HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-09-17; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: SEPTEMBER 17,1997 TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER President L'Heureux called the meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: . Also Present: Library Board Trustees L'Heureux, Moss, Curtin and Harkins Trustee McCann Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Amour, Assistant Library Director Gene Barbour, Friends of the Library INTRODUCTION OF NEW TRUSTEE Library Director Cliff Lange began the meeting by introducing new Library Board Trustee William (Bill) Harkins. The rest of the Board welcomed him. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 20, 1997 were unanimously approved. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS Director Lange offered an explanation of the problem that Adult Learning is having with their phones and what is being done to solve it. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS Trustee Moss said the number of participants in the summer program seemed small to her, and she wondered if it met the goals which were established. Director Lange thought the numbers were good, and John Quartarone is also happy with them. Trustee Moss asked if the number participating was expected to increase at the new facility, and Director Lange answered yes. Assistant Director Amour said that the number of young adults participating is higher than normal, with 44 more than last year. There were also more participating at the Branch. Trustee Moss wants to see increases in children's participation at the library to keep them from staying only in front of their computers. Trustee Curtin inquired as to how the library should do that. Trustee Moss responded that it should be done through programs. Further discussion followed on encouraging children's participation. Library Board September 17, 1997 Page 2 NEW LIBRARY BUILDING UPDATE Director Lange reported that nine bids were received on construction of the new library. He passed out a handout showing results and pointed out the lowest bidder, FTR, Inc. in Irvine. Groundbreaking is tentatively scheduled for October 16 at 11:30. This will go to the City Council on October 7, or later if it slips for some reason. He will let them know as soon he can. Trustee Curtin asked if low bidder is frequently qualified like this. Director Lange answered yes, that this is the process. He explained the bidding process and that we should know more in a week. REPORT ON MEETING WITH ARCHITECTS AND INTERIOR DESIGNER Director Lange explained that the reason for the meeting with the architects and interior designer was to tie up loose ends on furniture, equipment, and he thought they were successful. He gave examples of what was accomplished; e.g.' A 36" round table being used instead of the small rectangular ones. The children's carpet design with bright letters and numbers in different colors; elevation issues; lighting compromise to avoid redesign but still use better fixtures. Assistant Director Armour said an issue that is still unresolved is carpet tiles vs. rolled carpet in the children's and other areas. Director Lange explained that the carpet tiles show the seams, but maintenance is in favor of them because they are easier to replace. President L'Heureux raised the topic of lounge chairs at Rancho Bemardo which would work well for our needs. Assistant Director Armour described the chairs which they had seen. President L'Heureux liked the leather on the arms of the chair, finding it attractive and comfortable. REPORT ON REGIONAL FORUM ON PROVIDING LIBRARY SERVICE TO CALIFORNIA'S 21 "-CENTURY POPU LATlO N Director Lange informed those present that two from our group had attended this forum (which was held at Scripps Ranch): President L'Heureux and Assistant Library Director Geoff Armour. Assistant Director Armour asked everyone to recall the state conference which he described at the last meeting. Seventy-five priorities came up. They were to vote on the top five of the 75. Local jurisdictions were not affected by these recommendations. The idea of promoting the value of libraries got the most support. President L'Heureux felt it was somewhat boring. Though it was good for library folk to come together, it was in many cases like preaching to the choir. She noticed that one item called it a "female" profession. Trustee Harkins asked if someone had primed the pump on the issues and whether there was a spread of viewpoints. Assistant Director Armour responded that there were about 50 in attendance from a variety of types of libraries. Trustee Harkins inquired further as to whether they were able to make any changes. Assistant Director Armour said no. Trustee Moss asked if those in attendance found it interesting. Assistant Director Armour described it further. He also mentioned that they stopped at the Rancho Bernard0 library on the way back. He believes that these two libraries are the best in the county, so it was a worthwhile trip. Trustee Curtin asked for the results of this forum. Assistant Director Armour responded that he will pass on the final report when it comes out. Library Board September 17, 1997 Page 3 LIBRARY ANNUAL REPORT TO THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY Director Lange requested that the Board direct their questions on the report to Assistant Director Armour. Trustee Curtin asked whether anything was very different from before. Assistant Director Armour said there had been a drop in numbers of things borrowed and discussed possible reasons for the decline. Director Lange added that he still thinks a major driver of this is the economy, explaining why this is true. Discussion followed on other reasons why some numbers are down. We still need to convince people we are providing a service. President L'Heureux asked what ADA accommodations would be for dyslexic people. No one present knew. CONSIDERATION OFA SUPPORT POSITION FOR THE FORMATION OF A SAN DIEGO CENT SALES TAX MEASUREON THE JUNE, 1998 PRIMARY ELECTION BALLOT COUNTY LIBRARY AUTHORITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF PLACING A ONE-QUARTER- Director Lange said that no action had been taken on this yet, but it is scheduled to go before the City Council on October 7. He wants the Library Board to go on record in support of the measure. Trustee Curtin asked for clarification of what is required to show their support. Director Lange answered that nothing is required except that their vote be on'record. Trustee Harkins asked if this would create more bureaucracy. Director Lange responded that it would not. Trustee Moss inquired as to whether the money, if collected, would go into an endowment or a trust fund. Director Lange said it would become an endowment. He added that the San Diego's Taxpayers' Association is also being solicited for support. Trustee Curtin moved that the Board support the measure. Trustee Moss seconded the motion, which was then camed unanimously by the Board. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Joan Moss nominated Thomas Curtin for President of the Library Board for the coming year. Ann L'Heureux seconded the motion, which was then carried unanimously by the Board. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Library Director Cliff Lange reported that the Southeast Quadrant Meeting will be next Tuesday, and he is on the agenda to give an update on the new library. He has chosen about 30 slides to use in his presentation. Director Lange then went on to inform the Board that the City is reorganizing itself following the retirement of David Bradstreet. He explained the Task Force structure and that he is also on the Reorganization Design Team, chairing the Community Services Reorganization Task Force. Only two and a half weeks have been allotted to do this, and the next meeting is on Monday. He gave the history of prior City reorganizations, and he shared his confidence that the plan will work and improve functions within the city. Director Lange then told the Board that he wants to do an agenda bill to appoint another Serra Advisory Board representative, now that Woody is no longer active. He has had the Board recommend one of themselves to be a representative in the past, and it could also be someone from the public. He personally prefers the representative to be a Board member who is knowledgeable about the issues The role of the representative would be to advise the Serra Administrative Council on issues. They met six times last year, every other month for half a day. The Serra Planning Retreat will be October 27 and 28, and it would be helpful to have the Library Board September 17,1997 Page 4 appointment prior to that so the new representative could attend the retreat.. He then asked if there were any volunteers from the Board. Ann L'Heureux expressed an interest in serving in this capacity. There was general consent among the Trustees to her appointment to the Serra Advisory Board. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Director Lange introduced Gene Barbour, who is the liaison between the Library Board and the Friends of the Library. Mr. Barbour said that the Friends' newsletter, Writ of Love, should have come in the mail yesterday. He also mentioned that the book sale is coming on October 4 and passed out flyers. Ann L'Heureux welcomed him, saying it was nice to have a liaison again. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY On behalf of the Genealogical Society, Director Lange told the Board that the Society will be having a yard sale in conjunction with the Library's book sale on October 4. Last time they were on the same day by accident, but it worked out very well, so this time they are on the same day by design. Assistant Director Armour added that there will be a book signing at this event by Johnny McKaig, a local author who has written a history of Carlsbad. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD No report. PUBLIC COMMENT None. ADJOURNMENT The Regular Meeting of September 17, 1997, was adjourned at 4:OO P.M. Respectfully submitted, Rebecca DiGangi Ad mini st rative Secretary ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM Monthly Report August 1997 1. New Staff Member Elaine Lindsey-Paek began work as a part-time Library Technician on August 1 1. Elaine had been with the Adult Learning Program for the previous 8 weeks, as a federally-fimded Summer Associate for Literacy, with a primary focus on youth literacy. She is being trained now to assist Program Coordinator Lynda Jones and staff member Shirley Taylor in providing support to tutors and learners, as well as administrative support duties. Elaine will also be involved in exploring adding a youth literacy component to this program in the future. 2. Stratepic Planning Nearly all the objectives set in the Adult Learning Program’s 1995 strategic plan have been completed. On August 19, therefore, a new strategic planning process was begun, facilitated by Caroline W. Scott and Associates, a consulting firm helping corporations and nonprofit agencies deal with literacy issues. 3. Streamlininp and Documenting Procedures Coordinator Lynda Jones began in August an extensive overhaul and documentation of administrative procedures and recordkeeping. This will likely take several months to complete. 4. Expandin? Commter Lab On August 13, City workers helped program staff reconfigure all the furniture in the training classroom so that 2 new computer stations could be set up in that room. These 2 stations are networked with the 4 stations in the computer lab and will allow more tutoring pairs to use the instructional software simultaneously. They will also be used during tutor trainings. Since moving the 6 storage cupboards in the room required emptying them, it was a great chance to houseclean and eliminate items no longer needed. Volunteer Randy Scott also began testing installation of Internet access in the computer lab. 5. Phone Calls for Librarv Pacific Bell’s “41 1 Information” computer was recently programmed so that when a caller requests the phone number of the Carlsbad Library, they are given the Adult Learning Program’s number. Some days, almost half the calls answered in this office must be transferred to the library. Additionally, patrons are leaving complicated voice mail messages with reference questions on the office voice mail. Pacific Bell and the City’s Information Systems have been notified, but so far the problem remains, causing increasing drain on the program’s staff. 6. Adult Learning Program Collection In August, small color-coded shelf labels were added to all the shelves in the Adult Learning Program’s collection in the Main Library, identifling the collection’s major sections. Adult Learning Program staff have for 13 years reshelved all circulated materials from this collection. In August they oriented Circulation staff to the collection to enable Circulation staff to assume responsibility for reshelving and shelf-reading in the collection starting in September. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY CENTRO DE INFORMACION Monthly Report August 1997 1.- Children's Prouramminq - Summer Readinq Proqram On August lst, the Centro ended the Summer Reading Program with 149 children enrolled. On August 2, in conjunction with the Children's Department at the Main Library, children celebrated the end of the program with a party at the Harding Community Center Auditorium. On August 8, at the City Council Chambers, 15 children from the Centro received awards and prizes for their outstanding participation in the Summer Reading Program. 2.- Facility Space at Centro Ue Informaci6n During the month of August Centro Staff have been working to create space at the Centro de Informacih for more books. These tasks included moving furniture, dismantling and reconstructing bookcases, and cleaning. Staff were also preparing materials for the regular Bilingual Storyhours that will begin in September. 3.- Miurant Services Network On August 19, Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson attended a meeting at the Consulate General of Mexico. The purpose of the meeting was to inform the organizations that work with Hispanic communities in the North San Diego County area about the latest changes in immigration laws and welfare reforms. The Consulate provided all the organizations pamphlets and booklets, in simple language, to help inform the community about these issues. . CHILDmN’S DIVISION MONTHLY STATEMENT AUGUST 1997 It was a wild and woolly Summer Reading Program at all three locations. Centro had 149 participants with 15 YA’s. The Branch Library’s total was 603 with 35 YA’s. At the Main Library we had 1,029 and 108 YA’s. The system total this year was 1,781 compared to last year’s 1,745. There were 44 more YA’s than last year. We are very pleased at the showing of YA interest in the Summer Reading Program. We feel that the incentives, programs and the return of many teens from last year helped increase the participation. We also had an increase of twelve over the 32 last year in our volunteer program which includes 6* graders and up. At all three locations there was a total of 53 programs with the combined attendance of 3,016. Programs that were especially popular with both parents and children were the Library SleepOver, the Teen Campfire Program, the Home Depot Make- A-Boat program, and the Batiquitos Lagoon nature hike. The Awards program for Summer Reading Program is always a big thrill for the winners and their families. One new aspect of the event was the program created by Linda Rockafellow of Graphic Arts. This program provided a souvenir for the winners and was also a way of thanking the many sponsors and the volunteers. Children’s staff start planning and working for the Summer Reading Program in midwinter, so there is great satisfaction, as well as relief, when the program runs smoothly. The closer summer comes, the harder the staff works to have everything ready in time. The theme for next year has been announced as being “Folk and Fairy Tales Around the World”, with a special emphasis on multiculturalism. Soon the Children’s staff will be working with that theme for a great Summer Reading Program 1998. As soon as Summer Reading Program was over, staff resumed the weeding projects that were started during the Christmas holiday season. Since these two periods are the times when we can find more of our books in, they are best for weeding outdated materials. There has been a major weeding of the science sections, which tend to become outdated more rapidly than other sections. Staff have also weeded video and audio sections and will be weeding the rest of non-fiction and fiction during September. This is the time when we uncover books that have gone missing, as well as books that are damaged or too worn for further use. As we run out of space in this library, weeding will assume an ever more important role in managing the collection. Children's Division Monthly Statistics Date: AUEllST 1997 Circulation for Month: 14 , 922 Reference Questions: 1.11 1 Total Number of Programs: 4 Total Attendence: 265 Number of Preschool Programs: 2 Preschool Attendence: 30 Number of School Age Programs: 2 School Age Attendence: 235 Storyhours: 1 Storyhour, 15 children & adults Other Programs: Summer Reading Program Party, 150 chi 1 dren & adul ts Summer Reading Program,Awards, 85 children & adults Class & Group Tours of the Library: 1 group , 15 chi 1 dren Staff Visits to Schools: Requests from Branch: 46 Volunteer HOUS: 5 Internet Use: 24 Meetings Attended By Staff. 8/6 - John, Oral Board at CUSD 8/20 - Linda, Division Heads'meeting 8/28 - John, Final review for new library with architects COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITIONS STATISTICS REPORT August 1997 Fi s cal Year PMS C Total to Date Current Month ----_----- -_________ ----____- _________ Items Received B&T Direct _______------- ---------- -------___ ----_____ _________ __________ Books - Adult Main 295 147 442 1,084 Branch 130 12 142 263 Centro 0 13 13 18 subtotal 425 172 597 1,365 Books - Children Main 17 3 Branch 11 30 Centro 0 3 subtotal 28 36 Audio - Adult Audio - Children 58 57 2 23 . 20 159 41 180 3 5 64 34 4 115 291 25 26 Video 24 16 42 82 201 Total Received 537 304 42 883 2,227 Orders Requests (items) 13 103 822 2,219 B & T = Baker & Taylor PMSC = Professional Media Services Corporation Genealogy & Local History Division Fiscal Year 1997/1998 Statistics August 1997 Research activity: August 1997 August 1996 FY1997/98 to date Reference questions 1,338 1,435 2,575 Registered researchers 1,135 1,285 2,116 Circulation 21 3 190 391 Holdings: Added Added Added August 1997 Fy1997/98 FY1996/97 Genealogy Non-Circ 20 75 632 Genealogy Circ -1 -34 41 Microfilm 7 9 41 1 0 0 5,054 Microfiche CD 0 -8 20 to date .I Activities with the North San Diego County Genealogy Society: Volunteer hours Programs Program attendance NSDCGS donations FY1996/ 97 15,549 11,122 2,025 Total 17,123 903 7,286 1 10,246 202 August 1997 August 1996 Total 1997 Total 1996 48 55 406 44 1 5 4 40 44 158 182 1,596 1,561 $771.1 0 $1,003.00 $9,281.09 $1 8,285.00 to date .-- Distribution of researchers: Carlsbad San Diego County Los Angeles County Orange County Riverside County San Bernardino County Other California Counties Alabama Arizona Arkansas Colorado Connecticut Florida Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania South Dakota Tennessee Texas. Utah Washington Washington, D.C. West Virginia Wisconsin Guam Belgium England Germany Ireland Mexico Russia Total August, 1997 Fy1997/98 165 309 770 1,457 25 54 85 151 45 58 9 15 10 17 0 0 6 17 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 .5 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 2 3 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 4 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -. 0 0 0 0 0 1: 0 0 1,135 2,109 0 >O z FY1996/97 1,852 7,533 222 689 248 76 124 1 96 11 9 3 15 1 3 6 1 2 3 3 3 10 10 7 16 22 2 1 2 12 3 6 5 38 2 4 3 18 0 30 4 1 4 1 1 1 3 1 13 1 11,122 LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST 1997 AUGUST ClRCULATlON Branch circulation totaled 22,263 for the month. Of this total, 11,453 adult items, 8,080 children’s items, 2,688 video tapes and 42 CD ROMS circulated. This was and average of 891 items each day, or 82 items hourly. Even though the daily circulation increased 2% over August of 1996, the total circulation dropped 6%. In August of 1996, the library was open 12 hours more due to the way Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays fell that month. With less hours in August this year, the circulation statistics are deceptively low. USERS This month’s total user count was 17,275. An average of 691 people visited daily. The hourly rate was 64. Compared to August 1996 the total user count decreased 12%. Again, the number of hours in the month needs to be taken into consideration. CHILDREN’S Summer Reading Program closed with a well attended awards ceremony honoring all 603 participants. 35 of those participants were teenagers. With the major event of the summer closed early in the month, the Branch Children’s Coordinator began gearing up for the school year. Books are being ordered, the collection is being weeded of out-ofdate materials and programs for the fall are being planned. STAFF In this year‘s budget, a new position to head the circulation area was approved. A new Library Assistant will be chosen to become Circulation Supervisor to supervise, schedule, train and promote a better understanding of library policy and procedure among circulation staff. When the Branch was a smaller operation, this could be done by the Branch manager, but as the operation has grown and developed, so has the need to have a supervisor in this very critical position. Interviews are scheduled for the first week of September. LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST 1997 C I RC U LATlO N Item Hrs/Davs Children’s Vols. Children’s A.V. Adult Vols. Adult A.V. Video Tapes CD ROMS Total 272 I25 Circulation Circ. Hr/Dav 7,551 8,601 2,852 2,688 42 22,263 82 / 891 529 , - Reference Questions: Adult 1,824 291 Total 2,115 Children’s - Periodicals: CD ROMS Registrations: 449 Carlsbad: 207 Total: 301 Non Resident: - 94 VOLUNTEERS Proiect Hours Number of Volunteers Magazines 45 Clerical 12 Summer Reading Prog. - 24 Total 81 11 I - 8 20 LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST 1997 USERS . Users H rslDavs Users Der Hour/Dav 17,275 82 1891 64 I691 PROGRAM ATTENDANCE Proaram Attendance & Aae No. of Proarams Preschool Storyhours 128 3-5 years old 4 1 Summer Reading Programs 150 2-1 6 - Total 278 children 5 LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST 1997 STATISTIC COMPARISON Collection Aua. 1996 Aua. 1997 Comparison % Children’s Vols. 7,806 7,551 (-255) ( -3 ) Children’s A.V. 537 529 (- 8) ( -1 1 Adult Vols. 9,384 8,601 (-783) ( -8 ) CD ROMS - Adult A.V. 2,839 2,852 + 13 ( -.5) Video Tapes 3,038 2,688 (-350) (-12 ) c--- ---- 42 ----- Total 23,604 22,263 (-1,341) (-6 Circulation per Hour 83 82 (-1 ) (-1) Circulation per Day 874 891 +I 7 +2 USERS Auaust 1996 Auaust I997 Comparison % 19,540 17,275 (-2 , 265) (-1 2) 69 724 USES EACH HOUR 64 (-5) (-7) USERS EACH DAY 691 (-33) (-5) 97-98 Media Graphics Form Count (This month) 22,365 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC (last month) 29,336 (Y.T.D.) 51,701 GRAND TOTAL REFERENCE ACTIVITIES FOR AUGUST, 1997 Reference Questions totaled 5,608 during the month of August, a decrease of 837over last year. Reserves totaled 2,340, a decrease of 36. Online Searches totaled 463, an increase of 448 over last year. This figure includes Public Internet Access sign-ups, which totaled 407 during the month of August. Interlibrary Loans totaled 109 items received and 84 items were sent to other libraries. Also in August, there were 451 questions answered at the Information Desk. This total was down 352 questions from August, 1996. During the month of August, there were: 3 Library Skills Classes, 1 Job Search Class and 1 ESL Library Tour. On August 5, the Reference Staff viewed a demo about enhanced features on the Windows version of the American Business Disc and Phone Disc USA. There was a Reference Materials Selection Meeting on August 7, during which $796.00 was spent on new titles and $1414.00 was spent on updates. Callie Ahrens attended an IIE Meeting on August 12. Suzanne Smithson represented the library at a SERRA Young Adult Committee Meeting on August 14. On August 18, Char Kennedy attended a city-wide Records Management Committee Meeting, representing the Library. Penny Thompson and Char Kennedy attended a meeting with the architects and interior decorator of the new Library on August 28. Technical Services Report August 1997 In August, Technical Services staff added 988 new print items and 233 audiovisual items to the library’s collection. They deleted 1,597 print items and 288 audiovisual items from the database. This number of deletions is higher than usual. The primary reason was the UPS strike; due to the sudden decrease in new materials being received, the staff had more time to remove outdated and lost materials from the database. Patrons used home computers to dial into the library catalog 260 times. The “patron placed holds” feature of our Inlex system, where patrons can place their own holds at any public terminal, continues to be heavily used. In August, 29% of all patron holds were placed by the patrons themselves, rather than by staff. On August 26* and 27”, the old laser barcode wands, which have been in use since 1987, were replaced at the Circulation Desks by new laser scanners. These scanners are mounted on a stand and can read barcodes hands free, but can also be removed fiom their stands and operated manually if necessary. The scanners are faster than the old wands, are more accurate, and reduce the repetitive motion of sweeping the wand over the barcode labels. Four scanners were installed at the Main Library, and two were installed at the Branch. CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY SPECIAL SURVEY 1997 Please handwrite, plainly, or type the answers to the four questions below. They represent requests we have received in this last year for which we had no data to respond. Please return this form with your 1997 Public Library Annual Report. Name OfLibrary: CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Name of contact re these answers: GEOFF ARMOUR Phone # of contact: (760) 434-2889 1.a. Does your library provide any special ADA accommodations for persons with dyslexia? If Yes, please provide an example of such an accommodation (e.g. volunteer readers, longer loan periods, etc.) that your library provides. No Yes/No b. 2. Do you currently have one or more non-profit foundations specifically to support your library? Yes YesiNo 3. Do you have an up-to-date plan of service for your library? No YesiNo (i.e. library plan, not building plan or program) If possible, please forward to us a copy of your current library plan. 4. What current library building needs have you formally assessed and documented? Type o f Need Number of Pr- Approximate Square Footage Involved 1 64,000 New facility(s) Expand existing facility(s) Remodel existing facility(s) 1 25,000 Remodel AND Expand existing facility(s) Other (Specify) PLEASE DO NOT FOLD OR STAPLE 3. Street Address. California State Library Federal-State Cooperative System for Public Library Data 4. Mailing Address. CALLFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT 1997 II II I1 #I 5. Public Phone. (760) 434-2870 REPORT YEAR equals Fiscal Year 1996-97 ending June 30,1997 6. Reference Phone. (760) 431-2871 Library Development Services PO Box 942837 Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 Martha Ortiz (916) 653-5772 9. FAX Phone. (760) 729-2050 Due August 31. 1997 M616 DCR - BASE Car 1 sbad Code: P Table: 4 10. TDD for Deaf. (760) 431-8113 Type or Handwrite Changes on this page. DIRECTORY UPDATE 11. Size Sq. Miles. 40.00 13. State Senate. 38 1. Library. Carlsbad City Libraly 12. House Dist. 43 14. Assembly. 74 16. ILL Period: #Weeks. 2 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad 17. ILL Photocopy free up to 10 pages? N 92008-1 991 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad 92008-1991 7. Library Director's INTERNET e-mail Address. ~ 7,a. Library's INTERNET e-mail Address. clang@ci. carlsbad. ea. us ~~~~~ 18. Copy fee. ONLY if answer to #17 is No; otherwise, leave blank. .I O/page 19. Schedule of Main Library Service Hours. M-Th 9-9; F,S 9-5. GEOFF ARMOUR (760) 434-2889 NAME OF CONTACT FOR QUE REPORT DATA (Type or Print) Phone # of Contact Signature of Library Director. Date. ?,h&/s,.l CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markdcomments on page. POPULATION and OUTLETS 20 1. Pop. Children Age 0-5 203. Pop. Children Age 6-14 205. Registered Borrowers as of June 30. 206. Children Borrowers Age 0-14 207. Main Library. 208. Branches. 209. Stations. (if open for public service) (at least 1400 sq. ft. 7000 vols) 210. Bookmobiles. Vehicle count. 211. Other Outlets, Deposits. 212. Hours per week Main Library is open. LIBRARY STAFF 25 1. Total count of persons employed. full and part time. (PERSONS NOT FTE) 252. ALA Librarians.(Full Time Equivalent) 253. FTE Total Librarians (ALA or other.) 2 5 4. FTE Special Professionals who have accredited ALA Masters. 255. FTE Lib. Tech. Assistants. 25 6 . FTE other. 257. FTE Volunteers, Average FTE per week (not hours) Response for FY 1995-96 Carlsbad Type Response for 1996/97 in box below. 100. 616 201. 203. 205. 206. 207. 1 208. 1 209. 1 210. 0 211. 0 5 I 500 7 I 400 82 I 721 15 I 200 212. 64.00 251. 12 5 252. 15.56 253. 15.56 254. 3.24 255. 14.25 256. 28.34 257. 8.00 100. 201. 203. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 616 5,700 7,700 1 1 1 0 0 64 129 16.20 16.20 3.24 13.54 29.39 8.00 Page 2 QST-STAT DCR - STAT ~ For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markslcomments on page. M616 Carlsbad INCOME Report whole dollars only, omit cents. Enter funds for operational expenses, and for capital outlay. 30 1. Local Government: 302. State funds: 303. Federal funds: 304. Other Income. 305. Special District Augmentation funds for counties and districts. 306. Gifts, Fines, Fees 307. Contract Payments. 308. Capital Outlay. taxes and allocations. (includes $‘s from 305. & 307.) CLSA and PLF. LSCA or other. (includes $3 detailed in 306, below.) and local fund raising. from another jurisdiction. Response for FY 1995-96 100. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 616 2 , 475,040 321,200 0 147,500 0 251,476 0 0 Page 3 QST - STAT Type Response for 1996197 in box below. 100. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 616 2 , 551,352 341 , 200 0 248,764 0 248,764 0 22,250 DCR STAT - CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 Carlsbad For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markdcomments on page. STANDARD OPERATING EXPENDITURES Local, State and Federal funds. 40 1. Salaries. 402. Benefits. 403. Print Materials. 404. Current Serial Subscriptions. 405. Microforms. If paid by Library. 406. Audiovisual materials. 407 . Library Materials in Electronic Formats 408. Other materials. 409. Operating Expenditures for Electronic Access 410. AI1 other Operating Expenditures. 4 11. Capital ouff ay. Include sites, buildings, vehicles, original equipment. Response for FY 1995-96 100. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 616 1,623,811 338,776 181,015 100,578 40,261 109 , 425 0 556 , 560 9 , 460 Type Rsponse for 1996197 in box below. 100. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 616 1 , 663,465 353,202 227 , 947 121,658 35 I 200 79,800 13,400 0 479,238 39,511 Page 4 QST STAT - DCR STAT - CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 Carlsbad For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markdcomments on page. ~~ ~~ EXPENDITURES - Detail 50 1. Postage and Delivery. 502. Telephone and Other 503. Contracted Computer Services. Telecommunications. 504. Online Database Searching. 505. Preservation. 506. Expenditure for Children's 507. Adult Literacy Program. Materials. 508. Transfer to CityKounty divisions for services: mint, accounting, etc. 509. Payments for Contract Service to another jurisdiction. 5 10. Estimate of Services & Supplies benefiting the library that were paid for by other City/County Division for report year. PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND 5 11. Amount of PLF funds included in 5 12. PLF expended for Library Materials. Total Operating Expenditure. 5 13. PLF expended for Personnel. 5 14. Hours of service provided by PLF-paid Personnel. 5 15 . PLF expended on General Operating 5 16. PLF expended on Special Projects. budget. 5 17. PLF difference from Allocation. Response for FY 1995-96 100. 616 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 13 , 986 22 , 819 34,300 1,754 15 897 60,625 119 772 24,259 6,500 220 , 000 27 , 458 0 0 0.00 27 , 458 0 4,918 Type Response for 1996/97 in box below. 100. 616 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. Page 5 QST - STAT DCR STAT - CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 Cads bad For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markslcomments on page. COLLECTIONS. All entries are annual for fiscal year, and are in units or items. 601. Books Added Cataloged. 602. Books AdultlYA Added Cataloged. 603. Books Added Uncataloged. 604. Children's Books. 605. Children's Books. 606. Books Total Held as of June 30. Added, Cataloged. Added, Uncataloged. 607. Books Children Held as of June 30. 608. Books AduWYA Held as of June 30. 609. Leased Books. Inventory on hand. 6 10. Government Documents in separate collections. 6 11. Microfilm (reels). 6 12. Microforms (not microfilm). 6 13. Children's Audio Materials held as of June 30. 6 14. Total Audio Materials. 615. Films. 6 16. Children's Video Materials held as of June 30. 6 17 . Total Video Materials. 6 18. Number of Current Periodical 619. Book Titles Added (Cataloged) and Serial Subscriptions. 620. CD-ROMs Data disks only, 62 1. Other (non CD-ROM) Library Materials 622. Serial Volumes not AudiolVideo or public catalog. in Electronic Formats. held as of June 30. Response for FY 1995-96 100. 616 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. 12 , 658 8,685 0 3 , 973 0 225,249 54 , 469 170,780 0 0 9,504 250,362 2,588 15,947 0 2,523 13 , 298 1,161 8,298 14 0 Page 6 QST STAT Type Response for 1996197 in box below. 100. 616 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. 14,826 10,426 0 4 , 400 0 229 , 998 56,236 173 , 762 0 0 10,014 260,536 2 , 752 16,663 0 2,449 12,984 1,170 9,521 83 DCR STAT - CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 Carlsbad For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markskomments on page. NON-ENGLISH LANGUAGES Print Materials ADDED as of June 30. 701. Armenian 702. Chinese 703. French 704. German 705. Hmong 706. Italian 707 . Japanese 708. Korean 709. Laotian 710. Russian 711. Spanish 7 12. Vietnamese Print Materials HELD as of June 30. 751. Armenian 752. Chinese 753. French 754. German 755. Hmong 756. Italian 7 5 7 . Japanese 758. Korean 759. Laotian 760. Russian 761. Spanish 7 6 2 . Vietnamese Page 7 Response for FY 1995-96 100. 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. 757. 758. 759. 760. 761. 762. 616 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,824 QST - LANG Type Response for 1996/97 in box below. 100. 616 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. 757. 759. 760. 761. 762. 758. 518 7,139 DCR LANG - CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 Carlsbad For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markdcomments on page. ~ _______~ LIBRARY SERVICES, ANNUAL. 801. Total Public Service Hours. 802. Attendance in Library. 803. Reference Questions. Omit Directional. 804. Online Database Searches. 805. Circulation of Children's Materials. 806. Circulation Non-English. 807 . Circulation Non-Book. 808. Total Circulation. 809. Children's Circ as Percent of Total Circulation. 810. In-Library use of Materials. 811. ILL loans to others. 812. ILL loans received. 813. Pre-School Programs. Number. 8 14 . Pre-School Programs. Attendance. 8 15. School Age Programs. Number. 816. School Age Programs. Attendance. 817. Adult Programs. Number. 8 18. Adult Programs. Attendance. 819. Total Programs. Number. 820. Total Programs. Attendance. Page 8 Response for FY 1995-96 100. 616 801. 802. 803. 804. 805. 806. 807. 808. 809. 810. 811. 812. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 7,852 789,925 160,904 647 350,425 26,673 289,745 1,117,786 31.30 0 749 1,258 280 6,504 305 11,083 75 3,609 616 21,196 Type Response for 1996/97 in box below. 100. 616 801. 802. 803. 804. 805. 806. 807. 808. 809. 810. 811. 812. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 7,852 780,000 153,967 1 , 240 333 , 737 21,638 272,374 1,081,210 30.90 966 1 , 325 266 6,595 265 9,200 83 3,753 614 19,548 QST STAT - DCR-STAT CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 Carlsbad For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other mwkdcomments on page. SALARY SURVEY. Survey is of monthly ranges for selected classifications. Leave sections blank if inappropriate. But do not divide sections or add new ones. List monthly ranges, whole dollars only, omit cents. 901. Director (monthly rate) 902. Director (monthly rate) 903. Assistant Dir. 904. Assistant Dir. 905. Chief Lib. Div. 906. Chief Lib. Div. 907. Branch Libn. 908. Branch Libn. 909. Librarian 9 10. Librarian 911. Lib. Tech. Asst. 9 12. Lib. Tech. Asst. 9 13. Clerk Non-Pro. (Beginning) Begin Final Begin Final Begin Final Begin Final Begin Final Begin Find Begin (general clerical; no library skills requirement) 9 14. Clerk Non-Pro. (Beginning) Final 915. Mgr. of Spec. Service. (non-MLS) Begin 916. Mgr. of Spec. Service. (non-MLS) Final (e.g. Literacy, A-V, or I&R Specialist) Page 9 Response for N 1995-96 100. 616 901. 902. 903. 904. 905. 906. 907. 908. 909. 910. 911. 912. 913. 914. 915. 916. 5,937 7,577 4,630 5,909 3,131 3,807 3,131 3,807 2,323 3,278 2 , 022 3,120 1 , 640 2,117 2,617 3,183 Type Response for 1996/97 in box below. 100. 616 901. 902. 903. 904. 905. 906. 907. 908. 909. 910. 911. 912. 913. 914. 915. 916. 5 , 937 7,577 4,630 5,909 3,172 3,857 3,172 4,050 2,353 3,322 2,048 3,161 1,662 2,143 2,652 3 , 224 QST - SALR DCR SALR - CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 Carlsbad For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Responses in indicated area ONLY, Avoid other markskomments on page. ELECTRONIC SERVICES INTERNET ACCESS FOR YOUR LIBRARY 851. Library has access to the Internet for electronic mail? (0 = No; 1 = Yes) 852. Library has access for other Internet services ;LS well as e-mail? (e.g. Telnet, gopher, ftp, FW, etc.) (0= No; 1 = Yes) INTERNET AVAILABILITY (Answer 853. only if your answer to 852 is 1 (Yes)) 853. Under what circumstances is Internet access available? ... if ONLY to library staff (no patron access), type 1. ... if patrons have access but ONLY through ... if patrons can have their own direct use staff, type 2. or can access through staff intermediary, at their own option, type 3. OTHER ELECTRONIC SERVICES 856. Is direct patron access to other electronic services available? (e.g. bibliographic & full text databases; multimedia products) (0 = No; 1 = Yes) 100. 851. 852. 853. 856. Response for FY 1995-96 616 1 1 2 0 Type Response for N 1996J97 in box below. 100. 851. 852. 853. 855. 856. 616 1 1 3 1 Page 10 d95auto CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT FOR : M6 16 Carlsbad NEW MOBILE LIBRARIES. Use this page to report NEW vehicles. Report Year N 1996197 FILE DCR-BKMB I Boolanobile's Housing Address - Street: ~~ Type: (B)ookmobile (T)railer (Wan : City: Zip + 4: Phone: 0 Cite example. L Chassis Manufacturer. Length. Book Capacity in Volumes. Total miles traveled per year. Number of individual Stops. Total hours per month in public service. (omit travel time) Staffing in full-time equivalent: Librarians on vehicle. FTE. Driverlclerks on vehicle. FTE. Support Staff off vehicle. FTE. Total materials circulation per year. Yearly operating and maintenance cost. (fuel, maintenance, repair, labor and parts) Page 11 California State Library FederaEState Cooperative System for Public Library Data CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1997 Outlets Survey Due August 31,1997 Mail to: Library Development Services Po Box 942837 Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 Martha 0162 (916) 653-5772 Carlsbad M616 CA0020.001 1. Outlet: Cadbad City Umty 2. Director: Cfifford E. Lunge 3. Title: Director 4. Street Address: 5. Mail Address: 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive 1250 Carlsbad Villag 6. City: Carlsbad 7. Mail City: Carlsbad 8. County: San Diego County 9. Zip: 92008-1991 10. Mail Zip: 92008-1991 11. Public Phone: (760) 434-2870 Ext: 12. FAX Phone: (760) 729-2050 13. Type of Outlet: a BR = Branch; ST = Station; CE = Central Library; OT = Other Outlet 0 = Not in MSA; 1 = In city limits of the central city of an MSA; 2 = In an MSA, but not w/in the central city limits. 14. MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) Status: 2 CITY *City = CITY *county = CNTY *Special District = SPDT *Public School = PSCH *Other Public Agency = PUAG *Private AgencyPersonIetc. = PRIV *Multiple = MULT 16. Degree of Adequacy of this Scale: 1 =Poor to lO=Excellent Facility: 2 17. This Facility is in need of: RMEX 'Remodel & Exp = RMEX *Remodeling = RMDL *Expansion = EXPN *Replacement = RPLC CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1997 M616 Carlsbad Outlet Name: Carlsbad City Library 11 For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding I1 ~ype ~espo- in-indicated area ONLY, WHERE THE DATA ON FILE IS CORRECT, YOU MAY LEAVE THE UPDATE/ II 11 CORRECTIONS COLUMN BLANK. 285. Population Served By Outlet. 286. Total Outlet Staff, in FTE. 287. Hours Open, Weekly. 2 8 8 . Hours Open, A~ually. 289. Total Number of Volumes Held by Outlet. 290. Total Annual Circulation by Outlet. 2 9 1 . Total Outlet Operating Expenditure. 292. Year in which Outlet was Originally Built. 293. Year in which Outlet was Remodeled. 294. Size of Outlet, in sq. ft. 295 . Number of Reader Seats in Outlet. 296 . Days per week outlet is open to the public. 297. Staffed when open to public by at least 1 paid librarian & 1 paid clerical? (0 = No; 1 = Yes) 2 9 8. Housed in separate quarters? 299. Established schedule of hours for public service? (0 = No; 1 = Yes) (0 = No; 1 = Yes) Page 2 Data Currently On File 100. 616 120. 0020.001 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 68,100 50.53 64 3,328 177,636 827,956 2,692,930 1967 1982 24,600 152 0 0 0 0 Update/Corrections For 1996/97 100. 120. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 616 0020.001 69 I 000 53.95 179,525 793 I 886 2,631,390 6 1 1 1 Type, above, ONLY data that is different from previous year's value. If unchanged, you do not need to type data for that element, above. QST-OWL DCR OUTL - California State Library Federal-State Cooperative System for Public Library Data 16. Degree of Adequacy of this Scale: 1 =Poor to lO=Excellent Facility: 2 CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1997 17. This Facility is in need of *Remodel & Exp = RMEX *Remodeling = RMDL "Expansion = EXPN *Replacement = RPLC Outlets Survey Due August 31,1997 Mail to: Library Development Services Po Box 942837 Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 Martha Orti2 (916) 653-5772 Carlsbad M616 CA0020.003 1. Outlet: Centro de Infonnacion 2. Director: Lizeth Simonson 3. Title: Supervisor 4. Street Address: 5. Mail Address: 3333 Hading St, Room I1 3333 Hading St. #I1 6. City: Cadsbad 7. Mail City: Carlsbad 8. County: San Diego County 9. Zip: 92008-2424 10. Mail Zip: 92008-2424 11. Public Phone: (760) 729-6907 Ext: 12. FAX Phone: 13. Type of Outlet: ST BR = Branch; ST = Station; CE = Central Library; OT = Other Outlet 0 = Not in MSA; 1 = In city limits of the central city of an MSA; 2 = In an MSA, but not w/in the central city limits. 14. MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) Status: 2 15. This Facility is Owned by: PSCH *city = CITY *county = CNTY *Special District = SPDT *Public School = PSCH *Other Public Agency = PUAG *Private AgencyPersonIetc. = PRIV .*Multiple = MULT I I I CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1997 M616 Carlsbad Outlet Name: Centro de Information For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding 285. Population Served By Outlet. 286. Total Outlet Staff, in EE. 287. Hours Open, Weekly. 288. Hours Open, A~ually. 289. Total Number of Volumes Held by Outlet. 290. Total Annual Circulation by Outlet. 29 1. Total Outlet Operating Expenditure. 292. Year in which Outlet was Originally Built. 293. Year in which Outlet was Remodeled. 294. Size of Outlet, in sq. ft. 2 9 5 . Number of Reader Seats in Outlet. 296. Days per week outlet is open to the public. 297. Staffed when open to public by at least 1 paid librarian & 1 paid clerical? (0 = No; 1 = Yes) 298. Housed in separate quarters? (0 = No; 1 = Yes) 299. Established schedule of hours for public service.? (0 = No; 1 = Yes) Data Currently On File 100. 616 120. 0020.003 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 10,Ooo 1.71 23 1,196 2,623 14,167 86,741 1957 900 34 0 0 0 0 UpdatelCorrections For 1996197 ~~ ~ 100. 616 120. 0020.003 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 2,759 13,979 63,039 5 0 1 1 Type, above, ONLY data that is different from previous year's value. If unchanged, you do not need to type data for that element, above. Page 2 QST-OUTL DCR OUTL - California State Library Federal-State Cooperative System for Public Library Data I CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1997 Library Development Services Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 Martha Ortiz (916) 653-5772 1. Outlet: La Costa Brunch 2. Director: Chris Hob 3. Title: Bmnch Manager 4. Street Address: 5. Mail Address: 6949 El Camino Real, Suite 200 6949 El Camino Real, 6. City: Carlsbad 7. Mail City: Carlsbad 8. County: San Diego County 9. Zip: 92009-8516 10. Mail Zip: 92009-8516 11. Public Phone: (760) 434-2865 Ext: 12. FAX Phone: (760) 930-0251 13. Type of Outlet: BR BR = Branch; ST = Station; CE = Central Library; OT = Other Outlet 0 = Not in MSA; 1 = In city limits of the central city of an MSA; 2 = In an MSA, but not w/in the central city limits. 14. MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) Status: 2 15. This Facility is Owned by: PRIV *City = CITY *county = CNTY *Special District = SPDT *Public School = PSCH *Other Public Agency = PUAG *Private AgeucyPersonJetc. = PRIV *Multiple = MULT 16. Degree of Adequacy of this Scale: 1 =Poor to lO=Excellent Facility: & 17. This Facility is in need of RPLC *Remodel & Exp = RMEX *Remodeling = RMDL "Expansion = EXPN *Replacement = RPLC CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1997 M616 Carlsbad Outlet Name: La Costa Branch 11 For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Type Res nses in indicated area ONLY. WHERE& DATA ON FILE IS CORRECT, YOU MAY LEAVE THE UPDATE1 CORRECTIONS COLUMN BLANK. 285. Population Served By Outlet. 286. Total Outlet Staff, in mE. 287. Hours Open, Weekly. 288. Hours Open, A~ually. 289. Total Number of Volumes Held by Outlet. 290. Total AM^ Circulation by Outlet. 29 1. Total Outlet Operating Expenditure. 292. Year in which Outlet was Originally Built. 2 9 3 . Year in which Outlet was Remodeled. 294. Size of Outlet, in sq. ft. 295. Number of Reader Seats in Outlet. 296 . Days per week outlet is open to the public. 297. Staffed when open to public by at least 1 pa librarian & 1 paid clerical? (0 = No; 1 = Yes) 298. Housed in separate quarters? 299. Established schedule of hours for public service? (0 = No; 1 = Yes) (0 = No; 1 = Yes) Data Currently On File 100. 616 120. 0020.002 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 20,000 9.15 64 3,328 44,990 275,663 380,234 1992 1993 5,600 44 0 0 0 0 UpdatelCorrections For 1996197 100. 616 120. 0020.002 285. 286. 9.61 287. 288. 289- 47,714 290. 273,345 291. 407,216 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 6 297. 1 298. 1 299. 1 Type, above, ONLY data that is different from previous year's value. If unchanged, you do not need to type data for that element, above. Page 2 QST-OWL DCR OUTL - CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY California Public Librarv Report 1997 Explanation of difference between PLF allocation and amount of PLF expended: The difference amounts to $1,338 left over &om the allocation. Funds in 96- .. 97 were used for a variety of operating costs, including water, bindery, and miscellaneous supplies. ‘All of these items were simply estimated in setting up the budget. At the end of the year, final expenditures did not match up precisely with these original estimates. .. September 10,1997 TO: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: LIBRARY DIRECTOR SUPPORT THE FORMATION OF A COUNTY LIBRARY AUTHORITY TO PERMIT THE VOTERS OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY TO CONSIDER A ONE- QUARTER-CENT SALES TAX RATE INCREASE FOR FIVE YEARS TO BE USED EXCLUSIVELY FOR LIBRARY IMPROVEMENTS. BACKGROUND October 7, 1997 the San Diego County Board of Supervisors is scheduled to approve a resolution to create a countywide Library Authority. The Library Authority will collect input from the public and interested parties relative to a quarter-cent sales tax increase for five years to be used exclusively for library improvement. Subsequently, it is expected that the Library Authority will request County Counsel to draft a ballot question to be placed before the voters on June 2, 1998. Establishment of the county Library Authority is required in order that the San Diego County Transactions and Use Tax may be submitted for voter approval. Revenues collected from the tax would be used for funding countywide library systems consisting of the San Diego County Library System and the city library jurisdictions within San Diego County. The revenue collected from the tax would be used to supplement existing appropriations for each library system. To be imposed, the tax measure requires approval by two-thirds of the voters in the County. RECOMMENDATION I would like the Library Board to go on record in support of the establishment of a County Library Authority for the purpose of placing a one-quarter-cent sales tax measure on the June, 1998 primary election ballot. I CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY I Statistics CIRCULATION MAIN LIBRARY Print Audio Video Au~s~-96 46,514 8,109 10,338 TOTAL BRANCH Print Audio Video 64,961 17,463 3,369 3,038 TOTAL CENTRO Print Audio TOTAL GRAND TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS Centro Genealogy Children’s Adult Online Branch TOTAL: MEDINGRAPHICS PROTECTS Media Graphics TOTAL HOLDS PLACED H/Excel/Stats 8-97 23,870 865 155 1,020 89,851 532 1,435 1,347 6,445 15 2,166 11,940 19 33 52 2,241 Page 1 August-97 Aunust-97 - % Change 43,420 -7% 7,239 -11% 8,507 -18% 59,166 -9% 16,613 -5 % 3,413 1% 2,686 -12% 22,712 -5% 655 -24 % 116 -25 X 771 -24% 82,649 -8% 334 -37% 1,338 -7% 1,111 -18% 5,608 -13% 463 2987% 2,115 -2 % 10,969 -8% 20 5% 34 3% 54 4% 2,427 80/0 Carlsbad City Library Statistics Page 2 August-96 - August-97 - % Change - PEOPLE COUNT (Daily Average) Centro Main Library Branch TOTAL ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMSnOURS Genealogy Branch Children Centro Adult Centro Children Main Adult Main Children TOTAL INTERLIBRARY LOANS Requests by Carlsbad Received by Carlsbad Requests of Carlsbad Filled by Carlsbad NEW REGISTRATIONS Centro Main Library Branch TOTAL: ITEMS ADDED ITEMS WITHDRAWN 61 74 21 % 1,589 1,428 -10% 724 691 -5 % 2,374 2,193 -8% 182 158 -13% 190 278 46% - - - - 25 23 -8 % 495 265 -46% 892 724 -19% 116 115 310 71 129 11 % 109 -5 % 375 21 % 84 18% 11 6 -45 % 700 663 -5 % 337 283 -16% 1,048 952 -9% 1,354 1,221 -10% 1,201 1,885 57% H/Excel/Stab 8-97 Page 2 v) Q 0) L OCI 0 cn d 0 (D a, 0 52 0 6 z 0 8 0 v) 0 .- Q S p. E a E v) s (3 > s v) 0 0 z - U n a oll to Q) c ii v) Q) P 0 0 0 0 c .- U n > a b N 0 b- In r r r co ad co- 0 r 0 x cn m n! (3) (D (D (D m 0 ad m m m r 4 e d P b 0 0 0 2 8 0 0 8 N b ul N N (5, r 0 u? (D m r N 0 m- u) 0 Q) L ob u) Q) E .- LL a, 5 E S u) E E - > a u) s: (3