HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-01-17; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: TIME OF MEETING: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES 3:OO p.m. January 17, 1996 City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: President Moss called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Moss,. Curtin, L'Heureux and Woodward. Absent: Library Board Trustee McCann. Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Board Trustee Curtin, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held November 15, 1995, were approved as presented. AYES: Moss, Curtin, L'Heureux and Woodward MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORT President Moss referred to the reports contained in the packet, and asked for comments or questions. Board Trustee L'Heureux expressed her concern with the facility for the Adult Learning Program, and Geoff Armour said they do have complaints about that facility. President Mo- inquired whether the Headstart people are a consistent group, and Dr. Lange stated they are. Geoff Armour added that the Centro is using the Senior Center auditorium, as the Centro isn't large enough for the crowds. .. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS ._ President Moss commented on the attendance increasing at the Branch Library more than at the Main Li brar y . Board Trustee L'Heureux stated that the Library Link is an excellent newspaper and they are doing a great job. January 17,1996 LIBRARY BOARD Of TRUSTEES Page 2 INTERNET USE POLICY FOR LIBRARY STAFF Dr. Lange explained that this is a draft of the recommended policy that has been compiled by Chris Pickavet, who serves on the Serra Technical Committee. He said that all libraries are trying to establish a policy for Internet use by staff. In reply to query, he said that access to the Internet by staff must be verified in writing by either Geoff or him. President Moss inquired about the cost, and Dr. Lange stated it is approximately $2,000, plus an hourly rate of $10 an hour, with a fee of $50 for a password. He said they are looking at other options at this time, and Cal State San Marcos could provide Internet at a cost of $72 a year for 10 hours per week. Dr. Lange said that San Marcos would like to have the libraries in north county linked into their system. He added that the City is working on access to Internet also. ACTION: On motion by Board Trustee Curtin, the Library Board approved the proposed Internet Use Policy for the library staff. AYES: Moss, Curtin, L'Heureux and Woodward ITEM LIMITS POLICY CHANGE - Discussion Dr. Lange stated this item is an outgrowth of the Strategic Plan, and the Staff Implementation Committee was looking at various issues in the library. He said that one of the things they wanted to create was a bookmark listing the library policies for the public. He said that the bookmark they came up with was so covered with rules and regulations that it was too cumbersome. Dr. Lange said they realized that there is no need to place all the limitations that used to apply when the collections were small, so they eliminated all of that and only put the length of loans and standard rules on the bookmark. Geoff Armour stated that the limit now is for only three inter-library loans per patron and in the childron's area with regard to school assignments. ACTION: On motion by Board Trustee L'Heureux, the Library Board endorsed the change in the Item Limits Policy. AYES: Moss, Curtin, L'Heureux and Woodward CALIFORNIA LIBRARY STATISTICS FOR 1994-95. Dr. Lange referred to the report included in the packet and stated there was a change this year with the actual population of a city being used rather than registered library users, and as a result of that Carlsbad is now in the category where it belongs. Geoff Armour stated that Carlsbad has remained in the top of the categories for many years and has not dropped down. He noted that Coronado and Carlsbad are at the top of most of the categories, including circulation per capita, expenditures per capita, population served per FTE, reference per capita, hours open per 100 population and holdings per capita. President Moss inquired how these figures could be used to promote the library, and Mr. Armour stated that this is a matter of civic pride since Carlsbad compares so favorably with the other cities in the County and the State. January 17, 1996 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 CALIFORNIA LIBRARY STATISTICS FOR 1994-95. (Continued) President Moss stated that she felt the City Council should see these statistics. Geoff Armour stated that Carlsbad is down in its holdings, except in videos, due to the lack of space. Dr. Lange added that they have done some massive weeding out to be able to live in this building, and it is certainly difficult for the collections to grow. In response to query about the video collection growth, Dr. Lange stated it is totally self-supporting, and the insurance fee is used to purchase more videos for the public. He said that for some subjects it is easier to learn from videos; e.g., the “how to” videos are very popular. COFFEE CART UPDATE. Dr. Lange reported that the winning proposal for the coffee cart was Espresso Vienna, with the two finalists being interviewed by a five-member committee. The agenda bill to award the contract is on the City Council agenda next Tuesday night on the Consent Calendar. After the contract is approved, the vendor will have the cart in the library within 30 days; hopefully no later than the end of February. Board Trustee Curtin inquired about the company that was protesting the selection, stating that the company chosen did not have experience. Dr. Lange stated that the principals in this company have 15 years of experience with coffee carts, and he feels they will do a good job. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Dr. Lange reported that several things are going on as a result of the Strategic Planning and the goals the library is trying to accomplish. He said that one of these is patron-placed holds or reserves; with the ability for a person to reserve a book by themselves. In the past, people had to go to the Reference Desk, but now they can do this from their home or use any terminal at the library and place a hold on a book. Or. Lange stated this is very simple to do and other libraries are having success with this. He said that they pay for the book when they pick it up, and this also gets rid of handling cash at the Reference Desk. He said the big benefit is that it takes all of this work off of the Reference Desk so they can do what they should be doing. Geoff Armour added that not every patron will understand this procedure or want to do this. He said there will be some problems with patrons putting holds on reference books and genealogy and other non- circulating material. He said that the reports will tell you there are holds on things that are sitting on the shelves. Mr. Armour said the only restriction wauM be that if the library is very busy, people can only make three holds by telephone. In reply to queriabout “no shows“, Mr. Armour said that they hold a book ten days. Dr. Lange stated that plans are being made for the Information Desk at the front of the library, and volunteers will be recruited from staff. He said they hope to have that in place by March 1. Or. Lange reported that the Serra System has applied for a grant from the State Library that includes software and hardware to connect Carlsbad with the San Diego County Library, San Oiego City Library and Chula Vista Lbrary. January 17, 1996 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 4 DIRECTOR'S REPORT: (Continued) Dr. Lange stated that he is working now with the group that is working on an agenda bill to talk about the pros and cons of a community foundation. He said there is evidence of failures of community foundations in other cities. Or. Lange said that the space problem in the library only tends to get worse as time goes on. He feels the new library will be started in 1997, but that will mean that everything that was done before will have to be looked at again to bring the specs up to date. He said that does mean that the library will have to live in its present building for three more years--and that will be exceedingly difficult. The 2,000 square foot storage space is almost completely full. He said Genealogy has outgrown the mezzanine, and there is also concern about all the weight. They are having a structural engineer check that. Or. Lange said that one option is to move the Genealogy out to another space, and that is being studied at this time by Chuck Waldon. This would be a temporary location until the new library is built and the remodeling of this library is completed. Or. Lange said the only other option is to put more and more material into storage. Geoff Armaur said Genealogy would be moving out in three years during the remodel, and it could be done now and relieve all the pressure in the library for those three years. Or. Lange stated July of 1996 will be the 40th anniversary of the City Library, and a celebration is being planned during National Library Week - April 14 to 21. He said the Friends will serve on a committee to plan events. He said that they will seek some corporate sponsors for this and will be putting the 40th anniversary on the brochures. Dr. Lange said he would welcome any suggestions from the Board Members. Or. Lange stated that the sculptures on display in the City Hall courtyard are the sculptures that will be in the children's yard at the new library, and there has been a lot of positive feedback at this time. Dr. bnge displayed the plaque he was given by the City for his participation in the winning of the Helen Putnam Award. He stated that all the staff members involved were given plaques by the City. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: No report. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: .. No report. :_ . SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: Board Trustee Woodward reported that Richard Terry from the California State Library met with the Serra Board for a discussion on the communities they serve. He said a strong leadership is the major factor in the success of the Serra System, in the individual libraries and at the system level. He stated there will be a Serra Syst?m meeting on Thursday, January 18, at the Malcolm X Library in San Diego. The bard will attend an inrormational session on Friday, February 9, at 1O:OO a.m., at the South Chula Vista Library for a demonstration of the Internet. January 17,1996 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 5 PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of January 17, 1996, was adjourned at 4:03 p.m. Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM Monthly Report November 1995 1. California Librarv Literacy Services 95/96 Grant On November 7, the City Council approved submission of the library’s application for a California Library Literacy Services 95/96 matching grant. On November 22, the State Library notified the Carlsbad Library that a grant of $21,148 had been awarded. The City Council will vote on accepting the grant on December 12. The grant will -enable upgrading and networking program management computers, purchase of software for program management, and continuation of direct learner and tutor supervision currently provided by a federal VISTA volunteer. 2. Writing Class The second 10-week session of the Writing Class concluded on November 21. Five adult learners received certificates and special awards. These learners had then completed a total of 20 weeks in the Writing Class. By any measure, this small group, facilitated by 2 experienced tutors, was a remarkable success. The group interaction resulted in exponential leaps in skills such as generating and organizing ideas, expanded vocabulary, capitalization, punctuation, and fluency. Most remarkable of all were the level of confidence the learners achieved, both in writing and in group discussion, and the strong bond of mutual support that was formed. Staff, tutors, and learners are planning how more learners can benefit from such a small-group experience. 3. Facilitv On November 15, in the middle of a Writing Class, a 432 ceiling light fixture in the classroom crashed down, barely missing learners in the class. Fortunately, no one was hurt. This was the second such fixture in this building to fall and is the latest example of the deteriorating state of this building and the manager’s neglect (he could not be contacted for 2 days and then left all the arrangements for contacting and arranging with repair people up to Adult Learning Program staff.) 4. SDace On a good newsbad news note, the new instructional format of the Adult Learning Program is generating so much activity that it is now a challenge to find space, particularly on certain evenings, for the number of tutoring pairs and the simultaneous group activities taking place: tutor orientations and trainings, learner orientations, writing class, play-reading group, and future small group instruction. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY CENTRO DE INFORMACION Monthly Report November 1995 1 .- Centro de Informaa6n Newsletter. Over 1400 copies of the November/December issue of the Centro de Informaci6n newsletter in English and Spanish were distributed in the community during this month. 2.- Adult Pro- E. On November 8, a group of Headstart parents and the general public attended a presentation about ways to do recycling and tips to help conserve energy. The presentation was held at the Senior Center Auditorium. The Spanish Literacy group met 9 times during the month of November. 3.- children’s pronramrmn a E. Regular bilingual storyhours continued during November. The Sewing Club met five times this month. 4.- Tour at the Centro. On November 2, two groups of children from Jefferson Elementary School had a tour at the Centro. Centro Supervisor Lizeth Sirnorson read a bilingual story and showed the students the materials available at the Centro. The teachers took Centro brochures and information about the library to share with the parents. 5.- Community Outreach. On November 19, Centro staff Jos6 Maldonado and Lizeth Simonson participated in an Alternative Christmas Celebration at the Pilgrim Congregational Church. Members of the Church donated books to the Centro and received information about the library. 6.- Recruitment and selection of New Centro Staff Member. The recruitment for the vacant position of Library Technician at the Centro de Informacicin was held from November 6th to the 15th. There were nine applicants, and six of them were invited to be interviewed on November 28th by Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson, Senior Librarian Lynda Jones, and community member Cruz Cortez. The panel was pleased with the skills and experiences of all the candidates. The new staff member, Alicia Padilla, is scheduled to start on December 4th. She is a longtime Carlsbad resident and frequent patron at the Main Library and the Centro de Infonnacicin. 7.- Do~ti~n. In November, Centro de Informaci6n received a donation of a Juan RuiZ painting from Abbie Walden a regular patron of Carlsbad Library. Juan Ruiz is a young Hispanic artist, who graduated from Carlsbad High School, and presently attends classes at Mh-aCosta College. Children’s Services Monthly Statement November 1995 Even with being closed for 3 days during the month, circulation nearly climbed to 20,000 items. Reference questions topped 2,000 and there were 27 programs. Although Storyhour concluded in November there were 9 storyhours presented to 340 children and adults. In celebration of Children’s Book Week we had a very special guest, Catherine Espinosa. She told stories, using her harp for background music and sound effects. It was a unique presentah and included Stellaluna, which all enjoyed. For Thanksgiving Judy Shupack presented a program ”Put the Thanks back into Thanksgiving”. This was a musical and historical program about our nation’s traditional holiday. John has been meeting with the Carlsbad library technicians to discuss ways they can communicate with each other more effectively. John shared our “Tips for Teachers’’ pamphlet with the technicians and gave them copies of our new Assignment Alert forms. These can be faxed to us by teachers or school librarians so that we can prepare for a new assignment . John has also been gathering information regarding a computer research center. Members of the committee traveled to Chula Vista and were very impressed by the operation in the South Chula Vista Library, in both the children’s and adult areas, As part of the Community Awareness of Professions John was invited for the fourth year to the Olivenhain Elementary School READ-IN. Over 20 people with various professions read to each class. Some bring books, others fire trucks for Show and Tell. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITIONS STATISTICS REPORT November 1995 Current Month Fiscal Items Received B&T Direct PMSC Total to Date Year ...................................... -------------- ................................................ Books - Adult Main Branch Centro subtotal 315 136 174 18 0 38 489 192 Books - Children Main 147 47 Branch 145 1 Centro 9 11 subtotal 301 59 451 2 , 699 192 544 38 99 681 3 , 342 194 1,030 146 470 20 223 360 1,723 Audio - Adult 88 31 119 629 Audio - Children 7 11 ia 247 Video 74 43 57 174 620 Total Received 959 336 57 1 , 352 6 , 561 .......................................................... Direct-ordered Videos Cataloged at PMSC B & T = Baker C Taylor PMSC = Professional Media Services Corporation Genealogy - Local' History Statistics FY 1995 - 1996 November HOLDINGS : Current Month Additions Total Total Total Additions Holdings Holdings Current FY Last FY Titles Volumes 643 732 836 34 IO97 33 I 261 1 I009 44 , 053 43 044 Description of holdings: Titles Volumes Cataloged in INLEX Books Books - Microform Periodicals - Bound Periodicals - Microform Maps Microfilm (census, etc.! CD-ROMs Microforms added this month: Books - GEN-CIRC 871 Circ. A 17 I 872 19 771 Microform 1 4 I 3461 478 3,261 Total 13.n71 174 1 , 864 179 183 5 I 690 86 113 5 I 665 Film Fiche 1 71 2.309 CALENDAR YEAR GOALS: Volunteer hours Programs held Attendance NSDCGS book/equipment expenditures This month Total calendar year 42 395 4 44 153 1,561 2,883.28 22,821.80 This +I - Total Total Month This FY Last EY Last EY 1,130 + 37 6,577 15,433 ACTIVITY : This Month Reference questions 1 , 1.67 Daily average 51 Researchers registered 779 Daily average 34 Daily average 5 Circulating checkout 125 -..-_ -. - 48 +3 52 52 762 + 17 5,148 11,664 34 -- 41 40 2 , 1.38 7 129 -4 804 DISTRIBVTION OF RES-: %is . This state . . ,This This mtil FY - - ' Month EY City -. This This County Month FY 125 825 Butte 1 5 Arizona 3 22 Carlsbad Del Mar area East S.D. area Encinitas area Escondido area Fallbrook Oceanside S.D. City etc. san Marcos Vista - Los Mqeles 12 Orange 63 Riverside 21 - 80 174 242 308 146 857 86 1 260 425 - - - 1 2 Illinois Indiana New Jersev 139 413 153 40 4 2 3 7 14 17 38 40 25 155 150 31 59 - - 3 1 1 1 1 1 Oklahama Tennessee Texas S. Bernardino 9 anta Cruz 2 Tulare 2 Ventura 3 1 11 11 1 4 - other other . _. .. -. .. 0 LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY Monthly Report November 1995 CIRCULATION Branch circulation totaled 22,973 for November. This total included 11,379 adult items, 9290 children's items and 2,304 video tapes. This was a 6% increase in circulation over November, 1994. This month's user count was 17,186, an averge increase of 7% over last year. The average daily count was 999 and hourly, 91. Daily circulation took an extroadinary jump of 33% from November, 1994. CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES Janell Cannon's book signing headlined the children's activities this month. A steady stream of families came not only to receive autographed copies of STELLALUNA and TRUPP, but to compliment Janell on her work and inquire about future titles. There were 75 people in all who joined the festivities hosted by the Carlsbad Friends of the Library. Pat Brunini's lVxilingualll talents were utilized this month providing tours and storytelling in French to the French School's first and second graders and in Spanish to Los Ninos (Headstart) preschoolers. Each school will be making additional visits through out the year. SHELVING Additional shelving funded by the Friends of the Carlsbad City Library has been ordered through Yamada Enterprises. shipment arrival date will be in the next three to four months. It will provide for approximately 2000 added volumes and allow the library to bring all the branch videos out of storage. ' The rn Lu JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC u 6 Mo. 7 TOTAL LLI rn I Administranon 111 3 1 3 1 5 117nr/r I I 1 '11 I I ; Adult Learning n 1 ! I I a 6 2 3! I5 /I& 1 I'! I i Branch I 1 Childrens :E? 4 ,? 1 2 12! 7 !Z I I Circulatton/AV 7 4 6 5 j 1 Comm. RelatJExhibtts 2 111 I ! :31 1 I I -I 13 I I j 1 i 21 1 Friends 31 I Penodicals - I 1 1 i t1' i /I i Reference il 8 4 7 i /4! !A/ 1 Technical Services 2 1 2 i 2i 41 I,.-!![ 1 TOTALUBRARYI n n 23 24 5 29 I17 I 37 $I3/I i !/I I I I Building Inspection 1 I I : i Cenno I2 I a- 7 -. 1 Cultural Arts Offlce ' 1 812 7 I I Genealogy 2 11 i1 a w3 l ! , I ii I I I I I I ii /I j/ 11 1 i /I I I I Research/Analysa I I [it Risk Management 3 1 2; Ai I I I Ill TOTAL SNICES Iu 3 18 1 23 I 221 /I ! 7 -. - 1 / i 1 CI 95-96 month 1 v dia Graphics MEDIA STATS19507 I I Comm. Services 14 3 1 I Purcnasing i Ill I I I JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC I I REFERENCE ACTIVITIES FOR NOVEMBER. 1995 Reference questi0n.s totaled 71 88 during the month of November, a decrease of 441. There were a total of 1525 Reserves, a decrease of 276 over last year at this time. Online Search Requests totaled 29, an increase of 5 over last year. Interlibrary Loans totaled 69 items received and 43 items were sent to other libraries. During the month of November, there were 2 Reference Classes, 1 Library Tour, and 2 booktalks. . Cal I ie Ahrens faci I itated Investment in Excellence on November 7-9, and 30. Penny Thompson and Cathy Miller attended a Serra Small Business Reference Workshop on November 1 at Mira Mesa Library. There was a Reference Selection Meeting on November 2: $804 was spent on new materials and $1 252 was spent on updates. On November 20, Sharon Talmadge, a library school student from California State University-Fullerton, started as a Library Intern at the Reference Desk. She will also assist Cathy Miller with the newspaper indexing pr'o ject. Technical Services Report November 1995 In November, Technical Services staff added 1,037 books and 315 audiovisual items to the library's collection. A total of 381 books and 96 A-V items were withdrawn from the collection. Patrons with computers used the dial-access catalog 365 times in November. Main Street usage was 76. A total of 2,197 books were checked out by patrons using the self-checkout machine. This was 3% of the total circulation, an increase from the 2% average of previous months. Mary Sasso attended the annual INLEX Users Group meeting in Monterey in November. Major highlights were presentations on client/server technology (which in many situations is replacing the use of mainframe computers) and discussion of the next release of the INLEX software. The software is currently being tested at Missouri Western State College Library, Waukesha (Wisconsin) Public Library, and New Haven School District. We hope to receive the completed software scmetime this spring. New or improved features include the printing of date due receipts, more and better reports, and the ability of patrons to view lists at the library's public terminals of what they have on loan and on reserve. ... - 1. 22 3. 4. - 5. ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM Monthly Report December 1995 Kev to Communitv Involvement: Training On December 2, Coordinator Lynda Jones, adult learner Gregory Jackson, and tutor James Tomblin attended a training in Chula Vista with adult educators and adult learners from Southern California. The training modeled a workshop for involving adult learners in voting. The Adult Learning Program hopes to conduct several such workshops for our learners during the 1996 election year. Tutor Orientation and Training On December 8, a Tutor Orientation was filled to capacity, with 14 potential tutors. Four current adult learners were among those conducting the 3-hour orientation for the new tutors. On December 13, seven tutors were trained using the program’s new core cumculum, which includes computer use as a major component. Facilitv Minor repairs were made by the manager of the office building in which the Adult I Learning Program is located. After 2 years, the wall and ceiling damage from leaks in one office was painted over. Also, workers installed toggle bolts on the larger fluorescent light fixtures to attach them to the ceiling in the classrooms. The bolts are only in the drywall, so they do not solve the dangerous situation of light fixtures falling when the drywall becomes wet. Three fixtures have now fallen in this building when the drywall became wet from rain and the leaking air conditioning units. Tutorinp in December In past years, most tutoring pairs stopped meeting during the holiday season. This year, with the new tutoring format, which makes extensive use of the computer lab and requires much less preparation time from the tutor, most pairs kept meeting right up until Christmas weekend. This additional tutoring time is an unanticipated advantage of the new methodology. Two-thirds of the tutoring pairs are now using this approach, adopted as part of the program’s strategic planning. California Libraw Literacv Services Grant On December 19, the City Council officially accepted the library’s 1995/1996 California Library Literacy Services (CLLS) grant for $21,148. CHILDREN'S DIVISION MONTHLY STATEMENT December 1995 Even though our patrons were busy getting ready for the holidays, we were quite busy with 17 programs which consisted of StoryTime, Storycraft, Prime Time Club, Grandparents Storytime, Bedtime Storyhour, Christmas Tree Decorating Party, and a Chanukah Celebration. The programs of note were the Christmas Tree Decorating Party and the Chanukah Celebration. For the Christmas Tree Decorating Party, Connie Kneisel created a snowman decoration that was made by our young patrons at the party. They could make one to place on the tree and one to take home. We also served hot chocolate and cookies for all to enjoy. The Chanukah Celebration was presented again this year by Singer - Storyteller Judy Shupack. She involved the children in the history of Chanukah using puppets and songs. She also made a special treat from Israel called "Soofganiot", which is similar to a jelly donut. Children's staff took advantage of the relative quiet during the holidays to weed the non-fiction section. This is an ideal time to weed because more of the books are actually on the shelves and we have time to do the work. We weed for several reasons-- to make room on the shelves, to keep the collection up-todate and accurate, and to remove books that are literally falling apart because of excessive use. It is especially important to keep children's non-fiction current, because, while an adult might be able to make allowances for information that is slightiy out of date, children are more likely to believe that everything they read in a book is absolutely true. Weeding also gives us a chance to locate books that need minor mending or cleaning. Since so many of the new books are coming in the oversize format, we found after weeding outdated books that a major shift was required. We are now in the process of shifting all the regular non-fiction, reference, biography, oversize non-fiction, Spanish language collection and parent's library. This will give more room in all of these areas. There is also a weeding project occurring in the Easy section of the Children's Library. This has been an ongoing project for several weeks. Since this section has the highest circulation, many books have individual circulations of between 100 and 200. Once a year the staff take a look at these books and discard those that are beyond further use. The librarian then decides whether to replace these and many replacement order cards are filled out. '.c - .. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITIONS STATISTICS REPORT December 1995 Current Month Fiscal Items Received B&T Direct PMSC Total to Date Year ...................................... -------------- ................................................ Books - Adult Main 328 146 474 3,173 Branch 49 4 53 597 Centro 0 38 38 137 subtotal 377 188 565 3,907 Books - Children Main 147 3 . Branch 36 0 Centro 1 ' 48 subtotal 184 51 150 1,180 36 506 49 272 235 1,958 Audio - Adult 78 6 84 713 Audio - Children 3 23 26 273 Video 13 10 50 73 693 Total Received 655 278 50 983 7,544 Direct-ordered Videos Cataloged at PMSC .I 99 844 PMSC = Profes .. ... -- 7' Genealogy - Local History Statistics FY 1995 - 1996 December HOLDINGS : Ti tlss Volumes Current Total Total. Total. Month Additions Holdings Holdings Additions Current FY Last FY 125 96 1 34 I 222 33 , 261 217 1,226 44 I 270 43 I044 Description of holdings: Titles Volumes ' Cataloged in INLEX Books Books - Microform Periodicals - Bound Periodicals - Microform Maps Microfilm (census, etc.! CD-ROMs Microforms added this month: Books - GEN-CIRC 9 , 685 17 872 478 175 179 5,766 67 Non-Circ. Circ. Microf om Total 15 , 944 876 Film Fiche 101 322 '7 I 403 25 2,378 100 ,020 CALENDAR YEAR GOALS: This month Total calendar year Volunteer hours 36 44 1 44 Programs held -- Attendance -- 1 ,S6l NSDCGS book/equipent expenditures I .4nn m ACTIVITY: Reference questions Researchers registered Circulating checkout Daily average Daily average Daily average This This +, - Total Total Month Month This FY Last FY Last FY 1 11.90 48 633 25 150 6 1 , 067 43 701 28 111 c ,+123 +5 7 , 767 52 - 68 12 + 39 +1 5 , 781 .. 38 954 b e. 15,453 52 11,664 40 2 , 1.38 7 5 . DISTRIBUTION~OF RESEARCHERS: 4 City This This County This - TI-$S staw . . .mis This Month FY atin FY . Month FY 2 6 Alaska 1 1 Carlsbad Del Mar area 6 86 Los Anseles 6 145 Arizona 8 30 East S.D. area 20 194 Qrancre -- 53 467 Florida 1 5 Encinitas area 23 265 Riverside 5 158 Illinois 4 6 1 7 Escondido area 54 362 S. Rernardino 3 4 6 Oreqon 1 1 Fallbrook 1 12 Oceanside S.D. City etc. 97 958 1 1 San Marcos Vista -- -- -155 980 Imperial -- -- -- 43 Nevada -- -- -- 8 154 Sonoma -- -- 14 Texas -- 104 961 other -- -- Washington England other -- -- -- 1 1. -- -- 28 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY Monthly Report December 1995 CIRCULATION Branch circulation totaled 18,499 for December. This total included 10,212 adult items, 5,774 children's items and 2,513 video tapes. This was a 6% increase in circulation over December, 1994. USERS This month's user count increased 1% over December, 1994. The total was 15,976. Average daily count was 648 and hourly, 62. This year followed the traditional pattern of low usage attributed to holiday and vacation schedules. CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES f This month's children's activities were highlighted by the Multicultural Musical Holiday Celebration presented by the Singing Strings. The hour of harp, guitar and vocal music was punctuated by tales told,in the various traditions celebrated in December. An audience of 72 children and adults squeezed into the children's room to enjoy the evening. Three preschool storyhours were presented. The final program of the year presented the holidays with a candle lighting ceremony for Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa and the lamps of India. (Traditional oil lamps of India were shared by a preschooler's mother to illustrate one of India's customs.) STAFF Throughout this past year, several Branch staff have become active on committees that are library system wide. Marie Garvey and Kay Hartley meet several times a month on the Staff Strategic Implementation Team. Elizabeth Hagopian meets with the Staff Development committee. Pat Brunini and Jean Smith have joined a committee investigating and researching Computer Resource Centers (previously known as Homework Centers) for each library. -~ ~ 6 7 3' ' ' 5:114 1 (4 '1 I-! I! I1 1 11 Branch I Centro 12 Childrens iu 4 1~ 1 2 12j 7t1121 (4 7 4 6 f '5 I 6 Circuldon/AV I Comm. Relat./Exhibm I 2 111 i '1 If51 12 Cultural Arts Office i 1 812 9 - ' :3(41 Friends I 31 ! I li I Ill 1 Genealogy I 2 1 1 : I 11 1.2 I 2 Penodicals I 1 i I ,I ill Reference I1 8 4 7 I I41 I25 ...e I II I I' 1 I I 1 i24, 2 14 38 j25 1 I 1 1 73 ' 2 '12 17 4' 21 5 I t 9j I41 I 1125 I Technical Serwces I 2 1 212i4i f511(7 31211 111 I I I Bullding Inspectton 1 111 I ~.~.water~tstrlct 1 1 2 2' IiJ I I I Clty Attorney 1 i 11 Ill 1 I City Clerk I 121 i I I City Council 12 3 81 1-31 I1 Cliy Manager 11 3 3 i 21 i 2! I I I It 71 21 2 16 1 1 14 I City Treasurer 1 irr/I ii Engineenng 12 1 I I lli Finance I 1 1 111 1 Fire I1 1;t 121 I Human Resources 1 1 :/qI Info Systems I Planning 11 4 3 ' 11 3 li I 41 Police I I ' i 111 Purchaslng I 111 Research/Analyss I "ill Houmg/Redev. I 2 i I 14i Comm. Services I4 3 1 7 1 i 51 I 51 11 41 i 41 - 21 4 61 1 1 14 1 i 261 5 I 11 ! 6 Mo. JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL u a FY 95196 Non-Drofits/commiss, 1 I Pnvate sector I I 5 21 11 j 11 91 !! 'I I of &dia Grapnics MEDIA STATSISX)? I 396 Jut AUG SEP Ocf NOV DEC I CARLSBAD CITYLIBRARY CENTRO DE IIWORMACION Monthly Report December 1995 1.- Adult Pro2 - n. On December 14, at the Senior Center Auditorium, an adult educational presentation was held. The topic for this presentation was Nutrition and Proper Diet for Children and Adults. This presentation was conducted by Elva Leal, a Health Educator from Vista Community Clinic. Also the Spanish Literacy Tutoring met two times this month. 2.- children's Pro- * E. On December 9, Centro staff prepared a Christmas party for the children at the Centro. Children and adults enjoyed making ornaments for the Christmas tree. They also enjoyed refreshments and small gifts. On December 14, there was a program about the celebration of the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. This program was conducted by Judy Shupack. Through puppets, songs, and stories she showed the children about Jewish traditions. They also enjoyed a traditional dessert from Israel that is known as "Soofganiot". 3.- Community Outreach. On December 3, Centro staff JosC Maldonado, Edith Rodriguez, and Lizeth Simonson participated in a Holiday Tree Lighting, a community event presented by Carlsbad Evening Rotary Club and the City of Carlsbad Community Services Department. During the event Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson read stories in Spanish to the children and at the same time a "Granny" from Bookstar (a bookstore in Oceanside) read stories in English. Also an information booth was available with information about the library for residents who were inquiring about the library and its services.' 4.- Presentation of Awards. On December 19, at the City Council Meeting the Centro staff was honored with a plaque in recognition of their contribution to the City's receiving the Helen Putnam Award Grand Prize in the Enhancing Diversity in the Work Place category. 5.- Translation. Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson translated into Spanish the text of a bookmark that explains loan periods, overdue fees, and self check out to new patrons and patrons who request this type of information. The Rules of Conduct handout was also translated into Spanish and is available for the patrons at the three location. REFERENCE ACTIVITIES FOR DECEMBER, 1995 Reference questions totaled 5,582 during the month of December, a decrease of 864. There were a total of 1537 Reserves, an increase of 269 over last year at this time. Online Search Requests totaled 24, the same rate as last year. Interlibrary Loans totaled 68 items received and 34 items were sent to other libraries. During the month of December, there were 4 Reference Classes. ' Cat lie Ahrens attended an Investment In Excellence facilitators meeting on December 5. There was a Reference Selection Meeting on December 8: $864 was spent on new materials and $1 122 was spent on updates. I On December 12, Cal I ie Ahrens attended a Computer Lab Meeting. Technical Services Report December 1995 In December, Technical Services staff adcled 934 books and 315 audiovisual items to the library's collection. A total of 999 books and 163 A-V items were withdrawn from the collection. Patrons with computers used the dial-access catalog 272 times in December. Main Street usage was 36. A total of 1,695 books were checked out by patrons using the self-checkout machine. This was 3% of th2 total circulation at the main library. Earlier in the year, the Serra System applied for a state grant under the Linked Systems Project. In December, the System was notified that its application was tentatively approved, for a lesser amount than was requested. Representatives from the Serra System, the four libraries who would be participating in the project (including Carlsbad), and DRA, the software vendor for the libraries, have since met to work out ways in which we could accomplish the project. A revised application is being written and will be submitted to the State Library in mid-January. The project will allow library users in one library. to view the catalogs of the other libraries. Since a personal computer is required for the software that makes access possible, this capability would not be available at the usual catalog stations, which are tIdumbtt terminals. However, we hope to have two computers that are currently on our CD-ROM network, one at the Main Library and one at the La Costa Branch Library, equipped with the software that the grant will buy. Other computers can be added later, as funds become available. Library Internet Usage Policy DRAFT Access to the Internet can be an important library tool. As with other city-provided assets and services, Internet accounts are to be used for library business only, not for personal use. Appropriate business use includes searching for answers to patron questions, e-mail on library topics, and training of other staff. Any other use must be cleared in advance by library administration. Some exploration of the Internet is expected when users first receive an account, but that should diminish over a few months and should not be out of proportion with the amount of productive work done on the Internet. Library-provided accounts are to be used only from library computers and only during work hours. Use of library-provided accounts from home computers is not allowed. Library-provided accounts for any employee must be first justified in writing by the division head, then approved by library administration, before the account is applied for. Each division head is responsible for budgeting the appropriate amount for Internet use for the following year from the division budget. All employees with library-provided accounts are expected to be responsible users of the Internet. This includes following city regulations relating to computer use and use of city equipment and services as well as standard Internet rules and etiquette. Posts to news groups and electronic mail should concern library business only. If an employee wishes to use the Internet for purposes other than library business or wishes to explore the Internet at home, he or she should contract with an outside provider for a personal account. RANKINGS OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY LIBRARIES IN KEY SERVICE CATEGORIES CIRCULATION PER CAPITA Carlsbad (16.16) Coronado (1 0.91) Chula Vista (8.06) Escondido (7.01) National City (5.42) San Diego Public (5.38) Oceanside (4.1 2) San Diego County (2.82) EXPENDITURES PER CAPITA Carlsbad ($41.61) Coronado ($37.94) Chula Vista ($28.29) Escondido ($1 8.66) Oceanside ($1 6.1 9) San Diego Public ($15.61) National City ($1 0.56) San Diego County ($8.96) POPULATION SERVED PER FTE Carlsbad (1,143) Coronado (1,332) Chula Vista (1,916) Escondido (2,769) San Diego Public (3,533) Oceanside (3,756) National City (4,256) San Diego County (5,405) REFERENCE PER CAPITA Carlsbad (2.31) Coronado (1.74) San Diego Public (1.64) Chula Vista (1.24) Escondido (1.04) San Diego County (0.66) Oceanside (0.61) w National City (0.29) HOURS OPEN PER 100 POP. Carlsbad (1 1.53) Coronado (9.90) San Diego Public (7.14) San Diego County (5.82) National City (3.44) Chula Vista (3.31) Oceanside (3.25) Escondido (3.20) HOLDINGS PER CAPiTA Coronado (4.36) Carlsbad (3.21) National City (2.13) San Diego Public (1.99) Chula Vista (1.98) Escondido (1.90) Oceanside (1.64) San Diego County (1.08) SELECTED 1996 STATE LIBRARY STATISTICS RANKING 28 CALIFORNIA CITIES OF 60.000-1 00,000 POPULATION HOLDINGS PER CAPITA Santa Monica Newport Beach Palos Verdes District Newport Beach Santa Monica Richmond Santa Clara Bur b an k Mountain View CIRCULATION PER CAPITA Carl s bad REFERENCE PER CAPITA LIBRARAY All'ENDANCE Santa Monica Newport Beach Carlsbad Redondo Beach Redwood City VOLUMES HELD Santa Monica Richmond Burlingame Newport Beach Palos Verdes District AUDIO ITEMS HELD Burlingame Mountain View Carls bad Redwood City Santa Monica PERIODICALS HELD Newport Beach Carlsbad Santa Monica Redwood City Daly City Burlingame Newport Beach Carlsbad Santa Monica Redwood City MICROFORMS HELD Carlsbad Newport Beach San Mateo Palos Verdes District Monterey Park VIDEO ITEMS HELD Carlsbad Newport Beach Palos Verdes District Redwood City Santa Clara TOTAL STAFF FTE Santa Monica Redwood Ci Newport Beach Newport Beach Carlsbad Santa Monica Redwood City Carlsbad Burbank Mountain View EXPENDITURES PER CAPITA LIBRARIES IN 60,00O1100,000 CATEGORY Alameda, Alhambra, Buena Park, Burbank, Carlsbad, Corona, Oaly City, Downey, Livermore, Lompoc, Mendocino Co., Jvlonterey Park, Mountain View, Nevada Co., Newport Beach, Palos Verdes Dist., Redlands, Redondo Beach, Redwood City, Richmond, San Leandro, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Monica, Sutter Co., Upland, Whittier, Yuba Co. d Y eo 3 P I z 0 0 0 0 r( 0 0 c) m- le :- I .i. v v- f.. t- . N : .. I m I b a 0 a 3 0 c) t : m d OI v? 9 - *y 4 I I vr I a a s i L, .er a u .I k a Q 8 4 0 c) x jl Q 9 f P m $8 * I- I I f .I I d a a 0 3 rl 0 Y I r- I f 0 cp 3 a on Y I iii 0 CI I 81 I_ 1 -I I- - Q 0' v) W ". LI e s? 8 ...1 I \o P) M E I a 1 s E 0 'Y Y I a a 8 0 Y Q s mo m mN n'll I I I I I 2 T s 00 v) d II I/ I 00- mm 8% I 8 42 T9t 4 00 I a 3 5 CIRCULATION MAIN LIBRARY Print/Audio Video Equipment TOTAL : BRANCH Print/Audio Video TOTAL : CENTRO TOTAL : GRAND TOTAL: REFERENCE QUESTIONS Centro Genealogy Children's Adult On1 ine Branch TOTAL : MEDIA/GXAPHICS PROJECTS Media Graphics CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS December 1995 Dec. 1994 Dec. 1995 % Chanse 48 , 175 48 , 806 +1 11,079 10 , 142 -8 --- 10 lo 59 , 264 58,958 --- 15 , 524 16 , 212 +4 2,171 2,511 + 16 17 , 695 18 , 723 +6 1,024 898 - 12 77,903 78 , 579 +1 ' 272 113 - 58 1,067 1,190 + 12 1,386 1,358 -2 6.446 5,582 - 13 1,647 1,809 + 10 10,842 10,076 -7 --- 24 24 31 26 - 16 18 30 + 67 TOTAL : 49 56 + 14 PEOPLE COUNT (Daily Average) Centro Main Library Branch TOTAL : ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Centro Gene a1 ogy Adult Main Children's Main Branch TOTAL : INTERLIBRARY LOANS Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad NEW REGISTRATIONS Centro Main Library Branch TOTAL : ITEMS ADDED ITEMS WITHDRAWN Dec. Dec. - 1994 1995 87 83 1,596 1,486 63 9 648 2,322 2,217 % Chanse -5 -7 +1 -5 279 209 - 25 - 100 230 128 - 44 666 354 - 47 101 150 + 49 1,297 841 - 35 --- 21 105 76 - 28 84 68 - 19 234 14 3 - 39 49 34 - 31 13 8 - 38 666 623 -6 236 220 -7 915 851 -7 1.337 1,249 -6 554 1,162 + 110 2 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS November 1995 h Nov . 1994 Nov . 1995 % Chanse CIRCULATION MAIN LIBRARY Print/Audio Video Equipment 61,577 10 , 604 29 60 , 423 -2 9,664 -9 15 - 48 TOTAL : 72 , 210 70 102 -3 BRANCH Print/Audio Video 19,458 2.496 20 , 917 +7 2,310 -7 ’ TOTAL: 21,954 1,328 23 227 +6 CENTRO TOTAL : 1,583 + 19 GRAND TOTAL: 95 , 492 94 , 912 -1 REFERENCE QUESTIONS Centro Genealogy Children’s Adult Online Branch 123 3 15 + 156 1,130 1,167 +3 2,518 2,276 - 10 7,629 7,188 -6 24 29 + 21 2,257 2,580 + 14 TOTAL : .13,681 13,555 . - 1 MEDIA/GRAPHICS PROJECTS Media Graphics 29 28 -3 34 32 -6 63 60 -5 TOTAL : .. . PEOPLE COUNT (Daily Average) Centro Main Library Branch TOTAL : ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Centro Genealogy Adult Main Children’s Main Branch TOTAL : INTERLIBRARY LOANS Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad NEW REGISTRATIONS Centro Main Library Branch TOTAL : -. ITEMS ADDED ITEMS WITHDRAWN Nov . Nov . - 1994 - 1995 % Chanae 88 133 + 51 747 796 +7 2,021 1,720 - i5 2,856 2,649 -7 247 360 +5 134 153 + 14 140 95 - 32 692 755 +9 37 219 + 492 1,250 1,582 + 27 108 94 - 13 104 101 -3 289 206 - 29 92 43 - 53 16 31 4- 94 1,125 880 - 22 284 297 +5 .. - 1,425 1,208 - 15 1,447 1,352 -7 862 477 - 45 2 co cu a, a, m 9 a, cu 0 0 t o! r- t I- OD 2 N! I- co 2 l- I- T a, OD (0 *- . . m cq cu_ 3 m 0 co 1-- m 2 m a, 00 (0 t 0 0 9 m a, a0 (0 T cu e (D 0 e o! I-- I- (D (D r- cu t k a, cu co I- t 0) 0 cu *! 'r T- O I- (D x 0- 0 t 0 b, m 9 m 0 m co cu t c9 m cu t 1-- a0 o! 0 0 9 m cu t 1-- co cu cu co I- co c? l- a! (0 43 m 0 m ui o! 0 0 9 0 m m o! cd * 7 cu b d cu t 0 c 5 0 0 9 E a, L oc( cn a, E LL .- 00 k 0- In l- v) In v- cu d ci d a? f- a0 (0 4. Y MONTHLY RESPONSI BI LIT1 ES: Librarv Board of Trustees: The Library Board of Trustees meets once a month, on the third Wednesday at 3:OO P.M. in the Council Conference Room. Procedure for preparation and distribution of agenda packets is as follows: ' Obtain agenda from the library director the week before the meeting. Board packets must be ready for distribution by the Friday morning before the board meeting. Each agenda packet for the board members contains a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting plus back up material for agenda items. Also included will be other items received from the director, and the monthly statistics and revenue status report received from the assistant director. The packets'for the board mem- bers are mailed on Friday morning. All other packets are distributed to city departments, press mail boxes maintained in city manager's office, or held in the library for pickup (per distribution list below.) The Library Board members' packets and the Library Director's packet should be 3-hole punched. After the board meeting, the director's packet is filed in the orange notebook kept in his office. Keep only the last six months packets. Distribution of agenda packets is as follows: Library Board of Trustees (5) Library Director Assistant Library Director Assistant City Manager Friends of the Library U.S. Mail Library \ Library City Hall (CM Office) (Afl~/~efJj Library (Friends Drawer)(o m-=~<) 5 . i " *:-. (c C” 0 Genealogy Representative .. - I r‘jx y’ [HhtW6$ Minutes Clerk (‘-‘ ’ O] Programs & Exhibits +---+-+ , :-----Sm%4dvl *s-* League of Women Voters Rep. Reference Division dQRnQ co?cC&y-!f TIH&~ San Diego Union Carlsbad Sun CNN News File Extra Copy of agenda only Copy of agenda only .. US. Mail -4SHvlaTl-- U.S. Mail City Hall Library Library City Hall (Reception Desk --CM Office) City Hall I’ I1 City Hall ‘I I1 City Hall ‘I I1 Library Library La Costa Branch Chambers Bulletin Board The following receive the minutes of the previous board meeting after they have been approved: City Council 5 I Planning Commission (Planning Dept.) 7 Traffic Safety Commission (Engrg. Dept.) Housing Commission (Housing Dept.) 9 Library Division Heads 10 5 Personnel Board (Human Resources Dept.) -5- 9 3F”D The day after the board meeting a summary report of the meeting is prepared distributed to all departments, including the Senior Center and one for the Historic Preservation Commission which is mailed in care of the Planning Department. Following is the number of copies to be made: Agenda Packet Items Minutes flad4A OULY 6 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY CIRCULATION MAIN LIBRARY Print/Audio Video E quipmen t TOTAL : BRANCH Print/Audio Video TOTAL : CENTRO TOTAL : GRAND TOTAL: REFERENCE QUESTIONS Centro Genealogy Children's Adult Online Branch TOTAL : MEDIA/GaPHICS PROJECTS Media Gr ap hi c s TOTAL : STATISTICS December 1995 Dec. 1994 4a , 175 11,079 10 59 , 264 15 , 524 2,171 17 , 695 1,024 77 , 983 272 1,067 1,386 6.446 24 1,647 10,842 31 18 49 Dec. 1995 48 I a06 10 I 142 10 58 , 958 16 , 212 2,511 18,723 898 7a , 579 113 1,190 1,358 5,582 24 1,809 10,076 26 30 56 6 12 1 58 12 2 13 % Chanse +1 -8 --- --- +4 + 16 --- + lo -7 - 16 + 67 + 14 .. Dec. Dec. 1994 1995 % Chanse PEOPLE COUNT (Daily Average) / Centro Main Library Branch TOTAL : ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Centro Genealogy Adult Main Children’s Main Branch TOTAL : INTERLIBRARY LOANS Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad NEW REGISTRATIONS Centro Main Library Branch TOTAL : ITEMS ADDED ITEMS WITHDFUIWN 87 83 -5 1,596 1,486 -7 63 9 648 +1 2,322 2,217 5 279 209 - 25 - 100 230 128 - 44 666 3 54 - 47 101 - 150 + 49 1,297 841 - 35 21 --- 105 76 - 28 84 68 - 19 234 143 - 39 49 34 - 31 13 8 - 38 666 623 -6 236 220 -7 915 851 -7 1,337 1.249 -6 554 1,162 + 110 2