HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-08-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: August 18,1999 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Chair Karen Gleason Huss called the meeting to order at 4:04 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Gleason Huss, Kamenjarin, Page and Tarman. Absent: Trustee Baron Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Dana Hartshorn, Library Management Analyst Mig Chaney, League of Women Voters Observer Scott Cheatham, President, EOS International Joe Matthews, VP Sales, EOS, International Tracy Dajic, EOS International APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the July 28, 1999 meeting were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS: Chair Gleason Huss asked about the sleep over held in the Children’s Division and the performances by the West Coast Repertory Theater performances as part of the Summer Reading Program. Library Director Lange explained that the Serra System Children’s Committee do a lot of work together to develop a list of performers particularly for the Summer Reading Program. Trustee Tarman asked for more information on the Adult Learning visualization class and Assistant Library Director Armour offered to get additional information from Lynda Jones, Adult Learning Program Coordinator. - Library Board of Trustees Minutes of Auaust 18. 1999 Meeting - Page 2 Chair Gleason Huss asked if we had applied for the $1,000 literacy grant mentioned in the report. Library Director Lange explained it was not an actual “grant”. We received a letter and claim form from the State Library that said if we wanted the $1,000 to return the claim form. Chair Gleason Huss questioned the 10% increase in users at the La Costa Branch. Trustee Harman responded to the same figures and said that he attributed the increase to the growing community. He continued that when he was Principal of Aviara Oaks School, the teachers would take all the students down to the branch to get their library cards before the summer break. Trustee Page asked if the NSDCGS taught beginning genealogy classes for adults. Trustee Tarman commented that the Tech Services Report clearly indicated that we were “weeding out” a lot before we moved to the new building. Additionally, he asked for clearer direction on using the dial in access to the library catalog. Library Director Lange responded that it is a DOS based program that will soon be replaced by access via the Internet. This prompted several questions from the Board about the status of the City Internet Web Site and Library catalog on-line. Management Analyst Hartshorn reported that there was some difficulty with the provider and they were hoping to have the web site available by the end of the month. The web page will have instructions on accessing the DOS based program until we are able to provide the catalog on-line. - Chair Gleason Huss reported on having received a telephone call from a resident of Oceanside who was very concerned about the lack of a literacy program for her children. The caller wanted the Library Board to augment the Adult Learning Program to provide instruction for children. Chair Gleason Huss gave the caller the names of some individuals in Oceanside who work with a reading specialist program. LIBRARY BOARD REPORTS: Foundation - Library Director Lange reported that the Foundation was still recruiting new Board Members and have finalized a list of naming opportunities in the new library. Trustee Tarman explained that a member of the Library Board serves on the Board of the Foundation as does a member of the Friends of the Library but they are not required to donate any money. The remainder of the Board Members of the Foundation will be required to either raise or donate a specified sum. Library Director Lange continued that the exact sum had not been determined yet by the Foundation. - Library Board of Trustees Minutes of August 18, 1999 Meeting Page 3 c Gallen, - Library Director Lange reported that the committee had finalized their mission statement and were working on criteria for selecting exhibitors. However, their primary focus at present is the opening exhibit and schedule for the coming year. EOS INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY SOFTWARE: Library Director Lange introduced the three individuals from the company who had offered to donate their software to the library. He explained that he and the staff have been working on this proposal for several months and are still struggling with some of the issues. President Cheatham gave a brief overview of the company and explained the benefits of this offer to the City, the Library, and EOS International. Vice President Matthews explained the functionality of the program as to ease of use and state-of-the-art technology. He also explained the proposed Data migration from lnlex to the new system. Chair Gleason Huss asked if this system would eliminate all paper and card files but what about back up for computer data. Mr. Matthews explained that the new computers are guaranteed not to fail for a minimum of three years. Additional, on a nightly basis there is a tape back -up of all changes made during the day. On a weekly basis, the entire system is backed up and those back-up tapes are stored off site. c Ms. Dajic demonstrated the product, the on line catalog, and some of the search options available to the patron. COLE LIBRARY REMODEL UPDATE: Library Director Lange reported that the City Council approved the agenda bill for the architects to prepare a scope of work and to amend the Yamada shelving contract to include the removal and reconfiguration of the shelving currently in the Cole. He expects to return to the council in the middle of September asking for approval to go to bid for the work defined by the architects. Trustee Kamenjarin asked how we were able to get the work approved for the architects and Yamada without having to go back out to bid. Library Director Lange explained that the City Council has the authority to amend the original contract. NEW LIBRARY PROGRESS UPDATE: I Library Director Lange reported that we anticipate a certificate of occupancy by next . I Library Board of Trustees Minutes of August 18, 1999 Meeting Page 4 /- week. They are currently re-doing the stucco on parts of the exterior of the building and refinishing the gallery floor. There was some discussion about the dates for the fundraiser and the grand opening and specific roles for the Trustees at each event. The Library Director also went over the general plan for the Grand Opening logistics. BOARD TOUR OF THE NEW LIBRARY: It was agreed that the Board would tour the new library after the next regularly scheduled meeting on September 15, 1999. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library Director Lange reported that the positions for Principal Librarian and the Gallery Coordinator have been approved and the recruitment for the Gallery Coordinator is u n d e way. The Meeting Room Policy has been sent to the City Attorney for review and hopes to get it back on the Board agenda in September for their final approval. The library will be moving into the new building beginning September 2"d. r The invitations have been mailed for the fundraiser on September 1 8'h. The Lions Club has pledged to donate $5,000 to purchase an easy reader scanner for the visually impaired. The agenda bill for the City Council to accept the donation is being prepared for a September date. There will be a volunteer appreciation reception and tour of the library on September 22nd from 4 to 6 pm and we have mailed nearly 200 invitations to all those individuals who volunteer for any library program. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Not present. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Not present. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. r- Library Board of Trustees Minutes of August 18, 1999 Meeting Page 5 ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Respectfully su mitted, t Meeting of August 18, 1999, was adjourned at 525 PM. Cissie Sefon Administrative Secretary Adult Learning Program Monthly Report: July 1999 1. El Camino Real Rotarv Club On July 20, Program Coordinator Lynda Jones made a presentation to the El Camino Real Rotary Club about literacy and the Adult Learning Program. At the suggestion of club member and Library Trustee Charlene Baron, Lynda asked the club members to read a fairy tale which had been written with unfamiliar symbols instead of English alphabet letters. Club members experienced some of the difficulties that adult.learners have had. Members were given information about the adult literacy programs at Carlsbad and Oceanside public libraries. / 2. Leaders to Sea On July 22, Program Coordinator Lynda Jones and volunteer Came Scott were among 6 “leaders” in literacy participating in the U.S. Navy’s “Leaders to Sea” program. They were flown from North Island in a Navy helicopter to the USS Tarawa, 25 miles at sea. For 6 % hours they were given a thorough tour of every part of the ship and met many of the crew and learned about their education and training programs. The U.S. Navy in San Diego is anxious to increase its involvement in literacy programs. 3. Lepoland and Yellow Pages “Get an Idea” Press Conference As part of a nationwide promotion of literacy in conjunction with the national organization Literacy Volunteers of America (LVA), the Yellow Pages held a press conference at Legoland on July 23. Since there is no LVA chapter in San Diego County, the Adult Learning Program represented literacy efforts in the county. Coordinator Lynda Jones, tutodstaff member Paula Cooper, and former learner John Corcoran attended; John was one of the speakers. - 4. Visualizinp and Vocabularv Class In an effort to increase learners’ comprehension, a new weekly class was started on July 27. The class is team-taught by staff members Shirley Taylor and Paula Cooper, who are drawing on many sources to develop a curriculum that could eventually be used by all learners in the program, probably in small groups. Of particular interest is finding ways to increase learners’ vocabulary and to develop “visualizing” skills, or the ability to picture in one’s mind what is being read. Many adults with poor reading skills get no pictures at all in their minds when they read, which greatly limits comprehension and retention. 5. Library Literacv and Adult Basic Education On July 28, coordinators of library literacy programs in the county met with representatives of Adult Basic Education programs, which are located in adult education and community college settings. They discussed ways to cooperate in the future and, especially, serve adults with special needs who are not currently adequately served. Possible projects coordinated by the San Diego Council on Literacy were discussed, and plans were made to continue joint meetings. 6. Literacv Collection SDecial Grant The library submitted claim forms for a special $1,000 grant being made to each California library that has an adult literacy program. The State Library is providing the funds to meet communities’ growing need for reference materials about adult, family, and children’s literacy. 7. San Diepo Council on Literacv Program Coordinator Lynda Jones is one of eight members of a hiring committee seeking an Executive Director for the San Diego Council on Literacy. At the Council’s Board of Directors Annual Meeting on July 14, new directors were voted onto the Board, including the Chair of the Education Department at the University of San Diego, the Community Relations Manager of the Union-Tribune, and literacy consultant Carrie Scott, who has been a volunteer with the Adult Learning Program for 11 years. - CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY CENTRO DE INFORMACION STATISTICS JULY 1999 A.- Individual Patron Visits 1.- Children 1,156 2.- Adults 830 3. - Teens 314 B.- Program Attendance (in addition to individual visits) 1.- Total adult programs: 2 Total attendance at adult programs: 27 2.- Total of children’s programs: 16 Total of preschool programs: 5 Total of school-age programs: 11 Total attendance at children’s programs: Preschool: 64 School-age: 269 C.- Attendance Grand Total Individual visits: 2,300 Programs: 360 D.- Average Daily Attendance E.- In House Use F. - Number of referencehformation questions answered G.- Number of new patrons registered at Centro H.- Number of Volunteer Hours I.- Number of Patrons using the Computer Resource TOTAL 2,300 360 2,660 127 445 365 40 70 14 , COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITIONS STAT I ST I CS RE PO RT ,- July 139’3 C~urrent Previous Current Month Fiscal Fiscal Ye a 1- Year -___-______---_____- --------- - - - I tems Received B&T Direct PMSC Total to Date to Date Books - Adult L Main 304 174 Branch in3 46 Centro 0 24 s 11 b t o t a 1 407 244 Books - Children Ma i n Branch Centro subtotal 27 13 3 4 0 0 30 17 478 478 753 149 149 143 24 24 22 651 651 918 40 40 57 7 7 14 0 19 47 47 90 Audio - Adult 16 -! 20 zn 2 18 Audio - Children 1 C 1 1 in Video 6 26 2 41 69 69 76 Total Received 480 267 41 788 788 1,312 Direct-ordered Videos Catalorjed at PMSC Current P rev i o ti s current Fiscal Fiscal month Year tu Ii?te Year to Date -_---_____ . --------- - - - videos 33 3 ‘3 13 Current Frevious Gifts Added current Fiscal Fiscal ---__________ inonth Year to Dste Year to Date Gifts 123 123 129 -_________ _________- --------- - - - B & T = Baker & Taylor PMSC = Professional Media Services Corporation Children’s Services Division Monthly Report July I999 July was an incredibly busy month in the Children’s Division. Nearly 1,900 reference questions were answered by children’s staff. We presented 26 programs for preschool and school age children with a total attendance of 1,700. As expected Internet and CD-ROM use increased sigxuficantly with Word Processing decreasing due to summer vacation. Summer Reading activities attracted both parents and children to a variety of unique programs sponsored by The Friends of the Library. The events offered were Mask- making, ”Make a Coat of Arms” craft, professional puppet shows, several live animal educational productions, (which included “Art of Falconry”), live Children’s Theater productions, Teen Night, Library Sleepover, Movie Party sponsored by So Cal Cinemas, Internet Classes for Kids and Jr. Genealogy sessions. Many of the programs were so popular that they attracted 50-150 guests with parents and children clamoring for more! The Internet Classes for Kids was an Eagle Scout project by Paul Ciley. He taught two sessions each of beginning, intermediate and advanced classes. The children learned the basics of the Internet, including search engines and bookmarks; then they progressed to more advanced hctions like downloading and e-mail accounts. c This is the second summer that the West Coast Repertory Theater has performed for the Carlsbad Children’s Library. The performances by local aspiring actors were held at three different locations around the City. Nearly five hundred children and adults attended this popular event. Parents were very impressed with the quality of this entertainment. The 2nd Annual Teen Night was a joint effort of both Adult Reference and Children’s staff. The theme was “Brainmest”, which promoted the use of library resources, including our on-line card catalog and the Internet. Over twenty teens came for a barbecue and multimedia scavenger hunt. Over fifty parents, children and staff attended the 4th hual Library Sleepover. The magician’ Craig Stone, gave an outstanding performance. He had parents and children laughing in the aisles. Some folks got very little sleep and everyone rose for an early continental breakfast before heading home. A fun time was had by all! - Genealogy & Local History Division Fiscal Year 1999/2000 Statistics July 1999 Research activity: July 1999 July 1998 FY1999/00 FY1998/99 Reference questtdps 1,248 1,433 1,248 15,741 Registered researchers 950 898 950 9,523 Computer users 134 223 134 2,323 145 1,630 Circulation 145 179 Inhouse usage 1,864 1,493 1,864 22,868 to date Holhgs: -4dded -4dded Juh- 1999 Fk'l999/00 to date Genealogy Non-CLtc -1 36 -1 36 Genealogy Circ -1 -1 llicroiii 13 13 hIicro fic he CD 0 0 0 0 1-olunteer hours Programs Program attendance NSDCGS donations Donated books 74 64 3 4 169 145 nla $878.62 3 18 -4dded Total FY1998/99 666 18,204 -24 877 61 7,468 4,313 119,316 8 246 Tocfll 1999 Total 1995 to date 367 538 27 40 1,233 1,705 $8,274.05 $1 4,209.00 112 260 Genealogy & Local History July 1999 Location ,F Carlsbad San Diego Co Los Xngeles Co Orange Co Rxerside Co San Bernardmo Co Other California Cos ;\lab ama -4laskn -A riz ona .irkamas Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Ha\\;aii ldaho Illinois IncLan3 10\\-a insas tun mc IX I .ouisiana .\Ifline .\[an.land llnssachusetts 1 Iichigan llinneso ta hlississippi Missouri hlontana ,- JdY Fk' 1999 1999/00 139 667 21 50 6 14 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 139 667 21 50 6 14 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I! 0 0 0 I! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 -- FY 1998/99 1,775 269 59 1 514 19 74 1 0 81 1 0 1 3 1 5,828 3 - 7 7 - - 6 1 4 0 0 1s 3 6 4 1 8 0 7 - 3 Nebraska Nevada New Hampshu-e New Jersey Kew Mexico New York North Caroha North Dakota Oh0 Oklahoma Oregon Pennsvlvania Rhode Island South Caroha South Dakota Tennessee Tesas Utah 1-ermont 1 kginia \Y':is hington \\.nshingron, D.C. LY'cst \-ir,oinia \\'isconsin Yi .vo ming G u :I rn Belqiurn England G tf rrna ni- Ireland llexico Russia Total 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 1 1 - 3 3 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 3 3 - 7 7 - A 0 I1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 c) 'I I1 I? 0 (1 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 950 950 19 13 0 0 0 5 4 1 9 3 12 4 0 0 0 0 8 12 1 6 12 1 25 1 0 0 6 2 2 0 9,372 3 - 3 - . I LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT JULY 1999 JUl Y CIRCULA TlON Branch circulation this month was 25,786. Of this total 12,041 adult items, 11,303 children’s items, 2,424 video tapes and 18 CD ROMS were checked out. An average of 992 items were checked out each day, or 95 each hour. There was an increase in total circulation of 6% over July of 1998. These figures do not include the items used in-house (periodicals, reference tools, etc.) which add another 1,587 items to the count. USERS This month’s user count was 20,002. An average of 769 people used the facility each day. The hourly average was 74. There was a total increase of 10% from July 1998 to Juiy 1999. CHILDREN’S AREA “Long Ago and Far Away .... a Dragon’s Tale” carried the month’s activities in Children’s. With over 700 children registered, the children’s July book circulation soared tu over 10,500 volumes. Of the 10 programs scheduled for July, there was an attendance of 792 children. The most popular of these programs was “Castle Court Fair“ featuring library related games and contests set in the time of King Arthur. - BARCODJNG PROJECT In mid July Branch received a barcode duplicator from the main library. Branch staff immediately began replacing barcodes on children’s books to conform with the new location. By the end of July, roughly 7,000 barcodes had been changed. The goal is to have all of the branch children’s, Spanish and large type books completed by September 18* and ready to be moved to the new main library. With extra staff hours and volunteer workers, the project runs almost continuously from the time branch opens until it closes, 6 days a week. NEW MAIN AND COLE LIBRARIES New Library: Shelving in the new building was almost 100% complete by July 31. Shelving signage is due August 19*. Cole Librarv: Cole renovation plans are underway. Shelving and furniture layouts are complete. Staffing is being addressed with the Senior Librarian for Children’s and the Senior Circulation Supervisor positions set to open in August. Discussion continuous on an appropriate ‘interim” facility to serve the area during Cole renovation. FY 99-00 This Month 3 a I 15 ~ 44 I Media Graphics i I I I , StreetMaintenonce I 1 l I Water & Sonitahon Research I Analysis I TOTAL SERVICES 19 ! I I 5 I I $ I Private Sector I I Nan-Profits I Cornmiss 1 I 8 1 I 2 f I I I Historical Society j 1; I I !I Carlsbad Playhouse !1 /15 PUBLISHING FORM COLW 1 i 1 i I I I I 441 1 1 REFERENCE ACTIVITIES for JULY I999 ,-- Reference Questions totaled 4,823 during the month of July, a decrease of 718 over last year. Reserves totaled 2,289, a decrease of 346. This figure includes Public Internet Access sign-ups, which totaled 1223 during the month of July, including 42 Visitors. Online Searches totaled 1,294, an increase of 643 over last year. Interlibrary Loans totaled 102 items received and 108 items were sent to other libraries. Also in July there were 348 questions answered at the Information Desk. During the month of July, there were 5 Internet Classes and I H.S. class tour. rc-- The Reference Selection Committee met on July 1 and ordered $1569 worth of updates for the Reference Collection. There was an Automation Committee Meeting on July 1 and an EOSi Meeting on July 7 attended by Callie and Char. A Serra Reference Committee Meeting was held on July 8 which was attended by Char at the Vista Library. The second Public Access Computer Committee was held on July 14 by public service staff representatives from all divisions and by Doug and Lisa. Callie Ahrens attended a Staff Development Meeting on July 15. Suzanne Smithson attneded a Serra Music Resources Workshop at the San Diego Central Library on July 15; she also attended a Serra Young Adult Committee on July 22. Suzanne also participated in the Second Annual Teen Night at the Library on July 23. - ". -. . Technical Services Report July 1999 In July. Technical Services staff added 1,534 new print items and 505 audiovisual items to the library's collection. They deleted 2.045 print items and 1.365 audiovisual items from the database. Patrons using home computers dialed into the catalog 15 1 times during the month. Over 45,000 barcodes have been duplicated since the beginning of the project. Staff from Circulation. Technical Services. and the La Costa Branch have all been working on this project. Since the number of new materials being received was down in Jul). a natural result of the Library's ordering cqcle. staff had a chance to lvork on soine long-standing projects. including the upgrading of the cataloging of older titles. These were titles added before September 1957 that have incomplete information in the database. Currently, we are working on upgrading cataloging for the genealogy collection. Once our catalog is available over the Internet. the quality ofthe database is essential to enabling library users to find the material they're looking for. Q, Q) Q) )r -s 7 - In Q, a U ob 0 8 d 0 m ? In Q, Q 0 0 0 0 E .- Y n > a 0 8 d 0 m "- 0 N N Lo 0 z m N 0 W m N Lo 0 8 0 3 m N