HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-07-28; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: 3:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES July 28, I999 Elmwood House (Arts Office) CALL TO ORDER: Trustee Gleason Huss called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Baron, Gleason Huss, Kamenjarin, and Page. Absent: Trustee Tarman .- Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager Dana Hartshorn, Library Management Analyst Naomi Marblestone, League of Women Voters Observer Carol Baird, NSDCGS Liaison Sal Savastio, Friend's of the Carlsbad Library Liaison The Board welcomed new Trustee Laurie Page. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the June 16, 1999 meeting were approved. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Baron reported that she had requested that the program chairman for the Oceanside Rotary invite Lynda Jones from the Adult Learning Program as their guest speaker last month. Lynda did a wonderful job and they all enjoyed it tremendously. Trustee Baron also noted that there are still learners waiting for tutors and she will try to recruit some from the Rotary to train as tutors for the program. Trustee Gleason Huss was very impressed with the GED Math test results and extended Kudos to the Adult Learning Program for a job well done. She was also very pleased to note the numbers of children participating in the Summer Reading Program. - Library Board of Trustees Minutes of July 28, 1999 Meeting Page 2 - Of additional interest was the fourteen year old volunteer who was helping with the program and Trustee Gleason Huss wanted to know if that was a common occurrence. Library Director tange responded that we usually have quite a few teenagers who volunteer during the summer to assist with this program. Trustee Gleason Huss remarked on the huge increase in Genealogy program attendance between June 1998 and June 1999. The new statistics reflect a 100% increase over attendance last year. NSDCGS President, Carol Baird responded that the society has been working diligently to recruit new members and increase enthusiasm in the society and they are well pleased with the results. Trustee Gleason Huss asked for an explanation of the IIE Program mentioned in the Reference Division report and Library Director Lange gave her a brief over-view of the City-wide program. - LIBRARY BOARD LIAISON REPORTS: Gallery Committee - no report. Foundation - no report NEW LIBRARY PROGRESS UPDATE: Carlsbad Municipal Projects Manager, John Cahill, reported on the status of the building. The shelving is in, the public furniture has been delivered and the office furniture is being delivered and installed. He continued that we will keep our construction manager, Bill Bowdle, on the job through September to oversee the post occupancy punch list. The actual move of the collection is scheduled for the first of September, and the Grand Opening is scheduled for September 25‘h. COLE LIBRARY REMODEL UPDATE: Mr. Cahill reported that the architect team was activated on Monday to develop the scope of work for the refurbishing of the interior of that building. The building will be closing at close of business on August 31”‘ and will remain closed for several months. The shelving will have to be dismantled and the collection relocated in order for the contractors to begin work. They are planning to re-carpet and paint the entire interior of the building. There will be new furniture and end panels for the shelving. There will be - Library Board of Trustees Minutes of July 28, 1999 Meeting Page 3 - new casework for the four public service desks, Children’s, Circulation, Genealogy and Reference. The plans include returning the current fiction room to it’s original purpose, that of a public meeting room. The windows will be treated to bring them up to code for earthquake safety also. Trustee Baron asked if there were any plans for any exterior changes and Mr. Cahill replied there were none planned for this first phase. He said that there would probably be some additional work done on the outside of the building but at a later date. Library Director Lange said that they had decided to concentrate on the interior of the building to reduce the amount of time the building is closed to the public. Trustee Gleason Huss asked about the screen walls as it was her understanding that they were one of the more dangerous conditions. Both Mr. Cahill and Library Director Lange responded that although they were concerned about the screen walls the determination on their removal during the first phase had not yet been made. Mr. Cahill continued that the work probably will not begin until late September or possibly October. Bill Bowdle, current construction ,manager for the new library will remain on board to oversee this project in lieu of hiring a General Contractor for the job. - Trustee Baron asked if the library was receiving many complaints from the public about the interruption of library services in the north end of the City. Library Director Lange said he had only received one call but that some patrons have been in and talked with the clerks at the Circulation desk . We are planning some type of interim services at this location. Trustee Baron then asked about the Genealogy collection and was told that the collection would not be accessible until the remodel had been completed. Trustee Kamenjarin asked for the projected completion date for the Cole and Mr. Cahill responded that until the scope of work was competed they would not know. Trustee Kamenjarin then asked if it could be in the year 2000 and Mr. Cahill replied that was a possibility. Trustee Kamenjarin also asked if there was any asbestos in the ceiling and Mr. Cahill responded that the building had received an asbestos study and evaluation several years ago and some of the asbestos was removed at that time. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of July 28, 1999 Meeting Page 4 1 Mr. Cahill continued that because this building was constructed back in the 1960’s and asbestos was commonplace in construction, they were being careful not to include any ceiling or wall work to avoid adding that component to the project. Trustee Kamenjarin asked about earthquake retrofitting requirements. Assistant Library Director Armour responded that the shelving would be installed and braced to meet current specifications and the treatment of all the glass would also bring it up to code. The Board asked if we could schedule the next meeting at the new building and Library Director Lange said he would look into the possibility. MEETING ROOM AND AUDITORIUM USE POLICIES & PROCEDURES: Library Director Lange reported that this was a draft document which had been in the development stage for several months by a committee of library staff members headed by Bill Richmond. The document is based on a survey of many other libraries’ policies as well as those of the City’s existing policies primarily in the Parks and Recreation Division where they have meeting facilities. He continued that he was asking the Board to “bless” the document so that it could be forwarded to the City Attorney and ultimately the City Council for adoption. - Trustee Baron paid compliments to the form of the document. She had only one question about the classification of applicants section. She asked for clarification on the difference between Item 5, Section E and Section G which contains the statement “locally organized groups whose normal place of meeting is located in the City of Carlsbad” . The obvious difference is one is non-profit and the other commercial but the non-profit appears to be limited to those organizations who routinely meet within the City of Carlsbad. There was significant discussion about the statement and Library Director Lange suggested it might not be appropriate to include it in the classification. Trustee Gleason Huss asked if the assisted listening devices referred to in the last paragraph about the auditorium (page 3) were portable devices. If so, and if they could be moved and used in any of the facilities, then the reference to their availability should be removed from it’s current space in the document and put in a more generic section. Trustee Kamenjarin had three issues to be addressed. The anti-discrimination clause, alcohol use on the premises and security deposits. He asked if the City would allow alcohol on the property and Library Director Lange told him that the City allows it currently but requires that any organization who plans to c Library Board of Trustees Minutes of Julv 28. 1999 Meetina Page 5 F serve alcohol provide $2 million in liability insurance naming the City as an additional insured. Trustee Kamenjarin also felt that the security and damage deposits were entirely too low in view of the high-tech equipment we were providing. With regards to the anti-discrimination clause (page 2), Trustee Kamenjarin felt this could create a problem in preventing the library from excluding hate crime groups or other undesirables from using the facility. Trustee Baron asked if a public building is prevented from reserving the right to refuse? There was some discussion as to whether this was a possibility and what criteria would we establish. Trustee Page questioned the large increase in fees for the auditorium for the last two classifications. Assistant Library Director Armour replied that the thinking behind the fee schedule was to provide an affordable place for the non-profit groups but to be closer to the market rate for similar spaces for the larger for-profit organizations. Trustee Gleason Huss asked about usage and fees charged for the current library meeting room back before it became the Fiction Room. Assistant Library Director Armour explained that the room was used primarily for library sponsored events and there were no fees charged to any group who used it. It was used by several clubs and organizations, i.e. League of Women Voters, NSDCGS and Boy Scouts. - Library Director Lange expressed concern over the classifications “C” and “D” which separate non-profits according to paid versus volunteer staffing. It was his feeling that any non-profit group should be allowed to use the facilities free of charge. Assistant Library Director Armour explained that this mirrored the policy currently in use by the City Parks & Recreation Department. There was discussion about the difference in fees between the Conference Room and the Multipurpose Room and Assistant Library Director Armour suggested it was because of the kitchen facility in the new multipurpose room. Library Director Lange pointed out that the Conference Room in the Cole will also have the staff kitchen and lounge available for use. Trustee Baron asked if the board could approve the document in principal but with the understanding that the Board is having some serious discussions about rates and - Library Board of Trustees Minutes of July 28, 1999 Meeting Page 6 7 categories and would like them addressed and the document presented to the board again. She wondered if the document could be forwarded to the City Attorney with that type of approval. Library Director Lange said he could provide the City Attorney with the draft document as presented here together with a listing of their concerns and have him take a look at it. By proper motion and vote, the Public Meetinq Room Use Policies and Procedures draft was approved as to principal. UPDATE ON CITY WEB SITE: Management Analyst Dana Hartshorn explained that it would probably be another two weeks before the site is up as they have run into some issues with the service provider on the programming. All the City’s information is in and they are waiting for the service provider coordination. There will be a press release when the site is actually live. Ms. Hartshorn provided information on what will be available at the site. This represents Phase I of the development of the site and provides more or less static information about the City. Phase I1 will have more of the changing type information, such as calendars of events, schedules and board meeting minutes. She continued that in Phase Ill they are hoping to add some interactive components. - Trustee Kamenjarin asked if we had an estimated date for patron access to the catalog through their computer on line. Ms. Hartshorn explained that the software currently being tested by the library will enable the patron to access the catalog and put items on hold but we are not sure if it will be up and operational at move in. Trustee Baron asked if the library web site will contain a link to other libraries and Ms. Hartshorn pointed out the “favorite web sites” under Reference which are links to all sorts of information. PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND ALLOCATIONS: Library Director Lange provided a copy of the letter from the State Librarian showing Carlsbad will receive $130,738. Trustee Baron was pleased to note that the Public Library Fund had been expanded by more than 45% over last year. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of July 28, 1999 Meeting Page 7 F LIBRARY ME ET1 NG TIM E: There was discussion on a convenient meeting time for the Board since the current 3:30 PM meeting‘time had been chosen to benefit a previous member of the Board. The majority of those in attendance preferred a later time of day and by proper motion and vote the meeting time was changed to 4:OO PM effective with the regular meeting next month. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: EOS International: Library Director Lange reported that the library had met with the Technology Consultant to discuss the offer of free software and were now ready to sit down and discuss negotiations. The Company has asked to come and make a presentation to this Board and they will be on the agenda for next month. The offer is for $172,000 worth of software and they are willing to commit themselves, in writing, for whatever we want in functionality of the software. Trustee Baron expressed concern over the Boards ability to evaluate a demonstration of the product and asked if our technology consultant could evaluate it. Library Director Lange said that the consultant, Joan Frye Williams, had already evaluated the offer and told the committee that this is a quality product. Further, based on the information from the City’s Information Systems personnel, Ms Williams said that EOS International was one of possibly three companies who can provide the product we need, and none of the others is offering it to us for free. - The Director wanted the Board to see the system and see how it works so that they can evaluate it from a patron’s point of view. Sal Savastio from the Friend’s asked what the company hoped to gain by giving us the software and Library Director Lange explained that they were looking for a library of this size to become their showcase library, especially since this is a Carlsbad-based company. New Hire: Library Director Lange announced that Carol Tico, previous hourly employee in the Programs and Exhibits ofice had been selected from several applicants for the full time position. Communi& Services Brochure: The next issue will have a photograph of the new library on the cover and will feature information on the Grand Opening week schedule of events. It should reach Carlsbad residents during the first week of August. - Library Board of Trustees Minutes of July 28, 1999 Meeting Page 8 - Libraw Of California: Library Director Lange gave each trustee a copy of the publication, The Library of California, which is a comprehensive explanation and description of what the Library of California is all about. He pointed out that one major impact will be the phasing out of the Serra Cooperative Library System as we become part of Region V. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: No report. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Carol Baird reported on their fall seminar scheduled for Saturday, October 9, from 9 AM to 4 PM at the Senior Center. The Society is planning things to keep the membership busy while the library is closed such as a research trip to Salt Lake City in November. In July of this year they had another Junior Genealogy class at the library and it was wildly successful. She pointed out that as these children become interested in the research they have to read more and write more and it becomes an education tool as well. - Their beginners classes scheduled for the first Saturday of every month have been very successful but will of course be discontinued while the Cole is closed. The Society is concerned about a negative impact on membership with the Cole closed. COMMENT: Trustee Baron asked for information about the fund raiser on September 1 8th and asked about invitations. Trustee Gleason Huss asked about the CALTAC awards form and if it was appropriate for her to submit a nomination. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: This item was trailed. Karen Gleason Huss was nominated and elected as the Chair and Trustee Tarman as the Vice Chair. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. rc Library Board of Trustees Minutes of July 28, 1999 Meeting Page 9 ,-. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion; the Regular Meeting of July 28, 1999, was adjourned at 453 PM. Respectfully submitted, Administratihe Secretary ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM Monthly Report: June 1999 1. HOBY Leadership Seminar On Friday, June 4, Program Coordinator Lynda Jones was one of four guest speakers on the “Education” panel at the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Seminar (HOBY) at the University of San Diego. Over 200 high school sophomore leaders, representing schools throughout the county, participated in 3 days of discussions of current topics (e.g., the American Incentive System and Ethics, Individual Privacy vs. The Public’s Right to Know). 2. GED Math Test On June 22, the three adult learners in the Adult Learning Program’s GED (high school equivalency) Math Study Group took the national GED Math Test, and all three passed! That means they have now passed the math section of the 5-part GED exam. The three worked intensively for several months with tutor Ein Dawson to accomplish this goal. 3. New GED Study Group One week after passing the GED Math Test, the GED Study Group plunged into studying for their next GED test: Literature and the Arts. Tutor Ein Dawson and the three learners who completed the math section have been joined by three additional learners in the weekly study group. _- 4. Acoustic Panels Probably the biggest concern of all tutoring pairs over the years has been the difficulty concentrating while other pairs are also talking in the same room. Adults who have had learning problems have even more difficult screening out background voices than the average adult. In June, thanks to the suggestions of sound engineer Gary Cruz (husband of staff member Josie Cruz), sound studio quality acoustical padding was installed in the computer lab and main classroom, from the tops of the dividers to the ceiling. Tutors and learners have noticed a significant reduction in sound interference, which should enhance learning. 5. Tutor TraininP and Recruitment On June 18-19, five new tutors were trained. At the end of June, 26 adult learners were waiting for tutors. Staff have nearly completed writing a Tutor Recruitment Plan, with both long- and short-term objectives. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY CENTRO DE INFORMACION Monthly Report June 1999 1.- Children’s Prowammine. Bilingual storyhours were conducted every Tuesday during the month of June. 2.- Summer Reading Promam. On June 21 the Centro de Informacion started the 1999 Summer Reading Program . By June 30, Centro staff and volunteers enrolled 243 children and young adults in the program. thth 3.- Tour at the Centro de Informacibn. On June 28, a group of 6 /7 grade students from Pine Summer School visited the Centro. Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson gave information to the group about Centro’s children’s services and the Summer Reading Program. The group signed up for the program and they will be reporting at the Centro. 4.- Community Outreach. On June 2, Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson was invited to attend the Head Start Program graduation ceremony. During the ceremony, Lizeth had the opportunity to speak to a group of parents and promote the Summer Reading Program. She also thanked the parents and teachers for bringing their children to the library for story hour throughout the school year. Head Start children received their library cards along with their diplomas. On June 8, Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson attended a parent meeting at Magnolia School. Lizeth gave information to the parents about library services at the Main Library and the Centro de Informacion. She also gave information about the Summer Reading Program and how the children can participate in the program. 5.- InFo Peode Grant. The two new computers purchased with InFo People grant hnds arrived at the Centro in June. The two Internet workstations will be ready to provide Internet access to the public in September 1999. Centro staff will receive training on the use of the Internet during the month of August. 6.- Carlsbad Youth Enrichment Services. On June 16, Centro Supervisor Lizeth Simonson attended a meeting of the Carlsbad Youth Enrichment Services (Y.E.S.) at the Barrio Museum in Carlsbad. During this meeting the sub-committees presented a Goal Summary of what was accomplished during the school year 1998 - 1999. Lizeth made an announcement about the acquisition of two new computers with Internet access for public use at the Centro. The committee will take a summer break and resume meetings in September. Children’s Services Division Monthly Report June 1999 Summer is traditionally the busiest time of year for Children’s Services and this June was no exception. June saw the last storyhour with special guest, lifeguard Leonard Ortiz, who helped prepare the children to be water safe this summer. The 1999 Summer Reading Program began June 21St strong as ever with over 400 children signed up by June 30th. The staff visits to local schools contributed greatly to the numbers. Craig Newton’s Multicultural Musical Show was a hit with adults as well as the children. Craig played over 12 different instruments and gave the history of each one. Merlin the Magnificent better known as Kevin Viner, made his debut as a performer this year. He has been a member of the Summer Reading Program Volunteer staff in past years. At 14 years of age, he is the youngest professional performer and the kids enjoyed seeing someone closer to their own age! - The Annual Teddy Bear Picnic was well-attended with Winnie-the- Pooh as the special guest. This event took place on the front lawn where children gathered with their stuffed bears and animals, paraded through the library and returned outside to enjoy some refreshments. June also marked the beginning of Internet classes taught by high school senior Paul Ciley as his Eagle Scout project. Bee Koons again offered her Jr. Genealogy Class for Kids which was attended by twice as many children as last year. . Word Processing and Internet use increased as school drew to a close and the CD-ROM’s increased as kids had more free time. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITIONS June 1999 r STATISTICS REPORT Curl ent Month _______---___------_-_____--- - - - Items Received B&T Direct PMSC Total ___-___---__-- __--___--- ___----- -____---- - - - Books - Adult Main 34 1 132 453 Branch 116 30 146 Centro 0 8H 88 subtotal 457 230 687 Books - Children Main 41 30 Branch 9 9 Centro 0 52 subtota$ 50 71 71 18 32 121 Audio - Adult 1D9 11 120 Audio - Children 4 40 44 Video e 30 1' 97 146 Tot.al Received 650 37. 97 1,118 Current Previous Fiscal Fiscal Year Year to Date to Date ____-----_-____----- 7,810 6,343 2,109 1,573 457 17 1 9,769 8,087 3,084 2,774 1,989 1,040 207 306 5,280 4,419 2,149 1,993 42 1 53 1 1,976 1,637 19,595 16,667 Curren-. Orders Placed current Fiscal Previous Fiscal E & T = Baker & Taylor PMSC = Professional Media Services Cory-ration Genealogy & Local History Division Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Statistics June 1999 Research activity: June 1999 June 1998 FY1998/99 to date Reference questions 1,207 1,279 15,741 Regstered researchers 737 1,130 9,523 Computer users 127 1 a2 2,323 Circulation 123 175 1,630 Inhouse usage 2,170 1,664 22,868 Holdings: Genealogy Kon-Circ Genealos Circ Microfilm Microfiche CD F- Added June 1999 40 2 6 0 0 &Added ,Added FY 1 99 8 / 9 9 FY1997/98 to date 666 626 -24 -35 61 117 4,313 4,757 a 2a .\ctivities with the Sort11 Sxn Diego County Genealoaj Sociep: June I999 June 1998 Total 1999 to date L-olunteer hours 46 44 293 Programs 4 3 24 Program attendance 195 96 1,064 NSDCGS donations $0.00 $2388.55 $7,374.95 Donated books 17 26 109 FY1997/98 14,737 10,711 1,411 I ,850 5,136 To tal 18,340 7,455 119,316 246 878 Totd I998 538 40 1,705 $14,209.00 260 Carls bad ,p San Diego County ios Angeles County Orange County hverside County San Bernardino Co. Other California Cos ,-\labama Alaska .Arizona Arkansas Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Illinois Indiana Iowa 1- unsas I<~R~LIc~~. 1 lain e X lawland "\ lassachusetts ..Lichigan illinn eso ta hfississippi blissouri Lclon tana r\; ebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Idaho Jermont rginia LVashngton Washington, D.C. Genealogy & June, 1999 F'Y1998/99 154 481 11 41 25 3 9 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 - 1,775 5,828 269 591 514 19 74 1 0 51 2 1 0 1 3 1 2 6 1 4 5 0 1s 3 6 4 1 8 0 19 13 0 0 0 5 4 1 9 3 12 4 0 0 0 0 8 12 1 6 12 7 - 7 - 3 - FY1997/98 1,787 7,230 204 631 34s 52 133 1 2 100 3 3 0 15 1 0 3 5 1 1 1 3 1 5 4 1 S 1 30 26 7 - 3 - 7 - 7 3 - - 1 10 0 7 3 10 6. 1 3 4 6 9 0 6 19 1 3 - 3 - Local History West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Guam England Germany Ireland Mexico Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 737 1 25 1 0 6 7 3 - - 2 9,372 1 0 2 1 2 0 0 5 10,711 LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT JUNE, 1999 JUNE ClRCULA TlON Branch circulation this month was 24,476. Of this total I 1,980 adult items, 10,303 children’s items, 2,142 video tapes and 51 CD ROMS were checked out. An average of 941 items were checked out each day, or 87 each hour. There was an increase in total circulation of 11% over June of 1998. These figures do not include the items used in-house (periodicals, reference tools, etc.) which add another 1,431 items to‘the count. USERS This month’s user count was 19,036. An average of 732 people used the Branch each day. The hourly average was 68. There was a total increase of 4%. CHILDREN’S AREA The Summer Reading Program “Long Ago and Far Away.. . .a Dragon’s Tale“ began June 21. Children’s Coordinator, Pat Hatfield organized student volunteers to help her with registrations, programs and listening to children report on their reading. In the first day, 210 children had registered. By the end of the first week, 410 had registered. This is the most active summer the La Costa Branch has experienced in its 15 year history. (9 children joined the program in 1984.) Two of the scheduled weekly programs, a puppet show and a sing-a-long drew a total audience of 165 children. Both programs were performed outdoors in front of the Branch facility. NEW MAIN AND COLE LIBRARIES New Libratv: The steel book shelving for the new main library arrived on schedule, June 15. Installation began immediately with a 6 week completion schedule. The wood end panels and canopy tops are due on site the week of July 5. Branch Manager met with Jan Thompson the representative for AS1 Sign Systems, to make final decisions on text fonts and sizes of text for the shelving signage package. The signs which are modular to increase flexibility went into production in June. August delivery and installation is anticipated. Cole Library: The Cole Renovation Team which included the Branch Manager, Chris Holt met on June I to tour the Cole building and discuss the scope of work. Branch Manager continued to plan shelving and furniture layouts, Cole staffing, operations of the facility, the move to Cole, and the closing of the La Costa Branch Library scheduled for September 18. An interim type facility to be stationed near Cole during renovation is also in the planning stages. Marie Garvey, Branch Reference, joined the Main Library Reference Committee to select reference materials for Cole. FY 99-00 This Month Mala Graphics 7' PUBLISHING FORM Cow This month 21,835 Last month 26,810 Calendar YTD (l/gg-present) 1 51,365 Fiscal YTD (7/1/98-7/1/99) 343,367 (Annual Total) GRAND TOTAL - REFERENCE ACTIVITIES for JUNE, 1999 Reference Questions totaled 5,040 during the month of June, a decrease of 385 over last year. Reserves totaled 2,452, an increase of 261. This figure includes Public Internet Access sign-ups, which totaled 1207 during the month of June. Online Searches totaled 1,242, an increase of 602 over last year. Interlibrary Loans totaled 100 items received and 109 items were sent to other libraries. Also in June there were 272 questions answered at the Information Desk. During the month of June, there were 4 Internet Classes. Char Kennedy gave a book talk at the Carlsbad Womens’ Club on June 1. 1 Char Kennedy attended a Recordskeeping Committee Meeting on June 7 and she also attended the Vendor’s Conference on June 17. The Reference Selection Committee met on June 3 to continue prioritizing the reference standing orders for the Cole Library. Callie Ahrens facilitated the Investment In Excellence follow-up session on June 2, and she attended an HE coordinator’s meeting on June 22. The first meeting of the Public Computer Access Committee was held on June 9 to discuss issues with policies and procedures for the Computer Labs and public Internet access in the Main, Cole, and Centro. Char attended a Phone Meeting on June 23. Technical Services Report June 1999 In June, Technical Services staff added 1,738 new print items and 53 1 audiovisual items to the library’s collection. They deleted 1,244 print items and 489 audiovisual items from the database. Patrons using home computers dialed into the catalog 163 times during the month. The barcode duplication project mentioned last month is going quickly. By the end of June, Circulation staff had added approximately 13,500 barcodes to the outside of older library books. This estimate is based on the number of blank labels distributed by Technical Services. We have purchased one duplicator for the library to keep and will rent another three units. The emphasis at this point is on books that will be in the New Main Library, since there will be plenty of time to finish up the books at the Cole Library while it’s closed for remodelling. Jane Keller, the Library Assistant who was out on Family Leave, returned to work on June 16. We’re very glad to have her back. One of Jane’s ongoing projects has been to upgrade the cataloging records for older books that have incomplete information and no subject headings. Due to her hard work both before her departure on leave and since her return. we now have fewer than 10,000 of these books that still need upgrading. . _c 0 Ln 0 0, R 8 8 r r tn Q, Q, U od ii tn 0) E > a City of Carlsbad http:llwww.ci.carlsbad.ca.us/index2.html m9 ' : 1of1 1/22/99 9: 16 AM Carlsbad City Library I City of Carlsbad http://www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us/cserv/library.html r- CITY SERVICES I CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY > City Services Index The Carlsbad City Library provides quality information for the entire community and equal access to all our materials. We create a welcoming environment with friendly, competent staff and introduce children and adults to the joys and rewards of reading and using the public library. Library users also have access to appropriate technologies and resources to meet changing community needs. Librarv Information + Volunteer Opportunities > Children's Library > Reference Desk > Internet access at the Library > Classes, tours, booktalks > Inter-Library Loan Policies > Young Adult Resources > Kesources for Job Seekers > Links to favorite Web sites Genealogy and Local History and presentations Periodical Holdings > Centro de Inforrnacion > Adult Learning Program b Library Media Resources > Connect to the Library Catalog :. La inforrnacion en espatiol TEXT ONLY VERSION city hall I city services I business resources I community links 1 visitor information I about carlsbad I site map I contact us I home 1 of 1 7/22/99 9: 17 AM ~~ Library Board of Trustees 1 City of Carlsbad http:iiwww.ci.carlsbad.ca.us/chall/chlib.html (,I I ! 18, L CITY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. City H<iIl iyL- Library Board of Trustees Five members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. Members normally serve four-year terms and must be residents of Carlsbad. Sf il' I II : iL I iiy lirrc!oi MEETINGS I Regular meetings are held the third Wednesday of every month. [I\, i IES > Advises and makes recommendations to the City Council on matters relating to the operation of the library. Recommends contractual arrangements and mutual agreements with other libraries, cities and the County for borrowing, lending and exchanging books and other publications. Performs a liaison role between the library and the community. Reports the condition of the library to the City Council and the State Librarian on an annual basis. MEMBERSHiP :* Source: Carlsbad Municipal Code, Chapter 2.16 1of1 7/22/99 9: 18 AM f‘ ’ CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY c LIBRARY-COURTS BUILDING P.O. BOX 942837 SACRAMENTO, CA 94237-0001 I ,’47 /c” MEMORAWDUM TO: FROM: Dr. Kevin Starr All California Public Library Directors State Librarian of California DATE: July 6, 1999 SUBJECT: ESTIMATED Allocations from the Public Library Fund (1999/2OOO) In signing the 1999/00 State budget, the Governor authorized funding of the Public Library Fund to increase from $38,870,000 to $56,870,000, an expansion of more than 45% over last year. With this generous increase, coupled with last year’s augmentation, funding has risen by almost 150% over the last tu0 years. The augmentation continues to be tied to the implementation of a per capita distribution method to determine Public Library Fund allocations. AB 345-Granlund, Chapter 167 of the Statutes of 1997, is the legislation that changes the Public Library Fund allocations from a forinula based on local per capita appropriations to a formula based solely on the population of the library’s service area. AB 345 does not impact the local maintenance of effort requirement for eligibility for distribution of funds. - The enclosed table presents the California State Library’s preliminary estimates for the distribution of these funds for the 1999/00 fiscal year. The final determination of the allocation will be made following the confirmation of eligibility based on the December 1, 1999, submittal by local public libraries of their respective local appropriations. If you have any questions, contact either Jay Cunningham, PLF Coordinator, Library Development Services, at (916) 653-81 12 or Cindy Tackett, Local Assistance Coordinator, at (916) 653-4192. Enclosure K0S:n.C: PMW C: )%GAL $PLi LiTiM4iL.ii.i. PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND FY 1999100 Estimates (Payment Based on Population) 1 2 3 4 Proportionally Percentage Funded Public Library Population Meets of Total Estimate __ .- FY 99/00 MOE Y/N Population (1 x $1.68476) Alameda Alameda County Alhambra Alpine County Altadena District Amador County Anaheim Arcadia Au burn-Placer County Azusa City Banning District Beaumont District Belvedere-Ti buron Benicia Berkeley Beverly Hills Brawley Buena Park District Burbank Burlingame Butte County Calabasas Calaveras County Camarena (Calexico) Carlsbad City Cannel (Harrison) Cerritos Chula Vista Coalinga-Huron District Colton Colusa County City of Commerce Contra Costa County Corona Coronado Covina Daly City Del Norte County L.D. Dixon District El Centro El Dorado County El Segundo Escondido - _- Downey 73,100 491,500 91,600 1,190 50,300 34,050 306,300 53,200 145,500 45,700 27,600 22,650 11,150 28,700 108,900 34,550 21,650 75,900 105,300 37,050 201,900 20,100 37,800 26,150 77,600 4,580 57,500 'lG6,Si)O 18,600 46,650 18,550 13,250 822,600 117,300 28,700 47,550 104,200 28,100 22,150 101,100 37,950 150,800 16,650 125,600 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0.002 1 656 0.01 45606 0.00271 36 0.0000353 0.0014901 0.0010087 0.0090741 0.001578 0.00431 04 0.001 3539 0.00081 76 0.000671 0.0003303 0.0008502 0.003226 1 0.0010235 0.000641 4 0.0022485 0.0031 195 0.001 0976 0.005981 3 0.0005955 0.001 1198 0.0007747 0.0022989 0.0001357 0.001 7034 Q.004S444 0.00055 1 0.001 382 0.0005495 0.0003925 0.0243694 0.003475 0.0008502 0.001 4087 0.0030869 0.0008325 0.0006562 0.0029951 0.001 1243 0.0044674 0.0004933 0.0037209 123,156 828,062 154,324 2,005 84,744 57,366 516,043 89,629 245,133 76,994 46,500 38,160 18,785 48,353 183,471 58,209 36,475 127,874 177,406 62,421 340,154 33,864 63,684 44,057 130,738 7,716 96,874 251,187 31,337 78,594 31,252 22,323 1,385,887 197,623 48,353 803 1 I 175,552 47,342 37,318 170,330 63,937 254,062 28,051 21 1,606