HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-04-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING April 15, 1998 3:OO P.M. Housing & Redevelopment Conference Room NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: All persons requiring assistance or auxiliary aids in order to effectively participate may contact the library at least 24 hours prior to the meeting to arrange for reasonable accommodations. PUBLIC COMMENT: In conformance with the Brown Act, no Board discussion or action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. IO. 11. 12. 13. 14. AGENDA Call to order Approval of minutes Monthly library division heads reports Library Board comments Presentation by Architects & Building Consultants on Cole Library remodel New Library progress update Library Goals for FY 1998-99 Independence Day Holiday Schedule Di rector's re po rt Serra Advisory Board Friends of the Library Genealogical Society Public Comment Adjournment ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM Monthly Report March 1998 Computer Network Information Systems staff member Becky Barilli worked with Coordinator Lynda Jones and computer lab volunteer administrators Carrie and Randy Scott to develop a local area network plan for the Adult Learning Program. Using 1997/1998 State Library matching literacy funds, all the instructional computers in the lab will be replaced with state-of-the-art models. A master server will be purchased which will serve both the computer lab and the 3 administrative computers with a Novel1 network. Handicapped Access The City’s Facilities Maintenance staff arranged for bids to make the Adult Learning Program’s office and hallway entrances handicapped accessible. Discussions will be held with the building’s manager. Also, all of the tenants in the building have jointly requested a meeting in April with the building manager to discuss the worsening parking situation, handicapped access to the building and restrooms, and other common concerns. Bevond the Core Curriculum During the past 3 years, the program’s core curriculum-structured reading and writing lessons emphasizing phonics-has been successfully implemented for all tutor/learner pairs. The curriculum helps learners acquire the basic building-blocks necessary to reading and writing: sounds and sound combinations and their written symbols, sight words, capitalization, punctuation, vocabulary, penmanship and reading and writing on a computer. These skills require intensive, personalized instruction and practice in one-to-one settings. The next step in the program’s strategic plan involves developing a variety of group learning experiences that enable learners to develop comprehension skills, critical reading skills, and written expression to achieve their own goals as lifelong learners. A study group has been meeting since February using materials to prepare for the State Contractor’s License exam. In March, plans were developed for a G.E.D. (high school equivalency) preparation course specially designed to help adult learners in this program acquire the slulls to pass the 5 tests for a G.E.D. certificate. The G.E.D. course will begin in May. Volunteer tutors are facilitating all the groups. Presentations on Utility ChanPes Special informational presentations are also part of the “Beyond the Core Curriculum” plan. They develop the knowledge base necessary for comprehension as well as community participation and decision-making. On March 24 and 26, Mabel Vidal fiom Lifeline Community Services spoke to learners, tutors, and staff about competition in the electric power industry and factors to consider when making a choice. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY CENTRO DE INFORMACION Monthly Report March 1998 1. - Adult Profframminff . On March 12, at the Senior Center Auditorium, the Centro de Informacidn set up a presentation about Employment Opportunities. The presentation was conducted by Alejandra Guimil from C.E.T.(Center for Employment and Training), and Maria Ortiz, Program Assistant from SER (Service, Employment, Development). The presenters explained to the audience about job opportunities and training. They also provided information on the changes in utilities and choice of electricity companies. Both speakers distributed handouts and informational materials to the audience. 2.- Children's Profframmina. Rewards for Reading, a reading program sponsored by the Serra Cooperative Library System, television's NBC 7/39, the Sweet Factory, San Diego Teacher's Credit Union, and Qualcomm, concluded on March 31 at the Centro de Informacih. During the 20 weeks of the program, Centro staff collected 139 coloring brochures in which children and their parents kept track of the time they spent reading together. Every time a family brought their brochure to the Centro, they received a small prize. On March 20, the Home-Based Head Start Program had a special storycraft at the Centro with the participation of the parents. Regular bilingual storycraft programs continued during the month of March. ~ On March 18, Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson, a member of the Serra Ethnic Services Committee, attended the bimonthly meeting, held at the Camarena Memorial Library in Calexico. During this meeting the committee planned a new traveling display. The next candidate for the display will be Colonel Allensworth. In 1908 Colonel Allensworth led a group of men to build the only town in California built exclusively by African-Americans. Today, that town is being restored and preserve as Allensworth State Park. 4.- Hispanic Network Breakfast. On March 27, Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson attended a meeting of the Hispanic Network in Leucadia. The Network is composed of Hispanic community members and service providers who meet twice a year to network about the needs and resources for Hispanic youth and their families in the North San Diego County Region. Children’s Services Division Monthly Statement March 1998 Activity in the Children’s Division has picked up for the month of March. Over 2100 reference questions were asked of Staff members during the month. There were 24 programs offered with a total attendance of nearly 900 parents and children. The second Genealogy for Kids program was again taught by Genealogist Bee Koons. Students who participated in this series were 6& - 7’ grade boys. Great enjoyment was evidenced and another class is planned for later this year. The West Coast Repertory Theater presented its third production this month. “The Velveteen Rabbit” was performed by youngsters of the company and enjoyed a sellout audience in the City Council Chambers. Tickets were at a premium for the show due to the limited seating and all tickets were given out by the afternoon of the first day. The theater company’s next show will be “Oliver Twist” to be performed in May at the Harding Community Center. The entire Children’s Staff met to discuss plans for the annual SRP ’98. The theme this year will be the “World Wide Web of Tales” for Pre-school through 6* - a multicultural theme which encompasses the world and computers! The program for teenagers - those in grades 7 - 12 - will be called “Totally Teen Reading Extreme”. Both programs will commence on June 15 and conclude on August 7. There will be weekly T-shirt drawings, other special drawings, and weekly prizes for books read. Volunteers as usual will play a major tole in the program (they listen to and record all the books that are reported during the summer). There will also be special emphasis given to the Teen program which increased greatly last year. A Teen Night and a Library Sleep-over are planned for July dates. Stay tuned for more to come! Children’s Division Monthly Statistics Date: MARCH 1998 Circulation for Month: 20,184 Reference Questions: 2,115 Total Number of Programs: 24 Total Attendance: 880 Number of Preschool Programs: 15 Preschool Attendance: 644 Number of School Age Programs: 9 School Age Attendance: 236 Storyhours: 14 Storyhours: 617 children and adults Other Programs: S torycraft: 27 children and adults Prime Time Club: 4 sessions, 31 children Genealogy for Kids: 4 sessions, 17 children Children’ s Theater performed “The Velveteen Rabbit”: 120 children and adults Class & Group Tours of the Library: Staff Visits to Schools: 1 Requests fiom Branch: 120 Volunteer Hours: 2 1.25 1 tour, 2 class visits: 68 children and adults Internet Use: 37 In House Use: 571 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITIONS STAT I S T I C S RE PORT March 1998 Current Month Fiscal Items Received B&T Direct PMSC Total to Date Books - Adult Main Branch Centro subtotal Books - Children Main Branch Centro sub t o t a1 429 169 244 15 2 62 675 237 116 38 105 9 4 0 225 47 589 4,810 64 133 912 5,998 259 1,055 I 154 1,840 114 714 4 '154 272 3,007 Audio - Adult 12 7 66 193 1,338 Audio - Children 17 27 44 359 Video 57 7 84 148 1,064 Total Received 1,101 384 84 1,569 11,766 Orders 109 660 Requests (items) 1,231 9,941 B L T = Baker L Taylor PMSC = Professional Media Services Corporation Genealogy & Local History Division Fiscal Year 1997/1998 Statistics March 1998 Research activity: March 1998 March 1997 FY1997/98 to date Reference questions 1,362 1,515 10,873 Registered researchers 891 983 7,911 Computer users 228 0 71 5 Circulation 158 171 1,418 *Inhouse usage 773 0 773 Holdings: Added Added Added March 1998 FY1997/98 FY1996/97 Genealogy Non-Circ 85 472 632 Genealogy Circ 4 -1 9 41 bLicrohlm 0 73 41 1 Microfiche 0 2,890 5,054 CD 20 28 20 to date Activities with the North San Diego County Genealogy Society: March 1998 March 1997 Total 1998 to date Volunteer hours 48 52 140 Programs 4 5 11 Program attendance 177 201 544 NSDCGS donations $1,488.45 $2,444.3 3 $2,754.75 Donated books 53 0 102 R1996/97 15,549 11,122 0 2,025 0 Total 17,520 91 8 7,350 113,136 238 Total 1997 562 58 2,338 $14,664.09 0 *In March, Genealogy & Local History Division began to count inhouse use of matenals. The March Inhouse usage is the number of microfiche volumes that patrons used. In Apnl, the number will indude microfiche volumes and microhlm reels used. In May, the number will include microfiche volumes, microh reels, and printed volumes used. C a rlsbad San Diego County Los Angeles County Orange County Riverside County San Bernardino County Other California Counties Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado Connecticut Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio 0 klahoma Oregon Pennsylvania South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Washington Washington, D.C. West Virginia Wisconsin Guam Belgium England Germany Ireland Mexico Russia Total ihhch, 1998 lT1997/98 140 1,335 592 5,308 21 160 43 476 35 241 0 42 11 99 0 1 0 1 13 73 0 2 0 2 0 3 2 11 0 1 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 2 2 4 0 1 2 7 19 30 1 11 0 2 2 2 1 1 2 9 0 1 0 5 0 3 2 9 0 5 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 7 0 6 3 18 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 891 7,911 FY1996/97 1,852 7,533 222 689 248 76 124 1 0 96 11 9 3 15 0 1 3 6 1 2 3 0 3 3 10 10 0 7 16 22 2 1 2 12 3 6 5 38 2 0 4 3 18 0 0 30 4 1 4 1 1 1 3 1 13 1 11,122 LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT MARCH, 1998 MARCH CIRCULATION Branch circulation totaled 23,661 items for the month. Of this total, 11,566 adult items, 8,772 children’s items, 2,259 Video tapes and 64 CD ROMS were checked out. This was an average of 910 a day or 85 each hour. This is an increase of 4% over March 1997. USERS HIS MONTH’S USER COUNT WAS 20,008. An average of 770 patrons used the Branch each day or 71 each hour. This figure shows an increase of 3% over last year. INTERNET On March 3d public access to the Internet was established at the Branch. 25 adults accessed the adult computer while with the aid of the Children’s Coordinator, 54 conducted research on the Internet. Internet access has greatly enhanced the research capabilities for both adult and children’s reference. Patrons young and old are very pleased. STAFF Circulation Clerk, Jan McMillan left her Branch position the end of March to pursue other areas of interest. She plans to help out on a substitute basis when the need arises. Cheryl Smith, a circulation clerk at the main library will be taking evening and Saturday hours at the Branch beginning April 14. INTERIM LISRARY Branch manager prepared a report programming space needs for the Interim library. Branch collection size, circulation statistics and rate of acquisition, along with an itemized list of furniture and equipment was developed. The information was submitted to Administration to forward on to the Library Consultant. LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT MARCH, 1998 CIRCULATION Collection Hrs/Oavs Circulation Circulation bv HrlDay Children’s Vols. 8,218 Children’s A.V. 554 Adult Vols. 8,634 Adult A.V. 2,932 Video Tapes 2,259 Total 280 126 23,661 CD ROMS - 64 Reference Questions Adult 2,025 Children’s 830 Total 2,855 Periodicals: CD ROM INTERNET 371 63 Adult 25 Children’s - 54 Total 79 In House Use Adult 654 Children’s 1.685 Total 2,339 85 1910 Registrations: Non Resident 140 Carlsbad - 227 Total 367 LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT MARCH, 1998 USERS No. of Users Hrs.1Davs Users rn r Hr.1Dav 20,008 280 I26 71 1770 PROGRAM AUDIENCE Proaram Attendance & Aae No. of Pm rams Storyhours 11 0 3-5 yr. OldS 9 BookBuddies Total 12 3-5 yr. OldS - 8 7-12 yr, olds 130 - 4 13 VOLUNTEERS Activitv Hours No. of Volunteerg Storyhour 2 2 Clerical 10 1 Magazine Sales 40 - 12 Total 52 15 LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT MARCH 1998 STATISTIC COMPARISON CIRCULATION Collection Mar. 1997 . Mar. 1990 CornParison % Children’s Vols. 8,094 8,218 +124 +2 Children A.V. 480 554 74 15 Adult Vols. 8,715 8,634 (-8 1 1 (- -1) Adult A.V. 2,796 2,932 436 16 Video Tapes 2,554 2,259 (-295) (-1 2) CD ROMS 20 64 36 129 Total 22,667 23,661 994 4 Circ. per hour 82 85 Circ. per day 073 91 0 +3 +4 37 4 USERS Mar. 1997 Mar. 1998 Cornoarison YQ 1 9,506 20,008 +SO2 +3 71 Users per Hour 71 0 0 750 Users per Day 770 20 3 Graphics Form Count (This month) (last month) (Calendar Y.T.D.) 22,066 87,798 - GRAND TOTAL REFERENCE ACTIVITIES FOR MARCH, 1998 Reference Questions totaled 6,165 during the month of March, a decrease of 857 over last year. Reserves totaled 2,681, a decrease of 61. Online Searches totaled 691, an increase of 409 over last year. This figure includes Public Internet Access sign-ups, which totaled 569 during the month of March. Interlibrary Loans totaled 104 items received and 105 items were sent to other libraries. Also in March, there were 795 questions answered at the Information Desk. This total was up 78 questions from March, 1997. During the month of March, there were: 3 Library Skills Classes, 1 Internet Class, 1 Job & Career Class for the North County Career Center, 2 Class visits and 1 Class Tour. The Reference Selection Committee met on March 5: $1048 was spent on updates and $1115 was spent on new titles. Callie Ahrens attended a Focus Group for Library Education and Training at San Diego County Library Headquarters on March 17. Char Kennedy attended a demo of Carlsbad Library’s Historical Photo Database in the City Council Chambers on March 18. Suzanne Smithson attended a City of Carlsbad Internet Web Site Committee meeting on March 24. Char Kennedy went to a Records Committee Meeting to find out which vendors responded to an RFP for a city-wide records management system on March 25. Char also served on a screening committee to select candidates for Librarian I and I1 for the City of Escondido on March 26. Both Leila Dooley and Callie Ahrens went on Jury Duty during March. Technical Services Report March 1998 In March, Technical Services staff added 1,269 new print items and 306 audiovisual items to the library's collection. They deleted 1,062 print items and 176 audiovisual items from the database. Patrons using home computers dialed into the catalog 139 times. The beta test of the new release of the library's automation software, which I reported on last month, is continuing. We are still finding some minor problems, but the product seems almost ready for general distribution. Some library staff members have been on the city's LAN (local computer network) for several years, but we've been unable to add additional computers. to the LAN because of the age of the equipment that runs the Main Library's portion of the network and the age and type of the cabling. The city's Information Systems department has been planning to upgrade our part of the LAN for some time. Requests fiom the library divisions were assembled and put on a site map by Chris Pickavet, who also assisted with a walk- through of the building on March 24 by a representative of the company that will be installing the new cable. A date for the work hasn't been set yet, but it should take place in the next month or so. When it's finished, we should have a more reliable network, and more of the staff will have access to city e-mail. This is a temporary measure, since we will have to wait for the construction of the new main library and the remodel of the Cole Library to have all staff connected to the network. Also in March, Chris Pickavet finished a series of classes in web design offered at California State University at San Marcos. Web design refers to the construction of Internet web pages. All of the library automation system vendors are moving toward replacing old OPAC (online public access catalog) software with products that use web browsers such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft's Internet Explorer to search the library's catalog. These new products require library staff to design or customize the overall display of the catalog and any instructional screens, so skill in creating these pages will soon be part of our job. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY CIRCULATION MAIN LIBRARY Print Audio Video March-97 53,060 7,708 9,065 TOTAL BRANCH Print Audio Video TOTAL: CENTRO Print Audio TOTAL GRAND TOTAL REFERENCE OUESTIONS Centro Genealogy Children’s Adult Branch TOTAL: MEDINGRAPHICS PROTECTS Media Graphics TOTAL HOLDS PLACED 69,833 17,135 3,296 2,554 22,985 1,252 186 1,438 94,256 March-98 76 Change 57,086 8% 7,510 -3% 8,058 -11% 72,654 4% 20,574 20% 2,259 -12% 3,538 7% 26,371 15% 1,387 11Yo 158 -15% 1,545 7% 100,!570 7’/0 385 375 -3% 1,515 1,362 -10% 2,356 2,115 -10% 7,085 6,165 -13% 2,537 2,855 13% 13,878 12,872 -7% 30 15 -50% 47 45 -4% 77 60 -22% 2,749 2,756 OO/O RD-F:/Sbtirlics/Stab 6-97 Page 1 Carlsbad city Libranj Statistics, continued March-97 March-98 % Change PEOPLE COUNT (Daily Average) Centro Main Library Branch TOTAL ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMSD'OURS Genealogy Branch Children Centro Adult Centro Children Main Adult Main Children TOTAL INTERLIBRARY LOANS Received by Carlsbad Sent by Carlsbad NEW REGISTRATIONS Centro Main Library Branch TOTAL ITEMS ADDED ITEMS WITHDRAWN COMPUTERANTERNET USE Main Adult Main Children Branch TOTAL 135 109 -19% 1,649 1,623 -2'% 750 770 3'/0 2,534 2,502 -1% 201 177 -12% 249 130 -48% 45 63 40% 310 278 -1ou/o 114 113 -1%o 3,138 880 -72% 4,057 1,271 -690/0 135 104 -23% 92 105 14% 20 16 -20% 827 779 -6% 309 321 4'/0 1,156 1,116 -3% 2,007 1275 -22% 797 1,238 5 5 '/o 219 569 16oYo na 37 na na na na 21 9 606 177% RD-F/Statistics/Statr 6-97 Page 2 00 Q) Q) r c : E (I) a9 a9 LL ob a Q) E ii co b (v m Q) m (0 03 In ui 0 0 0 m 2 8 8 m- r @ a9 a n e a > 0 .- 8 E E m a9 0 - 0 a - - f =e CI i a 0 r a n -4 s 0 F