HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-08-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: *. MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: August 16,2000 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Library Board Room I ITEM # 2 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bill Kamenjarin called the meeting to order at 4:OO PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees, Baron, Gleason Huss, Karnenjarin, Page and Tarrnan. Absent: None Also Present: , Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Dana Hartshorn, Library Management Analyst Philip Pape, McGraw Baldwin Architects Mark Steyaert, Carlsbad Park Development Coordinator Mig Chaney, League of Women Voters Observer Bee Koons, NSDCGS Liaison APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the July 19, 2000 meeting were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS: Trustee Gleason Huss asked if the Library has done anything in recognition of the service provided by Drs. Susan Daniel and Christopher Davis to the adult learners. Library Director Lange responded that he would check with Lynda Jones, Adult Learning Program Coordinator, and bring back additional information on the services of these two doctors as well as some suggestions for recognition. Chair Kamenjarin suggested the names be placed in the donor kiosk and Trustee Tarman suggested getting the information to Tom Morrow of the North County Times for possible mention in his column. - Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of August 16, 2000 Meeting Trustee Gleason Huss asked if everything was in place to begin Sunday hours on September 10,2000 and was assured we are on target. The Board received their new library cards and there was some discussion on the reasons for the new card. There was also discussion on the recent problems with the web based catalog and the upgrade of the operating system for the City’s servers. Library Director Lange explained that Information Systems Staff had been working diligently to fix the problems and that we had been informed this morning that the problem had been solved. COLE LIBRARY EXTERIOR REMODEL UPDATE: Library Director Lange introduced Philip Pape from McGraw Baldwin Architects who reviewed the history of the development of the proposed design and Mark Steyaert, landscape architect, who designed the new landscaping for the building. After much discussion and examination of the renderings, the Library Board rejected the screen wall replacement element of the design. The Board voted unanimously to defer approval of the design pending new suggestions for the east wall. - Chair Kamenjarin asked the architect and the landscape architect to work together and provide three renderings for the Board’s consideration: 1 -The building with the screen walls removed and existing vegetation; 2 -The building with the screen walls removed and new landscape & lighting 3 -Rendering number two, as it will look with the new landscaping matured. design - as it would look at planting; and Mark Steyaert reviewed the landscape design and estimated the landscaping project could be completed within forty-five days. CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY STATISTICS REPORT: Assistant Library Director Armour explained that the one page report compiled from the large detailed report prepared by the state reflects those categories that are the best measures to compare us to other libraries. He also pointed out that this report was input measures only, simple counts, and that at present in the City of Carlsbad, tremendous focus is being placed on outcome mea su rem ent . - - Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of August 16, 2000 Meeting CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY PLF FUNDING 2000/2001: Library Director Lange explained that historically the PLF has never been fully funded, and again last year the Governor vetoed the bill to fully fund it. Even so, the amount for Carlsbad is $135,000, which is a substantial increase over what we used to receive. DIRECTOR’S REP 0 RT: Accessible Parking issues- The City ordered the survey of the parking lot and City Associate Engineer, David Stillman is in the process of analyzing the results. Mike Peterson from Building will be working with Mr. Stillman to bring the facts and figures to the Board at the September meeting. The signs have been installed in the parking lot directing patrons to the current parking location. Janell Cannon Mural for Children’s Division - Ms. Cannon anticipated completion of the mural by the end of this month and there will be a celebration and unveiling on September 13‘h from 4PM until 7PM. Ms. Cannon will be on hand that day. The more public unveiling will take place at the Foundation Gala scheduled for September 1 gfh. - Summer Reading - program this year. prepared by Cole Library Children’s Librarian, JoAnn Jonas. Nearly 2100 children signed up for the Summer Reading The director passed around copies of the final report as Trustee Tarman asked that the report be forwarded to the sponsors of the Summer Reading program for this year, the two Carlsbad Rotary organizations and the Carlsbad Library Foundation. Staff Recruitments for Sunday Hours- Recruitment for Librarians has not been very successful, however, we will be opening on September IO”. We have encountered some competition from other libraries with regard to the salaries and benefits some can offer their part time employees. City Libraw Statistics - The new form for reporting the statistics was distributed and will be updated each month for comparison. Assistant Library Director Armour suggested that the form include a system-wide total for some categories, such as circulation and reference. Trustee Baron asked if there was a need to do some outreach for the Centro based on some of the statistics. Library Director Lange reported that the North County Times had just run an excellent article on the Centro and promised to get a copy for the Board. c Library Board of Trustees Minutes of August 16, 2000 Meeting Page 4 He also reminded them that the community served by the Centro is finite and that this year there were 130 children from that community participating in the Summer Reading Program. There still has been no decision on the dates the property will become a park and whether the library will still maintain a facility on the property. Strateqic Plan - The money for the development of the plan has been approved as part of the budget and the next step is developing an RFP for research. Once the surveys have been developed and data collected, the Library Board will be asked to participate in devising a plan to respond to the wants of the community. Change in Date for October Meeting - The Director asked for approval of the Board to move the October meeting from the third Wednesday to the fourth Wednesday, October 2!jth, to accommodate a schedule conflict. The Board approved the alternative date for the meeting. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Although the friends representative was not present for a formal report, Chair Kamenjarin announced the date for the next book sale has been set for October 14'h. c G E N E ALO G I C AL SOCIETY: Bee Koons reported she was pleased that the plans for the Cole will leave the grass area since they use it for their largest fund raiser each year, the Annual Yard Sale. This year they made over $2,000. She reported that they have initiated the requirement to have a library card in order to check out the micro fiche, so registrations at the Cole should see an increase. They have already registered sixty-two reservations for the seminar scheduled for this October and they may have to limit the seating if the registrations continue at this pace. The Adult Classes are being taught once a month and have been averaging over twenty in each class with new members for the Society as a result of the classes. Ms. Koons has been asked to write an article for THE FORUM, a national genealogy publication, on the subject of the children's genealogy research classes taught at the Carlsbad City Library. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. rc' Library Board of Trustees Minutes of August 16, 2000 Meeting Page 5 AD J 0 URN M ENT: By proper motion, the Regular PM. Respectfully submitted, Meeting of August 16, 2000 was adjourned at 5:25 Cissie Skxton ' Administrative Secretary