HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-11-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: November 18,1998 TIME OF MEETING: 3:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Chair Ann L’Heureux called the meeting to order at 3:36 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Baron, Gleeson Huss, Tarman and Trigas. Absent: None Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the October 21, 1998, meeting were approved. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS: Chair L’Heureux asked for the date of the airing of the segment for the Oprah Winfrey show featuring John Corcoran. Library Director Lange said it had already been on the air but that he would secure a video tape of the show for the Board to view. Also under item six of the Adult Learning Division report, Chair L’Heureux asked if we had applied for the Literacy grant. Library Director Lange responded that it had been done and we will be returning to Council for approval of the funds once we receive the check. Trustee Gleason Huss asked how long it would take to get the actual check and Library Director Lange said it could be a early as the first of December. The State has been making a conscious effort to expedite the process. Chair L’Heureux asked about attendance at the October 11” Centro program on Positive Parenting. Assistant Library Director Armour responded that there were forty- four present. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of November 18, 1998 Meeting Page 2 Trustee Gleason Huss asked for particulars regarding the -30% in Interlibrary Loans for those received by Carlsbad, and those sent by Carlsbad were up by 20%. She wondered if the collection was such that there was no need for our patrons to request books from other libraries. Assistant Library Director Armour pointed out that these statistics could be influenced by the occasional request from one library for a large number of books in one month. Trustee Gleason Huss asked if the Genealogy material was ever loaned out through the Interlibrary Loan system. Director Lange responded that was not the case. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Trigas asked if the meeting had been scheduled for the City Council to decide on an option for the Cole Library project. Library Director responded that the date had not been set. She asked if the delay was due to the Finance Department report. Library Director Lange confirmed that the Finance Director was still preparing the mid-year report for the Leadership Team and Council and did not anticipate getting it on the Council agenda until after the first of the year. He further explained that we have not received the final cost-out for the fourth option on the Cole either, so the later date works well for the I i b ra ry . Trustee Baron asked if the procedure for this Board was to make an in-depth study of the four proposals. Chair L'Heureux responded that it was hoped the Board would reach consensus on an option to recommend to the City Council. The Board has had a complete packet of all the information up until now, and should be able to make a decision based on that information plus the final cost analysis from the architects on the fourth option. Trustee Baron asked if the consensus would be derived after a motion and discussion or would the Board conduct a deeper analysis of the report. Chair L'Heureux felt that analysis could be done individually and that the Trustees will discuss and move to support one option. Trustee Baron asked if there was any political sensitivities surrounding the decision for the Cole. Chair L'Heureux answered that the City Council would expect that this Board represent the citizenry at large, and act as spokespersons for them. Library Director Lange pointed out that the architects had done a complete technical analysis of the situation and there was a recommendation in that feasibility study. He would hope that the Board would support that recommendation. Typically the Board would pass a motion to recommend an action and fotward that to the City Council. It Library Board of Trustees Minutes of November 18, 1998 Meeting Page 3 would also be advisable for the Board to be present the night of the agenda item to address any questions the Council might have. Trustee Tarman commented that all this Board can do is advise on the information at hand but that the City Council will have more information on which to base the decision. Library Director Lange responded that the Finance Department report is a key factor in which option the Council can choose. Trustee Trigas reminded the Trustees that another acceptable manner to lobby for the choice recommended by the Board is to call the Council Members directly and discuss it with them individually. CALIFORNIA LIBRARY STATISTICS. 1998: Chair L'Heureux commended Assistant Library Director Armour for the excellent statistical report. Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the Carlsbad City Library is consistently up in the top ten in the state. Trustee Baron noticed that there were no negative figures in the report but asked if there were areas where we need improvement. Assistant Library Director Armour pointed out that although this library is seventh in income, we are much higher in services provided. We are only ranked tenth in the total number of volumes which is governed by space more than anything else. The libraries that report larger collections are including the volumes in all the many branches. NEW LIBRARY PROGRESS UPDATE: Trustee Gleason Huss reported her amazement at the photograph of three construction workers holding up the steel stairs. Library Director Lange reported they were pouring the second floor this week. Chair L'Heureux asked if the Board could have a progress hard hat tour possibly in January. Director Lange reported he discussed the possibility of a December 16" tour with Bill Bowdle, if the Board wanted to schedule the December Board Meeting out at the site. It was agreed to hold the December meeting at the site. COLE LIBRARY PLANS: Chair L'Heureux pointed out that this subject was discussed previously under Board Comments unless there were other questions. There were none. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of November 18, 1998 Meeting Page 4 CALIFORNIA LIBRARY LITERACY SERVICE GRANT: Trustee Trigas commented that “matching” used to mean 50-50 and now it has a different meaning. Library Director pointed out we have averaged between twenty and twenty-five thousand dollars each year, and have been able to complete the computer lab at the Adult Learning Center with those funds. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Info Peode Grant - The library has applied for a $6,000 grant for Centro similar to the one which we received for Children’s for the computers, training, and software for the Internet. Policies for Auditorium and Meeting Room - The committee is still working on the draft version for review by this Board for approval. Trustee Gleason Huss asked if this Board has final approval or will it need to go to the Council. Library Director Lange reported that Council would probably have the final approval. Trustee Baron asked about the basis for policies. Library Director Lange explained that the policy would deal primarily with priority on users and rates. The committee has reviewed the City’s policy which is used by Parks and Recreation for those rooms available to the public. The library will always have priority over anyone else as these spaces were provided to support the library and its programs. Next would be other City departments and finally groups in the community. The policy will address scheduling requirements and restrictions as well. Trustee Tarman asked about insurance requirements. Library Director Lange responded that it was a requirement and for those organizations not already covered there was a policy available through the City Risk Management Department for single event coverage. Trustee Baron commented that she had noted there were very few rooms available in North County and she estimated these facilities would be in high demand. Library Director Lange concurred and explained the importance of having a policy in place. Re-evaluation of Self-check Machine- The Director reported that the use of the machine has been much lower than anticipated. The highest percent of the circulation which utilized the machine has been only 8%. There were plans to use two of these machines in the new library but after discussing it with the Technology consultant the decision has been made to postpone the purchase. The technology came out in the midst of the recession when libraries were laying people off and there were staffing issues. The answer was the self check-out machine when there was inadequate staff. This library never had to resort to that as we have always had Circulation staff at the Library Board of Trustees Minutes of November 18. 1998 Meeting Page 5 desk to serve the patrons. The consultant further recommended that the wiring and configuration of the Circulation desk be left as designed so that the machines can be added at a later date if the need presents itself. Assistant Library Director pointed out that the current machine could be re-located to the new library on a test basis to determine need and potential usage. Trustee Trigas asked the director how the machine works as she currently uses the La Costa Branch facility most of the time and there is no self-check machine there. The Library Director explained the procedure and Assistant Library Director Armour pointed out that one of the drawbacks of the machine is that it can only be used for books. Videos and CD’s must be checked out by a clerk. Proposition L - The final version of the ordinance was provided. The Library Director has made a presentation to the Chamber of Commerce to try to get their endorsement for this legislation. They did endorse it in 1996 and he is hoping they will again. The Chamber has asked him to return in December to discuss it further. The Vista Chamber of Commerce recently endorsed it as has the San Diego Taxpayers Association. Trustee Baron asked which libraries would receive funds from the taxes. Library Director Lange responded that the money is for all public libraries in San Diego County. Trustee Baron asked if that included the Law Library and Library Director Lange responded, “no”. Library Director also reported that the plan for the campaign involves placing tables outside the library for people to request absentee ballots, and a telephone bank survey of voters to be sure they know about it and to call and remind them to vote. Because this is a special election, often people will forget about it. Trustee Gleason Huss asked if that was legal. The Library Director responded that it was as long as it was outside the library and no staff was involved. Trustee Trigas asked if it was the only issue on the ballot and the Library Director responded, “yes” except in Pauma Valley. Trustee Baron asked if historically the “yes” voters are more apt to vote than the “no” voters. Trustee Tarman stated that when working for the school bond vote they determined that the same people vote, regardless of whether they are for or against the issues. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of November 18, 1998 Meeting Page 6 Trustee Trigas asked if there was a requirement for matching funds like school bonds. The Library Director stated that because this is tax money, it belongs to the library without any strings attached. Nameplates- The Library Director asked if the Trustees wanted name plates for use at meetings. The Board was unanimous in their preference for first and last names to be on the plates. Librarv of California - The Library Director attended a meeting at the conference last weekend where they were reporting on what happens next now that this legislation has been passed. This initial five million dollars will go towards the development of the electronic infrastructure. The 23950 software program allows interfacing with all different software applications and computer systems. The project will take many years and the five million dollars becomes the base budget. CLA Leaislative Priorities for 1999- The CIA priorities for this year will be Library of California, full funding for the PLF, and a billion dollar bond issue for public library construction. Harmonv Grove Fire Book - Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the Fire Department had asked that the library and the branch offer the books for purchase. There are 100 copies for sale at $10 for residents and $20 for non-residents. The branch library sold 18 copies this week and the main library has received calls from other cities and fire departments as well as several libraries. Oprah Winfrev Show - Assistant Library Director Armour reported that in addition to the literacy program with footage of Mr. Corcoran, a subsequent show focused on the descendants of Thomas Jefferson. Immediately after that show, Channel IO did a segment on genealogy, filmed in our Genealogy Division. We have a video tape of that show as well which he will provide for the Board’s viewing. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Not present. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Not present. SERRA ADVISORY BOARD: No report. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of November 18, 1998 Meeting Page 7 PUBLIC COMMENT AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: No public comment. Chair L’Heureux announced a needle craft show at Magee House this Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 11:OO a.m. until 2:OO p.m. Trustee Tarman announced that he would be attending the Foundation Steering Committee Meetings and would make a report to this board at the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of November 18, 1998, was adjourned at 4:29 PM. Respectfully submitted, Cissie Seilon Administrative Secretary ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM Monthly Report: October 1998 1. Adult Learner Becomes City Emplovee Congratulations to adult learner Kevin Nolan, who was chosen in October to be a hlltime City of Carlsbad employee. He begins his new job as a Tree Trimmer on November 2. Kevin has over 17 years experience trimming and supervising tree crews around high power lines for SDG&E. 2. Newest Vew Reader” The newest “new reader” at the Adult Learning Program is Willow Inae Lindsey-Paek, daughter of staff member Elaine Lindsey-Paek and her husband Matt. Willow was born at home on October 1 1. 3. G.E.D. Math Class Having studied intensively and taken the G.E.D. Writing Test in October, two adult learners (and their tutor) are awaiting their test results. Meanwhile, the two learners have been joined by three others and all five are studying together with tutor Ein Dawson to prepare for the G.E.D. Math Test. 4. Adult Learner Conference The second annual Adult Learner Conference, sponsored by the San Diego Council on Literacy, was held at National University in San Diego all day on October 3 1. Six adult learners fiom this program attended, with learners fiom all over the county. Learners participated in a variety of educational workshops on topics such as “Unblocking Your Blocks to Learning,” “Team Building,” “Study Skills,” and “Introduction to the Internet.” $. “Omah Winfrev Show” Filming On October 30, producer Mary Donahue fiom the “Oprah Winfrey Show” brought a camera crew to the Adult Learning Program to videotape for an upcoming “Oprah” program. Learner John Corcoran and his wife Kathy will be interviewed by Oprah Winfrey on November 3 at her studio in Chicago. The videotaping in California will give Oprah background information; some of it may be used on her show with John Corcoran. At this time, the date the program will air is not 6. Ca lifornia Library Literacv Se rvices [C LLS’) Grant The Carlsbad Library has been notified that it is eligible to apply for $25,149 in State matching funds for literacy for 1998-1999. An agenda bill will be presented to the City Council on November 10, requesting permission to apply for this grant. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY CENTRO DE INFORMACION Monthly Report October 1998 1.- Adult Protzrammintz. An adult education presentation was held on October 11, at the Senior Center Auditorium. The topic for this presentation was Positive Parenting. Dr. Gebaynesh Gashaw-Gant, a psychologist from the Neighborhood House Association Head Start Program, explained to parents how to improve their relationship with their children and the differences between positive and negative discipline. 2i . On October 29th, pre-school children from the Head Start program enjoyed a Halloween puppet show at the Centro de Informaci6n. This show was presented by the Main Library's Children's Department. Regular bilingual storycraft programs continued during the month of October. 3.- Tour at the Centro de Informaci6n and tho Main Library. On October 2, a group of 5th grade students from Pine Elementary School visited the Centro de Informaci6n, and Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson gave them information about the Centro's library services, children's programs, and the two computers available to do their written homework. They also visited the Main Library, where the Centro Supervisor and the head of the Children's Department, John Quartarone, met the group and showed them the location of materials. The students also spent time learning how to use the computer catalog at the Children's Department. 4.- Readincr Procrram. "Food for Thought," or "Alimento para el pensamiento" in Spanish, is a reading program sponsored by In-N-Out Burger. From October 5th to December 11, 1998, children ages 12 and under are invited to participate in the program. After a child has read 5 books, he can redeem a bookmark for a free hamburger. During the month of October, Centro staff enrolled 71 children in the program. v ce comm ttee. On October 20, Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson attended the committee's meeting held at South Chula Vista Public Library. During this meeting the committee spent time organizing the Fifth Non-English Language Book Fair. The book fair will be held at Malcolm X Branch Library in San Diego on Wednesday, November 4. 5.- Customer Service Worksho~. On October 9, Centro staff member Edith Rodriguez attended a one-day workshop entitled 'ICustomer Service as if Your Library Depends on It" at the Vista Branch of the San Diego County Library. .- CHILDREN SERVICES DIVISION MONTHLY STATEMENT OCTOBER 1998 October was a busy month in many areas of the Children’s Services Division. Over 2700 questions were answered at the reference desk with Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday talung the lead. However, Friday and Saturday were not too far behnd. To add to ths, there were 16 class visits to the library whch is an all time record. During these visits, we provide a puppet show and story, depending upon the age of the students. These activities help to make their tour a memorable one for them. Usually each class plans ahead to make sure those students who do not have library cards get them on the library visit. This enables everyone to check out books - in many cases for the first time! Chldren‘s programs, which were many and well attended, added to the excitement of October presentations. Along with the regularly scheduled programs, such as Storyhour, Storycraft, and Prime Time Club, other programs were presented. These included Internet for Beginners for all ages and was gwen by our InfoPeople community partner. Chldren were introduced to the Internet for the first time and really enjoyed the small group interaction. Two special programs were held for Halloween. The Halloween Cookie Decorating event was a first for the Children’s Library. Children were signed up for a specific time period to decorate cookies. This enabled small groups to participate. Parents accompanied younger children and all goodies were consumed after leaving the library. Thls program was so popular that it was necessary to offer a second session the next day. The Annual Halloween Costume Party was a smashing success with Magician Craig Stone amazing everyone with his mystifjmg performance. The program was concluded with a costume parade through the Library and City Hall. After the long walk the crowd enjoyed refreshments. Chldren’s &presented two Halloween puppet shows at the Centro. These shows were given to the Headstart classes. The children were very responsive, cheering and clapping for the various characters and action which was highly appreciated by the M. Internet, Word Processing, and CD-ROM seMces were used over 100 times during the month. The amount of staff time continues to rise due to the increased activity, especially in the afternoon and evening. Children’s staffhas also been weeding non-fiction items which have never been catalogued. This process is time consuming but important since our goal is to update our database and collection. Collection Development and Acquisitions Monthly Report October, 1998 staff: Susan Simpson, Collection Development Librarian Mary Salvato, Library Assistant 11, Acquisitions Mary has begun training Susan Simpson to do electronic ordering. This means that; all ordering can be done when Mary is on vacation or if she should be ill. (Pam Strojny's extended absence was the nudge we needed to do this.) Mary represented the division at the meeting with Office Pavilion to figure out he modular office furniture for the new main library. Susan rolled out the Communication Survey results and the Communication Guidelines to the library staff. She handed over the United Way responsibilities to Cissie Sexton. the all-day workshop on Customer Service. She balanced the accounts with the first period spending reports. Susan worked with John Quarterone and Chris Holt to develop a new plan for the children's' collections: the kid's materials at Main will stay for Cole, and the Branch kid's collection will move to the new Main Library, supplemented by materials bought with the capital money. (religion), after discussion with Cliff Lange revealed that he does not have time to tend to that area. Susan attended Susan took on the selection/weeding of the 200's COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITIONS STATISTICS REPORT October 1998 Current Month ---------- ---------- -________ Items Received B&T Direct PMSC Books - Adult _______------- -------_-- ---------- --_______ Main 438 12 3 Branch 158 16 Centro 0 11 subtotal 596 150 Books - Children Main Branch Centro subtotal 122 36 143 9 0 28 2 65 73 Current Previous Fiscal Fiscal Year Year --- Total to Date to Data - - - --__-__L_-----_-____ 561 2,473 2,062 174 745 507 11 41 53 74 6 3,259 2,622 158 770 152 683 28 49 330 1,502 668 249 102 1,318 Audio - Adult 203 54 257 72 1 489 Audio - Children 4 0 4 16 125 Video 60 10 114 184 445 483 Total Received 1,128 287 114 1,529 5,943 5,037 Orders 122 354 Requests (items) 1,569 4,855 247 4,218 B C T = Baker C Taylor PMSC = Professional Media Services Corporation Research activity: Reference questions Reglstered researchers Computer users Circulation Inhouse usage Holdings: Genealogy Non-Circ Genealogy Ckc Microfilm Microfiche CD Genealogy & Local History Division Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Statistics October 1998 October 1998 1,165 71 9 158 103 1,765 -\dded October 1998 64 0 4 639 0 October 1997 1,175 858 nia 111 nia Added FY1998/99 to date 226 -23 9 639 1 Activities with the North San Diego County Genealogy Society: October 1998 October 1997 Volunteer hours 44 40 Programs 4 5 Program attendance 97 202 NSDCGS donations $1,706.70 $586.16 Donated books 29 n/a Fy1998/99 to date 5,482 3,281 806 574 6,985 Added Fy1997/98 626 -35 117 4,757 28 Total 1998 to date 460 35 1,447 $12,136.75 248 FYI 99798 14,737 10,711 1,411 1,850 5,136 Total 17,900 879 7,403 11 5,642 239 Total 1997 562 58 2,338 $1 4,664.09 n/a Location Cirlsbad San Diego County Los .ingeles County Ormge County Rxerside County San Bemardino County Other California Counties .ilabama .ilaska .\nzona .Arkansas Colorado Connecticut Delaware Flonda GeorFa Hawaii Idaho IllinOlS Inckana Iowa Kansas Kenrucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Slassachusetts MiMesotil Mississippi slissoud llontana Sebraska Nevada Xew HampshLe New Jersey New Mexico sew Yo* North Carolina North Dakota Oh0 owoma AliChlgafl Oregon PUUlS9htlb Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota TeMessee TCUS Ut& Vermont W-on Washmgton, D.C. wixonsin vi West vi October, 1998 FY1998/99 FY1997/98 122 443 19 58 44 2 2 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 603 2,013 101 21 1 188 7 26 1 0 10 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 2 6 2 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 2 1 1 0 10 1,787 ’,230 104 63 1 348 52 133 1 2 100 2 3 3 0 15 1 0 3 5 1 1 2 1 0 3 2 1 5 4 1 8 1 30 26 2 2 1 10 2 0 7 3 10 6 1 3 2 4 6 9 0 6 19 1 1 0 Wyoming GW Belgun England Germany Ireland Mexico Russia Total 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 719 7 LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT OCTOBER 1998 OCTOBER ClRCUUTION Branch circulation totaled 22,448 items for the month. Of this total, 10,893 adult items, 9,378 children’s items, 2,123 adult items and 54 CD ROMS were checked out by patrons. This was an average of 863 each day or 83 each hour. USERS This month’s user count was 16,578. An average of 638 patrons used the Branch each day and 61 each hour. CHILDREN’S A Halloween Puppet show given by Kathy Felker, highlighted the month in children’s. 117 attended in the small Children’s Roornf BookBuddies has taken on a new life with Library Technician, Molly MacDougald developing programs featuring various forms of children’s literature. Older children reading to younger children is increasing in this program. Branch Children’s division followed suit this month with the Main Library in splitting out the Beginner Reader collection from the Picture Books. Comments have been most favorable from library users. REFERENCE Assistant Branch Manager, Marie Garvey coordinated a workshop with Sera Research and Branch Staff. Judy Swink provided a two hour class, instructing the function and procedures of her department. This insightful meeting was most helpful to and appreciated by Branch Reference Staff. NEW MAIN AND COLE PLANS The Branch Manager has nearly completed the coordination of the shelving specifications which are due into the City’s Purchasing Department in December. She is still working with the architect on the shelving signage trying to identi installations of the two recommended systems, Paperflex and Modulex. The Time capsule project is also progressing. The capsule order will be placed the first week of November with installation at the site (in the courtyard) due the first part of December. Then focus will be on collecting the capsule contents. It is planned that the capsule will be sealed as part of the Grand Opening. Branch Manager is also working with Main Children’s staff assessing the Children’s book collection at both libraries. Each collection has been created to reflect the local amas so they will remain in their present geographical locations. The prssent Branch collection will be augmented with approximately $90,000 over time to meet the new demands of a much larger amlation. 9849 Thb Month JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 6 Mo. TOTAL Graphics Foxm Count 0 This month 43,284 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Last month 24,758 Calendar Y.T.D. (l/l/98-) 282,268 Fiscal Y.T.D. (7/1/98-) 108,859 GRAND TOTAL REFERENCE ACTIVITIES FOR OCTOBER, 1998 Reference Questions totaled 5,869 during the month of October, a decrease of 1,292 over last year. Reserves totaled 2,463, a decrease of 339. This figure includes Public Internet Access sign-ups, which totaled 659 during the month of October. Interlibrary Loans totaled 88 items received and 118 items were sent to other libraries. Also in October, there were 439 questions answered at the Information Desk. During the month of October, there were: 2 Library Skills Classes and 2 Internet Classes. Callie Ahrens also taught a Mira Costa Class on Oct 29. Online Searches totaled 706, an increase of 145 over last year. The Reference Selection Committee met on October 1 : $1159 was spent on updates and $483 was spent on new titles. Char Kennedy attended an Auditorium Policy Committee Meeting on October 7. Callie Ahrens attended a Customer Service Workshop in Vista on October 9 and she also went to an Investment in Excellence meeting on October 1 3. Susanne Smithson attended a SIT Workshop on October 15, and she also attended a Serra Young Adult Committee meeting on October 29. Callie, Leila and Suzanne attended a Geographical Information Systems Demo at Las Palmas on October 30, to consider how to add this recource to the new main library’s computer lab. Technical Services Report October 1998 In October. Technical Services staff added 1,383 new print items and 337 audiovisual items to the library's collection. They deleted 1,059 print items and 136 audiovisual items fiom the database. Patrons using home computers dialed into the catalog 190 times. One of our major projects this month was developing specifications for cataloging and processing of juvenile materials. We hope to outsource some of the increased workload anticipated for the next two to three years as capital improvement funds are spent to augment the collections of the new main library and the remodeled Cole Library. Baker and Taylor. the vendor fiom which we purchase most of our new books, offers cataloging and processing services as well. Developing the specifications was an interesting challenge. Over the years, Technical Services has been asked by Children's Services staff to customize call numbers and label formats in a variety of ways. For example, juvenile fiction is separated into four different . categories based on age or grade level. Call numbers for books on such subjects as American Indians, U.S. states, and collective biographies were modified to fit local preferences. The length of call numbers has been based on how many books we have on a subject and whether the Children's Services staff wanted a longer call number to differentiate between closely related subjects or shorter call numbers, which can result in books on different subjects having the same call number. This is a time-consuming process for our staff, and we do not yet know if an outside agency can accommodate these local modifications for a reasonable cost. We should have more to report on this next month. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY October-97 October-98 % ChanPe CIRCULATION MAIN LIBRARY ' Print Audio Video TOTAL: BRANCH Print Audio Video TOTAL CENTRO Print Audio 48,619 7,399 7,903 63,921 17,728 3,345 2,475 23w 938 134 50,680 4% 6,224 -21% 63,952 0% 7,048 -5'%1 19,706 11Uh 3,612 8%1 2,123 -14%~ 25,441 8% 971 139 4% 4% TOTAL GRAND TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS Centro Genealogy Children's Adult Branch TOTAL: MEDINGRAPHICS PROJECTS Media Graphics TOTAL HOLDS PLACED 1,072 88,541 449 1,175 2,274 7,161 2,749 13,808 23 50 73 2,812 1,110 9093 363 1,165 2,716 5,869 2,647 12,760 4'/0 2% -19% -10/0 19% -18% -4% -8%0 22 -4% 63 26% 85 16% 2,413 -14% Page 1 Carlsbad CihJ Library Stattstics, conhnued October-97 October-98 PEOPLE COUNT (Daily Average) 126 109 -13%1 1,528 1,371 -1OYo 71 0 638 -lOO/o Centro Main Library Branch TOTAL 2,364 2,118 -10% ATTENDANCE AT PROGRAMS/I’OURS 202 97 -52% 338 544 61% 44 NA 394 343 -13’/u - 420 NA 819 1,368 67% Genealogy Branch Children Centro Adult Centro Children Main Adult Main Children TOTAL: 1,753 2,131 22% INTERLIBRARY LOANS 126 88 -30% 98 118 20% Received by Carlsbad Sent by Carlsbad NEW REGISTRATIONS 7 16 129% 885 874 -1% 298 305 2% Centro Main Library Branch TOTAL 1,190 1,195 0% 1,2% 1,720 33% ITEMS ADDED 1,173 1,195 2% ITEMS WITHDRAWN COMPUTERANTERNET USE Main Adult Main Children Branch Centro 528 659 25% 50 122 144% 4 266 6550% 44 16 -64% 626 1,063 70% TOTAL Page 2 RD-F/Stptistics/Shb 6-97 1998 CALIFORNIA LIBRARY STATISTICS Summarv The data in this report covers the 1996-97 fiscal year. 176 public library jurisdictions submitted information, including 11 1 city, 49 county, 12 district, and 4 combined city-county libraries. Within these 176 jurisdictions, there are 160 main libraries, 532 branch libraries (at least 1,400 square feet with a book collection of at least 7,000 volumes), 337 library stations (less space and resources than a branch), and 56 bookmobiles making 1,456 stops. Carlsbad has a main library, a branch library, and a station (Centro). Libraries are placed in the following population categories for purposes of comparative analysis: Group 1: over 500,000 population (14 libraries) Group 2: 200,OO to 500,000 population (16 libraries) Group 3: 110,000 to 200,000 population (32 libraries) Group 4: 60,000 to 110,000 population (30 libraries) Group 5: 40,000 to 60,000 population (29 libraries) Group 6: 20,000 to 40,000 population (25 libraries) Group 7: under 20,000 population (30 libraries) The following libraries, including Carlsbad, are included in the 60,000 to 110,000 population category: Alameda, Alhambra, Berkeley, Buena Park, Burbank, Corona, Daly City, Downey, Livermore, Lompoc, Mendocino County, Monterey Park, Mountain View, Nevada County, Newport Beach, Palos Verdes, Redlands, Redondo Beach, Redwood City, Richmond, Roseville, San Leandro, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Monica, Sutter County, Upland, Whittier, and Yuba County. SELECTED COMPARATIVE CATEGORIES Microforms held: Carlsbad ranks 1st (largely because of genealogy holdings) Videotapes held: Carlsbad ranks 1st Circulation per capita: Carlsbad ranks 2nd behind Newport Beach Audiotapes held: Carlsbad ranks 4th behind Berkeley, Burbank, and Newport Beach. Children’s materials per capita: Carlsbad ranks 4th behind Santa Clara, Richmond, and Newport Beach. Hours open per 100 population: Carlsbad ranks 4th behind Berkeley, Newport Beach, and Redwood City. Registered borrowers: Carlsbad ranks 4th behind Whittier, Berkeley, and Burbank. Library Attendance: Carlsbad ranks 5th behind Santa Monica, Newport Beach, Berkeley, and Palos Verdes. Reference questions per capita: Carlsbad ranks 6th behind Santa Monica, Berkeley, Redondo Beach, Newport Beach, and Downey. Local Income per capita: Carlsbad ranks 7th behind Berkeley, Newport Beach, Santa Monica, Redwood City, Mountain View, and Burbank. ~ AB# 19931 MTG. 1 1 I1 0198 DEPT. LIB TITLE: APPLICATION FOR A GRANT FROM THE CALIFORNIA LIBRARY LITERACY SERVICE 1-1 CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY. CITY MGR RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No.qs-376 authorizing the Carlsbad City Library to apply for a grant from the California Library Literacy Service. ITEM EXPLANATION: From 1984 until 1989 the Carlsbad City Library adult literacy program was funded with grant money from the State. In 1989, when those funds were no longer available, the City's General Fund picked up the support of the program. In 1990, when the California Library Literacy Service was created, the library became eligible for additional matching grant funds. We have applied for and received the matching grant funds each year for the past eight years. For the Carlsbad City Library, State matching funds for 1998-99 will be $25,149, based on the Adult Learning Program's current budget of $109,100. FISCAL IMPACT: The Carlsbad City Library meets the eligibility requirements for receiving State matching funds. These matching funds are awarded by the State to extend or enhance existing literacy sew ices. Grant funds, again, will be used for one-time purchases of equipment, computer software, instructional material, and professional services for upgrading the instructional computer lab. Information on the proposed purchases is detailed in the Plan of Service Narrative in Exhibit 3. EXHIBITS: 1, Resolution No.98,370 approving the application for a grant from the California Library Literacy Service. 2. State Library grant notification letter and attachments. 3. Proposed Plan of Service and budget. 1 z c1 L C * E 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 98,370 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR A GRANT FROM CALIFORNIA LIBRARY LITERACY SERVICES ACT FUNDS. WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Library Adult Learning Program provides training to neet the literacy needs of adults; and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Library Adult Learning Program supports the goals of he City Council and the objectives of the Library; and WHEREAS, the California State Library will provide additional support for the Adult ,earning Program with matching grant funds; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 2alifornia as follows: I. 2. That the above recitations are true and correct. That staff is authorized to apply to the California State Library for $25,149 in 2alifornia Library Literacy Service Act funds. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of he City of Carlsbad held the E%ay of ' dbt*firn , 1996, by the following vote, to wit: NOES: PJ~IJ~ ABSENT: N )'s~avcl CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk SEAL)