HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-01-22; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: January 22,1997 TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: President L’Heureux called the meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. L ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees L’Heureux, Woodward, and Moss. Absent: Library Board Trustees Curtin and McCann. Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director John Cahill, Community Development Brad Miller, Architect Olivier Landa, Architect Les Medlin, Architect Polly McArthur, Interior Decorator Library Division Heads APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 18, 1997, were unanimously approved as presented. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS: President L’Heureux asked if the Library Technician position at the Centro has been filled yet. Lizeth Simonson reported that it had not, and the closing date of the application has been extended to January 31. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Library Board Trustee Moss reported that she and Library Board Trustee Woodward attended last night’s council meeting. They were both pleased with the decision of the January 22,1997 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 council to go ahead with the new library. President L’Heureux said an educational campaign should be started on the subject of public libraries, stressing that the Carlsbad City Library is a public library. NEW LIBRARY BUILDING DESIGN UPDATE - ARCHITECTS’ PRESENTATION: Dr. Lange introduced architect Brad Miller, and said this presentation would be similar to the last one, Mr. Miller pointed out changes in the floor plans and introduced interior designer, Polly McArthur. Ms. McArthur displayed samples of colors*for carpets and furniture. Mr. Miller then said they will have a meeting with the building consultants in about two weeks. LIBRARY PROJECT AGENDA BILL FOR 1/21/97: As discussed earlier, Dr. Lange reported that the agenda bill was approved by council. INFOPEOPLE GRANT APPLICATION AGENDA BILL FOR 1/21/97: Dr. Lange reported that the agenda bill did not make it on the January 21 agenda, but will be on for next Tuesday’s council meeting. He said this program was started by the State Library a year or so ago. The grant consists of $5,000 for the purchase of computer stations and contains requirements for a community relationship. Children’s librarian, John Quartarone, has a relationship with the Rotary Interact Club at Carlsbad High School, which satisfies these requirements. CITY COUNCIL GOALS & OBJECTIVES - DISCUSSION: The Library Board had no changes to the goals and objectives and decided to leave them as is. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: No report. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Since no one was present from the Friends of the Library, President L’Heureux drew everyone’s attention to a program at the Senior Center, being sponsored by the Friends. She noted that Ian Campbell will be appearing with the composer to discuss his opera, Conquistador. January 22, 1997 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: No report. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: Library Board Trustee Woodward reported that the Serra Advisory Board received information that Oceanside Strategic Planning has begun and they will have a seven year plan by this summer. i- Escondido has requested that flyers be sent to all Serra libraries when interesting programs are being presented. Chula Vista reported on the successful fund raising campaign on commemorating donations of $25 or more with bookplates. San Diego Public Library is investigating a fund raising insert to be placed in the local water bill. The Coronado Internet has been very popular in the Coronado Serra System. Coronado now has two terminals in the reference area and one in the children’s area. Serra libraries are encouraged to contact SANDAG for free maps; Le., bike maps of the San Diego region. Karen Lanphere is the contact for SANDAG. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. .. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of January 22, 1997, was adjourned at 3:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, /- Pamela A. Batho Secretary