HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-06-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: June 21,2000 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Chair Karen Gleason Huss called the meeting to order at 4:Ol PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees, Gleason Huss, Kamenjarin, Page and Tarman. Absent: Trustee Baron Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Dana Hartshorn, Library Management Analyst Chris Holt, Principal Librarian at Cole Library Heather Piuuto, Principal Librarian at Dove Lane Susan Simpson, Senior Librarian, Collection Development Pat Kelley, Principal Building Inspector David Stillman, Carlsbad Associate Engineer Mig Chaney, League of Women Voters Observer Bee Koons, NSDCGS Liaison Steve MacPherson, Friends of the Library Liaison APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the May 17, 2000 meeting were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS: Trustee Pa’2e asked about the date for the Non-English Language Book Fair referenced in the Centro report. Chair Gleason Huss commented on the “American Girl” tea party held at Aviara and Trustee Tarman asked when the Summer Reading Program was scheduled. Principal Librarian Holt responded that the program started Monday of this week, June lgth, and that they have three hundred signed up at the Cole alone, and nearly 800 Library Board of Trustees Page 2 - -Minutes of June 21,2000 Meeting participants system wide (Cole, Centro and Dove Lane). Trustee Page asked for more information on the handicap parking issue referenced the Cole Library report. Library Director Lange explained that as part of Phase II of the renovations to the Cole, they will rework the spaces to eliminate the ramps and curbs to improve accessibility and reduce the trip hazard. Trustee Kamenjarin asked when the outside seating would be added at the eastern end of the building out front, and was told the seating is part of the landscape design in Phase II. Trustee Paige asked for an update on status of the recruitment for the Librarian for the Technical Services cataloger position. Library Director Lange said they were conducting final interviews within the next two weeks and hope to hire by the new fiscal year. - Trustee Kamenjarin in referring to the statistical report on the use of the meeting facilities and auditorium, asked if any of those who used the facility fell into the category that required them to pay a fee. Library Director Lange responded that some had and reminded the board that a comprehensive report on the use of these facilities will be on the agenda for next month’s meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT: Chair Gleason Huss had one request to address the board from Michelle Levy. Ms Levy explained that she was here at the direction of Mayor Lewis who said she must address the Library Board with her concerns before he would discuss it with her. Ms. Levy reported that she has petitions signed by neighbors and two school principals requesting that the books be returned to the Cole Library. She has issue with the staff parking in the lot in spaces that should be reserved for patrons. She said she has seen them returning from lunch and parking in the spaces and offered to take down the names and license plate numbers of the offenders if it will make a difference. - She asked that the public art be returned to the front of the library and City Hall instead of the Sculpture Garden behind Elmwood House. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of June 21, 2000 Meeting Page 3 She wants the shelf space increased for the video collection in the Cole by moving the CD collection over by the magazine section where there are two empty shelves. Additionally, she wants the shelves currently used for the Friend’s of the Library book sale to be used for the video collection, and move the Friend’s book sale items into the Community Room. She has asked that six of the nine tables currently in the adult reading area be removed and replaced with shelves and books. Ms. Levy is opposed to the Sunday hours for the libraries, thinking the money could be put to better use and wants some sort of publicity at the library on Dove Lane which informs patrons that the Cole Library is now open. Finally, Ms. Levy suggested that both locations have copies of the same titles, stating that she had been told that often the library on Dove Lane will have three copies of the same title and the Cole will not have any. Chair Gleason Huss thanked Ms. Levy for her comments. - H AN DI CAP PARKING: Library Director Lange explained that this was a continuation of the discussion on this issue. He referenced the report provided by Senior Building Inspector Mike Peterson, outlining the issues that need to be resolved in order to relocate the parking spaces and meet ADA requirements. Although we now have the “as built‘s there is not sufficient information to make the determination on the grade, and it will be necessary to have the lot surveyed again. Principal Building Inspector Kelley reviewed the decision by the architects to locate the accessible spaces to the side of the building. This was in compliance with the state code that requires accessible parking “at the closest practical point to the main entrance to the building” while also meeting the other criteria on grade, slope, and travel paths. He continued that to add accessible spaces in the front parking lot would require a redesign and re-grade of how the lot drains, and the addition of features which would have to be added between the spaces and the main entrance. He suggested that the Board look at the Cosco location in Carlsbad to see an example of the finished project. Cosco recently added more accessible parking to meet code. Chair Gleason Huss asked on the status of signs pointing to the location of the current parking spaces, and Engineer Stillman responded that they would install the signs as soon as a determination was made on the final location. - c Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of June 21,2000 Meeting It was the recommendation of the Board that the signs be ordered and installed as soon as possible since the current discussion is to move only four of the existing spaces. It was also suggested that the library initiate some internal promotional material and post the information on the location of the existing accessible spaces. The Board asked for additional statistics on the usage, specifically for the period after the signs and information material are in place. Library Director Lange asked Principal Building Inspector Kelley if we would need to contract out the survey of the lot and Mr. Kelley thought the City Engineering Department could probably do it, and provide a cost estimate for the project. Trustee Tarman suggested that the parking in front of the building seems closer to people since they can see the front of the building. Chair Gleason Huss asked if there were any recommended solutions to the complaint that the existing accessible spaces are not in the line of sight of anyone in the building. Mirrors or surveillance cameras were suggested as possibilities. Library Director Lange said the library had received more suggestion forms asking to relocate the “Senior” parking and he suggested that we get a clear cost estimate and know what it would take and what it would look like, before the board makes any recommendations to the City Council for changes. - By proper motion, the Board voted to postpone any recommendations or solutions until they have a complete project description, cost estimate and accurate description of the finished project. LIBRARY BOARD DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: Library Director Lange reported that he has spoken to the State Library on the nature of the program but is not ready to make a recommendation at this time. He will return to the Board with his recommendations after further research into the project. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: At the suggestion of Trustee Tarman, the board trailed this item to the end of the meeting. COLE LIBRARY UPDATE: Library Director Lange relayed the architect’s proposal for a steel framework glass panels to replace the existing screen walls on the east side of the building. The new - c Library Board of Trustees Minutes of June 21,2000 Meeting Page 5 structure would be earthquake safe and provide the necessary protection from the sun. The glass comes in several different colors and the architects will provide samples for approval. The west side of the building will have glass “fins” which will baffle the sunlight for that side. Additionally, the entire building will be painted and new enclosures will be designed for the dumpsters and cooling tower. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Piano Concerts - The Friday and Saturday night concerts by Richard Glazier were huge successes as he played Gershwin music and illustrated the concert with film clips and slides from movies that used the Gershwin music. The tickets for the Saturday concert sold out by 2:OO PM the first day. Mr. Glazier will be playing with the San Diego Symphony on August 1 lth and 12‘h and the library hopes to bring him back for another appearance. Mr. Glazier is currently working on a new show that will be the same format but using Broadway show tunes and photos. Librarv Cards - We are developing a new card which we hope to have in use before the end of the summer. - Staff Relocation - Both Carol Tico, Programs Coordinator, and Linda Rockafellow, Graphic Artist, have moved back into the Cole Library in order to have more working space. Sundav Hours - Proposal for the Sunday hours are in the budget for next year and will be presented to the City Council next Tuesday night for adoption. Libraries in our area who currently have Sunday hours report that they do as much business in four hours on Sunday as they do in eight hours on Saturday. E-Books - (The Director brought the newly acquired reader for the Board to examine.) The library has already purchased one of three different readers. This one, called the “Rocket E-Book”, holds several thousand pages of information and comes with Alice in Wonderland, a dictionary and a set of instructions on the operation already loaded. The Library has asked Friends of the Library for $5,000 to fund research on electronic books for the library. The plan is to purchase the other two types of readers to compare and assess the potential value. There are several thousand electronic books available on the Internet, for free, that we can download into the readers and there are some that are for sale. Possibly the biggest innovation to hit publishing in a long time, Publishers Weeklv now has an entire section in each issue that discusses e-book publishing. - An article in Library Journal identified a library in Illinois that purchased fifty of the Library Board of Trustees Minutes of June 21, 2000 Meeting Page 6 readers, downloaded books into the readers, and were circulating the electronic books the same as print material. Powered by a twenty-hour rechargeable battery, the readers offer a variety of options from changing the size and direction of the type (portrait or landscape) to various degrees of backlight, an audio component and full color display. Reportedly, Microsoft is developing new software that will make the display more resemble a printed page. One advantage of the reader is the ability to change the contents. Another possibility would be loading several books into the reader, such as travel books or reference materials, eliminating the necessity of carrying more than one "book. Anniversarv Gala - The Foundation is planning another event at the Dove Lane location for September 1 6'h and it will be catered by Four Seasons Resort. Citv Website - We have activated Phase II and now available on the site are Council Agendas, employment opportunities and various City calendars. Phase Ill will be interactive components such as employment applications or business license applications, which can be completed and submitted via the Internet. Eventually we will add the e-commerce component enabling the user to also pay any fees using a credit card on line. Also planned for the future is the addition of Geo-data, which is interactive mapping. A map of the City would be on line and the user can click on a parcel to get information on zoning, permits on that parcel, any building or development activity planned for that parcel. - Cannon Mural - Janell Cannon is still working on the mural for the Children's division at the Dove Lane library with a projected completion date in September. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Steve MacPherson reported the bookstore continues to be a huge financial success, with sales between $200 and $300 daily. Currently there is a waiting list of volunteers and substitutes to work the store. Expansion of the operating hours is being discussed. The self-serve book and magazine sales at the Cole Library are averaging just under $1,000 a month. The success of the book sales will enable the Friends' support the library's request for $35,000 for next year. Mr. MacPherson also reported that there is an abundance of volunteers for the Summer Reading Program at both library locations. G EN EALOG I CAL SOCl ETY: I Bee Koons reported an increase in membership due to the reopening of the Cole. Ms. Koons will be teaching the beginning classes as the Education Chairman of the society Library Board of Trustees Minutes of June 21,2000 Meeting Page 7 for the next year. The Board is attempting to put together a research committee that will provide volunteers to the library to assist researchers on a one-to-one basis and revive the mentor program, matching beginning adults with experienced researchers to maximize their research efforts. Trailed ELECTION: The Board nominated and elected by unanimous vote, Trustee Kamenjarin, as the Chair for the coming year, and Trustee Tarman will serve again as the Vice-Chair. Trustee Tarman also asked for a volunteer to sit on the Foundation Board as his replacement. He has been the Board representative to the Foundation for two years. Library Director Lange reported that the Foundation has been a large supporter of several programs. They received $1 00,000 from Robert Gartner with which they purchased the Steinway piano and sponsored the two Glazier concerts. They are purchasing 600 T-shirts and 600 copies of Janell Cannon’s new book for prizes for the Summer Reading Program, and also sponsored the Glass exhibit in the Cannon Gallery. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of June 21, 2000, was adjourned at 501 PM and the Trustees accompanied Principal Librarian for the Cole, Chris Holt, for a tour of the public and non-public areas of the remodeled facility. Respectfully submitted Administratke Secretary