HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-04-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesITEM # 2 .. MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES April 19, 2000 Library Board Room CALL TO ORDER: Trustee Tarman called the meeting to order at 4:OO PM. ROLL CALL: Present : Library Board Trustees, Baron, Kamenjarin, Page and Tarman. Absent: Trustee Gleason Huss Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Heather Pizzuto, Principal Librarian Dana Hartshorn, Library Management Analyst Mig Chaney, League of Women Voters Observer Bee Koons, NSDCGS Liaison Steve MacPherson, Friends of the Library Liaison APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the March 29, 2000 meeting were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS: Trustee Tarman commenting on the report from Media Services asked if any of the groups were being charged a fee for the spaces and how booked were the facilities for the next few months. Library Director Lange responded that the schedule for the next few months is booked very heavily and those groups classified as commercial are charged the fee. Assistant Library Director Armour mentioned that discussion last month of possibly collecting the attendance numbers for all the events held in either facility. The method to collect this information has not been determined. Several suggestions were discussed and consensus was that this figure would be valuable and staff will determine the best manner in which to collect the data. r‘ Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of April 18, 2000 Meeting Trustee Page asked about the resignation of the cataloger and the status of hiring his replacement. Library Director Lange responded that the recruitment was underway at present and would probably take several months for the process. LIBRARY OF CALIFORNIA, REGION V: Library Director Lange reported that Assistant Library Director Armour attended the Library Directors’ Conference in Santa Barbara last month and much of the discussion there revolved around the Library of California. Library Director Lange recently attended a Serra Library System Administrative Council Meeting where they decided to schedule a joint meeting with the Inland Library System to discuss the transition of the two separate library systems into Region VI to be called Tierra del Sol. The challenge will be to work out the details and determine the priority of services and how to accomplish them. Additionally, the State Board of the Library of California is also struggling with some of the same types of things like the organizational structure and service structure in addition to issues like state-wide licensing for data base subscriptions. ,- Trustee Tarman asked if there was a timeline for accomplishing the planning and Library Director Lange replied that they hoped to have it completed by the end of this year. Assistant Library Director Armour stated that the target date for the completion of the Plans of Service and Bylaws for each of the seven regions is August 2000. PUBLIC LIBRARY DIRECTORS’ FORUM: Assistant Library Director Armour reported that this was an intensive two full days for all the Public Library Directors in the state. Of the 179 public libraries in the State, there were between 150 to1 60 directors at this conference. The two issues discussed most were the Library of California and the Library Bond Act. He also reported on the results of a survey in which over a thousand individuals were interviewed with regard to the public impression of public library services. Overall 80% of those interviewed had a positive impression of libraries with the top three reasons being the range of service, the education of children and the quality of life enhancements. Additionally, the two most often stated reasons for not using the library were, “I’m too busy” or “I just don’t have any reason to”. Other items of interest were the perception that Book Stores offered the greatest threat to libraries, not the Internet, and the two most valuable services offered by the library were checking out books for pleasure and conducting personal research. In comparing various City services, those with the most positive image were, Fire, Libraries, and Police, in that order. - - Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of April 18, 2000 Meeting Trustee Baron expressed concern that the library continue to provide services to the Latino citizens that are equivalent to the services provided to the rest of the community. Her question was whether or not the long range plans for the library called for the Centro to be incorporated into the Cole library when the new building is constructed. Library Director Lange responded that at present there are no plans to move the Centro when the new Cole library building is constructed. Current plans are to leave it where it is. The location was chosen to provide the services in the community that uses it, especially in view of the difficulty the children would encounter in trying to get to the Cole location through all the traffic and under the freeway. He continued that the Centro would never become a major library installation. Assistant Library Director Armour added that this is a political issue and that the Centro was meant to be a way station of sorts by providing bilingual materials for those non- English speaking families to assist them in integrating into English speaking society. Trustee Baron commented that it has been her observation that even the bilingual Latino community hold to their culture very strongly. This would indicate that if the political power shifts as projected, then we should be prepared to deal not only with the political issue but the cultural identification issue as well, within this community and possibly on this board. I Trustee Page asked if there had been any discussion of what might be built on the site where Centro is currently located. Library Director Lange said that the City has not determined at this point what will be there. It is planned as a park but there has been discussion of building a community center with a place to hold meetings, etc. We have asked that the Centro be included in whatever buildings are designed and built there. We are optimistic that the Centro will be allowed to stay in that general area. Trustee Kamenjarin asked if the City had ever used a bookmobile and wondered if it would address the need should the Centro need to close. Library Director Lange said that we had used one in the past, before the La Costa Branch had opened, and that it was something we could consider when and if the time arose. The down side is that you cannot deliver the same services you can from a building. 1998-99 LIBRARY ANNUAL REPORT TO THE STATE LIBRARY: - Library Director Lange explained that this annual report is required by law and is compiled into a publication. Once the Sate-wide report is received, Assistant Library Director Armour will analyze the results and report on how we compare to the other 32 f- Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of April 18, 2000 Meeting libraries within the 60,000 - 11 0,000 population category. Unfortunately, included in that category are several of the super libraries, including Newport Beach and Berkeley as well as all the libraries in the Silicon Valley. Even so, this library usually competes very well and the report is strictly statistics, not quality of service. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Pine School - The City is still evaluating the structures on the property and no decision has been made yet but there are indications that the buildings are in such bad shape they will probably elect to tear down most of them. We do not anticipate that they will tear down the building in which the Centro is located since it is in better physical condition than the rest. If the City elects to tear the other buildings down, then there will be no place to move the Adult Learning Program and it will remain in its current location. Libraw Prowrams - Nearly 200 people attended ltaliano Night last Friday night beginning with coffee, biscotti and cannolli, followed by the screening of “Cinema Paradiso” and discussion. This is representative of the popularity of the programs being held here. Planned for May is an Alfred Hitchcock film series. Piano - A major donor has given the Foundation the money for the purchase of a Steinway art case Grand Piano and it is scheduled for delivery the week of May 8‘h. Plans are underway for the inaugural concert sometime in June. Library Director Lange had spoken to an accomplished pianist, Richard Glazier, who is a Gershwin expert and who might be available for the concert. Mr. Glazier, when he was 12 years old, actually played for Ira Gershwin, and Mr. Gartner who donated the money for the piano is a Gershwin fan as well. Handicapped Parking - The Library received feed-back from the Traffic Engineer but too late to get it on this month’s agenda . It will be on the agenda for the May meeting and the Director has asked them to come here to discuss the options with the Board. There are still some loose ends, they are waiting for some “as built”s to get a better sense of the slope of the front parking lot and try to determine what is and is not feasible without tearing it up and spending another $100,000 to start all over again. Budget Presentation to Leadership Team - Staff made a budget presentation to the City Manager and the Leadership Team last week but no final decisions have been made on the requests. Library Director Lange introduced to the Board, Heather Pizzuto, the new Principal Librarian in charge of public services within this building. F Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of April 18,2000 Meeting Trustee Kamenjarin asked if there were any statistics on the usage up at the Cole Library. Library Director Lange responded that the total numbers were averaging 1700 a day, which is about what it was running before. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Steve reported that the focus this month has been on the book sale scheduled for Saturday, April 2gfh. Trustee Baron asked how many members are in the Friends of the Library and Library Director Lange responded that there are at least 700 addresses and many households have two members so a good estimate would be about 1,000. Trustee Tarman commented that he was pleased with the turnout and ceremony for the reopening of the Cole Library. Trustee Kamenjarin said he was pleased to see the many bilingual signs within the building. . -. Assistant Library Director Armour said that Council Member Kulchin said how pleased she was to see the Cole family involved. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Bee Koons announced that there were 180 people who came to take the private tours of the Cole Library for members of the Society. As a result of that day they have topped 600 members for the year. They are anxious for the new readedprinters for the microforms. She also announced that the corrected date for their fall seminar is October 7'h. She reported that she had discussed their decision to continue to meet in the Council Chambers instead of the meeting room in the Cole. One of the reasons was the need for audio-visual equipment (an overhead projector) and she was told that she would need to request one from this library. Additionally, there is no podium in the meeting room and no microphone. Their biggest concern is lack of a computer projector. The comfortable seats in the Council Chamber are also a consideration. Library Director Lange responded that the audiovisual equipment would be forthcoming as will the computer projector. Additionally, there is a podium and sound system for the meeting room. -_ She also pointed out that the Junior Genealogy Classes cosponsored by the Carlsbad City Library are the only ones offered in the entire United States and she has been asked to speak at the Federation meeting in Dallas next year about these classes. This r- Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of April 18, 2000 Meeting year she will be adding an intermediate class for those who have taken her beginner class. The schedule for this summer will be three five weeks classes - one beginner and one intermediate class on Mondays at the Cole Library and beginner class on Wednesdays at the library on Dove Lane. The adult classes are offered the first Saturday of each month. Trustee Tarman asked about dues for membership in the society. Annual dues for NSDCGS are $20 for an individual or $25 for the family. There was some discussion about publicity for the classes and Bee reported that the North County Times came last year and did a story on the classes. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of April 19, 2000, was adjourned at 4:48 PM and the Trustees migrated downstairs to the Circulation Division for a tour and first hand look at the processes that take place there. Respectfully submittt Ad miniitrative Secretary