HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-12-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: December 18,1996 TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: President L’Heureux called the meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees L’Heureux, Woodward, Curtin and Moss. Absent: Library Board Trustee McCann. Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Mig Chaney, League of Women Voters Joe Kelley, The Prudential California Realty APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held November 20, 1996, were unanimously approved as presented. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS: President L’Heureux asked if recruitment of volunteers to man the Info Desk has been done yet. Dr. Lange replied that this has not. Library Board Trustee Curtin asked how the recruitment will be done and Dr. Lange replied that recruitment will be done through the Friends of the Library. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Library Board Trustee Moss asked about the sale of Janell Cannon’s second book. She stated she has not seen it in any of the book stores she’s visited. Dr. Lange replied that it did not do too well but her new book is coming out and should be a great success. December 18, 1996 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 Library Board Trustee Moss then commented that we found out that the community will not support a library tax. Library Board Trustee Curtin mentioned that the proposition did very well considering the short amount of time they had to campaign and advertise. JOE KELLEY DONATION PLAN: Dr. Lange introduced Mr. Joe Kelley, a real estate agent for Prudential Realty, who wishes to make donations to the library. Dr. Lange said he has met with Mr. Kelley and wanted to give him a chance to meet with the Board and give the Board the opportunity to ask questions. Mr. Kelley gave information on his background, and what libraries have meant to him and his family. He said he would now like to give back to libraries by donating a percentage of his commissions. He noted that when Proposition A failed, he felt it was a perfect time for him to do something in the private sector. He said he has spoken to his colleagues about this plan and will ask his clients about their interest in libraries. He also thought that local business would be interested in participating. Library Board Trustee Moss said, since Mr. Kelley’s office is in Del Mar, she wondered what percentage of his clients are in Carlsbad. He replied that at the moment it is only about 1%. Mr. Kelley added that he wants this plan to be community oriented and if his clients are not interested in donating to libraries he would still donate a percentage of his commission. Library Board Trustee Curtin asked if Prudential has taken a position on this and Mr. Kelley replied that they want to see what he does first, then they will jump in. Library Board Trustee Curtin said he thought that once other agencies heard about this, they would all want to receive help. Mr. Kelley replied that it is his personal decision to go with libraries and he would ask his clients which library they would like the money to go to. Library Board Trustee Moss asked what Mr. Kelley is looking for from the library. He said he is making no requests. The money can be used at the local level and he would not tell the library what to buy. Dr. Lange said we have local business support in the way of the Summer Reading Program, when businesses donate prizes and they get recognition. Dr. Lange added that recognition is given by a book plate stating the name of the person who donated it. Mr. Kelley said he would look for word of mouth advertising, and something in the newspapers. Mr. Kelley also stated he thought he could bring colleagues into the library as volunteers. Library Board Trustee Woodward asked if other realtors had been asked to join in this plan and Mr. Kelley replied that at this time it’s just him. The Library Board thanked Mr. Kelley for coming to the meeting to present his plan. December 18, 1996 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 LIBRARY AUTHORITY MEETING RESULTS: Dr. Lange said the next step is up to the County Board of Supervisors. They will establish a new Library Authority early next year and make the June 1998 ballot their target. They will be in contact with Santa Cruz, where a proposition passed by 72% its second time on the ballot. There is still optimism considering there will be about a year and a half to campaign. Dr. Lange said he has recommended that the Library Foundation be put on hold until we see if the ballot measure will pass. He added that the Taxpayers Association, along with the rest of the electorate, need to be educated on how libraries operate. PUBLIC ACCESS TO THE INTERNET-POLICIES: Dr. Lange referred to the draft of the policies and stated the fundamental concepts, and a survey that Serra did on what other libraries have done on the Internet, are included with the draft. Some issues to be considered are public access to the computer, children’s use, and pornography. We only have one computer and people will be limited to a half hour‘s use at a time. Dr. Lange requested the Board’s approval of the draft, even though it is not final yet. President L’Heureux asked how the money will be handled and Dr. Lange said the charge will be for printing out only. Library Board Trustee Woodward wanted to know how much software we will have to buy and Dr. Lange reported that we already have what we need. Also, the Friends of the Library have donated $10,000 to support the Internet. The next step will be to install a computer in Children’s and one at the Branch. Library Board Trustee Curtin moved the draft proposal be approved Library Board Trustee Woodward seconded the motion. Motion was passed unanimousiy. LIBRARY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1996: Dr. Lange said we are gearing up for the City Council Goals and Objectives for next year. It has been a good year for getting things done and the goals and objectives probably won’t change significantly. Any suggestions for new objectives for next year will be welcome. Dr. Lange said he will put this back on the agenda for the January meeting and we will talk about this again then. STATE LIBRARY LITERACY GRANT: The State Library Literacy Grant was accepted at last night’s council meeting and we will probably get the check the first part of January. It will be used primarily for technology and software. December 18, 1996 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 4 DIRECTOR’S REPORT: The council presentation on the new library is scheduled for January 14. The architects will be here to attend the council meeting, and also on Wednesday and Thursday when they will conduct another workshop. They will talk to the Library Board at the board meeting on January 15. We will be asking the Council for approximately $300,000 to cover the update of the new library. We will have to redo a lot of the drawings and furniture, etc. We will also need a lot more computers than originally planned for seven years ago. There were 28 applicants for the reference librarian position. Dr. Lange, Geoff Armour and Char Kennedy have gone through the applications and hopefully the interviews will take place in mid-January. Dr. Lange reported that we have received a dozen requests for the coffee cart to be brought back. One person showed some interest in opening one but Dr. Lange has not heard back from her. Dr. Lange announced that Ray Brookhart will be retiring on January 29. Also, Jose Maldonado is leaving the Centro. He has graduated from college and is going to be teaching. He worked very hard for this and we all congratulate him. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: No report. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: No report. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: Library Board Trustee Woodward reported that the Serra Advisory Board will meet on Thursday, December 19, 1996 at 1O:OO A.M. at the Oceanside Library. Everett Dickson, National City, asked board members how many would like to have their own computers so they could get on the Internet and be linked to Serra. It was considered to be a very interesting suggestion. Everett was asked to prepare a statement in writing and present it to Sue Swisher to be circulated among the SAB members. Library Board Trustee Woodward said it will probably be tied into some kind of grant. December 18, 1996 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 5 Ronnie Berman, Chula Vista, will present a report on the California Library Services Board meeting and California Library Association Annual Conference at Oceanside on December 19. Serra and San Diego Public Library joined in a successful UCSD prepared grant on disaster preparedness for libraries in San Diego and Imperial Counties. The grant includes a two-part workshop on disaster preparedness plans, “What To Do When Disaster Strikes: The First 48 Hours.” The first part was held on November 21 and the follow-up will be Friday, January 24, 1997. PUBLIC COMMENT: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of December 18, 1996 was adjourned at 4:07 P.M. Rxectfully submitted, , Pamela A. Batho Secretary LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY Monthly Report November 1996 Circulation Branch circulation totaled 2 1,227 for November. This total included 10,822 adult items, 8,054 children’s items, 2,325 video tapes and 26 CD ROMS. Daily average circulation was 923 and hourly 88. Hourly circulation dropped 3% over November, 1995. Explanation in part: The number of service hours during November, 1996 (240 hours) was 5% less than November, 1995 (252 hours). Hours of service vary from month to month due to Mondays through Thursday’s being 12 hour days and Fridays and Saturdays, 8 hours. Some months have fewer 12 hour days, and more 8 hour days as in this last November. This in part helps to explain the drop in circulation as well as the user count described below. users 1 This month’s user count was 16,43 1. Average daily count was 7 14 and hourly, 69 users. Hourly users dropped 5%. Children’s Activities During November, 6 preschool storyhours were given. BookBuddies was conducted the first through the third Thursdays, with 32 children actively participating. Las Madres Preschool toured the Branch with 14 preschoolers. They were treated to a Thanksgiving storyhour in addition to the tour. Update on October 21.5 Fire By the end of November, 16 people had reported losing library books along with their homes. 132 books have been reported to Branch as lost, however not all of these are from the Branch collection. ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM Monthly Report November 1996 1. Emblem Club Award On November 6, adult learner Gail Armstrong was a guest of Oceanside Emblem Club #177 at their monthly meeting and was awarded the club’s 1996 Adult Literacy Award. Also present as guests were Gail’s tutor, Bev LaRue, and Adult Learning Program Coordinator Lynda Jones. Accompanying Gail was her daughter Brandy, who was celebrating her 13* birthday that day. Brandy just learned to read herself this past year because of Gail’s ceaseless efforts to get individualized help for her daughter. 2. Graduations On November 20, certificates were awarded to 3 adult learners who completed the first 10-week Learning Skills class. This group met weekly for 10 weeks, focusing particularly on time management, including use of calendars and to-do lists. Also on November 20, 3 adult learners graduated from the Advanced Writing Class. All three had completed 30 weeks of intense work on writing skills. Each learner’s final project involved going to the library, researching a topic, and writing a research report. 3. State Librarv Grant Amlication On November 5, the City Council gave approval for the library to submit an application to the State Library for $29, 253 in matching funds for literacy. 4. Com Du t ers Information Systems staff devoted many hours trying to activate the OPAC (computer catalog) at the Adult Learning Program and to trying to network the 2 administrative computers. Both efforts continue. Two monitors in the computer lab and one monitor in the ofice are fast dying and will need to be replaced as soon as grant funds become available. 5. Learner Orientation Two orientations for new learners entering the program were held on November 7. Learner orientations are conducted by experienced tutor-and-learner pairs. 6. Tutor Training Four new tutors were trained November 22-23. Tutor trainings are purposely kept small to give new tutors individual, hands-on practice in the computer lab. Each pair of new tutors has an experienced mentor tutor guiding them. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY CENTRO DE INFORMACION Monthly Report November 1996 1.- Adult Procrrammincr. On November 14, Martha Cordova from North County Health Services spoke about the WIC program,(Women,Infants and Children Nutrition Program), to a group of parents at the Senior Center Auditorium. During the presentation handouts and informational materials on how to maintain good health were distributed to the parents. 2.- Children's Procrrammina. Bilingual Storycraft programs have been continuing during the month of November. 3.- Serra Ethnic Services Committee - Book Fair. Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson, a member of the Serra Ethnic Services Committee, took part in the planning and activities of the Third Non-English Language Book Fair. The book fair was held at the Malcolm X Branch Library in San Diego on Wednesday, November 13. Centro staff member Alicia Padilla also attended the fair and had the opportunity to purchase children's Spanish and bilingual materials offered by a large number of vendors. 4.- Comunitv PartnerShiD. The Centro was used as a polling place on November 5, Election Day. Four hundred and sixty nine Carlsbad residents voted at this site, which had one of the highest voter turn-out percentages in the county. 5.- Community Outreach. On November 25, Centro Staff member Jose Luis Maldonado participated in an alternative Christmas Celebration at the Pilgrim Congregational Church. Members of the church donated $90.00 worth of books to the Centro de Informacih. 6.- Spanish Literacy. during this month. The Spanish Literacy group met eight times CHILDREN’S DIVISION MONTHLY STATEMENT NOVEMBER 1996 Even though we were closed for five days during November, Children’s Services Division was an exciting place for children and parents. The special programs presented were Grandparents Storytime, Prime Time Club, Preschool Storycraft, the Theodore Taylor program and the Janell Cannon program. Preschool Storyhours and Storytimes also took place. In addition, Children’s staff conducted 6 group tours that included library skills, computer and CD ROM instruction, stories and puppet shows, depending on the age of the groups. Young patrons had a chance to mark their ballots during our “Elect To Read voting during National Book Week. School age children voted for their favorite author, either choosing one of the authors on the prepared ballot, or writing in their own choice. The winners were: Beverly Cleary and Roald Dah1 tied with the 2”d and 3rd graders, R. L. Stine was the choice of 4th through 6‘h graders and Gary Soto was picked by the teenagers. Voting was conducted at Main and Centro and there were several write-in votes. The special programs for National Children’s Book Week were a smashing success. Theodore Taylor was the first children’s author who presented a program for upper elementary children and their families. He spoke about his real-life experiences which he uses in developing his storylines. He is quite a storyteller and could have talked all afternoon. He also signed books that were sold at the event by Waldenbooks. A portion of the book sale money was donated to the Friends of the Carlsbad Library. A second exciting program for younger children and their parents was presented by our resident author and ex-library employee, Janell Cannon. Janell had asked that the program be limited to preschoolers and take place in the Children’s library, but, judging by the demand for tickets, she could have filled an auditorium three times as large. Janell presented her books Stellaluna-and Trupp with the help of a slide show. She also spoke about how a book is born and how long it takes to be published. She had brought along examples of her books at various stages of development. We also got a sneak preview of her new book, Verdi. Waldenbooks was again present to sell books which Janell signed. The children who bought books were doubly fortunate, because they got a personal conversation with Janell and special little drawings in addition to her autograph. Waldenbooks contributed part of the sales money to the Friends. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITIONS STATISTICS REPORT November 1996 Current Month Fiscal Year Items Received B&T Direct PMSC Total to Date I--------- -_I---y- ---I---I--- ----------- -------------- --------------- --I------- -------------- ----I------ --------- Books - Adult Main 421 97 51 8 2,749 Branch 52 19 71 547 Centro 0 0 0 0 subtotal 473 116 589 3,296 Books - Children Main 146 90 Branch 33 139 Centro 0 0 subtotal 179 229 236 664 172 557 0 1 408 1,222 Audio - Adult 35 37 72 645 Audio - Children 3 23 26 1 37 Video 86 14 26 126 582 Total Received 776 41 9 26 1,221 5,882 Orders Placed current Fiscal ------------- month Year to Date Orders 62 292 Requests (items) 1,087 5,489 ----------I-- -------I--- ------------ ---------- videos e B & T = Baker & Taylor PMSC = Professional Media Services Corporation W Genealogy - Local. History Statistics FY 1996 - 1997 Novembp HOLDINGS : Ti t1.2~ Vol. me s Current Total Total. Total. Month Additions Holdings Ho1.d ings Additions Current EY Last M 47 973 36,295 35 , 248 1,117 46 , 889 45 , 752 71 Description of holdings: Titles Volumes Cataloged in INLEX Books Books - Microform Periodicals - Bound Periodicals - Microform Maps Microfilm (census, etc.! Microforms added this month: Books - GEN-CIRC CD-ROMs 10 IO29 18 I 604 539 -- 186 179 6 I 602 156 12,909 91 1 20 I 597 3,495 1 I 964 183 6 , 627 203 Non-Circ. Circ. Microf om Total 16 I 730 ai i 15,267 32 I 908 Items not ataloged Fiche 3,984 Film 5 I 999 Film Fiche 18 375 8,238 -- -- 106 , 921 CALENDAR YEAR GOALS: This month Total calendar year Volunteer hours 45 260 Attendance 151 863 NSDCGS book/equipment apenditures $1,584.23 $17,639.43 Programs held 4 20 ACTIVITY: This This +r - Month Month Last FT Reference questions 1,136 1 I 167 -31 Da i 1.y average 54 51 +3 Daily average A 34 +3 Circulating checkout 147 125 +22 Daily average 7 5 +2 Researchers registered 787 779 +8 Total Total This FY Last FY 6 I 651 16 , 731 53 55 5,146 11,974 41 40 808 2 I 170 7 7 I DISTRIBUTION OF RESEARCHERS: City This This County . This This state . This This Month FY Mmtn FY Month FY Carlsbad Del Mar area East S.D. area Encinitas area Escondido area Fa 1 lbrook Oceanside S.D. city etc. San Marcos Vista 132 11 10 30 57 25 138 192 27 61 867 Los Angeles 16 79 Marin 3 -110 oranae 43 111 Riverside 24 290 S Bernardino 6 144 S Francisco 3 758 2 20 1,238 other --- 43 I - 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 12 30 N Hami)shire 2 2 3 N Mexico 1 1 1 1 1 7 3 7 2 4 -- 111 Arkansas 3 Indiana 324 Maryland 160 Nevada -- -I__ -- - -- Ohio Texas Washington -- 51 Oreqon -- -- G%NO TOTAL REFERENCE ACTIVITIES FOR NOVEMBER, 1996 Reference questions totaled 6,343 during the month of November, a decrease of 845. This drop ocurred partially due to the fact that the Main Library was closed 2 additional days for the remodeling of the Circulation and Loading Dock areas. Reserves totaled 2,238, an increase of 713. As a subtotal of this amount, INLEX -placed holds have almost doubled over last November; this is probably due to the advent of patron-placed holds and placing holds over the telephone. Loans totaled 88 items recelved and 53 items were sent to other libraries. Online searches totaled 36, an increase of 29 over last year. Interlibrary During the month of November there were 3 Library Skills Classes, 1 Mira Costa College class and 1 North County Career Center class visit. There was 1 book talk for Hadassah. Callie Ahrens helped to facilitate Reinvestment in Excellence, a ctiy-wide seminar that was held at the Safety Center on November 12 and 13. She also attended the Serra Reference Committee Meeting in Chula Vista on November 14. Char Kennedy attended an Automation Committee meeting on November 20, during which she created a sub-committee to establish a Public Access Policy for the Internet at the Carlsbad Libraries. Once this is in place, the Main Library will offer the Internet to the public in late December on one terminal. Additional terminals will be set up in the Children's Department, the La Costa Branch, the Adult Learning Center and the Centro de Informacion. Char also represented the library at a Census 2000 meeting held in the Planning Department at Las Palmas on November 26, Recruitment has begun for a full-time Librarian I in the Reference Department. The position will close on December 16. During the month of November there were 527 questions answered at the Information Desk. It was manned a total of 14 days at 2.2 hours per day. The average number of questions per day was 38; average number per hour was 17. Recruitment of volunteers from the Friends of the Library is being investigated to increase the number of hours covered. Technical Services Report November 1996 In November, Technical Services staff added 936 new print items and 222 audiovisual items to the library’s collection. They deleted from the system 439 print items and 292 audiovisual items. Patrons used home computers to dial into the library catalog 284 times. Patrons with the Mainstreet service accessed the catalog 15 times. On November 12, staff from Technical Services and the city’s Information Systems Department installed Windows 95 and DRA Find on one of the public computers in the reference area. After testing, DRA Find was unveiled to the public the next day. Patrons can now use this PC and software to see if a book they want is available at any branch of the San Diego County Library or San Diego Public Library. The catalog of the Chula Vista Public Library will be added in the near future, as soon as their Internet connection is complete. This marks the successful implementation of the Carlsbad part of the Linked Systems Project grant awarded to the Serra Cooperative Library System earlier this year to link the catalogs of the four libraries together through public access terminals in the library. At present, the other libraries have only partially implemented the project; they have the DRA Find software installed on some staff PCs, but it is not yet available to the public anywhere except Carlsbad. On December 4, Chris Pickavet made a presentation on the implementation of DRA Find in a consortium setting at the annual conference of the Inlex Users Group; there will be a report on the conference in next month’s Technical Services Report. We are sometimes asked by library users to make the Carlsbad City Library catalog available on an unrestricted basis on the Internet. We are unable to do so at this time for security reasons, since access to our catalog is currently through a LAN that holds confidential information and files maintained by other city departments. Because access is currently restricted to computers owned by our neighboring libraries, the information on the LAN is more secure than it would be if we opened access to our catalog to everyone in the world with Internet access. ThePrudential@ California Realty me) 755.7744 3790 Via De La Valie sullr 201 Oel Mar. CA 9201 4 TO: Cliff Lang FROM: Joe Kelley DATE: 12- IO-% SUBJECT: Commission-Based Donations Please be advised that whenever I close an escm commission to the local library of my client’s chc Sales Price $I( Gross Commission $ Personal Commission S Twenty Percent $ This example indicates that for every $100,000 a expected. The Gross Commission cm vary and i are sometimes extracted. Never the less, 20% (c and donated to the library. The check will be immediately available through for any purpose directly benefiting the library, thl I do expect a tremendous response from the corn patrons indicate a preference for the Carlsbad Lil transdon is MOOK, the Library is expected to I I will donate 20% ctfny personal !e : ,000 ,000 ,250 450 Drdinary transaction, ti 5450 donation is long other affecting parameters, costs whatever my net is) wil’ be subtracted mow. These donatidnr may be used :hoke is yours. ~unity. If during 1993, two clitnt- ary, and the average pri ;e per Xivt $3,600. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY INTERNET POLICY In keeping with the Carlsbad City Library’s mission to provide quality information to the entire community and assure equal access to all our materials we are offering Internet access to provide new resources to meet changing community needs. The Internet is a network connecting thousands of computer systems around the world. As an information resource, the Internet enables the Library to provide information beyond the confines of its own collection. It allows access to ideas, information and commentary from around the globe. It is, however, an unregulated medium. As such, while it offers access to a wealth of material that is personally, professionally, and culturally enriching to individuals of all ages, it also enables access to some material that may be offensive, disturbing and/or illegal. The Internet changes daily; information is often not verifiable as accurate and patrons should be aware that errors and intentional misinformation may be found. The Library cannot be responsible for information gathered on the Internet. The Library upholds and affirms the right of each individual to have access to constitutionally protected material. The Library also affirms the right and responsibility of parents to determine and monitor their children’s use of Library materials and resources. Users or parents of minors who are users are liable for damages to the equipment as stated in the State of California Codes. Failure to use the Internet workstation appropriately and responsibly, as defined in the policies, may result in revocation of Internet use privileges. Library facilities are shared community facilities. You, as a user of computing resources at the library are expected to take care not to display on computer screens in the library images, messages, or sounds that might reasonably create an atmosphere of discomfort or harassment for others. The Carlsbad City Library has one Internet workstation located in the Adult Reference area. Hours available are 0 0 9 am - 9 pm, Monday - Thursday 9 am - 5 pm, Friday and Saturday. Internet computers will be logged off by staff 10 minutes before closing. All Internet users must: 0 0 register for Internet use 0 sign policy agreement at the Reference Desk. have a Carlsbad Library card, Patrons under 18 must have signed parental or guardian consent to use the Internet workstation. All users with a reservation must sign-in at the Reference Desk and present their Carlsbad library card. Time slots are for 30 minutes. Reservations may be made in person or over the phone at the Reference Desk no earlier than 1 week prior to the appointment and not more than 1 hour per week per patron. Reservations will be held for only 5 minutes. Please no more than two people at the computer at a time. The Internet workstation is for information searches. Email, downloading or playing games is not permitted. Internet use is free, however there is a charge for printing. 0 0 0 0 The first two pages are free in black & white. 10 cents a page after the first two pages for black & white. Half sheet color copy 50 cents per page. Full sheet color copy $1 .OO per page. Anyone using the Internet workstation is expected to have basic Windows knowledge. Librarians are available for assistance. However, patrons who require extra help or training are encouraged to ask at the Reference Desk for referral to classes in computer training. Due to the emerging nature of these services, policies are subject to change without notice and at the Library’s discretion. Internet Services Phone (619) 434-2871 Library: Carlsbad City Library Branch: MAIN 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Projected . .. Internet Available Yes X No for Public Use 1 - First floor opposite Reference Desk Number and location of terminals Hours Available 9-9 Mon.-Thur., 9-5 Fri. and Sat. X Internet functions available X Telnet X Gopher x www: Text or Graphical E Mail Usenet News Groups Archie Kermit FTP WWW Browser used (e.g. Netscape) Netscape Downloading available Yes No Free Charge How much Printing available X Yes 1st 2 pages Free %ow much $.lo pa No Charge after first 2 pages Assistance available Yes No Walk-in x By appointment Is access to Internet sites Yes X No filtered by software (e.g. Surfwatch, Net Nanny, Which Software Webtrack, Cyber Patrol)? No Restrictions Is access restricted? X Adults only (18 & over) - Must sign agreement to abide by library’s policy Children with parents Minors must sign a parental consent form. Other Must have a N~ H~~L~~~? 30 minute time slots-may continue to use if no on Appointments/ X Yes No is waiting. Not more than Reservations required 1 hour per week per patron Time Limits X Yes Is access to Internet Yes x No available through Library’s Dial-in Function? Other services provided via Internet (e.g. other libraries’ catalogs, periodical databases) DRA-FIND San Diego Public Library, San Diego County Library, Chula Vista Library Catalogs ~~ Who is your Internet Access Provider? Diversified -y; f!arLsbd-f% 92001 ln F - (0 0, rn . m ? Y - m W P D N - 2 c. r- m m - 0 Z 4- 0 Z W c 0 c n - Q 0) m n 5 n r - E s z In al + - E s I m > > X 2 E In a 6 0 n 2 0 L 4 0 z s N 0 0) m a P 0 z B 0 1/ 0 z B C 0 c 4 0 z T 0 z - c .- 0 z P 14 I m p! W k a n 3 U z 0 0 W tn ai n - m m - .- 5 C u) 0 c U m c m E E n 2 a - c u 9) C 0) m 0) Q m m m m ln m 0 W v c) L - U C m Q U W t- U U I 3 3 k 2 a W k 3 U 0 I t- E 3 k 2 E U 0 z W v) U W t- PI 3 U I- v) u. a E Y m 6 .- $ 01 In W m C W .I- 24 In Q 0 u Y r F 0 n E m 2c U gW In- 0) ul Y In m 3 - -0 0 m - E- 23 0 Y (D LD c 0 z= m 0 al U 3 C 0 u- In .- - c 3 On 0 c In OPj 0 mC In In al .- In 9W n, zm h .5 C C .- In In al 0 0 .- F c + W C c. - (v U In al al m Y a 0 0 e r - c 0 m c n mC In P In W In In m 0 (D (\1 *.. L CI c 0 3 rJ - c C Ill e c m U L 0 U C m a W a 3 U I- rn IL z a: m C 0 m .- 6 0, C 0 0) .- 6 0, C 0 0) .- 6 0) C 0 m .- 6 U U C (I) M 0 v) c u E a, v) .- 0 0 0 lo- c- e3 L a B v) 0 m c 0 U 0 z .- c U a v) 0 a -0 (D I- m e c .- a te v) r: 0 3 .- .I- e L c I= s C 0 0 .- 0- 69 U a > a 0 .- 2 U a c Y 1- h E E 2 m a U a, t: E n .- 3 ln c 0) c 0 c E 8 .- e 3 73 W C e 0 P a 3 In .- 0 Y a L a 1 0- 5 % 0 c L 2 a -0 c 0 .- c P a P. .- e. m 01 a g. 0 0 1 .- - n a In E 1- Ys a E n al c U 0) .- ? U a 3 In .- c r ln a a 3 0- al tl n 5 i cf L 0) Q In c m Y a .o c r .z mu .- au 2: 6 m C 0 C 0 .- m 0 .- L E u6 .c 'm v) W 0 =x m L C 0 v) - C .- (I) C 0 o .- .I- m F L E E 3 v) (0 t s a c .- 0 m .S K 0 m -0 c 0 C 3 .- c U W v) 2 Y C m 0 3 Q) K m v) m m 44 .- 6 u- 0 e. v) > .- .- 2. - t 5 3 0- E I al 9 Q c 0) C m .- +a f TI m m 0) C 0 m 2 5 .- e 5 P P a C D) .- z D a V 3 -0 C c s v) In c .- .- > 0 0 c 0 In 3 TI m - c. - 9 0) r 0) C a .- e f \B # TITLE: ACCEPTANCE OF A GRANT FROM IITG. 1211 7/96 THE CALIFORNIA LIBRARY LITERACY IEPT. LIB SERVICE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1996-97 Adopt Resolution No. accepting a grant from the California Library Literacy Service in the amount of $29,253 and appropriating the grant funds. CITY ATTY - CITY MGR. - ITEM EXPLANATION: On November 5, 1996, the City Council approved an application for a grant from the California State Library providing funds for literacy services under the California Library Literacy Service. The State Librarian has notified the library that a grant in the amount of $29,253 has been awarded to the Carlsbad City Library Adult Learning Program. (Exhibit 2.) The Adult Learning Program provides adult literacy services for English-speaking adults. Since it began in 1984, the program has helped over 900 adults improve their basic reading and writing skills through one-to-one tutoring by trained volunteers. In 1991, a computer lab was added to increase the number of hours of instruction available to learners and to develop literacy skills appropriate for the workplace of the 1990s. FISCAL IMPACT: Grant funds, again, will be used primarily for one-time purchases of equipment and computer software. Information on the proposed purchases is detailed in the Plan of Service Narrative in Exhibit 3. The 1996-97 General Fund budget for the Adult Learning Program is $1 33,380. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. accepting a grant from the California Library Literacy Service and appropriating the grant funds. 2. Letter from the State Librarian dated November 27, 1996, notifying that a grant in the amount of $29,253 has been awarded to the Carlsbad City Library Adult Learning Program. 3. Plan of Service Abstract and Narrative. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA LIBRARY LITERACY SERVICE AND APPROPRIATING THE GRANT FUNDS WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Library Adult Learning Program provides training to meet the literacy needs of the adult population; and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Library Adult Learning Program supports the goals of the City Council and the objectives of the library; and WHEREAS, the California State Library is providing additional support for the Library Adult Learning Program with grant funds in the amount of $29,253. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That state funds in the amount of $29,253 are hereby appropriated to Library Account No. 180-820-8149. 11 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2c 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the - day of by the following vote, to wit: , 19965, AYES: NOES: ABSENT: CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk EXHIBIT 2 California Library Services Board LIBRARY-COURTS BUILDING (9 16) 654-0266 P.O. BOX 942837 SACRAMENTO, CA 94237-0001 November 27, 1996 Clifford E. Lange Carlsbad City Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1991 Dear Mr. Lange: I am pleased to inform you that the Carlsbad City Library Literacy Service has been awarded $29,253 of CLSA matching funds for literacy, based on your certification of $133,380 in local public and private funds budgeted for expenditure in the 1996/97 fiscal year. The enclosed signed budget page (CLSA Form-46) specifies the amounts approved for each budget category to support the Plan of Service you have submitted. I enclose a master (for duplicating) of the Budget Change Request Form (CLSA Form-53) to be used if changes in the approved budget should become necessary. An instruction sheet is also enclosed. I have initiated the payment process. You should receive a check for the above amount within six weeks. All funds (CLSA and "other" certified for matching) must be expended or encumbered by June 30, 1997. Once again, local libraries in the matching program have increased the funds generated for literacy. The total has increased from $3.6 million in 1990/91 (the first year of the matching funds program) to $9.9 million this year. I enclose a spreadsheet summarizing sources and amounts of local literacy funds for your use in the 1997/98 budgeting process. The ratio of state to locally raised funds has increased this year as a result of an augmentation by the legislature to the 1996/97 State budget. This brings the total current CLLS budget to $3,490,000. I look forward to your quarterly reports. You should be collecting semi-annual CALPEP reports during December. Development of the new CALPEP sofhvare continues. Please contact AI Bennett at 916-653-7743 if you have questions. Yours sincere1 gpJbJ- Dr. Revin Starr Chief Executive Officer, California Library Services Board cc: Lynda L. Jones, Literacy Coordinator Enc . Mafch67. ABB -- I .33,380 J Communications 1, 3 , 500 , 3g. Other 13,253 4. Equipment I 5. Indirect -- I 6. TOTAL 29,253 CLSA Program Budget Request for California Library Literacy Service Programs Fiscal Year 1996/97 Carlsbad City Library Name of Library N Date (c) Total Estimated Budget (a + b) 107 , 760 Yearly CLSA Budget Approved CLSA Budget Budget Categories Other Budget 1 Request I -- I. Personnel (Inc. Benefits) Materials -- 2. Library 107,760 $ 0 $ 0 -- I I ~~ $16,000 16,000 3. Operations I Total (3a-3g) 25,620 41,620 3a. Contract U Services 0 -- n 3b. Travel 100 100 0 ~ ~~ -~ 3c. Office -- Supplies 3d. Printing -- 0 2,400 2,400 12,500 3e. Instructional Resources 1 , 200 13,700 -- 25,420 12,500 0 -- 21,920 3,500 $13,253 13 , 253 -- $ 0 162,633 $29.253 FM-46APP.PG2 10196 EXHIBIT 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. CLSA California Library Literacy Service p1,AN OF SERVICE ABSTRACT (CLSA-46 page 1) Library N~~: Carlsbad City Library Address: 1250 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad. Ca 92008 Contact Person: Lynda L. Jones, Coordinator (619) 434-2998 Telephone No. Electoral District(s): Assembly: 73 9 74 State Senate: 38 # of Literacy FIE Principal Outcomes: 2 7 5 Goals 140 Number of Adult Learners To Be Served Number of Tutors To Be Trained 60 2 Number of Library Branches To Be Included Proposed Program Operating Budget CLSA Request: .$ 29,253 Other Revenues: $ 133,380 Date: ///,- / ) yL/ I ... . CLS A-46D 10196 CLLS Plan if Service Na rrative. Matching Funds Library Name Carlsbad City Library Use this page and additional pages as needed to describe how your library will use the CLSA matching hnds for the California Library Literacy Services requested for Fiscal Year 1996/97. Carlsbad City Library will use 1996/97 CLLS matching hnds to upgrade its instructional computer lab and data management system, to provide texts and other instructional materials for adult learners, and to provide general support for tutors and learners. Upgradins instructional computer lab and data management svstem. (Hardware $13,253; New networking software will be purchased to improve network hnctions in the instructional computer lab and enable expanded use of the Internet by tutors and learners. Learners’ needs will also be better met with additional instructional software for basic skills. For program management, hardware equivalent to that used in the City’s administrative network will be acquired, and the network version of the new Literacy Pro data management software will be purchased. - Software $1 1,000) Instructional materials. ($1,500) In addition to the instructional software noted above, texts and workbooks in phonics, comprehension, math, spelling, and other basic skills will be purchased for learners. General suDRort for tutors and learners. ($3,500) Funds will be used to conduct the annual recognition event for tutors and learners; to produce public relations materials; and to provide resources used in small group instruction, tutor training, and enhancement of the learning environment. CLSA-46D.rnat CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS November 1996 Nov . Nov . 1995 1996 % Chanse CIRCULATION MAIN LIBRARY Print Audio Video 52 , 510 7,928 9,664 46,376 6,858 8,868 - 12 - 13 -8 TOTAL : 70 , 102 62,102 - 11 * BRANCH Print Audio Video 17 , 584 3,333 2,310 16 , 260 2,945 2,325 -8 - 12 +1 TOTAL : 23 , 227 21,530 -7 CENTRO Print Audio 1,366 2 17 986 148 - 28 - 32 TOTAL : 1,583 1,134 - 28 GRAND TOTAL: 94 , 912 84 , 766 - 11 REFERENCE QUESTIONS Centro Genealogy Children's Adult Online Branch 3 15 387 1,167 1,136 2 , 276 2,093 7,188 6 , 343 29 36 2,580 2,729 + 23 -3 -8 - 12 + 24 +6 TOTAL : 13 , 555 12 , 724 -6 MEDIA/GRAPHICS PROJECTS Media Grap hi c s 28 21 32 33 - 25 +3 TOTAL : 60 54 - 10 HOLDS PLACED PEOPLE corn (Daily Average) Centro Main Library Branch TOTAL : ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Genealogy Branch Children Centro Adult Centro Children Main Adult Main Children TOTAL : INTERLIBRARY LOANS Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad NEW REGISTRATIONS Centro Main Library Branch TOTAL : Nov . 1995 1,278 Nov . 1996 % Chanqe 2,231 -4 133 142 +7 1,720 1,808 +5 796 714 - 10 2 , 649 2 , 664 +1 153 151 -1 219 129 - 41 63 64 +2 2 97 173 - 42 95 35 - 63 755 618 - 18 1,582 1,170 - 26 94 104 + 11 101 88 - 13 206 242 + 17 43 53 + 23 31 61 + 97 880 704 - 20 2 97 245 - 18 1,208 1,010 - 16 ITEMS ADDED 1,352 1,158 - 14 ITEMS WITHDRAWN 477 731 + 53 * Library closed two days for remodel work. 2 (v- d a m co 0 c-5 m (v m r rd n! 0 Q, m 0 Q, n! b- $1 m B m co (v 0 2 : co m 0 8 0 8 0 8 v) E (3