infomci6n Newsletter. Over 1400 copies of the January and February Centro de Informacibn Newsletter in English and Spanish were distributed in the community during the last week of January. 2.- AddtProy E. On January 12, the neighborhood committee that organizes the City's Festejando a las Madrecitas (Motheis Day Festival) in conjunction with the City's Arts Office met at the Centro de Informacibn to begin the planning for this year's event. On January 19, the Homebased Head Start Program held its monthly parents' meeting at the Centro. On January 19, at the Senior Center Auditorium, an adult educational presentation was held. The topic for this presentation was Proper Nutrition and Responsibilities. This presentation was conducted by a certified Dietician-Nutritionkt from North County Health Services. The Spanish Literacy Tutoring met two times this month. 3.- ChilMSPrOmamrmn * E. - Bilingual storyhours have been continuing three times a week during this month. The Sewing Club met one time this month to prepare a new project for the month of February. 4.- Centro SuDewkor Position. Effective January 30th, Centro staff member Lizeth Simonson became the library's Community Library Services Supervisor, a permanent three- quarter-time position which supervises the Centro de Informacibn. 5.- Partnerships for Change - WorkshoD. January 11 - 13, Library Assistant Director Geoff hour, PFC Coordinator Lynda Jones and PFC Community Partner Ofelia Escobedo attended a PFC cycle 2 training in Bakersfield. Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson joined the group on Friday January 13, to be part of a panel presentation by the Carlsbad team about the successes and challenges of the program in maintaining community partnerships. JANUARY 1995 WNTHL Y STATE!.IENT CH7LRREN'S SERVTCES StohyCtla6.t i.4 anathen popLLeah phogtram, Wed hpacu in tu mon.iWy pmgm, thd ,J;theze ~LLiee be Awo pkogmmh a month, aWg in Mmch. ;the majoh e6dot.t & in planniuzg the paogm and pickin5 0u.t the apphopdate book and ctrab.t, trepeating it hhodd not be a majott unduuidung. Thme ha been ,LO much campmon rich the Tkin utiee be on a mal bud though the month 06 May. Since The kigh42gh.t 06 the manth ura am Whaee AtLt CovLt~t, auppot.ted by the Fdendn 06 the Lib- ad Hdg/renf4 Spot.tdAking. &trauLing ah ~cuRp.tme cdegohy. Joe Vden 06 ff&gkenfh, who p-pated /received a "Whale Ahtidt'' b&on. Wcking excwion pa6heb hupp.&ed by Hatghen'h and T-hkirutb supplied by the F&ien& 06 lthe Lib- and PtLiVLted by a.tcr66 mmba KtLina FotLdahe. on Xhe dag ,that fie phiZen wene awded, ha tthat the ckiedhen WAZ teceive a pictwre 06 the eve&. Ckie&tren dhom the ages a6 4 to 14 codd evLteh ,the Judgen wae Rahema~y Lingentjeeteh, an aht teacheh, and Each cud They judged .the 86 We6 and mmded 24 p)Liz~. PtLize utinnm uceived whde Media Savicu took pkotoh We ULiee boon have a change in h;ta66 cuith page Yvonne Wotrhan leaving UA the la& 06 Febmy. Mmyann Rabimon Luiee be uplacing ha. Linda Rath attended a Pen6amehcs Shawcabe at Sun Uiega Pubfic Libmy. Zh~~ee ad the pa6ahmw wi2.t be cantacted bat p&ohmancu in the 6LLtme. Two oh COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITIONS STATISTICS REPORT January 1995 Fiscal Year Items Received B&T Direct PMSC Total to Date Books - Adult Current Month ...................................... -------------- ................................................ Main 409 150 559 3 551 Branch 172 8 180 778 Centro 0 0 0 85 subtotal 581 158 739 4,414 Books - Children Main Branch Centro subtotal 328 40 0 368 29 2 30 61 357 42 30 429 1,281 363 95 1,739 Audio - Adult 55 58 113 931 Audio - Children 1 84 85 358 Video 22 32 44 98 929 1,027 393 44 If 464 8 371 Total Received -------------------------------------------------------------------- Orders Placed Orders Requests (items) current Fiscal month Year to Date 78 1,203 .................................................................... Direct-ordered Videos Cataloged at PMSC videos B & T = Baker & Taylor PMSC = Professional Media Services Corporation HOLDINGS : Current Total Month Additions Additions Current FY Total. Total. Holdings Holdings Last FY Ti t12.s Volumes 482 1,663 549 2,100 Volumes Cataloged in INLEX Description of holdings: Titles 11 , 710 Non-Circ. 15,007 807 Circ. 807 18 , 590 Microform 14 , 850 3 , 110 Total 30 I 664 1 ,810 183 5 , 259 46 Books 9,261 Books - GEN-CIRC Books - Microform 17 , 118 Periodicals - Bound 447 Periodicals - Microform 159 Maps 179 Microfilm (census, etc.! Microforms added this month: CD-ROMs 5 I 234 19 Film Fiche 5 , 446 91,409 413 4 I 773 CALENDAR YEAR GOALS: This month Volunteer hours 3.6 Programs held 4 At tendance 229 NSDCGS book/equipnent expenditures $2 I 723.50 Total calendar year 36 4 229 $2 , 723.50 +/ - Total Total This FY Last FY ACTIVITY: This This Mnth Month Last FY Reference questions 1,308 972 Researchers registered 9 0 9 8 5 9 Circulating checkout 155 141 Daily average 5239 Daily average . 3634 Daily average 66 14 , 607 + 336 8,711 + 13 4949 + 50 6,670- + 2 3838 + 14 -2,010 - 97 DI!X'RIBUTION OF RESEARCHERS: This state . This' This FY Month FY City This This County This . Wnth FY Wth Carlsbad Del Mar area East S.D. area Encinitas area Escondido area Fallbrook Oceans ide S.D. City etc. San Marcos Vista 1216 62 200 296 393 181 1205 1119 306 579 4 7 3 2 2 84 5 21 43 53 30 172 1.54 83 53 2 > (v Q n a n 4 a cf) 4 0 0 FY 94-95 Media Graphics , -,- I I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY .itJN REFERENCE ACTlVtTlES FOR JANUARY, 1995 geference questions totaled 7i 18 during the month of January, an increase of 20 over fast year. Reserves totaled 1804 , an Iccrease of I71 over last year. Online Searches totaled 32 an increase of 18 over last year. Interlibrary Loans totaled 108 items received, and 77 items were sent to other libraries. During the month of January, there were 3 Reference Skill Classes, including one presented on January 20 for 30 Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce members about the Library’s Business Resources. Caliie Ahrens attended an Investment in Exceilence facilitators meeting on January 3. Char Kennedy went to a’meeting on January 4 about accessing the Internet using Auto-Graphics’ gateway, Netcom, that could be reached through the City’s LAN computer network. On January 11, Char Kennedy met with Bernie Vaneck from American Business Information to hear about their new business directories. Callie Ahrens and Char Kennedy attended an Automation Task Force and Committee Meeting on January 25 to help plan for the addition of new computer and other technologies to all Carlsbad Library locations. Technical Services Report January 1995 In January, Technical Services staff added 1,233 books and 336 audiovisual items to the library's collection. A total of 606 books and 186 h-V items xere withdrawr, from the collection. Usage of both the dial-access catalog and library access through Main Street increased in Zanuary. Library users with computers made 455 calls to the catalog. This may reflect people trying out the new modems they got for Christmas. Main Street usage more than doubled over the previous month, to 349. There were several Internet related items this month. A safes representative from Autographics, a company with a number of library automation projects, demonstrated his company's new Internet access package for libraries and local government. A number of library staff and representatives from the city's Information Systems department attended. Later in the month, Chris Pickavet and staff from other city departments attended a seminar on Internet access tools from several vendors, sponsored by MicroAge of San Diego. Gordon Peterson, from Information Systems, is putting together a city-wide Internet committee to investigate what level of access the city might want to provide for staff or public or both, and Chris will represent the library on that committee. The library's own Automation Committee also met in January, to discuss the results of the recent user surveys as they related to automated services. One of the possible future services highly ranked by the people who responded to the survey was the ability to search magazine indexes while using the library's on-line catalog. There are several ways to provide., this service, all of them rather expensive. We will be looking at the options over the next few months. The major possibilities are access through the library's mainframe to the indexes on a LAN, mounting the indexes from tape into the library's catalog, and remote access through the Internet. February 1, 1995 TO: LIBRARY BOARD FROM: Library Director LIBRARY FOUNDATION PROPOSAL The Newport Beach Public Library established a foundation to raise funds to pay for a substantial part of the cost of construction of their new building. You may recall that their foundation raised 2 million dollars for that purpose, and subsequently raised another $400,000 for operational costs. As I have thought about the difficult financial situation that Carlsbad has experienced over the past several years, and the possibility that the next few years may not show substantial improvement, it seems to me that it is time to give serious consideration to seeking funds from the private sector, which funds can supplement and enhance the money provided by the City. Since the funds for building the new library are now in the PI 1996-97 Capital Improvement Budget, the timing for establishing a foundation is probably close to ideal. There are many details to attend to in the process of establishing a foundation. I would like to discuss these with you at the February 15, 1995 meeting. It is my recommendation that a Carlsbad City Library Foundation be established this year to raise money to enhance the new library building, its contents, and its continuing operating costs. Attached you will find a copy of the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation brochure which describes its role and mission in support of the library. Attachment d I-- --- I I Newport Beach Public Library Fouridation Post OEce Box 15695 Newport Beach, California, 92659 4 0 " U 3 k ." 2 VI 3 Y 0 a n. 2 z -5 m" cd CI U s Tf 9 4 ii, e a 111 5. e M U a e a E a a 2 0 -5 0 " 9 U Y B 3 s 0 c4 -5 2 111 5 M 0 U b . a 4 u 5 rd VI .- V .d a 1 & -5 4 Y v .I a -5 & 5 $L rd v) 7 4 u Y 2 c 0 .e Y -2 C 3 0 L-4 s -5 m" cd a 8 4 Y 10 k d 3 E 0 u u 4 0 z" 0 -9 5 i5 a z s VI U .- -5 .- 4 0 C 2 0 0 4 v1 .r. u CI 9) -5 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY BUSINESS SURVEY FINDINGS A total of 25 surveys wers returned 3t :he conc!usicn of the busiress workskc? klc! at the librarj on Jaruary PO, 1995. 1. 2. 3. 4. Carlsbad Licrsrj (: :) Carlsbad CFar cer '8) Friends (2) Bookstores (2) Business magzzines (2) One response each for the following: consultants, SCORE. Department af Commerce, SANDAG, title companies, USD library, Sar; Ciqc Fublic iicrary, trade shows, semipars. DO YOU USE THE CARLSBAD LIBRARY TZ MEE' ANv SF "CLE 3L'SiNESS OR TECHNICAL INFOFiMATlON NEEDS? YES-18 NO-8 IF YOU DO NOT USE THE CARLSBAD LIBRARY TO MEET ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS OR TECHNICAL INFORMATION NEEDS, WHY NOT? Two people said they had "never thought of it." The other responses were: inconvenient hours, takes too long to get requested information, get resources needed elsewhere, haven't had time, don't know how to use. ARE THERE ANY SPECIALIZED MATERIALS THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE AT THE CARLSBAD LIBRARY? IF SO, PLEASE NAME: Occupational safety materials, INTERNET, online access to current Carfsbad events, US. Dept. of Commerce CD-ROM, full text CD-ROM for public relations, patent and trademark database, CD-ROM on import/export, data on social and recreational clubs (country clubs, sailing clubs, golf and tennis clubs). 5. ADD ANY ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS INFORMATION NEEDS: -Want dial-in access to AB lists and PhoneDisc. -Charge more and higher fees to raise funds from the business community. -Would like evening workshops. 6. WHAT IS THE NATURE OF YOUR BUSINESS? Health carelmedical - 4 Retail - 3 Marketing - 3 Consulting - 3 Real estate - 2 Travel agency - 2 Computer services - 2 One each for the following: Translating, information services, self-storage, carp et restoration , professional services. 7. EVALUATION OF WORKSHOP Not Helpful - 0 Somewhat Helpful - 1 Helpful - 7 Very Helpful - 18 LIBRARY - 1994 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES GOAL II Provides a variety zi quality library, recreational prcgrams, and facilities, within its fiscal resources, to 311 Carlsbad residents and other participants. Obiectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Provide infcrmational programs for all library employees monthly. Provide a system of patron placed holds through the library Online Catalog by June 30, 1995. Review and zpdate the library’s collection profiles by the end of 1995. Extend the library’s Local Area Network (LAN) to the Branch Library. Provide online access to the library’s automated catalog at both Adult Learning and the Centro. Present at least 4 genealogy classes per month. Present at least 12 children’s programs per month at the Main and Branch Ii braries. Conduct a Summer Reading Program at each library facility. R ~3 Hold cooperative bilingual children’s programs between Main and Centro at least twice a yew: The Centro will present at least one adult and four children’s bilingual programs per month. Present at least one concert or lecture per month for adults. Reference staff will conduct at least two tours, classes, or book talks per month. Adult learning will conduct at least one literacy tutor training per quarter. GOAL 111 Actively pursues the contribution of gifts and funds for arts, historical, senior, sister city, library and recreational/open space programs. 0 biectives 1. In cooperation with the Friends of the Library, raise at least $25,000 in 1995 through book and magazine sales. y* 2. In cooperation with the North San Diego County Genealogical Society, raise at least $15,000 for library genealogy and local history materials. 6-~ 3. Establish a Library Foundation by the end of 1995. Q rc; 4. Apply for matching literacy funds through California Library Literacy Services. ,t 4 GOAL IV Supports the acquisition and development of community parks, recreational, library and cultural facilities. Obiectives 1. Provide a public coffee cart operation in the library by June 30, 1995. 2. Complete a Library Strategic Plan for 1995-99 by June 30, 1995. 3. Review Library Building Program and plans for new library by December 31 , 1995. GOAL V Continues to provide library, recreational and arts facilities while encouraging opportunities through partnerships with schools and the business community. Obiectives 1. Children's staff will visit Carlsbad schools and present informational programs twice per school year. 1 8- 3 2. Centro staff will visit adult schools at least monthly. 3. Conduct at least 20 school class tours per school year at the Main, Branch, and Centro facilities. T ;ex- CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY CIRCULATION MAIN LIBRARY Print/Audio Video Equipment TOTAL : BRANCH Print/Audio Video TOTAL : CENTRO TOTAL: GRAND TOTAL: REFERENCE QUESTIONS Centro Genealogy Children's Adult Online Branch TOTAL: KEDIA/GRAPHICS PROJECTS Media Graphics STATISTICS Januarv 1995 Jan. 1994 61,422 14 , 756 16 76 , 194 15,736 2,253 17 , 989 1,083 95,266 97 972 2 , 161 7,098 10 2,337 12 , 675 37 21 Jan. 1995 60,034 12 , 990 23 73 , 047 20,980 2,713 23 , 693 1,191 97,931 12 1 1,308 2 , 019 7,118 42 2,438 13 , 046 22 14 % Chanae -2 - 12 + 44 -4 + 33 + 20 + 32 + 10 +3 + 25 + 35 -7 + 320 +4 +3 -- - 41 - 33 TOTAL: 58 36 - 38 Jan. Jan. 1995 % Chancre 1994 PEOPLE COUNT (Daily Average) Centro Main Library Branch TOTAL: ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Centro Genealogy Adult Children’s: Main Branch TOTAL: Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad NEW REGISTRATIONS Centro Main Library Branch TOTAL: ITEMS ADDED ITEMS WITHDRAWN 64 92 + 44 1,945 1,931 -1 825 766 -7 2,834 2,789 -2 349 186 - 47 285 229 - 20 55 26 - 53 508 540 +6 167 No ComDarison -__ 1,197 1,148 -4 117 149 +3 91 108 + 19 379 3 12 - 18 83 77 -7 14 18 + 29 958 943 -2 4 12 408 -1 1,384 1,369 -1 1,411 1.569 u 960 792 - ia 2