HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-06-17; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesASSIST LIBRARY DIR MINUTES (corrected) MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: June 17, 1998 TIME OF MEETING: 3:00 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: President Thomas Curtin called the meeting to order at 3:09 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Curtin, Gleason Huss, L'Heureux, and Trigas Absent: Library Board Trustee McCann Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the March 18, 1998, meeting were not approved. The question of procedure for approval of the minutes was raised and the matter continued over to the next monthly meeting. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS: The reports were received with comment. Trustee L'Heureux was very pleased with the report from the Adult Learning Center and the publicity we receive from their community activities. Trustee Trigas was asking for further information with regard to the Language Link Conference which Lynda Jones reported she had attended. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: President Curtin welcomed the two new board members and Trustee Trigas expressed her enthusiasm for being back on the board and is looking forward to many exciting new things. Trustee Gleason Huss introduced herself and also expressed her pleasure at having been appointed to the board. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes-6/17/98 COLE LIBRARY : The Library Director distributed copies of the feasibility study prepared by the architects following their visit last month. The study is scheduled for presentation to the City Council on July 7, 1998. In the Master Plan developed in 1985-86 the decision was made for Carlsbad to have two libraries, one in the north and one in the south. In 1990 the feasibility study for this building was for renovations and then an addition would be constructed in 1998. After a recent inspection of the building and analysis by the engineers, the architects have come up with three alternatives to accomplish the goal. One alternative is to go ahead and renovate as originally planned with some changes to the original plan. Because of the way the building was constructed, it does not meet codes in most areas. The second alternative would be to renovate and add on, and the third alternative would be to essentially abandon this building and construct an entirely^ new structure. An overview of the three alternatives with project budgets can be found on page 19 of the study. The money in the CIP for the construction of the addition to this building is out in 2009 and beyond; however, if you add the budgeted costs projected for the remodel and addition there would be a total of approximately 13 million dollars for the project. Director Curtin asked what had been the reaction from the Assistant City Manager on the new proposals. Trustee Gleason Huss asked if there were costs involved due to the code violations if we simply stayed with the current facility as it is. The Director explained that if the building were left totally alone, we would not be required to bring it up to code but once we began making changes or renovations there is a threshold where the requirements change and the building must be brought up to code. There are some concerns regarding the screen walls and non-tempered glass walls. The Director and Assistant Director are meeting with the finance department representatives to discuss the issues in detail before the report is presented to council. There would be some zoning changes and street realignment involved, with the site of the new structure just east of the existing building. Trustee Trigas suggested that possibly there would be a need for another meeting prior to the council presentation, should one of the trustees have questions. Trustee L'Heureux suggested and it was agreed that should anyone have any confusion or questions they could activate a telephone tree or call the Director. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes-6/17/98 President Curtin suggested that we contact some of the individuals who were instrumental in getting the existing building constructed and ask them to speak to the council in support of the proposal. NEW LIBRARY UPDATE: The Director reviewed the report from the contractor. The problems with the crib wall have been resolved and tomorrow they will be pouring the major beam for the building. He suggested and the board agreed that the next monthly meeting will be held out at the site. CLA LEGISLATIVE DAY: The Director reported on his trip to Sacramento. Although he had scheduled^ appointments with the representatives, he actually met with the aides and all in all it was a very successful day. He has since received an e-mail from the lobbyist that the joint committee on the budget voted to fully fund the Public Library Fund. The other piece of the budget that they were working for was to add $6 million to the direct loan grant purses, but that does not look like it will be approved. INDEPENDENCE DAY HOLIDAY SCHEDULE : As July 4th falls on Saturday this year, the City official holiday is Friday, July 3, I998. The library will therefore be closed both Friday and Saturday. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: The Director recently attended the Grand Opening of the Poway Library and was able to collect several good ideas for the ceremony for our new facility, as well as identify some pitfalls to avoid. Also distributed to the board was the new brochure developed by the Friends of the Library who are gearing up to mount a major fund raising campaign for the library. The brochure is to be used for soliciting funds from large corporations. The Friends are also in the process of creating a Foundation to support the programs of the library on a continuing basis. A steering committee has been formed and held a preliminary meeting last week. Trustee L'Heureux asked if there would be a representative from the Library Board on the Board of Directors for the new Foundation. The Director stated that depending on the size of the Foundation Board, this Board Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes-6/17/98 would need to decide on one or more representatives to serve on the Foundation Board. There is a chance that there will be a "seed money" grant available from the State Library. This information will not be available for a couple of weeks The City Council adopted the budget as presented but decided not to deal with some of the additional requests. The "Yes on L1" campaign has hired Steve Hill as the campaign manager and he has formed a speaker's bureau. There have been several meetings out at the Chamber putting together a campaign plan involving the North County Coastal communities. There is also a local consultant, Fred Register, who has previous experience with raising campaign funds for Library issues. The issue will be on the March 1999 ballot. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The board unanimously agreed to continue this item until the July meeting. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: The Director reported that the recent book sale was the most successful ever with proceeds reaching nearly $8,000. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: The society is thriving with a current membership of 569 including three new members this month. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the majority of the meeting dealt with the budget and the individual library contribution to that support. There was also discussion of the negative financial impact resulting from the elimination of the Vehicle License Fee. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes-6/17/98 ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:16 PM. Respectfully submitted, Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary