HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-10-25; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesI ITEM # 2 I MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: October 25,2000 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Cole Library Community Room Approved: // - /5-0 0 CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chairman Jerry Tarman called the meeting to order at 4:03 PM ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees, Baron, Gleason Huss, Kamenjarin, Page and Tarman. Absent: None Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Heather Pizzuto, Principal Librarian Dana Hartshorn, Library Management Analyst Mig Chaney, League of Women Voters Observer Bee Koons, NSDCGS Liaison Steve MacPherson, Friends of the Library Liaison _L APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the September 8, 2000, meeting were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS: Trustee Baron asked for additional information regarding the recruitment, training, use and recognition of volunteers throughout the library system. Library Director Lange responded that he would put it on the agenda for next month’s meeting. Chair Kamenjarin asked about the Library Disaster Plan and Assistant Library Director Armour reported it had been rewritten for the new building and updated for the Cole. Coincidently, the staff at the Dove was able to put portions of the plan into use only last week when some overhead HVAC pipes leaked down onto the stacks in the Reference Department. Quick action by the staff averted what could have been significant - Library Board of Trustees Minutes of October 25, 2000 Meeting Page 2 damage to the collection. Assistant Library Director Armour continued that the Facilities Staff had repaired the leak and had scheduled cleaning the carpet. Trustee Baron asked if the liquid that leaked from the pipes was any type of toxic chemical and if the disaster plan covered procedures for toxic material. Principal Librarian Pizzuto explained that we had been assured by the Facilities Staff that the leak was in fact water colored with dye and not toxic, but that the disaster plan did provide instruction for dealing with possible toxic elements. COLE LIBRARY PHASE II REMODEL: Library Director Lange reported that the agenda bill was approved by the City Council and the project would be advertised for bid. PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY: Library Director Lange explained that the survey contains several questions pertaining to the library and that we had asked that they be included in the City survey to gather information for the Library’s use in developing our strategic plan. - LIBRARY SUNDAY HOURS : Chair Kamenjarin commented that he was impressed with the statistics, which seemed to be increasing, and asked if there were any general or specific conclusions about Sunday users as compared to Friday or Saturday users. Principal Librarian Pizzuto reported that comments received and statistics indicate that Sunday hours have been favorably received. She also reported that our observations at the Dove library on Sunday were that most of the tables were full and a lot of the reference work is research oriented. She said this was consistent with other library’s experience that Sunday may be a day where more study and research is done. Additionally, the computer labs at both locations remain in constant use. She concluded that it appears that a full range of patrons, at all age levels, utilize the facilities on Sunday. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: - Educators Open House - The event was attended by nearly 300 individuals. There were vendors in the courtyard and both educators and library patrons learned what - Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of October 25, 2000 Meeting services were available for students and teachers. Trustee Tarman asked if this was the same annual event that the schools participated in and Library Director Lange responded that it was similar but not exactly the same since in the past the information was focused strictly on library services. Utility Costs - The electric bill for one month at the Dove library was in excess of $30,000 and we had budgeted for about $16,000. Senior Management Analyst Hartshorn reported that we had requested Public Works to look at the automated HVAC and lighting systems for the building to determine where we could adjust the hours to try to conserve. The rate increase has impacted the entire City and Finance will be going to the City Council in January for a mid-year adjustment to the budgets of all the departments to cover the increase. Chairman Kamenjarin asked if the City had been involved in looking at alternative suppliers since some of the companies back east have been talking about guaranteeing fixed rates for large users. Senior Management Analysis Hartshorn referred him to the proper staff member in Public Works who could answer those questions for him. Budget- The Library will be required to submit a “real” two year budget this year. Last year was the practice year and the staff will begin the process for the next two year budget in December. Histow Book - The City Manager is interested in doing something “special” for the fiftieth anniversary of the incorporation of the City of Carlsbad and has tasked the library with investigating the possibility of developing and publishing a history book to celebrate the years since the City’s incorporation. Ann L’Heureux and Susan Gutierrez have come forward and volunteered to work on developing a picture book. Trustee Baron suggested that the League of Women Voters might be a good source of information about the City during that time period involved. Staff Meeting - The recent general staff meeting focused on Crisis Management and inappropriate and illegal uses of the Internet. Carlsbad Police Detective Rob Shelton was the principal speaker and was so well received that he scheduled a return time to address the members of the library’s Public Access Computers Committee. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Friends Liaison Steve MacPherson reported the following information: The bookstore grossed $11,300 since July and the recently re-stocked shelf at the Cole Library had collected a little under $2,000. Because the store had been overrun with requests from different - c Library Board of Trustees Minutes of October 25, 2000 Meeting Page 4 organizations to distribute flyers and sell tickets for events, the board had decided to limit their involvement to only Library-sponsored events. . The proceeds from the last book sale reached nearly $4,000. . The Board approved a request from the North San Diego County Genealogical Society in the amount of $3,600 for the purchase of a locked display cabinet to be used at the Cole Library. There are no plans at present to open the Book Store on Sunday. . Chair Kamenjarin announced that the Friends had scheduled a Silent Auction of many valuable books, to be held on November 16, 17 and 18, at the Cole Library. There was some discussion of the scarcity of parking for the book sale possibly as a result of the Fire Station open house across the street. It was suggested that the Friends have signs indicating additional parking down at the City Hall lot for the next lawn sale. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Genealogy Liaison Koons reported that the Society sold $800 worth of books at the Family History Fair. The NSDCGS had 186 paid reservations for their October Seminar that was held at the Dove Library and the Society realized a profit of over $2,500. She distributed several graphs of expenditures within the society indicating that the majority of the money is used to enhance the Genealogy collection at the Cole Library. She expressed the gratitude of the Society for the gift from the Friends of the Library for the locking cabinet that would allow them to display all their fragile books in the collection. PUBLIC COMMENT: Chair Kamenjarin read a letter he received from a patron remarking on several issues, including current lists of accessions, the Cole Phase II remodel and landscaping at the two main library buildings. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS : Trustee Baron reported that due to the change in meeting times, she would no longer be available to serve on the Gallery Committee. Trustee Page volunteered to serve as this Board’s member of the committee and the Board accepted her offer unanimously. c Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of October 25, 2000 Meeting ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the formal meeting was adjourned at 505 PM and the members of the Board were given a tour and overview of the Genealogy Division by Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol, Division Head. Respectfully submitted, Cissie qgiton Administrative Secretary