HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-06-20; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesI ITEM # 2 I MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: June 20,2001 TIME OF MEETING: 4:OO PM PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Library Board Room - I775 Dove Lane CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair Jerry Tarman called the meeting to order at 4:lO PM. ROLL CALL: Present : Library Board Trustees, Baron, Gleason Huss, and Tarman. Absent: Library Board Trustees Kamenjarin and Page Also Present: Cliff Lange, Library Director Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director Heather Pizzuto, Principal Librarian, Dove Lane Dana Hartshorn, Library Management Analyst Anne Sypien, League of Women Voters Observer Bee Koons, NSDCGS Liaison Arthur Woods, Friends of the Library Liaison Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager Carolyn Taylor, President, Friends of the Carlsbad Library APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the April 18, 2001 meeting were approved as submitted. Before moving forward with the meeting, Library Director Lange welcomed special visitors to the meeting, Assistant City Manager Frank Mannen and newly elected President of the Friends of the Carlsbad Library, Carolyn Taylor. Introductions were then made around the table to include the newly chosen Friend’s liaison to this board, Arthur Woods. MONTHLY LIBRARY DIVISION HEADS REPORTS: Trustee Baron expressed interest in the Language-Literacy Link lecture that was referenced in the Professional growth section of the Adult Learning Program monthly report for April. F Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of June 20, 2001 Meeting Trustee Gleason Huss asked if Pacific Bell had been contacted to try to rectify the misdirected telephone calls and Principal Librarian Heather Pizzuto responded that we had submitted the request to change the listings. She continued that it was too soon to know if there had been any marked improvement. Trustee Gleason Huss was also concerned over the status of the HVAC system at the center where Adult Learning leases space. Assistant Library Director Armour reported that the contractor has installed the new unit but there continues to be problems with air distribution. In the May report for Adult Learning, there was mention of the growing waiting list of high school students in need of literacy training, and Trustee Gleason Huss asked what was being done about the situation. Assistant Library Director Armour reported that he had discussed the issue with Program Coordinator, Lynda Jones. Since they can only handle three classes at the Adult Learning Program location, they plan to have the special education teacher at the High School try to work with some of the students at the school location instead. P Trustee Gleason Huss asked if the City had a conservation or energy crisis plan and Library Director Lange reported that only recently they conducted an energy audit and determined that the library had reduced its consumption by 10% within the last year. Additionally the facilities staff has been working with the automated system to have the lights turned off at 1O:OO PM each night. Assistant Library Director Armour announced the plans for a test of the emergency generator at the Dove Lane location. Scheduled for Thursday, June 26'h at 7:30 AM, the test will be monitored by the contractor, as well as staff from the City 's Facilities Maintenance, Information Technology Systems, and the Library. Library Director Lange explained that the generator is tested each month, and that we know it works, however, we have never monitored which equipment, lights, etc. are powered by it and this test will be to gather that information. Trustee Gleason Huss asked if the Cole Library landscape had been completed and if the lighting fixtures which were on order had been received and installed. Library Director Lange reported they had completed the walk-through for the landscaping but he was not sure about the lights. Assistant Library Director Armour added that the public telephones still had not been installed out front. Trustee Tarman mentioned that he had been approached by a patron who had expressed concern over the dry streambed of rocks and the potential for an accident from throwing rocks. Library Director Lange said that so far there had been no incident but they had noticed children liked to pick up the rocks. r r Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of June 20, 2001 Meeting Trustee Baron asked NSDCGS Liaison, Bee Koons if she could give the board a quick review of the program sponsored by the Genealogy Division and the Society on “The Other Woman: Sex and power in Early France”, and what that could possibly have to do with genealogy. Ms. Koons responded that it was a wonderful talk to a near capacity crowd all about the mistresses of the kings of France and their legitimate as well as illegitimate children. Royal bloodlines are always interesting and Ms. Koons said that probably the first question asked by a beginning researcher is “Am I descended from royalty?” OVERVIEW OF THE CENTRO DE INFORMACION SERVICES AND PROGRAMS: Library Director Lange reminded the trustees that the Board had requested this information at their last meeting. Trustee Baron noted that in paragraph three of the report, where it references the demographics of the neighborhood, there is no mention of employment /unemployment statistics, which would have been interesting to know, especially if unemployment is related directly to the lack of language skills. She was also concerned with the limited hours the Centro is open and wondered if there had been any consideration to having the Centro open on Sunday afternoons. She also expressed concern over the lack of adequate outside lighting at this facility. P The Board expressed appreciation for the obvious work that had gone into the production of this report. Trustee Tarman pointed out the many positive things going on at the Centro, such as the parent workshops on using the library and the constantly increasing collection. Library Director Lange pointed out that we are not sure how the situation will change once the buildings are torn down and replaced with the modulars. The time frame for that to happen is uncertain at this time, but currently the Centro occupies 900 square feet and we are hoping to have at least that much available in the modulars. The lack of outside lighting is not an issue at present due to Daylight Savings Time, but it will be of concern in the Fall. Assistant Library Director Armour is working with City Facilities to get it installed. INTERNET POLICIES, PROCEDURES AND FORMS: Library Director Lange explained that the package presented is a “work in progress” and there is currently a considerable amount of angst and concern about the issue of control over the use of the Internet such as accessing pornographic sites versus the freedom of information. The Carlsbad City Library’s policy on Internet use forbids accessing pornographic sites and the committee has been working with the City Attorney’s office to make sure the language is proper and correct and does not violate - - Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of June 20,2001 Meeting the 1‘‘ Amendment. Recently one of the attorney’s from the City Attorney’s office accompanied a library staff member to a workshop that addressed many of these issues, and may lead us to revise the policy and procedures even further. Principal Librarian Heather Pizzuto explained that the workshop which was produced by INFO PEOPLE, an organization that provides library education, focused on current legislation involving issues of filtering versus not filtering and instruction on how to write policies and procedures that are dictated by law but don’t trap libraries. Information gathered at this workshop has identified areas that need to be readdressed within our policies and procedures manual, especially in the definition of “objectionable material”. Our current policy is probably not specific enough and we will need to review local ordinances, and State and Federal regulations to better define the term. The other challenge is that once we define that as our policy we also need staff to interpret what is or is not legal. This situation is of concern because just in the last week we had two incidents at the Cole Library Children’s area where individuals were seen accessing material interpreted as objectionable by the staff members. Two weeks prior to that we had two patrons at the Dove Lane Adult Computer Lab who were accessing what staff is loosely interpreting as being child pornography. This is a constant issue and the goal is to make sure our policies will support our decision making in these incidents. It is a moving target - a constant issue as to what is being legislated or in the courts and what sites the individual can think of to access. The current policy and procedures is an interim document to support what we are doing at present. - Library Director Lange explained that this was directly connected to what is going on at the Federal level since the Child Internet Protection Act was passed and mandates that all libraries install filtering software in their computers. The America Library Association, the Civil Liberties Union and a half dozen other organizations are suing the Federal Government on the basis that the Act is a government censorship issue and violates the 1’‘ Amendment. The law will not be enforced until a year from now and applies to Libraries who accept Federal Funds. There is currently a bill in the State legislature that would mandate filtering in all the California libraries and it would provide the money to purchase the filtering software. Library Director Lange further explained that one of the faults with filtering is that it gives people a false sense of security because the software is often inadequate and either filters out too much or doesn’t filter out enough. Currently we do require parental permission for children to access the Internet. Trustee Baron pointed out that in the law there is a “Shopkeepers Privilege”, which allows a shopkeeper to detain someone they suspect of shop lifting, and it protects the shop owner from all sorts of accusations. In dealing with the enforcement of the Library’s standards for Internet use, once established, a similar piece of legislation would be advantageous to library staff who must deal with the violaters. - /I Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of June 20, 2001 Meeting Principal Librarian Heather Pizzuto then reviewed the entire packet of information and forms explaining how and when each form and letter is used. Trustee Tarman asked if the library had a model to follow in the beginning and Principal Librarian Heather Pizzuto responded that the policy was approved by the Library Board nearly two years ago and was based on research the staff did with surrounding libraries and with the approval of the City Attorney’s office. The procedures were being written to pull all the pieces together into one place. STRATEGIC PLAN 2001 -2006 By proper motion the Board voted unanimously to table this item until the next regular meeting. PROPOSED CHANGE IN CIRCULATION PERIOD FOR VIDEO TAPES AND DVD’S: Library Director Lange explained this recommendation is the result of patron feedback. We have for some time allowed the patron to keep the documentary and education videos for seven days but the more popular entertainment videos were only for two days. The downside is that the material is not as available but the upside is that the patron can keep it for a longer period of time. - Trustee Tarman expressed his concern that seven days was too long, and wanted to know why we wanted to jump from a two-day checkout to seven. Library Director Lange explained that it was primarily for consistency. Trustee Tarman expressed his reluctance to a seven-day period. Principal Librarian Heather Pizzuto explained that we are averaging about one complaint a month on the circulation period, and the majority wants a seven-day loan period. She said that the greater proportion of individuals who have suggested the longer period are teachers or parents of children who watch videos repeatedly. She continued that our primary collection is not the most popular material but representative of the full range of films. By proper motion the Board voted two to one in favor of the seven-day loan period for all videos and DVD’s. (Baron, Gleason Huss - yes)(Tarman - no) DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Theft of maqazines - Library Director Lange provided the circumstances surrounding the recent theft of the magazines from the library. We were very fortunate that the Carlsbad Police Department through a tip were able to recover all the bound volumes. As a result we immediately initiated some changes to our procedures. - r- Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of June 20, 2001 Meeting Friend’s of the Carlsbad Library support - The director announced that the Friends Executive Board had approved the budget for next year which included $55,200 in donations in support of Children’s programs and various equipment . CALTAC Technology Workshop- The director announced that the workshop is September 2gth in Cerritos and is being done by Joan Frye Williams who is well known in her field and assisted with writing the Technology plan for this library. The City will cover expenses for any of the Trustees who wish to go. The attendees of the workshop have also been promised a preview tour of the not yet open to the public new Cerritos Library. Library Budget for FY 2001-2002 - The City Council approved the budget without change at the meeting last night. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Newly appointed liaison Arthur Wood reported that two members of the Friends’ board participated in the development of the Library’s strategic planning process, and the Friends’ annual meeting was held on June 14‘h with a farewell to Taffy Cannon who was long time president of the organization. The highlight of the evening was a video tribute to Taffy produced by the Media Services Division of the Library. Mr. Woods suggested that the portion of the program in which Children’s Division Head, John Quartarone explained the many ways in which the Friends’ help the library, could be used as a trailer for many of the programs held in the auditorium. F GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Ms. Koons expressed her delight in being able to announce to the society that the full time librarian position for Genealogy had been approved in the budget for January 2002. They have felt for some time that a full time position was needed. The proceeds from the May 6th yard sale were $2100.00, and she taught the genealogy class to the Girl Scouts for them to earn their merit badge. As a result of the interview in the San Diego Union about the North San Diego County Genealogical Society, there were 54 people who attended the beginning class last month, making it the largest class Ms. Koons has ever taught. Future projects for the Society include the potluck in August and the seminar in October. r 7 Library Board of Trustees Page 7 Minutes of June 20, 2001 Meeting PUBLIC COMMENT: Assistant City Manager expressed his pleasure in being able to sit in on the meeting and complimented the Board on the great job they are doing for the City of Carlsbad. Friend’s President Carolyn Taylor also expressed her appreciation for the work of the board and invited them to all join the Friends as a volunteer in the Homebound Program. They have set aside some money for the expansion of that program. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Gleason Huss asked if there would be any screening of volunteers who will be dealing with the elderly and her concerns were related to elder abuse. Ms. Taylor commented that this would be a good topic for volunteer training. Library Director Lange reported that one of the new positions with the Carlsbad Police Department will be dealing with all forms of financial abuse and Trustee Gleason Huss suggested that the Friends’ contact Paul Greenwood from the District Attorney’s office to come out and address the volunteers on the problem. Assistant City Manager Frank Mannen suggested that we might also train our volunteers to look for signs of abuse and report .- them. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 515 PM. Respectfully submitted, Cissie &ton Administrative Secretary