HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-10-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: OCTOBER 21,1998 TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1775 Dove Lane - New Library site CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Ann L’Heureux called the meeting to order at 3:07 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Tarman and Trigas. Arriving shortly thereafter were trustees Baron and Gleason Huss. Absent: None Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Mig Chaney, League of Women Voters APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the September 16, 1998, meeting were approved with one addition. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS: Chairman L’Heureux commented on the statistics provided by Acquisition and Collection Development. It appeared that under the current fiscal year-todate column, the acquisitions were increased over last year at this time with the exception of videos, which seemed to be lower than last year. Assistant Library Director Armour confirmed that there was less money in the budget for the purchase of videos and that the video collection is the least used. Trustee Gleason Huss pointed out the reduction in reference questions at the Centro de Inforrnacion. Assistant Director Armour replied that all of the statistics at Centro for the past month were down by 40% to 50%. The staff at Centro felt this was directly connected with compliance of Prop208 which required all the children in the school district to go through an English language immersion program. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of October 21, 1998 Meeting Page 2 Trustee Baron asked if we had a component of the Adult Learning program for Spanish speaking adults, or if there was a need. Assistant Director Armour said that need has been addressed in the past by the ESL classes at Mira Costa Community College. Trustee Trigas said that there was a large number of ESL classes also offered by Palomar College. Director Lange explained that the thrust of our Adult Learning Program is to continue what was started by the State Library which was focused on English language speaking. Trustee L’Heureux commented that it had been observed that many of the originally Spanish speaking people who learn English, still speak Spanish but were illiterate in Spanish and are now literate in English. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Trigas asked that the time for the Library Board monthly meeting be changed from 3:OO p.m. to 3:30 p.m. to give her a little more time to get to the meetings from her class. The Board approved this change unanimously, effective with the next meeting. Trustee Tannan reported on the Friend’s of the Library Foundation Board Meeting which he had attended. They are still waiting for the forms from the State confirming their 501~3 tax exempt status. The goal is to solicit some very large donations and then concentrate on corporate donors. While in this planning stage, they will meet monthly and Trustee Tarman will keep this Board informed of the progress. Chairman L’Heureux reported that she had attended the Gallery Committee meeting earlier today. She had brought the tentative schedule of the grand opening week events which she distributed. The opening exhibit will be the Fieldstone exhibit and other plans include a DeLoss McGraw exhibit, a black and white photograph exhibit, a collection of woodcuts done by primarily paint artists from San Francisco and a juried show of local artists with “for sale” items. GENEALOGY PLAN: Assistant Library Director Armour has been working with a committee formed from the membership of the North San Diego County Genealogical Society to discuss the use of the interior space of the Cole Library. This department is the major genealogy resource south of Los Angeles. The unique feature of this collection is that nothing gets thrown away. At the current rate of growth, in fifty years from now they would need the entire building to house the collection. The committee of eight, dubbed the Genealogy Advisory Team, has only had one meeting to date. In general, the committee has decided to focus on a short range plan to cover the next two to three years, assuming that Genealogy will be housed in the current building and occupy the entire mezzanine, approximately 3,000 square feet. The longer term plan will be to look at the proposed 6,000 square feet which would include a local history room. This group will focus on the Library Board of Trustees Minutes of October 21, 1998 Meeting Page 3 scope of the services and the collection that space will allow. Trustee Trigas asked if the San Diego Library had a genealogy division. Assistant Library Director Armour replied that San Diego has a small collection but no where near what we offer in our library. The monthly statistics show that patrons come from all over the United States as well as from some foreign countries to use this facility. The committee intends to survey the membership as well as patrons who come into the library to use the collection to try to determine their needs and expectations. The ultimate product will be a vision for the future which will identify those needs and the methods we will use to address the limits in space and staffing. Assistant Library Director Armour suggested the possibility of having a joint meeting between this Board and the Genealogy Advisory Team. Trustee Trigas was unclear as to the purpose of such a meeting. Assistant Library Director Armour explained that it would be for information gathering only and that actual decisions such as the parameters of the local history room and the library collection would be made by the Administrative Staff of the library. Trustee Trigas felt it was important that the Genealogy group understand that it would not be a meeting of negotiations. Chairman L’Heureux asked about the involvement of the Carlsbad Historical Society and the local history room. Assistant Director Armour said that they had not really defined the roles but his thought was that the Historical Society should have the museum, the three dimensional items - artifacts, and the library should have the print material and photographs, identified as “the flat stuff by Chairman LHeureux. TECHNOLOGY PLAN: The plan which was distributed earlier provided a time line for things which needed to be accomplished between October and December of this year. Library Director Lange reported that the automation committee will meet next week to review that list and begin the staff training on the new interface. A large part of that process will include the inventory of all the computer equipment. Trustee Baron had several questions on the report. Her first questions had to do with the network disaster recovery plan and to what extent will the network be stand alone. In the event of not having access to on line services, to what extent would it impact our services and day to day functions? She also wanted to know to what extend does the library currently have requirement for PC skills in all current job classifications. Director Lange explained that we do not have the requirement as not all of the current employees have a PC that they must use. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of October 21. 1998 Meetina Page 4 Part of the new technology plan is to replace the dumb terminals with PC’s and have a station set up in the current library to train the staff. Assistant Director Armour also pointed out that changes in the job descriptions would involve the City’s Human Resources Department as well. Additionally, Trustee Baron asked if there was any plan to meet the needs of the non- English speaking public. Director Lange pointed out that we have Spanish on the catalog now and will continue that in the new building. The interface gives the general instructions on how to use the catalog in both English and Spanish but the actual entries are only in English. To actually use the catalog the user needs to be English literate. We have bilingual staff members to assist those non-English speaking patrons and we use bilingual signage throughout the library. Trustee Baron also offered the suggestion that the library consider allowing the patrons to renew books by e-mail as well as by the telephone. Director Lange said that at present time the library does not have an e-mail address. Once the City’s web site is developed, the library will be on the Internet. Trustee Trigas asked if we could provide the new technology at the existing Cole building in view of the age of the cable and wiring. Director Lange reported that it would work, but not as well as it could. We will need to replace all the dumb terminals with PC’s and that may require additional wiring. It is one of the reasons for going ahead with the major construction project to provide equitable services. COLE LIBRARY: Director Lange reported on the meeting with the City Manager and Finance Director to review all that is involved in the Cole issue. The plan is to appear before the Council in November; however, there are only two Tuesday’s available in that month. The Finance Department is working on a major report for the City Council on the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) projects priorities and budget. The Cole issue will be on the same agenda as the report from Finance. Another issue that came out of the meeting was the need for a cost analysis of the fourth option, the interim fix. Director Lange has asked the architects to provide the cost analysis for Alternative D for comparison. Trustee Baron was concerned that the item might come before the Council prior to the Library Board’s next meeting. The members discussed the option of passing a resolution today in support of one of the alternatives or calling a special meeting once the item is placed on the agenda. The Board decided to wait until the costs for option D have been received and the item placed on the City Council agenda. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of October 21. 1998 Meetino Page 5 CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY ANNUAL STATISTICS & CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY ANNUAL REPORT: Library Director Lange explained that the library is required by law to submit the statistical report to the state. The data is collected from all the libraries in the state and becomes a book published by the State Library. Trustee Baron asked if the distribution of State funds is determined by the statistics in this report. Director Lange explained that the only correlation would be the budget. There is a maintenance of effort requirement to qualify for PLF money. If you reduce your budget from what it was the year before you don’t qualify for money from the PLF. Assistant Library Director Armour offered to bring the State Report that contains the statistics for all the 170 plus library jurisdictions, categorized by population. Carlsbad is in the 60,000 - 110,000 bracket. The Board could compare this library with some of the similar per capita areas, like Newport Beach. Carlsbad usually ends up in the top six of the thirty libraries in our category. PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND ALLOCATION: The Library will receive $86,000, twice as much as we received last year, because there was a major increase even though the governor cut a good portion of the funding from the budget. If it had been fully funded we would have received $152,000 instead of the $86,000. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Strateaic Planninq Workshow Both the Director and Assistant Director recently attended a workshop in Temecula sponsored by the State Library. There is a new book, Planning for Results, which is an improvement over what was available in the past for planning the future of the library. Trustee Baron asked if the presenter had anything to say that was inconsistent with our new Technology Plan. Director Lange responded that although the presenter did not get into detail, she did spend some time talking about it as the biggest challenge for libraries today. Assistant Library Director Armour pointed out that one of the biggest problems for public libraries is providing a range of resources that meet the needs of the community. Prop L: The Director was pleased to report that the San Diego Taxpayers Association has agreed to support the sales tax measure on the special ballot next March. They held a press conference and have agreed to sign the ballot measure in favor of the measure. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of October 21. 1998 Meetina Page 6 The initial reading of the ordinance is scheduled for next week and currently there is an agenda bill before our City Council to promise to pay our share of the cost of the election should the measure not pass. Libraw Division Heads Report format: The Director asked if the monthly reports contained enough or too much information. Some have a one page narrative followed by several pages of statistics. Chairman L’Heureux responded that she liked to see the year-to-year comparisons. Assistant Director Armour pointed out that his statistical report is an overview of most of the interest areas; Customer service workshop: The Director and Assistant director recently attended a City sponsored Customer Service Workshop. The City has formed a Strategic Initiative Team which will start developing material for customer service training throughout the City. The workshop was excellent and included a presentation by the Customer Service trainer from the Four Seasons Hotel as well as the Customer Service Director for Intel@. New Manaaement Analvst: Director Lange announced that we have hired the new management analyst who will come on board in January. Dana Hartshorn comes to us from Mammoth Lakes and has extensive experience in public information and budgeting. State Literacv Grant: The Director has prepared an agenda bill for the Council to approve the application for the State Literacy Grant again this year. We should receive nearly $25,000 which will be used for software upgrades and work on the network for the Adult Learning Program. Senate Bill 409: The Library of California bill was signed by the governor and established a budget of five million dollars to begin the infra structure for the system. There will be a statewide library system which will interconnect all types of libraries electronically. It will take many years to complete the project and will depend on annual appropriations from the governor and legislature in order to continue. Trustee Baron asked who controls the State Library electronic system. Director Lange explained that it is partially the State government. The State Library has a Board, the California Library Services Board, which is a citizen body that helps make policy decisions for the State Library. The membership includes representatives from the library community, handicapped community, minority community and the population at large. Additionally, the current State Librarian is very oriented to listening to the librarians and Library Boards in the State. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of October 21, 1998 Meeting Page 7 SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: Chairman L’Heureux turned the meeting over to Trustee Tarman who attended the Serra Meeting last month. Trustee Tarman said the focus of the Advisory Board Meeting was the support of Prop L. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Not present. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Not present. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of October 21, 1998, was adjourned at 4:18 PM, for a hard hat tour conducted by City Special Projects Manager, John Cahill. Respectfully submitted, Adminis Cissie si+On rative Secretary , ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM Monthly Report September 1998 1. Carlsbad High School Students On September 9, seven Carlsbad High School students began coming dady to the Adult Learning Progr& with their Special Education teacher and aides. fie students spkd two hours each day- using the same core curriculum for reading and writing instruction that adults in the program use. Providing one-to-one tutoring are teacher Judy Gaitan, 2 teacher’s aides (on alternate days), the school district’s speech and language specialist (one day a week), and Adult Learning Program staff and volunteers Shirley Taylor, Paula Cooper, and Carrie Scott. When not working with a tutor on the core curriculum, the students do their homework fiom other classes, read books from the library’s Adult Learning Program collection, and use the computer lab to learn keyboarding. In the first three weeks, positive changes in the students’ skills and self-esteem are already apparent. The teacher attributes much of the change to the Adult Learning Program’s non-school, encouraging atmosphere. 2. The Adult Learning Program hosted the Library’s Board of Trustees meeting on September 16 at the Librarv Board of Trustees Meeting Adult Learning Program-site. The meeting included hearing two adult learners relate their personal experiences with learning to read and write. Trustees also observed the learners in actual tutoring situations. 3. Representatives from literacy and adult education programs in North County held their fall meeting at the Adult Learning Program on September 23 to continue addressing cooperative goals. Results of an onsite evaluation of each program’s technology needs were shared. The purpose of the evaluation was to compare each program’s technology status to a standard list of minimum technology necessary for effective administrative functioning in a cooperative environment. The San Diego Council on Literacy will prepare a joint grant application to bring all North County literacy programs up to the minimum standard. Also at this meeting, the goal of volunteer tutor recruitment and retention was addressed. Carlsbad coordinator Lynda Jones presented statistical analyses of her program’s 1997-1998 tutor intake process, making the case for 1) increased emphasis on retention of successful tutors and 2) re-evaluation of procedures used when potential tutors phone the San Diego Council on Literacy Referral Hotline. North Countv Literacv PIanninP GrouD 4. The major collection of Adult Learning Program (ALP) materials currently located at the Main Adult Learning Proeram Collection at Branch/New Main Library (Cole) Library will remain at hs location &er the New Main Library opens in 1999. Thls collection’s proximity to the Adult Learning Program’s tutoring facilities will make its major focus the support of tutors and learners in this program. For the New Main Library, capital funds have been allocated to develop a core collection of adult literacy materials. The New Main collection’s goal will be to serve the general population, including teachers, parents, college students, and others interested in learning more about issues involved in adult literacy and techniques used in developing literacy skills. Special attention will be put on the needs of adults and children not learning through traditional means. In September, Coordinator Lynda Jones evaluated and sorted the existing collection of adult literacy materials at the LaCosta Branch (to become part of New Main collection) and began ordering to strengthen the core collection. -. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY C-RO DB INFORMACIO# Monthly Report September 1998 1.- Adult Proclrammincr. On September 10, the Centro de Informaci6n, in conjunction with the Carlsbad Police Department and the Community Resource Center of Encinitas, conducted an adult educational presentation at the Senior Center Auditorium. The topics for this presentation were Domestic Violence and Drug/Alcohol Abuse. At the end of the presentation the audience had the opportunity to ask questions and speakers distributed handouts and informational materials. 2.- Childr mn's Orourammi ncr, The Centro de Informaci6n resumed the bilingual storycraft on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. The Tuesday and Wednesday storyhours are for preschool-age children and the Thursday one is for all school-age children. After the story, the children are involved making a project related to the story. On September 18, the Home-Based Head Start Program had two special storycrafts at the Centro, with parents participating. 30- Communitv Outreach. On September 3, Main Library staff members Constance Kneisel, Charlene Kennedy, and Suzanne Smithson and Centro supervisor Lizeth Simonson staffed an information booth at the Carlsbad School District Fair at Holiday Park. Teachers from all grade levels had the opportunity to gather information about the resources available for teachers and students at the Carlsbad libraries. 4.- Serra Ethnic Services Committee. On September 2, Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson, a member of the Serra Ethnic Services Committee, attended the bimonthly meeting held at the San Diego Public Library, Otay Mesa Branch. 5.- Carlsbad Youth Enrichment Services. On September 16, Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson attended a meeting of the Carlsbad Youth Enrichment Services (YES) at the Barrio Museum in Carlsbad. During this meeting the group reviewed the goals for 1998-1999 and formed committees to develop action plans to address these goals. Lizeth will be working, on the long range goal of creating a community park for the north-west quadrant of the city. 6.- Media Article, On September 11, an article about the Centro de Informaci6n appeared in the F- A copy is attached. A.- B.- C.- D.- E.- F.- G.- €I. - r.- J.- CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY CSNTRO DE INFORMACION STATISTICS SEPTEMBER 1998 Individual Patron Visits 1. Children 609 2. Adults 436 3. Teens 202 Pragram Attendance (in addition to individual visits) TOT- 1,247 1. Total adult programs: 1 Total attendance at adults programs: 39 2. Total of children's programs: 9 Number of preschool programs: 8 Number of school-age programs: 1 Total attendance at children's programs: Preschool 126 School-age 16 Attendance Grand Total Individual Visits: 1,247 Programs: 181 Average Daily Attendance In House Use Number of reference/information questions answered Number of new patrons registered at Centro Number of volunteer hours 181 1,128 68 112 4s3 13 16 Number of patrons using the Computer Resource Attendance at Spanish Literacy classes 12 8 CHILDREN SERVICES DIVISION SEPTEMBER 1998 MONTHLY STATEMENT Although September is a quieter month than some others, staff was busy in many areas. Since there is more money to spend for books this year and new procedures in the collection development policy more time is necessary. Increased time is spent reading journals, preparing order cards, and organizing these activities and the entire process. Meetings with the Branch staff to process and coordinate these orders add to this increase. A weeding of three areas of Juvenile books has also been under way, keeping staff involved. Reference questions were 2,O 17, having increased significantly due to several class visits fkom various schools to the library. Saturday and evening reference questions have also grown in number. Several programs started up again after the summer break caused by the Summer Reading Program. Among these are Storycraft, Tuesday Storyhour, and Wednesday Prime Time Club. The computers in Children’s Library have also seen a lot more activity. Internet, CDRom, and Word Processing services have significantly increased in use. Of these, CDRom usage has sky- rocketed. Patrons have been on the computers for several hours each day. This increased activity requires increased staff time helping patrons in loading software, Internet registration and navigation, and Word Processing assistance. Children's Division Monthly Statistics Date: SEPTEMBER 1998 Circulation for Month: 16,617 Reference Questions: 2,O 17 Total Number of Programs: 21 Total , Attendance: 753 Number of Preschool Programs: 13 Preschool Attendance: 462 Number of School Age Programs: 8 School Age Attendance: 29 1 Storyhours: 14 Storyhours: 490 children and adults Other Programs: Storycraft: 28 children and adults Class & Group Tours of the Library: 7 Classes: 263 children, teachers & parents Staff Visits to Schools: 7 Requests f3om Branch: 55 Volunteer Hours: 4 Internet Use: 54 Word Processing: 6 CD-ROM: 65 In House Use: 929 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITIONS STATISTICS REPORT September 1998 Current Month Books - Adult Main Branch Centro sub to tal Books - Children Main Branch Centro subtotal 430 55 193 11 0 5 62 3 71 258 2 241 2 0 1 499 5 Current Previous Fiscal Fiscal Year Year --- Total to Date to Date - - - -__-___-__-__-______ 485 1,912 1,587 204 571 339 5 30 19 694 2,513 1,945 260 612 310 243 531 332 1 21 6 504 1,164 64 8 Audio - Adult 138 6 144 4 64 369 Audio - Children 0 1 1 12 53 Video 14 1 53 68 2 61 3 62 Total Received 1,274 84 53 1,411 4,414 3,377 Orders Requests (items) 42 232 655 3,286 175 3,207 Direct-ordered Videos Cataloged at PMSC Current Previous current Fiscal Fiscal Year to Date month Year to Date ___________________________-_ - - - videos 6 98 60 ____________________ __-____-__ _-_-_-____ __------- - - - Cur rent PI evi ous Gifts Added current Fiscal Fiscal -____-____-_- month Year to Date Year to Date Gifts 290 682 416 __________ __________ _________ - - - B & T = Baker & Taylor PMSC = Professional Media Services Corporation Genealogy & Local History Division Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Statistics -. September 1998 Research activity: September 1998 September 1997 Reference questions 1,357 1,244 Reptered researchers 766 1,005 Computer users 193 N/A . Circulation 130 155 Inhouse usage 1,952 N/A Holdings: Added Added September 1998 FY1998/99 to date Genealogy Non-Citc 44 162 Genealogy Circ -2 3 -2 3 Microfilm 0 5 Micro fiche 0 0 CD 0 1 Activities with the North San Diego County Genealogy Society: September 1998 September 1997 Volunteer hours 52 48 Programs 3 6 Program attendance 132 276 NSDCGS donations $493.50 $1,551.85 Donated books 20 N/A FYI 998/99 to date 4,317 2,562 648 47 1 5,220 Added FY1997/98 626 -35 117 4,757 28 Total 1998 to date 416 31 1,350 $1 0,430.05 21 9 FY199T/98 14,737 10,711 1,411 1,850 5,136 Tod 17,836 879 7,399 11 5,003 239 Total 1997 562 58 2,338 $1 4,664.09 N/A Location Carlsbad San Diego County Los Angeles County Orange County Riverside County San Bemardino County Other California Counties Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado Connecticut Oelaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Washington, D.C. West Wrginia Wisconsin 153 459 - 35 49 42 2 6 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 Q 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 1,570 7,230 82 204 153 631 5 52 24 133 1 1 0 2 3 100 2 2 0 3 0 3 1 0 0 15 0 1 1 0 144 348 0 0 0 3 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 6 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 2 1 5 4 1 8 1 30 26 2 2 1 10 2 0 7 3 10 6 1 3 2 @-.*a** 2 5 6 0 0 9 0 1 0 0 2 6 1 1 19 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Wyoming Guam Belgium England Germany Ireland Mexico Russia Total 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 766 2,511 10.711 LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT SEPTEMBER 1998 SEPTEMBER CIRCULATION Branch circulation totaled 22, 722 items for the month. Of this total 10,994 adult items, 9,596 children's items, 2,091 video tapes and 41 CD ROMS were checked out by patrons. This was an average of 909 each day or 85 each hour. This is an increase of 3% over September 1997. USERS This month's user count was 15,515. An average of 621 patrons used the branch each day or 58 each hour. CHILDREN'S Elementary schools are now back in session. This greatly increased research and assignment oriented questions directed at children's staff. The fall schedule of class tours also began with tours for Mission Estancia students. It became necessary this month to utilize the full height of 90" wall shelving in the children's mom to provide space for the collection. This reduces access to children's materials by children, however staff is always available to assist. This is an unfortunate reality until larger quarters are provided. Staff also began their fall schedule of regular programs. Seven Preschool storyhours will be presented each month and BookBuddies has returned once again. Special seasonal programs are also planned. ADULT COLLECTION The adult fiction collection also grew beyond its bounds with no more mom to shelve materials. Therefore, staff did a major weeding which will hopefully allow mom for another 8 or 9 months of growth. The nonfiction collection may won follow suit. NEW BUILDING PLANS The Branch Manager received the shelving specifications from the Interior Designer and has identified the need for several modifications. The completion of the shelving signage schedule is still pending. Samples of signage are being sent to us which will help in the decision process. The Branch Manager is also working on the time capsule project for the New Main library. She is researching types of capsules, ideas for contents and identifying community groups to donate items defining present day Carlsbad. The time capsule will be placed in the courtyard area of the new building as part of the opening celebration. LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT SEPTEMBER 1998 CIRCULATION STATISTICS Collaion Hrs/Davs Circulation Circulation bv HrlDay Children’s Vols. 9,052 Children’s A.V. 544 Adult Vols. 7,986 - Adult A.V. 3,008 Video Tapes 2,091 CD ROMS 41 Total 25 1280 22,722 Reference Question8: Adult 1,831 ToCal 2,470 Children In-house Library Use Materlab 2,882 CD ROM USERS 54 Online Databa8e search 194 Registrations: Non Resident 1 20 Carlsbad 228 Total 352 85 I 909 NOTE: BOLD FACED information is formatted to be used in the State Report. LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT SEPTEMBER 1998 USERS No. of Users Hrs/Davs Users Der HrIDay 15,515 268 I 25 58 1621 PROGRAM ATTENDANCE Pmmm Attendance & &e No. of Pmramg Story hour 101 Preschoolers 7 BookBuddies 4 Preschoolers 3 Schdage 1 Class Visits: Mission Estancia . 69 School age (9yr.olds) a 172 10 Attendees by age group Pm8c h oolen 105 School age 67 VOLUNTEERS Activitv Hours No. of Volunteerg Children's Clerical Community Service (dusting shelves) Magazine Sales Total 5 4 a 48 1 1 - 9 11 NOTE: BOLD FACED information is formatted to be used in the State report. LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT SEPTEMBER 1998 -. STATISTIC COMPARISON CIRCULATION Collection Sed. '97 Children's Vols. 8,303 Children's A.V. 648 Adult Vols. 8,155 Adult A.V. 2,757 Video Tapes 2,196 CD ROMS 24 Total 22,083 apt. '98 CornParison 9,052 749 9 544 - 104 -16 7,986 - 169 -2 3,008 250 9 2,091 - 105 -5 41 17 71 22,722 639 3 Circulation each hour 82 85 3 4 Circulation each day 883 909 26 3 USERS TOTAL @Dt. 97 pt. 98 CornParison 16,770 1551 5 - 1,255 -7 63 Users Each Hour 58 -5 Usen Each Day -8 67a 621 - 49 -7 This m Last month 17,378 Calendar Y.T.D. (1/1/98-) 238.984 Fiscal Y.T.D. (7/1/98-) 65,575 REFERENCE ACTIVITIES FOR SEPTEMBER, 1998 Reference Questions totaled 5,337 during the month of September, a decrease of 2,214 over last year. Reserves totaled 2,571, an increase of 157. This figure includes Public Internet Access sign-ups, which totaled 608 during the month of September. Interlibrary Loans totaled 95 items received and 106 items were sent to other libraries. Also in September, there were 4% questions answered at the Information Desk. During the month of September, there were: 2 Library Skills Classes and 2 Internet Classes. Online Searches totaled 635, an increase of 132 over last year. The Reference Selection Committee met on September 3 : $1134 was spent on updates and $722 was spent on new titles. Suzanne Smithson attended a Serra sponsored CORE Reference Workshop held at the Oceanside library on September 1 and she also attended a Young Adult Meeting on September 24 and a City Web Committee Meeting on September 30. On September 3, Suzanne, Char, Connie and Lizeth set at a booth representing the Library at the Carlsbad Unified School District Teacher’s Intensive Day at Holiday Park. It was a great way to reach all the teachers from every grade level and explain the resources available to shdents at the Carlsbad City Libraries. Callie Ahrens attended an Investment in Excellence meeting on September 8 and she lead the Affirmation Refi-esher workshop on the 16*. Callie also Gave a City Tour to new employees on September 29. Char attended an Auditorium Policy Meeting on September 16; Char and C-liff went to Coronado Public Library on September 10 to attend a Serra Reference and Collections Committee Meeting. On September 10, Char attended the Kick Off Meeting presented by the Consultant for the Records Management Committee. -. Technical Services Report September 1998 In September, Technical Services staff added 1,5 14 new print items and 352 audiovisual items to the library’s collection. They deleted 1,843 print items and 221 audiovisual items from the database. Patrons using home computers dialed into the catalog 188 times. Our new Library Assistant is Jane Keller. She was previously employed by the Oceanside Public Library, where she worked both in the Technical Services division and in Circulation. One of the ongoing projects in Technical Services has been the upgrade of bibliographic records in our catalog that are incomplete or inaccurate. A full record in our catalog includes author, title, physical description, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, subject headings, series title (if any), and other information that is used by the public and the staff. The problem records being upgraded have only author and title, and sometimes even that information is incorrect. They represent item that were in our collection prior to our switch to the INLEX system in 1987 and that could not be upgraded automatically by programs that match incomplete records against the Library of Congress cataloging records. Most of them predate our coming up on our first automated system, CLSI, in 1977. After automatic upgrade programs were run in 1986, 1987, and 1990, we were still left with over 45,000 catalog entries that were incomplete. Over the years, we have been working on these older records in between cataloging new materials. In September, we passed a major milestone when the number of items needing upgrading finally dropped to below 20,000. Not all of the problem titles remain in our collection. Some have been lost or discarded over the years. Titles are discarded for a variety of reasons, primarily because they have been damaged or are obsolete. However, many of these older titles are still valuable and are being upgraded. Although the upgrade process is time-consuming, it’s important that our patrons and the library staff be able to find everything we have. It will be even more important to have full cataloging when our catalog becomes available over the Internet and more patrons decide whether or not to come to the library based on whether they’ve found likely sources for the information they want in a preliminary search of our catalog &om home or work. -. Cataloging Statistics September 1998 Books Titles Cataloged Adult Fiction I 188 Adult Nonfict. Total Adult Juv. Fiction 189 Juv. Nonfict. I 188 Total Juv. Bks. I 377 Book Totals Book Collection Totals Volume s Added 353 491 844 366 304 67 0 Titles Volumes Withdrawn Withdrawn I 183 3 67 749 1,106 932 1,473 112 184 112 186 224 I 370 170,993 Main Storage 8,373 Branch 47,342 Branch Storage 3,086 Centro 3,069 Total Book Volumes 232,063 Audio-video ‘Materials Titles Pieces Titles Pieces Added Added Withdrawn Withdrawn ~ Adult Cassettes 94 134 61 84 Adult CDs 52 68 29 42 Adult C D- ROMS 1 2 0 0 Videos 109 140 63 80 Total Adult A-V 256 344 153 206 Juv. Cassettes 3 8 6 15 Juv. CDs 0 0 0 0 JUV. CD-ROMs 0 0 0 0 I I I I Total Juv. A-V 3 8 6 15 Total A-V 259 352 .I 159 221 Audio-Visual Collection Totals Main Storage Branch 3,060 2,802 Branch Storage 0 0 It Centro 1 331 1 68 -. Special Print Collections VolUmes Added Adult Reference 55 Adult Spanish 5 Volumes Withdrawn 97 18 1) Juvenile Large Type I 0 Special Print Collection Totals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. -. . . GENEALOGY LONG-RANGE PLAN ProDosed Issues Relationship between the library and the North San Diego County Genealogical Society (NSDCGS). 0 Fund raising Insurance 0 Meetings 0 Use of Society volunteers in the library Scope and focus of genealogy collections. Issues relating to use of new technologies. Support for and maintenance of machines Online or CD-ROM access to resources. Relationship of library services to genealogy . 0 Reference assistance Photocopying 0 Access to Internet 0 Interlibrary loans (sending and receiving) Space needs. Collections Machines Storage Desired Product: At the end of a year or so of meetings and study, a formal long-range plan would be in place that would be accepted both by the library and by the Genealogical Society board and members. The plan would provide a vision for collections and services; projected needs for equipment and new technology; staf6ng requirements; a general space needs analysis (in preparation for the remodel of the library); a clear understanding with library staff about support relationships; and an action plan for funding. GENEALOGY’S USE OF LIBRARY RESOURCES SPACE The main library has about 15,OO square feet of public service space. Of ths, about 1,800 square feet is devoted to genealogy collections, seating, and equipment. This represents about 10% of all public service space. MATERIALS BUDGET The library’s budget for all materials is about $545,000. Genealogy is allocated about $26,000 of this, or about 4.8% of the total. STAFF RESOURCES The library’s personnel budget is about $2,380,000. Of this, about $52,000 goes for genealogy staff, or about 2.2% of the total. USERS An average of about 44,000 people use the main library each month, compared to about 1,500 users of the genealogy area each month, or about 3.5% of the total. CIRCULATION OF MATERIALS The library, with about 230,000 volumes in its collections, circulates about 1.1 million items per year. The genealogy circulating collection, with about 900 titles, circulates about 25,000 items per year, or about 2.3% of the total. PLEASE Do NOT FOLD OR STAPLE 3. Street Addrese. California State Library Federal-State Cooperative System for Public Library Data PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT 1998 4. Mailing Address. REPORT YEAR equaJs ending June 30,1998 Fd Ye~r 1997-98 5. Public Phone. (760) 434-2870 7. Librory Director's INTERNET amail Address. ClangQpoi..erulsb4d.Ul.US Library Derelopment senices Po Box 942837 Sacramento,CA 94237-0001 MprthpoctiZ (916)653-5772 6. Reference Phone. (760) 434-2871 7.a. Library's INTERNET e-md Addnss. DueOctober31.1998 M616 DCR-BASE Car labad Code: P Table: 4 9. FAX Phone. (760) 729-2050 11. Size Sq. Miles. 40.00 DIRECTORY UPDATE Type or Handwrite Changes on thio page.. 10. TDD for Deaf. (760) 434-8123 12. House Did. 43 ~ ~~ ~~ 13. State Saute. 38 1250 Carisbud vilhgc Drive CarLFbod 14. Assembly. 74 92W-I991 16. ILL Period: A, We&. 2 1250 Corlsbad Viige Drive CdSbd 17. ILL Photocopy free up to 10 pages? N 92008-1 991 IS. Affiliations. 1 ALA,CU. GEOFF ARMOUR (760) 434-2889 NAME OF CONTACT FOR QUESTIONS REGARDING REPORT DATA gyp! or Print) Phons # of Contact 201. RQ.-Agtss 203. RQ. C- A#e 6-14 206. Childrar Borromrr Age e14 207. WLibrUJ. (if qat for pubiic amice) (8t lsret 1100 6q.A. 7000 vols) 201. ~rrracbaa 209. Shk 210. Bodomobrla. vcbidte 211. oIbachttk!&Dtpo&L LIBRAaYsrAFF 255. FX'ELib-Tsck- 256. mother. 257. Fl'EVd- Avq FIE per4 (nothours) 100. 616 201. 203 205 206 207. 1 208. 1 209. 1 210. 0 211. 0 5,700 7,700 97,092 212. 64.00 251. 129 252. 16.20 253. 16.20 254. 3.24 255. 13.54 256. 29.39 257. 8.00 Type Res- for 1))7/98iabOXbeJow. 100. 616 201. 203. 205. 206 ao7. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 5,900 8,000 92,532 1 1 1 0 1 64 153 16.67 16.67 2.74 17.02 22.82 a QST-ST AT DCR-STAT CALIFoRNIARlBLICLIBMRYREFORT M616 culsbrrd INCOME Report whole dollua only, omit cults. Enterfuadsforopentioarlex~, sad for capital outlay. Rcspollsc for FY 199197 100. 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 616 2,551,352 341,200 0 248,764 0 248,764 0 22,250 Type Response for 1997198 io box below. 100. 616 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 2,735,003 256,000 5,000 284,857 0 284,857 0 13,000 Page 3 QST - STAT DCR STAT - CALIFORNIA -IC LIBRARY REPORT 401. !hkh. 402 403 404. 405 406. 407. 408 409 410 411. Benefit& RintMateridS. current seripl subscriptions. Micmfotms. Audi0PisuPlmrrtai.b. Library Mateaiala in Ektromc FormoEs othermataipls. Operati- Expedtures for Elertroaie Access All other Opemtbg Expemditures. Capital outlay. If paid by Library. lncludc sites, buildings, vehicles, origiarl equipmeat. Rcspoase for FY 1991-97 100. 616 401. 402 403. 404. 405 406 407 408 409 410. 411. If 663,465 353,202 227 947 121,658 35,200 79 800 13 400 0 0 479,230 39,511 Type Rsporrse for l!J97/!M in box below. 100. 616 401. 1,747,953 402. 316,329 403- 218,371 404. 158,182 405- 32,266 406. 79,459 407. 15,000 408. 0 409. 0 410- 562,823 411- 36,656 Page 4 QST-ST AT DCR STAT - CALIM)RNIA -IC LIBRARY REPORT M&1& CUtpbpd 504. mhhhbse-. 505. Restmath. 506. Expenditme for Cbilchm's 507. AdultLitarcyPtgrrrm. M&d8. 5Oa Tdtr to CitylComty QvisioaS for mi-: mint, accounting, e&. 509. Pa~forContrrLServke to mother jurisdiction. 510. EstimatedSarices&Suppb bareflthg tbe libnry that were paid far by otbar Citylcounty Divisioa for report year. PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND 511. &nountdPLFfdidiadud#lin 512. KF nparded for Library Maw. Td opsrclting Expcllditure. 513. KFarpawledforpaSoMa. Rcspoase for FY 1996-97 100. 616 501. 502 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515 516. 517 14,634 201 574 25,000 0 14,666 57,025 134 I 434 20,753 7,426 23OlOOO 3aI 541 0 0 0.00 38,541 0 1,338 Page 5 QST-STAT Type Respolrse for 1997198 in box below. 100. 616 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 16,330 16,920 25,000 0 15 ,@ 1 66,350 145,996 14,312 6,581 235,000 37,584 0 0 0 37,584 0 2,365 'DCR STAT - CALIFORNU HIBLIC LIBRARY REPORT Mil6 culsbnd COLLECTIONS. AI1 eatries M mud for fiscll year, md M in units or item. 601. 602. 603. 604. 605 606 607. 608 609 610. 611. 612 613 614. 615 616 617. 618. 619 620 621. 622 BooLsAdddCaWoqcd. Books AQlVYA Added Cataloged. BodrsAd&dUaatrrloged. Childrcn'r Bodra CbiMren'sBOdrs. Books Total Held as of June 30. Added, c.trloged. Added, uncrt.loged. Bodrs Children Held as of June 39. Children's Audio MptaipLs Total AudiaMatt~iak held UI of June 30. Films. Children's Video hteriab Total Video MotaLL, beld as of June 30. CD-ROMs Datadisksdy, Other (wn CD-ROM) Library Materipls serial volumes not AudioNidso or public dog. in Electronic Formats. held as of June 30. 100. 616 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609 610. 611. 612. 613 614. 615. 616 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622 14,826 10 , 426 0 4 , 400 0 229 , 998 56, 236 173 , 762 0 0 10 , 014 260 , 536 2 , 752 16 , 663 0 2 , 449 12 * 984 1,170 9,521 83 0 0 Type Response for 1997198 in box below. 100. 616 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. 13,834 9,223 0 4,611 0 234 , 302 58,914 175,388 0 0 10,252 252,170 3,011 18,290 0 3,022 14,038 1,222 8,517 131 0 0 Page 6 QST-STAT DCR STAT - CALIFORNU =IC LIBRARY REFORT -. Avoid other marks/- on page. NON-ENGLISH LANGUAGES PrintlbWends ADDEDmdJuac30. 701. hUE4liM 702. Chh~ 703. Ftmch 705. Hmong 706. ItaIian 707. Jpprneae 708. Korern 709. hthn 710. Ruesi~ 711. Smsb 711. Vlebameae 704. Gsrm~r 751. Armcroirn 752. chinersa 753. F-h 754. Gsrmrn 755. HmoDp 756. I1.li.n 757. J~pursee 758. Korea 759. L.0ti.n 760. Russiaa 761. SWsb 762. Vie4namem Mil6 Carlsbad Respoase for FY 199697 100. 701. 702 e 703. 704. 705 706 707 708. 709 710. 711 712 741. 752 753. 754. 755. 756 757. 758 759. 760 761 762 616 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 518 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,139 0 Type Rospome for 1997/98 in box Wow. 100. 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. 757. 758. 759. 760. 761. 762. 616 660 7,156 Page 7 QST - LANG DCR-LANG CALIFORNIA -IC LIBRARY REFORT -. M416 cllrlsbad For OCR Scuming: Aroid Fddiq in irvpcrtwl cp ONLY, LIBRARY SERVICES, ANNUAL. 801. TotPlPublicStd~tE~~~. 802. AtteaQncei~LibrruJ. 803. ref^^. Omit Directional. 804. (hdhDptobssefhdht!& 805. CiraJPboa dChil&ea'sMateli&. 806 Circulntioa No~-EI@~s~. 807. CireulrrtiolrN~a-Bodr, 808. TotalCih. 809. Children's Circ ai Mt at T0t.l Circul.tioa. 810 b-Librruy llpc d Mntaip)s. 811. ~~todhers. 812. ILLloPasdred. 813. RoSdrod-Nunber. 814. prosdrod m. AttondPnce. 815. scaoolAgtm.N~nba. 816. SchodAgtRogramsAtkndpm. 817. Adult Frosrpms. N\mber. 818. Adult Rogram& AUudmce 819. Total prosRma. Nulrkr. 820. Total Progsars. AttcnQaee. Page 8 Respolrsc for FY 199697 100. 616 801. 802. 803. 804 805. 806. 807 808. 809 810 811 812. 813 814 815 816. 817 818. 819. 820. 7 , 852 780 , 000 153,967 1,240 333 , 737 21,638 272 , 374 1 I 081,2 10 30.90 0 966 1, 325 2 66 6,595 265 9 , 200 03 3,753 614 19 I 548 Type Response for 1)97/98 in box below. 100. 616 801. 7,852 802- 775,000 803- 144,461 804. 7,482 805. 334,573 806. 22,842 807- 251,505 808-1,073,213 809. 810. 811. 812. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 31.2 61,037 1,036 1,206 298 8,083 327 8,581 79 3,147 7Q4 19,811 QST-STAT DCR-STAT CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M616 Carlsbad 90 SALARY SURVEY. Survey is of monthly magee for selected cl.ssificrtione. have ssctioae bled if buppmpriate. But do not divide sectiws or dd new -. List monthly raages, whole dollars only, omit ceats. . Dirrctor(m0atMymt.e) 902. Directm (monthly rate) 903. -tm. 904. -Dh. 905. Chid Lib. Div. 906. Chid Lib. Div. 907. BrpnchLibn. 908. BrpncbLiba. 909. Librpripn 910. Librpripn 911. Lib.Tech.&t. 912. Lib. Tech. Asst. 913. ClerLNolr-Pro. (Begmu& .. Final .. 9 14. Clerk Non-Ro. 91s. Mgr.dSpccSenia.(not~-MLS) Begin (e+ Literacy, A-V, oc IBrR Spccirlist) 916. Mgr.dSpcc,Saria.(~-MLS) Fd Response for FY 1996-97 100. 616 90 902. 903. 904. 905. 906. 907. 908. 909. 910. 911. 912. 913 914. 915. 916. 5, 37 7,577 4,630 5 , 909 3,172 3,857 3,172 4,050 2,353 3,322 2 048 3,161 1,662 2,143 2 652 3 224 Type Respome for 1997198 in box below. 100. 616 90 902. 903. 904. 905. 906. 907. 908. 909. 910. 911. 912. 913. 914. 915. 916. 7, 75 8,967 5,942 7,500 3,231 3,928 3,633 4,992 2,396 3,382 2,084 3,218 1,692 2,184 2,702 3,283 Page 9 QST-S ALR DCR-SUR CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT M614 Carlstmd For OCR !kuming: Raee Avoid Fdding Type Respolrscs in indiafed area ONLY, Avoid 0th markdcommemts on pnga Response for ELECTRONIC SERVICES INTERNET ACCESS FOR YOUR LIBRARY 851. Library has access to the Internet for electronic mail? (0 = No; 1 = Yes, senices as well as e-mail? (ag. Tdnet, gopher, ftp, WWW, etc.) (O= No; 1 = Yes) 852. Library has acass for other Internet INTERNET AVAILABILlTY (Answer 853. only if your p~lswer to 852 is 1 (Yes)) 853. Under what cinrmstpacg isInte!me!tpccess available? ...if ONLY to library StPcF (no patron pcces8), type 1. ...if patrons have access but ONLY through ... if patrons can have tbeir own direct use staff, type 2. or can pceess through staff intennediary, at their own option, type 3. OTHER ELECTRONIC SERVICES 856. Is direct patron pccess to other electronic sewices available? (as. bibliographic & full text databnses; multimedia products) (0 = No; 1 = Yes) 100. 616 851. 852. 853. 856. Type Response for FY 1997/98 in box below. 100. 616 851. 852. 853. 856. Page 10 d95aut.o California State Library . . Federal-State Cooperative System for Public Library Data Outlets Survey Dw October 31,1998 Mail to: II CALIFORMA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1998 II CA0020.001 Library Development !kvices Po Box 942837 Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 Martha Orti2 (916) 653-5772 16. State Senate District: 38 17. State Assembly District: 73 1. Outlet: Cadbad City Libmy 2. Director: Criffoord E. Lange 18. U.S. House District: 43 3. Title: Director 4. Street Address: 1250 &&bad Village Drive 6. City: Cadsbad 8. Zip: 92008-1991 9. Mail Zip: 11. Public Phone: (760) 434-2870 5. Mail Address: 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive 7. Mail City: Carlsbad 92008-1 991 10. FAX Phone: (760) 729-2050 Ext: 12. Outlet's Website: 13. Type of Outlet: a BR = Branch; ST = Station; CE = Central Library; OT = Other Outlet 14. This Facility is Owned by: +City = CITY .county = CNTY *Special District = SPDT *Public School = PSCH +other Public Ageocy = PUAG *Private AgencylPersonletc. = PRIV *Multiple = MULT 15. This Facility is in need of MEX *Remodeling = RMDL *Expansion = EXPN *Remodel & Exp = RMEX *Replacement = RPLC CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1998 M616 Carlsbad Outlet Name: Cprlsbad City Library For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding Ty Res nsesinindicatedareaONLY. &RE fhE DATA ON FILE IS CORRECT, OU MAY LEAVE THE UPDATE/ CORRECTIONS COLUMN BLANK 285. Population Served By Outlet. 286. Total Outlet Staff, in mE. 287. Hours Open, Weekly. 288. Hours Open, A~dly. 289. Total Number of Volumes Held by Outlet. 290. Total AM^ Circulation by Outlet. 29 1. Total Outlet Operating Expenditure. 292. Year in which Outlet was Originally Built. 293. Year in which Outlet was Remodeled. 294. Si of Outlet, in sq. ft. 295. Number of Reader Seats in Outlet. 296. Days per week outlet is open to the public. 297. Staffed when open to public by at least 1 paid librarian & 1 paid clerical? (0 = No; 1 = Yes) 298. Housed in separate quarters? 299. Established schedule of hours for public (0 = No; 1 = Yes) 300. MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) Status: (0 = No; 1 = Yes) service? (0 = Not in MSA; 1 = In city limits of the central city of an MA; 2 = In an MSA, but not in the central city limits.) 301. Degree of Adequacy of this Facility. (Scale: 1 = Poor to 10 = Excellent.) Data Currently On File 120. 0020.001 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 69,000 53.95 64 3,328 179,525 793,886 2,631,390 1967 1982 24,600 152 6 1 1 1 2 3 Update/Corrections For 1997198 100. 616 120. 0020.001 285. 70,000 286. 57.24 287. 288. 289. 180,975 290. 772,706 291. 2,702,747 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. Type, above, ONLY data that is different fron previous year's value. If unchanged, you do noi need to type data for that element, above. Page 2 QST-OUTL DCR OUTL - California State Library FederaEState Cooperative System for Public Library Data I CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1998 Outlets Survey Due October 31,1998 Mail to: Library Development Services PO Box 942837 Sacramento, CA 942374001 Martha O~Z (916) 653-5772 Carlsbad M616 CA0020.003 2. Director: Lizeth Sirnonson 3. Title: Supervisor 4. Street Address: 3333 Hading St, Room I1 6. City: Carlsbad 8. Zip: 92008-2424 9. Mail Zip: 11. Public Phone: (760) 729-6907 5. Mail Address: 3333 Hading St. #I1 7. Mail City: Carlsbad 92008-2424 10. FAX Phone: Ext: 1. Outlet: Centm de Infomcwn 12. Outlet's Website: 13. Type of Outlet: ST BR = Branch; ST = Station; CE = Central Library; OT = Other Outlet 14. This Facility is Owned by: PSCH +city = CITY +county = CNTY *Special District = SPDT *Public School = PSCH *Other Public Agency = PUAG *Private AgencylPersonletc. = PRIV *Multiple = MULT 15. This Facility is in need of: *Remodeling = RMDL *Expansion = EXPN *Remodel & Exp = RMEX *Replacement = RPLC 16. State Senate District: 38 17. State Assembly District: 73 18. U.S. House District: 43 CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1998 M616 Carlsbad -. Outlet Name: Ceatro de Informacion [=S&ming: Please Avoid Folding II ~ype ~es nses in indicated area ONLY. YOU MAY LEAVE THE UPDATE[ mw, 1 LAN 285. Population Served By Outlet. 2 8 6 . Total Outlet Staff, in FTE. 287. Hours Open, Weekly. 288. Hours Open, Annually. 289. Total Number of Volumes Held by Outlet. 290. Total Annual Circulation by Outlet. 291. Total Outlet Operating Expenditure. 292. Year in which Outlet was Originally Built. 293. Year in which Outlet was Remodeled. 294. Si% of Outlet, in sq. ft. 295 . Number of Reader Seats in Outlet. 296. Days per week outlet is open to the public. 297. Staffed when open to public by at least 1 paid librarian & 1 paid clerical? (0 = No; 1 = Yes) 298. Housed in separate quarters? 299. Established schedule of hours for public (0 = No; 1 = Yes) 300. MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) Status: (0 = No; 1 = Yes) service? (0 = Not in MSA; 1 = In city limits of the centra city of an MSA; 2 = In an MSA, but not in the central city limits.) 301. Degree of Adequacy of this Facility. (We: 1 = Poor to 10 = Excellent.) Page 2 Data Currently On File 100. 616 120. 0020.003 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 10,Ooo 1.71 23 1,196 2,759 13,979 63,039 1957 900 34 5 0 1 1 2 7 QST-OUTL Update/Comtions For 1997/98 100. 616 120. 0020.003 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 3,084 14,208 68,219 Type, above, ONLY data that is different fron previous year's value. If unchanged, you do no1 need to type data for that element, above. DCR OUTL - California State Library Federal-State Cooperative System for Public Library Data CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1998 Library Development Services Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 CA0020.002 Martha Ortiz (916) 653-5772 Mail to: 16. State Senate District: 38 17. State Assembly District: 74 1. Outlet: LA Costa Bmnch 2. Director: Chris Holt 3. Title: Bmnch Manager 4. Street Address: 6949 El Camino Real, Suite 200 6. City: Carlsbad 8. Zip: 92009-8516 9. Mail Zip: 11. Public Phone: (760) 434-2865 18. U.S. House District: 43 5. Mail Address: 6949 El Camino Real, Suite 200 7. Mail City: Cadsbad 92009-851 6 10. FAX Phone: (760) 930-0251 Ext: 12. Outlet's Website: 13. Type of Outlet: BR = Branch; ST = Station; CE = Central Library; OT = Other Outlet 14. This Facility is Owned by: PRIV *City = CITY *County = CNTY *Special District = SPDT *Public School = PSCH +Other Public Agency = PUAG *Private AgencylPersonletc. = PRIV *Multiple = MULT 15. This Facility is in need of RPLC *Remodeling = RMDL *Expansion = EXPN *Remodel & Exp = RMEX *Replacement = RPLC CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OUTLETS SURVEY 1998 M616 Carlsbad Outlet Name: La Costa Branch Type, above, ONLY data that is different from previous year's value. If unchanged, you do not need to type data for that element, above. 11 For OCR Scanning: Please Avoid Folding I1 I 285. Population Served By Outlet. 286. Total Outlet Staff, in mE. 287. Hours Open, Weekly. 288. Hours Open, A~ually. 289. Total Number of Volumes Held by Outlet. 290. Total AM^ Circulation by Outlet. 29 1. Total Outlet Operating Expenditure. 292. Year in which Outlet was Originally Built. 293. Year in which Outlet was Remodeled. 294. Size of Outlet, in sq. ft. 2 9 5 . Number of Reader Seats in Outlet. 296. Days per week outlet is open to the public. 297. Staffed when open to public by at least 1 paid librarian & 1 paid clerical? (0 = No; 1 = Yes) 2 9 8. Housed in separate quarters? 299. Established schedule of hours for public (0 = No; 1 = Yes) 300. MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) Status: (0 = No; 1 = Yes) service? (0 = Not in MSA; 1 = In city limits of the central city of an MSA; 2 = In an MSA, but not in the central city limits.) 301. Degree of Adequacy of this Facility. (Scale: 1 = Poor to 10 = Excellent.) Page 2 Data Currently On File 100. 616 120. 0020.002 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301 20,000 9.61 64 3,328 47,714 273,345 407,216 1992 1993 5,600 44 6 1 1 1 2 8 QST-OUTL Update/Corrections For 1997/98 100. 616 120. 0020.002 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 25,000 10.61 49,980 286,299 415,636 DCR OUTL - !& 0 v) n z Lu W & lL B 0 U m P 0 8 s. 6 0 s 0 0 cy *! u a I 2 8 8 CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY LIBRARY-COURTS BUILDING P 0. BOX 942837 SACRAMENTO, CA 94237-0001 MEMORANDUM I Item #9 i TO: FROM: Dr. Kevin Starr All California Public Library Directors State Librarian of California s+- DATE: September 9, 1998 SUBJECT: ESTIMATED Allocations from the Public Library Fund (1998/99) In signing the 1998199 State budget, the Governor authorized the amount of the Public Library Fund to increase from $18,870,000 to $38,870,000, an increase of 106%. The augmentation continues to be tied to the implementation of a per capita distribution method to determine Public Library Fund allocations. AB 345-Granlund, Chapter 167 of the Statutes of 1997, is the legislation that changes the Public Library Fund allocations from a formula based on local per capita appropriations to a formula based solely on the population of the library’s service area. AB 345 does not impact the local maintenance of effort requirement for eligibility for distribution of funds. The enclosed table presents the California State Library’s preliminary estimates for the distribution of these funds for the 1998/99 fiscal year. The final determination of the allocation will be made following the confermation of eligibility based on the December 1, 1998, submittal by local public libraries of their respective local appropriations. If you have any questions, contact either Jay Cunningham, PLF Coordinator, Library Development Services, at (916) 653-81 12 or Cindy Tackett, Local Assistance Coordinator, at (916) 653-4192. Enclosure KOS: RC: PMW C: \WORDIPWESnMATE. PLF Y DAU The attached listing shows the California State Library's estimate for PLF payments in Fiscal Year 1998/99 as of September 1, 1998. This PLF allocation is determined by the population certified by the State Librarian based on estimates prepared by the State Department of Finance as the service population of each public library jurisdiction as a proportion of the available PLF funds. AB 345 (Granlund), Chapter 167 of the Statutes of 1997 and AB 107, Chapter 282 of the Statutes of 1997 are the authorities for this allocation. This estimate assumes that all jurisdictions meet the maintenance of effort requirements. The actual allocation to each library may change depending on whether the Fiscal year 1998/99 local support figures indicate a decrease in the number of libraries eligible to receive PLF funds. The final allocation figures will not be available until February 1999, when the California State Library certifies the actual Fiscal Year 1998199 local public library allocations. PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND FY 4998/!M FtcimafeR (Payment Based on Population) 1 2 3 4 5 At 100% Funding Proportionally Percentage Total Cost of Funded Payee Population Meets of Total PLF Program Estimate FY 98/99 MOE YIN Population 1 x S2.063 (1 x $1.16957) Alameda Alameda County Alhambra Alpine County Altadena District Amador County Anaheim Arcadia Auburn-Placer County Azusa City Banning District Beaumont District Belvedere-Tiburon Benicia Berkeley Beverly Hills Brawley Buena Park District Burbank Burlingame Butte County Calabasas Calaveras County Camarena (Calexico) Carlsbad City Camel (Harrison) Cerritos Chula Vista Coalinga-Huron District Colton Colusa County City of Commerce Contra Costa County Corona Coronado Covina Daly City Del Norte County L.D. Dixon District Downey El Centro El Dorado County El Segundo Escondido 72,500 541,350 90,400 1,200 49,300 33.700 301.200 52.500 142,745 45,050 27,140 22,250 10,950 27,850 107,800 34,050 21,700 74,500 104,000 36,750 201.600 19,550 38,350 25,650 73,700 4.560 56.700 162.000 18,500 45,950 18,550 13.050 807,900 11 1,500 26.800 46,900 103,4OO 28.900 21,220 99,700 37,850 147,600 16,400 123.100 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0.0021815 0.0 162888 0.0027201 0.0000361 0.001 4834 0.001014 0.0090629 0.0015797 0.0042951 0.0013555 0.0008 166 0.0006695 0.0003295 0.000838 0.0032436 0.001 0245 0.0006529 0.002241 7 0.0031 293 0.001 1058 0.006066 0.0005882 0.001 1539 0.0007718 0.00221 76 0.0001372 0.001 7061 0.0048 745 0.0005567 0.001 3826 0.0005582 0.0003927 0.0243091 0.003355 0.0008064 0.0014112 0.0031 112 0.0008696 0.0006385 0.001 13k 0.0044412 0.0004935 0.003704 0.0029999 ;, 149,568 1,116,805 186,495 2.476 101,706 69,523 621,376 108.308 294,483 92.938 55.990 45,902 22,590 57,455 222,391 70.245 44.767 153.694 21 4,552 75,815 415,901 40,332 79.1 16 52,916 152.043 9.407 116.972 334,206 38.166 94.795 38.269 26,922 1,666,698 230.025 55,288 96,755 213,314 59,621 43,777 205,681 78,085 304,499 33.833 253,955 84,794 633,147 105,729 1,403 57,660 39,415 352,275 61,402 166,950 52,689 31,742 26,023 12,807 32,573 126,080 39,824 25,380 87,133 121,635 235,786 22.865 44,853 29,999 86,197 5,333 66,315 189,471 21,637 53,742 21,696 15,263 944,896 130,407 31,345 54,853 120.93 33,801 24,818 1 16,606 44.268 172.629 19,181 143,974 42.982 PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND M 1998199 Essti.nats.t ,Payment Based on Poplrlation) 1 2 3 4 5 At 100% Funding Proportionally Percentage Total Cost of Funded Payee Population Meets of Total PLF Program Estimate N98i99 MOE YtN Population 1 x $2.063 (1 x $1.16957) Folsom Fresno County Fullerton Glendale Glendora Hayward Hemet Hurnboldt County Huntington Beach Imperial Imperial County I nglewood lnyo County lrwindale Kern County Kings County Lake County Larkspur Lincoln Livermore Lodi Lornpoc Long Beach Los Angeles Los Angeles County Los Gatos Madera County Marin County Mariposa County Mendocino County Menlo Park Merced County Mill Valley Mission Viejo Modoc County Mono County Monrovia M o n terey Monterey County Monterey Park (Bruggemeyer) * Moreno Valley Mountain View Murrieta Napa City-County .. 45,600 768,850 1 25,100 197,600 52,500 126,500 57,500 127,700 192.400 7.475 49.500 11 8,500 18.500 1,170 639.800 122.800 55.100 11,900 8,250 70.900 55,700 68,940 446,200 3.722,500 3,397,460 30,100 114,300 134,830 16,150 86,900 31,250 204,400 14,000 94,700 10,150 10,600 39,750 33,800 202.140 65,500 137,200 74,700 39,000 1 17,405 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0.0013721 0.0231 342 0.0037642 0.0059456 0.0015797 0.0038063 0.0017301 0.6038424 0.0057892 0.0002249 0.0014894 0.0035656 0.0005567 0.0000352 0.0192511 0.003695 0.00 1 6579 0.0003581 0.0002482 0.0021 333 0.00 1 676 0.0020744 0.01 34258 0.1 120074 0.1022272 0.0009057 0.0034392 0.0040569 0.0004859 0.0026 148 0.0009403 0.006 1 503 0.00042 1 3 0.0028495 0.0003054 0.00031 89 0.001 196 0.001 01 7 0.0060823 0.0041 283 0.0022477 0.001 17% 0.0035326 0.0019708 ':, 94,073 1,586,138 258,081 407,649 108.308 260.970 1 18.623 263,445 396,921 15,421 102.1 19 244.466 38,166 2.414 1,319,907 253,336 1 13,671 24,550 17,020 146,267 1 14.909 142.223 920.51 1 7,679,518 7,008,960 62,096 235,801 278,154 33,317 179,275 64,469 421,677 28,882 195,366 20,939 21,868 82,004 69,729 41 7,015 135,127 283,044 154,106 80,457 242,207 53,332 899,225 146,313 231,107 61,402 147,951 67,250 149,354 225,025 8.743 57,894 138.594 21,637 1,368 748,292 143,623 64,443 13,918 9,649 82.923 65,145 80.630 521,863 4,353.728 3,973,571 35.204 133,682 157,693 18.889 101,636 36,549 239,060 16,374 1 10,758 11,871 12,397 46,490 39,531 236,417 76,607 160,465 .' 87,367 45.61 3 137.31 3 PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND FY 998199 Estjmw9s (Payment Based on hpulation) 1 2 3 4 5 At 100% Funding Proportionally Percentage Total Cost of Funded PLF Program Estimate Payee Population Meets of Total FY 96/99 MOE YIN Population 1 x 52.063 (1 x 51.16957) National City Nevada County Newport Beach Oakland Oceanside Ontario Orange Orange County Orland Oxnard Pacific Grove Palm Springs Palmdale Palo Alto Palo Verde Valley District Palos Verdes District Pasadena Paso Robles Placentia District Plumas County Pomona Porterville Rancho Cucamonga Rancho Mirage Redlands (A.K. Smiley) Redondo Beach Redwood City Richmond Riverside Riverside County Roseville Sacramento Salinas San Anselmo San Benito County San Bernardino . San Bemardino County San Bruno San Diego San Diego County San Franasco San Jose San Juan Bautista San Leandro 54,400 88.800 72.600 414,825 1 53,900 143.800 125.100 ! .314,773 13,175 156.000 17,450 42,650 17,300 60,500 41,380 70,600 40,400 22,050 50,330 24.000 143,200 36.350 1 18.400 14,320 66,100 65,800 75,200 92.800 250.800 697,430 66,900 1 I 1 14,140 128,300 12,400 45.000 182.600 998.200 41 ;450 1,224.800 975,950 789,600 894,Ooo 1,650 74,300 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y .Y Y Y Y Y 0.001 6369 0.00267 19 0.0021 845 0.0 1248 18 0.0046307 0.0043268 0.0037642 0.0395606 0.0003964 0.0046939 0.0005251 0.0012833 0.0035295 0.0018204 0.001 2451 0.0021243 0.0042245 0.0006635 0.0015144 0.0007221 0.0043088 0.00 1 0937 0.0035626 0.0004309 0.001 9889 0.0019799 0.0022627 0.0027923 0.0075464 0.0209852 0.002013 0.0335237 0.0038605 0.0003731 0.001 354 0.0054943 0.030035 1 0.0012472 0.0368534 0.0237585 0.0268998.. o.oom96 0.0022356 0.0293657r. ;i 1 12,227 183,194 149,774 855.784 317,496 296,659 258,081 2,712,377 27,180 321,828 35,999 87,987 241,990 124,812 85.367 145,648 289,645 45,489 103,831 49,512 295.422 74.990 244.259 29.542 136.364 135,745 155,138 191,446 51 7,400 1,438,798 138,015 2,298,471 264,683 92.835 376,704 2,059.287 85,511 2,526,762 2,013,385 1,628,945 1,844,322 3.404 153.281 25,581 63.625 103,858 84.91 1 485,167 179,997 168,184 146,313 1,537,720 15.409 182.453 20,409 49.882 137,191 70,759 48,397 82.572 164,208 25,789 58.865 28,070 167,483 42.514 138.477 16,748 77,309 76,958 87,952 108,536 293,328 815,694 78.244 1,303,066 150,056 14,503 52,631 213,564 1,167,466 48.479 1,432.491 1,141,443 923,493 1,045,596 1.930 86,899 PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND W ?998/99 €sbi%atss (Payment Based on Population) 1 2 3 4 5 At 100% Funding Proportionally Funded Payee Population Meets of Total PLF Program Estimate Percentage Total Cost of F" 98/99 MOE YIN Population 1 x 52.063 (1 x 31.16957) - San Luis Obispo City-County San Marino San Mateo San Mateo County San Rafael Santa Ana Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Clara County Santa Cruz Santa Fe Springs Santa Maria Santa Monica Santa Paula (Blanchard) Sausalito Shasta County Sierra Madre Signal Hill Siskiyou County Solano County Sonoma County South Pasadena South San Francisco St. Helena Stanislaus County Stockton-San Joaquin County Sunnyvale Susanville District Sutter County Tehama County Thousand Oaks Torrance Trinity County Tulare Tulare County Tuolumne County Upland Ventura County Vernon Watsonville Whittier willows Woodland Yolo County 2 16,975 13.700 97,450 2 70,690 54,000 31 1.200 223,050 101,900 397,645 207.800 16,100 1 13,550 92,600 26 I 900 7,775 165,000 11,450 9.000 44.700 334,550 437,100 25,400 59,200 5,925 427,600 489.575 131,100 17,150 76,800 55.400 115.700 143,600 13.250 40,900 283,150 52.800 67,000 432,250 85 42.350 84,300 13.800 44,850 11 1,975 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0.0065286 0.00041 22 0.0029322 0.0081 449 0.00 16248 0.0093638 0.00671 14 O.CO30661 0.01 19649 0.0062526 0.0004844 0.00341 66 0.0027863 0.0008094 0.0002339 0.0049647 O.OOOW5 0.0002708 0.001345 0.01 00664 0.0 1 31 52 0 0007643 0.00 1 78 1 3 0.0001 783 0.0 I 28662 0.0 1 473 1 0.003W7 0.00051 6 0.0023 1 09 0.0016669 0.003481 3 0.0043208 0.0003987 0.0012307 0.0085198 0.001 5887 0.00201 6 0.01 30061 0.0000026 0.00 1 2743 *;, 0.0025365 0.00041 52 0.00 13495 0.0033692 447,619 28.263 201,039 558,433 11 1,402 642.006 460,152 21 0,220 820.342 428,691 33,214 234,254 191,034 55.495 16.040 340,395 23,621 18,567 92,216 690,177 901,737 52,400 122.130 12,223 882,139 1,009,993 270,459 35,380 114,290 296,247 27,335 84,377 584, 1 38 108.926 138,221 891,732 175 87,368 173,911 92,526 231.004 158,438 238,689 28,469 253,768 16,023 113,975 316,591 63.157 363.970 260,8 73 119,179 465,074 243,03 7 18,830 132,805 108,302 31,461 9.093 192,979 13,392 10,526 52.280 391,280 51 1,219 29.707 69,239 6,930 500,109 572.593 153,331 20,058 89,823 64,794 135,319 167.950 15,497 47,835 331.164 61,753 78,361 505,547 99 49,531 98,595 16,140 52,455 130.963 PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND FY 1998/99 Estimates (Payment Based on Population) 1 2 3 4 5 At 100% Funding Proportionally Percentage Total Cost of Funded Payee Population Meets of Total PLF Program Estimate PI98199 MOE YIN Population 1 x $2.063 (1 x $1.16957) Yorba Linda Yuba County 60,300 Y 0.0018144 124,399 70.525 61,400 Y 0.0018475 126,668 71,818 33,234,403 1 .ooooo 68,562,578 38,870.000 Total Number of Public Libraries: 178 * New library jurisdictions eligible tor PLF payments for 199&99