HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-01-17; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesI ITEM # 2 I MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: January 17,2001 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Library Board Room - 1775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kamenjarin called the meeting to order at 4:04 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees, Baron, Gleason Huss, Kamenjarin, Page and Tarman. Absent: None Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Dana Hartshorn, Library Management Analyst Bee Koons, NSDCGS Liaison Steve MacPherson, Friends of the Library Liaison _- Heather Pizzuto, Principal Librarian APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the November 15, 2000, meeting were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS: Trustee Gleason Huss referenced the Certification Manual for literacy programs in the Adult Learning Monthly Report and asked for information on to whom and how this manual is distributed. There was some discussion about the problems with the Information Operator (41 1) directing calls to Adult Learning that were meant for other divisions of the library. It has been an on- going problem that is beyond our control. The Information Technology Department has been working with the telephone company to come up with a solution. Also discussed was the burglary at the Cole Library and consequent plans for replacing the corn pu te rs . rc Trustee Page expressed concern over the lack of heating at the Centro facility. Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the facility is using portable heaters at present. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of January 17, 2001 Meeting Page 2 The Board expressed concern over the future of the facility and there was discussion over the newspaper article and the upcoming Public Meeting scheduled for January 30, 2001. - SCULPTURE FOR COLE LIBRARY: The Board examined the model of the sculpture “Aphrodite” and after discussion regarding the selection process and cost of the artwork, by proper motion unanimously approved the Arts Commission recommendation to permanently locate the sculpture on the grounds at the Cole Library. It was duly noted that this was subject to City Council approval for the purchase of the piece and the location would be as provided in the landscape design already approved for this project. LIBRARY 1999-2000 ANNUAL REPORT TO THE STATE LIBRARY: The Board reviewed the report with some discussion. Trustee Page asked about the reduction in the number of periodicals and serials and Assistant Library Director Armour explained that this year he did not include the serials in that total number. PHASE II, COLE REMODEL: Library Director Lange reported that the contractor has begun the project, which includes the removal of the modular buildings down at City Hall. The east doors of the Cole will be closed for three to four weeks for the removal of the screen walls and the work on the sidewalk. The physical work on the exterior is scheduled for completion by March 7, 2001, but he added, weather would be a factor on the progress. Trustee Baron asked if there were plans to provide additional security to the building as a result of the break-in, and Library Director Lange advised that the Facilities Maintenance Supervisor met with a security company representative to tour the building and discuss augmenting the existing security system. TIERRA DEL SOL REGIONAL LIBRARY NETWORK: Library Director Lange provided an update on the organization of the new region, to include a report on the election of officers. The first meeting was held last week where they approved the proposed budget and formed committees. COLLECTION AND SERVICES FOR THE HOMEBOUND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED: c Library Director Lange introduced Senior Circulation Supervisor, Penny Thompson who provided the history and evolution of the homebound program. She reported that at present there are 33 patrons and 9 volunteers participating in the program and last year nearly 1,950 library items were delivered. Together with Senior Librarian Char Kennedy, they are actively Library Board of Trustees Minutes of January 17, 2001 Meeting Page 3 - recruiting new participants, especially the residents of the retirementlassisted living facilities new to the area. She also reported on the Braille program that provides talking book machines and cassettes. The Senior Circulation Supervisors at both Dove Lane and Cole are certified to register visually impaired individuals with the Braille Institute. Once registered, these patrons can receive the talking book tapes either directly from the Braille Institute or from the library, through the mail, and return them postpaid. Last year there were 36 individuals enrolled. Trustee Baron asked if there were any juvenile books for the visually impaired and was told that the items available are representative of the entire collection. In conclusion, Ms. Thompson reported that through a donation from the Carlsbad Lions Club the library purchased an electronic magnifier for patrons to use within the library. DIRECTOR’S RE PORT: Strategic Planning Process - Currently there are volunteers working at Cole and Dove collecting userkustomer satisfaction surveys at various times of the day and days of the week. The goal is to collect 1,000 complete surveys at the Dove Lane location and 500 at the Cole. The survey will also be collected at the Centro. In addition, there were several questions about the library on the City’s telephone survey in which 1000 households were called. The library committee is working with Dr. Serpe at Cal State San Marcos to analyze the results of the surveys and provide a report. - Step II of the process will be a series of meetings to set missions and goals for the library and the Library Board will be involved in that phase. AINALA Buildinq Award - being submitted this year by the architect. This award is presented every other year and this building is Library Publications - A committee is working on a new format for the lists of new items added in an effort to streamline the process and make the lists available on a monthly basis. Additionally, this information will also be available on the website, hopefully by June of 2001. Automated System - The automation committee met with the Division Heads in the library and the decision was made to go out to bid for a new system to replace the existing INLEX. DRA had already advised that they would provide support for the existing system for only two more years. It is anticipated that it will take that long to hire a consultant, write the RFP and then to evaluate the proposals. Pine School- The Parks and Recreation Department has scheduled the public input meeting for January 30th on the use of the property. Since the city acquired the property there has been considerable interest by the public, especially the residents in the Northwest Quadrant, towards moving the park project forward. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of January 17, 2001 Meeting Page 4 Assistant Library Director Armour reported that although the use of the property is primarily a parks issue, the library is directly involved since the Centro is located on the property and has been there for ten years. The real issue for the library pertains to the decision on interim use of the property and the length of that “interim”. - Trustee Baron asked if this was a locale or separatist issue. Locale meaning that the current building will be removed and do we need to relocate in that same general area. Library Director Lange explained that part of the issue is what will ultimately be built on the property. The City has not determined that yet and will rely on input from the residents to help decide. Additionally there are conflicting needs and desires on the part of the residents in that quadrant. Meanwhile, the decision to locate the Centro on this site was made back when the library received the initial grant for a community outreach program to work with Spanish-speaking people to help them to acclimate to the country and learn the language. The Library’s initial position was to, at some point in the future, integrate it into the Cole Library. The downside of that decision would be the inaccessibility to the children of the neighborhood. Currently, nearly 90% of the patrons of the Centro walk to the facility. Chair Kamenjarin expressed his support of the facility and the service it provides to this community. He said that the Centro and the Adult Learning Program are two of the services this library provides that we should be most proud of. Both he and Trustee Baron expressed the opinion that the Centro is serving another constituency, much like serving the visually impaired or homebound, and does not constitute segregation. c Assistant Library Director Armour commented that in 1994 the Centro received the State’s Helen Putnam Award for Excellence and members of the City Council traveled to Sacramento to receive the award. It became a model program, as did the literacy program for other similar programs throughout the State. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Friends Liaison, Steve MacPherson reported that the silent auction in November resulted in sales over $2,000. Additionally, the board has ordered new book bags for sale as well as plastic book bags for distribution at point of sale in the bookstore. Other items of interest: The next book sale will be held in April. The Friend’s are providing disks for sale to the patrons at all the computer labs There is a volunteer recognition event planned for the end of this month. m The Friend’s board has added several new members. - GEN EALOGICAL SOCl ETY: NSDCGS Liaison, Bee Koons reported that the society is planning a yard sale at the Cole Library on May dh. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of January 17, 2001 Meeting Page 5 Other items of interest: - * They raised over $25,000 last year and 90% of that went to support the They are developing a new brochure for the society Children’s classes are on hold during the construction at the Cole Genealogy Division of the library. PUBLIC COMMENT: Allen Manzano, 1250 Hoover Street, addressed the Board on his concerns over the possible closing or relocating of the Centro. He further requested the Board lend its support to maintaining the facility in the neighborhood and consider the possibility of increasing the facility to provide a better service to the adult community in that neighborhood. Trustee Baron commented that the current members of this Board have in the past and will continue to be sensitive to the needs of this community. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 534 PM. rc Respectfully c fubrniqed, Ad mi n isfrative Secretary