HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-09-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 18, 1996 City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: President L'Heureux called the meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Fresent: Library Board Trustees L'Heureux, Moss and Woodward. Absent: Library Board Trustees Curtin and McCann. Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 21 1996, were unanimously approved as presented. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS: President L'Heureux referred to the reports contained in the packet and asked for comments or questions. Dr. Lange called attention to the statistics for the summer reading program. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: None. DAVID SMITH REVIEW OF THE JULY 1996 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW M EETl NG : Dr. Lange stated that tentatively it is planned to present this review to the City Council on October 8 for an update and David Smith's report will be included as an exhibit, to September 18, 1996 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 study the data to see the difference between now and 1991. He stated that in 1991 the cost per square foot to build the Library was $125, but he doubts if it will be that low now. This will be re-done again in November or December, and although there was a dip in costs in 1992 and 1993, now the costs are going back up. Dr. Lange stated this will not go out to bid until February or March of next year. LIBRARY 1995-96 ANNUAL REPORT TO THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY: Geoff Armour stated that at the end of this report there are now separate reports for the Main Library, Branch Library and Centro. LIBRARY 1995-96 ANNUAL REPORT TO THE CITY AND LIBRARY USERS: In reply to Board query, Geoff Armour stated that the reasons for the decline in circulation in FY 1994195 were the closing for re-carpeting, and perhaps the installation of the outside book drop-off. He said that people used to have to come into the Library to return a book, and quite often stayed awhile. Also, he said that when they first put all the videos into the Library, there was a great deal of interest in them, but then the public became bored with them. He said that with the limited space, it is amazing that over one million people use the Library every year, and interesting to note that everything went up except the number of staff and the budget. UPDATE ON LIBRARY ‘/4 CENT SALES TAX MEASURE - PROPOSITION A ON THE NOVEMBER 5 BALLOT: Discussion Dr. Lange called attention to the Library Times and invited the Board members to take copies of it to distribute. He said this is a modified, edited version of what the campaign people put out. He said he will attend a campaign school this Saturday. Everyone is working to get the material to the newspapers and prepare a direct mail campaign. Dr. Lange said the Chamber of Commerce Legislative Committee voted 8 to 2 for this proposition and the Board of the Chamber of Commerce voted today unanimously to support Proposition A. He added that the League of Women Voters is also behind the Proposition. Dr. Lange said that on Tuesday morning he took an hour of vacation time and spoke to the Village Business Association and handed out flyers. He said if they are able to get the people out to vote, this measure will pass. D I RECTOR’S RE PORT: Dr. Lange reported that some vacant positions at the Library are approved to be filled, with the Reference position to be recruited next month and the 30-hour part-time positions for Literacy and the % time in Circulation to be filled. September 18, 1996 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 Dr. Lange stated he is still chairing the Strategic Initiative Comrriunicaticns Team, w?h one meeting to be held next Monday and with the wrap-up to be in October. Fie is going to a workshop at Casta Mesa tomorrow, sponsored by tke State Library. There has been a year-long study conducted for an analysis of trends in California to get an idea of the impact on libraries. He said that at the workshop they are going to explore strategies to use in Carlsbad. Dr. Lange said that next month's Board Meeting may have to be moved to October 23, and after checking with the Board Members present today, it was determined they would have a quorum on that date. Dr. Lange referred to the report from the Adult Learning Program with regard to the parking at the Colonial Professional Center. The orthodontist in the building has stepped up his campaign against the parking of staff, tutors and learners in the parking lot, and insists they should park at a distance from the building, leaving the close parking for his patients. He is not the manager of the building, but has appointed himself as the watchdog in charge of the rest of the tenants. Geoff Armour stated that they have been trying to get a meeting with the Manager of the building and Chuck Walden, but in the meantime are looking for another place to rent. Dr. Lenge said he has received input from staff with regard to the amount of mopey to be put in the endowment fund and will have that information for the Board at the next meeting. He said it is very important to have some flexibility. Dr. Lange said that as far as Proposition A is concerned, it is probably good that it is a national election year, as more people will vote. He said people have to be convinced that the tax is for five years and cannot be extended without another vote of the people. He said he has copies of the ballot arguments and will give them to the Trustees. as some of them are interesting. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Dr. Lange stated that the Friends will meet tomorrow night and appoint a new Representative for this Board. The Friends will have a book sale on October 5, and are planning to schedule two books sales next year-one in the Spring and one in the Fall. September 18, 1996 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 4 GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Dr. Lange stated that the Genealogical Society has scheduled a yard sale the same date as the Friends' book sale, and will hold their sale at the far end of the parking lot. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: Board Trustee Woodward reported that the Serra Advisory Board discussed a Civic Network Grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, enabling communities to form a network on the net. Serra proposes a regional library network to link all libraries, universities, KPBS and museum libraries. It would be located at UCSD, with each library responsible for updating its web page. Serra and SDPL will take the lead on future committee meetings and provide a list of locations and dates. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of September 18, 1996 was adjourned at 3:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk Adult Learning Program Monthly Report August 1996 1. Library Technician Position The end of August, City management responded to the library’s 96/97 fiscal budget request for a %-time Library Assistant position in the Adult Learning Program. Approved instead were 30 part-time hours at the Library Technician level. Shirley Taylor will work 19 of these hours. Staff are considering how best to use the remaining 11 hours, especially looking at the talents of our existing tutors. 2. E-Mail and Internet Much of August was spent troubleshooting activation of e-mail and Internet access at Coordinator Lynda Jones’s computer. By the end of the month, both fbnctions were working. Lynda now has e-mail contact with literacy programs all over the state. The e-mail and Internet access are made possible through a grant to the Southern California Library Literacy Network. 3. New Learner Orientations A new approach to conducting orientations for new learners was started in August. First, orientations will now be held every 2 weeks, instead of once a month. Both a morning and an evening orientation are held on the same date. Second, each orientation is led by a tutorflearner team, so that new learners meet both an experienced learner and a tutor. Staff member Shirley Taylor organizes and facilitates the Learner Orientations. 4. The Adult Learning Program has rented office space in the Colonial Professional Center since 1984 and has enjoyed a friendly and cooperative relationship with the other tenants. One tenant, however, has persisted in being confrontational and, at times, threatening, to other tenants about parking. This is the orthodontist whose office is next door to the Adult Learning Program. He continues his campaign to personally set rules and control where and when other tenants of the building park. He says he has accumulated a picture file of tenants’ cars, as well as names and license numbers. He says he keeps a log of who parks where and when. Unable to convince independent businesses in the building to comply with his demands, in August he escalated his campaign against the Adult Learning Program’s staff and volunteers by having meetings and phone conversations with the Library Director, Assistant Library Director, and City Facilities Manager. He insists that, in addition to staff, volunteer tutors should be required to park at a distance. Further, the orthodontist has extended his hours into two evenings a week, and he is now demanding that evening literacy staff, tutors, and learners-including several elderly and/or disabled adults-park at a distance from the building, leaving the close parking for the orthodontist’s patients. Literacy staff, tutors, and learners are using the building in the evening well after dark and long after the orthodontist has gone home. To our knowledge, the building manager, Mark Morrison, has not been involved in any of the discussions of parking, nor have the needs and desires of all tenants been discussed in a fair and cooperative spirit. Parkinp at Colonial Professional Center CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY CENTRO DE INFORMACION Monthly Report August 1996 1.- Centro de Informaci6n Newsletter. Over 1400 copies of the English and Spanish Centro de Informacidn Newsletter, summer issue, were distributed in the community during the month of August. 2.- Children's Proqramminq-Summer Readins Proqram. On August 8, the Centro ended the Summer Reading Program with 175 children enrolled, and on August 10, in conjunction with the children's Department at the Main Library, children celebrated with a party at the Harding Community Center Auditorium. On August 15, at the City Council Chambers, 10 children from the Centro received awards and prizes for their outstanding participation in the Reading Program. 3.- Summer Workshop. During the week of August 12, Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson attended a 5-day workshop entitled Books in Spanish for Young Readers - Translation or Interpretation. The workshop was held at the Center for the Study of Books in Spanish for Children and Adolescents at California State University, San Marcos, and was taught by a professor from the University of Baja California. The purpose of the workshop was to introduce different aspects of cultural linguistics that influence a translation, and specific problems of translation from English to Spanish. 4.- Spanish Literacy. The Spanish Literacy group met eight times during the month of August. 5.- Mexican Consul-General. On August 28, Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson was invited to attended a meeting at the Consulate General of Mexico. the meeting with a welcoming to representatives of several organizations that work with Hispanic communities in the North San Diego County area. The new Consul General Luis Herrera-Lasso opened 6.- Interviews. On August 29, Televisa, Channel 12 from Tijuana, conducted several interviews at the Centro de Informacidn. Max Aud a reported from Notivisa, a news segment from Channel 12, talked to local hispanic women about the role of the Latina woman in the community in the North San Diego County. Chi Id ren’ s Division Monthly Statement August 1996 With circulation for the month topping 17,000 and programs averaging over 70 attending per program, August continued to be a busy month due to an incredible Summer Reading Program. The following programs were presented by local organizations and Children’s Library staff. The Hug-a-Tree program was presented by the state Search and Rescue unit. Children and adults learned about how to survive in the wilderness if they got lost. A very informative backpacking program was given by the owners of Nomad Adventures. The latest equipment was displayed and explained. The Summer Reading Program awards were presented to youngsters by Children’s and Centro staff. The Best Book awards were chosen based on the ALA best lists, the Newbery and Caldecott medal books, and other best of the year lists. Fifty-three children won first, second or third place awards for reading the best quality books. The Volunteer Party was held at That Pizza Place. Thirty volunteers ate pizza and ice cream, played video games and won prizes. This was a way of thanking them for the 700 hours that they put in this summer. . At the Carlsbad Unified School District meeting I made an informational presentation on our Open House for Teachers scheduled for October 10. I explained the purpose, asked for input and seemed to be well received by all participants. The final statistics for Summer Reading Program are attached. The total for all locations was up 538 from last year. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITIONS STATISTICS REPORT August 1996 Current Month Fiscal Books - Children Main 97 6 Branch 23 2 Centro 0 1 subtotal 120 9 103 156 25 197 1 1 129 354 Audio - Adult 199 18 21 7 342 Audio - Children 2 0 2 3 Video 22 1 38 61 203 Total Received 900 134 38 1,072 2,323 B & T = Baker & Taylor PMSC = Professional Media Services Corporation Genea1.og-y - Local. History Statistics Total. Holdings Last FY HOLDINGS : Current Month Additions Total Ad? i t ions Current F?- Total. Eo1 d i ngs Ti t12s Vol.uTes 33 4 4 L3- =script ion of holdings : Titles Q. CJ-a L'olumes Cataloged in Ih%EX Books Books - Microform Periodicals - Bound BOOkS - GEN-CIRC I z. 17 4 Non-Circ. Circ. Microform Total Periodica1.s - Microform Mzps Microfilm (census, etc.! Microforms added this month: CD-ROB Film Fiche ao 3 314 c CALrnQ-V, YEAR GOALS: Volunteer hours Programs held Attendance NSDCGS book/equipment expenditures This mnth 33- Total calendar year I 20 8 ACTIVITY: This Month +r - Total This FY Total Last FY This Month Last FY ', 4IY 52 Reference questions li 935;' Daily average 53 Researchers registered . 1,185 Daily average L,cs Circulating checkout (50 Daily average 7 DISTRIBUTION OF RESEARCHERS : City This This Month FY County State . ' This This Month FY Carlsbad Del Mar area East S.D. area Encinitas area Escondido area Fa1 lbrook Oceans ide S.D. City etc. San Marcos Vista 4 v7 47 47 la 86 46 3- I - 3 3 7- 2- F 3 Y -- 3 3 LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY Monthly Report August 1996 CIRCULATION The Branch circulation total for August was 23,604. This total included 12,223 adult items, 8343 children’s items and 3,083 video tapes. Daily circulation was 874 and hourly was 83. There was an increase in total circulation of 3.5% over August of 1995. This month‘s total user count was 19,540. The average daily count was 724 and daily, 69. This was a total increase of 1 % over August of 1996. CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES The Summer Reading Program Awards Party was held on August 8. One hundred children came for the celebration which honored all 576 registewd participants. Awards were given and each child received a book of their own choosing and refreshments. One parent was so pleased with what their children received from their reading, that they video taped the Awards Ceremony and gave a copy to our children’s room. c ’L .. BRANCH STAFF Jean Smith, Reference Librarian began working 30 hours a week at Cal &te San Marcos. Karen Maynor-Mitchell will pick up Jean’s scheduled hours. Leah Sanft, first year college student began the first week of August as page. She replaced Mieke Van de Kamp who left this month to begin her college career in at San Francisco State University. f FY 96-97 [;I Madla Graphks GRAND TOTAL REFERENCE ACTIVITIES FOR AUGUST, 1996 Reference questions totaled 6,445 during the month of August, an increase of 149. There were a total of 2,304 reserves, an increase of 462 over August of last year. Online search requests totaled 15, a decrease of 52 from last August. Interlibrary loans totaled 117 items received and 169 items were sent to other libraries. During the month of August, there were 4 reference classes. The Reference Selection Committee met on August 1 and spent $2,075 on Callie Ahrens attended City of Carlsbad Strategic Planning Committee meetings reference books. on August 6 and 13. Leila Dooley attended a meeting of the California Library Networking Task Force in Temecula on August 19. Char Kennedy attended the Carlsbad Library Automation Committee meeting on August 22. During the month of August, 803 questions were answered at the Information Desk. The average number of questions per day was 30 and the average number of questions per hour was 13. The Information Desk was staffed an average of 2.4 hours per day. The Information Desk staff did not meet in August to evaluate the service, the meeting will be postponed until Char returns from medical leave. Technical Services Report August 1996 Ln August, Technical Services staff added 1,054 new print items and 270 audiovisual items to the library’s collection. They deleted from the system 958 print items and 2 13 audioyisual items. Patrons used home computers to dial into the library catalog 255 times. Patrons with the Mainstreet service accessed the catalog 34 times. In Aupt, the procedures for processing the CD-ROMs that have been purchased for the circulating collection were approved, and the first twenty-nine items werc processed. Mac Sasso, who is responsible for the NLEX system as well as supervising the processing staff, also produced five new lists for the New Additions to the Collection brochures (Fiction, NonFiction, Audio Cassettes, Compact Disks, and Videos), as well as the quarterly update to the complete video list that is available in the librail. for patron use. In June, the city of Carlsbad arranged for Internet access through the city’s LAN as part of the Linked Systems Project that has been reported on in previous months: and the city’s Inforniation Systems staff is gradually making it available to personal computers that are on the network. Chris Pickavet gave three mini-workshops in August on how to use Netscape Navigator, the web browser that the city is using. The library’s Automation Committee also met this month, discussing plans for making both DRA Find (the sofhvare used by the Linked Systems Project) and general Internet access available to the public from the library’s public access PCs. DRA Find will be made available first, as soon as Information Systems is able to upgade the public PCs to Windows 95. ‘I DAVID R. SMITH Consulting Librarian 130 Holly Road -1 Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 612-933-0199 August 6, 1996 < .; AU6 1996 1 LIBRARY city of * Ca rls bad \ 3 ? TO: John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager Cliff Lange, City Librarian FROM: David R. Smith, Consulting Librarian RE: Carlsbad City Library Project SUBJECT: Participation in the Program and Architectural Design Review Meetings Held During July of 1996 Bac ka ro u nd The original Carlsbad City Library building program was developed along with schematic designs and architectural specifications during 1990 and early 1991, concluding with a final revision of the program January 1991. The project was notable for comprehensive city, library and public participation throughout the entire process from the development of the anticipated needs for the building through the design which was then presented for the Proposition 85 funding. Failing to make the final cut, the project has languished due to a downturn in the regional's economy for better than 5% years. It was with great interest that the opportunity occurred in the late Spring of 1996 to be party to the resurrection of this project and review of the shelved plans and documents. Major questions and issues which arose in the discussions of this, process were: 0 The impact of the past five years hiatus on library collections, technology and library The population projections and demographic changes -what was anticipated and what The continuing Carisbad economic situation regarding both capital funding and the Staffing and other operating considerations The Cole Library's future and relationship to the new planned city library services really occurred? anticipated operating costs the library 0 0 0 0 Pre-occuDancv Evaluation The term "post-occupancy evaluation" is used frequently in building projects as we evaluate the completed building during the first year of operations as to how well' it is meeting the anticipated user needs. The local situation is somewhat different in that we are able to analyze a plan conceived with great deliberation over five years ago and determine how well it will meet the needs of the future Carlsbad City Library users. It is interesting to note that, with the exception of one change of staff personnel, all of the original staff planners and the City and architectural team members have returned to review their work. Public Libraw DeveIoPment/t991 - 1996 There are certain fixed elements. The building envelope of 64,000 square feet on two levels, partial upper level, will remain the same as will the general site and parking layout. What has occurred then in the past five years which could have some impact on the library's layout and interior design. 1. The Americans with Disabilities Act was not in effect when this building was planned; however, the strict California guidelines in place then have insured that the general building design requirements are meeting the newer national requirements with several exceptions which are specific to public libraries, i.e. the reduction in height of the magazine display shelving and insurance that aisle clearances are maintained properly through the building. The ADA requirements will have relatively little impact on the updated design of this facility. 2. Print materials acquisition has continued to grow at a substantial rate. Some 18,000 items nave been added to the collection since the library building program was prepared so that publishing of print materials not has abated in light of new technology and the need provide for a substantial and growing print collection still exists. 3. The accommodation of future, as well as present, technoloqv needs to be emphasized in the building. It has become even more apparent over recent years that library technologies will continue to change and that equipment of which we are not yet cognizant may well be sitting on counters in the library within four to five years. So the infrastructure of wire management systems', power and cabling, must be able to accommodate these future changes. 4. While the present Carlsbad Dopulation has not grown at the rate originally anticipated, the housing starts at present and the current projections are that there will be a substantial spurt of growth in the library using population in the next five years. 5. Librarv Use and Circulation. While the population has remained reasonably stable until now, library use as measured in both circulated items, reference questions and requests for materials, etc. has grown each year and is anticipated to continue to grow at an increased rate. 6. Staff Proiections. At a time where there is a need to consewe in operating costs, which occurs largely in the area of staff, the public need for assistance has grown, particularly in the area of access to high technology information sources such as the Internet and the use of CD-ROM and other computer outlets in the building. During the past five years, reference use has increased 30% and, at the same time, the total library staff has shrunk by 5 full-time positions. 7. Libraries ProDortionatelv lncreasina in Size. The general experience of public libraries being planned across the country, including a large number of expansions to relatively new buildings, is that libraries are getting proportionately larger due to technology and increasing book publishing and access to materials through electronic means. At a time of growing technologically fostered social anonymity, public libraries have become an important community gathering place and a destination for many people. It was also quite obvious from the discussions with the Carlsbad City Library department heads and staff that they had gained a lot of valuable insight from obsewation and expenence in the five years between the two planning periods. July WorkshoDs The first workshops held July 10 - 11 involved a review of all areas of the library design by the staff and planning team originally involved in programming of these spaces. Seven pages of detailed notes prepared by the architect which identified a variety of both small as well as substantive modifications and issues that would require attention emerged from these meetings. The majority of these changes could be accomplished quite easily. Those that require more in-depth study and design included: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The circulation desk area layout which introduces the use of self-charging stations requires careful review of the check-in and check-out stations and the staff workstations related to discharging and returns behind the desk. This includes the flow of persons entering and exiting the library and the book returns. The entire media area, due to a number of changes in the way the media services are delivered to users in the city. The need for the first floor information desk was reaffirmed. Although this is an important public service station, the office requirements for the information staff, due to their ondesk scheduling, was diminished. The children’s area requires a variety of relocations of spaces to make the room function better. Restrooms, computer areas and some staff work spaces need to be reorganized within the context of the original room. More seating should be added to the auditorium and the handicapped access improved. Technical services should have substantial layout improvement to respond better to the work and material flow. First Floor Public Areas in General. a) The ADA requirements for magazines were be provided for videos and paperbacks. The young adults are to be relocated to supervision. b) introduced and more room should a better position for service and c) The work, restrooms and copy center on the staff corridor should be reorganized through the elimination of some staff workroom space. The reference desk area, second floor, was examined and discussed in some detail as to the requirements added for the job center, computer center and how to make the back issues periodicals most accessible and the traffic and work flow in that area work the best. Since some of the changes at the first floor level had a square foot component and the building was fixed at its original maximum size, a solution to this shortfall of available space was sought and eventually revealed as an addition of a replacement storage space at the lower level to aid the functional layout of the first floor. 3 of4 Solution to First Floor LaVout Sciace Reauirements . The solution to the improvements on the first level involved reducing some of the staff work areas formerly dedicated to the information staff, but more importantly, relocating the computer room to a former storage area. This effectively eliminated all major storage space in this building so the obvious solution is to enlarge the excavation for the mechanical space and include space for storage at the lower level at the point where the staff service elevator can efficiently reach it. The building planned effectively responds to at least a 1,300 square foot basement storage area down below. It was felt desirable in discussions that if an "add alternate" for another 1,300 square feet for a total of 2,600 square feet of lower level storage fell within the budget of the project that this would be money well spent for both the immediate future and also for the possible effect on the amount of space which might be needed in the renovated, expanded Cole Library building. FINAL COMMENT As a result of the workshop discussions and intense examination of the designs produced over five years ago, it was determined that if the library had been constructed as planned, the facility would have served the community quite satisfactorily. However, the changes proposed and under study at the present time will make the building even better able to sewe well into the future. The discussions and planning and studies which were held have been very beneficial in either confirming the original concepts or introducing new ones. One of the conclusions reached as the building planning goes on to another level is the fact that the future planning for the Cole Library as to its expansion and renovation is even more important in light of the identified projected needs of the Carlsbad community which these two libraries will serve. I have appreciated the opportunity to participate in this planning exercise and welcome any future assistance that 1 may be able to render. I 16. ILL Period: # Weeks. 2 ' PLEASE DO NOT FOLD OR STAPLE 17. ILL Photocopy free up to 10 pages? N California State Library Federal-State Cooperative System for Public Library Data CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT 1996 Library Development Services Due Aumst 31. 1996 Fiscal Year 1995-96 ending June 30, 1996 Sacramentn, CA 94237-0001 Car lsbad Jay Cunningham 916 653-81 12 Code: P Table: 5 Type or Handwrite Changes on this page. DIRECTORY UPDATE 1. Library. Carlsbad Ciry Libmry 2. Director. Clufoonl E. Lange Director 3. Street Address. 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008-1991 5. Public Phone. (61 9) 434-28 70 7. Library Director's INTERNET Address. CJtANGQC 1. CARLSBAD CA. US 9. FAX Phone. (619) 729-2050 11. Size Sq. Miles. 40.00 13. State Senate. 38 15. Affiliations. ALA, cLA,42cbfv%- 4. Mailing Address. 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008-1991 6. Reference Phone. (61 9) 434-2871 8. Library's INTERNET Address, if applicable. 4kkSRag 10. TDD for Deaf. 12. House Dist. 43 (61 9) 434-81 13 14. Assembly. 74 M- Th 9-9; F, S 9-5. NAME OF CONTACT FOR QU EPORT DATA (Type or Print) Phone # of Contact Signature of Library Director. Date. ,?/(:/EL CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other rnarkskomments on page. POPULATION and OUTLETS 201. Pop. Children Age 0-5 203. Pop. Children Age 6-14 205. Registered Borrowers as of June 30. 206. Children Borrowers Age 0-14 207. Main Library. 208. Branches. (if open for public service) (at least 1400 sq.ft. 7000 vols) 209. stathns. 210. Bookmobiles. Vehicle count. 2 11. Other Outlets, Deposits. 2 12. Hours per week Main Library is open. LIBRARY STAFF 251. Total count of persons employed. full and part time. (PERSONS NOT FTE) 252. ALA Librarians.(Full Time Equivalent) 2 5 3 . FI'E Total Librarians (ALA or other.) 254. FI'E SpeCral Professionals who have accredited ALA Masters. 255. FI'E Lib. Tech. Assistants. 256. FI'E other. 257. FI'E Volunteers, Average FTE per week (not hours) Page 2 M616 Carlsbad Response for FY 199495 100. 616 201. 203. 205. 206. 207. 1 208. 1 209. 1 210. 0 211. 0 5,300 7,200 83 750 15 000 212. 64.00 251. 117 252. 15.45 253. 15.45 254. 2.24 255. 11.61 256. 30.28 257. 8.00 Type Response for 1995196 in box below. 100. 616 201. 203. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 5,500 7,400 82,721 15,200 1 1 1 0 0 64.00 125 15.56 15.56 3.24 14.25 28.34 8.00 QST-STAT DCR-STAT CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markslcomments on page. INCOME Report whole dollars only, omit cents. Enter funds for operational expenses, and for capital outlay. 301. hd &Vt%"Iat: 302. statef~~lds: 303. Federal funds: 304. Other Income. 305. Special District Augmentation funds for counties and districts. 306. Gifts, Fines, Fees 307. Contract Payments. 308. Capital Outlay. taxes and allocations.(inelude S's from 305. & 307.) CLSA and PLF. LSCA or other. (includes S's detailed io 306. below.) and local fund raising. from another jurisdiction. M6 16 Carlshad Response for FY 1994-95 ~ 100. 616 301 302 303 304 305 306. 307 308 2,454,415 264,100 40 , 000 146,500 0 160,186 0 Type Response for 1995/96 in box below. .OO. 616 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 2,475 , 040 321 200 0 147 500 0 251,476 0 0 Page 3 QST - STAT DCR - STAT . CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markskomments on page. STANDARD OPERATING EXPENDITURES Local, State and Federal funds. 401. &hies. 402. Benefits. 403. Print Materials. If paid by Library. 404. Current Serial Subscriptions. 405. Microforms. 406. Audiovisual materials. 407. Library Materials in Electronic Formats 408. Other materials. ******OPTIONAL*****New item for 1995/96***** 409. Operating Expenditures for Electronic Access ******OFTIONAL*****New item for 1995/96***** 410. All other Operating Expenditures. 4 11. Capital ouby. Include sites, buildings. vehicles, original equipment. M616 Carlshad Response for FK 1994-95 100. 616 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 1,546,923 343 , 174 193 , 092 99 , 699 38 , 500 85 , 990 0 526,417 41,953 Type Rsponse for 1995/96 in box below. 100. 616 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 1,623,811 338 , 776 181,015 100,578 40,261 109,425 556,560 9 , 460 Page 4 QST STAT - DCR-STAT CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 Carls bad For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markslcomments on page. EXPENDITURES - Detail 5 0 1. Postage and Delivery. 502. Telephone and Other 503. Contracted Computer Services. Telecommunications. 504. Online Database Searching. 505. Preservation. 506. Expenditure for Children's 507. Adult Literacy Program. Materials. 508. Transfer to CityKounty divisions for services: maint, accounting, etc. 509. Payments for Contract Service to another jurisdiction. 510. Estimate of Services & Supplies benefiting the library that were paid for by other CitylCounty Division for report year. PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND 511. 512 513. 514. 515. 516 517. Amount of PLF funds included in PLF expended for Library Materials. Total Operating Expenditure. PLF expended for Personnel. Hours of service provided by PLF-paid Personnel. PLF expended on General Operating PLF expended on Special Projects. budget. PLF difference from Allocation. Page 5 Response for FY 1994-95 100. 616 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506 507. 508. 509 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 11,938 24,942 44 , 692 ' 1,667 15,887 50 , 390 119,655 40 , 809 6,485 218,000 .. 34 , 846 0 0 0.00 34 , 846 0 11,689 Type Response for 1995/96 in box below. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 13 , 986 22,819 34,300 1 754 15,897 60,625 119,772 24,259 6 I 500 220 ,000 27 458 0 0 0 27 I 458 0 4,918 QST-STAT DCR-STAT CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT For'OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markslcomments on page. COLLECTIONS. All entries are annual for fiscal year, and are in units or item. 601. Books Added Cataloged. 602. Books AdultlYA Added Cataloged. 603. Books Added Uncataloged. 604. Children's Books. 605. Children's Books. 606. Books Total Held as of June 30. Added, Cataloged. Added, Uncataloged. 607. Books Children Held as of June 30. 608. Books AdultlYA Held as of June 30. 609. hedbks. Inventory on hand. 6 10. Government Documents in separate collections. 611. Microfilm (reels). 6 12 . Microforms (not microfilm). 6 13 . Children's Audio Materials 6 14. Total Audio Materials. held as of June 30. 6 15. Films. 6 16. Children's Video Materials held as of June 30. 617. Total Video Materials. 6 18. Number of Current Periodical 619. Book Titles Added (Cataloged) and Serial Subscriptions. 620. CD-ROMs Data disks only, 62 1. Other (non CD-ROM) Library Materials 622. Serial Volumes not AudiolVideo or public catalog. in Electronic Formats. ""OPTIONAL for 1995l96' held as of June 30. Page 6 M616 Carlsbad Response for FY 1994-95 100. 616 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. 1 12,998 9,654 5,000 3,344 1,000 218,663 5i,a43 166,820 0 0 8,330 235,874 2,317 14,318 0 2,385 12,496 1,107 8,932 12 0 QST - STAT Type Response for 1995/96 in box below. 100. 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. 616 12,658 8 , 685 3 , 973 225,249 54 , 469 170,780 0 0 9 I 504 250 I 362 2 , 588 15,947 0 2 I 5-23 13,298 1 I 161 8,298 14 0 DCR-STAT b CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markskomments on page. NON-ENGLISH LANGUAGES Print Materials ADDED as of June 30. 701. Armenian 702. Chinese 703. French 704. German 705. Hmong 706. Italian 707. Japanese 708. Korean 709. Laotian 710. Russian 711. Spanish 7 12. Vietnamese Print Materials HELD as of June 30. 751. Armenian 752. Chinese 753. French 754. German 755. Hmong 756. Italian 7 5 7 . Japanese 758. Korean 759. Laotian 760. Russian 761. Spanish 762. Vietnamese M616 Carlsbad Response for FY 1994-95 100. 616 701 702. 704. 703 705 706 707 708 709. 710. 712. 711. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. 757. 758. 759. 760 761. 762. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 787 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,188 0 Type Response for 199996 in box below. 100. 616 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. 757. 758. 759. 760. 761. 762. 871 6,824 Page 7 QST-LANG ~~ DCR-LANG CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 Carlsbad For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other marks/comments on page. LIBRARY SERVICES, ANNUAL. 801. Total Public Service Hours. 802. Attendance in Library. 803. Reference Questions. Omit Directional. 804. Online Database Searches. 805. Circulation of Children's Materials. 806. Circulation Non-English. 807. Circulation Non-Book. 808. Total Circulation. 809. Children's Circ as Percent of Total Circulation. 810. In-Library use of Materials. 8 11. ILL loans to others. 812. ILL loans received. 813. Re-School Programs. Number. 8 14. Re-School Programs. Attendance. 815. School Age Programs. Number. 816. School Age Programs. Attendance. 817. Adult Programs. Number. 818. Adult Programs. Attendance. 8 19. Total Programs. Number. 820. Total Programs. Attendance. Response for FY 1994-95 100. 801. 802. 803. 804. 805. 806. 807. 808. 809. 810. 811. 812. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 616 7 , 852 804 , 454 157 , 277 343 327 , 624 23,661 291 , 413 1,100,798 29.70 0 936 1 , 415 286 6,901 206 7 , 698 56 3 , 398 548 18,013 ~ype ~e~porrSe for 199996 in box below. 100. 616 809. 810. 811. 812. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 31.3 749 1,258 280 6 I 504 305 11,083 75 3 I 609 616 21,196 Page 8 QST-STAT DCR-STAT . I CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other marks/comments on page. SALARY SURVEY. Survey is of monthly ranges for selected classifications. Leave sections blank if inappropriate. But do not divide sections or add new ones. List monthly ranges, whole dollars only, omit cents. 901. Director (monthly rate) Begin 902. Director (monthly rate) Final 903. Assistant Dir. Begin 904. Assistant Dir. Final 905. Chief Lib. Div. Begin 906. Chief Lib. Div. Final 907. Branch Libn. Bqin 908. Branch Libn. Final 909. Librarian Begin 910. Librarian Final 911. Lib. Tech. Asst. Begin 912. Lib. Tech. Asst. Final 9 13 . Clerk Non-Pro. (Beginning) Begin 914. Clerk Non-Pro. (Beginning) Final 915. Mgr. of Spec. Service. (non-MLS) Begin 916. Mgr. of Spec. Service. (non-MLS) Final (general clerical; no library skills requirement) (e.g. Literacy, A-V, or I&R Specialist) M616 Carlsbad Response for FY 1994-95 100. 616 901. 902. 903. 904. 905. 906. 907. 908. 909. 910. 911. 912. 913. 914. 915. 916. 5 , 746 7 , 334 4 , 482 5 , 720 3 , 070 3,732 3 I 070 3 , 732 2 , 278 3,215 1 I 982 3 I 059 1 I 577 2 I 202 3 , 367 4,297 Type Response for 19951% in box below. 100. 616 Page 9 QST - SALR DCR-SALR CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markslcomments on page. ELECTRONIC SERVICES INTERNET ACCESS FOR YOUR LIBRARY 851. Library has access to the Internet for electronicmail? (0 = No; 1 = Yes) 852. Library has access for other Internet services as well as e-mail? (e+ Telnet, gopher, ftp, WWW, etc.) (0= No; 1 = Yes) INTERNET AVAILABILITY (Answer 853. only if your answer to 852 is I (Yes)) 853. Under what circumstances is Internet access available? ... if ONLY to library staff (no patron access), type 1. ... if patrons have a&= but ONLY through ... if patrons can have their own direct use staff, type2. or can access through staff intermediary, at their own option, type 3. OTHER ELECTRONIC SERVICES 856. Is direct patron access to other electronic services available? (e.g. bibliographic & full text databases; multi-media products) (0 = No; 1 = Yes) M616 Carlsbad Response for N 199495 Type Response for N 199996 in box below. 100. 851. 852 853. 856. 616 1 1 100. 616 851. 852. 853. 855. 856. 1 1 1 1 Page 10 d95auto . NEW MOBILE LIBRARIES. Use this page to report NEW vehicles. CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT FOR : E46 16 Carlsbad ~ ~ Report Year Ffr 1995196 FILE DCR-BKbCB I City: Zip + 4: ~ ~ ~~ Type: (B)ookmohile (T)railer (Wan : Description: Make. Model. Year. Chassis Manufacturer. ~ ~- Length. Book Capacity in Volumes. Total miles traveled per year. ' Number of individual Stops. Total hours per month in public service. (omit travel time) Staffing in full-time equivalent: Librarians on vehicle. FTE. Driver/clerks on vehicle. FTE. Support Staff off vehicle. FTE. ~~ ~ __ Total materials circulation per year. Yearly operating and maintenance cost. (fuel, maintenance, repair, labor and parts) Has adult or children's programming been conducted from bookmobile? (Y/N) Cite example. Page 11 I Outlets Survey Due August 31,1996 Mail to: CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1996 Library Development Services PO Box 942837 Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 Jay Cunningham (916) 653-8112 ~~ .~ ~ 13. Type of Outlet: BR = Branch; ST = Station; CE = Central Library; OT = Other Outlet 0 = Not in MSA; 1 = In city limits of the central city of an MSA; 2 = In an MSA, but not w/in the central city limits. 14. MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) Status: 2 Carlsbad M616 CA0020.001 1. Outlet: Carlsbad City Library 2. Director: Criffoord E. Lunge 3. Title: Director 4. Street Address: 5. Mail Address: I250 Carlsbad Village Drive 1250 Carlsbad Villag 6. City: Carlsbad 7. Mail City: Carlsbad 8.. County: Sara Diego County 9. Zip: 92008-1991 10. Mail Zip: 92008-1 991 11. Public Phone: (619) 434-2870 Ext: 12. FAX Phone: (619) 729-2050 15. This Facility is Owned by: CITY *City = CITY *County = CNTY *Special District = SPDT *Public School = PSCH *Other Public Agency = PUAG *Private AgencylPersonletc. = PRIV *Multiple = MULT 16. Degree of Adequacy of this Scale: 1 =Poor to 10 =Excellent Facility: ,4 3 17. This Facility is in need of RMEX *Remodel & Exp = RMEX *Replacement = RPLC *Remodeling = RMDL *Expansion = EXPN t 4 CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1996 M616 Carlsbad Outlet Name: Carlsbad City Library For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY. WHERE THE DATA ON FILE IS CORRECT, YOU MAY LEAVE THE UPDATE[ CORRECTIONS COLU" BLANK. 285. Population Served By Outlet. 286. Total Outlet Staff, in FTE. 287 .. Hours Open, Weekly. 288. Hours Open, Annually. 289. Total Number of Volumes Held by Outlet. 290. Total Annud Circulation by Outlet. 29 1. Total Outlet Operating Expenditure. 292. Year in which Outlet was Originally Built. 293. Year in which Outlet was Remodeled. 294. Size of Outlet, in sq. ft. 295. Number of Reader Seats in Outlet. 296. MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) Status. 0 = Not in an MSA. 1 = Within city limits of the central city of an MSA. 2 = In an MSA but not within the central city limits. (If status is unknown, contact your planning department.) 297. Type of Outlet. BR = Branch. ST = Station. CE = Central library. 298. Degree of Adequacy of this Facility. (On a scale from 1 = Poor to 10 = Excellent) Page 2 Data Currently On File 100. 616 120. 0020.001 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 67,900 48.70 64 3,328 173,303 82 1,028 2,475,561 1967 1982 24,600 152 2 CE 4 Update/Corrections For 1995796 100. 616 120. 0020.001 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 68,100 50.53 177,636 827,956 2,692,930 3 QST-OUTL DCR OUTL - California State Library Federal-State Cooperative System for Public Library Data CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1996 ' 1. Outlet: La Costa Branch , 2. Director: Chris Holt 3. Title: Branch Manager 4. Street Address: 5. Mail Address: 6949 El Camino Real, Suite 200 6949 El Camino Real, 6. City: Carlsbad 7. Mail City: Carlsbad 8.,County: San Diego County 9. Zip: 92009-8516 10. Mail Zip: Outlets Survey Due August 31,1996 Mail to: Library Development Services PO Box 942837 Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 Jay Cunningham (916) 653-8112 Carlsbad M616 CA0020.002 92009-851 4 11. Public Phone: (619) 434-2865 Ext: 12. FAX Phone: (619) 930-0251 13. Type of Outlet: BR BR = Branch; ST = Station; CE = Central Library; OT = Other Outlet 0 = Not in MSA; 1 = In city limits of the central city of an MSA; 2 = In an MSA, but not w/in the central city limits. 14. MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) Status: 2 I 15. This Facility is Owned by: PRIV *City = CITY *County = CNTY *Special District = SPDT *Public School = PSCH *Other Public Agency = PUAG *Private AgencylPersonfatc. = PRIV *Multiple = MULT 16. Degree of Adequacy of this Scale: 1 =Poor to lO=Excellent Facility: 17. This Facility is in need of: RPLC *Remodel & Exp = RMEX "Remodeling = RMDL *Expansion = EXPN *Replacement = RPLC CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1996 M616 Carlsbad Outlet Ntune: La Costa Brvlch For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding /I TvDe RESDO~WS in indicated area ONLY. \CERE 'THE DATA ON FILE is CORRECT, II YOU hlAY LEAVE THE UPDATE/ 1) CORRECTIONS COLUMN BLANK. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. Population Served By Outlet. Total Outlet Staff, in RE. Hours Open, Weekly. Hours Open, Annually. Total Number of Volumes Held by Outlet. Total Annual Circulation by Outlet. Total Outlet Operating Expenditure. Year in which Outlet was Originally Built. Year in which Outlet was Remodeled. Size of Outlet, in sq. ft. Number of Reader Seats in Outlet. MSA (RIetropolitan Statistical Status. 0 = Not in an RXSA. 1 = Within city limits of the central city of an hISA. 2 = In an MSA but not within the central city limits. (If status is unknown, contact your planning department.) Type of Outlet. BR = Branch. ST = Station. CE = Central library. 298. Degree of Adequacy of this Facility. (On a scale from 1 = Poor to 10 = Excellent) Page 2 Data Currently On File 100. 616 120. 0020.002 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 20,000 9.17 64 3,328 43,101 265,823 340,3 89 1992 1993 5,600 44 2 BR 8 QST-OUTL Update/Corrections For 1995196 100. 616 120. 0020.002 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 9.15 44,990 275,663 380,234 7 DCR-OUTL California State Library Federal-State Cooperative System for Public Library Data 16. Degree of Adequacy of this Scale: 1 =Poor to lO=Excellent Facility: Z H CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1996 II 17. This Facility is in need of *Remodel & Exp = RMEX *Remodeling = RMDL *Expansion = EXPN *Replacement = RPLC - Library Development Services Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 Jay Cunningham (916) 653-8112 Due August 31,1996 1. Outlet: Centro de In fomacion 2. Director: Lizeth Simonson 3. Title: Supervisor 4. Street Address: 3333 Harding St, Room 11 6. City: Carlsbad 8, County: San Diego County 11. Public Phone: (619) 729-6907 5. Mail Address: 3333 Harding St. #I1 7. Mail City: Carlsbad 9. Zip: 92008-2424 10. Mail Zip: Ext: 12. FAX Phone: 92008-2424 13. Type of Outlet: ST BR = Branch; ST = Station; CE = Central Library; OT = Other Outlet 0 = Not in MSA; 1 = In city limits of the central city of an MSA; 2 = In an MSA, but not w/in the central city limits. 14. MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) Status: 2 ~~~~ 15. This Facility is Owned by: PSCH *City = CITY *County = CNTY *Special District = SPDT *Public School = PSCH r *Other Public Agency = PUAG *Private Agency/Person/etc. = PRIV *Multiple = MULT CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1996 h1616 Cads bad Outkt Name: Ceutro de Iufunuaciou 11 For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding 285. Population Served By Outlet. 286. Total Outlet Staff, in RE. 287. Hours Open, Weekly. 288. Hours Open, Annually. 289. Total Number of Volumes Held by Outlet. 290. Total Annual Circulation by Outlet. 291. Total Outlet Operating Expenditure. 292. Year in which Outlet was Originally Built. 293. Year in which Outlet was Remodeled. 294. Size of Outlet, in sq. ft. 295. Number of Reader Seats in Outlet. 296. MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) Status. 0 = Not in an MSA. 1 = Within city limits of the central city of an MSA. 2 = In an hISA but not within the centrd city limits. (If status is unknown, contact your planning department.) 7. Type of Outlet. BR = Branch. ST = Station. CE = Central library. 298. Degree of Adequacy of this Facility. (On B scale from 1 = Poor to 10 = Excellent) 2 Data Currently On File 100. 616 120. 0020.003 28s. 10,000 286. 1.71 287. 23 288. 1,196 289. 2.259 290. 13,947 291. 59,798 292. 1957 293. 294. 900 295. 34 296. 2 297. ST 298. 7 Update/Corrections For 199996 100. 120. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 616 0020. GO3 2,623 14,167 86,741 6 Page 2 QST-OUTL DCR OUTL - *. rr a m m II I *. c V P 4 m H 4 I a a V c .o .u 74 0 5 z E 8 - 0 E 8 .c d t-l u K 3 0, 0 .E : Y +, r: Q) +, I +, H c 0 E ..I H H f 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 r * QI w U 31 U C 3 Y m 'O'hTk-? Cy - yq2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. b 3f 3 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS Ausust 1996 E-ug. Aug . 1995 1995 % Chanqe CIRCULATION MAIN LIP?J.?.Y P r ir : ,'&i?i o Video E qc i yen t TOTAL : BRANCH PrinZ/Audio Vidso TO?AL : CENTRO TOTAL : GPJ3iD TOTAL: REFERENCE QUESTIONS Centro Genealogy Children's Adult On1 ine Branch TOTAL : MEDIA/GRAPHICS PROJECTS Media Grap hi c s 56,17i: 54 , 615 10 , 878 10 , 338 11 7 67 , 059 64 , 551 20 , 5G0 20 , 832 2,523 3,038 23,123 23, E70 1,033 1,020 91,215 89 , 851 -3 -5 - as -3 +2 + 16 +3 -1 -1 100- 532 + 432 1,414 1,435 +1 1,592 1,347 - 15 6,256 6 , 445 +2 67 15 - 78 2,030 2,166 +7 11 , 499 11,940 +4 45 19 - 58 24 33 + 38 TOTAL : 65 52 - 25 Aug . Aug . 1995 1996 % Chanse PEOPLE COUNT (Daily Average) Cent ro Main Library Branch TOTAL : ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Centro Genealogy Adult Main Children's Main Branch TOTAL : INTERLIBRARY LOANS Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carl sbad Filled by Carlsbad NEW REGISTRATIONS Centro Main Library Branch TOTAL : ITEMS ADDED ITEMS WITHDRAWN 74 61 - 18 1,584 1,589 --- 717 724 +1 2,375 2,374 --- --- 71 165 182 24 25 961 495 407 190 1,628 8 92 143 116 134 115 350 310 81 71 --- + 38 +4 - 48 - 53 - 45 - 19 - 14 - 11 - 12 *. 37 11 - 70 795 700 - 12 350 337 -4 1,182 1,048 - 11 1,211 1,354 + 12 334 1,201 + 260 2 (d Q) m v) al =I 0 0 S 'al S m al U v) 0 0 VI u) v) al al U d v) al 0 S c U n a 0 al .- n i? - - =I v) S - E .- z > .- SUMMER READING PROGRAM ‘96’ FINAL STATISTICS LOCATION REGISTERED CAMP READ S’MORE TOTALLY TEEN Grades K-6 Grades 9-12 Branch 576 Centro 172 Main 997 Total 1745 PROGRAMS AND ATENDANCE Branch 9 81 0 Centro 3 137 Main 28 21 24 Total 40 3071 539 134 923 1596 37 38 74 149 Southern Cal Cinema Passes Free Movie 797 Free Drink 865 Free Popcorn 966 Movie Party 525 TOTAL 31 53