HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-04-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES April 16, 1997 City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: President L’Heureux called the meeting to order at 3:08 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees L’Heureux, Curtin, and McCann Absent: Library Board Trustee Moss Library Board Trustee Woodward Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Everett Ireland, Genealogy Connie Beardsley, Arts Office APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 19, 1997, will be carried over to the next meeting of May 14, 1997. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS: Library Board Trustee L’Heureux referred to the Adult Learning Program report and asked if was budgeted for sending anyone to attend the first regional Adult Learners Conference in National City. Assistant Director Armour said there was no charge for those the attending the program. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS Library Board Trustee L’Heureux asked, regarding the Adult Learning Program report, if there was a connection between the the Morning Writing Class, the North Coast Church Bible Study Group and the Toastmasters’ Speech Program. It was mentioned that there probably isn’t March 19,1997 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 2 REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF PROPOSED ART WORK FOR THE NEW LIBRARY Connie Beardsley, from the Arts Office, was in attendance to answer any technical questions. She informed the board that there were a few specific changes from the original proposal. She wanted to the board to look at them and to finalize approval so that information can go back to the arts commission before they approve it. In the original proposal, artist Jan Sanchez had proposed neon lights in the auditorium. The auditorium has been changed somewhat and there is no longer a lobby area as had been scheduled originally, so neon will not work. They are proposing some additional copper screening for the large window in the conference room on the second floor and that will be on the outside of the building and serve as a sun screen. For the change in the reflecting pool, the letters are the same as originally proposed, but there will be purchase of granite rock which will tie into the granite pouring of the courtyard. Board Trustee L’Heureux added that the fact that the water has movement seems to make a big difference from the original. Connie Beardsley said had it had been originally planned that it would just trickle down, but now it seems that the movement is somewhat different It looks that it will be a little more active, but can’t be too active because you loose the reflection of the letters as it is. Board Trustee McCann mentioned that the catch basin’s profile it going to be low, but it will have to be filled with little rock and probably flushed a little bit above the ground. They want it to appear as if the granite will be growing out of the ground. Board Trustee Curtin asked why the windows need to have a screen. Connie Beardsley said she doesn’t know that if they need to have screens, but, they might make an addition to the building itself. It will be a visual appearance. Director Lange mentioned that a nice piece of art work would look good looking at it through from the inside as well as at night when the lights are on. Plus the copper is in keeping with the cooper with the trellises and also the roof pieces over the auditorium and over the art gallery. In working closely with the architect they probably thought that this would tie-in with the decor of the rest of the building. There was further discussion on height of the windows in the conference room; would there be limitation to some degree on use of natural light in that room; and would that limit the flexibility of the use of that room. Board Trustee L’Heureux mentioned that it will cut out natural light, but it will not be that significant. It will have an aesthetic effect. Connie Beardley mentioned that the monies for this come from the arts capital budget, They have a separate budget for the art room of the building that was covered. March 19,1997 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 3 The question was asked, “Why does Library Board have to approve this project if the monies come from somewhere else?” Connie Beardsley informed the board that to go forward with their process they have to be assured that there is pubic involvement, get public comment, and whoever is the host department has to approve it. I Library Trustee Curtin moved to approve the Arts Commission concept of the perceived art work for the new library. Library Trustee McCann seconded that motion and was carried unanimously. DISCOUNTED TELECOMMUNICATION RATES FOR CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Director Lange informed the board on the complete documentation. This is a significant 50 percent discount on telephone lines which include data lines, all telephones, computer access, etc. It would save 50 percent of phone bills. NEW LIBRARY PLANS UPDATE Director Lange gave a summary of the meetings that were held with the architects last week reviewing the plans, interior finishes, furnishings, shelving, furniture review, selected carpet and style of furniture. Director Lange also informed the board that there individual meetings with each division head and any staff they brought along to review the office furnishings and layout. Library Trustee Curtain mentioned that he wasn’t familiar with the names of the architects. Director Lange informed the board that Polly McArthur is the interior designer, Rich Cardwell is the principal architect, Brad Miller is an associate. Director Lange went on to say that there are still some loose ends to tie-up, mostly fabric colors. Major items that they still have to work on is the auditorium and audio visual productions. A meeting is scheduled for for next week with consulting firms and Cibola, from orange county, regarding equipment, lighting systems, audio systems. Direcor Lange and Assistant Director Armous are going on a field trip to San Marcos to look at the City Hall where Cibola designed their system with the video, lighting, etc. The plan is go to council on July 8 or 15, and they will be meeting with local architects in a couple of weeks to review the specifications and other issues. SPACE PLANNING Assistant Director Armous informed the commission on the proposed layout of the first and second floors regarding spacing and location of books and career center. There has to be a plan or vision for the library as it grows, you have to look into the future. it would make more sense to have a local history collection at the Georgina Cole Library, March 19,1997 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 4 Extend the lease of the La Costa Library and move genealogy there for one year during renovation and then move back to Georgina Cole Library. Director Lange informed the board there are probably 25,000 - 35,000 more books today then they had when they first designed this building. There has been 8 years of growth, and they will need more room for collection building, more and more will probably be electronic and won’t need as much room, but it really is a guessing game no matter how you do it. There will be 145 computers at the new library and two thirds will be accessible to the public, there will also be two computer rooms. Also discussed was the percentage of items in storage, off-site storage facilities (bookmobiles), schedule for ground breaking, tentative opening date for new library. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Director Lange reported the subject of non-resident use of libraries has been raised again. The City of Newport Beach is leading a charge to do something about the problem of the reimbursement rate. Next week Director Lange said he will go to a meeting to develop a united front to go to the State Legislature for help. We need to get full funding and get them to raise the rate of reimbursement. Director Lange will be sending a memo to the City Manager about non-resident use. Director Lange is going to the League of California Cities Community Services Conference in San Diego to serve on a panel about lobbying. This Friday Director Lange will attend the Chamber of Commerce Small Business Resource Workshop, presented by the Reference Division of the library. Tomorrow Director Lange is attending the Serra Administrative Council meeting in Calexico. Director Lange advised that the Adult Learning Center has new office furniture. It looks very nice and has made a real difference. Director Lange announced that this will be Pam Batho’s last board meeting. She is retiring the end of the month. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: No report. March 19,1997 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Page 5 GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Mr. Ireland reported the Society’s fame is spreading far and wide. They have been mentioned in several wills with donations of books. Assistant Director Armour mentioned the problem of running out of storage space. He said he has asked Mary Van Orsdol to analyze microfiche space per year. We will have to decide what is valuable and what is not. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: No report. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of March 19, 1997, was adjourned at 4:07 P.M. mtfully submitted, J Pamela A. Batho Secretary ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM Monthly Report February 1997 1. NEW FURNITURE On February 21, Office Pavilion installed new systems-style workstations in the 2 offices of the Adult Learning Program. The workstations are the same style and color scheme as the study carrels in the classroom and computer lab. 2. TUTOR TRAINING Five new tutors completed tutor training on February 1. Three experienced “mentor tutors” and 2 staff coached them individually. Portions of the tutor training and basic instructional curriculum were revised. 3. LEARNER ORIENTATIONS Orientations for new learners entering the program were held on February 19 (morning) and February 20 (evening). A total of 9 new learners received orientation from 2 learnerhutor pairs. 4. LITERACY PRO Staff continued learning to use the new literacy program management software, LiteracyPro. Much staff time is being spent adapting the software and creating the specifics of every defined field to meet local program needs. 5. ADULT LEARNERS CONFERENCE At the San Diego County Literacy Network’s meeting on February 26, Program Coordinator Lynda Jones shared copies of learner Kevin Nolan’s book, Beyond Fear and Pride, as well as promotional material from the publisher. Stag learners, and tutors from most of the 26 literacy programs in the county were present. As a result, Kevin Nolan received an invitation to be the keynote speaker at the first regional Adult Learners Conference, to be held in National City on May 17. Approximately 175 adult learners are expected to attend. Copies of Kevin’s book will be available for adult learners to purchase and have Kevin sign. Tutor Carrie Scott from this program has also been chosen to present one of 20 workshops offered that day; her topic will be “What’s This Thing Called the Internet?’ Former Carlsbad learner John Corcoran will be moderating a roundtable discussion among learners at the conference. 6. COMPUTER EOUIPMENT Planning continued throughout February with the Information Systems Department on designing specifications for a local area network linking staffs administrative computers in the offices and classroom. Planning also continued for expanding the computer lab network by adding 2 instructional computers in the training classroom. ? 1.- A& CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY CENTRO DE INFORMACION Monthly Report February 1997 It Procrrammins. On February 24, a groi a presentation at the Centro de Informacibn, p of parents attended the presentation was about the transition from preschool to kindergarten and what to expect. A kindergarten teacher from Jefferson School, personnel from the HeadStart program, and Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson spoke to the group on how to make the transition easier for their children, how parents can volunteer and help in the classroom, and how to use the library as a resource for parents to help their children to be familiar with books and enrich the children's vocabulary. 2.- Children's Prosramins. Food for Thought, I'Alimento para el Pensamiento" in Spanish, is a reading program sponsored by In-N- Out Burger. From February 3rd to April 7th children 12 and under are invited to participate in the program. After a child has read 5 books, he can redeem a bookmark for a free hamburger, fries, and a soda. During the month of February Centro staff enrolled 103 children in the program. Regular bilingual storycraft programs continued during the month of February. 3.- Recruitment and Selection of New Centro Staff member. The recruitment for the vacant position of Library Technician at the Centro de Informaci6n was held from January 6th to the 31st. There were ten applicants and seven of them were invited to be interviewed on February 6th by Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson, Senior Librarian Lynda Jones, and community member Dulce Crespo. The new staff member, Lorena Dominguez, started on February 11th. A bilingual substitute, Josie Cruz, was also selected by the panel and will be scheduled to work as needed. 4.- ComunitY Meetins. On February 27, the Festejando a las Madrecitas committee meeting was held at the Centro de Informacibn. Members of the committee started planning for the annual Mother's Day Celebration. 5.- Spanish Literacy. The Spanish Literacy group met six times during this month. 0 Children’s Services Division Monthly statement February I997 The month of February was short but intense for the Children’s Library staff. Twenty- nine programs were presented and 2,211 reference questions were answered. The Library Skills program concluded with 9 youngsters eagerly learning about the library and the Internet, and all taking turns on the Internet. The name change for our volunteer program from Grandparents Storytime to Storytime for Kids seems to have been a change for the better. More children seem to be attending and attending on a more regular basis. The volunteer readers do a wonderful job and it is good to see them getting the audience they deserve. The “Visit with Mr. Lincoln” program was really appreciated by those who attended. The teacher who portrayed Lincoln spoke about his life (as Lincoln) and then answered the questions from the audience in his character of Mr. Lincoln. Josiah presented our Black History Month program to an enthusiastic group. The very diverse age groups that he attracted were a problem, but he managed to engage the attention of everyone from floor-crawlers to teenagers. The staff was also involved with several activities that were not apparent to the patrons or the general public. Staff prepared for the Internet access in the Children’s Library by training in Internet use, preparing a list of useful Web sites, and deciding on policies and procedures. Staff also worked with the Arts Office in scheduling performers for the March Multicultural Festival. This has turned out to be a popular and educational experience for children. Finally, the entire staff has started preparations for the Summer Reading Program. This program starts in June, but is of such magnitude that it takes months of preparation. Books - Children Main Branch Centro subtotal 178 57 58 69 0 86 236 21 2 235 1,334 127 759 86 152 448 2,245 Audio - Adult 144 36 180 1,205 Audio - Children 5 75 80 308 Video 36 35 20 91 949 Total Received 905 614 20 1,539 10,123 current Fiscal month Year to Date B & T = Baker & Taylor PMSC = Professional Media Sewices Corporation Genealogy and Local History Division Fiscal Year 1996/1997 Statistics February 1997 Research activity : February 1997 February 1996 FY 1996'97 FY 1995/96 Reference questions 1.457 1.420 10.133, 16.73 1 R e2 is te red research e rs 879 1.033 7.154 11.974 Circulation 254 242 1.37 2.170 Calendar year goals: February 1997 Total 1997 Vo I u 11 te er liou rs 35 94 444 NSDCGS donations $1.084.96 $1,728.43 Progra111s 5 9 P r 09 I' am attend a lice 2 12 Microforms added: February 1997 FY 1996197 To tal Microfihn 0 390 8.247 Microfiche 0 1,809 105,730 1 LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT FEBRUARY 1997 ANNIVERSARY February, 1997 marked the 13th anniversary of the La Costa Branch Library. During this anniversary year, 272,066 items were circulated. This total put the number of books circulated in our 13 years of operation at 2,417,833. FEBRUARY CIRCULATION Branch circulation totaled 21,048 for the month. This total included 10,720 adult items, 7,851 children’s items, 2,451 video tapes and 26 CD ROMS. Daily circulation averaged 957 items and hourly, 91. USERS This months total user count was 18,437. An average of 838 visited daily. The hourly rate was 79. CHILDREN’S The children’s area was again a very busy place this month. Six storyhours, €our BookBuddy programs and one special program drew an audience total of 1 11. Nancy St.John conducted a vocal program in celebration of Valentine’s Day. Children’s staff have begun planning for the Summer Reading Program which will have Gator Gumshoe mascoting the detective theme. STAFF Two staff members have announced their resignation for purposes of moving out of state. Kay Hartley will be leaving the end of March to move to Colorado and Karen Steimle will be leaving at the same time to be with her husband in Canada where he has been transferred for 6 months. We are hoping that Karen will be able to join us again when she returns. Replacements for these part-time clerical positions will occur this next month . FY 9647 Media Graphla MECU nmirmi - GRAND TOTAL I I REFERENCE ACTIVITIES FOR FEBRUARY, 1997 Reference questions totaled 6.037 during the month of February, a decrease of 1,776 over last year. Reserves totaled 2. 407, an increase of 387. Online searches totaled 24. a decrease of 22 over last year. Interlibrary Loans totaled 11 8 items received and 70 items were sent to other I ibraries. During the month of February, there were 3 Library Skills Classes and 2 Internet Classes, for a total of 5 classes. In February, the Reference Selection Committee spent $1 682 for updates and $496 on new reference materials. There were 21 9 Internet sign-ups during the month of February. Also, in February, there were 482 questions answered at the Information Desk. It was staffed a total of 14 days at 1.5 hours per day. The average number of questions per day was 34: average number per hour was 23. On February 4 and 6, Geoff Armour and Char Kennedy interviewed the top 5 candidates for the full-time Librarian I position in Reference. Suzanne Smithson was selected and she will begin on March 10. . Technical Services Report February 1997 In February, Technical Services staff added 1,343 new print items and 24 1 audiovisual items to the library’s collection. They deleted 585 print items and 297 audiovisual items from the database. Patrons used home computers to dial into the library catalog 303 times. Our new temporary, part-time library technician, Cathy Parisi, started work this month, assisting with book cataloging. Her position is funded through June 1997. On February 7, Sam Richmond and Chris Pickavet attended a workshop on cataloging sponsored by OCLC, the library’s cataloging vendor. Internet access is now available at the public PC in Children’s Services. Currently, it is being used primarily to train staff. Chris Pickavet gave two 90 minute workshops on using the Internet to Children’s Services staff, one for those working in the morning, the other for evening staff. t *, 0. xx X X X X X X X xx X X m A Y z a 0 rn s h 0 A m 3 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X C .- r i 't X X X X -, x xx X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X L 2 c Q 0 3 0 > c L c c G iz k c OS d m c (v xxxxx X xxxxxx xxxxxx X X xxxxx X X X X X X X X X X -3 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X p? W c a 4 U X x X X X X X X X X X X X February 24,1997 Dear Board or Commission Chairperson: MARK YOUR CALANDERS! The annual training program for all Board, Commission, committee members, and staff liaisons is scheduled for April 29, 1997 at the Safety Center. A formal invitation will be mailed in March. In the meantime, please ask your committee members to plan for this date. Once again we have a fun and eventful evening planned. This year there will be a dinner theater theme. We are looking for volunteers to dress in costume and role play in one of the conflict of interest cases. We want the evening to move quickly. In response to the evaluations received last year, we will shorten the overall program. A tentative agenda is as follows: 4:OO - 5:OO p.m.: Social Hour 500 - 6:OO p.m.: Topic Presentation 6:OO - 7:OO p.m.: Interactive Dinner Hour 7:OO - 9:OO p.m.: Role-playing and decision-making. As part of the final training design we would like to know your preferences on topics you would like to see covered. Enclosed please find two copies of a survey. Distribute copies to your committee members if you desire. Please complete the survey and return to the Human Resources Department, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 no later than MARCH 10, 1997. Director ANN JENF o Human Resources 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2852 FAX (61 9) 720-1 875 @ CLIFF LANCE LIBRARY DIRECTOR 2.. 4 MARCH 10,1997 TO: FROM: Planning Director MAYOR LEWIS and COUNCIL MEMBERS ... _. --- SUMMARY OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 5,1997: 1. SDP 96-051CUP 96-071CDP 96-06 - CARL'S JRJGREEN BURRITO DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT - The request for approval of a Site Development Plan, a five year Conditional Use Permit and a Coastal Development Permit to allow the development of a Carl's Jr./Green Burrito Restaurant with a drive-thru lane on a site currently occupied by Nurseryland at 925 Palomar Airport Road in the Commercial Tourist- Qualified Development Overlay Zone (CT-Q) Zone located east of the 1-5 freeway on the south side of Palomar Airport Road within the Coastal Zone and Local Facilities Management Zone 3 was continued to March 19, 1997 at the request of the applicant. (7-0) SDP 90-05(B) - PRICE CLUB PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT - Request for approval of a Site Development Plan Amendment to the existing Price Club Site Development Plan to allow for a property adjustment whereby a western portion of the existing site will be removed and placed within the Carl's Jr./Green Burrito property to facilitate the above described project. (See above) 2. CUP 205lAIx2 - CRAZY BURRO - Request for an extension of CUP 205 to continue to allow dancing and the sale of alcoholic beverages at 6996 El Camino Real was approved 7-0. 3. PCD 97-01 - KNOWLES AVENUE MOVE-ON - By a 7-0 vote, the Commission approved the relocation of a 1204 square foot, single story house onto a vacant lot located on the North side of Knowles Av. between Gregory Dr. and Elmwood St. 4. CUP 260(B) - PALOMAR TRANSFER STATION - The request for a Conditional Use Permit Amendment to expand the floor area of the trash transfer facility, relocate some parking, and revise the operating characteristics of the facility on a site located on the East side of El Camino Real approximately 1500 feet North of Palomar Airport Road was approved 7-0. 5. CUP 96-23 - LA COSTA HIGH COMMUNICATIONS - By a 7-0 vote, the Commission approved a Negative Declaration and Conditional Use Permit to allow the installation of a 25 ft. monopole, four panel antennas, and one ground-mounted radio equipment cabinet on property located generally at the southeast corner of Alga Road and El Fuerte Street in the PC Zones. Planning Commission Summary of March 5, 1997 March 10,1997 Paae 2 6. CUP 96-16/CDP 97-01 - SOUTH CARLSBAD LIBRARY - The Commission approved (7-0) a Conditional Use Permit and Coastal Development Permit to allow the construction and occupation of a 64,000 square foot library in the Plaza Paseo Real shopping center, located west of El Camino Real, south of Dove Lane. MICHAEL J. HOEMILLER c: City Manager Assistant City Manager Assistant to the City Manager Department Heads Sue Spickard/Keith Beverly Don Rideout, Growth Management Connie Beardsley, Mgr. Arts Office 1997-98 LIBRARY BUDGET REQUEST SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT CHANGES The library’s General Fund budget request for 1997-98 is up $229,273 from the current year, an increase of 8.8%. Most of this increase is accounted for in the significant changes noted below. These add up to about $278,000 in increases but are offset somewhat by such things as a lower PERS rate and by freezing the vacant Senior Librarian position in Genealogy. 1. Part-time Staff The request for part-time staff totals $638,100, or about 23% of the library’s total General Fund budget. Included in this amount is an across the board merit-based pay increase of 3%, which added about $20,000. 2. Shift of State Revenues to General Fund There has been a decline in CLSA revenues this past year that may well continue. In addition, a good deal of the fund balances that have been available as a cushion for a number of years have been significantly depleted. As a result, the CLSA budget must be brought closer into balance with revenues, which are projected for next year at about $160,000. The CLSA budget is being cut from $288,200 this year down to $203,000 for next year. To do this, the gas and electric ($60,000), telephone ($23,000), and miscellaneous Branch operating expenses ($2,200) were all shifted to General Fund accounts. 3. Shift of AV Insurance to General Fund Video insurance revenues have been steadily declining for the past couple of years and have shown no sign of bottoming out. To get this fund more closely aligned with projected revenues, the budget was cut from $105,500 to $77,500. The entire audio bbdget ($35,000) was shifted to General Fund and the video budget was increased by $7,000. 4. Children’s Books Major portions of children’s book collection are worn or out-of-date and need replacement. $10,000 added to provide a significant upgrade to the collection. 5. New Positions A Library Assistant position for Adult Services, specifically supporting Reference. ($35,000). A new %-time Library Assistant for the Branch to coordinate Circulation activities. ($28,000). A half-time technician in Media Services to convert the library’s slide and photo collections into a computerized database. ($10,000) 6. Canital Reauests Serials Control System for Periodicals to provide automatic check-in, routing, and claims on missing or late issues. $6,000. Pentium-based OCLC workstation for Tech Services to replace obsolete 386- based workstation. $3,000. Media computer workstation, scanner, and software for Media Services to provide computerized slide/photo access and retrieval data base. $5.500. - 3 each Pentium-based PC’s plus 2 each printers for La Costa Branch to provide staff and public access to Internet and CD-ROMs. $10,000. 7. Data Processing The Data Processing account will increase $27,200 to pay for the library’s share of Information Systems charges, including computer usage, maintenance, and depreciation as well as voicemail, and telephone maintenance. 8. Branch Rent Rent for the La Costa Branch facility will increase $3,000. CITY Of CARLSBAD DEPARTMENT SUMMARY 1997-98 BUDGET PROGRAM: Ll S@Y&y-c ULn/s FUND: VWroUS DEPARTMENT: LlGmg)/ CXFITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The Carlsbad City Library provides cultural, informational, and recreational services for all community residents; provides both print and non-print resources that respond to the interests and needs of a diverse population; provides convenient access and adequate space for users and resources; and promotes a broad awareness of the library and its services. The library contributes to the enrichment of Carlsbad's citizens by supporting lifelong learning and the pursuit of knowledge. MAJOR BUDGET CATEGORIES: Library General Fund: State revenues: Audiovisual Insurance: Gifts Trust Fund: Cultural Arts: $2,820,610 $ 256,000 $ 77,500 $ 11,000 $ 323,740 ci~y OF CARLSBAD i 997-98 BUDGET PROGRAM SUMMARY SUMMARY 1997-48 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUOGET 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 3/9/ SYO 277300 3ri,ooc PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION 157,22* JjS] 321,35c (CAPITAL OUTLAY /I - I -! WORK PROGRAM: Provide leadership for the library and its nine divisions; plan for the growth of resources and facilities: manage all budge! and fiscal matters: and coordinate relations with local and State government, the Library Board. the Friends of the Library, and the Serra Cooperative Library System. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Budcret Preparation: Prepare department budget: process invoices, warrants and requisitions; monitor expenditures: maintain fiscal records. Stratesic Planninq: Continue strategic planning process to meet library's long-range goals through the year 2000. Communitv Relations: Manage programs, exhibits, graphic arts. and all external public relations. eP UtWAPY u€83/7Z, Reports and Grants: Handle grants and reports i local and State levels. Internal Manataement: library's divisions and for the Cultural Arts office. Provide leadership for the PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: 1. 2. Monitor and distmbute account balances to all division. Refine automated fund accounting and on-order information. 1. Develop detailed action plans for strategic objectives. 1. 2. 3. 4. Work closely with local media to promote the library. Sponsor at least one adult program and two exhibits per month. Produce flyers, newsletters, and other graphics for the library and other City departments. In cooperation with the Friends of the Library, raise at least 925,000 through book and magazine sales. 1. Prepare detailed monthly statistics on library use. 2. Write annual reports for State and local use. 3. Manage grants supported by State and local funding. 1. Supelvise the library's 9 division. 2. Manage facilities and resources. 3. . Develop policies and procedures for all library 5. DCSJGeJAnJ& fiw- av Wk-8 SF=-. operations. e I1 o ii z I-' I1 m 0 II < 70 mm W OD an n II II II P n n oc 5 -c m Po- WD woa 4 x TJ II II II Ln I-* N* Y N P e m m 4 I1 II I1 II II II If II 11 II z. I1 w I1 (D II CI I1 0 II 1 II II I1 I1 II II II II II II II II II II II I1 II II II II II II W I1 .rl 4 I1 r: 0 II 10 w II CI II n W me 00 00 00 .. I-' W I- N 0111 4 .- NN WNNOW ..... II 4 mal .. cnm 4cn ww N 0 0 m m 0 0 W N W VI 0 0 4om4 0000 0000 PI-'W04 00000 00000 ii .. w m ... wom mou .. 00 00 .. 00 00 .. 00 00 0 0 .... . II w ll VI I1 000 OON 0 0 0000 0000 P I1 rr 0 I1 e 4 It Ql m mw I-' Ln NN VIA mm VI I-'m NVI wo 40 cn0 .. ala .. m4 ww I-a N 4 W W e m WVI ewe WWw eVIm 04VI ewe ... W I-' m m .~ - II c N W 0 - IC.' m~cn WWN mew ... 4 II m 11 w II . II Io W m .. .. W W me oal w 11 v1 I1 II m II 3 II n II c II 3 0 II PI . (I. Y 0 II n 0 II (D II -* m a W m m 00- I-' 000 ... 0 00 00 00 .. 00 00 .. ao 00 00 00 W N NP em PI- .. 0 0 0 0000 0000 0000 WW WWOW .... .--. W N .. 000 000 0 0 00- OON N cn 3 W II m 0 I1 PI m II c m ww w4VI elno maw N 4 u) 0 0 N W mu, 4cn 00 W m~ oa mcn .. ww NW 3. W m 4 W 0 m II PI w II 3 m II n . II m .~ ... ON0 owe ... .... wmwm PPNA m W NO VI0 em oa 0 N 01 ii '- 0 I1 * ll x W II 0 PW I I I I ;i c.11 ur WMI\LUU~U i 997-98 BUDGET PROGRAM SUMMARY 1994-95 ACTUAL PER S 0 N N E L JF 505, P73 SUMMARY 1996-97 1 997-987 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 1995-96 8 527,563 rFr( 570,200 9 G Jy, 700 MAINTENANCE OPERATION APITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Librarians assist the public with information needs, provide instruction in the use of resources and perform research for local business, government, and the public. Clerks help the public with check out and check in of library materials, registration of borrowers; sending resetve and over due notices. Pages sort and shelve books, straighten stacks, service book drops. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Reference Services: Respond to in-person and telephoned reference questions; provide library instruction classes and tours; select new and replacement materials; give book talks for community groups. COU~~CA J Go', \S r, If 4 'ZL: kerlibrarv Loan: Send t ana receive from other libraries requests for bo ks, microfilm, and photo- &on qnd rrcGAAa Y? fIOU. neon ~a~~~ &k ; copies. C-OU ci I 6cu 9 J 3, Z si?.; - Periodicals: Manage a collection of= magazines and3fnewspapers. and related backfiles. 99 * cooact1 C:oak I,-zzT WORKLOAD MEASURES: 1994-95 tPY5-7ic, 79.844 88,310 15 5, 49 I 1. Reference Questions: 2. Classes, tours, book talks 1,457 . 1,527 I, 25% 1. Periodical Requests: 79,102 74,368 Gyt a 6 7 1. Computer Searches: Computer Services: Provide public instruction in the index the Cadsbad JoumaUSun andhe North ' TrrkA-lt County Times, Catlsbad Edition using computer use of self-service computer data bases. Continue to .L~P\U~;~I 4h4 375' 343 64 7 software. Couficll cOu~s x+* I=- Circulation: check out and check in all print and non print materials; renew materials; sort and shelve returned materials; track overdue and lost items; rent audiovisual equipment. Counc', 1 6-15 r ,Q Patron Maintenance: Register and issue cards to all library users; collect fines and fees. 20,130 20,599 10, ( $6 SXGIv^L-F:TCIn NT Cghr\rcE5; flbaiko~ lipq 1. Circulation totals: -800,411 821,028 75q,b7q 1. New registrations: .. cou.nC;l CGaf 5 X,Q 4' S?-qg__ r#j$'Rma'iofl D~sK awd pubrcc ae~ pas +04b zhkRn&* 110 mm U OW n U H c7-g 5 *' a jc"Ln V IT -3 3 I 4 Urn uc 4 NPJU a P* P PWPN PN4FllUa w r4 ~*NOJ~PJO~NII ID .. ............. R acj WO Nn .(Ir .. 4 o P o w o P a m o o o ,u o ii 0 w 0 4 ulo 0 0 0 c10 0 0 P II o o o v) m o o o o o o o o VI II II I1 .............. 0 0 0 C N 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 II o P o F N o a o o a o o o r II wc m x -u WID N3 Pcn -ID 0 ul zz IP II ... .c) .............. (1 NO wv)OPblNPmONPU, OWII wc ~mOPl-"4wOwWN~~il ' :I m 3 cn II J I1 0 FP II c II 3 e+ -* F 401.1 Her m amuI II 1 ooow0I4ooooooooll P, II 3 4 ooowuPooooooooll 0 P 0 0 0 e u 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ID rf -. .............. w I1 H II II II II II II I1 u II II II U II 11 4 II 4 0 II 0 w II n n W W e P 4 m UP Prwu m 4PII w ww PUIP~UY~JU~~VIN~~II al m P o w ul w P N m J a N P G: II 3 .I~~OP~OO~~~JUWNPII~) II ID ai o o o u w VI a o 4 m P o m II 10 w o a m w u II o P 4 m N w II ul4UJWNmU'dWIl --..-... .- .............. W m + II z w II 0 -4 7 'p 'r c SUMMARY 1994-95 1995-96 ACTUAL ACTUAL 77, 855 40, s9y PERSONNEL -. r- -, 1 S56-37 1537-=81 BUDGET EUPGETJ ~2,900 y7,am 1 APITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: The GenealogylLocal History Division provides information service, instructional assistance, and research services to the public. The Division Head manages the selection, classification, and organization of a collection of 45,000 volumes. It is 3 csllcction of excellence that draws researchers from all over Southern California. PROGRAM ACTlVlTl ES : PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: General Reference Services: Respond to in-person and telephone reference requests: provide library instruction and tours: give talks to visiting Southern California groups. Coordination with NSDCGS: The North San Diego Ccunty Genealogical Society has acted as a suppoR groJp for thrs collectlon for 20 years. This division will coordlcate with and assist NSDCGS with fund raisers, acquisition of materials. program planning, and training of researchers. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Register 11,000 researchers. Process 15,000 inquiries. Plan and hold orientations for visiting groups. Develop bi-monthly training classes for beginning genealogists. Plan and assist with six major fund raisers. Advise a NSDCGS committee on selection of materials for proper collection development. SI G N I F I CANT CHANGES: None. 2a I1 I1 /I 5 n C m VI n T I-. z, I-. c c- = -E m ww 4 w 4a,lcm ;i w 0 0 c 0 c - c m /I w 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 w I1 ........... w o o o o o c 2 a ;; m o o o o o c - N II II 2 11 n $1 e 4 W 00 00 NO .. W e W m N AN NF om li 0 I1 Y I1 Y :2 n a\O NC J e .. CN CVI in b I1 c; 0 0 0 c 0 0 c a 0 11.5 ooocooc~o I1 ;i ......... ,I oocoooc,on rJ I1 I1 I1 w G II nl I1 w m b wO'FO44rNaR o o m o v1 m N c a II [Ii :! :! I/ 11 3 c I1 0 4 G 8 .- SUMMARY CI \ -I cc a mGI *- r X" a+ a m GI T F m %J e 3 m z n I) II I I It II , II It It I I I 1n I( I1 , II n i, I6 It E ,' na NNttQ !I-. N .o\ H (p I1 n I. ,I .. I . tu+; NI-V~WNVI~VINO~~ WO~OVIOOOOVIU . p,' ............ ~CI ooulOOOO'Ooo~ wowoU!oooocnY 5;" '0 0; ad I" : U! (P: o m! WJ w nl * 0; 4 01 w E; 3. - nu UP- 'I- nm nn nn II 0 I* I- P ul i. Y I- N -a cn I- .c1 VI 0 0 c1. .. n U I1 u In I1 I I U I I I Y n n n .. ra I) U w U Y I( I Y I I 8 \on n n n n 4n2 I- 0. 0 0 w I 0 jOOw I. .. 1: ooocio 0 0 0;o.o ..... 0 0 0,o 0 0 0 0 '000 ,000 ........... no 00rWQhx4NwII roou?aoror4r I-w ! .. I '! cl -0 -9 3 0 % i I i E, CITY OF CARLSBAD PROGRAM SUMMARY 1997-98 BUDGET L 1994-95 ACTUAL PERSONNEL 165,500 MAINTENANCE 32,300 OPE RATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL 197,800 FULL TIME POSITIONS 2 HOURLY / FTE POSITIONS 3.98 0 PROGRAM: Children’s Services Division FUND: 0014035 DEPARTMENT: Library 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL 4 66,840 162,300 1 b 6,550 31,810 31,440 +3 ; yo3 0 0 3 Si3 198,680 193,740 2 10 3 CI 2 2 L 3.56 3.52 3.52 SUMMARY WORK PROGRAM: The children’s library serves children from preschool through senior high and introduces young people to the wonders of reading. The division also assists teachers and adult students in education, child development and children’s I iterat ure. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS: 95-96 - 96-97 Reference Questions, Readers 1994-95 - Advisory, Library Skills Classes 24,034 ’ 23,947 24,140 Print and Nan-Print Circulation 221,552 221,563 238,429 Program Attendance 9,505 10,184 11,056 Coordinate Summer Reading Program at 3 Locations 1,027 1,209 1,745 Cooperative Multicultural Program 1,500 2,400 3,600 with Arts Office Significant Changes with the addition of the INFO PEOPLE GRANT 1. Internet access will be doubled in Children’s 2. CD-ROM Educational and Interactive software will be increased. II II i C (0 VI n '1 e. a, I-. 0 J W C a Iz) (D CI P n CI C P, w m J C 3 W rl P, (0 5 P, PI n 0 n a n I- a 3 n II i 0 4 \h -1 .,-) z s H '0 c -> . . w w m NP VI m II II N WPNOWPNQ*all ............ P + m m m w 'a w alo 0) w ii wC0m0000000~n W 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e II VI -: eo ............ w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II OD 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e I1 II II I1 P PAIpq\!! N a II ..-- P NCn or W m X W rn w3 VIVI -rn w w5 mo .n wo r: Y CI ............ w v\C VI N w w w 0 m a II m c 0 0 N r m 0 m 0 3.4 I1 II II I1 I- ll II I1 mmu II 0 c e 0 w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I1 0 c 3 Q w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 N 0 I1 P a 4 w II ---. 11 II 0 r^ 0 m m m 0 w w N w u1 II 0 c w e 4 w N 0 e 0 Ip 4 II ............ 0 c 4 w r 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 I1 c WFUl --. c1 m N m m w m o v1 m a II o s n e m N o o m N w o II 9,; P VI VI 4 m 0 4 VI w w ............ VI N8 -* 0 VI 0) II II II II I1 I1 I1 II I1 II II II II W c W m A VI m F3 4 8 -I 0 3 P .. I i I ! 0 J 1994-95 ACTUAL CITY OF CARLS8AD PROGRAM SUMMARY 1997-98 BUDGET 1905-96 1957-58 ACTUAL @UDGET SUMMARY -. .1 "-e-. MAINTENANCE OPERATION d CAPITAL OUTL4Y 2 ,*" .d. WORK PROGRAM: In '.>3.-.. . - c- Ccj,nc,i ci~~ v ri Technical Services Division catalogs and prepares library materials for public use; maintains the library's online database; and manages the library's automated circulation system, online catalog, and related automated operations. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: lGGd-05' (9Gr-q ;, 1992-93 1G93-94 --- Processinq: Catalogs and processes both purchased items and gifts. Repairs damaged 1. Items Cataloged and Processed: materials and arranges for binding and rebinding. 16.903 17,567 17,270 Id, 7 Y f 2. Items Handled Binding: 2,277 2,346 1,911 I, 76 7 1. Items Added to Database: Database Maintenance: Adds new items to the online database and deletes information for lost or discarded materials. 16.903 17.567 17,270 /b, 7vy 2. Items Withdrawn: 12,941 10,507 9,974 7, bq2 PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Circulation System and Online Cataloq: Operates 1. To ensure system availability (up time) at leas: the library's INLEX 3000 System, including all 99% of hours the library is open. software related activities, writes instructions, and trains staff on new features. 2. To conduct two training sessions for staff following INLEX software updates. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. 28 ;D : cn 5 r 5 TJ m m +I n II I1 II II I1 II II It II II II I1 II ll II B v) n r: W C. I- C. 0 Y II I1 I1 II I1 II II II II II I1 I1 II I1 II 4 F W W 4 r I- O > 3 F cl r VI r. c (0 II II N It w II N II - II I- II 00 I1 Q II . II w II GI II N 4 N N 0 0 4 W oww sr N 4 W w 0 0 0 0 C yr m 0 0 N VI 0 0 m UY c\ 0-0 OUO +I-4 +I cnmNcnaQ\UYll GZZ 3 wCroAz4WII ~7 o o c a o o u 0) ce o c II Cr 0 C 0 F 0 Z Z W N CD W W 11 ............. 3 N C C W 0 N 03 W Z G e W ll II c II 3 11 r I1 r: 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 c 0 c 0 0 0 I1 CCCOOOOCOOOOOn n CCCGOOOOO0.3OOR ID ............ II II II I1 I1 II II II I1 II I1 I1 E I- I1 0 \,4 .I ! i :'I ! ili i' CITY OF CARLSBAD PROGRAM SUMMARY 1997-98 BUDGET WORK PROGRAM: Coordinate the selection of malerials and plan collection development for the library. Allocate and monitor all materials budgets. Order and receive all print and non-print materials. PROGRAM ACTlVlTl ES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: 7% -c*c 44 Planninq: Develop plans for the collection of ++%wiewand-updatetM~scollecti materials. eprnent-profiles7 Upd~k e cr;t- .,. ~,~ ,,~ 1 ;bra- Budqetinq: Prepare division and library-wide materials budgets; monitor expenditures for depart- ment and materials. y),Q44zt r'CI 1s c' oj\ec.tiu, 1. Track material accounts by major subjects. 2. Track vendor discounts. Coordinate Selection of Materials: coordinate seleclion and ordering of print and non-print materi- als. 1. Coordinate selection and ordering of at least 10,000 new print and non-print materials. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 28 . -. ,- .- . ... % . . .. GI r 0) c. a (D 0 GI m z m r m Q a m z T F r E E 0 z x 3" h-4 x E? m C 0 0 . II m II c P o* 4+ 04 -0 mc, 'P, lo 64 c.' m X m1 om -(D 4 VIP lon .n mo loc 3 yr m + a 0 0 0 VI W N 4 10 W N NP P~ON~~WII w o lo o o lo o o o m II 0 w m 0 0 w 0 0 0 a0 II li II -. -. . (1 II II .. loo .lP alP OP *P WN mm .. 00 00 00 .. al OP w4 wm am .. 10 10 4 m 0 0 0 0 0 I VI' 0 w .. 0 C rn 0 0 4 N 0 0 0 0 0 N a0 0 0 0 0 p. m N N lo N 0 0 0 VI 4 4 4 0 m W m m N 0 0 N 0 0 0 VI P W W m 0 0 W 4 4 w W 0 0 0 m N N m 4 0 0 W W P N 4 0 0 0 w m m 4 QI 0 0 W 4 W 4 m N 0 0 0 W 0) m VI P m lo al 4 0 P P 0 W W 0 0 0 4 P N 4 0) m W '. nz rno 1 .L n -4 . _.. .-. .. _. . . . . . . - -- . - . . . . .. . - . . . I CITY OF CARLSBAD PROGRAM SUMMARY 1997-98 BUDGET c 1 ss4-95 ACTUAL 70,223 'PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION 8/ 893 SUMMARY ACTUAL 73200 WJ mo 8,500 8/63 G /CAPITAL OUTLAY -I --r WORK PROGRAM: in suooort of tre Libraw. other ciw deoaments and Cgunal's communication needs. Services include; ;?otoocaohic. video. audio. oublication. news release. slide-svnc oroara ms. develooina and rnaintainina loca relevant stock (Taae collections of current and histonc media. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS: 1. Public Information hledia: Produce city related ohorccraohic. video and audio information for distnbufion in oublic ::esenmons. newsoaoers. maaazineg, parnohlets. brochures local oublication. and Community television. Soecific exarnmes indude: 'Librarv Video Maaazine with introductions bv :he Director. reaular contnbutions of newsworthv Ohotoaraohs icr indusion In the "Soint of Love", "Librarv Link" and rnontniv !ibrarv calendar newsletter3 11. Maintain an indexed c:w imaae ftaraae and retneval svstem for 8000 onnts) continue rniomtlon for Conversion to diaitizeq photoaraohic orocesses with eventual comoutented storaae . , rerneval and circulation svstems. analvsis and orooosai for necessaw staffing and caoital OUtlaV comoonents for accomolishments. Image Library research and development: 7 lntecrate svstems into new Libra% I I I. Media Production Development Provide aud io. video. D hotoaraohic media services for the preservation and documentabon of such locallv sianificant information as constructlon of caoital imomvement omiects le. new libarv .oral histones. histonc ohotoamhs etG . .. IV. Reference SUKIPO~~: Help frtl @for vacant reference position 1) Complete over 450 work order requests for Media related Services. 1 ) Catalog, label and package over 20.000 new individual images per year. 2) Develop Library programming plan, auditorium use policies and procedures. 3) Prepare budget proposals for image archive project IM PC En€,fl o~cE FWA~NG OBmr~fb @;A P 1) Create material for such special prasentatlonsasqawing I+~+JJ b~d event for the new library, @{$us I WCe'maf,, p'qccrs e*, -. 1)provide over 10 hrs. per week of reference service at branch and other associated professional Librarian duties SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Design and implementation of a computerized photo/slide database. II II II 11 II I1 I1 II II I1 I1 I1 I1 I1 I1 I1 II It I1 I1 II II II I1 I1 II II I1 I1 I1 I1 11 I1 II I1 II I1 I1 II n I1 I1 I1 I1 I1 I1 I1 I1 II I1 n I1 I1 I1 II 11 II II I1 II II II II 7* n r. C C z T E G a c: C C 0 C W C A m a C C 0 C U c VI W N 0 E c ;5 c- ... - - G9 r. E c a2 C C 0 C W G .5 G C C C C e 0 VI 0 N x m C n 5 J n m e 0 0 0 0 P 4 VI m m 0 0 0 N w N e N a : z m 5 r w m VI VI N VI 0 0 C 0 N VI (r w C 0 m 0 r. - w ?J 4 I- W 4 0 0 c7 r N W VI10 ow 00 cc cm .. m Nom4 oL9mo omoc .... ONCO 0003 F 4 w w.5 VICI VI0 .. II I1 ac 4N owcL9 ONCU) II I1 11 II II II I1 I1 II II II I1 I1 II II I1 11 II u I1 4 II .e c I1 10 (r I1 R I1 x I- I! 0 c Y - N cmcc .... 00 oc oc oaco orcc m FA ew a0 N NOm* 0rVIVl ONCN .... U A FO wz oocc 040- r. Q cri clTy OF CARLSBAD 1997-98 BUDGET PROGRAM SUMMARY PROGRAM ACTIVITIES 1. Individual assessment and Dlannins The program conducts a thorough assessment of each adult learner’s literacy skills and develops an appropriate individual learning plan. 2. Literacv skill develooment; The program provides a variety of learning experiences-including one- to-one tutoring, computer- WORK PROGRAM: The Adult Learning Program is the library’s adult literacy service. The program provides free, multidimensional learning experiences that enable English-speaking adults to develop basic literacy skills for independent lifelong learning and decision-making. The program provides literacy services that support positive self-esteem and the application of new literacy skills in daily life, at work, and in the community. PERFORMANCE 92 - MEASUREMENTS 93 1. Learners assessed 72 for skills at entry 2a. Matches of learners 106 with tutors (one-to-one & small groups) 2b. Learners studying 136 68 assisted instru&on, and small- group study-which are appropriate for each adult learner’s skill needs in basic reading, writing, math, critical thinking, and general 69 2c. Volunteer tutors instructing 82 133 113 4505 2d. Instructional hours completed 139 134 97 4985 128 4847 knowledge. +A limited number of new learners and tutors were admined to the program wh retrained to use new curriculum. 95 - 96 55* - 82* 145 95 5228 : existing tutorAeamer pairs were i c c SJ - c r: U . - 0 u) r? m U u 0 a 0 a w UI I C IC c e C C C r 0 c U [r u d [r c k 1 C r r c c a c C 3r -7 n n P P 9 3 3 P rl * rl m 0 0 0 0 m n E 2 (+ Ir C rT 0 r r 2 C 3 3 C -. - 5 c Y n C -I n 3 3 3 .L > 3 s r * C C C C 0 U u 0 (r 0 C r r U < 4 3 c c i i' . c) n n . c) 3 3 ; . 3 'I c 'I I- C C C C U I- k 9 E P P C C c r 4 < 17 3 3 3 3 3 3 C C C : 2 $ [r u P 0 c 1 I- C a r ? i c-, ro m h 0 w ro \o n * II P ~r, II a 0 0 0 m U m e4 h( h \o .rl II cl II 4 0 \o m m n m m d a L -? c II II II *urn wum xu0 CITY OF CARLSBAD PROGRAM SUMMARY 1997-98 BUDGET r PE3SO"EL MAINTENANCE OPERATION SUMMASY 1 CG7-58 ACTUAL ACTUAL 1995-7 EL'CGET # - 1994-951 3,000 3,000 - I, 602, I -I ]CAPITAL OUTLAY I -I -I WORK PROGRAM: To provide for the protection, preservation, recognition and enhancement of the City's existing and continuing heritage. PRO G RAM A CTlVlTl ES : PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Historic Preservation Education: Participate in and 1. Continue to distribute the informational promote public education pertaining to historic areas and sites. preservation brochure. Develop community activities and programs to promote historic preservation. The Historic Preservation Commission will evaluate criteria for identification of historic sites to be considered for the plaque program. 2. Plaque Prooram: Recognize historic sites by identifying various sites with numbered plaques that will eventually be part of a historical tour. Review of Environmental Documents: Review th 1. The Historic Preservation Commission will act in an advisory capacity to staff in the review of development plans affecting historic resources as required by CEQA. EIR Cultural Resource Reports. / I SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: None. t 105 zn m P- 0- -Y n ow me u II 8 .a 4 cl II II II II II -w v1 wu wpl wa 4 2 H 0 z Ol m 3 c 2: E 0 m I-- a (0 r ii u n m m u 0 z H z I1 II II II m II c II a II cp II 0 I1 rr N 0 c: 0 m z 2 r + W? OH 00 on .w ow c.' w a o N r P ii 000000011 000000011 ....... I1 000000011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II II 0 II P- II w II ID II n II cs II 0 II w I1 II II II II II II n W I1 ul I1 OOONOOOll ....... II , I w n 10 O0040ooii 000ul000ll II m 11 2 VI ? ? Q F II II II II II II II 4 a 0 1 cr F 0 00 .. 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 II II w II w II F P ll II II I-- a CLP,PQINWP~~ PI 000*000113 000400011 0 ....... II (0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 II 000VI000ll II P w II 0 I 0 0 0 a i- b c II II I1 11 II II II II I1 II 11 I1 11 11 I1 I1 II II II II 11 0 0 0 w QI rp 4 N VI * * * I1 * II * II II II ll II I1 II I1 II II II II II II : II 3. Q II ff 1 II F P, II m 3 II a 11 I1 II I1 II II II II II II II I1 II 0 II P- II 1 II m I1 fl II 0 II r( II II II II II n "2 m m n 4 0 ?3 r E H N P 0 z x * 0 0 P W lb P 0 z m CITY Of CARLSBAD PROGRAM SUMMARY 1997-98 BUDGET - PROGRAM: La Costa Branch General FUND: DEPARTMENT: Library SUMMARY MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTUY WORK PROGRAM: The Branch library provides services for South Carlsbad. These include print and non-print matermls, reference services, special programs for children and monthly cnages in exhibits and displays. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Reference: Assist patrons in using be library, .answer reference queslions, mselve specific Cks and request materials from other libraries (Counal Goal W2) I?OO Circulation: Circulate print and Wptint materiels to children and adulb, handle patron regisbation, cdlecl fees and fines and had< overdue items. (Councl Goal #2) Collection Oevelomsnt, - Evduate oolection and sdect print and non-print materials. (Council God #2) \ Proararnming: Plan schedulo and dwdop programs for bildreo. Conduct clawroom visits and tour8 (Council Goal #2) Librarv Manaamen vduntbers, cdlecclm, and fadily. Maintein awarmass of community. Manege Branch Library, staff, 1. Progrem Allendance c77 -3.535 3,43b 5H- 3;525- PERFORMANCE 08 JECTNES 2. Hire nd train MW stall. ' 3. Prepare mmHy narraUve nd 8tOtidcd aummary of qoratlon. 4. Acllvdy maintain a anent bpkd print and nm prirrl colocction. 5. Mmntain a safe and officiant facility. 6. Survey h needs ol and interact with the members d the community. - ,r ; ! ,I , ! I I j i ! ! 1 ! i i f i I I ! i 1 i i i i i I I 1 I 1 i t ! i i i 1 I i 1 I f I I I w o+ ao+ mr3 mo mn *e, OF 0 m x 'c1 rm a3 WVI -ID P -> wo 0 mc VI h) o+ -+ 0 0 0 0 0 r w W P 0 VI W P * bo 5 .. 010 013 t-I R G1 Y n n n n II II U I no IF.. Ill nm In In IO Rr( I I I U R U I Y I I W Y I I w n n n n n w ID cp G1 r CITY OF CARLSBAD 1997-98 BUDGET PROGRAM SUMMARY SUMMARY MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Special revenue fund to support library audiovisual collection development, replacement and related supplies, processing, and equipment. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Collection Development: Evaluate, select, and 1. Select, order, and process at least - order new and replacement audiovisual materials. videotapes. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 124 , 0 L U 0 E I1 U II II II I1 II II II II I1 U II II II I II II II U U II II U I I U II U U Y I I 8 8 8 I I 8 8 I 8 I I I 8 8 I I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I n n n d 4 4 QI m d c d W F) F) e e Q IC) a m 0 (5 QI U U I U I II I1 Y I1 U I1 II I U 4 I I 8 I I I tl I I I I I I I I I I 8 I 8 I I 8 8 I I 8 I I I I I 8 I I I 8 I I I 8 I I n n m d W N N 0 0 In rJ * 8 C m 0 d 0 m c N N * e Q m r( m I U & 0 la tY 4 P w 0 0 0 0 0 0 Y cl c3 4 4 rn I m P m al r) I N 0 6 0 ul m - m 0 m QI 0) * N * m N * d N QI N - 0 m ul * N * aJ OD E aJ u B w m N (D e 0 0 0 0 0 r) r) - OI N * * .: In m 0 0 0 0 ul m - In m . m 0 W d ri !i 3 m z U I I CI 04 X .. a s 3 m 9 w !i I Rl m \o N .. C 0 cl W 04 L 3 cn m 04 F H 0 & 0 m 9) n P n I I I 8 : 0 (5 0 * l+ * d I I I I c W r, m 0 E W la W VI I I I 0 QI * PI 0 QI m m LW -43 CJe I I I I I n i CITY OF CARLSBAD PROGRAM SUMMARY 1997-98 BUDGET PROGRAM: C&r fiwih L~GP?~ S~~~~CCS- ALT(CLSA) FUND: /Po ~tooi DEPARTMENT: L 1 B,p2y SUMMARY MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: Projected reimbursements and unappropriated carryover from the California State Library to the City for loans of materials to non-residents. Payment is based on a reciprocal usage formula. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Administration: Reimbursements and carryover are used to assist in the cost of library operations. 1. State revenue funds will be used to pay for part of the Branch operating budget as well as to offset General Fund by covering the purchase of all adult fiction and non-fiction, Mmmm+hy .. ~UdSC,L//7iS* J. SlGNlFlCANT CHANGES: 122 0 r Y 0 E k 0 Y u P) k rl n IN U Urn 10 II LI II m II II II II II II U II II U II II U U II U II II U U II II Y II II I I 8 R 8 8 n n 4 4 uv)o\mv)mo 0 ~mWmy?o* m ... a I Y I I I I I I I I 0 0 0 000 000 0 0 0. .. 00 00 39 In d 0 0 0 I I PD 80POOOO LI 8OObOOOO rlm I.. at. E 0 rl Y a rl k 0 PD 8 I I Y I Y Y Y I I I I W U U H n CITY OF CARLSBAD I 1997-98 BUDGET PROGRAM SUMMARY I ICAPITAL OUTLAY - 1 I -I /I I / WORK PROGRAM: The California Public Library Fund Act provides an annual per capita grant to public library jurisdictions provided they meet the maintenance of effort requirement (no cuts in general fund support from the previous fiscal year). PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Various Soecial Ptoiects SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 1. Grant funds will be used primarily as offsets of General Fund. Water and bindefy accounts are offset for WW: /9 p7-98. None. 123 C- 8 '0 . P u a II n c1 n Y m 0 9) 0 C m d m m i;: II II F m 8 a no00 1000 II I U II II II II II I... io00 0 n II H II II U UUI*O I 8qOO 8*m 8-CI 4 I-. . YWcl 8 I I 8 8000 80090 8- 8000 1'0 0 0 8000 a. - . - 8-r- u) rl 8.ddCI I I 8 8 Y n?yo :.' ' ;I u II II II & 0 U 0 0 h -4 n n U II 8 I I 8 R R 8 8 8 a 8 8 U II H c n a - P LI 0 P m rl 0 0 I vj 20 om C 0 -4 L) a f u 5; h ab, am 4" al d u rl k rl- LlF U Y II II II II mc1 u a WW OErr " 0 0 * rl OD rl E 2 Erl 0 E; w la w VI II II II 11 u & 0 CIT/ OF CARLSBAD PROGRAM SUMMARY 1997-98 BUDGET PROGRAM: c1@~~~ &FTS TKU57 GEJb FUND: TLvS'ir FUND [I+SLiO/o) DEPARTMENT: ~1 ~zy SUMMA:RY MA! NTENANCE OP ERA7 CN CAPITAL OUTLAY WORK PROGRAM: To accept grfts, bequests, and donations to the library. MEETS COUNCIL CULTURAL GOAL I11 (Pursue Funding Sources) PROGRAM ACTMTIES: 4 1. Solicit grfts from citizens, businesses, and community organizations. Work with the Friends of the Library to plan annual support budget for the library. Manage & funds and plan for current and future acquisitions of needed materials and equipment not available through the regular library budget. 2. .. 3. .- hi,; -. , omm LI * + 0 0 umm uno E:% 1000 om u I000 CIOOO cdroulm I000 dI ... '3 I I -m iiowm I m nr(r( ps m 0 0 an000 u no?o EM miooo u 3r um GI WI 0 I I I I I m LI F: 70 80 Z0 a - 4 cs I4 (5 (5 I I I I I000 '~~0 io00 I h 0 u u P) & I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I n n Q Q i 0 -0 m. uo 00 bo c ! 0 000 000 ... uw P)o $7 CPI I 000 000 omul .. 0 -.. owul dd *hl *m d 0 e Lrl d I \n w 3 2 I I n Ei -2: E P 1 i.. ' I I I I E: g: ma on c I I E 0 rl 0 e Ill e d I r CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS January 1997 Jan. Jan. 1996 - 1997 % Chanse CIRCULATION MAIN LIBRARY Print Audio Video 55 , 502 52,639 8,348 8,247 11,561 10,748 -5 -1 -7 TOTAL : 75 , 411 71,634 -5 BRANCH Print Audio Video 18 , 888 18 , 342 3 , 540 3,371 2,849 2,945 -3 -5 +3 TOTAL : 25,277 24,658 -2 CENTRO Print Audio I, 224 1,096 191 202 - 10 +6 TOZV4.L : 1,415 1,298 -8 GRAND TOTAL: 102 , 103 97,590 -4 REFERENCE QUESTIONS Centro Genealogy Children's Adult Online Branch 251 420 + 67 . 1,237 1,295 +5 2,665 2,642 -1 8,146 6,859 - 16 76 48 - 37 2,980 2,710 -9 TOTAL : 15 , 353 13,974 -9 MEDIA/GR?iPHICS PROJECTS Media Graphics 39 29 - 25 29 29 --- TOTAL : 68 58 - 15 Jan. 1996 Jan. - 1997 % Chanse 2.591 + 52 1,708 HOLDS PLACED PEOPLE COUNT (Daily Average) Centro Main Library Branch 108 1,791 739 103 -5 1,753 -2 NA NA TOTAL : 2,638 NA NA ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Genealogy Branch Children Centro Adult Centro Children Main Adult Main Childrsn 136 185 51 361 40 635 232 + 71 169 -9 38 - 25 254 - 30' 155 + 288 651 +3 TOT& : 1,408 1,499 +6 INTERLIBRARY LOANS Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad 136 103 3 10 84 173 + 27 111 + 6 .. 374 + 21 85 +1 NEW REGISTRATIONS Centro Main Library Branch 31 15 - 52 963 965 388 347 - 11 --- 1,382 1,327 -4 TOTAL : 1.907 1.575 - 17 ITEMS ADDED 1,047 1,239 + 18 ITEMS WITHDRAWN 2 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY STATISTICS February 1997 Feb. 1996 Feb . 1997 % Chanqe CIRCULATION MAIN LIBRARY Print Audio Video 49 , 754 47,359 7,857 7,264 11,291 8,441 -5 -8 - 25 TOTAL : 68 , 902 63 , 064 -8 BRANCH Print Audio Video 17,279 15 , 963 3 , 478 2,922 3,047 2,451 -8 - 16 - 20 TOTAL : 23 , 804 21,336 - 10 CENTRO Print Audio 1,065 1,023 196 188 -4 -4 TOTAL : GFAND TOTAL: 1,261 1,211 -4 93 , 967 85 , 611 -9 REFERENCE QUESTIONS Centro Genealogy Children's Adult On1 ine Branch 389 451 + 16 1,420 1,457 +3 1,990 2,211 + 11 7,813 6,037 - 23 46 24 - 48 2,657 1,966 - 26 14 , 315 12 , 146 - 15 TOTAL : MEDIA/GRAPHICS PROJECTS Media Graphics 33 26 - 21 36 31 - 14 TOTAL : 69 57 - 17 Feb. 1996 Feb. 1997 % Chanae 1,947 2,393 + 23 , HOLDS PLACED PEOPLE COUNT (Daily Average) 121 1,958 858 13 5 + 12 1,864 -5 83 8 -2 Centro Main Library Branch 2,937 2,837 -3 TOTAL : ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS Genealogy Branch Children Centro Adult Cent ro Children Main Adult Main Children 194 502 389 80 2,285 --- 212 +9 111 - 78 35 NA 205 - 47 225 + 181 693 - 70 3,450 1,481 - 57 TOTAL : INTERLIBRARY LOANS 117 102 167 45 12 8 +9 118 + 16 406 + 143 70 + 56 Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad NEW REGISTRATIONS Centro Main Library Branch 24 882 323 10 - 58 761 - 14 277 - 14 ._ 1,048 - 15 TOTAL : 1,229 1,584 + 40 ITEMS ADDED 1,135 882 + 24 711 ITEMS WITHDRAWN 2 r- Q) Q) r P 2 n m Q) L UJ Q) Q) L od UJ Q) E ii b N N In b m 0 m 0 m 2 8 8 9 T- Q) V E 3 UJ E E - > U